UNIT III – MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM DESIGN 2 MARKS 1. What is Multimedia? (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2007) Multimedia is a combination of text, graphics art, sound, animation, and video, with document images delivered by computer or other electronic means. 2. Mention some of the evolving technologies of multimedia? (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2003 and 2004) 1. Hypermedia Documents 2. HDTV and UDTV 3. 3-D Technologies and Holography 4. Fuzzy logic 5. Digital Signal Processing 3. List the various data elements for Multimedia Systems? 1. Facsimile 2. Document images 3. Photographic images 4. Geographic information systems maps 5. Audio messages 6. Video messages 7. Holographic images 8. Fractals 4. List the capabilities required for Image Enhancement? i. Image Calibration ii. Real-time alignment iii. Gray-Scale normalization iv. RGB hue intensity adjustment v. Color separation vi. Frame averaging 5. What are the benefits of Multimedia? (UNIV QUES APR/MAY 2004) 1. Document Imaging 2. Image Processing and Image Recognition 3. Full-motion Digital Video Application 4. Electronic Messaging 5. Universal Multimedia Application 6. What is OCR? Optical Character Recognition is a technology used for data entry by scanning typed and printed words in a form or for capturing entire paragraphs of text, which is entered in a database or in an editable document. 7. How will you manage text mapping across platforms? (UNIV QUES APR/MAY 2004) Called device-independent application programming interfaces (APIs), these interfaces isolate the application from the hardware. The application is designed to operate with any hardware or operating environment that supports the API. Common file formats allow data files to be exchanged between different hardware architecture and operating environments. 8. List some Full-Motion Digital Video Applications? The Full-motion video has applications in i. Multimedia Games ii. Entertainment systems iii. Multimedia Messaging iv. Engineering /Simulation 9. What are the requirements needed tom support Electronic Messaging? i. Message Store and forward ii. Message transfer agent to route messages iii. Message repositories iv. Repositories for Multimedia components v. Dynamic access and transaction manager vi. Automatic database synchronization vii. Automatic Protocol conversion viii. Local and global directories to locate users and servers. 10. What are the technologies required to build a Universal Multimedia Application? i. Full-Motion Video Messages ii. Viewer interactive live video iii. Audio and Video Indexing 11. List the application of Multimedia in Mobile units. (UNIV QUES APR/MAY 2007) 1. Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) 2. Video telephony and Video streaming 3. Blue tooth 4. Multimedia Instant Messaging 5. Audio and Voice 12. What are the functionalities requires for Combined Graphics and Imaging Application? Combined Graphics and imaging applications requires functionality at three levels provided with varying levels of capabilities: i. VGA Mixing ii. VGA Mixing with Scaling iii. Dual-buffered VGA mixing and scaling 13. How Network Congestion occurs? Network congestion arises when the following combination occurs i. Number of users accessing the network ii. Increased computing power of the desktop system iii. iv. v. Business needs for more complex networks for a larger variety of data transmissions. Graphics intensive applications Voice and Video based multimedia application 14. What are the tasks required for Task Based Multi-level networking? Based on the nature of requirements such as volume of data, potential sources of data and transfer speeds, the task required are i. Data transfer for text ii. Data transfer for images iii. Data transfer for audio and video clips iv. Data duplication to user workstation v. Data replication among servers 15. List some of the networking standards? i. Ethernet ii. Token Ring iii. ATM iv. FDDI 16. List the subsystems of DSP Operating system architecture? i. Memory management ii. Hardware-interrupt handling iii. Multitasking iv. Inter task synchronization and communication v. Multiple timer services vi. Device-independent I/O 17. What are the components of a multimedia data representation? (UNIV QUES APR/MAY 2007) Multimedia components are Facsimile transmission, images, holograms, interactive video, live video and audio. The basic data representation includes text, images, audio, holograms and full motion video. 18. What are the Multimedia Data Interface Standards? i. File formats for Multimedia systems ii. Video Processing Standards iii. Microsoft’s AVI 19. Write short notes on ‘AVI’ format.(UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2008) AVI is software –only solution but can make use of supporting hardware such as Intel’s DVI chips. It supports several compression algorithms. The early standards started out playing 15 frames/sec of video in a 160*20 pixel window. 20. What are the features included in Quick Time Architecture. i. System software ii. File formats iii. Compression/Decompression algorithms iv. Human interface standards 21. List the factors that affect the Speed of retrieval? i. Storage latency ii. Compression efficiency iii. Transmission latency iv. Decompression efficiency 22. Define Multimedia Database. Give an Example? (UNIV QUES APR/MAY 2004) Multimedia database is defined as a Multimedia workflow Management systems that provides multimedia application and document management as a fully integrated add-on capability to existing systems and applications. Ex: Object oriented Databases for Multimedia – provides the fastest route to Multimedia support and embodies the principles of reusable code and modularity, will ease future maintenance of these databases. 23. What is Message Passing? Message Passing: Message Passing-allows objects to interact by invoking each other’s methods and process of handling off data from one component of the application to another. 24. What are the three key concepts very important for Object oriented software technology? i. Encapsulation ii. Association iii. Classification 25. List out some key issues of data organization for Multimedia Systems? i. Data Independence ii. Common distributed database architecture iii. Distributed Database Servers iv. Multimedia Object Management 26. What are the key features of Common Distributed Database Architecture? i. Multiple independent data structures in system ii. Uniform distributed access by clients iii. A Single point of recovery of each database server iv. Convenient data reorganization to suit requirements v. Tunability and creation of object classes vi. Expandability. 16 MARKS 1. List the Multimedia applications. Explain them briefly (UNIV QUES MAY/JUN 2007) (OR) Discuss the applications of Multimedia in various areas (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2003) 2. Explain the characteristics of MDBMS. (UNIV QUES MAY/JUN 2007) 3. Write short notes on Multimedia System Architecture (UNIV QUES MAY/JUN 2007) (OR) 4. Explain the Multimedia System architecture with neat diagram (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2003) (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2008) 5. Explain the various applications of Multimedia in Image Processing. (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2004) 6. Write about multimedia applications involving full motion digital video (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2008) 7. What types of Database Management Systems are preffered for Multimedia Systems? Explain(UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2008) 8. Give the importance of Multimedia Databases (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2004) 9. List the Data Elements for Multimedia System. Explain them Briefly? 10. Discuss the various technologies and their scope of use for Multimedia Systems? 11. Write a short notes on DSP Chips. Explain its Architecture and Applications? 12. Explain some basic data types that defines objects for Multimedia Systems (UNIV QUES NOV/DEC 2008) 13. List the various interface standards. Explain briefly the purpose of their use in Multimedia Systems TEXT BOOK: 1.Prabat K Andleigh and Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia systems and Design”,PHI, 2003.(UNIT 3 to 5).