CHAPTER 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2. a. 6 9 15 19 B (3) 0 19 E (4) 12 15 6 13 26 G (7) 15 19 19 26 6 A (6) 0 6 13 C (7) 6 15 15 D (2) 13 13 18 F (3) 15 16 b. A-C-D-E-G, also shown in the network above as the bold path. c. 26 weeks, 6+7+2+4+7. d. 6 weeks, 15-9. 19 3. a. 1 5 5 B (4) 1 7 7 9 D (2) 5 5 9 F (2) 7 8 11 G (2) 10 10 12 12 0 15 1 H (3) A (1) 12 0 1 1 4 7 C (3) 4 b. 12 E (5) 7 7 12 A-B-D-E-H, also shown in the network above as the bold path. 21 15 Chapter 3 c. 15 weeks, 1+4+2+5+3. d. C, 3 weeks; F, 1 week; and G, 1 week. 4. a. 3 5 5 11 B (2) 0 3 3 5 3 7 A (3) 0 E (6) 9 15 7 C (4) 3 13 F (6) 3 7 3 7 7 15 15 G (2) 13 7 D (4) 3 13 13 18 I (3) 15 15 18 10 H (3) 7 12 15 Note that G has both D and F as immediate predecessors. However, D is redundant because F has D as an immediate predecessor. b. A-C-F-G-I, and A-D-F-G-I. c. B is not on a critical path and has slack of 4; therefore, do not shorten as it will not change the project completion time. Shorten C, D, and G one week each. C and D are on parallel critical paths, reducing them will only reduce project completion time by 1 week. d. A-C-F-G-I; and A-D-F-G-I. Project completion time is reduced from 18 to 16 weeks. 6. a. 22 Project Management 3 5 6 10 C (2) 4.83 0 F (4) 6.83 3 6.83 10.83 7 10.83 A (3) .83 3.83 3 6 D (3) G (3.83) 10.83 14.67 H (3.83) Start 3.83 0 2 6.83 2 10.83 10.83 14.67 7 B (2) 0 7 E (5) 2 2 7 Delete ‘START’ node and the two arcs from it to ’A’ and ‘B’. b. B-E-G-H c. 14.67, 2.00+5.00+3.83+3.83 d. Variance of project completion time is found by adding the variances of activities on the critical path. Activity Variance B [(3-1)/6]2 = .11 E [(11-3)/6]2 = 1.78 G [(6-1)/6]2 = .69 H [(5-2)/6]2 = .25 Total 2.83 Z (16 14.67) = .79 2.83 P(T<16) = .7852 23 Chapter 3 9. a. 3 5 Job No. a m b ET 2 1 2 3 4 3.00 .11 2 1 2 3 2.00 .11 3 4 5 12 6.00 1.78 4 3 4 11 5.00 1.78 5 1 3 5 3.00 .44 6 1 2 3 2.00 .11 7 1 8 9 7.00 1.78 8 2 4 6 4.00 .44 9 2 4 12 5.00 2.78 10 3 4 5 4.00 .11 11 5 7 8 6.83 .25 5 8 5 (3) 2 (2) 11 6 8 8 15 11 8 (4) 15 11 0 3 3 1 (3) 0 9 9 3 (6) 3 15 6 (2) 9 9 11 3 8 8 15 4 (5) 4 9 (5) 11 3 9 20 20 15 26.83 11 (6.83) 20 7 (7) 9 20 15 26.83 19 10 (4) 16 16 20 b. 1-3-6-8-9-11. c. 26.83, 3.00+6.00+2.00+4.00+5.00+6.83 d. (1) No. Job 5 is not on the critical path; therefore, reducing it time by two days will not reduce project completion time. (2) No. Job 3 is on the critical path, but reducing it by two days shifts the critical path to (1-4-7-10-11), only saving one day. Therefore, $1,000 is saved in completion time at a cost of $1,500. 24 Project Management e. Variance of project completion time is found by summing the variances of activities on the critical path. (1-3-6-8-9-11), .11+1.78+.11+.44+2.78+.25=5.47. Z 30 26.83 = 1.35 5.47 P(T>30) = .0885 11. 