Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Sociology 224. Organizational Analysis
Joel Podolny
Surveys sociological perspectives on organizations and environments. Reviews classical and contemporary theories of bureaucracy and organization-environment relations. Attention to perspectives including ecological, institutional, resource dependence, transaction-cost, agency theory, learning theory, and organizational culture. Examination of phenomena at multiple levels from the establishment to the organizational network or field.
Sociology 275. Social Network Analysis
Peter V. Marsden
Teaches concepts and methods for studying social structure in terms of social relationships or social networks.
Approaches to collection of network data; issues of data quality; analysis of total network data via graph-theoretic techniques, multidimensional scaling, block models and related methods; analysis of survey network data on interpersonal environments of individuals.
Note: Expected to be given in 2003–04.
Sociology 160. Medicine, Health Policy and Ethics in Comparative Perspective: Conference Course
Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good (Medical School)
Complements Sociology 162. Provides opportunities to study in greater depth topics of: culture and political economy of bio-medicine; health policies at national and international levels; and bioethics. Students will read case materials, journal articles and ethnographies as well as conduct “data searches” from the web and from more traditional sources, and choose course projects that may include field research as well as literature or document based studies.
Note: Expected to be given in 2003–04.
Sociology 162. Medical Sociology
Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good (Medical School)
Explores current topics in medical sociology, including the work of doctoring, the experience of illness, and the social distribution of health needs and health resources. Examines how medical knowledge, practice, research, and technology are culturally shaped and institutionally organized. Primarily focuses on biomedicine as a cultural system in North
America; however, comparative illustrations are drawn from international medicine.
Note: Expected to be given in 2003–04.
Anthropology 245. Culture, Mental Illness and the Body
Byron J. Good (Medical School)
Briefly reviews the figure of mental illness in Western thought and the social sciences, then focuses on themes in crosscultural studies of psychopathology: culture and diagnosis; cultural influences on depression, schizophrenia, and dissociation; madness in non-Euroamerican healing systems; and transnational aspects of psychiatry.
Note: Expected to be given in 2003–04.
Anthropology 250. Local Biologies: Perspectives on the Interaction Between Culture and Biology
Arthur Kleinman
Reviews the variety of anthropological perspectives on the interactions between culture and biology. Topics include mind-brain-society interaction in pain; cross-cultural studies of menopause; sociosomatics of depression; the new genetics and eugenics; research on stress and trauma.
Note: Expected to be given in 2004–05. Open to advanced undergraduates with permission of the instructor.
Psychology 2500. Advanced Social Psychology
Daniel M. Wegner
Advanced survey of classic and current research and theory in social psychology, including self, social cognition, attitudes, social influence, altruism and aggression, prejudice and discrimination, close relationships, and group dynamics. Note: Expected to be given in 2003–04. Seniors may enroll with permission of instructor.
Psychology 2630. Social Behavior in Organizations: Seminar
J. Richard Hackman
Topics include how groups and organizations affect individual members and vice versa; interpersonal and group processes; work team effectiveness; power, political, and intergroup dynamics; group and organizational leadership.
Note: Open to doctoral students only. Students are also expected to attend the lectures of Psychology 1501.
School of Public Health
HSB 201 Society and Health
Dr. I. Kawachi
Lectures, case studies. Five 2-hour sessions each week.
Analyzes major social variables that affect population health: poverty, social class, gender, race, family, community, work, behavioral risks, and coping resources. Examines health consequences of social and economic policies, and the potential role of specific social interventions. Reviews empirical and theoretical literature on mechanisms and processes that mediate between social factors and their health effects, and discusses alternative models for advancing public health. Course Activities: Short written assignments, class discussion, final examination.
Course Note: Departmental requirement for the Department of Health and Social Behavior.
HSB 202 Innovative Strategies in Health Education
Dr. R. Rudd
To be given 2002-2003; offered alternate years.
Seminars. Two 2-hour sessions each week.
This course focuses on selected social and behavior change theories and the translation of those theories into specific health education applications. Readings and discussions center on the development of theory-based strategies with an emphasis on issues of control, participation, efficacy, and empowerment. Case examples of health programs designed to address health issues and social inequalities add to the analysis process. Course Activities: Assigned readings, participation in class discussion, reading portfolio, report. Course Note: Signature of instructor required; ordinal grading option only.
HSB 207 Race, Ethnicity & Health: Perspectives from the Soc ial & Behavioral Sciences
Dr. N. Anderson
Seminars, lectures. One 3-hour session each week.
