St Mary’s High School Upper Chapel Street NEWRY Co Down BT34 2DT Telephone: Fax: Email: Website: 028 3026 2851 028 3026 7138 VLE: November 2009 Dear Parent(s) On behalf of the Board of Governors of St Mary’s High School, I present to you our Annual Governors’ Report. This report covers the last school year from September 2008 to August 2009. In reflecting on this year I firstly pay tribute to Miss Geraldine Mc Clory who retired as Principal in August 2009. She led our school with vision, managing it highly effectively and inspiring staff to embrace challenge and change. We wish her well in her future and hope she finds her well earned retirement fulfilling. Also Mrs Margaret Patterson, Senior Teacher retired after long service, dedication and commitment to St. Mary’s. Her role as Head of History and Pastoral Leader enabled her to make a significant impact on the development of our pupils. Her work involved collaboration with cross phase, cross border and European schools enabling students the opportunities to appreciate the diversity of many cultures. We thank them both for their contributions to the school and wish them every blessing in the future. We also pay tribute to Mrs Kathleen Mc Anulty, Classroom Assistant who sadly passed away in this academic year. She was a very supportive member of staff who encouraged pupils in a caring and professional manner. She will be greatly missed by both staff and pupils. Mrs Margo Cosgrove was appointed Principal and is continuing to build on the high standards and Catholic ethos established in the school. She is assisted by Miss Denise Crawley who was appointed as vice Principal in July 2009. The Governors’ report will give you, the parents of our pupils, insight into the very busy and varied life of our school. You will note in reading the subject reports the many activities and educational visits which were undertaken to extend the opportunities for teaching and learning. You will also see that the school is taking part in educational initiatives to enhance learning. The report also gives you the opportunity to see how the school is both organised and financed. St Mary’s continues to be proud of the very high level of educational opportunity that it offers to the Catholic children of Newry and the surrounding areas. The Governors of St Mary’s are committed to high educational standards and believe that St Mary’s, through a highly motivated and dedicated staff, offers excellence in education to all girls whatever their ability. St. Mary’s is a school in which we, governors, staff, parents and above all pupils, can have a tremendous amount of pride. We are delighted to be a designated Specialist School in Mathematics and Business Studies. Specialist Status recognises, not only academic performance but also many achievements and successes within the school. Our Specialism has identified particular curricular strengths in Mathematics and Business and we strive to embrace these subjects through all areas of the curriculum. Mathematics and Business will take a leading role in sharing good practice and alongside our other highly successful departments ensure whole school improvement. 2 As a member of our Area Learning Community, we have already established very positive working relationships with our post primary partners. In St. Mary’s we acknowledge and celebrate the sterling work carried out by our primary partners and our plans to further develop partnerships will be invaluable in ensuring pupils’ smooth transition to post primary education. Our Specialist Status will enable us to strengthen our position as a school at the heart of the community and through our extended schools programme, we already offer evening classes and now through our specialism we plan to extend opportunities for community groups. We are confident that being a Specialist School will make a difference to all involved in St. Mary’s and we look forward to embracing change and challenge with confidence. Our thanks go to a very dedicated, committed and enthusiastic staff for the professional manner in which they carry out their duties. We are delighted with the pupils’ work. They have shown what can be done through hard work, enthusiasm and the support of parents and teachers. We, the Governors, know that this could only have been achieved through wholehearted commitment. As an extended school we value links with the local community and wish to express our appreciation for the expertise and time given to the school by individuals and agencies. We will continue to review our school to ensure the continuance of its distinct Catholic character while celebrating diversity. The Governors appreciate the help and support given to the school during the past year and are particularly delighted with the continued development of collaboration with other schools and colleges: St Colman’s College, The Southern Regional College, and our contributory primary schools. We pledge ourselves to continue to work with all other providers in striving for excellence so that the girls of St. Mary’s may achieve their potential. We thank you for your support and invite you to continue to partner us in the furtherance of that objective. John E McClelland Chairperson of the Board of Governors 3 As a result of the 1989 Education Reform N.I. Order governors have been given responsibility for the overall management of the school: (1) the establishment of aims and objectives for the school and the drawing up of policy statements for those areas of management where a written policy is required; (2) ensuring the implementation of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and keeping it under review and in particular fostering links with the local community and pursuing the objectives of Education for Mutual Understanding; (3) selecting staff, making promotions and undertaking other personnel responsibilities; (4) drawing up an admissions policy and applying it to prospective pupils; (5) managing the school’s finances; (6) ensuring that the premises are properly maintained; (7) providing parents with information about the school through the issue of a Prospectus and Annual Report. 4 BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2006-2010 ST MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL, NEWRY MR J E MCCLELLAND CHAIRPERSON TRUSTEE NOMINEE 2010 MRS E MALONE VICE-CHAIRPERSON TRUSTEE NOMINEE 2010 VERY REV. FATHER C BYRNE TRUSTEE NOMINEE 2010 MRS E BELL TRUSTEES’ PARENT REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MISS D CRAWLEY TEACHERS’ REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MRS M MATHERS SELB REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MR M MCCARTAN PARENT REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MR MCCAUL DENI REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MRS P CUNNINGHAM SELB REPRESENTATIVE 2010 MISS GERALDINE MCCLORY PRINCIPAL AND SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS NB: EACH GOVERNOR’S NAME IS FOLLOWED BY THE DATE AT WHICH HIS/HER TERM OF OFFICE EXPIRES 5 ST MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL VISION Our vision is to educate and develop the students in our school to the highest possible standard and as a Catholic School, to awaken them to the challenge of living according to the Catholic Faith whilst also appreciating diversity. We acknowledge that Catholic Education: Takes place in communities inspired by the Spirit of Christ. Christ’s commandment to love God and neighbour inspires a caring ethos which is expressed in relationships within and beyond Catholic schools Promotes the dignity, self esteem and full development of each person who is made in God’s image and uniquely loved by God Is inclusive. It is respectful of, and engages with people of all beliefs: it encourages the development of all in their own faith Is rooted in the Gospel values of Respect for Life, Love, Solidarity, Truth and Justice: it aims to harmonise faith and culture, build a better society and pursue the Common Good MISSION OPTIMUM SEMPER FACERE ALWAYS TO DO ONE’S BEST We will work in collaboration with other educational institutions and in partnership with parent and students to maximise academic and creative potential of students, enabling them to achieve the highest educational standards, thereby enriching their lives, the community and the economy. 6 ST MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL STRATEGIC AIMS VALUING EDUCATION To promote the value of education through the celebration of achievement and personal endeavour To engender a love of learning as a life long process and an appreciation of its relevance in everyday life FULFILLING POTENTIAL To provide young people with learning opportunities suited to their needs and abilities To maximise the academic and creative potential of students by challenging them to be independent thinkers and life long learners To provide students with the opportunity to develop competence and confidence in elearning To give students opportunity to learn about factors which impact on learning e.g. learning styles, techniques to improve learning, healthy lifestyles To prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and equip them with the skills to manage their career development To foster the personal and social development of students as responsible members of society To collaborate with other schools and colleges to improve learning and extend opportunity PROMOTING EQUALITY AND INCLUSION To ensure all members of the school community are treated with respect and that there is equality of access to resources To encourage tolerance and respect for others and to promote the value of diversity RESOURCING EDUCATION To use resources effectively to support and improve learning To ensure procedures are in place to appoint and develop skilled and motivated staff To seek opportunities to provide additional funding to support and improve learning To provide a safe, healthy, stimulating and well-equipped learning environment To actively promote the welfare of pupils and staff 7 Aims of St Mary’s as a Catholic School Together Catholic Schools provide high quality, rounded education for all young people, so that they develop their full uniqueness and potential. In Catholic Schools the person and message of Christ find expression in: Communities of Faith, Service, Prayer and Worship The development of each person’s full potential in a climate of joy, freedom, respect, challenge, cooperation and celebration The enrichment of pupil life – intellectual, physical, spiritual, moral, social and emotional The promotion of a spirit of charity, social justice, global awareness and concern for others leading to practical outreach and partnerships A culture of tolerance where people of diverse identities are recognised, welcomed, respected and cherished Listening, mutual understanding, trust, reconciliation, healing and peace The preparation of pupils to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives which will contribute to the common good 8 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT In the 2008 - 2009 year once again parents played an important part in the life of the school and were involved at a variety of activities within the school. Participation in the Extended Schools’ Initiative allowed closer links to be developed between parents and the school. Attendance at Parent/Teacher Meetings was high. Our thanks go to parents for their co-operation during the year. By working together we ensure the best for your daughters. We look forward to continuing