volunteer rules and regulations

The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Dear Volunteer:
As you enter the volunteer program at CentraState, you become an integral part of our
Healthcare System.
As you will be learning today, you have joined an institution whose mission is to
enhance the health and well being of our communities through the compassionate
delivery of quality healthcare. We welcome your support in our endeavors, for with your
assistance; we can enhance our services and continue to meet the growing demands of
our community.
On behalf of our Administration, staff and patients, I thank you for deciding to donate
your time and energy to CentraState. We look forward to having you working with us.
Daniel J. Messina
Daniel J. Messina, PhD, FACHE, LNHA
Senior Vice President/Chief Operation Officer
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Corporate Compliance Booklet
Organizational Chart for Volunteer Services
About CentraState Healthcare System
Mission Statement
Bowl of Inspiration
Centra Star Service Behaviors
The Patient’s Bill of Rights
The Patient’s Responsibilities
Confidentiality Statement
Age Specific Information
Safety Guide
- Fire Safety
- Hazardous Material
Safety…It’s Your Responsibility
Patient Transport Guidelines
Incident Reports
Staying Safe/Infection Control for Volunteers
About Your Back…
Occupational Health
Cultural Awareness
Volunteer Services
-Mission Statement
-Requesting Letter of Reference
-General Information
-About your uniform
-Rules and Regulations
-Sign-In Sheet
Important Numbers
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence.
For all CentraState Healthcare System Trustees, Medical Staff, Employees,
Volunteers, and Vendors
9/08-BWmember of the Robert Wood Johnson901 West Main
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
Freehold, NJ 07728
The full circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence.
From the President Table of Contents
To All CentraState Healthcare System Trustees, Medical
Staff, Employees, Volunteers, and Vendors:
Today’s healthcare climate often tests our values and personal ethics. The rules and regulations
governing the acute and long-term care industries continually become more complex. This often
requires us to make tough decisions based on our knowledge of what is just and ethical. Often,
the line between what is right and wrong is difficult to distinguish. Since the continued growth of
our organization relies on maintaining our reputation of high ethics and integrity, CentraState
Healthcare System has adopted a Corporate Compliance Program. There are many rules and
regulations with which we must comply as we provide quality care to our patients, residents and
their families. The goal of the Corporate Compliance Program is to help you fulfill your
responsibilities by educating you about making ethical decisions. This program also provides a
way for you to address actual or perceived violations of CentraState’s Code of Ethics Policy, or
any other Patient Rights and Organizational Ethics or Administrative policy or procedure without
fear of retribution. You can be confident that good faith communication on your part will be
respected and welcomed.
John T. Gribbin
John T. Gribbin, FACHE
President & CEO
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
Table of Contents
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Quality Statement
Code of Ethics Policy
Standards of Conduct
Compliance With All Laws & Regulations
Compliance With All CentraState Policies & Procedures
Dealing Honestly With Customers, Suppliers & Consultants
Anti-Trust Issues
Anti-Kickback & False Claims
Emergency Care
Advance Directives & Right-to-Die
Political Contributions
Providing/Receiving Business Courtesies
Acceptance of Business Courtesies
Accurate Records & Accounts
Conflict of Interest
Charging of Costs
Hiring of State & Federal Employees
Safeguarding Restricted Information
Confidential Patient Information
Confidential Employee Information
Refraining From Substance Abuse
Questions We Should Always Ask
Should I Report It?
Corporate Compliance & Privacy Officer’s Role
Where To Go For Help
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence.
Our Mission is to enhance the health and well-being of our
communities through the compassionate delivery of quality
The employees, medical staff, volunteers, and the Board of
Trustees of CentraState Healthcare System are dedicated to the
achievement of excellence in the care we provide. We will
maintain an atmosphere which supports and encourages
performance improvement. We will work together to preserve
and protect the trust that has been placed in us and constantly
strive to exceed the expectations of those we serve.
Our vision is to have an organization of caring professionals
trusted as our community’s healthcare system of choice for
clinical excellence.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Code of Ethics Policy
CentraState Healthcare System is committed to conducting business lawfully and ethically. The System’s
reputation depends upon your actions as a trustee, medical staff member, employee, volunteer, and vendor
or contractor, thus, you have a responsibility to be aware of the legal and ethical issues that may affect
you. CentraState Healthcare System has created a Corporate Compliance Program to safeguard the
organization’s tradition of strong moral, ethical and legal standards of conduct. This program outlines
general ethical standards for you to follow. These standards will help you to make appropriate decisions
in a variety of ethical situations and will also help you decide when to report any violations of the
Corporate Compliance Program. This informational brochure is not meant to cover all possible scenarios,
but merely to provide basic guidelines for you to follow. If you have any questions or if you witness a
particular incident or situation that may go against these ethical standards, please discuss this with your
supervisor or CentraState’s Compliance Officer as soon as possible.
Standards of Conduct:
The Code of Ethics Administrative Policy Governs:
Compliance With All Laws & Regulations
CentraState representatives, vendors and contractors must comply with all federal, state and local laws,
and governmental regulations. You are also required to report any actual or perceived violation of the
Code of Ethics or Corporate Compliance/Privacy Program to CentraState’s Compliance Officer. All
representatives are also expected to comply with all licensure and certification of these laws and
Compliance with all CentraState Policies & Procedures
CentraState representatives, vendors and contractors must comply with all CentraState Healthcare System
policies and procedures. These policies are included in the Administrative Policies and Procedures
Manual, the Human Resources Policy Manual, the Safety Manual and all other departmental manuals
applicable to each representative’s area. These policies include guidelines concerning safety,
confidentiality, privacy, standard precautions, sexual harassment and patients’ rights policies, to name a
Dealing Honestly with Customers, Suppliers & Consultants
Quality of Service
CentraState is committed to providing services that meet CentraState’s high standards of quality
and obligations.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Contract Negotiation
CentraState has a responsibility to disclose current, accurate and complete cost pricing data
where required by state or federal law, or regulation. Employees involved in the pricing of
contract proposals, or the negotiation of a contract, must ensure the accuracy, completeness and
currency of all data generated. The submission to a federal government customer of a
representation, quotation, statement or certification that is false, incomplete or misleading can
result in civil and/or criminal liability for CentraState, the involved employee and supervisor(s).
Competitive Analysis
CentraState representatives should not accept or use our competitor’s confidential information.
We must ensure that a competitor’s confidential information is not improperly obtained or used
in any improper way.
Anti-Trust Issues
CentraState representatives should not discuss the following with any of CentraState’s
competitors: prices or any terms on which CentraState competes; allocation of services;
customers; or service areas. This is a highly complex area, so please refer any questions you may
have to the Compliance Officer.
Anti-kickback & False Claims Issues
Federal and state laws prohibit CentraState representatives from offering a kickback to an entity
or person to coerce a customer or potential customer to purchase services or refer a patient to
CentraState. The law prohibits accepting a kickback and also prohibits the filing of false claims.
