I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Unit Plan Template - NSW Unit Author First and Last Name: Michelle Manderson & Marlene Filippi Region: Liverpool School Name: Glenwood Public School School City, State: NSW If your Unit Portfolio is chosen to be uploaded to the Intel® Teach to the Future database, do you want your name displayed as the author? □ Yes □ No Unit Overview Unit Plan Title: Oceans of Stories Syllabus Outcomes English * TS1.1 * TS1.1 * TS1.1 * RS1.5 * RS1.5 * RS1.5 Gives a simple description of familiar people, places and things Follows and responds to an aural multimedia text Gives a brief simple oral information report on familiar topics Interprets story illustrations and simple diagrams Reads a variety of literary and factual texts Participates in class/group brainstorming activities to cluster and categorise ideas and facts following the reading of texts * WS1.9 Writes elementary descriptive information reports * WS1.9 Contributes to joint construction of texts * WS1.9 Uses a word processor to publish work Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question: Who lives under the Sea? Unit Questions: Can I live in the sea? How can we look after the sea? What if mermaids are real? Content Questions: Can you write 3 facts about a sea creature? What are 3 ways to look after the sea? What is your favourite sea creature? Unit Summary….Stage 1 will be incorporating Book Week – Oceans of Stories with a unit – Who lives under the Sea? The children will be exploring the avenues of fact and fiction. Children will be given the opportunity to discuss, brainstorm and research as many different types of sea creatures that they can name. The children will discuss similarities and differences. The children will also be involved in group situations involving computer/research skills/craft activities and story telling. In addition to researching sea creatures the children will be grouped so that they can experience the short listed books of 2003. Teaching and Learning Strategies: As this is a collaborative exercise between the Teacher-Librarian and the classroom teachers it will be necessary to adapt the timetable to accommodate the learning activities to be achieved. The children will begin the unit as a whole group and much of the work will be completed in the Library, however the children will be required to complete work with their classroom teacher in the classroom. As this unit is literature-based it will © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E become part of the English content for the classroom teacher The children will be required to work in groups, whole class and individually. The children will be assigned specific tasks whilst working in their groups to ensure equality of contribution. Some work will be joint-construction text writing, which will be entered onto the Student’s Work sub-heading, of the school’s web site. Professional Learning Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus - Board of Studies English K-6 Syllabus – Board of Studies View the video – The Little Mermaid (Disney) Year Level(s) Stage 1 – Years 1 & 2 Special needs such as: Gifted, ESL Key Learning/Subject Areas English, Creative Arts, Science & Technology Procedures: Lesson 1 The stimulus for this unit will be the viewing of the video – ‘The Little Mermaid’ (Disney) Student activities/tasks will be Brainstorming What did you see in the video that lived under the sea? What was real and what was fantasy? Draw up a chart and make two lists Using the ‘real’ list write down everything children know about sea creatures After the brainstorming the children will be divided into groups to work on a variety of activities. Activities: Using the chart from the previous lesson and other visual aids make a PowerPoint Presentation – 3 facts about a sea creature, using the facts from the previous list – each child to make 1 slide each – put together by the teacher to make a show. Tell students they have just discovered a new sea creature. They have to draw a picture of it and write 3 facts about it. What do I need to live in the sea? Draw and write about the necessary body parts that are required to sustain life under the sea. Artificial breathing devices can be included. Make a class collage of the children’s illustrations. Read stories to demonstrate conservation. Children can illustrate their favourite character from any of these books. Discuss and design a poster showing how we can look after our seas (conservation). Use the computer – Microsoft Publisher Wizard From the computer read the newspaper and fill in the gaps –use the pictures to help. Read stories about the sea, eg. ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ by Jeannie © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Baker and write a book review. Publish an outline of a fish and display in the room. Newspaper article – write a newspaper article about a sea creature (real or imaginary) and type it onto the front page of the newspaper provided. Create ‘Lost’ poster describing a missing mermaid. Publish using Publisher. Students can use paint to create their picture or draw and then scan their picture for their poster. Prepare a 1minute talk “What if mermaids were real!” How would they live in our world? How would they go shopping? Create a web page to include on the school website. Children will help add drawings to the site and complete survey. Creative Arts: Cup of Fish – Ingredients: blue jelly, gummy fish. Making a fish bowl – draw the shape of a fish bowl, a paper plate is a good template – paint it blue. Whilst it is still wet sprinkle the bottom with glitter. Cut out the shape of a fish, colour it and paste it into the bowl Culminating Lesson Have a ‘Sea Fest’ – invite parents or buddy classes to visit the Library/classroom to look at the displays, PowerPoint presentation, website. Serve fish and chips for lunch and cup of fish for dessert. Ocean music could be playing in the background. The students could present their PowerPoint display and talk about their page. Approximate time needed: Initial introduction 1 ½ hours with 3 classes altogether Subsequent lessons will be 45 minutes in length, with some follow up activities to be done in the classroom. There will be 8 lessons. Prerequisite Skills: None required Materials and Resources Technology - Hardware Camera Printer X Video Camera Computer(s) X Datashow Projector X Video Conferencing equipment Digital camera X Scanner X Other DVD player Television/Averkey X Other Internet connection X VCR X Other Technology - Software CD-ROMs X Editing software Web page development Database/spreadsheet Internet Web Browser X Word processing X Desktop Publishing X Multimedia Other email software Animation software Other Printed Materials: Resources accessed from the Library relevant for this topic Supplies: Jelly Coloured paper Gummy Fish Paper for pictures Plastic Cups Plastic Spoons Paper Plates Paint Brushes Paint Scissors Glitter © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE I N T E L ® T E A C H T O T H E F U T U R E Paste Internet Resources: web addresses (URLs) that support the implementation of your Unit Others: Guest speakers, mentors, excursions/incursions Accommodations for Differentiated Learning Students with Special Needs: These students will need to be seated at the front for the viewing of the video in order to ensure that they can understand and hear what is happening. Learning Support assistance is provided in the form of Teacher’s Aides. English as a Second Language (ESL) Student: 48% of our student population is ESL. Support will be provided in the form of the ESL teacher who will provide additional one-to-one assistance. Some usually accepted terms, e.g., mermaid will need to be explained in detail. Gifted Student: These students will be able to independently research each of the known sea-creatures. They will then be able to share this knowledge with other members of their group. They will be asked to investigate why some creatures are not real – how we do determine what is fact and what is fiction? Just because we haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it is not true. Student Assessment: Student assessments will be conducted both on the computer and as pen and paper assessments. The children will be individually responding to the worksheet assessments as self assessment. The teacher will conduct and distribute all assessments. Some of the assessments are self assessments. Assessments are: Make a poster showing how we can care for our sea creatures (computer) Match words and pictures (computer) Scan pictures to a word document (computer) Complete a survey (computer) Use a paint program (computer) Following instructions – making a fish bowl Reporting on the environmental issues – Talking & Listening Write a book review – Talking & Listening Key Word Search: Fact, fiction, sea creatures, dolphin, whale, shark, crab, survey, short-listed, Australian Book Council © Copyright NSW Department of Education and Training 2003. © 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE