Curriculum Vitae in the Link Modules

LCVP Portfolio Items
Enterprise Report
Enterprise Report in the Link Modules
The Enterprise Report is a report on an enterprise activity in which the student has
participated during the course of the Link Modules. The report is an outcome of Unit
4 of the Enterprise Education Link Module. In this unit students are facilitated in
planning, setting up and running their own enterprise projects as vehicles of
Examples of such enterprises include:
Organising a fundraiser for a local charity, producing and selling a product, setting
up a school credit union, compiling a directory for tourists, organising a careers
Module 2 Unit 4 – An Enterprise Activity
This unit provides students with the opportunity to put the skills they have gained in
the previous units of the Link Modules into practice. The form of enterprise project
selected will depend on the aptitude and interests of the students, as well as the
resources available to them in school and in the locality. It is essential in this unit
that students are encouraged and permitted to take ownership of and responsibility
for the enterprise projects they decide to pursue.
Specific Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to:
work co-operatively with others to generate a range of ideas
prepare a plan for the selected enterprise activity
identify available resources to support an enterprise activity
integrate information from a variety of sources including relevant
Leaving Certificate subjects
assess personal and group skills and identify possible training needs
identify and recruit consultants willing to advise on a selected enterprise
understand the practical importance of market research and the
marketing mix
be aware of the concepts of publicity and promotion
actively participate in group work in a variety of roles – owner, worker,
team leader
4.10 take responsibility to ensure that targets are reached
4.11 participate in a review of group performance
4.12 review personal performance in an enterprise activity
4.13 prepare and present a written or verbal report on an enterprise activity
4.14 link the activities in this unit to learning in relevant Leaving Certificate
4.15 evaluate the successes achieved and problems encountered in this unit
Portfolio of Coursework – Assessment Criteria
As part of their Portfolio of coursework students must present a total of 6 items.
The Enterprise Report is part of the optional items.
The Enterprise Report will assess the student’s ability to:
 Generate a document with a clear and consistent layout
 State the terms of reference of the report or the aims of the activity
 Summarise the main contents
 Describe key events
 Communicate relevant information in appropriate depth and detail
 Use charts, tables, diagrams, pictures, as appropriate to support and
illustrate main findings
 Organise points into related groups
 Arrange main sections in a logical sequence
 Describe and evaluate personal contribution to the activity
 Draw conclusions and make recommendations appropriate to the body of
the report
Guidelines for preparing an Enterprise Report
The enterprise report should be presented as a word-processed document 10001500 words in length. This will, on average, comprise four to six pages of text (not
including title page, contents page and any appendices). The document should be
the student’s unique record of a group/class project or enterprise in which he or she
participated as part of the Link Modules, the purpose of which was to develop
enterprising skills.
Full details of the Link Modules syllabus including the Enterprise Report can be
found in:
 The Department of Education and Science publication- “Leaving Certificate
Vocational Programme” 2001.
 The NCCA Link Modules Assessment Guidelines that were written to support
teachers in preparing students for assessment in the Link Modules.
Reference should also be made to DES Circulars and Guidelines which are sent to
Suggested layout for an Enterprise Report (1000-1500 words)
Title page
Table of Contents
Terms of
Reference or
A clearly identifiable title is essential. A subtitle may be added to
give greater detail. Other details should include the author’s name,
the intended audience (who the report is for) and the date of
This is a list of the main elements/sections of the report giving the
page numbers on which they appear.
This paragraph should include appropriate information such as: the
subject of the report, the main items dealt with in the text and the
main conclusions/recommendations
Why the report was written or requested
What student/group hoped to learn or achieve from the activity
In either case two or three short statements are required
Body of the Report Key details of the activity are described. Paragraphs in a logical
sequence under clear headings(and sub-headings as appropriate).
Relevant information such as research undertaken, plans made,
actions agreed, tasks carried out, should be recorded accurately and
concisely. Students should include at least one relevant illustration
to support the main findings of the report e.g. small table, diagram,
Evidence of Personal Contribution
The student should describe how he/she contributed to the
enterprise activity. There are a number of different ways of achieving
this, such as:
 By including a paragraph entitled “My Personal Contribution” in
the body of the report
 By highlighting personal contribution (e.g. using italics) at
appropriate points in the text
 By including an overview and evaluation of personal contribution
at the end of the document
Should relate to the body of the report. Presented in paragraph form
or as numbered/bulleted lists.
Based on the report’s conclusions (e.g.suggestions for future action).
Recommendations Presented in paragraph form or as numbered/bulleted lists.
Should include an evaluation of the enterprise activity itself, an
evaluation of group performance and, if not dealt with separately, an
evaluation of personal performance.
Maximum two items