SECOND SEMESTER HOMEWORK # 1 a) Learn the words: Words with clinical meaning: 1 declination: colĭca, ae f cysta, ae f fractura, ae f gangraena, ae f hernia, ae f pneumonia, ae f (Gr.) colic, cramp (Gr.) cyst fracture (Gr.) gangrene hernia, rupture (protrusion of a part or structure through the tissues normally containing it) (Gr.) pneumonia (inflammation of lumgs) diabētes, ae m (Gr.) diabetes 2 declination: ictĕrus, i m ileus, i m morbus, i m spasmus, i m volvulus, i m (Gr.) icterus, jaundice (Gr.) ileus desease (Gr.) spasm, cramp volvulus cancer, cri m cancer 3 declination: a) Masculine (& Feminine): varix, ĭcis m/f varix (a dilated vein) Feminine: infectio, onis f inflammatio, onis f infection imflammation Neuter: ulcus, ĕris n ulcer coma, ătis n (Gr.) coma eczema, ătis n glaucoma, ătis n oedēma, ătis n trauma, ătis n (Gr.) eczema; tetter (Gr.) glaucoma (Gr.) edema (Gr.) trauma, injury c) Feminine: paralysis, is f parēsis, is f hemiparēsis, is f (Gr.) paralysis; stroke; loss of power or movement (Gr.) partial or incomplete paralysis (Gr.) paralysis of one side of the body 4 declination: abscessus, us m abscess 5 declination: caries, ēi f caries Adjectives, 1st group: acūtus, a, um benignus, a, um diffūsus, a, um malignus, a, um acute benign diffusive malign, malignant infantīlis, e juvenīlis, e senīlis, e infantile juvenile senile suffix – os – cancerosus, a, um comatosus, a, um cystosus, a, um gangraenosus, a, um infectiosus, a, um ulcerosus, a, um varicosus, a, um cancerous comatose cystic gangrenous infectious ulcerous varicose suffix – ic – chronicus, a, um diabeticus, a, um paralyticus, a, um spasticus, a, um traumaticus, a, um chronic diabetic paralytis spastic, convulsive traumatic Adjectives, 2nd group: suffix – al – hernialis, e relaiting to the hernia - hernial Suffixes of nouns: 1. Diminutive -ŭl-us/a/ um -cŭl-us/a/um -ŏl-us/a/um -ell-us/a/um glob-us ven-a fren-um canal-is aur-is orb vein bridle, rein channel ear glob-ulus ven-ula fren-ulum canal-i-culus aur-i-cula gen-u bronch-us are-a lam-ina knee bronchus area, round area plate gen-i-culum bronch-i-olus are-ola lam-ella small orb small vein small bridle small channel auricle, exlernal ear, ‘small ear’ small knee small bronchus small area, small round area small plate cereb-rum cerebrum -ill-us/a/um mamm-a female breast 2. «Action, process» -iō-n- (tio, sio, flex-um to flex xio) transsudat-um perspire 3. «Active organ, instrument, device» -or- (tor, sor, adduct-um to adduct xor) flex-um to flex extens-um to extend curat-um to take care extract-um to extract 4. «The result of the action» -ūr-a (tura, rupt-um to disrupt sura, xura) apert-um to open incis-um to incise flex-um to flex cereb-ellum mamm-illa cerebellum, ‘small cerebrum’ nipple flex-io flexion transsudat-io perspiration m. adduct-or the muscle that adducts m. flex-or m. extens-or curat-or extract-or the muscle that flexes the muscle that extends someone taking care the instrument that extracts rupt-ura rupture, tear (result) apert-ura incis-ura flex-ura aperture, opening incision flexure Suffixes of adjectives: 1. «Characterized or rich in something» -ōs-us, a, um squam-a scales fibr-a fiber infecti-o infection 2. «Belonging or relating to something» -āl-is, e coron-a crown -ār-is, e clavicul-a clavicle -ĭc-us, a, um thorax, āc-is thorax, chest (Gr.) zygōma, ăt-is cheekbone -ē-us, a, um (Gr.) gaster, tr-is peron-e stomach fibula, calf bone phalanx, ng-is phalanx oesophag-us oesophagus -īn-us, a, um palat-um palate uter-us womb, uterus pelv-is pelvis 2-а. «Characterized by or consisting of something» + -ĕ-us, a, um os, oss-is bone (Lat.) cartilāgo, ĭn-is cartilage squam-osus fibr-osus infecti-osus squamous, scaly fibrous infectious coron-alis clavicul-aris thorac-icus coronal, coronary clavicular, relating to the ear thoracic, relating to the chest zygomat-icus phalang-eus oesophag-eus palat-inus uter-inus pelv-inus zygomatic, relating to the cheekbone gastric fibular, relating to the calf bone phalangeal oesophageal palatine uterine pelvic oss-eus cartilagin-eus osseous, bony cartilaginous gastr-icus peron-eus NB –connecting vowels: root of Greek noun + connecting vowel -o-; root of Latin noun + (2) connecting vowel -i-: 3. «Similar to something» -ide-us, a, um rhomb-os (Gr.) delt-a -form-is, e crux, cruc-is (Lat.) rhomb, rhombus rhomb-o-ideus rhomboid, ‘in the form of a delta cross delt-o-ideus cric-i-formis deltoid ‘in the form of a delta’ cruciform ‘in the form of a cross’ 4. «Carrying something» -fĕr (-,a,um) semen, in-is seed semin-i-fer (Lat.) sudor, ōr-is sweat sudor-i-fer -phŏr-us, a, o-on ovum o-o-phorus um (Gr.) (oophoron) 5. «Producing/causing something or produced/caused by something» -gĕn-us, a, um cancer (cri) cancer cancer-o-genus (Gr.) py-on pus py-o-genus enter-on intestine, bowel enter-o-genus b) Translate : seminiferous, seminal sudoriferous ovary (‘carrying ova’) carcinogenic, cancer-causing pyogenic, ‘producing pus or caused by pus’ enterogenous, caused by bowel desease Translate the word combinations into Latin: prolapse of mucous tunic of the stomach amputation of the right thumb percussion of the chest (= thorax) syndrome of hepatic insufficiency fracture of the base of the skull dislocation of the sternal extremity of clavicle dislocation of the lower jaw chronic disease congenital hernia benign tumour of the nose hypertrophy of palatal tonsils chronic renal insufficiency hepatic jaundice acquired allergy amputation of the left lobe of the liver rupture of the heart ulcer of the stomach paralysis of the larynx chronic oedema - of foot spasm of the brain vessels perforation of the ulcer of the duodenum acute dental decay palpation of the belly oedema of disk of visual nerve acute atrophy of the liver rupture of a vein tumour of the frontal & temporal lobe of the brain perforation of mucous tunic of the stomach longitudinal / transverse fracture of the fibula (hy)dropsy of the urinary bladder resection of: nasal septum / nasal shells abscess of the liver cancer of the left lung hernia of the broad ligament of the womb HOMEWORK # 2 a) Learn the words: Organs and tissues: Clinical (Greek) kephalo-, cephalo-, -cephalia somato-, -soma osteoacro-, -acria stethospondylocardio-, -cardium arthro- Anatomical (Latin) caput, itis n English head corpus, oris n os, ossis n membrum, i n pectus, oris n thorax, acis m vertebra, ae f cor, cordis n ostium cardiacum (PNA) articulatio, onis f body bone limb chest vertebra heart articulation, joint stomatoglosso-, -glossia rhinoodonto-, -odontia cheiro-, chiro-, cheiria, -chiria podo-, -podia gonr(h)achignatho-, -gnathia -genia -genia os, oris n lingua, ae f nasus, i m dens, ntis m manus, us f mouth tongue nose tooth hand, arm pes, pedis m genu, us n columna vertebralis maxilla, ae f mandibula, ae f mentum, i n foot knee vertebral column upper jaw lower jaw chin gastro-, -gastria entero- ventriculus, i m (уст.) intestinum, i n intestinum tenue abdomen, inis n - venter, tris m colon, i n = intestinum crassum anus, i m rectum, i n pulmo, onis m stomach, ventricle intestine small intestine belly ren, renis m lien, enis m pelvis renalis vesica, ae f vesica urinaria vesica biliaris = vesica fellea uterus, i m kidney spleen renal pelvis bladder, urinary bladder gall bladder uterus, i m c(a)ecum, i n vagina, ae f womb; uterus; metra cecum; blind gut, typhlon vagina; sheath laparocoloproctopneumono-, pneumonephrosplenopyelocystocholecystometro-, -metra, -metrium hysterotyphlocolpo- large intestine anus, anal orifice; rectum lung womb; uterus; metra Diagnostical & therapeutical methods; Devices and instruments: Clinical (Greek) -logĭa -scopia -metria, -metr-graphia -gramma -therapia patho-, -pathia alg-, -algia, -algesia -odynia -genĕsis English section (branch) of science dealing (concerned) with ... process of viewing, visual examination measurement writing or description of functioning of any organ the result of description the treatment of disease by various (not surgical) methods any disease, pathological process, suffering feeling, emotions pain, ache, painful condition pain, ache, painful condition producing or forming b) Translate into English: HOMEWORK # 3 a) Learn the words: Suffixes: Clinical (Greek) -ōsis, is f -iāsis, is f English Latin a process or result stenosis sclerosis