Lt General Sir Robert Fulton KBE
Rear Admiral RJ Lippiett CB MBE DL
Air Vice-Marshal NDA Maddox CBE
Lieutenant Colonel M Hampshire
Lieutenant Colonel PA Irvine
Lieutenant Colonel (Ret’d)
Lieutenant Colonel R Armstrong RM
Colonel Freddie Kemp
Wing Commander R Chalklin MBE
Mr TJC Garnier BSc - H&HC and ISC Rep
Commander A Mackie RNR
Lieutenant Colonel R Ayres
Lieutenant Colonel JAS Driver
Wing Commander D Montgomery RAFVR(T)
Mr C Dytor MC
Wing Commander MH Green MBE
Wing Commander S Shilladay
Mrs Julie Taylor, ASCL & NAH
2 Lt D Lagdon
Lieutenant Colonel A Lamb
Lieutenant Colonel D Richmond
Lieutenant Colonel R Armstrong
Lieutenant Colonel J Seaman
Major R Bevan MBE
Contingent Commander C Thompson
Mr K Hull
Wing Commander C Cousins
Commander (Ret’d) E Main RN
Flight Lieutenant M Watson
Brigadier David Short CBE
Major O Shepard
Lieutenant Colonel T Hayter
Major (Ret’d) M Dicker
Vice President, RN
Vice Chair, Epsom College
Sp Comd, CCF, Army HQ
HQ CCF Royal Navy
Ministry of Defence
CCF HQ Air Cadets
CCFA Rep for N Ireland
Sandbach School
Worksop, E Mids RFCA
Robert Gordon’s, H/lands
Oratory School
Oratory School
Thomas Deacon Academy
Workshop/Dukeries Acad
Eastbourne College
Giggleswick, Y & Humber
Brentwood College CCF
Life Member, NW RFCA
Thomas Deacon
Life Member
Reading School
St Dunstan’s College
Heanor Gate CCF
Secretary, CCFA
Project Officer, CCFA
Project Officer, CCFA
SO1,CCF Transform Sp Comd
There were many others who attended the AGM but sadly failed to sign the
attendance sheets.
The Minutes
Chairman’s Introductory Remarks
The President opened the 2014 Combined Cadet Force Association Annual
General Meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for their commitment and
support over this extraordinary year. He then gave them a very warm welcome.
The Chairman stated that while CCFA have enjoyed a huge success this year
with regard to the CCF Charging Regime proposal he was certain that further difficulties
would lie ahead in 2015 and further battles would need to be fought as the next
Government tried to meet the budget deficit and a further period of financial austerity
had to be endured. Defence, he said, was not a protected Department. However, he
did say that in the light of the High Level Review of the MOD’s Cadet Forces there could
be no doubting Defence’s resolve at all levels for Cadet Forces. It was clear in the
report that the MoD’s expenditure on its cadets made a significant contribution to the
cross-Government youth agenda.
Apologies, the Secretary said, had been received from many members. They
Apologies: COUNCIL:
Maj Gen MJ Rutledge CB OBE
AVM MJ Routledge CB
Cdr G Bushell, CRFCA
Mr D Haigh, MoD
Col PJ Edwards MBE, Sp Comd
Cdr R Nicholson RNR, Milton Abbey, West of Eng Rep
Lt Col Gavin Jones, New CTC Commandant
Lt Col M Godfrey, Royal Hospital, New E Anglia Rep
Sqn Ldr D Kilby, Winchester College
Sqn Ldr JW Titchen RAFVR(T) – RGS (High Wycombe)
Lt Col Richard Quicke, DFOT
Brigadier MJ Wharmby OBE
Commodore J Fry, RN
Dr R Crawford, Sp Comd
Lt Col DB Greenaway (Retd)
Life Member
HQ Sp Comd.
Life Member
Item 1 - Minutes of the of the Previous Meeting held on 16 December 2013
4. There were no matters arising regarding the minutes of the last meeting and so the
Chairman signed the copy as a true record of proceedings.
Item 2 - Chairman’s Report
The Chairman then gave his report. There were no questions arising. A copy of
his report is at Annex A.
Item 3 - Treasurer’s Report and the Auditors’ Report for the year ending 31 July
Lt Col Irvine then presented the Treasurer’s Report.
7. As there were no questions arising, the Chairman asked the members to accept
the accounts. This was:
Proposed by: Lt Col R Ayres
Seconded by: Wg Cdr MH Green MBE
He concluded by thanking Richard Quicke and Samira Ranaei for their hard work in
keeping and balancing the Association’s books.
Item 4 - Approval of Remuneration for the Auditors
The Treasurer reminded the members that given the relatively small size of the
CCFA fund the Charity Commission did not require the CCFA to have an external audit.
However, he asked that the AGM authorise the remuneration for the auditors, Messrs
Buzzacotts, to the tune of £1800 and to agree their re-appointment for a further year.
This measure was:
Proposed by: Maj M Banwell MBE
Seconded by: Lt Col J Seaman
Item 5 – Election of the Association’s Honorary Officers
Election of President. The Chairman proposed that Lieutenant General Sir
Robert Fulton KBE be re-elected for 2015. This was seconded by Sqn Leader T Morris.
Election of Chairman. Lt Col Hampshire proposed that AVM Maddox be reelected as Chairman CCFA for 2015. This was seconded by Lt Col R Ayres.
Election of the Vice Presidents: The Chairman proposed the following be reelected as Vice Presidents:
For the Royal Navy – the re-election of Rear Admiral John Lippiett.
For the Army – the re-election of Major General Martin Rutledge.
For the Royal Air Force – the re-election of Air Vice-Marshal Martin
This was seconded by Mr T Garnier.
The Chairman concluded this section by
thanking our Vice Presidents for the contingent visits and inspections they had carried
out across the CCF in 2014.
Re-election of the Vice Chairman and the Honorary Treasurer. The
Chairman then proposed the following for re-election:
Vice Chairman:
Lt Col Hampshire.
The Honorary Treasurer: Lt Col Paul Irvine.
This was seconded by Cdr (Ret’d) E Main OBE.
13. The Chairman asked that Schools get in touch with the Secretariat to request
inspection visits, but only after the Chain of Command had not been able to fill the slot.
Item 4 - Election of the balance of the Council and the Executive Committee
Having elected the Association’s officers, the AGM was asked to confirm by a
vote the membership of the Association’s Governing Council and its Executive
Committee for 2015. This was seconded by Mr A Quentin. Details are given at Annex
The Chairman concluded this item by thanking all those who had retired from the
Council and those who had retired as Contingent Commanders over the past year and
welcomed their replacements.
Item 7 – Receive reports from the Joint Cadet Secretariat and the single Service
Cadet HQs
16. The AGM the received the following reports:
MoD – Colonel Freddie Kemp. Col Kemp reported that the High Level
Review of Cadets had now been staffed to the single Services and that this was
the 22nd such review into cadets over the last 8-9 years. However, he said, that
this would result in a ‘strategic framework’ for MoD cadets for the future. He
reported that the Schools Cadet Expansion Programme to establish 100 new
State school CCFs by Sep 15 was firmly on track and that it was subject to
monthly scrutiny from No 10. He also reported that the CCF Funding Regime
consultation had now been completed and the results announced by the Minister.
He briefly touched on DYER but said that all of the separate elements of the HLR
and DYER would be brought together under an overarching capping paper
regarding the structure and purpose of all cadet forces for 2020 and beyond.
The Chairman then proposed a special vote of thanks to Col Kemp for the role
that he and the MoD team had played during the CCF Charging Regime
consultation. Everyone in the room applauded loudly in response to this vote of
The Royal Navy – Lieutenant Colonel Roger Armstrong RM. Lt Col
Armstrong reported that despite a high degree of change and churn, the RN had
managed to ensure several high profile events, including the 350th birthday of the
Royal Marines in which cadets played a leading part, had gone off very
successfully. He also briefed on the RN expansion into University Technical
Colleges following direction from the 1st Sea Lord and the progress that had been
made on ‘Afloat Business’ which included the establishment of the RYA training
centre ‘inshore’ at RALEIGH BRNC and ‘offshore’ at Portsmouth under the
relevant principals. Along with the new sailing capabilities that were being
introduced, they represented a significant uplift in the RN’s ability to offer positive
sailing experiences to its and other cadets. There was also much work ongoing
in response to the Transfer of Authority (TOA) of cadets to the Army in order to
ensure clarity over safety responsibilities and that effective processes were in
place especially with regard to safeguarding. And in relation to OP
RETROSPECT there was effort ongoing to educate RN and RM cadets on the
RN’s contribution to operations in the First World War.
