Global Studies 9 The Renaissance and Reformation Project Mrs. Hart Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Project Purpose: The purpose of this project is to allow students to creatively demonstrate what they have learned about the time periods in Europe known as the Renaissance and Reformation. Project Objectives: Students will • research the culture and contributions of an ethnic group or individual from either the Renaissance or Reformation. • use the information they’ve gathered to complete a specific project unique to their own interests, abilities, and talents. Resources: • Computer with internet access, reference books from the library, and the Global Studies 9 textbook. Assignment Background: The Renaissance took place in Europe between the 1300s and 1500s. It was a time of political, social, economic, religious, cultural, and intellectual, and scientific change. It was sparked by a renewed interest in the class works and styles of the ancient Greeks and Romans. This was a deep interest in what people had already achieved as well as what they could achieve in the future. A true Renaissance person was curious, creative, and multi-talented. From this renewed interest and curiosity came two religious movements, the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Assignment: You are to choose one or more individuals from either the Renaissance or Reformation and research that person. You will then select one of the project ideas listed below and use the information you have gathered to complete the project. After you have compiled your research, be sure that you are able to answer all of the following questions. 1. During what dates did the person live, and where was he/she from? 2. Where did he/she live most of his/her lifetime? 3. What factors or other people influenced his/her work in a specific field? 4. Identify and describe some of the person’s famous works. 5. Why can this person be considered a Renaissance man/woman? Names of some individuals you may want to consider: Leonardo da Vinci Medici Family Johan Gutenburg Michelangelo Machiavelli Shakespeare Donatello Petrarch Jan Van Eyck Santi Raphael Thomas Moore Erasmus John Calvin King Henry VIII Galileo Sir Frances Bacon Bonaccio Peter Brueghel Catherine of Siena Elizabeth Sirani Sandro Boticelli Queen Isabella Christine de Pisan Castiglione Durer Martin Luther St. Teresa of Avila Sir Issac Newton Project Ideas: Choose one of the following projects to do, or see me if you have any original ideas. 1. Performance or reading: Research the life of a Renaissance author or poet, and write a brief report of 100 words or more answering all the questions. Then choose either a) a scene from a play, explain its plot, and perform it, OR b) a passage from a story or poem and read it to the class and explain it. 2. Bulletin Board: After researching the life of a famous person, create a bulletin board that displays information about that person’s life and some of their famous works. 3. Power point presentation: Present your information through a power point of at least 8-10 slides. 4. Fun With Food: Research the nutrition and food of the Renaissance time period, and create a menu of three different meals, including at least three items or more for each meal. Then prepare one of the items and bring it in for the class to try. 5. Musical performance: Research the types of music and/or the works of a famous musician or composer of the Renaissance and then perform it. 6. Mobile: Create a mobile that shows the life and works of a Renaissance person. 7. Science Project: Research the life of a famous scientist from the Renaissance and create a project based on that person’s work or findings (i.e. a model of a solar system). 8. Lights, camera, action (video): Imagine that you are the famous person that you have researched and make a video of yourself explaining your life and some of your famous works. 9. Comparison/Contrast: Research the differences between at least three Christian religions and be prepared to explain their similarities and differences to the class. Project Rubric: Your project and presentation of the material are worth ten points and is being graded on the following criteria: _____ The information provided, shows evidence that the topic was well-researched, using a variety of sources. (5 points) _____ The project shows evidence of being well-thought out, creative, organized, and neat. (3 points) _____ Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. (1 point) _____ The project was handed in on time. (1 point)