This is also a complex issue. This policy cannot list all situations in which the anti-kickback or
false claims laws may apply. Therefore, representatives must exercise caution concerning this
subject, and promptly refer any questions to the Compliance Officer.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Examples of Violation:
• Offering or paying anything of value to induce someone to refer a patient to CentraState.
• Soliciting or receiving anything of value for the referral of CentraState to others.
• Filing a claim for services that were not rendered at all or were not rendered as described on the
claim form
• Filing a claim for services rendered, which were medically unnecessary.
• Submitting a claim containing information you know to be false.
• Misusing Social Security or Medicare symbols, emblems or names.
Emergency Care
CentraState will provide treatment to all individuals who come to CentraState Medical Center’s
Emergency Services area, or any area on our property, with an emergency medical condition.
CentraState representatives must not delay this emergency treatment or medical care to discuss
the individual’s method of payment or insurance coverage. In addition, emergency patients will
only be transferred from CentraState to another facility if CentraState cannot provide the
necessary services or the patient requests a transfer. The patient must be stabilized before he or
she is transferred. For further information, see CentraState’s Stabilization and Transfer of
Patients Administrative Policy and the EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor
Act) Administrative Policy.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Advance Directives & Right-to-Die
CentraState representatives must comply with all CentraState policies and procedures and federal
and state laws and regulations governing Advance Directives and Right-to-Die issues. Please
access The Bioethics Rapid Response Sub-Committee if assistance is needed in this area.
For further information, see CentraState’s Administrative Policy and/or Bioethics Committee.
Political Contributions
CentraState representatives must not contribute or donate CentraState’s funds, products, services
or other resources to any political cause, party or candidate.
Providing/Receiving Business Courtesies
CentraState will not gain an improper advantage by offering/receiving business courtesies such
as entertainment, meals, transportation or lodging to customers, referral sources or purchasers of
CentraState services. Representatives should never offer any type of business courtesy to a
referral source or a purchaser for the purpose of obtaining favorable treatment or advantage.
Representatives must not provide any referral source or purchaser with gifts or promotional
items of more than nominal value. (e.g., pens and calendars). As a general rule, all payments,
benefits, or gifts provided to any member of CentraState’s staff or their family members by a
vendor must be reported to the Compliance Officer in accordance with CentraState’s policy on
Conflicts of Interest and Avoiding Abuses of Trust Administrative Policy. Vendors and/or
contractors must also comply with these requirements.
Acceptance of Business Courtesies
CentraState representatives are prohibited from accepting monetary gifts or anything of value
from someone doing business with CentraState. All gifts received in excess of $50 must be
reported to the Compliance Officer. In no event shall an employee accept monetary gifts in any
given year. Meals, drinks or entertainment may be accepted only if such courtesies are
unsolicited, infrequently provided, and reasonable in amount. Such courtesies must be directly
connected with business discussion. In addition, never accept reimbursement for lodging or
travel expenses without the written approval of the Compliance Officer.
Accurate Records & Accounts
CentraState’s payments and transactions must be properly authorized by management and be
completely recorded in accordance with established corporate accounting policies. False,
incomplete or unrecorded corporate records must not be made. CentraState’s funds will not be
placed in any personal or non-corporate account. All corporate assets must be properly protected.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Conflict of Interest
CentraState representatives may not have any employment, consulting, or other business
relationship with a competitor, customer, supplier or contractor, (except for moderate holdings of
publicly traded securities) unless disclosed at time of hire on Human Resource application. If a
CentraState employee accepts employment with a competitor, customer, supplier or contractor
while still employed at CentraState, written notification to the Compliance Officer is required.
Advance written permission of the Compliance Officer also is required before an employee may
invest in any privately held company or entity that performs services for CentraState, or that
employs providers who may refer patients to CentraState, or to which CentraState patients may
be referred.
Charging of Costs
It is imperative that accurate charges be posted in order to ensure accurate billing. If this does not
occur, it could be viewed as fraud, even though it was not intentional. Everyone who is
responsible for charges must be sure to input accurate and timely charges.
Hiring of State & Federal Employees
Complex rules govern CentraState’s recruitment and employment of government employees into
the private industry. CentraState representatives must obtain prior clearance from the
Compliance Officer to discuss possible employment with, make an offer to, or hire (as an
employee or consultant) any current or former government employee (military or civilian).
Safeguarding Restricted Information
CentraState representatives may not disclose to any outside party any non-public business,
financial, personnel, commercial or technological information, plans or data acquired from
CentraState. Patient information is confidential and should not be given out to unauthorized
people without the patient’s permission. Some exceptions may apply. Review our policies
regarding confidentiality, HIPAA and privacy statement.
Confidential Patient Information
CentraState representatives must strictly safeguard all confidential information. You must never
discuss information outside the necessary course of CentraState business. It is your responsibility
to protect the confidentiality and privacy of all patient records and the information contained in
such records. This includes verbal, paper and computerized security information.
Only authorized personnel should have access to patient records.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Confidential Employee Information
Employees have an obligation to respect and protect the confidential nature of fellow employees
and business conducted by fellow employees. For example, it is unethical to copy a fax which is
not addressed to you or tell a friend of information overheard about another department or
employee. In addition, records regarding personal or family hospitalization, dependency or any
other personal information must not be shared with anyone.
Refraining From Substance Abuse
The consumption, possession, sale or purchase of alcohol on CentraState property is prohibited
with the exception of events approved in advance by management in approved conference,
meeting, or recreational facilities. CentraState also prohibits the use of alcohol by employees
either directly before or during the work day whether in connection with business or on personal
time. If an employee is found to be in violation of this policy, management will determine the
appropriate disciplinary action, which may include termination.
For additional information, see CentraState’s Human Resources Policy on Assistance for
Impaired Employees.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Questions We Should Always Ask When in doubt about a decision or action, ask yourself
these questions:
• Is this action completely honest?
• How would explaining this action to my supervisor, peer or family member make me feel?
Should I Report It?
Here is a checklist to help you decide if an action should be taken or reported:
• Does the action comply with CentraState policies and procedures?
• Is it legal?
• How would it look to family, friends, our clients and the general public if it were published in
the newspaper?
• Would the action make you feel bad if you did it?
• If you know it is wrong, don’t do it!
• If you’re not sure, ask until you get an answer.
• Are we maintaining patient privacy?
No Retaliation for Reporting
Federal and State Law (including the Conscientious Employee Protection Act and the New
Jersey False Claims Act), as well as CentraState policies, prohibit retaliation by your employer,
supervisor, other employees or anyone else in response to reporting an event or situation that an
employee believes may be illegal, or for cooperating with law enforcement or other regulatory
authorities. CentraState not only encourages everyone, but also requires employees, to report
suspected unlawful behavior. If you believe you are being retaliated against for reporting
suspicious activities, you should contact the Compliance Officer (732-294-2834) or the Human
Resources Department (732-294-2905 or 732-294-2515) or call the Compliance Hot-Line (1800-826-6762) as soon as possible.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Compliance & Privacy
Corporate Compliance & Privacy Officer’s Role
The Corporate Compliance Officer and the Privacy Officer, designated by the Board of Trustees,
have the responsibility of ensuring that all potential issues or violations are investigated and
addressed in confidence.
Where to Go For Help:
You may contact the Compliance Officer or the Privacy Officer directly, or you can call a
specially designated voice mailbox “hotline” at 1-800-826-6762. Your call can be anonymous,
but you must provide sufficient information for a thorough investigation of the issue.
Compliance Officer:
Jo Addeo, RN, MA
Director, Risk Management/
Corporate Compliance Officer
(732) 294-2834
Privacy Officer:
Judy Gash, RHIA
Director, Health Information Management
(732) 294-2760
Assistant Privacy Officer—Senior Services:
Sharon Trotta
Medical Record Coordinator
(732) 303-7413
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
CentraState Healthcare System
Operations Table of Organization
Board of Trustee
John T. Gribbin
President & CEO
Ellen Gutter
Patient Satisfaction
Daniel J. Messina
Sr. Vice President &
Joan Nealon
Volunteer Services
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
CentraState Healthcare System
Mission Statement
To enhance the health and well being of our communities through the compassionate
delivery of quality healthcare.
Quality Statement
The employees, medical staff, volunteers, and the Board of Trustees of CentraState
Healthcare System are dedicated to the achievement of excellence in the care we
provide. We will maintain an atmosphere which supports and encourages performance
improvement. We will work together to preserve and protect the trust that has been
placed in us and constantly strive to exceed the expectations of those we serve.
Vision Statement
An organization of caring professionals trusted as our community’s healthcare system of
choice for clinical excellence.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
A Bowl of Inspiration
I stood apprehensively, pressed tightly against the wall, trying
unsuccessfully to melt into it. A variety of employees hurried past me, unaware
of the nervous, new volunteer they had acquired. I have decided to volunteer at
CentraState Medical Center mainly because I had a newly formulated interest in
medicine and biology. I had become a volunteer at the hospital in order to gain
invaluable experience. Now, amid the chaotic array of food service employees, I
found myself uneasy in the hospital kitchen, unsure of my decision. The collared
bright blue shirts bustled busily around, some preparing food, others stacking
trays, still more lugging heavy, metal trucks filled with meals up to the patients’
beds. I watched in awe of the complete, yet controlled, chaos.
Months later, after working four hours every Sunday without fail, I felt
completely comfortable within the hospital environment. The bare, white walls
and slight odor became familiar. I enjoyed the work and the pleasant company of
the employees. Most of all, however, I delighted in interacting with the patients.
A smile when I delivered a tray of food, the grateful thanks I received when I
opened up a silverware packet, and the appreciation of the patients when I
stopped and conversed with them was an overwhelmingly positive feeling. I
looked forward to coming to the hospital each week. I cherished the act of
bringing hope and happiness, even in the littlest of ways, to another person.
I will never forget this one elderly lady with whom I had become acquainted
about a year ago. I entered her room to deliver a steaming hot bowl of soup. The
woman was sitting in an armchair, gazing listlessly out of the window, whispering
the Rosary. I greeted her warmly, setting the tray down beside her. She glanced
up at me, with pleading brown eyes, and asked if I would mind praying with her. I
nodded my head, assuring her that I would not mind. We sat for a few minutes in
silence, our heads bowed in prayer. Two complete strangers joined by faith.
After a while, we began talking. She told me about her daughter who had just
been married, the new apartment she had just moved into, and her church
picnics. Her words poured like a rapid waterfall, drenching me with names, dates,
and other countless details. She was eager for the opportunity to talk with
someone, excited to finally have a listener. Every free moment I had that day, I
went upstairs to talk with her. When I returned to the hospital a week later, I was
disappointed to find that she had already been discharged. Today, I cannot recall
her name or why she was being hospitalized. However, I can remember that she
had a Golden Retriever and liked country music.
I will be forever grateful that she ordered that bowl of soup. Completely
unwittingly, that benevolent, old woman had a major impact on me, cementing my
desire to become a doctor, to have the opportunity to better the lives of hundreds
of people with my medical knowledge. I want to be able to cure the elderly so
they can live to tell their stories and heal the young, so that they can have the
opportunity to have a golden Retriever and listen to country music. I am excited
to continue on my journey of life and entirely ready to pursue my aspirations to
become a doctor. Nothing can hold me back when the ultimate goal, to help
those in need, is so desirable. As William Blake, esteemed English poet,
eloquently phrases it, “No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.” I
fully intend to soar with my own wings to preserve the wings of others.
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
1. Create a Great Initial Impression
a) Make people feel welcome
* smile, make eye contact, and use positive body language
* call people by their last name
* introduce yourself and state what you are going to do
* help people who look confused
b) Look and act the part
* dress professionally
* wear your ID badge so people can see your picture
* Don’t chew gum or eat in public
c) Be professional on the phone
* put a smile in your voice
* identify yourself when answering the phone
* ask if you can put people on hold
d) Let patients and families use the elevator first
* Let people off before getting in
e) Park in appropriate places
* don’t park in customer spaces
2. Show Care and Concern
a) Show compassion for what others are experiencing
b) Respond quickly to requests
c) Anticipate customer needs
* act first
* think of ways to make things easier for customers
d) Intervene on behalf of the system
e) Slow down
f) Touch patients/residents gently
g) Keep it quiet
h) Include family members in the process
i) Don’t take things personally
3. Communicate Professionally
a) Give explanations
* help people understand what you are doing
b) Give directions
* let people know what you need them to do
* tell people where to go for help
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
c) Be courteous in person
* use words like please and thank you
* always thank the customer for waiting
* and apologize for delays
d) Be courteous on the phone
* identify yourself when answering calls
* speak clearly
* periodically acknowledge callers on hold
4. Respect Privacy and Confidentiality
a) Close curtains and cover patients
b) Watch what you say and where you say it
c) Knock or announce your self before entering patients/resident’s room if possible
d) Don’t divulge confidential information when leaving a phone message
e) Take Care of the environment
5. Be a Team Player
a) Do your job
* come on time and be prepared
* don’t call out
b) Offer help and support
c) Be open to new ideas
d) Respect differences
e) Share thanks and appreciation
f) Give open and honest feedback
g) Offer suggestions
6. Take Ownership
a) Promote CentraState Healthcare System
b) Initiate Improvements
c) Don’t spread rumors
d) Take Care of the environment
e) Offer suggestions
f) Intervene on behalf of the system
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
You…are what people see when they arrive here.
Yours…are the eyes they look into when they’re frightened and lonely.
Yours…are the voices people hear when they ride the elevators and when they try to
sleep and when they try to forget their problems.
