LRI Genomics Core Facility NE5-253, Phone: 216-444-0974 LERNER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Agilent Bio-analyzer Request Form Date: ______________________________________ Submitted by: ______________________________ PI Name: ___________________________________ CCF Email: PI Email: ___________________________________ Non-CCF Email: _____________________________ Phone number: _____________________________ Non-CCF Affiliation: _________________________ Department: _______________________________ Phone number: _____________________________ Activity or PO#: _________________________ Sample type: _____ mRNA, _____ smallRNA, _____ High conc. DNA, ____ Low conc. DNA Agilent chip type: _____ HS DNA, _____ RNA Nano, _____ RNA Pico, _____ Small RNA Note: At least 3 µl of each sample is required for submission. Please list your samples below (use additional sheets if needed): Sample # Sample name Sample conc. (ng/ul) Comments Core Use Only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I, ______________________________ (PI’s name) declare that the samples submitted to the Core do not contain an agents (biological or otherwise that can be harmful to those processing the samples Name: _____________________________ Date: __________________________ Any related questions can be directed to: Date completed: FOR CORE USE ONLY Performed by: Charges: