
Chapter 7
Ancient Egypt
If the statement is true, write "true" on the line below it. If it is false, change the word in dark
type to make it true.
Egypt is located on the northeastern coast of Africa.
Egypt depends on the yearly flooding of the Euphrates River.
1. The flooding of the Nile provides water and transportation that are important to Egypt's
2. Because irrigation in Egypt required less cooperation than in Sumeria, Egyptians were later in
developing agriculture.
According to legend, the king who united Upper and Lower Egypt was Menes.
Imhotep, chief adviser to King Zoser, designed the first pyramid.
The Egyptians built pyramids as palaces for the kings.
6. Egyptians were buried with their favorite possessions because of their belief in the afterlife.
7. Farmers were considered to be at the top of Egypt's social class system.
Unit 3, Chapter 7, A Message of Ancient Days
B. Match the description with the ruler.
a. Hatshepsut
b. Thutmose III
c. Ramses II
d. Kashta
e. Shabaka
was supposed to be a temporary ruler but seized power
ruled Egypt after the death of Hatshepsut
led Kush in breaking away from Egyptian control
became queen after the death of Thutmose I
ruled Egypt as the first Kushite pharaoh
placed great importance on expanding Egypt's empire through military conquest
14, placed more importance on peace and prosperity than on expanding Egypt's empire
built a temple with four huge statues of himself at Abu-Simbel
C. Write the letter of the correct answer.
16. The first cataract of the Nile River marked the
a. beginning of the flood season.
b. southern boundary of ancient Egypt.
17. The delta of the Nile River is a
a. marshy area near the Mediterranean Sea. b.
narrow channel of rapids and waterfalls.
18. Papyrus was valuable to the Egyptians as a
a. food.
b. b. writing
19. Egyptians used embalming so that the body would be
a. ready for use in the afterlife.
b. preserved for future generations to worship.
20. Egyptian hieroglyphics could not be understood until archaeologists discovered the
a. Rosetta Stone.
b. Book of the Dead
Unit 3, Chapter 7, A Message of Ancient Days
D. Fill in the blank with the letter of the best answer.
a. tribute
b. dynasty
c. pharaoh
21. Menes, his son, and his grandson ruled Egypt for many years. They were the first Egyptian_________.
22. Hatshepsut had two enormous granite pillars put up at the temple of the sun god. In
each___________ stonecutters, carved the queen's proclamation of her right to rule..
23. As a sign of respect, the ruler of Egypt came to be known as the ________.
When Egypt conquered Kush, Thutmose III demanded that Kush pay a yearly _______________ of
ivory, ebony, exotic animals, and other goods.
Look at the illustration from the Book of the Dead below and answer the questions that follow.
The figures with the heads of animals are
a. gods.
b. slaves.
c. pharaohs.
26. The figures dressed in white robes are
a. dead people.
b. slaves at work.
c. priests teaching a lesson.
27. The main subject of the illustration is
a. the education of scribes.
b. the coronation of a pharaoh.
c. the weighing of souls in the afterlife.
Unit 3, Chapter 7, A Message of Ancient Days
Answer the following questions.
1. What was one of the "gifts" of the Nile River? How was this gift important to the Egyptians?
2. Why is the Rosetta Stone important to the study of ancient Egypt?
3. What were some of the achievements of the Egyptians in the areas of science and art?
4. In what ways was the new Kushite capital, Meroe, a flourishing center?
Answer the following question on the back or another sheet of paper. Use complete
5. Which Egyptian ruler do you think served the people better, Hatshepsut or Thutmose III? Why?
Unit 3, Chapter 7, A Message of Ancient Days