narcosis -ōsis, is f any disease, illness, pathological process spreading of smth. -ītis, itĭdis f -ōma, ătis n (Gr. ‘the result of an action) lithiasis nephrosis toxicosis leucocytosis inflammation fibromatosis (опухоль) gastritis tumour fibroma -ismus, i m phenomenon of smth. osteoma carcinoma (= cancer) sarcoma tumor, ōris m blastōma, ătis n neoplasma, ătis n infantilismus daltonismus a stricture of a canal or orifice induration a depression of neural excitability resulting in stupor formayion of calculi a degenerative deseased of kidney canaliculi a desease from toxic substanses an increase in mumber of white blood cells in blood many fibromas inflammation of the stomach a benign neoplasm from fibrous connective tissue a benign mass from bone tissue malign from epithelium malign from mesodermal cells swelling, tumefaction, neoplasm a neoplasm of immature cells new growth retardation of physical & phycological development on an infantile level inability to distinguish between red and green strabismus colours squint Organs and tissues: Clinical (Greek) splanchnogastro-, -gastria enterolaparocoloproctopneumono-, pneumonephrosplenopyelocystocholecystocholedochometro-, -metra, -metrium hysteroomphalotyphlocholangiodacryocystocolpooophorooosalpingotracheloorchi-, orchidi-, -orchidia, -orchia Latin viscera pl. ventriculus, i m (old use) intestinum, i n intestinum tenue abdomen, inis n - venter, tris m intestinum crassum anus, i m rectum, i n pulmo, onis m English viscera stomach intestine small intestine belly ren, renis m lien, enis m pelvis renalis vesica, ae f vesica urinaria vesica biliaris = - vesica fellea ductus choledochus = ductus biliaris uterus, i m kidney spleen renal pelvis urinary bladder uterus, i m umbilīcus, i m = funiculus umbilicalis c(a)ecum, i n ductus biliferi pl. saccus lacrimalis vagina, ae f ovarium, i n ovum, i n tuba uterina, tuba auditiva cervix, īcis f (uteri) testis, is m uterus, womb umbilicus, navel colon, large intestine rectum lung gall bladder common bile duct uterus, womb cecum interlobular bile ducts, under duct tear bladder vagina ovary ovum / ova (pl.) uterine tube, auditory tube neck of the uterus/womb testis Pathological changes in organs and tissues, therapeutical and surgical methods: Clinical (Greek) -iatria, -iater -ectasia, -ectasis -ptosis steno-, -stenosis sclero-, -sclerosis -malacia -lysis, -lyt English the treatment of extensive groups of patients of definite type dilatation or expansion a falling, descending or downward displacement narrowness, constriction induration, consolidation, hardness softening, loss of consistency 1) destruction, dissolution; -plastica tomo-tomia -ectomia -stomia -pexia -rhaphia -schisis -rhexis -desis -eurysis -eurynter -clasia -centēsis 2) an operation for breaking up the adhesions in an organ restoring plastic operation relating to a selected plane (in radiography) surgical incision, a cutting operation surgical removal of any anatomical structure artificial or surgical opening surgical fixation surgical suturing fission laceration surgical stiffening or fixation of an organ in a certain position surgical distention, dilatation of an organ an instrument for dilatation surgical breaking, destruction of an organ puncture b) Construct complex terms from the word parts; c) Translate: Construct Latin terms with the following meanings: surgical incision: of joint; of the belly (= abdomen); of bone; of a vertebra; of a gland diagnostically viewing: of mouth; of ear; of the urinary bladder; of the small intestine description(or writing)of functioning: of the spinal cord; of the heart; of eye; of muscles; of veins; of the pelvis of the kidney; of the bone marrow surgical removal: of the womb; of the tear bladder; of the gall bladder; of kidney plastic restoring operation: of nose; of the upper jaw; of ear; of skin; of muscle Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: • neurorrhaphia • adenectomia • cephalometria • ophthalmoscop • cholecystostomia • enterometr • dacryocystorhinostomia • phlebograph • chondroplastica • metroscop • hysteropexia • cardiogramma • cystoscop • nephropexia • osteometria • cardiograph 1) Construct Latin terms with the following meanings: diagnostically viewing: of arteries; of the duodenum; of pharynx; of the vagina; of the brain surgical incision: of the wind - pipe (= trachea); of the skull; of the chest (= thorax); of the salivary gland of abdomen (= pancreas); of the thyroid gland; of the larynx surgical removal: of the oesophagus; of the spleen; of the appendage; of the liver tumour: of glands; of the liver; of tooth; of neural knot (ganglion); of vessels; of kidney; muscular inflammation: of the tonsils; of the tissues around the joint; of the cellulose around the kidney; of the perichondrium (tissue around cartilage); of the cellulose around the womb; of the mucous cover (tunic) of the womb; of the vagina; of the internal cover of the heart; of the cellulose of the rectum; of the periosteum (tissue around bone); of the pericardium (tissue around the heart); of the bronchial tubes; of stomach; of peritoneum plastic restoring operation: of the wind-pipe (= trachea); of the larynx; of vessel 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: • pulmoangiographia • parodontosis • oligodentia • hypothyreosis • mammographia • angioneurosis • endophthalmitis • dysthyreosis • pneumopexia • encephalogramma • colorectoscopia • paramastitis • vasovasostomia • tonsillectomia • encephalograph • parotitis • splanchnoscopia • adentia • colposcop • angiorrhaphia • osteochondrosis • hyperthyreosis • thoracometr • polyarthritis • endoscop • craniometria • pharyngitis HOMEWORK # 4 a) Learn the words: Tissues, organs, secretions; gender and age: Clinical (Greek) haemo-, haemato-, -aemia hist(i)omyo-, -mysium -cyto-, -cytus chondro-cele neuro-, neuriadeno- angioblasto-, -blastus phlebotenodermo-, dermato-, -derma uro-, -uresis, -uria chole-, -cholia chylo-, -chylia pyohidrohydrotoxo-, toxico-, toxilitho-, -lithiasis oncocarcinomyelo-, myelia mastooto-, -otia ophthalmo-, ophthalmia sphygmo-, sphygmia gyno-, gynaecoandro-, -andria paed(i)o- Latin sanguis, ĭnis m English blood textus, us m musculus, i m cellula, ae f cartilāgo, ĭnis f hernia, ae f nervus, i m glandula, ae f tissue muscle cell cartilage hernia, rupture nerve gland nodus lymphaticus (lymphonodus) vas, vasis n vasculum, i n germen, ĭnis n lymphatic nodule, lymphoid nodule vena, ae f tendo, ĭnis m cutis, is f vein tendon skin urīna, ae f urine - fel, fellis n; bilis, is f lympha, ae f pus, puris n sudor, ōris m aqua, ae f bile, gall vessel elementary cell, early embryonal stage venēnum, i n calculus, i m tumor, ōris m cancer, cri m medulla spinalis; medulla ossium mamma, ae f auris, is f oculus, i m lymph suppuration, accumulation of pus sweat presence of water, watery fluid; accumulation of fluid in an organ poison, toxin stone, valculus, calcification tumor cancer spinal cord; bone marrow female breast ear eye pulsus, us m pulse femĭna, ae f feminīnus, a, um mas, maris m masculīnus, a, um vir, viri m infans, ntis m,f female male child puer, eri m -paedia geri-, gero-, gerontotopopharmacotricho-, -trichia onycho-, -onychia dacryosialo-, -sialia coprogalactolipo-op(t)-, optico-, op(s)ia phaco-, -phakia blepharokeratophono-, -phonia senex, senis m senīlis, e locus, i m medicamentum, i n capillus, i m unguis, is m lacrĭma, ae f salīva, ae f faeces, ium f pl. lac, lactis n adeps, ĭpis m visus, us m visio, onis f oculus, i m lens, ntis f – чечевица palpĕbra, ae f cornea, ae f vox, vocis f methods of deformity correction old age place grugs, medicament, medicin hair nail tears saliva feces milk lipid vision, eye lens eyelid cornea; horny tissue sound, speech, voice Functional and pathological states and processes: Clinical (Greek) bio-pnoё, pnoea geno-, -genesis, -genesia, -genia aesthesio-, -aesthesia asthenospiropneumo-, pneumatoaёro-kinesia, -kinemato-, kinemo-, kineto-crin-, -crinia -penia -cytosis rheo-rrhoea -rrhagia isch(o)-stăsis tono-, -tonia -plasia -tensio -tropho-, -trophia oxy-, -oxia phago-, -phagia philo-, -philia English relating to life, life processes breathing origin, evolution, genesis sensation, perception weakness, asthenia breathing presence of air or gas in an organ air, gas