Vol. XL, No. 14 MINUTES OF THE FACULTY SENATE MEETING April 5, 2006 The Faculty Senate of Southeast Missouri State University met on Wednesday, April 5, 2006, in the Party Room of the University Center. The following Senators were present: James Champine (Chair), Michael Cobb (Chair-Elect), David Smith (Membership Committee Chair), Rick Althaus, Mary Elizabeth Ambery, Kim Dillivan, Marc Fulgham, Priscilla Hornby, Arrick Jackson, Elaine Jackson, Daniel MacLeay, Jim McGill, Cheryl Milde, Bruce Mims, Debbie Beard (Alternate), Jayanti Ray, David Reinheimer, Sophia Scott, Haohao Wang, David Glick (Alternate), Xuesong Zhang, and Min Zou. Vice Provost Fred Janzow and Student Government Liaison Heather Valle were also present. Absent and not represented by their Alternates were: Ronald Clayton, Mary Ann DeLine, Kathy Gilliland, Bonnie Stepenhoff, Marc Strauss, Rebecca Summary, and Martha Zlokovich. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Approval of minutes Vol. XL-13 was moved by Senator Scott and seconded by Senator Dillivan. The motion carried. REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Chair Champine reported that Sandy Scroggins is still looking for volunteers for the April 30th Recognition program. Sandy can be reached at extension 2080. Chair Champine thanked Senators Ambery and Zou once again for volunteering. Chair Champine reported that the Senate Executive Committee met with President Dobbins on Monday April 3. He indicated that they discussed compensation, the FiveYear Calendar, the River Campus, Three Rivers Community College, and the new Men’s Basketball coach. Chair Champine indicated that there will be open forums at 3:30 PM at the Show Me Center meeting rooms with each Men’s Basketball coach candidate. Candidate Scott Edgar will be Thursday April 6, Jay Spoonhour will be Friday April 7, and Rod Barnes will be April 10, 2006. Chair Champine reminded all committee chairs to prepare a written report on their committee’s activities. He asked the committee chairs to please send an electronic version to Dana at dmglass@semo.edu. The chair reminded the Senate about the upcoming election of senate officers, Chair-elect and Membership chair, on April 19. The first half of that meeting will include closing action on Old Business, reports from committees, and ceremonies for senators whose terms have expired. The second half of that meeting will be attended by the new senate that will elect executive officers. REPORT FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE LIAISON Vice Provost Fred Janzow reported that pre-registration for the Fall 06 semester begins April 10. He reminded Senators that students now have to have an alternate PIN to have access to the portal to register. Dr. Janzow reported that he had met with the Higher Learning Commission about the North Central Accreditation process. Dr. Janzow asked the Senate to start paying close attention to the upcoming AQIP Action Projects. He invited the Senate to visit the Higher Learning Commission website for more information. Dr. Janzow reported that the Promotion and Sabbatical Leave Committee will be reviewing the dossiers of the faculty coming through for promotion shortly. REPORT FROM THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT LIAISON Student Government Liaison, Heather Valle reported that the WINGS program started last weekend. She indicated that they had several riders and believed that it went very well. Heather Valle urged Senators to encourage their students to take part in the upcoming student elections. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS Documents Senator MacLeay reported that the Documents Committee has been communicating by email. They have prepared a resolution for the document Procedures for Updating the Faculty Handbook, which will be considered under old business. Professional Affairs Senator Bruce Mims indicated that Professional Affairs has not met. However, they have completed the letter concerning Promotion and Tenure and plan to distribute the letters tomorrow. Governance Senator Zlokovich was unable to attend the meeting. Compensation Senator Milde reported that the President indicated that faculty may get a 3% increase as opposed to the 2.5% that the Compensation Committee had requested. She reported that the President indicated that the additional funds were due to the off-campus centers not losing as much money. Academic Affairs Senator Reinheimer reported that Academic Affairs completed the Five-Year Calendar, and it will be considered under new business. Membership Senator Smith reported that Mike Cobb was re-elected so that he could serve as Faculty Senate Chair next year and Marc Fulgham has also been re-elected to serve another term on the Senate. He indicated that they were the only two senators whose terms were ending in 2006. Senator Smith indicated that he will invite faculty who are interested in serving on open committee positions to submit a paragraph stating why they want to be on that specific committee and why they believe they are qualified to do so. OLD BUSINESS Chair Champine distributed copies of the proposed resolution regarding Suggested Guidelines for Effective Use of Student Evaluation of Instruction. There was a motion (Mims/Reinheimer) to accept the resolution. A presentation was made by Senator Mims, Senator Cobb, Senator Smith, and Senator Althaus. There was extensive discussion of issues relating to the document. The question was called by Senator Smith (Scott seconded). The senate voice was divided, and when the house was sampled, the result was 8 in favor, 9 opposed, and 2 abstentions. Senator MacLeay distributed copies of the proposed resolution regarding Procedures for Updating the Faculty Handbook. There was a motion (MacLeay/Scott) to approve the resolution. Chair Champine called for a vote, and it passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Senator Reinheimer distributed copies of the proposed Five-Year Calendar bill. Senator Reinheimer moved to suspend the rules and take up the bill immediately; Senator Althaus seconded. The rules were suspended. After discussion on the bill, there was a motion (Reinheimer/Althaus) to approve the bill. Chair Champine called for a vote, and it passed unanimously. Senator Althaus distributed a proposed resolution requesting a change in the University Non-discrimination Policy to be considered at the next Faculty Senate meeting. ADJOURNMENT The motion to adjourn (Scott/Champine) was recognized and approved at 4:59 p.m. The next Faculty Senate Meeting will be April 19 in the University Center Party Room at 3:00 PM. Approved April 19, 2006