7 16 10 20 F (4) B (3) 8 0 16 11 7 11 A (7) 0 20 16 20 D (5) 7 11 7 G (5) 16 11 20 16 C (4) 7 25 25 18 E (2) 11 18 20 a. A-C-D-F-G b. Activity Normal Time (NT) Crash Time (CT) Normal Cost (NC) Crash Cost (CC) NT-CT Cost/day to expedite A 7 6 $7,000 $8,000 1 $1,000 B 3 2 5,000 7,000 1 2,000 C 4 3 9,000 10,200 1 1,200 D 5 4 3,000 4,500 1 1,500 E 2 1 2,000 3,000 1 1,000 F 4 2 4,000 7,000 2 1,500 G 5 4 5,000 8,000 1 3,000 First, lowest cost activities to crash are A and E at $1,000 per day. E is not on the critical path, therefore select A. Critical path remains the same. Second, lowest cost activity on the critical path is C. Crash activity C. The critical path remains the same. Third, D and F are next lowest cost activities on the critical path. Both have a cost of $1,500 per day. Select D then F or reverse 25 Chapter 3 the order (F then D). F can not be reduced by two day because it would cause E to become part of a critical path. Summary of steps to reduce project by four days: Step Activity to crash Cost to crash Days saved 1 A $1,000 1 2 C 1,200 1 3 D (or F) 1,500 1 4 F (or D) 1,500 1 13. 15 21 D (6) 5 15 15 21 B (10) 5 0 15 5 13 A (5) 0 20 21 E (7) 5 5 25 G (4) 14 21 13 17 21 25 13 C (8) 6 14 F (4) 17 21 a. A-B-D-G, 25 weeks, 5+10+6+4. b. Activity Normal Time (NT) Normal Cost (NC) Crash Time (CT) Crash Cost (CC) NT-CT Cost/week to expedite A 5 $7,000 3 $13,000 2 $3,000 B 10 12,000 7 18,000 3 2,000 26 Project Management C 8 5,000 7 7,000 1 2,000 D 6 4,000 5 5,000 1 1,000 E 7 3,000 6 6,000 1 3,000 F 4 6,000 3 7,000 1 1,000 G 4 7,000 3 9,000 1 2,000 First, reduce D (lowest cost activity on the critical path) by one week. This adds an additional critical path with activities C and E in it. Second, crash activity G by one week. Critical paths remain the same. Third, crash activity A by one week at a cost of $3,000, which is the least expensive. Summary of activities crashed: Step Activity Cost to crash Weeks reduced 1 D $1,000 1 2 G 2,000 1 3 A 3,000 1 Total cost $6,000 15. a. Activity A B C D E F G H Expected Time Activity Variance a 4m b 6 ba 6 5.00 5.00 6.17 2.00 3.00 3.83 7.50 2.00 1 1 7/9 25/36 0 1 7/9 1/4 1 1/3 1/9 b. 27 2 Chapter 3 5 8 11.17 E (3.00) 8.17 0 5 G (7.50) 11.17 5 11.17 18.67 11.17 A (5.00) C (6.17) 15 11.17 5 0 18.67 18.67 5 Start F (3.83) 0 5 5 7 B (5.00) 7.84 20.67 11.17 14.84 18.67 H (2.00) 18.67 20.67 D (2.0) 12.84 12.84 14.84 Delete ‘START’ node and the two arcs from it to ’A’ and ‘B’. c. Shown on diagram. d. Shown on diagram. e. Z D T E 2 cp 19 20.67 1.67 .9384 25 1 1 1.779 1 1 36 3 9 Look up that value in Appendix E and we see that there is 17 percent chance of completing the project by that date. 16. a. Activity A B C D E F G H Expected Time Activity Variance a 4m b 6 ba 6 4.17 4.33 6.00 3.17 3.67 3.83 7.50 2.00 25/36 1 7/9 1 1/4 1 7/9 1/4 1 13/36 1/9 28 2 Project Management I 5.00 4/9 b. 4.17 8.50 8.50 B (4.33) 8.50 8.50 4.17 19.67 G (7.50) 12.17 12.17 19.67 I (5.00) D (3.17) 19.67 13.84 10.67 24.67 19.67 13.34 10.17 A (4.17) 0 12.17 E (3.67) 4.17 0 12.17 24.67 4.17 4.17 10.17 C (6.00) 4.67 17.17 13.34 17.17 F (3.83) 10.67 13.84 19.17 H (2.00) 17.67 17.67 19.67 c. Shown on diagram. d. Shown on diagram. e. Z D T E 2 cp 26 24.67 1.33 .54047 25 7 7 13 4 2.4608 1 1 1 36 9 9 36 9 Look up that value in Appendix E and we see that there is 71 percent chance of completing the project by that date. The probability it will take longer is 1-.71 or 29 percent. f. All the other paths will create problems since there is only a .5 days of slack. 29