guidance notes for applicants Form T&CP1A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These notes are to help you with your planning application to be made on Form T&CP1A. They do NOT apply to: applications to display advertisements applications to alter or demolish listed buildings or demolish buildings in a conservation area applications under the Building Regulations notifications of agricultural development applications to determine whether consent is required for demolition applications to determine whether consent is required for telecommunications development applications for consent to store hazardous substances applications for certificate of lawful development applications to fell or carry out works to trees, subject to Tree Preservation Order or within conservation area for which separate forms and notes are available. If you are in doubt on any matter (including whether planning permission is necessary) contact:Development Control, Sedgemoor District Council, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR -Telephone 0845 408 2545 . A TYPE OF APPLICATION OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION If you want to know whether planning permission will be given to build on a site before you have detailed drawings prepared, you can apply for outline permission. Please give as much information as possible as indicated below in B. You will need to apply later for approval of these details, known as reserved matters (see next paragraph). Outline applications can only be made where the erection of buildings are involved. They are not appropriate for changes of use or mining or other operations. APPROVAL OF RESERVED MATTERS If you have already been granted outline permission you may apply on this form for approval of reserved matters. From 10 August 2006 reserved matters change from siting, design, external appearance, means of access and the landscaping of the site to layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping. The details you are applying for must conform with the outline permission and conditions attached to it; if they do not you should make a full planning application. FULL PLANNING APPLICATION This is needed if you wish to: make a change in the use of land or buildings; or carry out works or operations including the erection of buildings; and where you do not wish to follow the outline procedure above; or where development has been carried out without permission and you are applying to regularise the position. RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY PERMISSION You can apply to renew temporary planning permissions which are about to expire. REMOVAL/VARIATION OF CONDITION You can ask for valid conditions attached to a planning permission to be removed (or varied). This can only be done by making a formal application and care should be taken to identify the particular condition(s) at issue. RENEWAL OF TIME - LIMITED PERMISSION Where you have already received planning permission but this was subject to time limit for commencement and/or the approval of detailed plans, this may be renewed by letter, as long as the development has not started and any time limit has not expired. Please give enough detail in your letter to identify the original permission and include the appropriate certificate under Article 7 and the fee (see B3 and 4). It would help us, however, if you could use the standard application form in these cases, together with the appropriate plans (see Note B). If these types of application do not seem to fit your proposal, please contact the Sedgemoor District Council at the address given overleaf. B OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION A valid planning application should consist of the following:1. FORMS Five (or Ten if it is a Major (See duly signed and dated. J) application) copies of completed application forms T&CP1 2. SITE LOCATION PLANS Five (or Ten if it is a Major) copies of up-to-date Ordnance Survey plans to a scale of 1:2500 or 1:1250, showing the application site edged in red including land needed to gain access to the site, and any adjoining land in the same ownership or control edged in blue. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE CURTILAGE OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS CLEARLY AND ACCURATELY SHOWN. 3. A completed CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP as required by Article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995. Certificate A should be used where you are the sole owner of the land or of the relevant mineral rights (owner means a person having a freehold interest or a leasehold interest, the unexpired term of which was not less than seven years). Certificate B should be used if you are not the sole owner of the land, or of the mineral rights and you know who the owners are. You must complete Notice 1 and send it to the owners of the land. Certificate C or D is used only if you are unable to trace the owners of the land. In this case you must complete Notice 2, have it published in a local newspaper and displayed on site. 4. FEE The appropriate fee determined from the scale of fees laid down by the Department for Communities and Local Government, copies of which are obtainable from Sedgemoor District Council. If you are in doubt as to which fee is applicable, please ring 0845 408 2545 5. OTHER INFORMATION From 10 August 2006 a basic level of information regarding use, amount of development, indicative layout, scale parameters, and indicative access points will be required. 6. DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENTS (Five copies) are also required from 10 August 2006 (Reference Circular 01/2006 for most types of applications. FULL PLANNING PERMISSION/RESERVED MATTERS A valid planning application should consist of items 1. to 4. plus 7. BLOCK PLANS Five (or Ten if it is a Major) copies of block plans to a scale of 1:500 showing the development in relation to its neighbouring properties and the curtilage of the application site edged in red. The plans must show: the boundaries of the land to which the application relates, and the existing and proposed layout, including any proposed division of the land; the position of all existing and proposed buildings, roads and footways on the site and on adjoining land; the proposed use of each new building; the proposed use of any other land within the application site; where the nearest public road is; the position and width of all means of access to roads; distinguish between existing, alteration to existing and proposed means of access; any trees or natural features, which are to be retained or removed; the provision to be made for the parking of vehicles; the type of wall, fence or other means of enclosing the site; the proposed landscaping of the site. In addition, on sloping sites: the levels of the ground floor and existing and proposed levels of the site in relation to the level of the adjoining streets; and, where appropriate, sections through the site. You can get advice from the local planning office as to the requirements for parking spaces in connection with various classes of development. 8. FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS Five (or Ten if it is a Major) copies of all existing and proposed plans and elevations, if the application is for the erection, rebuilding or alteration of a building, drawn, using metric measurements, to a scale of not less than 1:100. These should include: 9. the materials to be used; the colour of the external walls and roofs; the plan for each floor and, if necessary, for the roof; elevation of ALL sides of the building, excluding party walls (part elevations and plans will not usually be acceptable). DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENTS (Five Copies) are also required from 10 August 2006 (Reference Circular 01/2006) for most types of full planning permission applications. They will be different in scope to those required for outline applications. C The complete planning application consisting of all the above documentation, as applicable, listed in B, should be sent to:- Development Control, Sedgemoor District Council, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR. If the forms are filled in incorrectly, or the incorrect fee or inadequate plans or information submitted, this may lead to delay in the processing of the application. D LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS Certain buildings or structures of special architectural or historic interest are listed by the appropriate Secretary of State under the Town and Country (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, or are the subject of a Building Preservation Notice. The demolition of any part of such buildings, or works for their alteration or extension in any manner which would affect their character (both internally and/or externally), requires listed building consent. This procedure applies to all buildings and structures within the curtilage of the listed building, including boundary walls and railings. Within a conservation area the demolition of most non-listed buildings also requires conservation area consent. Applications for listed building consent should be made on Form T&CP/LB1. You can get copies of this form and an explanatory leaflet on listed buildings from Sedgemoor District Council. E MINERALS/WASTE DISPOSAL If your proposal involves the winning or working of minerals or disposal of waste, application should be made to The Planning Control Team, Regulation Group, Environment Directorate, County Hall, Taunton. TA1 4DY. Telephone: 01823 358254. E-mail: F AGRICULTURAL WORKERS' DWELLINGS You are advised to commission an independent agricultural appraisal. G CLOSE RELATIVE A "relative" is a spouse, partner, (a member of a couple that live together), parent, parent-in-law, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, child of a partner, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or the spouse or partner of these people. “Probity in planning” advises that close friends or relatives of officers and councillors of people submitting development proposals, should be reported to the development control (planning) committee. H FINISHED FLOOR LEVELS If your proposal involves the erection of a detached building, scaled plans showing the finished floor levels above fixed and immovable point are required. I FLOOD RISK A Flood Risk Assessment should accompany all applications, with the exception of those, which lie in an area where there is no or little risk of flooding. If you require more information about this please contact The Environment Agency Tel No: 01278 484683 or visit their web site J MAJOR APPLICATIONS (Ten copies are required – see B1. above)) A Major application is defined as a) the erection of 10 or more dwellings, or, if this is not known, where the site area is 0.5 hectares or more; b) in other cases; where the floorspace to be created is 1,000 square metres or more, or the site is 1 hectare or more; c) *the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral working deposits; (County applications i.e. determined by County) d) *all waste developments, meaning any development designed to be used wholly or mainly for the purposes of treating, storing, processing or disposing of refuse or waste materials. (County applications i.e. determined by County) K APPLICATIONS FOR NEW UNITS OF ACCOMMODATION If your proposal involves new units of accommodation e.g. dwellings, flats, then you will have to make a financial contribution to the provision of children’s play space and/or outdoor sites for sport, in accordance with Local Plan Policies. L INFORMATION ON WEB SITE Please note that your application form plus any accompanying drawings and documents, will be made available on the Council’s website as scanned images. This will include any contact details you may include on the application form. September 2006