this partnership with you, the parents, the school and ourselves, the Governors, in the coming year. PROCEDURE FOR MAKING A COMPLAINT At St. Mary’s High School we are committed to listening about our service. We will use this information, wherever possible, to help maintain and improve our service. We encourage and welcome all comments and views, both positive and negative. Parents are welcome to come to the school to discuss any matter pertaining to their daughter. It is the belief of the school that this open communication is highly beneficial to all and especially to the pupil. Our policy is designed to establish a clear mechanism for the resolution of complaints which can be verbal, taped or E-mailed. AIMS Our complaints procedure aims to: provide an efficient and thorough system through which issues are effectively addressed facilitate the school in providing the best possible service for its pupils and the local community provide a simple, speedy and accessible service that respects confidentiality be courteous and respectful address the issues that arise from complaints in a fair and honest manner within the timescale set out treat individuals and groups with openness, equality and inclusiveness keep people informed of progress and the final outcome of the issues raised be simple, easily accessible and easy to use. These procedures do not replace or supplement other established procedures and/or appeals mechanisms in such areas as Child Protection, Special Education, Admissions, Suspensions and Expulsions etc. The procedures allow for a five stage process ranging from informal to formal. Most complaints are resolved at the informal stage but if a parent believes that the issue has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner the complaint should be made in writing, initially to the Principal. Ultimate responsibility for the curriculum of the school lies with the Board of Governors and it is involved at Stage 4 and Stage 5 of the procedures. A full copy of the Complaints Procedure and other school policies is available from the School on request. 9 REVIEW OF THE YEAR The school year 2008 – 2009 was very successful in all areas of school life. The total number of pupils at the school was 574. Our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 examination results were excellent. All pupils were entered for the GCSE Examination – the majority taking eight/nine. In addition through our collaboration with Southern Regional College a number of pupils were entered for Double/Single Award Occupational Studies and BTEC First. The results in these courses were of a very high standard. 99% of our Y12 pupils continued their education in sixth form in St Mary’s or other post primary schools, the Southern Regional College or Youth Training Schemes. We are particularly pleased with the excellent results achieved by our Advanced Level students who all gained entry into the course of their choice at third level. The Governors of St. Mary’s High School wish to recognise the hard work of the Principal, teaching and non-teaching staff and their dedication to the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of our pupils. CURRICULUM 2008-2009 The range of subjects offered in the school were: Religious Education, Careers, Employability, English, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Technology & Design, Citizenship, History, Geography, Learning for Life and Work, PE, Art & Design, Music, French, Home Economics, ICT, Drama, Business Studies, Business and Communication Systems and Helath & Social Care. Outside the school curriculum, pupils had the opportunity to become involved in: President’s Award Computer Club School choir/Orchestra Maths Club Drama groups Gaelic Football Public speaking Inter school quizzes Guitar lessons Orchestra/Traditional Group Orienteering Helping in the community Netball Cross country running Fitness Club Driving Instruction Homework Club LET/KEY Young Enterprise Booster GCSE classes In addition pupils enjoyed a range of educational trips to theatres and places of cultural interest both in Ireland and abroad. As an Extended School St Mary’s offered pupils and parents services, and opportunities to pursue learning after school. We ran a school-based counselling service and in the winter months pupils availed of Breakfast Club in the school canteen. After school classes and activities for pupils and evening classes for parents were organised as part of the Extended Schools’ Programme. 10 RESOURCES The school is very well equipped. Three computer suites in the school have been refurbished to the highest standards and all subject areas have access to interactive white boards. Each classroom is equipped with C2K computers. The Technology and Design area has been extended and refurbished. The Music, Art and Design and Physical Education facilities have also been extended and refurbished. A fitness suite obtained through Big Lottery Funding is available to students and others. An editing suite has been installed. Science and Home Economics blocks have also been refurbished to the highest standards. Pupils are encouraged to make use of the Computerised Library both in school and after school in the Homework Club. Religious Education plays a very important role in the school curriculum. The Religious Education programme is based on the Church’s Liturgical Seasons. Pupils are given opportunities to participate in school and class Masses, Penitential Services, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Retreats. The work of the Religious Education teachers is fully supported and enhanced by the commitment of the school chaplain who spends a lot time in the school and is well known to all the pupils. KEY STAGE 3 The school ensured that there was clear, coherent planning for all areas of the Northern Ireland Curriculum linked to the school’s aims and policies through inservice training and the use of Staff Handbook, Departmental Handbook, schemes, Units of Work. Breadth, balance and continuity were also part of the planning process. Learning outcomes were clearly stated at the beginning of each lesson and differentiation was used to ensure that individual needs were met. The monitoring and evaluation of pupil work was regarded by as integral to the teaching process and its importance was emphasised at staff training. All pupils followed the Northern Ireland Curriculum. In Year 8 and Year 9, pupils were placed in mixed ability classes and those who had difficulty with literacy or numeracy were given extra support under the guidance of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. Pupils in Year 10 were banded according to ability. Decisions about GCSE courses and other Public Examinations were made at the end of Year 10. Year 10 pupils are awarded a Junior Certificate, presented at Prize Night. In order to help pupils and their parents to make appropriate choices of courses and subjects for Year 11 and Year 12, an Options Seminar takes place where pupils receive a booklet outlining the various courses and subjects to inform parents and pupils and to encourage discussion about choices. Before final decisions are made, pupils focus on the implications of their choices for their career paths during Options Week KEY STAGE 4 Pupils in Year 11 and Year 12 were offered a range of GCSE subjects and vocational subjects equivalent or equivalent and equal to GCSE subjects. Pupils chose to follow one of two tracks: Track One: nine subjects at GCSE level which could include ‘Learning for Life and Work’. Track Two: seven subjects at GCSE level and BTEC First (equal to two subjects at GCSE level or Double Award Occupational Studies equivalent to two GCSE’s, offered in collaboration with the Southern Regional 11 College). Parents were given the opportunity to play an active part in subject options. Each Year 11 pupil was given the opportunity to go on work experience in June. Pupils found this motivating and a valuable aid to decision making about choices for third level education and future careers. In Year 12 Careers Guidance is continued and pupils have the opportunity to speak to the careers officer attached to the school, listen to invited speakers and go on educational visits. At the end of Year 12 all pupils are presented with their Progress File, highlighting the qualities and skills which they have developed over their years in St Mary’s High School. It also contains a record of grades achieved in public examinations and awards gained over the five years in St Mary’s. SIXTH FORM Sixth Form courses were introduced in 2004, and in 2008 – 2009 the range of courses within the Post 16 Curriculum has continued to expand, helping our learners to choose subjects that allow them to progress to a greater range of University Degree Programmes and Employment. During the last academic year in collaboration with St Colman’s College and the Southern Regional College, students had the option of studying the following courses at Key Stage 5: GCE Art and Design, Applied Business, Biology, Chemistry, Drama and Theatre Studies, English Literature, Geography, Health and Social Care, ICT, Mathematics, Moving Image Arts, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Sociology. All Post 16 students have access to the Learning Resource Centre and Library to carry out independent work and research. Pupils also follow a comprehensive Personal Development and Careers Guidance Programme, helping to prepare them for the opportunities and challenges of higher study and adult working life. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME A highly structured Pastoral Programme was operated in the school to help pupils address the issues and problems associated with growing into mature citizens. At all times the staff of St. Mary's School endeavoured to act in the best interests of the pupils. Year Heads and Form Teachers were responsible for the guidance and good discipline of classes and for all matters related to the pupils. Parents were encouraged to take an interest in the girls' development and progress by attending parent/teacher meetings and by supporting the teachers and the school. Pupils are encouraged to develop leadership skills and to take an active role in the school through membership of the School Council. The Head Girls, Senior Prefects and Class Prefects play a valued role in school life. School examinations/assessments are held in December and in June. Reports are posted home. Planned Parent/Teacher meetings took place in Autumn and Spring Terms. Pupil achievements were celebrated at the two annual prize-giving ceremonies: Junior Prize Night in September and Senior Presentation Evening in November. Pupils were presented with a variety of certificates and awards to celebrate their achievements. 