FISH & GAME NZ – WEST COAST REGION MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 14th FEBRUARY AT HOKITIKA Meeting adjourned at 7.10pm due to Failure of a quorum (Fish & Game meeting rules s2.8.1(1)). PRESENT: Andy Harris (Chair), Jan Derks, Rob Roney, Jean Willis, Bruce Erickson. In attendance: Dean Kelly (Manager), Rhys Adams (Officer), John Lyall (DoC), Sean Climo (Ngai Tahu appointee) APOLOGIES: Martin Kennedy, Charles Teasedale, Gary Webb, Dean Phibbs The February West Coast Fish & game council meeting was suspended due to a failure of a quorum. Mr Kelly (as Manager) recorded the members in attendance with any business then adjourned to the following meeting (Fish & Game meeting rules s2.9). Chairman……………………………………… Date…………………….