Health outcomes in the U.S. vary dramatically as a function of race and ethnicity. The purpose of this course is to address the possible pathways by which such disparities in health and longevity arise at different stages in the life cycle.
The course will highlight research that explores this issue from socio-cultural, behavioral and psychological, and biopsycho-social perspectives, as well as ideas about the meaning of race and ethnicity in American society. Students will be asked to develop their own research ideas that might help illuminate the nature of specific health disparities.
Course Activities: Lectures, class presentations, discussion.
Course Note: Enrollment limited to 30 students; signature of instructor required; no auditors.
HSB 211 Health Promotion through Mass Media
Not to be given 2002-2003.
Lectures. One 2-hour session each week.
Covers the development of public communication campaigns in the field of health promotion: assessing what the mass media can accomplish to promote health; designing mass media messages that are consonant with principles of behavioral science and the public health model; and strategic planning for integrated mass media campaigns.
HSB 215 History, Politics, and Public Health: Theories of Disease Distribution Across Time & Culture
Dr. N. Krieger
Not to be given 2002-2003.
Lectures, seminars. One 3-hour session each week.
This course will focus on social and scientific contexts, content, and implications of diverse theories of disease distribution, both past and present. Theories covered range from ancient Greek, Chinese, Indian, African, Latin
American and American Indian theories to miasma, contagion, germ theory, biomedical model, lifestyle, social production of disease, and ecosocial theory. The course will consider how these theories shape questions people ask
about -- and explanations and interventions they offer for--patterns of health, disease, and well being in their societies.
The goal is for students to develop a historical and critical perspective concerning current theories of disease distribution, and to incorporate this perspective into their public health research and projects.
Course Activities: Brief reaction papers on reading each week, class participation, one group project (textbook survey), one final paper.
Course Note: Enrollment limited to 25 students, with preference given to doctoral students in HSB; signature of instructor required; no auditors.
HSB 220 Introduction to High-Risk Behaviors: Epidemiology, Prevention & Public Policy
Seminars. One 3-hour session each week.
Examines behaviors that place an individual at higher risk of morbidity and mortality. Focuses on epidemiology of smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, violence, and unsafe driving. Emphasis is placed on societal factors that support these behaviors, as well as strategies and public policy approaches to prevention.
Course Activities: Term paper, class presentation. Not to be given 2002-2003.
HSB 221 Psychosocial Theories of Health and Health Behavior
Dr. K. Emmons, Dr. L. Daltroy
Lectures, seminars. One 3-hour session each week.
This is a doctoral-level course, designed to provide students with a conceptual grounding in theoretical approaches to health and health behavior. This course emphasizes the use of psycho-social theories in health-related research and includes an examination of Health Beliefs Model, Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, Social
Learning Theory, the Transtheoretical Model, risk communication, control theory, social support, and social networks.
Heuristic models designed to integrate these theoretical perspectives will be addressed.
Course Activities: Assigned readings, class participation, two papers, weekly concept papers, one individual presentation.
Course Note: HSB 201 required; enrollment is primarily for doctoral students and is limited to 15 students in total; master's students need instructors' permission; signature of instructor required.
HSB 225 Health and Social Policy in the Workplace
Dr. J. Heymann
Not to be given 2002-2003; offered alternate years
Seminars. Two 1.5-hour sessions each week.
The course explores how health and social policies influence whether work helps or harms the health and welfare of individuals, families, and communities. Topic areas covered will include, among others: welfare policy, poverty policy, disability policy, sexual harassment in the workplace, family medical leave, role of individuals in policy formation, presidential politics, the executive branch, the role of Congress, role of unions and policy implementation.
Course Note: Enrollment limited to 25 students.
HSB 227 Planned Social Change
Dr. R. Rudd
Lectures, seminars. Two 2-hour sessions each week.
Introduces a disciplined and theory based approach to program planning and evaluation. Applies social science principles to community assessment, program design, and a three staged evaluation for health related programs of planned social change. Course Activities: Assigned readings, participation in class discussion, one brief essay, paper.
Course Note: Ordinal grading option only; signature of instructor required.
HSB 250 Inequality and Health
Dr. B. Kennedy
Lectures, seminars. Two 2-hour sessions each week.
Socioeconomic inequalities in health are large, widespread and persistent. The aims of this course are: to review the major theories of social stratification - from economic, political, and sociologic perspectives; to examine the epidemiologic evidence on social class, gender, and racial disparities in health and illness; and to develop an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the problem of inequality.
Course Note: Enrollment limited to 25 students; signature of instructor required; preference given to doctoral students.