You…are what they hear on their way to appointments that could affect their destinies,
and what they hear after they leave those appointments.
Yours…are the comments people hear when you think they can’t.
Yours…is the intelligence and caring that people hope they’ll find here… If you’re noisy,
so is the facility…If you are rude, so is the organization… If you’re wonderful, so is the
No visitors, no patients, no residents, no physicians, or co-workers can ever know the
real you, the you that you know is there- unless you let them see it. All they can know is
what they see and hear and experience.
And so we have a stake in your attitude and in the collective attitudes of everyone who
works here. We are judged by your performance… We are the care you give… the
attention you pay…the courtesies you extend…
Courtesy of the Albert Einstein Healthcare Foundation. Service Excellence Program 8/97
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
The Patient’s Bill of Rights
Our patients have the right to:
1. Be treated with courtesy, consideration, and respect for their dignity and
2. Be well informed about their complete medical condition and medical
alternatives, and the names and roles of the people treating them.
3. Consent to or refuse a medication or treatment after a full explanation.
4. Consent to or decline to take part in experimental research affecting their care.
5. Received (as needed) the medical center’s policies and procedures regarding the
use of withdrawal of life support mechanism.
6. Receive a summary of their patient rights.
7. Have prompt access to their medical record and be able to receive a copy
according to medical center procedures.
8. Know about the medical center’s charges, payment methods, and the availability
of public assistance and healthcare benefits.
9. Expect that the medical center will provide discharge planning services,
continuing healthcare assistance, and an appeal process.
10. Be transferred to another medical facility if it is medically necessary, or upon the
patient’s request or their family’s request.
11. Freedom from physical and mental abuse.
12. Privacy, safeguarding of personal property, and to expect that treatment and
medical records are confidential.
13. Expect treatment and medical services without discrimination.
14. Contract directly for private nursing care.
15. Be provided an avenue through which questions or grievances may be
The complete version of the Patient Rights policy can be found in the Administrative
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Our Patients are expected to:
Provide, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about
present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other
matters relating to their health.
Report unexpected changes in their condition to the responsible practitioner.
Report whether they clearly comprehend a contemplated course of action and
what is expected of them.
Follow the treatment plan recommended by the practitioner primarily responsible
for their care. This may include following the instructions of nurses and allied
health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care, implement the
responsible practitioner’s orders, and enforce the applicable hospital roles and
Keep appointments, and when they are unable to do so for any reason, notify the
responsible practitioner or the hospital.
Be responsible for their actions if they refuse treatment or do not follow the
practitioner’s instructions.
Assure that the financial obligations of his/her healthcare are fulfilled as promptly
as possible.
Following CSMC’s rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
Be considerate of the rights of other patients and CSMC personnel and for
assisting in the control of noise, smoking, and the number of visitors.
Be respectful of the property of other patients.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
CentraState Healthcare System
I am aware of the CentraState Healthcare System confidentiality policy and State and Federal laws
governing the privacy and confidentiality of information. I understand that it is my responsibility to
become familiar with the State, and/or Federal laws regarding confidentiality that is applicable to the scope
of my responsibility within CentraState Healthcare System.
Further, I understand that any violation of my responsibilities by unauthorized disclosure of
personal/confidential information will result in termination of my employment/volunteer relationship and
may result in charges of and for Invasion of Privacy.
Furthermore, failure to close out patient or resident information screens, log off of the computer system
before leaving the workstation and the sharing of individual computer passwords may result in termination
of my employment/volunteer relationship.
I understand that under the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any
person who maliciously accesses, alters, deletes, damages or destroys any computer system, network
computer program or data shall be guilty of a felony.
My signature acknowledges that I understand that my access to computer system constitutes my
“signature” and I will be responsible for all entries made under my access.
I understand that all data and information on either computer or non-computer systems or media is the
property of CentrState Healthcare System, and may be reviewed only by me on a “need to know” basis
and then only that information is “minimally necessary” for me to perform my job at CentraState
Healthcare System.
I am advised that failure to comply with these policies and regulations may result in corrective action up to
and including termination. Violation of State of New Jersey or Federal Statues may carry the additional
consequence of prosecution under the law, where judicial action may result in specified fines or
imprisonment or both; plus the costs of litigation or the payment of damages of both; or all.
My signature acknowledges that I understand this document is enforced for the duration of my
employment/volunteer relationship with CentrState Healthcare System and my confidentiality obligations
as described above survives this relationship with CentraState Healthcare System.
I understand that I have no expectation of privacy in connection with the use of E-mail, Voice Mail, or
Internet and associated equipment or with the transmission, receipt, or storage of information in these
systems. I acknowledge and consent to the System monitoring of my use of these systems and associated
equipment at any time. Such monitoring may include listening to, printing, and reading all E-mails, Voice
mail, and Internet communications entering, leaving, or stored in these systems in the ordinary course of
Signature of Employee/Volunteer
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Is the care appropriate to the changing needs
Of our patients, residents and their families?
(Birth to 1 year)
Involve parents in the care and procedures.
Keep parents in infant’s line of vision.
Give familiar objects to the infant.
Use distractions (bottle or pacifier).
If performing procedures, keep one hand on the child and never leave unattended.
Allow time for parents or care givers to ask questions.
Observe for potential abuse or neglect.
(1 of 3 years)
Give one direction at a time. Use few simple terms that are familiar to the child.
Use distraction techniques.
Explain the procedure in terms of what the child will see, hear taste, smell and feel.
Allow choices whenever possible and allow child to express feelings.
Prepare the child before any procedure. Emphasize those aspects that require the
child’s cooperation.
Prepare the parents or care givers for expected behavioral changes
Pre-School (3 to 5 years)
Explain procedures of unfamiliar objects.
Demonstrate use of equipment.
Encourage child to verbalize.
Involve child whenever possible.
Maintain safety at all times.
Provide rest periods.
Praise for good behavior
(6 to 12 years)
Explain procedures in advance using correct terminology.
Explain equipment.
Allow child to have some control.
Provide privacy.
Promote independence.
Clearly define and reinforce behavior limits.
Use visual aids.
Relate to child’s abilities.
Major fear is loss of control.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
(12 – 18 years)
Supplement explanations with rationale.
Encourage questions regarding fears.
Provide privacy.
Involve in planning and decision-making.
Allow to maintain control.
Provide essential teaching based on how individual learns best.
Do not talk about the individual in front of the individual.
Present explanations in a logical manner, use visual aids.
Early Adulthood
(19 – 45 years)
Involve individual and significant other in plan of care.
Watch for body language as a cue for feelings.
Allow as much decision-making as possible.
Recognize the potential stresses related to multiple roles of the young adult.
Provide essential teaching based on how the individual learns best.
Middle Adults
(45 – 59 years)
Allow choices if possible.
Provide decision-making opportunities related to care.
Encourage as much self care as possible.
Provide essential teaching based on how the individual learns best.
Late Adult (elderly)
(60 – 79 years)
Involve the family with the care.
Keep the environment safe.
Be aware of possible need for a warmer environment.
Late, Late Adult (Old)
(80 years old)
Provide a safe environment.
Be careful with fragile skin.
Handle body more with the palms of your hands than with your fingers.
Encourage self care.
Provide for opportunities for decision-making related to care.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Fire Safety
What do I do if I discover a fire?
If you discover a fire, pull the closest fire alarm. When you pull the alarm, many people are
automatically notified, including: the fire department, the fire response team, and pertinent
individuals, as pulling the alarm initiates the ringing of the fire alarm system.
We may ask for your assistance during the emergency. If your assistance is not required, go to a
safe area, i.e., behind fire doors, near an exit and /or staircase.
What do I do when I hear the alarm bells ring?
When you hear the alarm sound, it means that there is a fire or a fire drill in progress. After the
bells have rung three times, you will hear the operator announce “Code Red” The location that is
announced by the operator is the location of the fire or the fire drill. If the fire is in your
immediate area, proceed to a safe area as directed by your supervisor. If the fire is not in your
area, assist employees in closing all doors and wait for further instructions.
During the drill or fire emergency, you must not use the elevators, and you must keep fire doors
shut unless required for evacuation purposes. When the fire or drill is over you will hear the
operator announce, “Code Clear” and you can then resume normal activities.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
 Use RACE
 Rescue – Rescue those in danger
 Alarm – Pull the alarm
 Confine – Confine the fire by closing doors
 Extinguish – Use an extinguisher, if the fire is small
P – Pull
R -- Rescue
A – Aim
A – Alarm
S – Squeeze
C – Confine
S – Sweep
E – Extinguish/Evacuate
CODE BLUE: Adult Medical Emergency
 Summon Help call : 5555
 Assess the patient
 Ensure the Crash Cart is en-route
CODE WHITE: Pediatric Medical Emergency
 Summon Help call: 5555
 Assess the patient
 Ensure the Crash Cart is en-route
CODE AMBER: Infant/Child Abduction
 Notify Security call: 5555
 Cover all interior stairwell doors, elevator areas, and exiting doors
 Immediately search the entire unit
 Protect the crime scene
CODE YELLOW: BOMB/bomb threat
 Immediately notify Security and the Nurse Manager call: 5555
 Screen the call and use the telephone checklist
 Report suspicious items to Security
CODE GRAY: Security Emergency/Patient Elopement
 Notify Security call: 5555/ State Security Emergency or Patient Elopement
 Notify the Nurse Manager of the situation
 Attempt to verbally deescalate the situation
 If the patient attempts physical assault, remove yourself from the situation.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
CODE SILVER: Person with a Weapon/Hostage Situation
 Notify Security call: 5555
 DO NOT enter the area
 Notify the Police (Dial 9-1-1)
 Secure the area pending the arrival of security/police
CODE ORANGE: Hazardous Materials (Haz-Mat) Situation/Decon needed
 Notify Security call: 5555
 Alert people in the immediate area of the spill to keep away (INTERNAL)
 Follow Decon Team protocol (EXTERNAL)
CODE TRIAGE: Disaster Situation
 Call: 5555
 Follow protocol depending on the nature of the problem
 Communicate with hospital EOC as necessary
 Report back to assigned department
 Communicate with hospital EOC as necessary
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Fire Safety
The threat of fire is probably one of the most serious safety issues in any healthcare facility. The
limited mobility of patients and residents, coupled with the use of life saving equipment makes
them less capable or even incapable of responding to an emergency situation. In addition, the
risk of fire is increased because procedures conducted in many areas, e.g., clinical laboratories
and pharmacies, often involve flammable and other hazardous substances.
The key elements in preventing and defending against fire are our staff. Knowing your role in a
fire emergency is the key to saving lives. In the event of fire, remember to R.A.C.E.
Rescue people in immediate danger. This is your first responsibility. Because fire spreads
1,000 times every 4 minutes, hesitation can cause serious injury to patients, visitors, and
coworkers. Remove those in danger to a safe area, that is: away from the immediate fire area,
near an exit, and behind the fire doors.
Alarm pull the fire alarm. When the alarm is sounded, the fire department is automatically
notified, the facility’s fire response team proceeds to the fire, the fire doors close, the fire alarm
bells ring and the operator announces “Code Red” and the location of the fire. It is essential that
you pull the alarm in the event of any fire.
Confine the fire/smoke. Close all doors and windows in the area. A fire can easily spread in 2
to 3 minutes to the point that flames can engulf and entire floor. If smoke starts coming under a
door, cover the bottom with a blanket or any other barrier to block the smoke.
Extinguish the fire. Use caution and good judgment when deciding to fight a fire. If the fire is
small enough for you to handle get the correct fire extinguisher (or any ABC extinguisher) and
put out the fire. If your safety is in question, wait for assistance before trying to extinguish the
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Using a Fire Extinguisher
Knowing which extinguisher to use and how it operates before a fire emergency
happens, can make the difference between saving lives and loss of lives.
There are three types of fires. Choosing the correct fire extinguisher to fight these fires
is critical. Using the wrong one will endanger you and others.
Type A:
Ordinary materials such as paper, wood, cloth, etc.. The silver extinguisher contains
water and should be used only for Type A fires. All purpose dry chemical extinguishers
can be used as well.
Type B:
Flammable liquids or gases. Use CO2 or all-purpose dry chemical extinguishers.
These extinguishers are usually red. NEVER use water to put out these fires.
Type C:
Electrical circuits or equipment. Use BC (CO2) or all all-purpose dry chemical
extinguisher. These extinguishers are usually red. NEVER use water to put out these
To Use a Fire Extinguisher, Remember to P.A.S.S.
P – Pull the pin
A – Aim at the base of the fire
S – Squeeze the handle
S – Sweep the nozzle slowly from side to side
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Are there hazardous materials at CentraState?
Yes, there are hazardous materials in many locations throughout the System, but they
pose no health or safety risk unless improperly handled.
How can I tell if there are hazardous materials in the area?
These materials are labeled and are easy to identify. In some areas, warning signs are
posted to alert individuals to the potential hazard.
Where can I get information about hazardous materials?
The OSHA Hazard Communication Law states that you have the right to information
about these hazardous substances. Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) that
identify and explain the hazard of each substance can be obtained from the Safety
Officer, ext. 2802. In addition, the labels on hazardous material containers tell you
important information about the contents.
Will I come in contact with medical waste?
Medical Waste is contained in special, plainly marked containers. They can be
distinguished by the symbol shown on the right.
Sharps are another type of hazardous medical waste. They are
disposed of in hard containers such as the one shown on the left.
You should NEVER handle these containers or their contents.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Safety…It’s Your Responsibility
General Safety:
Do not bring large amounts of cash, expensive jewelry, or other property when you come to
Handbags and other personal property should be locked in a predetermined place in your work
area at the start of your daily routine.
Be alert and on the lookout for any unauthorized or suspicious persons passing through your
work area. Contact the Security Department when necessary.
When you discover something missing, whether it is your personal property or CSHS goods,
report the loss immediately to your supervisor and have them file an Incident Report.
Be on the lookout for security violations. Prevent loss before it happens by being “security
Your car should be locked when parked at our facility.
Park in well-lit areas if you arrive or will be leaving work when it is dark.
When leaving work at night, walk in groups and make sure everyone has safely entered his/her
car before leaving.
For the convenience and safety of our patients and visitors who need to park near the hospital
volunteers are asked to park in the lot below the ED below the yellow barrier. Additional
parking for volunteers is located in the lot beyond the ED lot adjacent to the Child Care Center.
There is also parking behind the Ambulatory Care Facility and you can walk through the
connecting corridor to the Medical Center.
If you have difficulty walking or cannot park in these areas during inclement weather please stop
by the Volunteer Office and pick up a parking placard to display on your drivers’ side dashboard
to access parking in the patient and visitor lot. Your safety is important to us.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
In order to maintain safe facilities, the following rules and regulations apply to all employees and
All facilities of the CentraState Healthcare System are smoke-free. Smoking is prohibited
within the buildings and throughout the campus.
Always wear your ID Badge. The use of ID Badges by all authorized persons protects
patients, visitors, residents, employees and volunteers.
Running or horseplay is not permitted in any of the facilities.
Intoxicating beverage or controlled substances are prohibited.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Guidelines to Wheelchair Safety and Patient Discharge
Always be aware of the patient’s comfort and safety by following these general rules:
1. Only volunteers who have been trained by their department may transport
2. Volunteers may transport patients by wheelchair without assistance if the
transport does not involve oxygen, monitors or infusion pump.
3. Volunteer transporters may assist patient transport employees with transport
of patients on stretchers but may not handle these transports alone.
4. Volunteer transporters may assist patient transport employees with transports
involving patients requiring oxygen, infusion pumps or monitors but may not
transport these patients alone.
5. Introduce yourself to the patient indicating your name and the fact that you
are a volunteer. Use the patient’s name when you introduce yourself.
6. Always check the patient’s identification.
7. Tell the patient where you are taking him/her and what is going to be
8. Be sure you know the proper wheelchair etiquette prior to transporting a
Always stay to the right-hand side of the hallway.
Always “back into” and “out of” an elevator.
Always have both brakes on when someone gets in and when someone
gets out of the wheelchair.
Always check that the patients' feet are securely placed on the foot rests.
Always be careful of the patients’ extremities. Never transport a patient
in the East Tower basement.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
9. Ask for assistance in holding the door open when exiting or entering an
elevator. If no one is available to assist, use the “Door Open” button on the
elevator panel to keep the doors open as you enter of exit.
10. Avoid short, abrupt stops. They may throw a patient forward and out of the
11. Be alert and unhurried.
12. Volunteers never transport a patient to or from 1 South.
13. When discharging patients, stay with the patient until the vehicle arrives. If
Vehicle is delayed, stay with the patient. Do not leave any patient
14. Ask the driver of the vehicle to turn off the car’s ignition. Wait with the patient
until he/she is in the car. Assist if necessary.
15. Volunteers may not lift patients.
NOTE: If you experience a problem with a malfunctioning wheelchair,
IMMEDIATELY return the wheelchair to the Transport Office located in the lower
level in the Radiology Department. Notify the dispatcher, who will take steps to
have the necessary repairs made.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
An incident is an event which is not consistent with the desired operation of the facility
or the care of patient or resident. An incident report should be completed for any
unusual occurrence/accident involving persons or property.
Some examples of incidents include: patients leaving against medical advice,
medication errors, falls, burns, drug reactions, damage to property, lost or broken
personal items or equipment, incorrect consents, incidents involved in
treatment/procedures, employee injuries, volunteer injuries, needle sticks, etc.
An incident report must be completed to provide a record of the incident and to
document the facts. It is required by the organization’s insurance carriers, federal and
state regulations, and JC requirements. Your supervisor should report the incident and
complete the report. If the supervisor is not available report to Joan Nealon, Director of
Volunteer Services and she will complete the report. It is recommended that the person
with best knowledge of the situation do so.
When filing out an incident report, make sure to get the facts by answering the
questions: who, why, when, what, how, and where. Be objective and do not blame
anyone. All witnesses should be included. All incident reports are considered
confidential. No copies of an incident report should be made, nor should it be
mentioned or included in patients’ medical records.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
How can I protect myself from infection while working at CentraState?
There are many ways this can be done:
DO NOT enter any patient’s room with an isolation sign on the door.
DO NOT come in contact with anyone or anything that is visibly contaminated
with blood or body fluids, secretions and/or excretions.
Hand Hygiene prevents the spread of germs that can cause infection. Hand
hygiene must be performed:
1. At the beginning and completion of duty.
2. After leaving a patient’s room.
3. If you accidentally come in contact with blood, body fluids, secretions,
excretions and equipment or articles contaminated by them-immediately
report it to your manager.
4. After removing gloves.
5. After personal use of toilet.
6. After sneezing, coughing, or scratching.
7. Before and after eating, drinking, or smoking.
8. After using a handkerchief or tissue.
9. After touching areas of your body, ears, mouth, nose or hair.
Although we appreciate your dedication DO NOT volunteer your services when
you have any signs and symptoms of rash, eruptions, lesions, open sores,
coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, eye drainage, diarrhea, or
You can come into the hospital when symptoms have been resolved for more
than 24 hours after the last symptom had occurred.
Any questions or concerns about Infection Control, please call ext. 2826.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Infection Control Procedure for Hand washing
Hand washing Procedure:
The combination of soap, running water, friction, and time is essential to any good hand
washing procedure.
1. Standing a comfortable distance from the sink, turn on the water and adjust it to
the desired temperature.
2. Wet hands and wrists thoroughly, holding them downward over the sink to enable
water to run toward the fingertips.
3. Take an adequate amount of soap from the dispenser.
4. Rub hands together vigorously for at least 10 seconds sing “Happy Birthday” to
yourself, creating as much friction as possible by interlacing the fingers and
moving the hands back and forth. Keep hands away from sides and bottom of
sink. Rinse hands thoroughly under running water, angled down. All soap
should be removed.
5. Dry wrists and hands with paper towels, working from the area of the wrist to the
6. Since the faucet is considered contaminated, turn the water off by using a dry
paper towel to cover the faucet handle.
Reference: Guide line for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care settings
recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
Committee and the HIPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force,
October 25, 2002/Vol.51/NO.RR-16
Alcohol Based Hand Rub
1. Dispense a dime size amount of the 60% (or greater) alcohol based hand
antisepsis onto palm of hand.
2. Rub solution between hands, covering front, back and in-between fingers.
Let air dry.
3. After 10 uses, or when a residual buildup is felt on hands, wash hands with
soap and water as per above procedure.
If hands are visibly contaminated with blood or body fluids, hands must be
washed with soap and water per above procedure.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
We care about your health. Although most volunteers’ activities do not require
strenuous exercise, we recommend the following techniques for a happy, healthy back.
Sit in a relaxed, but not slouched, position that allows your spine to keep its natural
Sit with your back supported. If your chair or the seat of your chair does not provide
good support for the lower back, use a small cushion or rolled-up towel to maintain the
normal lumbar curve.
Sit with your thighs parallel to the floor. Keep your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.
Stand up and walk around at least once an hour.
In the car, pull the seat forward so your knees are a little higher than your thighs.
Stand straight, with your stomach in. There should not be an exaggerated curve in your
lower back.
Try not to stand for long periods of time. Walking may put less of a strain on your back
than standing still.
If you must stand in one place, put one foot on a block or stool. Alternate your feet now
and then.
Lifting and Moving
Leaning, lifting and carrying correctly can help you to prevent back injuries.
Let your legs do the work. When lifting, stand as close to the object as possible so that
you don’t bend your back. Bend your knees, keep your back straight and use your thigh
muscles to bear the weight.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
If you are picking up something from the floor, squat down close to the object. Keep
your back straight and push up with your thigh muscles.
If you need to move, roll, or slide something along the ground, push it – don’t pull it.
When carrying a load, don’t lean forward, and don’t twist your back to turn around. If
you need to turn, move your feet and legs rather than twisting your back.
If you have to bend over – for example, when you are making a bed – bend your knees
Avoid activities that involve a lot of bending, twisting, or lifting – like shoveling and
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Your health and safety is important to you and is important to us. The Occupational
Health Department offers a variety of services to protect you from injury and disease
Annual TB skin testing (mandatory) for all volunteers.
TB test is available for adult volunteers through Occupational Health Services
Annual flu shot for volunteers (optional, but recommended)
Occupational Health is open Monday - Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm by appointment only.
Please call (732)-462-0100 to schedule an appointment for the test. When scheduling
your appointment please schedule a return appointment to have your test read within
the proper time frame.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Workplace Harassment
Harassment in any form is not tolerated. We educate our supervisors, staff, volunteers
and physicians on this important subject. If you believe you have been subject to or
have knowledge of harassment of any nature, you have an obligation to report it to your
direct supervisor or Volunteer Services. All complaints will be thoroughly and promptly
investigated, with attention given to confidentiality. Disciplinary action will be taken as
Workplace Violence
CentraState Healthcare System strives to provide a workplace free of identifiable
situations that may cause physical or emotional harm and/or property damage, with a
zero-tolerance environment related to workplace violence. CentraState is committed to
minimizing the risk of personal injury to employees, volunteers, patients, residents and
damage to hospital property due to acts of violence or aggression.
CentraState Healthcare System expects all employees, and volunteers to exercise
reasonable judgment in identifying potentially dangerous situations. Often, before any
actual physical or verbal violence occurs, there are behaviors which individual’s exhibit,
indicating violence may erupt. Some examples may include:
 Overt statements of resentment, anger and hostility
 Signs of extreme stress
 Threats of bodily harm
 Sudden and/or significant deterioration in performance of a co-worker or
Threats, threatening language or any other acts of aggression or violence made to or by
an employee, or volunteer will not be tolerated. A threat would include physical
harassment, attempts at intimidating or instilling fear in others, menacing gestures,
flashing a concealed weapon, stalking, verbal or physical abuse, or other hostile,
aggressive, injurious, destructive actions designed to dominate or intimidate a person.
CentraState Healthcare System will promptly investigate and take appropriate
disciplinary action, up to and including termination, against any employee or volunteer
engaging in prohibited conduct.
All potentially dangerous situations, including verbal or physical threats should be
reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor or department manager, Human
Resources, Volunteer Services and Security.
All complaints of threats or acts of violence will be investigated in a timely and
confidential manner. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, prompt
attention and disciplinary action designed to stop the harassment immediately and to
prevent its recurrence will be taken. All employees and volunteers shall be protected
from coercion, intimidation, retaliation, interference or discrimination for filing a
complaint or assisting in an investigation.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and makes it
illegal for an employer to harass employees because of their sex.
Sexual Harassment may involve, but is not limited to:
Making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature, a condition of employment;
Making submission to or rejection of such conduct, the basis for employment
decisions affecting the employee;
Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment by such conduct.
Types of Sexual Harassment:
Quid Pro Quo – Something for Something
Threats to fire, block promotion, or give an unsatisfactory evaluation.
Promises to hire, promote, give a raise.
Hostile Environment:
Offensive language/remarks/gestures
Offensive pictures/posters/objects
Examples of Sexual Harassment:
Physical – touching, holding, grabbing, kissing
Nonverbal – offensive gestures, offensive literature/pictures/notes/sexual staring
Verbal – offensive jokes, comment based on gender, suggestions of a sexual nature
CentraState has an existing Sexual Harassment Policy and formal complaint procedure.
If you feel that you are being or have been harassed, notify the Director of the Office of
Volunteer Services.
 Sexual harassment affects women and men in all types of jobs, at all levels.
 It is harmful to the physical and emotional well being of employees and employers.
 No individual should be subject to unwelcome and unwanted treatment.
 Individuals are not always aware that their actions create an uncomfortable situation.
 It is Illegal.
CentraState Healthcare System does not tolerate any form of Sexual Harassment
and will act judiciously and expediently to investigate any claim of harassment.
You have an obligation to report any suspect incident to your Director.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
A diverse cultural mix in healthcare organizations brings needed skills and strengths,
but also presents challenging situations in the areas of:
The goal is to channel what we all bring to patient/resident care by understanding
people and their uniqueness.
Sources of Cultural Differences:
Physical Abilities
Geographic Origin
Economic Power
These factors affect the way people act and perceive their world. Celebrate the
differences in people. Increase your awareness and sensitivity to these differences.
Recognize how cultural differences affect the perception of quality care and
communication of patients, residents, family members, co-workers, and then act
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Mission Statement
To provide qualified volunteer personnel to support the Staff at CentraState
Helathcare System in their daily operations, with a focus on exceptional
service to our customers.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
As you look around the corridors of CentraState, you will notice certain items on the
volunteers’ jackets and smocks. They symbolize a very special and dedicated person
who is committed to providing service to the community.
Volunteers are recognized for volunteer services as follows:
STRIPE symbolizes 100 hours of service
PIN symbolizes 500 hours of service
BAR symbolizes hours of service in increments of 500
Some other benefits are:
Meeting new friends!
Learn something new!
References on college applications*
Invitation to Annual Recognition Awards event *
Flu vaccine
Meal Subsidy (minimum four hours of service per day required)
Making a difference…
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) over 55 years of age.
