Dear All: This was the wonderful list of preliminary “working groups” you came up with. Great start and great ideas. There are 7 initial working groups (with others listed below) which the class decided to get started on. I would propose that by Monday, October 9th (the first class after the exam) people sign up for one of these groups – but you can also sign up anytime now. It doesn’t have to be a final decision, since some people suggested flexibility of moving in and out of groups. As you suggested, the first working group Sudan 101 or “get educated group” should be ready to go sooner than some of the other groups. We will start “threads” of discussion groups for all of these groups and please feel free to get started now, or fairly soon (Tyler can you do that please?). Send further suggestions to me or Tyler for either insights on the substance or the process of this case study and we will continue to develop the case study. Let Tyler know ( which group you will join. The groups, particularly “Sudan 101” should also try to work out and identify the process they will follow; the group/individual dilemma, the division of labor, communications within the group, etc. etc.. Tyler will get busy constructing the website….and if people want to join that effort (also part of the project) please let him know. We will need both technical experts, good writers, organizers, and aesthetic types to create a dazzling online presence which communicates both the substance and the process of our initiative. I took the liberty of reordering these working groups, but it doesn’t really mean too much. Have a great weekend, Professor Singerman. 1. GET EDUCATED GROUP!!! – BASICS FOR ALL – SUDAN 101 ACTORS AND PLAYERS IN THE AREA GEOGRAPHY/MAPS 2. HISTORY OF SUDAN; SETTING THE STAGE FOR GENOCIDE 3. SURVEY OF PUBLIC AWARENESS/KNOWLEDGE ON SUDAN 4. AMERICA’S TAKE ON THE WHOLE THING CONGRESS – LEGISLATION – COALITIONS – CAUCUSES – BRIEFINGS - NEWS MILITARY ACTION – US/UN/EUROPE/NATO/ARAB LEAGUE/AFRICAN UNION 5. SUDANESE TAKE ON THINGS 6. WHAT IS GENOCIDE? CIVIL WAR? ETHNIC CLEANSING? REPRESSION? SOVEREIGNTY 7. HISTORY OF UN POLICIES ON GENOCIDE HISTORY OF UN IN SUDAN OTHER WORKING GROUPS: HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT SUDAN AND IS IT ANY GOOD? REVIEW OF EXTANT SCHOLARSHIP & PUBLIC INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE/POWER RESPONSIBILITIES: BRIEF ENTIRE CLASS & RECOMMEND READINGS SO NOW WHAT? ADVOCACY GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS NON-GOVT. SOLUTIONS – LINKS TO THEM INFORMATION ON HOW TO GET INVOLVED MILITARY ACTION –UN/EUROPE/NATO/ARAB LEAGUE/AFRICAN UNION NEWS UPDATE ON SUDAN MEDIA’S ROLE IN REPORTING GENOCIDE – PUBLIC INFORMATION MEDIA’S ROLE IN SUDAN CRISIS GENDER, RAPE & GENOCIDE: INTERNATIONAL LAW