CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 October , 2012 POWREX CORPORATION OSAKA・TOKYO/JAPAN G AT P. O . N O . 0 2 2 0 4 3 : POWREX JOB NO.: 4-A-1051 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 N O TE S TO U S E RS 1 . B ef or e o p erat i n g t h i s m ac hi ne, yo u s h o ul d f i rs t t h or ou gh l y r ead t hi s m an ual . Yo u m a y n ot u n der s ta nd al l of t he ex pl a na t i o ns t he f i r st t i m e t hr ou g h, b ut b e on t h e l oo k out f or a n y s pe ci al d i re ct i on s. 2 . Th i s m an ual contains i nst ru ct i on s f or t h e op er at i on, m ai nt en an ce, a n d f a ul t f i n di n g of t h e s ys t em. I t sh ou l d be u se d i n c on j u n ct i on w i t h t h e at tac h ed ma n uf a ct ure r' s m an ua l . 3 . I f a seri o us f a ul t s ho ul d oc cu r d uri ng o p er at i o n, an d/ or i f t he u ni t i s m odi f i e d i n or de r t o ch a ng e t he i n i t i al o p erat i o nal p ur p ose, c o ntac t GLATT AIR TECHNIQUES, INC. 4 . Spa r e parts sh o ul d be or d ere d f rom G L AT T AI R TE C H N I Q UE S, I N C. 5 . Specifications an d eq ui pme nt ar e s u b jec t e d t o c h an ge w i t h o ut an y o bl i ga t i o n o n t h e pa rt of t h e m an uf act u re r. WARNING !! C I RC UI T B R E AK E R , M O TO R S TAR TE R , DI S CO N NE C T SWI TC H et c. FO R THI S M AC H I NE M US T B E P RO VI D E D WI TH LO CK O U T AN D / O R TAG O U T EQ UI PM EN T I N AC C O R D AN C E WI TH O S H A. M O VI NG PAR TS O F TH I S M AC H I N E M US T N O T B E TO U CHE D AT AN Y TI M E DU RI NG M AC H I NE O PE R ATI O N. FAI L U R E TO CO M P LY WI TH TH I S CO UL D RE S U LT I N S E RI O US I NJ U RY O R D E ATH . G AT P. O . N O . 0 2 2 0 4 3 : POWREX JOB NO.: 4-A-1051 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 CO NTE NTS 1 . In t ro d u c ti o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . Sp e c i f i c a ti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 . P re pa ra ti o n 3 .1 U n p a c k i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 . L o c a ti o n a n d In s ta l l a ti o n 4 .1 L o c a ti o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 .2 In s ta l l a ti o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 4 .3 C o n n e c ti o n o f e l e c t ri c i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 .4 C o n n e c ti o n o f p i p e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5 . Op e ra ti o n 5 .1 C h e c k o u t a n d s e t t i n g b e f o re o p e ra ti o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 5 .2 N o -l o a d te s t o p e ra ti o n a n d c h e c k p o i n ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 5 .3 L o a d o p e ra ti o n a n d p r o d u c t d i s c h a r g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 5 .4 W IP (W a s h - In -P l a c e ) C l e a n i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 6 . Ma i n te n a n c e a n d C h e c k O u t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 6 .1 Ma i n b l a d e o i l s e a l re p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 6 .2 C ro s s - s c re w o i l s e a l re p l a c e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 6 .3 D i s c h a rg e d u s t wi p e r (O - ri n g ) re p l a c e m e n t f o r p r o d u c t d i s c h a rg e v a l ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 6 .4 Ma i n te n a n c e s c h e d u l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 6 .5 B u y - o u t pa rts l i s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 7 . Me c h a n i c a l W a r ra n ti e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 G AT P. O . N O . 0 2 2 0 4 3 : POWREX JOB NO.: 4-A-1051 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 CO NTE NTS 8 . D ra wi n g s G E N E R A L A R R A N GE ME N T D R AW IN G : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 -0 0 5 0 -0 1 - r3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 F L O OR E D GE D E TA IL : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 - 0 0 5 0 -0 2 - r3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 D IS C H A R GE A S S E MB LY D R AW IN G : 1 2 V G 0 8 5 0 - 0 4 1 0 -0 0 C R OS S -S C R EW A S SE MB LY D R AW IN G : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 -0 5 1 0 -0 0 A - r1 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 B L A D E A S S E MB LY D R AW IN G : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 - 0 6 5 0 - 0 0 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 A IR _ E QU IP ME N T _ PA N E L _ A S S ' Y : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 -0 8 1 0 - 0 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 A IR P IP IN G F L OW SH E E T : 1 2 V G0 8 5 0 - 0 8 1 0 -0 0 - r1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 E L E C T R IC A L W IR IN G : 1 2 V G 0 8 5 0 -8 4 0 0 -r 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 G AT P. O . N O . 0 2 2 0 4 3 : .................... 44 POWREX JOB NO.: 4-A-1051 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 1. Introduction "POW REX VERTICAL GRANULATOR", a high shear mixer-granulator, is mainly used for mixing and wet granulation. The machine characteristics are as follows. (1) Driving The frequency inverter driven motors can vary the revolution of the main blade and the cross-screw. (2) Binder addition system The machine is equipped with one (1) binder port at the lid for spraying binder to the filled powder materials in the product bowl for granulation. (3) Clearance The clearance between the back face of mai n blade and the product bowl bottom is accurately adjusted within Powrex standard. (4) Air seal Air seals are provided for the main blade and the cross-screw to prevent any foreign material from invading into these areas. 1 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 2. Specifications 1) Model: FM-VG-600 2) Serial No.: 12VG0850 3) Working capacities A) Nominal working capacity: B) Effective working capacity: 600-liter 360-liter 4) 5) 6) 2 Construction materials A) Powder contacting parts a) Metal parts: b) Seals (o-ring, oil seal and gasket) b-1) Oil seal for main blade: b-2) Oil seal for cross-screw: b-3) Gasket for lid: b-4) O-ring for discharge flange: Note: Japanese food grade B) Non-contacting parts a) External surface of product bowl: b) Jacket plate: c) Frame (support-frame): d) Top covering plate (diamond plate) for frame: Finish: A) Stainless steel parts: B) Top covering plate: C) Frame: mild steel Utilities A) Electricity: B) Electrical code: C) Dry & clean compressed air: SUS316 stainless steel [JIS] F.K.M. (so-called “Viton”) F.K.M. (so-called “Viton”) Silicone (sponge-type) Silicone (solid-type) SUS304 stainless steel [JIS] SUS304 stainless steel [JIS] Mild steel (carbon steel) [JIS] SUS304 stainless steel [JIS] 320 grit Buffing finish Pickling finish (acid cl eaning) Rust preventive paint coating on AC 460 V, 60 Hz, Three-phase Explosion proof rating 750 N liter/min at 0.6 MPa CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 7) Drive motors: A) Main blade: B) Cross-screw: C) Lubrication pump: 8) Gear reducer: 9) Nominal variable speed range of blades: A) Main blade: B) Cross-screw: Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled explosion-type 75 kW (100 HP), 4-Pole, AC 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-Phase Torque transmitter To be procured and supplied by GAT Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled Explosion-type 22 / 11 kW (30 / 15 HP), 2 / 4-Pole, AC 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase To be procured and supplied by GAT Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled explosion-type 0.4 kW (0.5 HP), 4-Pole, AC 460 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase To be procured and supplied by GAT PVA9040R2-RRT, Reduction ratio 1/6.3 Approx. 28 - 280 min - 1 with a frequency inverter Approx. 3,600 / 1,800 min - 1 with a Frequency Pole change Note: Frequency inverters are mounted on a control panel manufactured by GAT. 3 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 10) Type of blades: A) Main blade: a) Type: B) b) The clearance between the blade and the inner-surface of product bowl: Cross-screw: a) Type: Cross Screw b) Sealing between chopper and lock nut: b) Special Motor Cover 11) Product bowl A) Type: a) Non-ASME pressure vessel code: b) Temperature range for heating or cooling: c) Jacket water inlet/outlet: B) Product temperature sensor port: C) Jacket water piping: D) Discharge: a) Port: b) Discharge port special design c) Discharge Chute special design 4 Standard "Z" blade in one-piece with the standard 35 deg. Angle design POW REX standard Ten (10)-straight-knife edged plate type Included as option: Set of U-type POM gasket W ith full jacket for cooling or heating (Thermal insulation excluded) Max. operating pressure :0.19MPa 5 - 60 deg. C NPT 1/2” 1 pce. One (1) each for Inlet and Outlet (Thermal insulation excluded) Pneumatic cylinder type discharge valve One (1) pce. of port: 150A ferrule connection (Japanese standard) CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 12) Lid A) Type: B) Attachments: a) Exhaust air filter: b) Exhaust air filter port: c) Material charge port: d) Binder port: e) Dust Collection Hoods C) Lid mechanical lock: 13) Drive shaft sealing methods: A) Main blade: B) Cross-screw: 14) Instrument: A) Resistance temperature detector: B) Proximity switch: 5 Flat type with spring balance One (1) pce. of hood for exhaust air filter Exhaust air filter is procured by Customer Custom design, with 200A ferrule connection (Japanese standard) One (1) pce. of material charge port: 250A ferrule connection (Japanese standard) Hinged Open/Close charge port with proximity SW One (1) pce. of binder port: 2S ferrule connection (Japanese standard) Special Design (Same as CN 933313) Manual stopper, 2 positions (approx. 45 deg. & approx. 90 deg.) Air-purge type with variable-area flow meter Air-purge type with variable-area flow meter One (1) pce. for product temperature One (1) pce. for jacket water temperature To be procured and supplied by GAT One (1) pce. at the lid, Stopping operation of main blade and cross-screw while the lid is opened. One (1) pce. at the discharge flange, Stopping operation of main blade and cross-screw while the discharge flange is opened. One (1) pce. at the charge port, Stopping operation of main blade and cross-screw while the charge port is opened. To be procured and supplied by GAT CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 15) Frame (support frame): A) Type: Six (6) pcs. of rubber pads B) Major components mounted at the frame: One (1) set of pneumatic equipment C) Thru-the-Floor Design D) Diamond Plate E) Expansion Flame Size Special Design (Same as CN 933313) 16) Spare parts: A) Main blade oil seal: C) Cross-screw oil seal: D) Lid gasket: E) Discharge cylinder o-ring: F) Discharge flange o-ring: 6 Two (2) pcs. made of so-called “Viton” [F.K.M.] One (1) pce. made of so-called “Viton” [F.K.M.] One (1) pce. made of silicone, sponge-type One (1) pce. made of silicone One (1) pce.made of silicone CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 Fig. 2-1 EXTERNAL VIEW 7 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 3. Preparation 3.1 Unpacking (1) Unpack the export packing case. (2) Take out VG-600. (3) Take out the other components/parts contained within the case. (4) Ensure that the machine has been received damage free. (5) Damage to the machine may occur due to mishandling during shipment from Japan to the customer ’s installation site . CAUTION !! IF ANY DAMAGE IS FOUND, CONTACT GLATT AIR TECHNIQUES, INC. IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT LEAVE ANY PARTS OR COMPONENTS IN THE CASE AND ITS INNER CARTON BOX(ES). 8 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 4. Location and installation To optimize the performance of the machine, installation should be done in accordance with the following elements including location, electrical wiring and compressed air piping. 4.1 Location 9 1) This machine is designed for an indoor location. 2) Installation site must be flat ground and/or flat structure, which have a sufficient strength to endure the dynam ic load. 3) The machine must be arranged with adequate working space for the safe operation and maintenance. 4) Decide the best position for the machine. 5) Allow enough clearance to open and/or remove the maintenance doors if applicable. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 4.2 Installation WARNING !! THE SLINGS SHALL HAVE ENOUGH LOAD CAPACITIES TO LIFT THE MACHINE. THE MACHINE WEIGHT IS 4,650 KG APPROXIMATELY. CONFIRM THE MACHINE BALANCE TO LIFT THE MACHINE BEFORE LIFTING THE MACHINE UP HIGHER. PRIOR TO LIFTING THE MACHINE, CHECK THAT THERE IS SUFFICIENT WORKING SPACE AROUND THE MACHINE. KEEP ALL UNNECESSARY PERSONNEL AWAY FROM THE MACHINE WHILE LIFTING THE MACHINE. 1) Fit sealant back up in insert frame. (cf. Fig.4-1) 2) Screw four (4) eyebolts into the thread holes on the frame. 3) Engage lifting slings (having enough load capacities against the machine weight) to the eyebolts. 4) Ensure to protect the machine surfaces by applying cloth pads between the slings and the machine surfaces. 5) Lift the machine up slightly to adjust horizontal balance. 6) Slowly, lift and move the machine to the place to be installed. 7) Avoid fast moving while lifting the machine. 8) Slowly, place the machine onto the platform. 9) To install the unit, assembly the parts according to Fig.4-1. Adjust the level of machine by combination of SIM plate. 10) Fix the machine to the platform tightly and rigidly with the bolts and nuts. 11) Remove the lifting slings and cloth pads on the machine. 12) Remove four (4) eyebolts. 13) According to Fig.3-2, fit cover where eyebolts were placed. 10 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 14) Fill in clearance between VG frame and Insert Frame with sealing. d b e c a b d b c a d e Fig.4-1 INSTRUCTION DRAWING 11 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 A A f f g g A A Cross-section surface Fig.4-2 12 THREAD HOLE COVER CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 4.3 Connection of electricity 1) Before commencing with the installation, carry out the following tests: a) Continuity test of cables b) Insulation resistant test 2) The electric wire/cable shall be connected to the connecting joints as terminal plates. 