12 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (Policy Summary) St Mary’s High School is committed to maximising its pupils’ academic achievements within a broad and balanced curriculum which addresses the social, spiritual and emotional needs of its pupils. Teachers aim to be alert to the specific educational needs of the pupils. These range from the needs of the pupils who have learning or behavioural difficulties to those of pupils who have exceptional ability. The pupils who require additional support to help them overcome specific learning/behaviour difficulties are the focus of this policy. The support given addresses the specific learning/behaviour difficulties which are impeding progress and achievement. Pupils with special educational needs are integrated into mainstream provision. In Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 pupils are placed in mixed ability groups and extra support is given in English and Mathematics. Shared Reading and Reading Partnerships are strategies used to develop reading. Teachers use a variety of teaching/learning strategies and differentiation to encourage learning. Teachers may use both the pastoral and academic programmes and structures within the school in identifying and making provision for needs. The resources of CASS (Curriculum Advisory and Support Service) are drawn on when appropriate and the school is committed to staff development in issues connected with Special Educational Needs. Every opportunity is sought to involve parents in the education of their children. Parents are invited to Prize-Giving Nights and Parent/Teacher meetings and are encouraged to visit the school if they have any concerns about their daughters. Parents receive a copy of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy and are informed of all measures relating to assessment, provision and review. They are given the opportunity to work in partnership with the school by: becoming involved with the Paired/Shared Reading Programme communicating regularly regarding their daughter’s progress after internal school examinations and in relation to (Education Plans )EPs. attending an annual meeting with the Form Teacher. attending a special event e.g. Religious Service (Mass), Concert. 13 ARRANGEMENTS FOR PROVIDING ACCESS TO A BALANCED AND BROAD BASED CURRICULUM In KS3 pupils are placed in mixed ability groups. Extra support is available in English and Mathematics and through Shared Reading and Reading Partnerships. Information from the primary school and the results of standardised tests are used to ensure each pupil’s needs are met. Each girl is monitored during the first year to ensure that she is progressing. All girls take part in a Paired/Shared Reading Programme. Each Department has developed units of work and differentiated materials to ensure the pupils are motivated to improve and are challenged. Differentiation in materials and approaches is used to ensure learning and progression In Year 11 and Year 12 all pupils have the opportunity to study for a range of GCSE subjects. The choices on offer include subjects which may lead to qualifications other than GCSE – Key Skills, Living Maths, xL Programme. Pupils may choose courses offered in collaboration with the Southern Regional College – BTEC First or Occupational Studies. Teachers, parents and pupils are involved in making choices regarding examination entry. The school’s aim is that each pupil will take a range of subjects at GCSE Level. Teachers again use differentiation to ensure access to the curriculum. The special educational needs of girls who are gifted with a particular talent in music are catered for through the use of specialists who may give support during the school day or after school. Opportunity is given to girls who want to extend their experience in the arts to avail of numerous competitions and events inside and outside the school. Pupils with Special Needs are fully integrated into the school. OUTSIDE AGENCIES INVOLVEMENT The School Nurse and Health Visitor played an important part in the Health Education of all pupils. The Governors would like to take this opportunity to thank all outside agencies for their help and continued support throughout the 2008 – 2009 academic year. 14 THE SCHOOL DAY The school day commences at 8.55 am and finishes at 3.00 pm and is divided up as follows 8.55 9.00 9.15 10.00 10.45 11.30 12.05 12.50 1.30 2.15 - 9.00 ASSEMBLY 9.15 REGISTRATION 10.00 SECOND CLASS 10.45 THIRD CLASS 11.30 FOURTH CLASS 12.10 FIFTH CLASS 12.45* SIXTH CLASS 1.30* SEVENTH CLASS 2.15 EIGHTH CLASS 3.00 NINTH CLASS LUNCH IS TAKEN EITHER AT 12.05 – 12.45 OR AT 12.50 – 1.30 IN THE SCHOOL CANTEEN. CLASS ORGANISATION Details of this are to be found in the section entitled Curriculum Provision. HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2008 – 2009 School operated during the period 21 August 2008 - 30 June 2009. It was closed for all statutory holidays occurring within that period. TERM 1 21 August – 23 December 2008 inclusive. Holiday: 25 August 2008. Mid-Term break: 27 October – 31 October 2008 inclusive. Christmas Holidays: 24 December 2008 – 5 January 2009 inclusive. TERM 2 6 January2009 April 2009 inclusive. Mid Tern Break: 9 February – 13 February 2009 inclusive. TERM 3 20 April – 30 June 2009 Holidays: 4 May and 25 May 2009. 15 ART & DESIGN The Art and Design department has enjoyed another successful year. The department has continued to make links with other departments within the school and within the community. Pupils were involved with designing a cookery book cover for ‘International Women’s Day’, in collaboration with Women’s Aid and Fresh Fields. This proved a great success and the books were published and on sale throughout County Down. Laura Mc Aleenan a year 8 student designed the winning cover. Annual events such as the ‘Carrickfergus Castle’ competition and the ‘Calendar’ competitions took place and have continued to be a great success. There was also an opportunity to design a cover for St Mary’s Christmas Card with Year 13 student, Aislinn O’Keefe, winning the coveted accolade. This year also saw the introduction of GCE A’ Level Art & Design. This level of work will be a great inspiration for future candidates pursuing Art & Design as it raises the overall standard of work. The GCSE exhibition was an extremely successful event with a range of work, from costume designs, to ceramics, head pieces to fine art on display for the whole school and wider community, showcasing the diverse range of ability and talent within St Mary’s. This event has promoted the Art & Design department at all levels. The excellent Moving Image Suite has been an invaluable resource for all pupils at KS3, KS4 and KS5 to extend their skills in digital and moving images. Continued links and support from the Southern Regional College and Amma Centre have opened doors for further exploration. 16 BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT Once again the department enjoyed a very successful year in terms of examination results and was particularly delighted with the exceptional achievements of its ‘A’ Level students – gaining 79% A – C and 100% A – E grades at A2 level. The GCSE results exceeded the school average. In November, Year 13 students joined several schools from the Newry and Mourne area to attend an event ‘Entrepreneurial Masterclass’ organised by Young Enterprise Northern Ireland in the Canal Court Hotel. Young Enterprise Northern Ireland is a cross community, non profit organisation dedicated to inspiring young people in the development of attitudes and skills for personal success, lifelong learning and employability, through participation in practical business programmes. Students were inspired by the speakers and found the tasks both challenging and enjoyable. To fulfil the requirements of Unit 9 GCE Applied Business, the Year 14 students were required to organize a school Mini Enterprise. The project was hugely successful both in terms of the experience and knowledge gained by the girls with regard to business ownership and marketing but also in developing their entrepreneurial skills. The department has continued to foster its association with local and regional businesses. The Year 13 students visited the Canal Court Hotel and interviewed the General Manager, Patrick Murtagh, to collect information to enable them to fulfil the requirements of their ‘AS’ portfolio assignment. The information given by the hotel was used to reinforce many areas of the GCSE Business Studies course and allowed Year 11 students to complete their coursework element. Year 14 students went to the head office of ‘Heat’ a heating services company in Belfast and met with their Operations Manager. This company achieved top place in the Sunday Times ‘100 Best Companies To Work For’ 2008 competition. The visit and subsequent online contact provided the students with valuable information concerning ‘Investment in People’ planning within that company. The Business Studies department played a leading role in the introduction of Advanced Level study in St Mary’s and as a subsidiary subject, was a pivotal factor in the school’s successful application for the very prestigious accolade of ‘Specialist School’ status. 17 CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY DEPARTMENT 2008/2009 has been a rewarding, challenging and highly successful year for the Careers/Employability Department. The recent award of Specialist School Status has strengthened our resolve to affect improvement and renew our sense of purpose. We have maintained, extended and strengthened our already excellent links with local businesses and schools and the Work Experience Programme in both Year 11 and Year 13 are continuing to prove to be highly worthwhile and enjoyable for our pupils. The VEP Programme has been extended and we have improved our links with both Southern Regional College and St Colman’s College, ensuring that we meet the requirements of the Entitlement Framework. Feedback from parents, students and local businesses has been extremely positive and we look forward to forging even stronger links this coming academic year. The table below is a brief synopsis of our achievements in 2008/2009 September 2008 ‘Big School Seminar’ for Year 8 pupils Employability Team roles reviewed and amended with reference to key features of the revised curriculum Review of the Work Experience Programme completed in June using employers feedback and pupil self evaluation Review of CCEA KS3 and KS4 Employability Programme and introduction of World of Work materials Ongoing Review of KS5 Careers Programme Careers Service NI “Getting Connected” Programme for Year 12 students Junior Presentation of Progress File Jordanstown and Queens University Open Day Visits – Year 14 October 2008 Work Experience Programme – Year 14 Cragrats Drama Presentation on Post 16 Options Interview Skills Day – Year 14 Year 10 Employability Interviews with staff Year 12 – Study Skills Programme 18 October 2008 (continued) Year 14 UCAS Application Process Newry & Mourne Careers Portal Launch: COIN November 2008 Evaluation of VEP Programme, strengthening collaboration with Southern Regional College and St Colman’s College Young Enterprise “Study Skills” Programme - Year 11 Young Enterprise “Learn to Earn” Programme - Year 10 YENI “Entrepreneurial Masterclass” at Canal Court - Year 13 December 2008 Completion of individual University References – Year 14 Young Enterprise “Success Skills” - Year 12 January 2009 Beginning of Year 12 Interviews with Mary Knight from Careers Advisory Service – Jan - June Young Enterprise “Project Business” - Year 11 February 2009 Year 10 Options Seminar with parents, staff, Southern Regional College and Careers Advisory Service Open Days at FE Colleges (Feb - April) Sentinus “Interview Skills Programme” - Year 14 Young Enterprise “YE9 Programme” - Year 9 March 2009 “The Links Works” Talk on post 16 pathways - Year 12 April 2009 “Work 4 U” Motivational Speaker Event at Newry & Mourne Enterprise Agency May 2009 ‘Employability Fest’ including Year 9 “Taste and See” Programme in collaboration with NIFHE & SRC, “Food FEST”, arranged by Home Economics Department and “Public Speaking” arranged through the English Department. All strands of the LLW (Learning for Life and