Saint Thomas More Parish & Academy 4275 Fourth Street, Southeast Washington, D.C. 20032 Telephone: 202-562-0431 Fax: 202-563-7347 E-mail: Website: School: 202-561-1189 September 16, 2012 Pastoral Staff: Rev. Raymond Moore, Pastor, x12 Rev. John Kinter, In residence, x16 Deacon Richard L. Walker, x30 Ms. Patricia Hamilton, Pastoral Administrator, x11 Mrs. Mary Waters, Office Assistant & Rectory Cook, x10 Ms. Bridget Coates, Academy Principal Ms. Wanda Brooks, Coordinator of Religious Education, x31 Mr. Henry Herrera, Gospel Choir Director Mrs. Charnetta Dobbins, Youth Choir Director Mrs. Barbara Elliott, Parish Council Chair Ms. Diana Brown, Finance Council Chair Mass Schedule Saturday Sunday Weekdays 5:00 pm (Rectory Chapel) 8:45 am Youth Choir 11:30 am Gospel Choir 8:00 am (Rectory Chapel) Novena: Monday 7:00 pm (Rectory Chapel) Items for Sunday’s Bulletin must be received via email by 5:00pm Monday in order to have them included in Sunday’s publication. Thank you for honoring this important timeline. Bulletin Deadline: Baptism: Please call the Parish Office to register for classes. Confession: After Sunday Masses or by appointment, or on Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Church. Marriage: Diocesan policy requires notification to the priest at least six months in advance. Attendance at pre-Cana classes is also required. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Please notify the Parish Office when a member of the parish is in the hospital, nursing home, or is otherwise unable to come to Mass and wishes to receive any of the sacraments. Religious Education: Interested in becoming a Catholic? Please contact Fr. Raymond Moore at the Rectory. CCD Classes: Every Sunday at 10:30am Bible Study: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm Adult Education Catholic Inquiry Classes: Every Sunday at 10:30am Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Times STEWARDSHIP REPORT Preparing to Hear God’s Word Reading I: Is 50:4c-9a - The “suffering Servant” faces EFFECTIVE SUPPORT OF YOUR CHURCH IS WISE STEWARDSHIP adversity with faith, hoping and trusting in the Lord. Responsorial Psalm 116: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) Reading II: Jas 2:14-18 - Show your faith through your good works. Gospel: Mk 8:27-35 - It is one thing to proclaim Jesus as the Christ. It is another to follow him to the cross. Readings for Next Sunday Wis 2:12, 17-20 Jas 3:16—4:3 Mk 9:30-37 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Sunday 8:45am Blessings upon All Catechists 11:30am Fr. Casmir-Birthday Monday Dcn. Ralph Cyrus Tuesday Health of CeeCee Poindexter Wednesday Margarita S. Perez Thursday Joaquin S. Perez Friday Health of Nerus Martin, III Saturday In memory of Joe Elliott-Birthday Gracious God, we thank you for the many gifts that we have received of your bountiful and benevolent hand. We humbly and lovingly return to you a portion of that which you have bestowed on us. Accept these gifts, O Lord, as a symbol of the consecration of our lives and means for the coming of your kingdom. Amen. Your offerings at last weekend’s Masses amounted to $9,240.68 for the support of our Church. This includes $22.00 from Youth Envelopes. 5:00 pm 10 8:45 am 146 11:30 am 143 299 Thank you for continuing to be as generous as possible! PASTOR’S BIBLE STUDY: Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Red Room. All are welcome! ADULT DISCUSSION & FAITH SHARING GROUP: CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK: Sunday Adult Faith Sharing Group (10:30am-Red Rm) Second Chance (3:30pm-Old Library) Monday Youth Choir Rehearsal (7:00pm-Church) Tuesday Bible Study (7:30pm-Red Rm) NCW 2nd Community (8:00pm-Cedar Rm) Wednesday NCW 1st Community (8:00pm-Cedar Rm) Thursday Adult Choir Rehearsal (7:00pm-Church) Friday AA (8:00pm-Old Library) Saturday NCW Communities (8:00pm) DAILY MASS READINGS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a 1 Cor 12:31--13:13 1 Cor 15:1-11 Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49 Lk 7:1-10 Lk 7:11-17 Lk 7:31-35 Lk 7:36-50 Mt 9:9-13 Lk 8:4-15 KEEP THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Veronica Apiafi, Florence Askew, Monique Bailey, Viola Barnes, Linda Black, Blondinia Brown, Francillia Browne, Deacon James Brown, Alvin & Shirley Brown, Cynthia Bruce, Felicia V. Bush, John Bush, Mary Agnes Bush, Jane Butorac, Gwen Cannon, Dixie Clark, Andrea Cole (niece of Sandra Proctor), Francess Davies, Barbara Deale, Edith Ellis, Renee Feliu, Mary E. Ford, Eric Fuller, Tasha Gant, Tyrone Garrison, Brenda Green, Natalie Green, Emmanuel Greene (uncle of Christina Tilghman), William Gunn (Brother of Elnora Jackson), Earl Hamilton, Andre Harris, Margaret Harris, Claudine Hawkins, Shant’e Hawkins, Joe Hill, James Hilton, Maximillon Holland, Darryl Jackson, Gail Jackson, Jimmie Jackson, Ronald Johnson, Sarah Jones, Mack Kennedy, Dennis Lucas, Andre Lyles, Doris Martin, Gloria & William McCaskill, Emma McEntyre, Betty Moeller, Gloria Morgan, Dorothy Myrtle (Aunt of Christina Tilghman), Angela Neal (daughter-in-law of Mrs. Neal), Margarita Perez, Cee-Cee Poindexter, Tom Propes, James Roberts, Arthur Robinson, Leroy Robinson, Robert Robinson, Ciara Shields, Pauline Shorter, Brenda Smith, Joe Stewart, Edsel Swann, Jane Thomas, Estelle Thompson, Kristine Vivican, Paul Waters, Mary Webster, Marilyn Denise Whetstone (Richardson’s daughter), Kobe M. Williams, David Wilson, Orlando Witherspoon, Jean Wright (sister of Pat Wright), Marianne Young, and all who are Sick and Shut-In. The STM Faith Discussion Group meets at 10:30am in the Red Room. We welcome all Catholics, ages 19 and up. Today’s topic of discussion about our faith/religion is: “Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Why do you say so? Do you have to "say" it? Does anyone else notice it, or do you care if they don't? RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Registration will be held T-O-D-A-Y, Catechetical Sunday. For more information, please speak to Ms. Wanda Brooks, Coordinator of Religious Education. SEPTEMBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: Couples observing a Wedding Anniversary in the month of September are asked to notify Mary Waters in the Church Office no later than Wednesday, September 19th. Special Blessings will be shared with you on Sunday, September 23rd. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT: St. Thomas More is exploring the need for support to caregivers within our parish. In order to assess the extent of this need, a survey that will be distributed at Mass soon. We will be working with the D.C. Department of Aging in this endeavor. Our goal is to support you in the challenges you face caring for a loved-one who is elderly, medically fragile, physically challenged or has a special need. Your survey response will be held in the strictest confidence. SHARE: Sign-up: TODAY, 10:30am-1:30pm. Pick-up: Saturday, September 22nd, 11am-12:30pm. Please be on time. For more information, please see Mrs. Mary Bush. CONGRATULATIONS, DEACON RALPH CYRUS! We congratulate, and continue to offer our best wishes to Deacon Cyrus as he marks his 20th Anniversary as an Ordained Deacon this month. His uplifting homily at last Sunday’s 11:30am Mass was a blessing to all! A ‘product’ of STM, Deacon’s presence was right on time, coming the day after our fabulous GALA! Please continue to pray for Deacon Cyrus, and all of our clergy, as they serve God and God’s people. PASTOR’S PEN My Dear St. Thomas More Family, Thanks to all who made our 60th Anniversary Gala such a special celebration. I think everybody had a great time. The gala was fantastic! Special thanks to the committee, and all of our members who made it all happen. It is good to take time to celebrate!! We will do it again on Sunday, September 23rd at 10:00a.m., when we welcome Bishop Gonzales for our Jubilee Mass. Today we observe Catechetical Sunday. We recognize in a special way all of those who serve in our ministries of Religious Education, Youth Ministry and Faith Formation. And beginning on October 1st we will join the other parishes in Southeast for our annual East of the River Revival. Father Maurice Nutt, a Redemptorist priest, will be the revivalist. Please try to support these activities As we observe Catechetical Sunday, I would ask you to reflect on your personal discipleship plan for faith formation. What are you doing to increase your knowledge of our faith? Let me stress that faith formation is not just something we do for the children. Faith formation should be a life-long commitment to increase our understanding of the Bible and church teaching. Participating in the Adult Discussion Group on Sunday morning and Bible Study on Tuesday evening are two great opportunities. Other tools include reading and reflecting on the scriptures with the Word Among Us. You might also consider taking notes on the Sunday sermon. There is a space in the bulletin for your notes. Finally, Pope Benedict XVI has announced a “Year of Faith” which will begin on October 11, 2012 and conclude on November 24, 2013. The start of the Year of Faith coincides with the anniversaries of two great events in the Church: The 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and 20th Anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Year of Faith is a time for personal spiritual renewal and growth. It is a time for us to: *Reflect on the gift of faith *Deepen our knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the church. *Read, reflect and pray with the Scriptures *Nourish and strengthen our faith through the Holy *Eucharist *Open the “door of faith” for others through our efforts of evangelization. In Jesus peace, Father Raymond Moore CARDINAL’S APPEAL UPDATE: During the month of July we received $1,650 in pledges. Our goal for this year is $34,527.00. Thus far we have received $ 27,657 which is 80% of our goal. If everybody pitches in, we should easily meet our goal as we do each year. Thanks for your generous support and commitment to meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ! TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS: A televised “Sunday Mass” is now airing on ABC Family from 6:30-7:00am each Sunday morning. For more info please call us at 1-800-THE-MASS. *CATECHETICAL SUNDAY* T-O-D-A-Y~SEPTEMBER 16TH ~THEME~ Catechists and Teachers as Agents of the New Evangelization ~2012-2013 Religious Education Team~ Wanda Brooks - Director Vanessa Barnard Deborah Bivens Mary Bush Gail Butler Kea Dodson Nicole Garrison Frances Hicks Misha Hubbard Sara Jones Christine Lee CeeCee Poindexter Faye Powell Clinton Ray Theresa Singleton Vanessa Taylor Antoinette Torain Patricia Thomas Dcn. Richard Walker Ignacio Washington Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for ALL to rededicate themselves to this mission. “SMILES OF CHILDREN” REGISTRATION: Sign-up for the “Smiles of Children” Outreach Christmas Dinner & Program (to be held in December) will take place on T-O-D-A-Y, Sunday, September 16, 2012. Please contact Mary Toomer: 202-957-6662, for additional information. ~ Jubilee Mass~ Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:00am (One Mass only on this Special Sunday!) ********************************************** *ADDITIONAL SPECIAL EVENTS* Line Dance Social~October 20, 2012 5:00pm-10:00pm~Cedar Room~Donation $10.00 (Please see insert in today’s Bulletin!) Choir Concert~November 4, 2012 4:00pm~ STM Church EAST OF THE RIVER FALL REVIVAL!!! OCTOBER 3-6, 2011 Theme: Your “Condition” Is Not Your “Conclusion!” Revivalist: Rev. Maurice J. Nutt, C.Ss.R., D.Min. Please invite your family and friends to come out and join us for inspiring messages and fellowship. WHEN Monday, October 1st Opening Night WHERE Church of the Incarnation 800 Eastern Avenue, NE, DC Tuesday, October 2nd St. Francis Xavier Youth Night 3800 Ely Place, SE, DC (We ask that all youth attend this night -- to the end!) Wednesday, October 3rd Reconciliation St. Luke 4925 E. Capitol St. SE, DC Thursday, October 4th Closing Mass Cardinal Wuerl, Celebrant Our Lady of Perpetual Help 1600 Morris Road, SE, DC STM will provide bus transportation on all evenings! Please mark your calendars and spread the good news about the Revival!! COME AND REJOICE WITH US! New Students Welcome! Enrollment is underway for the 2012-2013 School Year! We are accepting students in ALL Grades ~ Pre-K3 through 8th! (3-year-olds accepted into Pre-K3!) **Catholic Environment** Tuition Assistance Available – so Register Early! For more information, please call the School: 202-561-1189 NOTES FOR TODAY… ______________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ __________________________________ COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS FOR STUDENTS: Simon Elementary School is seeking students for volunteer service. The school is located at 4th and Mississippi Ave., SE. If interested, please contact Ms. Alena Plaskett on 240-601-4714. SCHOOL SUPPLIES: PAC has teamed up with the Wonderful Smiles of Children to accept donations of School Supplies. Collection containers may be found in the rear of the church. Thank you for your generous contributions! PAC: Coupon Collection Drive!! Please donate grocery coupons, of any amount, good for non-perishable food items in stores such as GIANT, SAFEWAY, SHOPPERS, etc. Also, if you receive any coupons at the checkout, please consider donating those as well. A Coupon Collection Box is located in the rear of the church. STM FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS STILL NEEDED AND APRECIATED!! STM RESOURCE DIRECTORY!! Do you have a skill, service/business, talent or hobby that you would like to share? If so, the STM Parish Council is updating the STM Resource Directory. Forms are available in the church for you to complete and submit to Toni Torain or CeeCee Poindexter, as they strive to compile a more current directory. If you have publishing skills and would like to be part of the Resource Directory Team, please call Mrs. Toni Torain at 301-630-1052. Thank you! VISIT OUR STM WEBSITE: Would you like to listen to read the Sunday Bulletin, or check for updates to the Parish Calendar on-line? You may access these items, and much more, at