INTEGRATION OF CONSTRUCTION FIELD DATA AND GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES Yun Y. Su1, Jose N. Oliveira Filho1, Liang Y. Liu2, and Youssef M.A. Hashash2 ABSTRACT Urban excavation includes complex engineering issues such as construction methods, support systems, base stability, ground deformations, groundwater control, and influence on adjacent structures. Additionally, the expansion of urbanization over the years has been generating an increasing demand for underground space. Open cuts and tunnels have long been used to create such urban underground space, but as the demand for underground space grows, those excavation issues become even greater concerns. One of the greatest concerns when constructing underground space, beyond conducting it in a timely and cost effective manner while maintaining a safe environment onsite, is the impact of ground movements related to construction activities. This paper presents the preliminary results of a research project which utilizes 3D laser scanning technology to provide accurate 3D as-built construction data for geotechnical analyses. Funded by NSF, this project explores the integration of construction field data into geotechnical monitoring and forecasting that may potentially reduce the impacts of urban deep excavations. The accurate 3D geometry data and construction sequences provide new possibilities for geotechnical analyses at a higher precision. KEY WORDS 3D laser scanning, excavation, field data collection, geotechnical analyses INTRODUCTION Urban construction excavations affect the lives of millions of people daily. To minimize the impact on nearby structures, geotechnical and construction engineers must work closely with contractors to design and monitor ground movements. Traditionally, engineers can estimate ground movements using a combination of semi-empirical methods based in part on past performance data and results of model simulation using finite element analyses. However, predictions from model simulations contain uncertainties related to soil properties, support system details and construction procedures. Given these uncertainties, it is common for urban construction sites to install monitoring systems which record ground movements during construction and, in some cases, movements of adjacent buildings. Significant developments 1 2 Graduate Research Assistants, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, Phone 217/333-7268,, Associate Professors, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, Phone 217/333-6951, 217/333-6986,, 1 have been made in monitoring systems; examples are automated and wireless systems for measuring lateral deformations using in-place inclinometers and building deformations using automated total stations. This information is useful for geotechnical engineers if it can be matched accurately with construction sequences and activities. However, engineers and contractors continue to rely on limited records of construction activities field information that are typically collected by hand. There is an obvious mismatch between the quality of data from automated instruments and the record of construction activity. This paper is organized into four main sections. The first section describes how geotechnical engineers utilize construction field data to design and predict ground movements in urban excavations. Following is a section that describes 3D laser scanning technology. The third section reports results from a field study in the Chicago area demonstrating how accurate construction field data can be used to benefit geotechnical analyses. With better construction field data, geotechnical engineers can better predict the ground movements due to construction activities and help contractors minimize their impacts. Furthermore, using 3D laser scanning, contractors can better monitor construction progress such as pay items, quality controls, and as-built dimensions. The last section presents lessons learned from the study and provides a discussion for future vision on construction field data collection and engineering integration. IMPORTANCE OF ACCURATE GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES IN-SITU CONSTRUCTION DATA IN Geotechnical engineers rely on in-situ construction data to update and predict ground movements for urban excavations. Using numerical modeling and simulation, geotechnical engineers can analyze and predict static and dynamic soil-structure interaction problems, such as embankment loading, deep excavation, and tunnels. These analyses rely on field measurements of as-built construction sequence, excavation volume, depths, case histories, and soil behaviors. These field measurements provide input to geotechnical analyses that utilize neural network (NN) and finite element analysis (FEM) to understand the dynamics of stress strain, and movement. As an example, Figure 1 depicts a process of using field data to train and predict ground movements during urban supported excavation using the so-called “Autoprogressive” method (Hashash et al. 2003). The importance of accuracy of field measurements cannot be over emphasized. Without accurate field data, many predictive models will fail and, as a result, costly rework, repair, and redesign may be needed. In reality, however, collecting accurate field data during construction has not been easy. Equipment movement, personnel training, weather conditions, site characteristics, and other interferences all contribute to the difficulties of collecting quality field data. 2 1. Field Measurements Autoprogressive training of Neural Network based Constitutive Model within the Finite Element method Initialize: Train NANN using elastic training data and other known material response from laboratory tests Direct field calibration of the NN