Work) agenda represented. CCEA “Sector Skills” Council Event at Southern Regional College “Occupational Studies” Presentation of Certificates to Year 12 at the Canal Court Hotel, Newry 19 May 2009 (continued) Young Enterprise “Your School, Your Business” – follow up to “Big School” - Year 8 June 2009 Young Enterprise “Personal Economics” - Year 11 “Teacher into Industry” STEM Project – two teachers spent five days in industry (PSNI, FSNI and Pheonix Gas) to highlight the importance of the STEM Agenda 15th – 17th Week 1: Work Experience for Year 11 pupils 23rd – 25th Week 2: Work Experience for Year 11 pupils BTEC Child Development Link Students with SRC out in Primary School for two weeks work experience. Work Experience Evaluations for Year 11 will take place in September 2009 The Department has also been concerned this year with raising the profile of the school by increasing publicity of our achievements both internally and in the local community press. Many of the above events have been publicised throughout the year in the local press and on the school website. With the recent award of Specialist School Status, the Careers / Employability Department looks forward to working very closely with local primary schools in a new Primary Programme Initiative for 2009/10. Further developments planned for 2009/10 include: ● Further departmental collaboration and strengthening of CEIAG as a crosscurricular subject ● Continued extension of business links ● Continued enhancement of the VEP Programme ● E-Progress File ● Assessment of Learning ● Extension of Careers Service Level Agreement to include Year 14 UCAS Applications ● Preparation for a St Mary’s Careers Convention Overall, as a department, we are proud of our achievements this year and we look forward to the new 2009/10 academic year with a renewed and strengthened sense of purpose. 20 CITIZENSHIP The Citizenship team have continued to implement a number of initiatives. Citizenship is now delivered to all KS3 pupils. Over the year citizenship issues were themes at assemblies and fundraising took place for the Developing World. The GCSE Learning for Life and Work is continuing to develop in St. Mary’s and this year we have two Year 11 and two Year 12 groups studying this. There is a strong Citizenship theme in this subject. Year 9 are involved in a two year Comenius project and two classes in this year group incorporated the project into their Citizenship classes throughout the year. The title of the project is: ‘Migration: Living Together, Working Together’. The countries participating are Estonia, Germany, Bulgaria and N. Ireland. The pupils were involved in whole school surveys, interviews and art work for a competition for Project Logo. They investigated the experience of the migrant children in our school. Two citizenship teachers went to Estonia to plan for the project with teachers from the other countries and St, Mary’s hosted the other countries for a visit in March. In September 2008 four pupils from Year 8 accompanied the teachers to Germany where they were hosted by their German counterparts and were be involved in activities representing the school, including making a presentation to all the pupils and teachers from the participating schools. Year 11 This year Citizenship became compulsory for this year group. Those pupils not studying Learning for Life and Work were provided with a Citizenship module which fulfilled the statutory requirements. One class dealt with controversial issues through the project already mentioned in History – Living in a Divided Society. Through this project the pupils developed their citizenship skills and also their ICT and communication skills. Other classes studied Human Rights issues in their module. One of the main citizenship initiatives that took place this year was the setting up of the school council. This followed a democratic process in which all the pupils took part in elections. Once the council was in place the citizenship department arranged training for them. NICCY allowed us to use their offices for this training and SELB officers were the facilitators. There will be ongoing training and support for the council this year from NICCY. 21 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT September 2008 Drama students from Years 11 and 12 attended Newpoint’s performance of ‘Billy Liar’. October 2008 Young Writers’ Poetry Competition Annually we enter pupils’ work from KS3 classes for publication in regional poetry anthologies. This year 65 entrants were successful in getting their work published in the local regional anthology. Book Week and Shared Reading Programme Each Year 8 student takes part in this Reading Programme where parents work closely with their child to ensure she reads books over the 8-week period. Various activities and competitions were organised to encourage the students’ reading. November 2008 Newry Soroptomists’ Public Speaking Competition Year 12 pupils took part in the annual public speaking competition in Newry Arts Centre. We congratulate Aisling McAteer who won second place and Leanne Smith who gained third place. The Puckoon Drama Tour This drama company gave a GCSE Drama based workshop to the Year 11 students. The students followed it on with a visit to see their production of ‘Puckoon’ in ‘An Tain Theatre’, Dundalk, where pupils had the opportunity to meet and talk with cast members after their performance. Drama Intergenerational Workshop in McManus Court, Newry This workshop involved Year 11 students working alongside experienced Drama practitioners in McManus Court with the elderly residents. 22 December 2008 Open Night Performance: Highlights from the musical, ‘Joseph’, performed by the GCSE Year 11 Drama students and members of the choir. January 2009 ‘Let’s Read’, Reading Project in conjunction with the Irish News. All Year 9 pupils took part in this project for 6 weeks to encourage pupils to critically read the newspapers. February 2009 Shakespeare For Schools – The Arty Fact Company All Year 10, 11 and 12 enjoyed the Shakespeare play ‘Macbeth’, performed by this professional theatre company. Selected pupils took part in a drama workshop after the performance. April 2009 Schools Inter-Schools Table Quiz Nine pupils from Year 12 participated in this event, held in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry. ‘St Mary’s Got Talent’ Competition As part of a fund-raising activity, we had a ‘St Mary’s Got Talent’ competition where pupils and teachers performed together in song, dance and music to raise money for ‘Trocaire’. April/May 2009 Feis Success The students celebrated another highly successful year at Newry Feis for verse speaking. Numerous medals and many prestigious awards were won, including cups for individual and group performances. 23 In the Post Primary Under 12 section: 1st 2nd 3rd Caoimhe McAleavey Emma Shields Chloe Turley In the Under 13 section: 2nd 3rd Kirsty O’Neill Jenna McCartan In the Under 15 section: 1st 2nd 3rd Alice Craven Olivia O’Hare Nicola O’Gorman Highly Commended: Demi-Lee McKeown Shannon Doyle Nadia McVeigh Winner of the Under 17 and Secondary Schools’ Cup: 1st 2nd Leona Grant Gemma McGivern In addition to these successes, we also gained 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the ‘Good Conversation’ section winning ‘The John Kennedy Memorial Cup’. The overall winner of the Secondary School Section collecting the coveted ‘Felix O’Hagan Cup’ was Leona Grant. Alice Craven won the ‘Margaret Nolan Cup’ for the highest mark in any test piece. May 2009 GCSE Drama students successfully staged their GCSE performance piece ‘Growing Up…and all that stuff!’ 24 Whole School Public Speaking Competition Congratulations to all the finalists and winners in the whole school Public Speaking Competition. Every pupil had the opportunity to make a speech in her English class from a range of topics suggested by her English teacher. The best from each class was selected to take part in a grand finale, where all the top speakers in each year group competed. This year’s competition was adjudicated by Ms Corrina Cunningham who complimented the students on their high standard of public speaking. Year 8 winners: 1st 2nd 3rd Laura McAleenan ‘To Tan or not To Tan’ Aisling Sarah Magee ‘Cruelty to Animals’ Jaira Belmonte ‘A Filipino in Ireland Why I would encourage others to Emigrate’ Year 9 winners: 1st 2nd 3rd Lauren Carroll ‘Blend versus Trend – Yes to School Uniforms’ Nadia McVeigh ‘Poor Mental Health – A Growing Problem to Teenagers’ Collette Heaney ‘Addiction is Destroying our Lives’ Year 10 winners: 1st 2nd 3rd Orla Devlin ‘Teenagers today are seen and not heard. It’s time to listen to us!’ Rachel McShane ‘Does the Media Pressurise Women?’ Rowan McNamee ‘Stop Animal Cruelty’ Year 11 winners: 1st 2nd 3rd Kamila Kostka ‘Being a newcomer in a new country’ Rebecca Kenna ‘A woman’s place is in the home’ Nicola Heaney ‘Warning – Anorexia can Seriously Damage your Health’ Newry Musical Society Years 11 and 12 enjoyed the Newry Musical Society production of ‘Calamity Jane’. ‘Our Day Out’ Year 11 pupils performed Willie Russell’s ‘Our Day Out’ for Years 11 and 12 in the school assembly hall. 25 GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT September 2008 Year 9 pupils visited the Marble Arch Caves in Co Fermanagh to see the features of limestone scenery. This visit helps to develop the pupils understanding of chemical weathering and introduces them to the importance of protecting our natural environment while developing the economic potential of the caves as a tourist attraction. October 2008 Year 12 GCSE pupils carried out the first stage of their fieldwork investigation by collecting data in the different shopping centres in Newry. This involved using a questionnaire to collect information on shopping patterns and filling in land use maps. February 2009 St Mary’s Geography department linked with St Coleman’s College, Newry, in the collection of data for their ‘A’ Level course. June 2009 Year 11 GCSE students carried out River Investigation in Killowen Field Centre in preparation for their coursework. This involved data collection including crosssectional area, gradient and bed load. 26 HISTORY During the year the History Department organised cultural visits to various museums and places of historical interest. Year 8 Ulster American Folk Park to experience at first hand Halloween customs in Ulster and also in America when people from Ulster emigrated in nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This visit contributes to the pupils’ Presentation folders for English Ulster American Folk Park to experience at first hand Christmas customs in Ulster and America Carrickfergus Castle Dublin Castle The History, Art and English departments took part in a display of pupils’ work as a result of the history visit to Carrickfergus Castle. Year 9 Paris: Year 9 pupils enjoyed a successful trip to Paris. They visited famous historical sites and had the opportunity to improve their French as well as gaining an understanding of French history and culture. A workshop on ‘The Flight of the Earls’ by the Market Theatre in Armagh All Year 9 produced a flyer on this topic Year 10 A visit to Kilmainhaim Jail, Dublin This led to a study of conditions in Irish jails during the nineteenth century. Year 10 were involved with a piece of assessment work on Migration. This came at the end of their study of Irish Emigration when this year group investigated the experiences of the ethnic minorities in this country and compared it with the Irish experience in America in the nineteenth century. They then produced a newspaper front page from their research. This also helped develop their ICT skills. 27 HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT The Home Economics Department enjoyed a successful year in 2008-2009 engaging in a wide range of interesting activities in order to enhance the delivery of the subject. Year 11 students participated in the Gingerbread Village Inter-Schools Competition Students had great fun designing and building gingerbread houses, which were incorporated into an intriguing village, alongside entries from other schools. The festive scene was on public display in Fresh Fields Farm Shop at Narrow Water, Warrenpoint. The Home Economics Department continued its links with outside agencies to enrich and support courses for all students. Representatives from Loughry College and the Livestock and Meat Commission contributed to the delivery of the Home Economics Curriculum through lectures and cookery demonstrations. Year 8 students attended the International Food Festival in Newry Campus of SRC. A host of chefs from countries around the world shared and celebrated their native food and culture by providing cookery demonstrations and beautiful displays of foods. As part of the School Enrichment Programme, the Home Economics Department holds an after school Cookery Club. Many students attend this class and enjoy creative cooking. The Department participated in Employability Fest Week by inviting a team from Newry SRC School of Catering to share their expertise with our students. Mr Desmond Murphy and Head Chef, Mr Nino Mc Mahon informed students of employment opportunities in the catering sector. The Chefs demonstrated a range of dishes, involving students in many activities. 28 ICT At St Mary’s High School we aim to develop, maintain and stimulate students’ curiosity, interest and enjoyment in ICT and to encourage pupils to see ICT as a means to support independent and life-long learning. As a department, we work to enable students to acquire appropriate, transferable ICT skills, knowledge and understanding. This year saw the introduction of the student enrichment programme ECDL. ECDL was offered to all students who opted for ‘A’ Level ICT, but did not have GCSE or Keyskills ICT. All students successfully completed the programme which helped to equip them with the necessary skills to pursue ‘A’ Level ICT. The programme was offered in conjunction with the Southern ITec by Mrs Eileen Hughes. We hope to continue this valuable partnership for next year’s sixth form cohort. The department continues to strive towards strengthening contacts and visits with local business organisations so the pupils can realise the importance and valuable role ICT plays in today’s society and relate this experience to their studies. GCSE ICT students attended a conference on e-skills at St Josephs High School, Newry. The workshop focused on promoting ICT as a career choice. Our students participated in group workshops, one of which was to think of the next big thing in ICT. Two of our students volunteered to present their ideas which were warmly received at the conference. This year three of our ‘A’ level students produced projects for clients who intend to utilise their work. We are delighted with their achievements which include, a Playgroup Cook Book produced for fund raising. This cook book is aimed at students who are intending to advance to university. Finally a student produced a range of wedding stationary, magazine and a website for her family’s business. The projects produced this year were of a very high quality and the department is delighted with the collaboration with public and private organisations. Sixth form students have benefited this year again from completing a Photoshop workshop hosted by the AMMA Centre, where they gained valuable graphic manipulation skills. The skills gained contributed to their ‘A’ level ICT Coursework. Extra curricular opportunities have played an important role in the department with classes being offered to junior school pupils by our highly valued ICT technician Miss Ciara Doyle. All pupils will benefit from the ICT skills being taught to them, skills which they can apply to their curricular studies. 29 LANGUAGES The department was very pleased with the GCSE results in French, Spanish, Polish and Portuguese at the start of the year and will continue to work collaboratively with St Colman’s College, Newry, as well as entering our newcomer pupils for GCSE in their native language. For our Open Night, the department worked with the History department with the help of Years 9 and 10 pupils to put on a short sketch entitled Ou parle-t-on français? We emphasised the importance of the language, the many countries where it is spoken and the historical connections, both locally and globally. Parents and primary 7 pupils enjoyed the event. Many of our Year 9 pupils had the chance to travel to Paris on the annual school trip organised by the Languages and History departments. While in Paris they visited the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland, Stade de France, Montmartre and enjoyed a cruise on the River Seine as well as bowling, swimming and shopping in Val d’Europe. Within the department we continue to explore and make the most of Information Technology with use of podcasting and software for oral work. Pupils continued involvement with the Dissolving Boundaries project and we hope to set up a video conferencing project in the near future. The department was delighted to host an Intercultural Party to celebrate the wide diversity of languages in our school including Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Latvian, Hungarian, Malayaman. We enjoyed music, song, dance and food from all over the world. Once again the department welcomed the French Théâtre for Schools Company to perform for Years 11 and 12 GCSE pupils. This year’s play was entitled le Cabaret. The company, which employs only native speaking French actors, provides fully scripted drama suited to the needs of Junior and Senior pupils. Five pupils had roles in the play and the show included lots of interactive audience participation to increase the fun and build learner confidence. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. Finally, we had the pleasure to welcome Audrey Buton from France as our language assistant for the year and both pupils and teachers enjoyed working with her. 30 MATHEMATICS K.S.3 and G.C.S.E We entered our pupils for Higher Levels at both GCSE and KS3. KS3 We entered our pupils for four Tiers of entry at KS3 Level (Tier A, B, C, D). GCSE We entered our pupils for the Two Tier Modular Mathematics GCSE Exam. The Higher Tier grades range from A* to D and the Foundation Tier from C to G. One of the contributing factors to our continued success includes after school revision classes provided by members of the department. GCSE Mathematics does not include a coursework element. Each student completed a Module Paper (44%) and a Completion Paper (56%). Maths Awards for 2008/2009 Senior Award: Rachel Magill and Casey Lavery Junior Award: Danae Morley Numeracy Programme Special consideration is given to pupils who experience a difficulty with number through the Numeracy Programme for Year 8 pupils. Mrs Kearney, as Numeracy Coordinator, continues to implement the Numeracy Strategy both inter-departmentally and cross-departmentally. Monthly quizzes were organized for Year 8 and 9 pupils. 31 UK Junior Maths Challenge We entered 90 second year pupils for the UK Junior Mathematics Challenge in April 2009. There are over 240,000 entries for the Challenge from all around the U.K. Two of our girls achieved very high marks in the Challenge and each received a bronze certificate. This was a magnificent achievement for these girls but congratulations must go to all the girls who entered. Certificate Winners: Niamh MCaughey 0920 Dervla Murphy 0925 (Bronze and Best in School) (Bronze) Maths Club Mrs Grant successfully runs the After School Maths Club on Tuesdays from 3.00 p.m. until 4.00 p.m. The Club encourages Year 8 students to view Mathematics as an enjoyable and interesting subject, rather than simply a subject they are required to study. It also aims to improve their numerical and practical skills through fun activities. Specialist Schools Status In April 2009, we were designated as a Specialist School in Mathematics and Business. This prestigious award recognises the high standards already achieved in school and our commitment to continue to develop quality learning and teaching that will ensure success for every pupil. The school already enjoys a collaborative learning culture and has fostered strong links with partner primary and post-primary schools, community and local businesses. The additional funding will support our school and partners who will benefit from the innovative and creative plans developed by the Mathematics Department. As a department we are delighted to be recognised for all our successes to date. 32 MUSIC St. Mary’s Music Department enjoyed another very successful year. The aim of the department is to provide musical opportunities for all our pupils through the enhancement of skills and provision of experiences. Undoubtedly the pupils have gained skills and enjoyed experiences which will benefit them throughout their life. Opportunities were given to play many instruments both within the classroom and through peripatetic tuition. The department was delighted again to have the services of Phil Campbell for vocal tuition. All of her students achieved Distinctions in the first round of vocal examinations while in the second round of examinations all students achieved Distinction to Pass. In addition we enjoyed the continued support and tuition in both woodwind and strings, provided by the SELB music service. All pupils entered for Board Examinations were successful. Extra curricular activities have always played an important role in the department and in the Music department we continue to use the talents of students to provide music for school celebrations, i.e. Open Night and Prize-giving nights. St Mary’s School Choir has, this year, provided music for many liturgical celebrations such as the annual whole school Mass and Year 8 and Year 12 Masses. The choir also performed in the school’s short adaptation of “Joseph” and was an integral part of Miss Mc Clory’s retirement Mass. The Irish traditional group provided Miss Mc Clory’s guests with lively entertainment on their arrival to the school after the Mass. A music club for the junior school, which meets at lunchtimes, has been established. Pupils attending the club play keyboards, xylophones, glockenspiels, violins, clarinet, cornet and percussion. All pupils thoroughly enjoy coming to music club and there is always a full attendance. The Multi Media Suite has continued to be an important resource at both KS3 and KS4. The GCSE pupils have produced excellent compositions and arrangements using the Apple Mac computers and all pupils at KS3 level have used the Garageband Music Programme to produce compositions as part of their class work. It was also another successful year for the GCSE students with 100% achievement of A-C grades. 