3) Ensure there is no miss connecting. CAUTION !! LOOSE CONNECTION CAUSES FIRE INDICATION. AND/OR FALSE DATA 4.4 Connection of piping 1) According to Fig.4-3 and Fig.4-4, connect air tube to terminal plate behind cross screw motor cover. 2) Connect the compressed air pipes and/or hoses. 3) Connect the inlet and outlet pipes to the jacket. 4) Ensure there is no miss piping. CAUTION !! THE COMPRESSED AIR MUST BE DRY, CLEAN, OIL FREE AND WITHOUT DUST. 13 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 A 3 5 1 2 4 A View Fig.4-3 AIR TUBE CONNECTION 14 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 1 3 2 4 5 Fig.4-4 AIR PIPING FLOW SHEET 15 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5. Operation 5.1 Check out and setting before operation The following procedure must be applied to start the operation. 5.1.1 1) 2) Check the V-belt for the main blade drive Check that the V-belts for the main blade motor are properly tightened. Make sure the V-sheaves (pulleys) rotate smoothly by hand without any abnormality. 5.1.2 Check the gear reducer for the main blade drive 1) Check the filling quantity and condition of the lubrication oil. 2) For the part names and those details, refer to the attached instruction manual issued by the supplier. 5.1.3 1) 2) Check on lid operation Release lid clamps and ensure the lid opens and closes smoothly. Confirm the locking functions of the lid at 45 deg. Opening and 90 deg. Opening. WARNING !! MAKE SURE THE POWER SWITCHES FOR BOTH THE MAIN BLADE AND THE CROSS-SCREWS ARE OFF. MAKE SURE THAT ALL THE CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS CONNECTED TO THE PORTS/FITTINGS/DEVICES ON THE LID SHALL BE DISCONNECTED. ENSURE THAT ALL OF CLAMPS ARE UNLOCKED BEFORE OPENING THE LID. MAKE SURE NO PERSON IS STANDING IN THE DIRECTION OF THE LID OPENING. MAKE SURE NOTHING IS PLACED ON THE LID. 16 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.1.4 Check the conditions of the main blade and the cross-screw inside the product bowl 1) Loosen the lock nuts and move the main blade assembly and cross-screw assembly. 2) Check for abnormalities in the oil seal conditions of the main blade and the cross-screw. 3) After the completion of the oil seal condition checks, reset the main blade assembly and the cross-screw assembly. 4) Ensure no looseness of the both lock nuts of the main blade assembly and the cross-screw assembly. 5) Ensure the rotating directions of the main blade and the cross-screw while jogging (inching) the main blade or the cross-screw. The correct rotating direction: Main blade: Counterclock wise direction while viewing from the lock nut (top) of main blade. Cross-screw: Clockwise direction while viewin g from the lock nut (top) of cross-screw. CAUTION !! BE CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE INSIDE OF THE PRODUCT BOWL. ENSURE THAT NOTHING IS LEFT INSIDE THE PRODUCT BOWL. 17 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.1.5 Check on discharge valve operation 1) 2) 3) Ensure that the discharge valve is closed and the discharge port flange locking clamp is locked completely. Check that the discharge valve comes into exact contact with the product bowl discharge port. Ensure the smooth open and close operations of the discharge valve with its pneumatic cylinder. CAUTION !! THE DISCHARGE PORT FLANGE MUST BE OPENED AND CLOSED ONLY WHEN THE DISCHARGE VALVE IS FULLY OPENED. DO NOT OPEN OR CLOSE THE DISCHARGE PORT FLANGE WHEN THE DISCHARGE VALVE IS CLOSED. THE DISCHARGE PORT FLANGE SHALL BE SECURELY LOCKED BY THE LOCKING CLAMP WHILE THE DISCHARGE VALVE CLOSING. DO NOT RELEASE THE LOCKING CLAMP. WARNING !! DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS AND/OR FINGERS INSIDE THE PRODUCT BOWL THROUGH THE DISCHARGE PORT WHILE THE MACHINE RUNNING OR STOPPING, TO AVOID ANY SERIOUS INJURIES. 18 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.1.6 1) 2) 3) Check setting of compressed air supply Confirm the User ’s primary (dry, clean and oil-free) compressed air supply pressure at 0.4 - 0.6 MPa. Set the seal air pressure at 0.03 - 0.05 MPa by adjusting the regulator. Be sure that there is no air leakage from any of the piping or the piping connections inside the frame. Check and confirm in accordance with following procedures. START Compressed air supply Filter regulator Yes 0.4-0.6 MPa No Regulate the valve Pilot regulator 0.03-0.05 MPa No Regulate the valve READY 19 Yes CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.2 No-load test operation and check points Check that electrical connecting has been connected securely, and turn the power switch ON. After the trial checks are done according to the following procedure, start the no-load test operation. 5.2.1 1) 2) Checking the main blade rotating direction Jog (inch) the main blade, and check that it is rotating counterclockwise viewing from the lock nut (top). If the rotating direction is not correct, change the wiring connection. 5.2.2 Checking the cross-screw rotating direction 1) 2) Jog (inch) the cross-screw, and check that it is rotating clockwise viewing from the lock nut (top). If the rotating direction is not correct, change the wiring connection. CAUTION !! REVERSE ROTATING DIRECTION CAUSES LOOSENING THE LOCK NUT FOR THE MAIN BLADE AND/OR THE CROSS-SCREW. THE LOOSENED LOCK NUTS LEAD COMING OFF ITSELF AND DAMAGING THE PRODUCT BOWL WALL, THE MAIN BLADE AND THE CROSS-SCREW. 20 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.2.3 Checking the discharge valve operation 1) Ensure the discharge valve is closed and the clamp is locked. 2) Ensure the smooth action of the discharge valve with the pneumatic cylinder. 3) Ensure the smooth open/close actions of the discharge port flange. 4) Check that the valve comes into exact contact with the discharge port of the product bowl. CAUTION !! WHILE THE DISCHARGE VALVE IS CLOSED, DO NOT RELEASE THE LOCK OF THE DISCHARGE PORT FLANGE OTHER THAN REQUIRED. 5.2.4 1) Check the temperature indicator whether it indicates correctly. 5.2.5 21 Checking the temperature indication Checking the pneumatic valve operations of air seals by compr essed air for the main blade and the cross-screw 1) Check and adjust the supply pressure in the range from 0.4 - 0.6 MPa. 2) Check that the air seal valve opens when the main blade and/or the cross-screw is ON in the normal operation mode. 3) At this time, re-check that the gauge of regulator for air seal setting indicates 0.03 - 0.05 MPa. 4) Check again the airflow. 5) The above pressure should be reached with the airflow. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.2.6 22 No-load operation 1) Ensure that the main blade and the cross -screw set for low speed start operation with all lid clamps locked. 2) Check that no abnormal noise or vibration from any part of the machine is found. 1) Check high-speed operation of the main blade and/or the cross -screw in the same manner. 2) Stop the operation after 20 - 30 minutes of continuous operation of the main blade and/or the cross-screw. 5) Release the lid clamp locks, and open the lid according to step above. 6) Check that no abnormal condition is found, such as loose lock nuts for the main blade and the cross-screw, or scratches caused by contact of the product bowl and the discharge valve with the main blade. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 START Confirm the lid clamp and the discharge clamp locked. Confirm operation ready. Run the main blade and the cross-screw. Confirm no abnormal noise or no irregular vibration. No Yes Confirm run for 20 -30 minutes. STOP Stop the main blade and the cross-screw. FINISH 23 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 WARNING !! MAKE SURE THAT THE STARTING SWITCHES OF THE MAIN BLADE AND THE CROSS-SCREW ARE LOCKED OFF, BEFORE OPENING THE LID. MAKE SURE TO CHECK ALL CLAMPS ARE UNLOCKED, PRIOR OPENING THE LID. ALL THE CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS CONNECTED TO THE PORTS/ FITTINGS/DEVISES ON THE LID SHALL BE COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED BEFORE OPENING THE LID. MAKE SURE NOTHING IS LEFT INSIDE THE PRODUCT BOWL BEFORE CLOSING THE LID. WHILE THE LID IS OPENED AND THE AIR PRESSURE IS LOWERED, THE MAIN BLADE AND THE CROSS-SCREW CAN NOT BE ROTATED DUE TO INTERLOCK. 24 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.3 Load operation and product discharge This machine is a wet type mixing granulator: It adds a proper amount of binder while powdery materials are being mixed, thus forming solidified granules. The material and binder ratio is one of the important factors for bringing the performance of this machine to its full capacity. Since the amount of material, main blade & cross-screw speed, operation time and binder addition are the other major factors, it is important to predetermine these items before starting the regular operation. 5.3.1 25 Before operation 1) The main blade and the cross-screw must be securely m ounted. 2) Be sure that the main blade and the cross-screw are not loose and nothing abnormal is on them. 3) Check that all the clamps for the lid and the discharge port flange are locked at the closing positions, and also the discharge valve is closed. 