Construction Demolition Management in Lebanon

Administrative Information
‫المعلومات االدارية‬
Project Title - ‫عنوان المشروع‬
Construction Demolition Management in Lebanon: Opportunities and Challenges
‫ الفرص و التحديدات‬:‫ادارة هدم البناء‬
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Principal Investigator - ‫الباحث الرئيسي‬
‫رقم الهاتف‬
‫العنوان االلكتروني‬
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Co-Workers - ‫الباحثون المشاركون‬
‫العنوان االلكتروني‬
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: Duration -‫المدة التعاقدية للمشروع‬
Scientific Information
Objectives - ‫الهدف‬
The primary goal of this research study was to develop an effective framework for managing
construction demolition waste (CDW) through the use of sustainable techniques. The first
objective was to identify, document and assess 1) the state of practice regarding CDW
management in the Lebanese construction industry, and 2) the existing knowledge, level of
awareness, and recycling practices amongst the different stakeholders (owners, designers,
contractors, government etc). The second objective was to investigate the technical feasibility
and quantify the costs and benefits (economical and environmental) of recycling, reusing, and
proper landfilling through case studies in Lebanon. These two steps will serve as the basis for
developing a decision-making model for selecting and implementing the appropriate CDW
management technique.
Achievements -‫أالنجازات المحققة‬
In one of the published papers, the research team identified, documented, and assessed the
existing levels of awareness and implementation of sustainability practices amongst the
different participants in the Lebanese construction industry. The analysis was based on a
survey of owners, designers, and contractors supplemented with four case studies
illustrating the recycling of CDW.
The results indicate an acceptable level of awareness, but a mediocre level of
implementation of sustainable practices which were limited to green design efforts and
uncoordinated attempts at recycling construction demolition materials.
A theoretical framework has been proposed to manage CDW in the context of Lebanon.
A cost-benefit analysis was carried out for various recycling scenarios. The analysis
demonstrated the feasibility of a CDW recycling facility.
Land price and property depreciation in residential urban areas play a vital role in siting a
recycling facility, particularly where land is scarce such as the case in most urban areas.
Once a site is located, the recycling gate fee and the aggregate selling price must be defined
in a way that allows recyclers to compete against the cost of the raw material and more
importantly provide adequate incentive for contractors to opt for managing CDW through
the recycling facility by raising the landfill tipping fees.
A regulatory framework should be concurrently adopted and properly enforced in order to
protect the recycling market.
Implementing a waste management plan requires not only technical and financial
considerations but also a clear statement of roles and responsibilities of corresponding
authorities. Accordingly, a proper action plan should be in place to specify the roles of
various stakeholders. Such a plan relies on four components : (1) legislative measures that
advocate proper handling of CDW, (2) implementation measures within concerned
ministries, (3) financing through either public or private institutions, and (4) monitoring and
Perspectives - ‫آفاق البحث‬
As shown in the published papers resulting from this generous grant, recycling of construction
demolition waste is economically feasible. In particular, building and operating a recycling
plant for cementitious material can have substantial economical and environmental benefits.
The research team would like to build on the encouraging results, and is in the process of
drafting a proposal for a research study which tackles waste streams during the construction
process. This is a problem of particular importance to Lebanon, which features an active
construction market and limited landfill spaces.
Publications & Communications - ‫المنشورات والمساهمات في المؤتمرات‬
Srour, I.M., Chehab, G.R., and Gharib, N. (2012). “Recycling Construction Materials in a Developing
Country: Four Case Studies.” Accepted for Publication, Special Issue on Recent Development in
Engineering Systems Management: Proceedings of the ICESMA 10 Conference, International Journal of
Engineering Management and Economics.
Srour, I.M., Tamraz, S., Chehab, G.R., El-Fadel, M. “A framework for managing construction
demolition waste.” Under Review, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Submitted Jan. 2012.
Srour, I.M., Tamraz, S., Chehab, G., and El-Fadel, M. (2012). “A Framework for Managing
Construction Demolition Waste: Economic determinants of recycling.” Accepted for presentation
and publication at the Construction Research Congress, ASCE, West-Lafayette, IN, May 21-23.
Tamraz, S.N., Srour, I.M., and Chehab, G.R. (2011). “Construction Demolition Waste Management in
Lebanon.” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction,
held in Kansas City, Missouri, March 23-25, Eds (Wai Kiong Oswald Chong and Christopher
Hermreck), ASCE, Construction Institute.
Abstract - ‫موجز عن نتائج البحث‬
The significant amount of waste generated from construction demolition has become a chronic
problem in many developing countries. Using data obtained from demolition contractors and
various other sources, this research study proposes a framework for proper handling of
construction demolition waste (CDW) to serve as a decision support tool in countries suffering
from the lack of national CDW management guidelines. The framework is then demonstrated
through a case study in the city of Beirut, Lebanon, and a sensitivity analysis is carried out to
examine the economic feasibility of developing a recycling facility. The analysis showed that in
order for a facility to be feasible, a gate fee should be charged in the presence of a market for
recycled aggregates. The results confirm the significance of instigating and implementing
legislation to control illegal dumping, constructing and managing engineered landfills, and
establishing markets for recycled CDW.