The Army – Major Mike Dicker. Major Dicker referred to the fact that TOA
from the MoD to the Army regarding the Command and Control of the CCF had
taken place on 1 Sep 14. He talked about GOC Sp Comd’s Scheme of
Manoeuvre for this TOA that was focused around 4 themes.
Improved Communication.
Improving the Services/Schools linkage.
Improving levels of assurance.
Expansion and the SCEP.
On the issue of Duty Holding and the responsibilities of Contingent Commanders
to hold the responsibility of Delivery Duty Holders (DDHs), he reported that there
would be new suitable training packages available on WESTMINSTER to assist
individuals in this area and that the GOC would write to schools and CCs in the
New Year about this matter. He described Sp Comd’s intended next steps as;
supporting Delivery Duty Holders; organizing a new CCF magazine to be issued
by late 15; achieving synergy between WESTMINSTER and BADER; setting up
the MoU or Contract between Sp Comd and CCF Schools; ensuring cadet safety
and improving security measures, particularly Armouries that had to be compliant
with the relevant MoD regulations. He finished by saying that all could look
forward in the future to new cadet webbing, DP weapons, cadet personal role
radios and the replacement of the No 8 Rifle. The Chairman thanked him for his
report but requested further consultation over the DDH issue given the critical
importance that CCs now played in the Duty Holding chain. Also, when asked by
the Secretary about the SSI Review he replied that it was not to be taken further.
The Royal Air Force – Wing Commander Bob Chalklin
Wg Cdr Chalklin reported that:
Flying and Gliding. He reported that 41 CCF (RAF) cadets
completed the Air Cadet Pilot Scholarship training to solo standard in a
powered aircraft this year. A small number of cadets were able to
complete a Gliding Scholarship to solo standard before the MAA imposed
suspension of gliding activity came into force. He said that some gliding
may take place in 2015 but it may not be until 2016 that we saw a full
return of gliding.
Camps. He went on to say that over 1800 RAF cadets attended a
UK camp in 2014 and HQ ACO also ran overseas camps at RAF Akrotiri
and BF Gibraltar as well as an AT camp at Troodos in Cyprus. He
reported that HQ ACO was now looking at how they could raise the
number of camp places. One of the options would be the use of the new
CCF (RAF) Activity Centre at Inskip which he said would be open to
visitors 9 – 11 Jan 15.
Transfer of Authority. On the issue of the transfer of authority for
the CCF he reported that this was proving to be the catalyst for smarter
ways of working. He stated that HQ ACO was now looking at where they
could bring together the training syllabi for common activities so that all
cadet organisations could work to the same rules. They were also looking
at how they could bring the admin processes closer – ideally to a common
process but not necessarily the Army one.
MIS. He finished by saying that there was a need to work towards a
standard ‘front end’ of the cadet MIS (Bader and Westminster) with a
common database. The capability to enter information on either system
and being able to query either.
17. The Chairman wound up the session by asking whether any members wished to
question the speakers. Finally, he thanked all of the speakers for attending the AGM
and said he looked forward to seeing them all at the Dinner.
Item 8 – Any Other Business
18. The Secretary then said that the 2 items listed in the Agenda, that of the Schools
Cadet Programme update and the results of the CCF Consultation. had already been
covered by the MoD report and he then turned to three Association ‘housekeeping’
a. The dates of the Association’s meetings for 2015 are:
Spring 2015 - Exco meeting – 2 pm on Tue 3 Mar at Holderness
Autumn 2015 - Exco meeting – 2 pm Tue 6 Oct at Holderness House.
2015 CCFA AGM and Members’ Dinner – afternoon and evening of 14
Dec in London (venue to be confirmed).
b. The CCFA Review 2014. The Secretary introduced the review and
thanked Lieutenant Colonel Paul Irvine who had kindly volunteered for a
2nd year to assist with the editing of the 2014 Review. He also said that it
was Sp Comd’s intent to generate a CCFA Bugle or Gazette (the exact
name was still to be decided) in 2015 which was likely to replace the
CCFA Annual Review. However, he stressed that a final decision on this
matter had not yet been taken.
Closing the Meeting
20. There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting and wished
everyone well for 2015.
Signed by the Chairman CCFA on 15 December 2015
David Short
Chairman’s Report.
Finance - Treasurer’s Report and Grants Document
List of CCFA Council and Executive Committee Members for 2015