4) Check that the exhaust air filter is securely set. 5) Be sure all the connections/fittings are correctly connected tightly. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.3.2 Load operation The following steps are general procedures. It shall be established by the user. 26 1) Charge the materials into the product bowl through the material charge port or by opening the lid. 2) If several kinds of materials are charged, the bulkiest one should be charged first and the bulkier one next. 3) W ith the main blade and cross-screw switches ON, the mixing operation will begin. 4) W hile carefully checking the movement of materials within the product bowl, adjust the rotation speed of the main blade and the cross-screw, if required. 5) If the material is mixed sufficiently, gradually add binder. 6) Normally, the granulation is completed in a few minutes after the binder addition is completed. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 CAUTION !! DURING THE OPERATION, WATCH FOR ABNORMAL SOUNDS (NOISES), VIBRATION AND HEAT GENERATION. STOP THE OPERATION IMMEDIATELY WHENEVER IRREGULAR SOUNDS, VIBRATION, HEAT GENERATION AND SO ON IS DETECTED. ALWAYS TAKE NOTE OF THE MAIN BLADE AND THE CROSS-SCREW LOAD VARIATIONS (POWER VALUE), AND UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CONTINUOUS CONDITION ON THE MACHINE OPERATION AND THE LOAD. THE CORRELATIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LOAD FACTOR AND THE GRANULES BECOME ONE OF BAROMETER FOR FUTURE OPERATION. WARNING !! FEED MATERIALS, BINDER AND OPERATING CONDITIONS MUST BE CONDUCTED BY AN AUTHORIZED SPECIALIST OF THIS MACHINE. 27 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 5.3.3 1) Product discharge Place an adequate container under the discharge port of the machine and open the discharge valve. a) The products should be discharged while running the main blade at low speed. b) As the amount of the product left in the product bowl decreases, increase the main blade speed gradually to complete the discharging. c) Also inch (jog) the cross-screw at low speed. 2) After the product discharging is completed, open the lid. a) Check the stickiness of the product. b) Check the residues of the product in the product bowl. c) Check scratches on the inner bottom and wall of the product bowl. d) Check looseness of the lock nuts of the main blade and the cross-screw. WARNING !! ENSURE THAT THE STARTING SWITCHES OF THE MAIN BLADE AND CROSS-SCREW ARE LOCKED OFF, BEFORE OPENING THE LID. ENSURE THAT ALL OPENING THE LID. OF CLAMPS ARE UNLOCKED, PRIOR ALL THE CONNECTIONS AND FITTINGS CONNECTED TO THE PORTS/ FITTINGS/DEVISES ON THE LID SHALL BE COMPLETELY DISCONNECTED BEFORE OPENING THE LID. ENSURE THAT NO PERSON IS STANDING IN THE DIRECTION OF THE LID. ENSURE THAT NOTHING IS PLACED ON THE LID. 28 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 6. Maintenance and check out IMPORTANT !! DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE BEFORE MAINTENANCE WORK. AFTER MAINTENANCE AND CHECK OUT, THE MACHINE MUST BETHOROUGHLY CLEANED OFF FOREIGN MATTER. PRIOR TO REPLACING THE PARTS BELOW MENTI ONED, READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL. 6.1 Main blade oil seal replacement Following procedures are for the main blade oil seal replacement. For name of the parts and the detailed construction of the main blade seal unit, see Fig. 6-1. 29 1) Remove the lock nut. 2) Mount the lifting piece on the main blade. 3) Slowly lift up the main blade by using the maintenance hoist. 4) Check no powder invading. In case of powder existing, check air seal circuit with adjusting seal air pressure. 5) Remove four (4) fixing bolts for the bushing. 6) Screw the two (2) of four (4) bolts above into two air blowout holes, which are tapped differently. 7) Pull up carefully the bushing and remove it. 8) Take out the oil seals from under side of the bushing with use of a screwdriver. Pay attention not to damage inside the bushing. 9) W ipe up to clean all of removed parts and surroundings. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 10) Check the oil seals visually and replace them, if they are worn. 11) Before setting, the oil seals periphery must be coated with grease in food grade. 12) Insert the oil seals into the bushing directing a spring to down ward. 13) Spread silicone grease between the oil seals. 14) Finishing the seal replacement, assemble the parts as they were. Assembling work should be done in reverse order above. 15) After hand tightening the lock nut, knock knobs on the lock nut with a plastic hammer within the toolbox. 16) Procedure above prevents loosening of the lock nut during operation. CAUTION !! WHILE REPLACING THE MAIN CAREFUL ATTENTION BELOW. 