Chapter 14 Flashcards

Designing With Light
Chapter 14
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International Building Code
International Green Construction Code
National Electric Code
Standards for Accessible Design
ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 189.1
International Energy Conservation Code
The most used model building code in the U.S. It
is developed and maintained by the International
Code Council
The most used model electrical code in the U.S.
It is developed and maintained by the National
Fire Prevention Association.
A model code that addresses sustainability from
design and construction through occupancy.
A model code that sets minimum energy
efficiency requirements for buildings and their
Design requirements related to the Americans
With Disabilities Act.
An alternative to Standard 90.1. A model code
that sets minimum energy efficiency requirements
for buildings and their systems.
A model code that addresses sustainable design
and construction.
Title 24
A software package used in energy code
compliance of commercial and high-rise
residential buildings.
The California code that sets minimum energy
efficiency requirements for buildings and their
A software package used in energy code
compliance of low-rise residential buildings.