motion secretion deficiency the condition of more than usual number of cells; certain features pertaining to cells electrical current flowing, flux hemorrage, bleeding delay pf smth. stagnation tone, tension, pressure formation of smth. hydrostatic pressure in blood vessels or organs food, nutrition relating tp oxygen eating, devouring affinity for, craving for phobo-, -phobia tropo-, -tropia psycho-, -psychia -plegia aetioatheromorpho-, -morphergo-, -ergia, -urgia dynamo-, -dynamia -gnosis, -gnosia -po(i)esis, -po(i)et-mnesia -phren(o)-, -phrenia phrenico- morbid dread turning toward, acting on smth. the mind; mentalm psychological paralysis relating to the cause (of the illness) sediment of fat form, shape, structure relating to work, reaction force, energy ability to learn, to know creation of snmth. (blood, urine) relating to memory relating to the mind, to psychic faculties relating to the phrenic nerve b) Translate: Construct Latin terms with the following meanings: pathological disease caused by a fungus: of the nose; of skin; of the mouth; of the small intestine consolidation: of the lungs; of bone; of the kidney; of arteries; of vessels dilatation: of the esophagus; of the stomach pathological downward displacement: of the liver; of the internal organs; of the womb (= uterus); of the spleen stone-forming process: in urinary bladder; in kidneys; in the bronchial tubes; in the salivary gland of abdomen (= pancreas) narrowness (constriction): of duodenum; of veins; of the wind - pipe (= trachea); of the straight intestine (= rectum); of vessels; of the larynx; absence (or loss): of memory; of sensitivity; of (re)activity; of tension; of emotions disturbance: of the small intestine; of digestion; of nutrition; of breathing (b) abnormal enlargement / smallness of spleen slow / rapid breathing deviation from the normal formation of bones slow / rapid palpitation (of the heart) small dimensions of the upper / lower jaw bleeding: nasal; gastric; uterine; from the dental cell (after the removal of the tooth); from the ear; from the rectum; from the small intestine pain: in liver; in many joints; in the muscles headache toothache earache stomach-ache 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: psychotherapia • osteomyeldysplasia • hepatomegalia • mycogastritis • pathogenesis • necrophilia • cardiospasmus • logoneurosis • oncometr • cancerophobia • neurasthenia • macrocephalia • psychopathia • dermatonecrosis • psychiatria • hypertonia • sclerodermia • necrophobia • cystoplegia • myocardiodystrophia • stenocardia • herniotomia • spasmophilia • chondromalacia • lithonephrotomia • oncogenesis branch of medicine dealing with medicinal preparations urine containing: pus / blood superheating / supercooling unfounded fear of water disease of skin caused by a pus bile / fat in blood reddening of the skin the treatment of disease by natural factors abnormally small / high concentration of glucose in blood children’s doctor heat stroke the science dealing with poisoning substances scanty ("a few") urination the branch of medicine concerned with [the medical problems and care of] old-age people 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: histophysiologia anthropogenesis cholelithiasis thrombophlebitis oncologus leucaemia oxyhaemometr hypoxia lipoma otohaematoma hypogalactia lactogenesis cryospasmus gynaecophobia cryotherapia toxaemia pyohaemothorax neonatologia erythrophobia biologus lipodystrophia haemophilia pulmonologia lymphangiectasia otorhinolaryngologus plastic restoring operation: of lip; of tongue; of cornea pathological presence of air in chest pathologically long skull pathologically rapid / slow swallowing abnormally big fingers (in hands or feet) paralysis of tongue downward displacement (a falling) of eye-lid pathological dryness: of lip; of eye; of skin an increase in number of white blood cells destruction of leukocytes difficulty in swallowing small dimensions of the tongue spasm of fingers pathological disease of hair caused by a fungus surgical fixation of the blind intestine deficiency / multiplicity of fingers production of: urine; blood; lymph big