*Must have 50 or more hours of service per semester and 18 years and older.
DOUBLE HOURS are given to any volunteer working on a scheduled System Holiday.
New Years Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Independence Day
Memorial Day
Christmas Day
DOUBLE HOURS are also given to any volunteer working on a snow day or extremely
bad weather days. The Director of Volunteer Service will determine double-hours days.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
In order to provide you with the best possible reference and to meet the needs of our
large student population please use the following guidelines when requesting a
Always ask first. Don’t include someone as a reference without getting his or her
permission first.
Don’t ask “Could you write a letter of reference for me?” Rather, ask “Do you
think you know me well enough to be able to write a positive letter of reference
for me?”
Provide your referee with the following information in writing:
 The purpose of the letter of reference (e.g., job application, application for
school, scholarship, etc.). A brag sheet of your accomplishments.
 A brag sheet noting extracurricular activities awards, and senior service
 The names, titles and addresses of the persons to whom the letter
should be sent (including stamps) or specific information as to how the
letter will be delivered to the recipients (i.e., in a sealed envelope that
you will pick up, etc.)
 The date the letter must be received.
 Forms to be completed by referee.
 Where you can be reached in case of questions (email, phone, and
Give at least 10 days to two weeks time to write the letter. Don’t be afraid to
follow up on it.
After the letter has been sent, be sure to thank the referee.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Be in the appropriate uniform and on time when reporting for duty. Identification
badge MUST be worn and displayed at all times, along with name tag.
For safety and reporting reasons all volunteers must sign in electronically at the
designated sign in area in the entity they are assigned to. You must sign in when
you arrive and sign out when you depart in order for your hours to be recorded. Do
NOT sign out until you are going off duty and NEVER sign for another volunteer.
If you bring cash or jewelry – a minimal amount is recommended. CentraState is not
responsible for lost or stolen property.
Always report to the person in charge upon arriving at your assigned area.
It is your responsibility to inform the staff of your limitations in working with patients.
ASK… if you do not understand a request for service.
ASK permission from the person in charge before leaving your department for any
It is hospital policy that tips may NOT be accepted by any Volunteer.
Volunteers may transport specimens for the laboratory and make regular laboratory
rounds but May not be responsible for stat lab orders.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Volunteers on duty are required to wear uniforms. Hospital policy requires that
Volunteers be well groomed and wear a neat, clean uniform.
Blue colored smock to be worn over street clothes (no jeans, please).
Shoes, any color, rubber soles, low or medium heel, closed toe.
Blue zippered jacket to be worn over street clothes (no jeans please).
Shoes, any color, rubber soles, closed toe.
STUDENT: White uniform shirt to be worn with khaki pants, white sneakers or shoes
(no sandals, jeans, or sweats, please).
Identification badge and name tag must be worn and displayed at all
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
For safety and reporting reasons all volunteers must sign in electronically at the
designated sign in area in the entity they are assigned to. You must sign in when you
arrive and sign out when you depart in order for your hours to be recorded. DO NOT
sign out until you are going off duty and NEVER sign for another person.
Report on time for your assignment. If you are unable to report as scheduled, CALL
YOUR department directly. It is important that you call in, the staff depends on you.
Three unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the program.
Be in uniform. Uniforms are required for all volunteers. A blue smock for women and a
blue jacket for men. Students are to wear the uniform shirt with khaki pants (no jeans,
sweats, or shorts) and shoes (no sandals) with rubber soles. Your identification and
name tag are part of your uniform and must be worn and displayed at all times while
you are in any of the Systems facilities. As a representative of the volunteer program
you are to be neat and clean at all times and in the proper uniform. Failure to do so will
result in your being sent home.
CentraState Healthcare System is a smoke free campus; smoking is prohibited in all of
our facilities and on all grounds while on CentraState business. DO NOT chew gum,
toothpicks, eat candy, etc., while on duty. See Safety. It’s Your Responsibility.
DO NOT enter a room with an isolation sign on the door, and if assigned to a patient
unit, you are not allowed to participate in procedures or handle any equipment.
All new volunteers are required by government and hospital regulation to attend a safety
training and orientation program. You will not be able to begin your assignment until
you have attended this training session and received any additional training which is
appropriate for your assignment; i.e., wheelchair training. Safety training is required
annually. All volunteers are required to take a 2 step tuberculin skin test. The students’
personal physician will complete the student health/immunization form to documenting
results. Adults will report to Occupational Health Service and receive step one before
beginning service and a second on their birthday.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
If you are assigned to an area where you will be transporting patients, you will not be
able to begin your assignment until you have received training from your Department.
As a volunteer, you are allowed to assist in transporting patients with IV’s, oxygen or on
stretchers, but you may not transport these patients without direct supervision of patient
transport employee.
For those volunteers who donate a minimum of four hours, there is a meal subsidy
program. You are allowed $5.00 for a meal. Upon completion of your assigned time,
have your supervisor sign a meal ticket, which is available at the Information Desk in the
main lobby of the Medical Center before proceeding to the Greenhouse Café. If you
should purchase more than $5.00, you are responsible for paying that amount. Food is
to be eaten in the Greenhouse Café not at your volunteer station or in the hallway.
Cell Phones: While volunteering, CSHS volunteers are not permitted to use their cell
phones to make personal phone calls or send personal text messages. If you have an
emergency call to make or receive please advise your supervisor.
Camera Phones: CSHS prohibits the unauthorized use of cameras while volunteering.
This prohibition is necessary to assure patient, resident and employee privacy. Use of
any photographic or image capturing device will require the authorization of the VP of
Human Resources or other responsible Vice President.
In case of fire, do not use the elevator. If the fire is in your area, you are to follow the
instructions of your supervisor and proceed to a safe area.
Do not discuss personal problems or your medical problems with members of the
Medical Staff. You should not, under any circumstances, discuss any patient information
with a member of staff (unless it is relevant to the patient’s care), volunteer or visitor.
Respect the privacy of our patients and their families. Failure to do can result in
dismissal or suspension.
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey
The full Circle of health and wellness dedicated to excellence
Important Telephone Numbers
CentraState Healthcare System – Main Number – (732) 431-2000
Office of Volunteer Services – (732) 294-2622
Health Awareness Center - (732) 308-0570
Student Health Awareness Center – (732) 308-1850
Applewood Estates - (732) 780-7370
The Manor – (732) 431-5200
Monmouth Crossing – (732) 303-8600
Food Service Supervisor – (732) 294-2769
The Family Medicine Center – (732) 294-2540
Patient Transport – (732) 294-3630
Sterile Processing – (732) 294-2710
4N Med/Surg – (732) 294-2824
5N Progressive – (732) 294-2863
901 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 07728-2549 * Telephone (732) 431-2000 www.centrastate.com
A member of the Robert Wood Johnson Health Network * An affiliate of The Cancer institute of New Jersey