University of California, Los Angeles SHORT APPLICATION TO USE HUMAN PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS IN RESEARCH (PLEASE NOTE: All research intended to create or use covered stem cells requires prospective UCLA Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee review and approval.) PROJECT TITLE: PRINCIPAL Name INVESTIGATOR: Department Degree(s) Campus Mailing Address CO-INVESTIGATOR Name or FACULTY SPONSOR: Department PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON: Degree(s) Campus Mailing Address Name APPLICATION STATUS: Campus Phone No. New Amendment Renewal University Title Campus Phone No. Campus Mail Code e-mail Address University Title Campus Phone No. Campus Mail Code e-mail Address e-mail Address Previous ESCRO Committee number, if applicable: SECTION I: ASSURANCES INVESTIGATOR'S ASSURANCE I certify that the information provided in this application is complete and correct. I understand that as Principal Investigator, I have ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the study, the ethical performance of the project, and strict adherence to any stipulations imposed by the ESCRO Committee. I agree to comply with all UCLA policies and procedures, as well as with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws regarding hESC research, including, but not limited to, the following: performing the project by qualified personnel according to the approved protocol, implementing no changes in the approved protocol without prior ESCRO Committee approval, promptly reporting significant or untoward adverse effects to the ESCRO Committee in writing within 5 working days of occurrence, if I will be unavailable to direct this research personally, as when on sabbatical leave or vacation, I will arrange for an ESCRO Committee approved co-investigator to assume direct responsibility in my absence, ANY DISTRIBUTION OF CELLS OR DERIVATIVES TO INDIVIDUALS NOT NAMED IN THIS PROTOCOL REQUIRES PROSPECTIVE REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF BANKING AND DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURES BY THIS COMMITTEE. ____________________________________________________________________ Principal Investigator Date FACULTY SPONSOR’S ASSURANCE By my signature as sponsor on this research application, I certify that the student is knowledgeable about the regulations and policies governing research with hESCs/pluripotent stem cells and has sufficient training and experience to conduct this particular study in accord with the approved protocol. In addition, I agree to meet with the investigator on a regular basis to monitor study progress. Should problems arise during the course of the study, I agree to be available, personally, to supervise the investigator in solving them. I assure that the investigator will promptly report significant or untoward adverse effects to the ESCRO Committee in writing within 5 working days of occurrence. If I will be unavailable to direct this research personally, as when on sabbatical leave or vacation, I will arrange for an ESCRO Committee approved co-investigator to assume direct responsibility in my absence. ____________________________________________________________________ Faculty Sponsor * (if PI is a student or a fellow) Date The faculty sponsor must be a member of the UCLA faculty. The faculty member is considered the responsible party for legal and ethical performance of the project. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research Please provide the following information about all co-Investigators: 1. [Name, degree] [Title] [Campus mailing address] [Campus telephone] [Campus email] 2. 3. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 2 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research SECTION II – FUNDING THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED 1. Check all of the appropriate boxes for funding sources of this research, include pending funding source(s): Extramural* UCLA Academic Senate Department Gift Other: ______________ None * P.I. of Contract or Grant: Funding Source: Contract or Grant No.: Contract or Grant Title: 2. If using an IDENTICAL protocol for more than one extramural funding proposal, list all funding sources below. Attach an additional sheet if more space is needed. a. P.I. of Contract or Grant: Funding Source: Contract or Grant No.: Contract or Grant Title: b. P.I. of Contract or Grant: Funding Source: Contract or Grant No.: Contract or Grant Title: 3. ESCRO: Please provide one (1) copy of each grant or contract to the ESCRO. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 3 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED For purposes of this application, cell line means a human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC). SECTION III – hPSC DATA A. Provenance of hPSC. 1. Please provide the requested information regarding the source of the cell lines. [see for information] 2. If you are using somatic cells for reprogramming, please provide information relevant to the somatic cells 3. If you will be obtaining the cells from the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center Core Bank, please indicate as much in the Vendor column. Vendor NIH Registry & Vendor Number EX: WiCell 1. 2. 3. 4. NIH-0043, WiCell: H1 MTA Number 06-W008 Number of lines 2 B. Please outline the expertise and training of investigators and research staff working with stem cells. (Note: Include the Principal Investigator’s information first. Please also attach curriculum vitae in NIH Biosketch form for each listed personnel. CIRM regulations and NAS guidelines require documentation of sufficient hESC training or an explanation of training to be provided.) Last name, First name, degree Title Training in Stem Cell Science (outline the experience, expertise or training in derivation or culture of stem cells) 1. 2. 3. C. Location of the research (Note: Research may take place in multiple locations. Please indicate all locations) Building Name EX: Factor Room number(s) 9-664 1. 2. D. Please attach other required compliance committee approvals (e.g., Medical Radiation Safety Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, etc) or forward as they become available. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 4 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research 1. SECTION IV: PROTOCOL OBJECTIVES 1.1: Please clearly and concisely state the objectives as they correspond to the hypothesis to be tested in the research. 1.2: 2. SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE 2.1: Please provide sufficient background information to justify the research rationale, including, an outline of why the proposed scientific design requires the use of hESCs or other covered cells1 (referred to in this document as “stem cells”) rather than alternative methodologies. Please include an outline of the previous and supporting research conducted and the peer reviewed scientific journal articles or other supporting data. 2.2: 3. Please outline how the study design will answer the scientific questions posed in the objectives. Are there valid alternatives to using stem cells in the proposed research? ___Yes ____ No 2.2.1: If no, please explain why. 2.2.2: If yes, please outline the alternatives and provide a justification for the use of stem cells in your research. Information about the cells: Yes No a. Is the cell line intended for basic research? b. Were the cells derived in clinical grade facilities? c. If yes to 1(b), could the cells be used in humans? If no, please explain why. d. Does the research introduce hPSCs into non-human primate blastocysts? e. Does the research introduce any hPSCs into human blastocysts? 4. PROPOSED EXPERIMENTS Please outline the proposed experiments for the research. 5. Microbiology (COMPLETE SECTION 5 ONLY IF YOU ARE RECEIVING CELLS FROM ANOTHER INVESTIGATOR, BANK, OR REPOSITORY.) 5.1. Please outline the tests performed on the donor tissue of origin. (Please include the source of the data and the technique(s) used.) 5.2. Tests performed on the cells (Please indicate the passage level or frequency at which tests on sterility, Mycoplasma and viral tests are carried out.) The CIRM defines “covered cells” as “…culture-derived, human pluripotent stem cell population that is capable of: 1) sustained propagation in culture; and (2) self-renewal to produce daughter cells with equivalent developmental potential. This definition includes both embryonic and non-embryonic human stem cell lines regardless of the tissue of origin. ‘Pluripotent’ means capable of differentiation into mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm [CA H&S Code 100020(c)].” Therefore, ESCRO review is required for research with human embryonic stem cells and populations, regardless of their origin, capable of differentiation into multiple tissue types. Adult precursors that differentiate into cells of a single tissue type do not meet all three CIRM criteria and would not be subject to ESCRO review. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 5 1 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research 5.3. Describe the culture conditions used, including supplier and catalogue number(s). 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 Growth medium Basal medium Supplements Growth factors/cytokines Type of serum used Incubation temperature Describe the atmospheric conditions 5.4. Passage Procedures 5.4.1. _____ Number of passages Yes No 5.4.2. Will/were enzymes used? If yes, please indicate the type of enzyme used (including the supplier and catalogue number). 5.4.3 Will/were other methods used? If yes, please provide details. 5.4.4. Please specify the usual split ratio (i.e., surface of area of culture pre: post subculture). 5.4.5 Please indicate the seeding density (cells/cm2 or colonies/cm2). 5.4.6 Please indicate the typical frequency of passage and viability of harvested cells. Please attach a copy of the passage protocol. 6.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 Will/were feeder cells used? If yes, please state the type of cells (including the mouse strain) used. (Please attach a copy of the protocol used to prepare the feeder cells). Please clarify whether the stem cells will be/were preserved and provide the typical percentage of viability obtained on thawing. Please attach a copy of the protocol. Please explain the methods used to induce differentiation. Please attach details of the procedure. 6. STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF Stem Cells 6.1: Describe the process for characterizing the cells 6.2: Describe the process for expanding, maintaining, and storing the cells 6.3: Outline the system for quality assurance and control of the cells 6.4: If you wish to maintain the cells after the completion of the research, please explain how and where the cells will be maintained. 6.4.1. If the cells will be banked and distributed to other investigators, please provide the number and PI name of the existing Bank. 6.4.2. If you will create a new Bank for the storage and distribution of the cells to other investigators, please complete the Banking Stem Cells protocol application. 7. SERIAL MEASUREMENTS Guidelines:List the study parameters/milestones and the timeline for completion. Chart format is helpful, in addition to a narrative. 8. CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT Guidelines: Indicate how you will assess outcomes ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 6 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research 9. ANIMAL RESEARCH (Please Note: prospective Chancellor’s Animal Research Committee (ARC) approval is required when using covered animal subjects in stem cell research .) Will the research include work with animals? ____Yes ____No If yes, please complete the following: 9.1: Please list the animals and include the quantity of each animal necessary to accomplish the research goals. Animal EX: scid-hu mice 1. 2. 3. 9.2. Number of animals 5 Please outline the animal experiments describing how the experiments will contribute to the goals of the research. 9.3 Implantation into non-human fetuses: 9.3.1 ____Yes ____ No: Will hESC derivatives, hESC cells, or other pluripotent cells be introduced into non-human fetuses and allowed to develop into adult chimeras? If so, please explain the extent of human contribution to the resulting animal. Consideration of any major functional contributions to the brain should be explained. 9.3.2 Please outline the consequences of the human contributions to the resulting chimeras. 9.3.3 ____ Yes ____ No: Will this protocol include the introduction of hESCs or other pluripotent cells into non-human primate blastocysts? 2 9.3.4 ____ Yes ____ No: Will this protocol include the introduction of non-human ESCs or other pluripotent cells3 into human blastocysts? 9.4 Please provide a timeline for euthanizing animals beginning with the introduction of hESC or other pluripotent cells to the animals. 9.4.1 Please also explain whether the period after introduction of stem cells into the animals and to the point of euthanizing the animals is sufficient to allow the hESC or other pluripotent cells to make major functional contributions to the brain. 9.5 Will animals be allowed to breed: ____ Yes ____ No 9.5.1 If no, please complete Sections 7.6 and 7.7 9.5.2 If yes, please complete Section 7.8 2 The CIRM regulations require and the National Academies of Science Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research recommend that research involving the introduction of hPSCs into non-human primate blastocysts or non-human ESCs into human blastocysts not be approved at this time. CIRM Regulations, Scientific and Medical Accountability Standards:, & National Research Council – Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2005. 3 The CIRM defines “covered cells” as “…culture-derived, human pluripotent stem cell population that is capable of: 1) sustained propagation in culture; and (2) self-renewal to produce daughter cells with equivalent developmental potential. This definition includes both embryonic and non-embryonic human stem cell lines regardless of the tissue of origin. ‘Pluripotent’ means capable of differentiation into mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm [CA H&S Code 100020(c)].” ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 7 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research 9.6 Please explain how you will ensure that the animals do not breed. [Veterinarian Advice: The appropriate methods and safeguards, consistent with proper veterinary and ARC policies, for keeping mice (as an example) of reproductive age from breeding. Mice are typically weaned between 21 and 28 days after birth. At this time, they are segregated by gender (males in one cage, females in another). Delayed weaning or inaccurate sexing of the weanlings may lead to unintended mating among littermates and pregnancies, which could generate offspring arising from hESC-carrying chimeras.] 9.7 Also, please outline the safeguards necessary to keep co-mingling of hESC chimeric animals with the general animal population. [Veterinarian Advice (using mice as an example): Chimeras should be housed in properly identified/labeled cages with express instructions not to house these chimeras with other mice (or other mice of the opposite sex). This would have to be clearly explained to both research and husbandry staff – only one mouse cage must be open at any given time in the laminar-flow hood during routine cage changing to prevent any co-mingling.] 9.8 If the animals will be allowed to breed, please explain and provide a scientific justification for allowing the animals to breed.4 10. EXTERNAL COLLABORATIONS Guidelines: Describe any arrangements with or procedures conducted by non-UCLA investigators. 1. [Name of collaborating institution] [Name of collaborator, degree] [Title] [Mailing address] [Telephone] [Email] [Description of arrangements or procedures conducted by the listed individual] 4 The NAS Guidelines indicate, No animal into which hES cells have been introduced at any stage of development should be allowed to breed. ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 8 Short Application to use HUMAN PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells in Research SECTION V: GUIDELINES A. Short Form UCLA policy requires that all research with human pluripotent stem cells undergo scientific review. Strictly laboratory research that uses existing hPSC lines, the creation of iPSC from known commercially available somatic cells (ex: Corriell, ATCC), or use of hPSC on the NIH Registry require only may use this short form. In order for the hPSC lines to be eligible for Federal funding they must meet the following criteria: The cell line must have been one of the NIH identified lines either in existence prior to August 9, 2001 or on the new NIH Registry, The stem cells must have been derived from an embryo that was created for reproductive purposes, The embryo was no longer needed for such purposes, Informed consent was obtained from donors, No financial inducements were provided for donation of the embryo, or The covered hPSC did not require the destruction of an embryo in its creation (e.g., induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) and have already been approved by the ESCRO). Since stem cell lines in the NIH Stem Cell Registry must meet the above criteria in order to qualify for the registry or were previously approved by the ESCRO, you are not required to provide information about donors, such as informed consent, recruitment, financial inducements, or the original derivation process. B. Review Requirements CA Law and National Academies of Science hESC Guidelines California law and the National Academy of Science (NAS) hESC research guidelines require a scientific evaluation of the proposal and a thorough accounting of the cells. The NAS “subscribe[d] to the consensus of many bioethics bodies throughout the world that a system of oversight of [hESC] research should be in place.” 5 Chancellor’s Animal Research Committee (ARC) hESC research that includes animal subjects may be required to undergo prospective ARC review.6 Please contact the ARC at or x49565, if you have questions about animal research. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and Other Compliance Committees hESC research that falls within the purview of the IBC and/or other relevant compliance committees must also receive prospective approval from those committees. 5 Committee on Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (NAS-IOM Report), Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Resarch, National Research Council – Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2005. 6 ESCRO short app hPSC 120328.doc Page 9