constitutive model using an Autoprogressive training loop 2. Autoprogressive Training FEM a) Simulate Construction Sequence => extract stresses At a given excavation/loading step Step a: FEM- Apply construction history (force boundary conditions) => Extract stresses Step b: FEM-Apply measured displacements (displacement boundary condition) => Extract strains Step c: -New Training data: stress-strain pairs from Steps a & b -Train NANN model using new training data GOTO Step a 3.Forward FEM analysis with trained NN material model Stress-Strain Pairs Training of NANN b) Apply Measurements => extract strains Neural Network Constitutive Soil Model at material points New excavation stage Figure 1 SelfSim framework using autoprogressive algorithm Figure 1: Geotechnical Analyses Using Field Data (Hashash et al. 2003) BACKGROUND AND EXISTING RESEARCH Various researchers have explored construction data to benefit engineering decision and management. Liu (1997) developed digital hard-hat systems for construction documentation and collaboration. Garrett (1998) designed Mobile Inspection Assistant (MIA), a wearable computer, for bridge inspection applications. Jaselskis (2000) utilized Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to track and collect data for construction materials. Beliveau (1991) developed and commercialized a real-time positioning system for collecting 3D coordinates in the field. Akinci (2002) investigated the integration of field data for automated assessment of as-built conditions. These endeavors have led to new processes and technologies in collecting quality field data. With the advances in information technologies, many new sensors and sensing equipment are becoming available. The following sections will highlight 3D laser scanning technology and its application to support geotechnical analyses. 3 3D LASER SCANNING TECHNOLOGY Three-dimensional laser scanning is a relatively new technology that utilizes LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). It is similar to RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging), but uses light to measure range or distance. A laser scanner consists of an emitting diode that produces a light source at a specific frequency. A mirror directs the laser beam (with a diameter of 6mm) horizontally and vertically towards the target. The surface of the target then reflects the laser beam. Using the principles of pulse time of flight, the distance can be determined by the transit time. The result of a scan produces point clouds, which can be processed into accurate 3D models with the precision up to 6 to 8 mm (¼ to 1/3 of an inch). LIDAR allows measurement of a large number of points in a relatively short amount of time; these points allow engineers to analyze the excavation geometry in three dimensions. Figure 2 shows a scanner, Cyrax 2500 by Leica Geosystems Inc, and a schematic of the scanning process. Each scan covers a 40x40 degree angle and is capable of collecting 1 million points of data. Figure 2: 3D Laser Scanner and Scanning Process INTEGRATION OF CONSTRUCTION FIELD DATA AND GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSES With 3D laser scanning technology, geotechnical engineers can work with more accurate data to perform analyses. It is a common practice for urban excavation sites to include a monitoring program during construction to record the ground movements and, in some cases, adjacent building movements. These observations can be used to evaluate how well the actual construction process is proceeding in relation to the predicted movements. Ideally, these observations can also be used to control the construction process and update predictions of movements given the measured deformations at early stages of construction. The weakest link, however, lies in the difficulties in collecting accurate construction as-built data in terms of construction sequence, excavation profiles, and ground support systems. Using an excavation project in the Chicago area, we field tested the accuracy and feasibility of utilizing 3D laser scanning to collect more accurate construction as-built data for excavation projects. Figure 3 shows a side-by-side comparison of site digital photo and a scanned 3D 4 image. With the scanned image, actual dimensions can be obtained. As shown in Figure 4, excavation profiles and measurements and terrain models can be constructed and analyzed using finite element analysis software as stated in earlier sections. This integration allows the geotechnical engineers to better understand and predict ground movements near the construction sites thereby minimizing the potential impact, delay, and costs of urban excavation projects. The research team is encouraged by the preliminary results and the promise of 3D laser scanning. Figure 3: Site Photo vs. 3D Scanned Images 17.7ft=5.4 m 23.4 ft=7.1 m Figure 4: Excavation Profile and Dimension Measurements LESSONS LEARNED Several valuable lessons were learned from the research as we push the technology usage in both construction and geotechnical areas. The following summarizes strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of applying 3D laser scanning to both construction and geotechnical fields. STRENGTHS 5 Accurate (approximately 8-19mm recorded precision on average) collection of 3D asbuilt dimensions of site and as-built component measurements Safer and faster collection process as compared to traditional surveying methods Data export to other A/E/C systems, such as CAD and visualization software WEAKNESSES Overlapping scans and target selection in progressive scans to combined multiple 40x40 degree scans into an integrated 3D model Merging of coordinate systems and precisions from scans at different stages of excavation High cost of equipment and software