Name: P. Altman PE9 Woodland Hills High School Lesson Plan Date: 01/02/12 Teacher website updated: Content Area: Circuit Training, Yoga, Midterm Practical Length of Lesson: 3 days Edline updated: Stage I – Desired Results Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor): 10.3.9 B, 10.4.9 BCD, 10.5.9 ACDF 10.1.12 B, 10.4.12 D, 10.5.12 F Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes): Students will be able to: Participate in an aerobic warm-up activity. Maintain/increase cardiovascular fitness level. Understand the body’s need to remain active. Big Ideas: Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime. Essential Questions: How can participation in physical activities enhance my life? Understanding Goals (Concepts): Regular physical activity impacts an individual physiologically, socially, and psychologically throughout a lifetime. Vocabulary: heart warm-up, power-walking, cardiovascular endurance, lunges, abdominal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus, core muscles, core crunches, superbabies, health related fitness, skill related fitness, active participation, balance, overload, progression, specificity, pulse check Stage II – Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Proper dress, daily participation and genuine effort in all class activities. Other Evidence: Proper performance of warm-up exercises and activities. (Heart warm-up, lunges, rt. over left, CORE crunches, push-ups, superbabies) Yoga Poses modified for PE class-mountain, tree, plank (arm extension/straight leg, arm extension/on knees, forearm),Warrior I, Warrior II Stage III – Learning Plan Materials & Resources: Balls, pinnies, bases, footballs, Frisbees, jump ropes, yoga station cards, testing supplies CONTENT AREA READING: Check teacher website for reading article & worksheet on jump rope skills. Active Engagements used: #1. Whole Class Response #2. Cooperative Education #3. Partnering Day 1-2 Aerobic warm up. Identify health & skill related components of fitness. Identify the primary goal in physical education class; lifelong habits of good physical health & activity. Explanation of class expectations & procedures. Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up exercises. Formative Assessment(s): #1. Thumbs Up #2. Summarizing Main Ideas Unit tests, reading assignments, worksheets, daily critique by instructor. Scaffolding used: #1. Build on Prior Knowledge #2. Build Vocabulary #3. Provide Visual Support #4. Teacher Promping Day 3-4 Aerobic warm up. Identify health & skill related components of fitness. Identify the primary goal in physical education class; lifelong habits of good physical health & activity. Explanation of class expectations & procedures. Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up exercises. Day 5-6 Aerobic warm up. Identify health & skill related components of fitness. Identify the primary goal in physical education class; lifelong habits of good physical health & activity. Explanation of class expectations & procedures. Identify & correctly perform the daily warm up exercises. Identify muscle groups & body areas that are used when performing the warm up activities. Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor. Improve current levels of health related fitness. Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power walking) Develop & improve flexibility. Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching) Student Assignments Follow class expectations & safety guidelines. Participate to the best of your ability. Follow class safety protocols. Complete all class assignments. Identify muscle groups & body areas that are used when performing the warm up activities. Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor. Improve current levels of health related fitness. Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power walking) Develop & improve flexibility. Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching) Student Assignments Follow class expectations & safety guidelines. Participate to the best of your ability. Follow class safety protocols. Complete all class assignments. Identify muscle groups & body areas that are used when performing the warm up activities. Positive exercising critiquing by class instructor. Improve current levels of health related fitness. Improve stamina, cardiovascular fitness. (Power walking) Develop & improve flexibility. Reduce stress, Improve balance, muscular strength and power. (Yoga poses & stretching) Student Assignments Follow class expectations & safety guidelines. Participate to the best of your ability. Follow class safety protocols. Complete all class assignments.