30 BLADE OIL SEALS, PAY DO NOT HIT ANYTHING AGAINST INSIDE OF THE PRODUCT BOWL. DO NOT DROP ANYTHING ON THE PRODUCT BOWL BOTTOM. DO NOT MAKE ANY SCRATCHES IN THE PRODUCT BOWL WALL. DO NOT DAMAGE THE LIP OF THE SEAL, IT CAUSES SEALING PROBLEMS. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 Fig. 6-1 31 MAIN BLADE UNIT CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 6.2 Cross-screw seal replacement Following procedures are for replacing the cross-screw seal. For the name of the parts and the detailed construction of the cross-screw seal units, see Fig. 6-2. 1) Remove the lock nut with turning to clockwise. 2) Pull out the cross-screw blades, collar and rotor. 3) Check no powder invading into a sleeve. In case of powder existing, check air seal circuit with adjusting seal air pressure. 4) Remove four (4) lock bolts and screw two (2) of them into tapped holes for pulling out. 5) Pull out it. 6) Push out the oil seal from behind the sleeve using a screwdriver. Pay attention not to damage inside the sleeve. 7) W ipe up to clean all the removed parts and surrounding. 8) Check the oil seal visually and replace, if it is worn. 9) Before setting the oil seal the periphery must be coated with grease in food grade. 10) Insert the oil seal into the sleeve with directing its spring toward the product bowl wall and spread silicone grease on lip of the oil seal. 11) W hen setting the sleeve, it should be put back straightly. Be careful not to damage the lip. 12) Finishing replacement of the seal assembles the parts as they were. Assembling work should be done in the reverse order above. 13) After hand tightening the lock nut, knock knobs on the lock nut using a plastic hammer within the toolbox. 14) Procedure above prevents loosening of the lock nut during operation. 32 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 CAUTION !! WHILE REPLACING THE CROSS-SCREW OIL SEAL, PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION BELOW. DO NOT HIT ANYTHING AGAINST INSIDE OF THE PRODUCT BOWL. DO NOT DROP ANYTHING ON THE PRODUCT BOWL BOTTOM. DO NOT MAKE ANY SCRATCHES IN THE PRODUCT BOWL WALL. DO NOT DAMAGE THE LIP OF THE SEAL, IT CAUSES SEALING PROBLEM. DO NOT DAMAGE INSIDE THE SLEEVE, IT CAUSES SEALING PROBLEM. Fig. 6-2 33 CROSS-SCREW UNIT CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 6.3 Discharge dust wiper replacement for product discharge valve Following procedures are for replacing the discharge o-rings and dust wiper. For the part names and the detailed construction of the discharge unit, see Fig. 6-3. 1) Open the discharge valve by pulling back the pneumatic cylinder fully. 2) Unlock the clamp to open the discharge port flange. 3) Open the discharge port flange fully and push out the valve . 4) Loosen the Protector-1. 5) Slide the Protector (1) towards the pneumatic cylinder until the valve lock nut appears. 6) Fix the valve on its hub by using a suitable wrench or adjustable wrench. 7) Unlock the valve lock nut. 8) Remove the spring pin. 9) Unscrew and remove the valve from the pneumatic cylinder rod. 10) Pull out the Protector (2). 11) Remove the three (3) fixing bolts on the Protector (2). 12) Pull out the Protector (2). 13) Check the dust wiper (O-ring) visually and replace it, if damaged. 14) Reassemble the parts as they were after completing the dust wiper (O-ring) replacement. Assembly shall be done in reverse or der of the above. 34 CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 CAUTIONS !! PAY KEEN ATTENTIONS NOT TO GIVE ANY ROTATIONAL FORCE TO THE PNEUMATIC CYLINDER ROD WHILE UNSCREW THE VALVE. CAUTION !! WHILE REPLACING THE DISCHARGE DUST WIPER, PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION BELOW. 35 DO NOT RELEASE A CLAMP, BEFORE OPENING THE DISCHARGE VALVE THOROUGHLY. OR IT CAUSES DAMAGING THE VALVE AND/OR THE VALVE SEAT. DO NOT DAMAGE THE VALVE ON ITS CONTACTING SURFACE TO PRODUCT BOWL. OR IT CAUSES TROUBLE LIKE POWDER LEAKING AND/OR DEPOSITING. DO NOT DAMAGE THE VALVE SEAT, IT CAUSES SEALING PROBLEM. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 Fig. 6-3 36 DISCHARGE UNIT CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 6.4 Maintenance schedule The following servicing work must be carried out on the machine at the specified period. A. Daily (Every 8 hours) No. Item Method 1 2 3 Exhaust air filter Compressed air pressure Sealing compressed air pressure Visual check -No leak of powder during operation -No remove due to powder blockage Pressure gauge W ithin 0.4-0.6MPa Pressure gauge W ithin 0.03-0.05MPa Maintenance - Fasten the clamp. - Wash exhaust filter. Regulate the valve. Regulate the valve. Fasten connection or exchange parts. Fasten connection or exchange parts. 