dimensions of foot stagnation of: blood; lymph surgical incision of eye-lid deficiency (of the number): of white blood cells; of red blood cells; of lymph an operation for breaking up the adhesions between the uterus and the neighboring parts 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: tendovaginitis dyschromatopsia cheilitis oligophrenia plexalgia brachydactylia pneumotherapia melancholia desmologia podarthritis trichatrophia tenorrhaphia aerophobia peritendinitis cyanosis typhlatonia typhlectasia trichocephalosis chiroplastica hyperkeratosis HOMEWORK # 5 a) Learn the words: Physical conditions and qualities: Clinical (Greek) autoalloheterohomeo-, homoisoanisoneomesotele(o)-, telopseudoorthoxerocryothermo-, -thermia pyr(o)-, pyretomacromicromegalo-, -megalia oligopolypan-, pantobrachybradytachy-, tachochrom(at)o-, -chromia leucoerythrocyanomelanoglyco-, glucopachyleptodolichobaro-, – bary-, bathy-, bathoplatyhemi- (греч.), semi- (лат.) chloro- English self, same other (not normal or usual) other (of two), different the same, alike equal, similar, like unequal, dissimilar, unlike new, recent middle, mean, intermediary at a distance; end, completion false straigth; normal, in proper order dry cold heat; hot fire, heat; fever large, massive small large, enlarged a few, a little; too few, too little many, multiple; too many all, the whole, entirely short slow rapid relationship to colour; relating to chrome white; relating to white blood cells red; relating to red blood cells blue; containing the cyanide group black, dark; containing melanine relating to sugars, glucose or glycine thick light, thin, frail long weight, pressure; atmospheric pressure depth; deep width, flatness; wide, flat one-half, one-sided; partly green; containing chlorine xanthopolionecrophoto- autoalloxenomeso- yellow(ish) gray; gray matter (of the head) death, necrosis light -plastica, -transplantatio the use of tissue or organs… within the same organism from another human from animals + name of an organ = a mesentery (mesenterium) of this organ (e.g., mesocolon – mesentery of the colon, mesometrium - mesentery of the uterus) Additional words: Clinical (Greek) myco-, -mycosis litho-, -lithiasis -pepsia -scop -metr -graph -therapia -iatria -logus -iatrus anthroponeonatophys(i)ofibrohydrolymphothrombo-opsia -ia English fungous pathological desease, desease caused by a fungus stone formation, stone forming process digestion device/intrument for visual examination instrument/apparatus for measurement device/apparatus for rеcording/reflecting of activity of any organ the treatment of desease by various non-surgical methods the treatment of extensive groups of patients of definite type specialist, expert doctor, physician human, a man newborn, baby nature, natural factors, physical proprties fiber, fibrous tissue water; hydrogen; patological accumulation/concentration of liquid/fluid lymph thrombus, blood clot vision suffix/ending, used when the complex term consists only of initial word parts b) Translate: 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: histophysiologia anthropogenesis cholelithiasis thrombophlebitis oncologus leucaemia oxyhaemometr hypoxia lipoma otohaematoma hypogalactia lactogenesis cryospasmus gynaecophobia cryotherapia toxaemia pyohaemothorax neonatologia erythrophobia biologus lipodystrophia haemophilia pulmonologia lymphangiectasia otorhinolaryngologus 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: tendovaginitis dyschromatopsia cheilitis oligophrenia plexalgia brachydactylia pneumotherapia melancholia desmologia podarthritis trichatrophia tenorrhaphia aerophobia peritendinitis cyanosis typhlatonia typhlectasia trichocephalosis chiroplastica hyperkeratosis HOMEWORK # 6 a) Learn the words: Prefixes: prefix (Latin + Greek) adab--apointra-, introextra-, exteroendo-, entoecto-, exoinfra-, subsupra-, superhypohyper-, epiante-, prae-, propostprometainter--dia-, meso--circum--peri--juxta--par(a)--trans------per--dia--retro------re------con--syn--contra--anti------anacatainexenecin--a-, an------dyseudis--dia--de-, des-, se------semi--hemi--- meaning approximation, addition