Training needed to become proficient in data manipulation OPPORTUNITIES 3D Model generation and integration with other GIS (geographic information system) Accurate as-built data for progress payment in construction claims and disputes Automated and remote data capture via the Internet Integration with technologies such as wireless communication and GPS (global position systems) RESEARCH VISION IN CONSTRUCTION FIELD DATA COLLECTION AND AUTOMATION Building upon our preliminary research results, we envision our future research endeavors will lead to the following two results. (1) AN INTEGRATED MODEL FOR EXCAVATION CONTROLS AND PREDICTION From the lessons learned from our field tests, we believe the technologies, despite some weaknesses, will enable engineers and contractors to work closely together to not only enhance the quality of constructed facilities but also minimize the impact on neighboring structures. Figure 5 shows a new approach to integrating field data into engineering analyses and prediction. We envision the engineering and design objectives, such as costs and impact on existing facilities, will be better served by having better models to predict ground deformations. This prediction will be enhanced by accurate data from construction activities. Instead of analyzing the model with only limited records of construction sequence and asbuilt data, detailed records will give engineers new ways to verify their models and better predict the impact of construction activities. We also envision field data collection becoming more automatic and less dependent on manual process by using sensors, sensing devices, and wireless communications. We plan to develop an integrated GIS database to support 3D virtual reality (VR) visualization and simulation. This new paradigm will change the current ad-hoc update of field data into an intelligent and fully integrated environment for predicting and controlling of ground movements. 6 Engineering Design Objectives: -economic underground space, -minimum impact on existing facilities Update simulation model of future ground deformations Now: ad hoc, nonNew: Intelligent update Simulation model of anticipated ground deformation Adjustment of engineering design & construction activities to control deformations Data storage & use Now: simple graphical display. New: 3D (VR), GIS display Engineering design Construction activities Now: limited records New: detailed records Field data collection Now: manual New: sensors, wireless tech. Figure 5: Vision of a Fully Integrated Model for Field Monitoring and Control (2) CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATION IN INSPECTION, REPAIR AND PAY ITEM VERIFICATION We also envision that sensors and sensing technologies will continue to influence how construction field data are collected. Several promising areas that we are working on include automatic dimensioning and inspections, repair analyses, and automated pay item verification. Figure 6 shows a scanned wall segment (right) for automatic inspections of dimensions and rebar spacing. A damaged column (left) was scanned for fractures and damages assessment before repair. We are also exploring automated construction cost controls, such as automatic pay item verification. Figure 6: Scanned Components for Construction Inspection, Repair, and Pay Item (Courtesy Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) CONCLUSIONS Urban excavations often affect safety and quality of the life of many citizens. Controlling ground movements during urban excavation is key to ensuring the safety of neighboring structures. The research presented in the paper shows the promise of using 3D laser scanning 7 technology in monitoring urban supported excavation. Using 3D laser scanning technology, geotechnical engineers and construction managers can improve the field data collection process and the quality of collected data. Accurate records of construction staging in deep excavations are critical in understanding and predicting the behavior of field excavation as well as impacts on nearby facilities. The potential of the 3D laser scanning technology will be further realized through the integration of the collected data into engineering analysis processes. 3D laser scanning can provide timely and accurate as-built construction data during excavation. At different stages of excavation, accurate terrain models derived from 3D laser scanning can be automatically imported into a numerical simulation environment to improve the accuracy of prediction on ground movements and deformations. This integration of accurate field data with analytical models will help improve the quality of both engineering design and construction. Despite some barriers, both technical and non-technical, the future for 3D laser scanning technology is more than certain to become an integral part of engineering analyses for urban excavation projects. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMS 02-19123 under program director Dr. R. Fragaszy. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The authors would also like to acknowledge our research collaborator Dr. Richard Finno and his research group in providing access to the excavation site for conducting the field tests. REFERENCES Akinci, B. and Boukamp, F. (2002). ”Representation and Integration of As-built Information to IFC Based Product and Process Models for Automated Assessment of As-built Conditions.” Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, Washington, DC. Belveau, I. (1991). “3D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation.” Proceedings of Construction Congress II, American Society of Civil Engineers, Boston, MA, 656-661 pp. Garrett, Jr., J. H., Sieworiek, D. P., and Smailagic, A. 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