4 Air leak Air noise No noise when supply 5 Water leak Visual check No leak of water 6 Oil leak from the gear reducer Visual check No leak of oil Call GAT. Judgment Maintenance -No wear and tear at lip -Enough grease -Exchange the oil seal. -Add grease. -No wear and tear at lip -Enough grease -Exchange the oil seal. -Add grease. Adequate oil level Add oil. No dirt Exchange oil. B. Monthly (Every 200 hours) No. Item Method Visual check by Oil seal for the disassembling 1 main blade the main blade assembly Visual check by Oil seal for the disassembling 2 cross-screw the cross-screw assembly Lubricant oil 3 amount for the Visual check gear reducer Lubricant oil condition for 4 Visual check the gear reducer 37 Judgment CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 C. Annual (Every 2,500 hours) No. Item Method O-ring for the 1 Visual check main blade O-ring for the 2 Visual check cross-screw Dust wiper for the 3 Visual check discharge cylinder 4 Lid gasket Visual check Judgment No damage No damage Maintenance Exchange the o-ring. Exchange the o-ring. No damage Exchange the dust wiper. No damage Exchange the gasket. D. Others We recommend checking below accordingly. No. Item Method Judgment -No irregular sound Motor for the -Visual check 1 -No abnormal heat-up main blade -Thermometer -No vibration -No irregular sound Motor for the -Visual check 2 -No abnormal heat-up cross-screw -Thermometer -No vibration Motor for the lubricant -No irregular sound -Visual check 3 circulation -No abnormal heat-up -Thermometer pump of the -No vibration gear reducer 4 38 Bearing for the cross-screw -Visual check -Thermometer -No irregular sound -No abnormal heat-up Maintenance Call GAT. Call GAT. Call GAT. Exchange bearings. CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 6.5 Buy-out parts list a: Main Blade Item Description Oil seal TC 130 x 160 x 14 O-ring Material Maker POWREX Q’ty Part No. equipped Viton 11126 2 G-260 Silicone 98260 1 O-ring P-100 Silicone 92100 1 O-ring P-18 Silicone 92018 4 b: Cross-screw Oil seal TC 50 x 68 x 9 Viton 11226 1 Gasket 50 / 65 x 5 POM - 1 O-ring G-110 Silicone 98110 1 O-ring G-105 Silicone 98105 1 O-ring G-50 Silicone 98050 2 Flange unit UCFC211 - 12426 2 c: Discharge O-ring G-40 Silicone 98040 1 O-ring P-130 Silicone 92130 1 O-ring G-200 Silicone 98200 1 O-ring P-210 Silicone 92210 1 O-ring P-40 Silicone 92040 1 Guideless cylinder GLC-00-63-215-N-FL163768 - CKD 32122 1 Speed controller AS2301F-02-08-S - SMC - 2 - 1 d: Lid Lid gasket (O-ring) 39 16×13×2720L Silicone Sponge -type CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 f: Pneumatic Parts Filter F4000-15-W-T - CKD - 1 Filter regulator AW40-04DE - SMC - 1 Pilot regulator R3000-10-W-T - CKD - 2 Air operate valve NAB1-10-D - CKD - 4 Air operate valve 4KB221-08 - CKD - 1 The following parts have been supplied as spare parts. a) b) c) d) 40 Two One One One (2) (1) (1) (1) pcs. pce. pce. pce. of of of of oil seals for the main blade (TC 130 x 160 x 14) oil seal for the cross-screw (TC 50 x 68 x 9) o-ring for the discharge cylinder (P-130) o-ring for the discharge flange (P-175) CUSTOMER: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp SERIAL NO.: 12VG0850 7. Warranty The vendor undertakes upon written request of the purchaser to settle, to repair or replace at the vendor's own discretion as quickly as possible, a damage/trouble or any parts exhibiting deficiencies due to faulty m aterial, bad design or poor workmanship, whenever it is evidently originated from the design or the fabrication of the machine. The warranty period is for 12 months after the shipment from Powrex Corporation. Replaced parts shall become the vendor's property. Exempted from the Warranty 1. The quality, finish, appearance, fineness and any other losses damage and/or trouble caused by the mixing/granulation products and materials. 2. Secondary loss, resulting from the machine damage/trouble. 3. Any damage/trouble beyond the principal obligation of the machine use. 4. Any damage/trouble resulting from any modifications and/or a change in usage of the machine taken by any other parties except the vendor and/or its representative. 5. Any damage/trouble resulting from failure not to follow the operating instructions and/or improper handling of the machine. 6. Any damage/trouble resulting from the utilities at the purchaser's site, including power source, compressed air, cooling water and/or others. 7. Consumable parts. 8. Equipment, devices, parts and components supplied (to us [Powrex]) by Glatt Air Techniques, Inc. 9. Equipment, devices, parts and components designed, selected, produced and/or supplied (to the customer) by Glatt Air Techniques, Inc. 10. Any damage/trouble resulting from natural calamity. 11. Act of God. - CONCLUDED - 41