33 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education is compulsory for all KS3 and KS4 pupils in St Mary’s. We aim to provide a balanced, enjoyable and challenging programme of physical activity for all. Through participation in physical education our pupils develop an understanding of the benefits of exercise to good health and are encouraged to continue active participation in physical education on leaving school. Our programme of extracurricular activities provides an opportunity for pupils to extend and develop their skills. ACTIVITIES OFFERED TO PUPILS Aerobics, Athletics, Badminton, Camogie, Creative and National Dance, Gaelic Football, Gymnastics, Health Related Fitness, Orienteering, Rounders, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball and Unihoc. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT GCSE LEVEL P.E. is offered to pupils as a GCSE subject. The course is both practical and theoretical. Component 1: Terminal Examination Component 2: Individual Performance in the Physical Activities Component 3: Analysis and Improvement of Performance in the Physical Activities PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT AS / A2 LEVEL In partnership with St. Colman’s College, Newry we follow the Edexcel Exam Board. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The following activities were offered: Netball, Badminton, Fitness, Athletics, Gaelic Football, Camogie, Orienteering and Volleyball. SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS This year St Mary’s pupils achieved success in a range of sporting activities at local, provincial and All-Ireland level. The school was also nominated for two categories in the Newry and Mourne Sports Awards and won the Junior Team Award. 34 NETBALL St Mary’s entered five teams into the Newry and Mourne Netball League. All teams performed extremely well, with the Years 8, 10 and 12 teams reaching the semi final stage and the Year 9 team winning the Minor B Section. The Junior Netball Team also entered the SELB league and was narrowly beaten by Lismore School in the final. Mary Adegbamiye and Niamh Monaghan were selected for the Under 15 Regional Development Squad. Mary was also talent selected for the Under 17 Netball Academy. ATHLETICS NEWRY AND MOURNE CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2008 Team Prizes Under 14 Team 4th Place Mary Adegbamiye Michaela Doherty Colleen Hadden Siobhan Carnegie Over 15 Team A 1st Place Sinead Fegan Orla Fegan Eimear Kane Over 15 Team B 4th Place 35 Laura Connell Orlaigh Feehan Rachel Havern Individual Awards – Under 15 Over 15 – 3rd Mary Adegbamiye 3rd Sinead Fegan 4th Orla Fegan 5th Eimear Kane CO DOWN SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS Senior Team 2nd Place Orla Fegan Sinead Fegan Eimear Kane Anna Madine Siobhan Fitzpatrick Intermediate Team 3rd Place Laura Connell Rachel Havern Orlaith Feehan Jade Mc Conville Laura Doran Individual Awards Orla Fegan 3rd Senior Race 36 ULSTER CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS The senior team came 3rd in the Ulster Championships at Mallusk and progressed to the All Ireland Championships held at UUJ. The girls were unlucky to miss out on medals, coming in 5th place. HANDBALL Lorraine Havern won the Senior Singles All Ireland Schools’ Championships. ORIENTEERING The Year 11 GCSE P.E. class took part in the Armagh / Newry Orienteering Project which gave the girls an ideal introduction to the sport. Laura Connell and Judith Mc Cartan came 1st in the Kilbroney Forest Park Event and Annie Havern and Aisling Turley came 3rd in Tollymore. The girls also took part in the Schools’ Orienteering Festival in Armagh with Aisling Turley placed 3rd. GAELIC FOOTBALL This was the second year that St Mary’s played at the Under 20 level in an Ulster competition. Last year the team were successful and won the Ulster Final but were defeated at the All Ireland semi final stage of the competition. This year the team were drawn against teams from Letterkenny, Donaghmore, Monaghan and Clones. The team performed well and defeated all opposition. St Mary’s progressed to the Ulster Final where they were drawn against St Joseph’s Donaghmore. St Mary’s played some wonderful football to see off the mighty challenge of a fierce St Joseph’s, Donaghmore and win the second U20 Ulster title for the school. The team progressed to the All Ireland Semi Final. They were defeated by a very strong team from Roscommon who were eventual All Ireland Champions. The Under 16 team also played in the “A” section of the Ulster league with Orla and Sinead Fegan acting as Assistant Coaches. Unfortunately the Under 16’s were not as successful as the Under 20’s. The Under 14’s and Year 8’s trained very hard all year with Eimear Kane and Niamh O Riordan as Assistant Coaches and students participated in the Under 14 League. 37 RELIGION St Mary’s is a school extremely conscious of its Catholic ethos. The staff and the Chaplain recognise that the parents are the first educators of their children in the ways of the faith. The staff works at creating a true Catholic ‘home-from-home atmosphere’, with prayer a daily part of the programme and pastoral care which is a structured element in the curriculum. All the pupils are treated with respect and are encouraged to see each other as sisters in Christ. The role of the Chaplain is to promote and encourage the Catholic ethos of the school and the development of mature Catholic faith. Each year this is achieved by supporting and affirming the staff and by working with the girls in the following ways: Being available to listen to pupils Celebrating the sacraments Visiting classes Assembly Retreats Use of the oratory Religious Education plays a very important role in the curriculum. The programme, structured using the Church’s Liturgical Seasons is based in the NICC Core Syllabus and the liturgy and doctrine of the Catholic Church. The ethos of our school supports the work of the Religious Education Department and each year pupils are given the opportunity to participate in Class Masses, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and prayer services. All the pupils are encouraged to avail of the opportunity for private prayer and reflection in the oratory. The work of the Religious Education teachers was fully supported and enhanced by the commitment of our school Chaplain, Rev Father Mc Conville who is well known to all our pupils at every stage of their school life and who visits the school almost daily. 38 R.E. EVENTS 7 October Whole school mass During September and October Fr. Conor visited all Year 8 classes to introduce himself and talk about his role as chaplain 13 October Year 8 talk from Legion of Mary 15 October Welcome service for Year 8 pupils and parents 10 -12 November Year 13 and 14 pupils attended a retreat in St. Colman’s facilitated by a Canadian retreat team 19 November Year 13 pupils attended an information session and prayer service in Banbridge to launch the Pope John Paul II Awards. Seven girls have undertaken the work to gain the award next year 26 November Jumble sale organised by 0824 which raised £200 for Street Children During December Penitential Services were held for junior classes During Advent mass was celebrated one morning each week in the oratory TERM 2 2 February Bishop Mc Areavey celebrated mass with school leavers 24 February Year 13 girls took part in the diocesan trip to Maynooth which involved a guided tour and an information afternoon about the universities During Lent many fund raising activities were organised to raise money for the poor. £4000 was raised for the developing world Penitential Services were held for junior and senior classes Mass was celebrated each week in the oratory and pupils participated by reading and preparing the oratory 39 24 March Year 13 and 14 girls took part in training for eucharistic ministry in Sacred Heart School 3 April Speakers from Logos Ministries spoke to classes about their faith 12 -17 April Two Year 13 pupils took part in a parish trip to Lourdes under the direction of the diocesan youth director Anita Ryan TERM 3 21 April Year 8 pupils took part in departure service for the relics of St. Therese at Glenvale Monastery 26 April Year 13 and 14 pupils were commissioned as eucharistic ministers in Newry Cathedral 5 May Mass of celebration to mark the retirement of Miss McClory after forty years of service to education 7 May Leavers’ mass for Year 14 pupils and parents 8 May Leavers’ service for Year 12 pupils and parents 19 May A Christian pastor from Southern Sudan talks to classes about his faith and his life in Sudan 3 - 5 June Members of R.E. department attended the annual diocesan conference for R.E. teachers in Dromantine Throughout the year, our school chaplain visited each class at least once and class masses were celebrated throughout the year Each Thursday morning a group of pupils delivered an assembly to the whole school. Special assemblies were organised for the most important times in the church’s liturgical calendar. Each class had a chance to participate. 40 SCIENCE Our excellent success rate at KS3 and GCSE examinations continued this year. This is the third year of the new AQA GCSE where the older style Double and Single award have been replaced with Core Science and Additional Science. AQA have introduced the concept of ‘How Science Works’ which concentrates on the application of scientific knowledge. We achieved a pass rate of 72% of pupils achieving grades A* - C in the Additional Science and 59% in the Core. We continued to raise standards within the department by striking a balance between the use of practical work and a range of learning activities which ensures that every child can access the curriculum. The department has achieved very promising AS and A2 results for the newly introduced Applied Health & Social Care (OCR). This two year ‘A’ Level course aims to prepare the girls for further study and training. They will develop skills and acquire knowledge of health, early-years care and education issues affecting the health and social care sector. Awards in Science 2008 -2009 Senior award – Amy Ryan Junior award – Rebecca Kenna Awards in Health and Social Care 2008 -2009 Anna Kearney Events in the department: Through ‘Extended Schools’ a Science Club was organised by Sinead Bellew for KS3 pupils. This runs every Thursday and is proving very successful. October – Lucy Holt, manager of Mother of Mercy Nursing Home, delivered a talk to AS Health and Social Care pupils. November – Paula Grimley, oncology nurse is interviewed by AS Health and Social Care pupils. February – Mr J. Mc Auley accompanied a group of Year 10 students to St. Colman’s College for a workshop with an astronaut. March – Year 10 students attended the annual St. Patrick’s High School Science Quiz. 41 TECHNOLOGY Programme for Technology Practical Skills Insight Day St. Mary’s Technology Department hosted two Practical Skills Insight Days for Year 7 students from St. Joseph’s Primary School, Newry on 17th & 18th February 2009. A total of 76 Year 7 pupils from St. Joseph’s Primary School, Newry were taught key practical workshop skills by Mr Morgan and Mr Magee. The purpose of the full day programme was to introduce pupils to some of the practical skills carried out in Technology and Design classes in KS3. The programme included skills such as measuring and marking out, fabrication using plastics, card and wood, and practical activities using workshop machinery such as pillar drill, notcher and soldering equipment. At the end of the session each pupil had produced their very own battery racer. Sentinus STEM Experience event (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) On Tuesday 10th March 50 Year 9 St. Mary’s students attended the Sentinus STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Experience event which took place at the Armagh City Hotel, Armagh. The STEM experience day was designed to challenge pupils’ preconceived ideas about the practical uses of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in everyday life by introducing them to its day to day applications. Pupils had opportunities to visit a wide number of different activities during the event. However, due to time constraints it wasn’t possible for them to participate in every workshop. Some of the activities and workshops in which the pupils were involved included: Operating and controlling robotic arms and vehicles; A forensic science workshop; Building and launching chemical and pneumatic powered rockets; An interactive maths show; A space and astronomy workshop; Building a self propelled mechanical aircraft; An interactive science chemistry show; Building a super capacitor powered hovercraft; Building a model vehicle capable of transporting a cream egg successfully across a course. 42 The students also had the opportunities of visiting a wide range of interactive stands and demonstrations provided by companies, universities and other organisations involved with SENTINUS. STEM TASTER Roadshow Fifty Year 8 pupils attended a STEM “TASTER” Roadshow in the school Assembly Hall on Friday 13 March 2009. This 2 hour event tailored for KS3 pupils was designed to introduce key applications of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as used in modern life. Pupils participated in the K’nex Challenge, produced a Hand Powered Generator and manufactured a Rocket Powered Car which they later tested outside the school. Graphics Skills Workshop St. Louis Grammar School, Kilkeel. February 2 2009 Six Year 10 students were chosen to represent the school at a Graphics Workshop which took place on February 2nd in the St. Louis Grammar School, Kilkeel. The purpose of the workshop was to involve pupils in learning a range of graphic techniques (both hand and computerised skills) hosted by teachers and Lower 6th form mentors from St. Louis Grammar School, Kilkeel. The pupils really enjoyed the experience of working with pupils from other schools to produce high quality graphic images using sketching and CAD technology. Best Junior Technology Award Sonia Kasak from class 1004 was awarded the Junior Technology award for 20082009 for her aptitude, quality of work and class spirit. Introduction of CNC Manufacturing The Roland CNC Mill which is now used in automated manufacturing of projects in Year 9 and Year 10. A mechanical toy is manufactured in Year 9 and a mobile phone holder in Year 10. It is hoped to improve the pupil experiences with CNC manufacturing in the future. C2K Connectivity in Systems Room The Technology Systems room had a C2K network installed at the end of the 2007 – 2008 year. The new network along with 8 C2K work stations / laptops which were provided in October 2009 have allowed pupils to complete a greater ICT component in their project work. It is envisaged that this will allow each pupil to eventually produce an E-portfolio of work which may be accessed from a home PC. The interactive whiteboard and data projector are now fully utilised in the Design suite meaning that both Technology teachers have full access to an interactive whiteboard during lessons. 43 HEALTH EDUCATION St Mary’s is a health promoting school. We provide a supportive environment and a Health Education Curriculum for the girls to enable them to make informed and responsible decisions in relation to their health. 16th September Dental Trauma – Year 8 1st – 6th October Stop Smoking Group 7th October Aware Defeat Depression – Year 13 8th October Fireworks Safety – Years 8, 9, and 10 12th November Energy Fitness Day – Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 10th December Action Cancer – Year 10 17th February Love for Life – Years 9, 11 and 13 Jan – Feb Emergency Life Support Skills – Year 11 PRESIDENT’S AWARD President’s Award continues to be offered in St. Mary’s and it is certainly gaining in strength and popularity. Miss S Mc Connell and Mrs J. Grant are involved in running the programme and 7 girls have achieved the Bronze Award, 7 the Silver Award and 7 working towards the Gold Award. Equivalent to an AS ‘A’ grade, St Mary’s is the only school in Newry to be pursuing the Award at this level. The Gold expedition required a lot of work and preparation from the girls as their qualifying venture was not in the Mournes but in the Antrim Hills and consisted of 50 miles journeying along with a project based on the four day expedition. Bronze Award Aoife Murphy Lorraine Havern Olivia Carragher Caellach Grant Terri Fearon Maeve Murphy Inis Fitzpatrick 44 Silver Award Ciara Franklin Anne Mc Caul Nicole Mc Govern Anna Madine Anne-Marie Maguire Ciara Murtagh Amy Ryan Gold Award Expedition and Residential Sections Nicole Mc Govern Anne-Marie Maguire Anna Madine Residential Section Anne Mc Caul Expedition Section Ciara Franklin Ciara Murtagh Amy Ryan The expeditions which took part in June were the Gold expedition, with 6 girls taking part (practice in the Mournes/qualifying expedition Antrim Hills) and a Silver expedition with 5 girls taking part. Two Bronze expeditions were scheduled to take place in September 2009 but so many girls had football commitments outside school that we had to postpone this venture until April of 2010. The students find the programme challenging and enjoyable. It is comprised of activities which help the girls learn new skills, help others, experience adventure and a sense of achievement. Many employers and universities take a positive view of the Award and consider that it is indicative of a sense of commitment in the person who has achieved it. 45 OUTREACH PROGRAMMES In St. Mary’s we believe that education is not only about gaining academic qualifications, which will be a passport to job opportunities. Education, in its true sense, is a process that is life long learning and also learning about life – real life in the real world. With this in mind, we seek to create opportunities for our pupils, which enable them to explore situations that they will inevitably face when they leave school and journey into their lives. We have sought to build on already established programmes where members from statutory and community bodies have come into the school and offered courses and workshops to explore the issues that they work with every day. CITIZENSHIP The Citizenship team has continued to implement a number of initiatives e.g. Dissolving Boundaries and Comenius Project. The subject is now delivered to all KS3 pupils. Over the year citizenship issues were themes at assemblies and fundraising took place for the Developing World. GAELIC FOOTBALL, CAMOGIE, FITNESS AND BADMINTON Through the extended schools initiative we were able to offer Gaelic Football, Camogie, Fitness and Badminton. THE PRINCE’S TRUST – xL PROGRAMME St. Mary’s xL group have completed the second year of their two year programme. The Year 12 pupils completed this programme in June 2009 gaining an externally validated certificate from the Prince’s Trust. Fifteen girls are working towards the gold standard which is equivalent to GCSE level and it was a sound stepping stone to other courses. The aim of the programme was to enable and empower students, to develop personal skills and a sense of awareness of good citizenship. Part of the course involved entrepreneurship and community development work. The students enjoyed the programme which was delivered by a youth worker and organised by Miss Joanne Morgan. 46 YEAR 9 EDUCATIONAL TRIP TO PARIS The Year 9 trip to Paris was once again a resounding success this year. Over fifty pupils travelled with their teachers from Dublin to Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris for a memorable visit to the City of Light. The pupils began their stay with a guided tour of the city, taking in all the famous sites and then enjoyed a cruise on the River Seine in one of the world famous BateauxMouches. They spent a full day in Disneyland Paris, enjoying an evening meal in Planet Hollywood and then back to the Latin Quarter for bowling. No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Pupils were able to take in the breathtaking views of the city from this historical monument. The girls also visited Montmartre where many had their portraits drawn by Parisian artists and they tasted local specialities such as escargots and crepes au chocolat. Pupils also visited the Champs-Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe and the Val D’Europe Centre and had the opportunity to go to Aquaboulevard in central Paris, one of Europe’s largest aquatic parks. KEY PROGRAMME – YOUNG ENTERPRISE The school ran a very successful Key Programme for Year 11 led by Mr Magee, Miss Murray and Miss Mc Connell. This programme was developed by Enterprise Northern Ireland in partnership with Achievement Ireland and funded through the International Fund for Ireland. It is aimed at making a positive impact on young people at a critical stage in their lives. The aim is to make a difference to them and to the community. The pupils had the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, focus on communication skills, develop entrepreneurial skills, their leadership qualities and the importance of developing a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle. LET PROGRAMME (Learning and Educating Together) Year 9 girls participated in the Let Programme which was led by Miss Bellew. They took part in three residentials and a one day cultural visit, working in partnership with two other schools. They found the programme and activities motivating and enjoyable. This programme involves young people from al over Ireland and promotes peace and reconciliation through tasks and activities which develop entrepreneurial skills. 47 POST SIXTEEN ACADEMIC The ‘A’ Level results were excellent with 96% pass rate, reflecting the hard work of students, teachers and the on-going support of their parents. The majority of students progressed to University study, many receiving their first choice in a range of institutions including Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster, St Mary’s University College, Belfast and John Moore, Liverpool. This year was a very exciting year with the extension of ‘A’ Level provision through collaboration with St Colman’s College, Newry. Four new subjects were introduced to the ‘A’ Level programme: GCE Chemistry, GCE Mathematics, GCE Sports Studies and GCE Drama and Theatre Studies. ENRICHMENT AND SCHOOL EVENTS September 2008 Year 14 students attended Open Day’s at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown and Queen’s University, Belfast. Aine Lyons was appointed to the position of Head Girl and the Deputy Head Girl positions were filled by Riona Canavan and Josephine Keenan. A number of other girls were appointed to the school council. Year 14 students took part in a hill walking excursion in the Mourne Mountains. This event helped to develop their team building skills. October 2008 Year 13 and 14 students took part in a Sponsored Walk in aid of the Newry and Mourne Romanian Appeal. A total of £1300 was raised and presented to the charities founder Miss Anne Bradley. Year 14 Formal in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry. Year 14 students took part in work experience in a range of local businesses and organisations. This experience helped to facilitate the students in their UCAS choices for university application. 48 November 2008 Interview skills day for Year 14 The Year 14 students took part in an interview skills workshop organised by Sentinus, followed by individual interviews with a range of local employers. Year 13 students attended a one day retreat in St Colman’s College, Newry. Year 13 and 14 students attended the launch of the Pope John Paul II Award in St Teresa’s Church, Banbridge. The awards were launched by Bishop Mc Areavey and a number of students are currently taking part in the programme. December 2008 Year 14 students visited the Canal Court Hotel. This visit allowed them to research the enterprise and its management team allowing them to complete their GCE Business coursework. Sixth form trip to Belfast, including the Christmas Pantomime in the Grand Opera House. February 2009 Year 13 students attended a Love for Life workshop designed to raise awareness of relevant issues in relation to sexuality and relationships. April 2009 Year 14 students attended two workshops to prepare them for the demands of university study and adult life: Student Finance – work shop designed to raise awareness of the financial demands of university study. Mood Matters – work shop designed to raise awareness of depression and mental health issues. May 2009 A special Leaver’s Mass was organised for Year 14 students. The service was conducted by the school’s Chaplain, Fr Mc Conville and was attended by students, teachers and family members. After the Mass the students were presented with a memento of their time in St Mary’s and a gift was given by the year group to principal, Miss Geraldine Mc Clory, to mark her retirement. 49 Principal 1 Vice-Principal 1 Teachers 34 Clerical Staff 3 Caretakers 2 Science Technician 1 Technology Technician 1 ICT Technician 1 Home Economics Assistant 1 Classroom Assistants 7 Librarian 1 Study Supervisor 1 50 STAFF – ST MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL 2008 – 2009 Teachers Miss G Mc Clory – Principal Mrs M Cosgrove – Vice-Principal Miss S Bellew – Science Mrs R Kidd – Careers / Geography Mrs D Boyle – Physical Education Mrs S Tennyson – Music Mrs S Fearon - Mathematics Miss D Crawley - Mathematics Mr M Fitzpatrick – Business Studies Mrs S Haddad – French Miss K Hanratty – Sociology/ H & S/RE Mrs J Hughes – Religious Education Mrs A Kearney – Mathematics Mrs T Kearney – Religious Education Mrs S Lavery – Geography Mrs E Mc Allister – English, Drama Mrs E Mc Clory – English Mrs F Mc Cloy – Special Needs Miss J Morgan – Religious Education Miss L Trainor – Art & Design Mrs G Mallon – English / History Mrs J Grant – Mathematics Mr J Mc Auley – Science Mrs E Magee – French Mrs M Moneley – Home Economics Mrs G Wiliams – ICT Mr B Morgan – CDT/Science Mrs M Morgan – English Mrs P Morgan – Business Studies Mrs R Murphy – Science Miss A O’Hare – Home Economics Mrs E O’Higgins – Physical Education Mrs M Patterson – History/LLW Miss S Mc Connell – Science Miss R Patton – English/Drama Mr E Magee – PE/CDT Clerical Staff Miss M Mc Ateer Miss L Mc Veigh Miss E Mc Court Ancillary Staff Mr J Mc Ardle Mr J Crimmins Mrs M O’Rourke Mrs M Cunningham Miss C Doyle Mrs M Kirk Mrs A Kennedy Mrs M Jennings Mrs A Jennings Mrs S Carville Mrs A Larkin Miss J Carville Mrs S Mc Shane Mr B Flynn Mrs S Allen Caretaker Caretaker Librarian Study Supervisor ICT Technician Science Technician Technology Technician Home Economics Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant Classroom Assistant 51 STAFF DEVELOPMENT St Mary’s staff participated in a varied programme of continuous Professional Development to ensure staff received the most recent training for the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Also in consultation with staff, target areas for training and the sharing of good practice through the effective use of in-house expertise enhanced a sense of collegiate responsibility and accountability. The Staff Development priorities reflected the targets on the School Development Plan as well as the whole school targets for PRSD. Staff also participated in Area Based Training with schools from the Area Learning C ommunity. Support was given from the Curriculum, Advisory and Support Services (CASS) and Regional Training Unit (RTU). All opportunities for Staff Development were evaluated. 1 August 2008 “Challenges and Opportunities in the Future” A review of expectations of all stakeholders 2 November 2008 Target Setting for GCSE 3 January 2009 Reporting using Assessment Manager 4 February 2009 Focus: Area Learning Community Focus :Specialist Schools 5 March 2009 Area Learning Community Training Day 6 March 2009 ICT Training: Video Conferencing/VLE 7 April 2009 Moderation of GCSE Folders 8 June 2009 Departmental Sharing of Good Practice to staff 9 June 2009 Department and Action Plan Evaluation 52 EXAMINATIONS INFORMATION STATEMENT OF POLICY AND RESULTS The full range of subjects offered at GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) is as follows: Art & Design Business Studies English English Literature French/Spanish Geography History Drama Home Economics Business & Communication Systems Mathematics Music Physical Education Religious Studies Science (Single Award, Double Award) Learning for Life and Work Technology ICT PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS – POLICY STATEMENT All pupils reaching the end of Key Stage 4 (end of Year 12) are entered for public examinations and it is expected that each pupil will take a range of General Certificate of Secondary education (GCSE) examinations or equivalents. The decision regarding entry for public examinations is made after a consultation process involving the pupil herself, her parents and the subject teachers concerned. The subject teachers, exercising their professional judgement, will recommend the examinations which are considered most appropriate in each individual case and they will also suggest the appropriate level of entry where applicable. The Examining Boards and Institutions listed below are currently availed of for GCSE and they are selected because of their suitability for our pupils. Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum Examinations & Assessment (CCEA) Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) Some pupils sit for Entry Level Certificates offered by the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examination and Assessment (CCEA) and the Certificate of Achievement offered by AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance). The Royal Society of Arts is used for Word Processing and Information and Communications Technology. In collaboration with Southern Regional College BTEC First and Occupational Studies are popular choices. 53 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS RESULTS 2008 - 2009 GCSE RESULTS Art & Design % Drama % English Language % English Literature % French % Geography % History % Home Economics % ICT % Learning for L&W % Mathematics % Music % Office Technology (BCS) % Physical Education % Religious Studies % Science Double Award % Science Single Award % Italian % A* 2 22.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 36 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 1 11.1 7 70 4 5 0 0 2 7 1 5 1 6 0 0 0 0 2 9 1 1 2 20 1 3 2 18 12 20 0 0 3 4 0 0 B 3 33.3 3 30 21 29 14 54 11 38 2 10 1 6 2 100 6 24 10 45 9 12 6 60 2 6 4 36 12 20 2 11 14 19 1 100 C 3 33.3 0 0 18 25 12 46 13 45 9 43 6 33 0 0 8 32 4 18 20 27 2 20 20 59 1 9 18 30 11 61 20 27 0 0 A*-C 9 100 10 100 43 58 26 100 26 90 12 57 8 44 0 0 14 56 16 73 30 41 10 100 23 68 11 100 43 72 13 72 37 51 1 100 D 0 0 0 0 17 23 0 0 3 10 7 33 3 17 0 0 2 8 2 9 16 22 0 0 5 15 0 0 10 17 5 28 17 23 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 8 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 22 0 0 6 24 2 9 14 19 0 0 3 9 0 0 4 7 0 0 12 16 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 5 2 11 0 0 2 8 1 5 5 7 0 0 3 9 0 0 1 2 0 0 6 8 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 4 1 5 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 3 4 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 GCE ‘A’ LEVEL Subject A B C D E U Applied Business 5 13% 1 25% 0 0% 2 13% 2 10% 1 7% 0 0% 13 34% 1 25% 4 10% 1 7% 7 35% 3 22% 0 0% 12 32% 1 25% 16 39% 5 33% 7 35% 6 43% 5 71% 6 16% 1 25% 10 24% 4 27% 4 20% 2 14% 1 14% 2 5% 0 0% 7 17% 2 13% 0 0% 2 14% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 10% 1 7% 0 0% 0 0% 1 14% Geography Health and Social Care ICT Religious Studies Sociology Moving Image Arts 54 Pass A–C 30 79% 3 75% 20 49% 8 53% 16 80% 10 72% 5 71% Pass A–E 38 100% 4 100% 38 90% 14 93% 20 100% 14 100% 6 86% X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 9 100 10 100 73 96 26 100 29 100 21 95 18 100 2 100 25 100 22 100 73 96 10 100 34 100 11 100 60 100 18 100 73 99 1 100 BTEC First Certificate – Equal to two GCSE subjects BTEC First in AA BB BTEC First in Children’s Care, Learning and Development BTEC First Certificate in Media 5 21% 1 7% First Skills 1 Occupational Studies – Double Award Occupational Studies Single Award Entry Level Mathematics (Maths for Life) CC 9 10 37% 42% 10 4 67% 26% Level 1 2 Level 2 3 2 5 Not achieved 0 Total 0 15 24 Level 3 5 Silver Bronze 12 1 92% 8% XL Programme YEAR 12 CERTIFICATE COURSES Pass 0 0% CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLES Credit 4 31% Distinction 9 69% Fail 0 0 Total 13 100% KEY STAGE 3 RESULTS 2008 – 2009 LEVELS Abs Exempt 2 3 4 5 6 7 English TEST 2 0 0 1 16 44 25 1 Mathematics TEST 4 0 0 6 15 40 23 3 Science TEST 5 0 0 13 25 35 13 0 Percentage of pupils achieving: Level 5 and above at KS3: Level 5 and above ENGLISH 77% MATHEMATICS 72% SCIENCE 53% Level 6 and above 29% 29% 14% TRANSFER TEST GRADES 2007 – 2008 2008 – 2009 2009 - 2010 A 0 0 1 B1 1 1 0 B2 2 5 1 55 C1 3 3 2 C2 6 7 4 D 30 29 42 Other 36 34 42 Total 78 79 92 DENI STATISTICS BRANCH - SCHOOL PERFORMANCE School Reference Number 5230108 Number of pupils in Year 12 89 Percentage entered for 5+ GCSEs 66% Percentage entered for 1-4 GCSEs 23% Percentage achieving 5 or more GCSEs at A*-C 62% Percentage achieving 4 or less GCSEs at A*-C 37% Percentage achieving 5 or more GCSEs at A*-G 86% Percentage achieving 4 or less GCSEs at A*-G 13% Percentage achieving no GCSEs 1% Number entered for other examinations 54 Number achieved 1 or more other exams in Year 12 54 Number of leavers in 2008 - 2009 42 Number going to Grammar School 0 Number going to Jobs Skills 3 Number entering a modern apprenticeship 1 Number going to further education 34 Number transferred to another school 2 Number going into employment 1 Number going to other than specified 1 % Attendance 91% FINANCIAL YEAR APRIL 2008 - MARCH 2009 56 1.RESOURCES AVAILABLE £ TOTAL FORMULA FUNDS ALLOCATED 2,140,915 LMS CASH CARRYOVER FROM 2007/2008 275,723 EXTENDED SCHOOLS CASH CARRYOVER FROM 2007/2008 6,000 OTHER FUNDING 156,940 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE 2,579,578 2. EXPENDITURE GROSS EXPENDITURE LESS INCOME 2,273,655 -5,000 NET EXPENDITURE 2,268,655 3.CUMULATIVE CASH CARRYOVER LMS CASH CARRYOVER EXTENDED SCHOOLS CASH CARRYOVER 310,923 0 2008/09 TOTAL CUMULATIVE CASH CARRYOVER 310,923 THE SCHOOL FUND ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE INCOME Voluntary Contributions Non-Uniform Day £5480.00 £450.00 Donations £50.00 Fitness Freddy £350.00 TOTAL BALANCE £6330.00 £68.20 57 Petty Cash Minor Repairs/Decorating Hospitality Pupil’s Needs Professional Fees Sport Professional Fees School Events Donations Mass Offerings £750.00 £1000.00 TOTAL £6261.8 £1411.80 £450.00 £180.00 £400.00 £1500.00 £500.00 £70 58