The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. THE WHARF (HOLDINGS) LIMITED (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) CONNECTED TRANSACTION On 16th May, 2002, a tenancy agreement was entered into between a non wholly-owned subsidiary of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited as the landlord and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wheelock and Company Limited as the tenant, whereby the landlord agreed to let to the tenant certain premises at The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel. The tenancy agreement constitutes a connected transaction (as explained in detail below) for The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. Particulars of the transaction and certain other information are given below in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Listing Rules. The annual rent payable under the tenancy agreement is more than 0.03% but less than 3% of the latest audited consolidated net tangible asset value of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. Particulars of the transaction will be disclosed in future annual reports and accounts of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. Agreement date : 16th May, 2002 Premises leased : Shops at G/F, 1/F & 2/F at The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel (“MPHH”), Harbour City, Canton Road, Kowloon (the “Premises”) with a total trading area of 49,120 square feet and storage space of 7,747 square feet (subject to final measurement). Parties : The Hongkong Hotel Limited (“HHL”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of publicly-listed Harbour Centre Development Limited (“HCDL”) which in turn is 67%-owned by The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (“Wharf”, together with its subsidiaries referred to as the “Wharf Group”), as the landlord. -1The Wharf (Holdings) Limited – Announcement (16 May, 2002) Lane Crawford (Hong Kong) Limited (“LCHK”), a whollyowned subsidiary of Wheelock and Company Limited (“Wheelock”), as the tenant. Duration of tenancy : From 2nd January, 2003 to 1st January, 2009. Annual rent : The estimated approximate annual rents, exclusive of rates, air-conditioning charges and management fee (the “Annual Rent”), payable monthly in advance, for each of the years covered under the term of the tenancy are as follows:Year ending 31st December Amount (HK$ Million) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 18.7 28.7 29.4 30.1 30.8 31.5 or 9% of gross sale per annum whichever is the higher. General: HCDL is desirous of upgrading its commercial section in MPHH. LCHK is an up-scale department store with prestigious brands of merchandises. With LCHK as the anchor tenant, it would not only enhance the overall hotel image but also bring attractive shopping experience to hotel guests, which would be beneficial to the Wharf Group as a whole. The principal business activities of the Wharf group is ownership of property for letting, property development and investment, communications, media and entertainment, container and air cargo terminals. -2The Wharf (Holdings) Limited – Announcement (16 May, 2002) Wharf has engaged Chesterton Petty Limited (“Chesterton”), professional property consultants, to review the tenancy agreement (the “Agreement”). On the basis of the advice received from Chesterton last week in respect of the Agreement, the directors, including independent nonexecutive directors, of Wharf are of the opinion that the Agreement and the terms therein are on normal commercial terms with reference to the prevailing market conditions, are fair and reasonable and are in the commercial interests of the Wharf Group, and that the Agreement was entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of HHL after due negotiations on an arm’s length basis with reference to the prevailing market conditions. Regulatory Aspects: Since HHL is 67% effectively owned by Wharf which in turn is a 48%-owned associated company of Wheelock, the Agreement constitutes a connected transaction for Wharf. As the Annual Rent is more than 0.03% but less than 3% of the latest audited consolidated net tangible asset value (“NTA”) of Wharf, the transaction falls within the de minimis level under paragraph 14.25(1) of the Listing Rules for Wharf. Particulars of the transaction will be disclosed in the reports and accounts of Wharf for the year ending 31st December, 2002 and, where applicable, also for each subsequent year in which the relevant Annual Rent would be of an amount representing not less than 0.03% of the NTA of Wharf. By Order of the Directors Wilson W. S. Chan Secretary Hong Kong, 16th May, 2002 “Please also refer to the published version of this announcement in the China Daily Hong Kong Edition and Hong Kong Economic Journal both dated 17th May, 2002.” -3The Wharf (Holdings) Limited – Announcement (16 May, 2002)