20a. BCI Spring Advertising Assignment

As a class, we have talked about the benefits of advertising all year long. Today – we have been
talking specifically about the benefits of different types of advertising – and what specific
reasons companies have for advertising their product/service. For the next week – you and a
group of 4 will become an advertising team and will launch a campaign to promote the events
and products within BCI.
Step 1: Choosing the event
Each group will nominate a group member that will select a card. The highest card (Ace
is highest) will get their pick of events.
o Mustang Day - Friday, May 24th @ Brant Park
o Student Council Elections
o Prom - Saturday, June 1st @ German Hall
o Coffee House
o Talent Show
o Boys Rugby Finals
o Girls Rugby Finals
o Boys Baseball Playoffs
o Any other events that you know about! (Must be approved by Mr. Lovett)
Step 2: Choosing Your target market/positioning
Yes......students – duh?
But – what type of students? What grades? What classes? What hobbies? What ages?
What sex?
Where do they find their information?
How will you position your event (fun, exciting, a way to get out of school, supporting
BCI, informative, etc)
Step 3: Choosing Your Media
We have discussed 11 different options for advertising – you will be creating an
“advertising campaign”, which will be a combination of many of those types of
You MUST choose 5 different ways to advertise for your event
Your advertising should be “seen, heard, read and available on the internet”
o Example: Announcements are “heard”
o Example: Facebook and the school website is on the internet
Every group will be responsible for creating two mandatory pieces to be “read”
o An advertisement (not a flyer) to be hung up around school
o A direct mail advertisement to be sent home with students
The ways you can advertise are limitless
o No, you can’t advertise on TV or the Radio – but we have substitutes within the
o There are many “real” ways that you can get the word out to students
 example: announcements, posters, facebook fan pages, twitter, live
events, etc.
Step 3: Creating Your Advertisements
This is a chance to show your creativity
Make commercials, posters, ads, radio scripts, webpages, facebook pages, flyers,
announcements, billboards, direct mail, plan events, etc.
The possibilities are limitless in what you can do as far as advertising goes
Step 4: The Written Report
The report will be the “why”
o Why did you choose your target market?
o Why did you choose each type of advertisement?
o Why did you choose the content of the ad that you did?
The words in bold above will be your subsections of the report
The length of the report will vary depending on the depth of your advertising campaign
Reports should be double spaced and should fully explain your target market, the types
of advertisements chose and the content of each ad.
Step 5: Submitting Your Work
You will hand in a finished report, as well as all the advertisements you have created
If it is physically impossible to hand in your advertisement (announcement, webpages,
commercials, events) be creative:
o Annoucements/ radio commercials – Hand in a script
o TV Commercials – Video, storyboards, pictures, scripts
o Webpages – take screenshots
o Events – Take pictures/video
o Posters/ Direct Mail/ Flyers/ Print Ads – hand in a hard copy
All assignments are to be handed in on or before Thursday, May 23rd
You will be marked on process, creativity, explanations, link to theory and contribution
This assignment will be weighted as heavily as a Unit Test