
Name: P. Altman PE9
Woodland Hills High School Lesson Plan
Date: 01/02/12
Teacher website updated:
Content Area: Circuit Training, Yoga, Midterm
Length of Lesson: 3 days
Edline updated:
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
10.3.9 B, 10.4.9 BCD, 10.5.9 ACDF
10.1.12 B, 10.4.12 D, 10.5.12 F
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to: Participate in an aerobic
warm-up activity. Maintain/increase cardiovascular
fitness level. Understand the body’s need to
remain active.
Big Ideas: Participation in physical activity impacts
wellness throughout a lifetime.
Essential Questions: How can participation in
physical activities enhance my life?
Understanding Goals (Concepts): Regular physical
activity impacts an individual physiologically,
socially, and psychologically throughout a lifetime.
Vocabulary: heart warm-up, power-walking,
cardiovascular endurance, lunges, abdominal
muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus, core
muscles, core crunches, superbabies, health related
fitness, skill related fitness, active participation,
balance, overload, progression, specificity, pulse
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task: Proper dress, daily participation and genuine effort in all
class activities.
Other Evidence: Proper performance of warm-up exercises and activities.
(Heart warm-up, lunges, rt. over left, CORE crunches, push-ups, superbabies)
Yoga Poses modified for PE class-mountain, tree, plank (arm extension/straight
leg, arm extension/on knees, forearm),Warrior I, Warrior II
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources: Balls, pinnies, bases, footballs, Frisbees, jump ropes,
yoga station cards, testing supplies
CONTENT AREA READING: Check teacher website for reading article & worksheet on
jump rope skills.
Active Engagements used:
#1. Whole Class Response
#2. Cooperative Education
#3. Partnering
Day 1-2
 Aerobic warm up.
 Identify health & skill related components of
 Identify the primary goal in physical education
class; lifelong habits of good physical health &
 Explanation of class expectations & procedures.
 Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up
Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Thumbs Up
#2. Summarizing Main Ideas
Unit tests, reading assignments, worksheets, daily critique by instructor.
Scaffolding used:
#1. Build on Prior Knowledge
#2. Build Vocabulary
#3. Provide Visual Support
#4. Teacher Promping
Day 3-4
 Aerobic warm up.
 Identify health & skill related components of
 Identify the primary goal in physical education
class; lifelong habits of good physical health &
 Explanation of class expectations & procedures.
 Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up
Day 5-6
 Aerobic warm up.
 Identify health & skill related components of
 Identify the primary goal in physical education
class; lifelong habits of good physical health &
 Explanation of class expectations & procedures.
 Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up
 Identify muscle groups & body areas that are
used when performing the warm up activities.
 Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor.
 Improve current levels of health related fitness.
 Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power
 Develop & improve flexibility.
 Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular
strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching)
Student Assignments
 Follow class expectations & safety guidelines.
 Participate to the best of your ability.
 Follow class safety protocols.
 Complete all class assignments.
 Identify muscle groups & body areas that are
used when performing the warm up activities.
 Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor.
 Improve current levels of health related fitness.
 Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power
 Develop & improve flexibility.
 Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular
strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching)
Student Assignments
 Follow class expectations & safety guidelines.
 Participate to the best of your ability.
 Follow class safety protocols.
 Complete all class assignments.
 Identify muscle groups & body areas that are
used when performing the warm up activities.
 Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor.
 Improve current levels of health related fitness.
 Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power
 Develop & improve flexibility.
 Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular
strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching)
Student Assignments
 Follow class expectations & safety guidelines.
 Participate to the best of your ability.
 Follow class safety protocols.
 Complete all class assignments.