Harvard Medical School
Soc 700.0 Introduction to Business & Management in Health Care
Directors: P. L. Slavin, S. Finkelstein
Instructors: Members of Faculty & Associates
Evaluation: Group project with exam and written presentation.
Introduction to the academic disciplines of business management with illustration from examples in various medical care settings. Topics include: economics of health care; evolving role of physicians and other medical professionals; ethics of business decisions in a clinical context; underlying concepts in financial, marketing, and operations management in health institutions; and the management of risk in health-related enterprise. Presentations by carefully selected multidisciplinary faculty group from the Harvard and MIT communities. Student projects will address current issues occasioned by the rapidly changing health care environment.
SM700.0 The Social Roots of Health and Disease
Directors: J. Y. Kim, P. E. Farmer
Instructors: A. M. Brandt, A. M. Kleinman, J. N. Bayona, K. L. Fox, L. Eisenberg, M. J. Good
Activities/Format: Seminar and outside reading expected. Evaluation: Participation and class presentation with annotated bibliography or research paper. This course will explore key questions in social medicine -- a multi- disciplinary field exploring most of the socio-medical sciences. For example: How do social forces become embodied as pathologies ranging from AIDS to mental illness? Other questions are posed by ethical dilemmas native to contemporary medicine; still others ask how new trends in the organization of healthcare will affect the most vulnerable members of our society. The course will allow students to engage practitioners of social medicine in discussion of new work in the field. The course will be punctuated with seminars on the praxis of social medicine; physicians engaged in work in Peru,
Haiti, and Roxbury will present findings from their research and discuss their experiences in pragmatic efforts to improve health outcomes under difficult conditions.
SM720.0 Women, Health and Medicine
Directors: A. E. Becker
Instructors: M. D. Good
Evaluation: Participation in seminar discussions, and research paper or project.
This seminar offers students the opportunity to examine current themes in gender and medicine. Topics, which will be chosen in discussion with students to reflect their interests, may include women's health in comparative international perspective; women as clinicians and policy- makers; women as patients, scientists, and clinicians in high-technology settings; among others.
SM 702.0 Culture, Poverty and Infectious Disease
Directors: J. Y. Kim, P. E. Farmer
Instructors: J. H. Maguire, J. P. Daily, K. L. Fox, M. M. Connors
Activities/Format: Seminar and outside reading expected.
Evaluation: Participation and class presentation with annotated bibliography or research paper.
This interdisciplinary course integrates perspectives from the social sciences and the biomedical sciences to explore the interaction of culture, poverty, and infectious disease. The course faculty will bring a mix of disciplinary experience - from clinical infectious disease to anthropology - to bear upon a rethinking of AIDS, tuberculosis, and Chagas disease, all of which disproportionately affect the world's poor. Organized by disease topic, the seminar is structured to allow us to examine specific case material from around the world and to analyze the ways in which social, economic, and political factors, which are increasingly global in nature, influence basic biological mechanisms by altering the distribution of these sicknesses and also by shaping illness outcomes. We will spend several weeks working through each set of case materials, unfolding the story from the biological mechanisms to social conditions. In each case, we will ask how critically rethinking the topic might help to formulate more effective interventions.
Graduate School of Education
A-665 Organizational Decision-Making
Carol H. Weiss
This is an introductory course in theories of decision-making in organizations. The course reviews the major traditions of scholarship about organizations: rational, human relations, power, bureaucratic politics, organizational process/incrementalism, and institutional. Readings will address organizations in terms of concepts such as interpersonal relationships, self-interest, power, rules and procedures, human cognition, information, technology, environment, and empowerment. "Making decisions" takes on different meanings when considered within the rubric of different concepts of organizational activity. The course will consist primarily of student presentations and class discussions. Students are expected to write memos during the semester and complete a final paper.
A-210 Evaluation of Programs and Policies
Carol H. Weiss
This course is an introduction to evaluation of the effectiveness of educational programs and policies. It assumes knowledge of social science research methods and applies the methods to program evaluation. It is a “how-to-do” course, with opportunities to develop measures and research designs for real programs. Topics will include purposes for evaluating; the role of the evaluator; experimental, quasi-experimental, and descriptive designs; indicators of effectiveness and of program process; using program theory to structure the evaluation; collection of quantitative and qualitative data; analysis; presentation of results; and use of evaluation results in decision-making. The course is designed as the preliminary course for those training to become evaluators and as “evaluation appreciation” for those planning to enter administrative, planning, and policy positions. Students are evaluated on the basis of classroom participation and two papers. Prerequisite: course work in research methods and/or statistics.