moving away from inside outside under, below above, on smth. in front of, ahead, before behind, after, later between, among, in intermediate around, from all sides the middle, beside, near through smth., movement beyond smth. through smth., completely behind smth.; reverse direction; back renewal, repetition, reproduction, response, opposition together, connection, interaction, interdependence opposite (of position, state or action) direction upwards; resumption of activity in, within, into direction downwards, increasing of activity out of, outside absence, denial disorder, difficulty, malfunction, aberration in quantity or quality division, separation, normal function, correct, in good condition separation, removal half, one-sided Additional notes to prefixes: Prefixes IntraInfrasupraSub- – HypoHyperHypohyperMetaMeso- Translation within a certain period opposites, belong to the same anatomical structure Examples intravitalis – intravital, in one’s lifetime infrascapularis – suprascapularis mostly in adjectives (in anatomical terminology) subduralis – under the dura mater (pachymeninx) hypogastrium – the lower central region of the abdomen in nouns with Greek roots (in anatomical terminology) – NOT in anatomical terminology in clinical terminology: deficiency, below norm – redundancy, above norm transition from one state to another, change, transfomation + internal organ = mesentery hypotonia – hypertonia metaplasia – transformation of tissue into tissue of another kind mesogastrium PeriParaParaAnaDe- + an organ = outer integumentary sheath, capsule, tissue, peritoneum + an organ = fiber near or around the organ deviation from the norm, different from what is designated by the root of the word action or state opposite to what is designated by the root of the word downward action perimetrium – serous tunic of uterus paranephritis – inflammation of fiber around the kidney paraesthesia – false / abnormal sensation anatoxinum – a toxin without its toxic property depressor Additional notions: pneumopneumo- + graphia pneumono(редко pneumo) -haemorrhagia + -rrhagia haemo-, haematohydro-, pyo- -pexia -desis + an organ = presence of gas in organ + an organ = introduction of gas into organ for contrast radiography легкое pneumothorax pneumoarthrographia pneumonotomia hemorrhage – bleeding from an organ or into an organ + an organ = bleeding from an organ + an organ in Nom.Sg., without any suffix = hemorrhage into the cavity of the organ + an organ in Nom.Sg., without any suffix = accumulation of mucus or watery fluid in the cavity of the organ fixation of substances in tissues; fixation of organs, usually surgical fixation of connective tissues, ligamnets, or bones gastrorrhagia, metrorrhagia) haemopericardium, haematocolpos hydrometra chromatopexia, colpopexia arthrodesis HOMEWORK # 7 Additional words: osteomyelodactylo-, dactylia desmo- medulla ossium digitus, i m bone marrow finger, digit ligamentum, i n ligament -logonoso- speech, words; relating to the defects of speech desease Organs – identical to anatomical: appendix, appendicis f. appendic - appendage arteria, ae f bronchus, i m colon, i n cranium, i n duodenum, i n encephalon / cerebrum, i n oesophagus, i m ganglion, i n gaster, gastris f glandula thyreoidea hepar, hepatis n larynx, laryngis m lien, lienis m pancreas, pancreatis n peritoneum, i n pharynx, pharyngis m pleura, ae f plexus, us m tonsilla, ae f trachea, ae f thorax, thoracis m append arteri bronch col colon crani duoden encephal esophag gangli gastr thyr(e) hepat laryng splen pancreat periton(e) pharyng pleur plex tonsill trache thorac - thorax artery bronchi, bronchial tubes colon, large intestine skull duodenum brain esophagus neural knot, ganglion stomach thyroid gland liver larynx spleen pancreas peritoneum pharynx, throat pleura plexus tonsil wind - pipe thorax, chest Organs – binary: anatomical and clinical used identically: dens, dentis m. mamma, ae f rectum, i n vas, vasis n vagina, ae f pulmo, pulmonis m. tendo, tendinis m. dent odont mamm mast rect proct vas angi vagin colp pulmo(n) pneum(on)tendin - / tendo ten - tooth mammary gland rectum vessel vagina lungs tendon b) Translate: 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: histophysiologia anthropogenesis cholelithiasis thrombophlebitis oncologus leucaemia oxyhaemometr hypoxia lipoma otohaematoma hypogalactia lactogenesis cryospasmus gynaecophobia cryotherapia toxaemia pyohaemothorax neonatologia erythrophobia biologus lipodystrophia haemophilia pulmonologia lymphangiectasia otorhinolaryngologus 2) Note the number of the CF and explain their meanings: tendovaginitis dyschromatopsia cheilitis oligophrenia plexalgia brachydactylia pneumotherapia melancholia desmologia podarthritis trichatrophia tenorrhaphia aerophobia peritendinitis cyanosis typhlatonia typhlectasia trichocephalosis chiroplastica hyperkeratosis b) Translate: Translate into English: Anamnesis, endocarditis, anaesthesia, glaucoma posttraumaticum, atherosclerosis, cardiostenosis, stenocardia, anhidrosis, paraproctitis, cholangiokinematographia, dysuria, dyspnoe, apnoe, eupnoe, sphygmometria, adynamia, choledocholithotomia, haemolysis, HOMEWORK # 8 a) Learn the words: PHARMACEUTICAL TERMINOLOGY Complex denominations of medicines: (most complex terms have an ending -um, many have suffix+ending -in-um) Meanings: a) chemical structure / source / components of the medicine; b) pharmacological effect – which part of body it ails; c) pharmacological effect – what disease it ails. Pharmaceutical, clinical and anatomical components: -(a)zol-, -(a)zin-, containing Nitrogen -(a)zid-, -az-(o)estrestrogens – female hormones -aesthesanesthetic -alg-, -(a)dol-(um) analgesic, relieving pain -aller(g)antiallergenic -as-(um) enzyme -astin-(um) antihistaminic substances -azepam-(um) diazepam derivatives -barbhypnotics, barbiturates -cain-(um) local anesthetic -cep(h)-, -cef- (греч.) antibiotics of Cephalosporium group -cholcholeretic -cidantimicrobial -cillin-(um) antibiotics of penicillins -cor(d)-, -card(i)for heart, cardiotonic, dilating coronary vessels -cort(ic)corticosteroids – adrenocortical hormones -cut(i)-, -dermagainst skkin deseases -cyclinantibiotics – derivatives of tetracyclines -fem-, -gyn-gly-, -gli-hypn-, -dorm-io(d)-lax-mycin-(um) -myco-nas-, -r(h)in-oc(u)-, -ok-opht(h)(alm)-, -oft-, -opt(ic)-ot- (греч.) -pres(s)-, -ten(s)-prost-pyr-sedspasm-stat-sulfa-test-, -ster-, -vir-, -andr-thyr-vas-, -ang(i)-verin-(um) vin-vir-vithydrox(y)phthorthimethaethphenbenz- for gynecological deseases hypoglycemic sulfonamides hypnotics containing iodine laxatives antimicrobial antibiotics from Streptomyces fungus antifungal for deseases of nose for deseases of eyes for deseases of eyes for deseases of ears hypotensive, normalazing pressure prostaglandins pyretic sedative against spasmodic contraction of the muscles enzyme inhibitors antimicrobial sulfonamides androgenic steroids – male hormones affecting thyroid function vasodilators, antispasmodic spasmodilators plant Vinca (periwinkle) alkaloids antiviral polyvitamins the presense of Hydrogen or water the presense of oxygen fluorine and its chemical combinations substituting Sulfur atom presense of methyl group presense of ethyl group presense of phenyl group presense of benzene group Types of medicine by various forms: Aёrosōlum, i n aerosol Capsula amylacea starch capsule Capsula gelatinosa gelstin capsule Capsula, ae f capsule Decoctum, i n decoction Dragée (франц.) gragee Emplastrum, i n plaster, patch Emulsum, i n emulsion Extractum fluĭdum liquid extract Extractum siccum dry extract Extractum spissum viscous extract Extractum, i n extract Granulum, i n granule Gutta, ae f drop Infūsum, i n infusion (on water) Linimentum, i n Pasta, ae f Pilŭla, ae f Pulvis, ĕris m Sirŭpus, i m (medicinalis) Solutio, ōnis f Species, ēi f (об. Pl. Species, ērum) Suppositorium, i n Suspensio, ōnis f Tabuletta obducta Tabuletta, ae f Tinctūra, ae f Unguentum, i n Plant organs: cortex, ĭcis m flos, oris m folium, i n fructus, us m gemma, ae f liniment (liquid oinment) paste pilule powder syrup solution species (mixture of dryed plants) suppository suspension coated pill pill tincture (on alcohol) oinment, unguent bark blossom, flower leaf fruit bud, gemma herba, ae f radix, īcis f rhizōma, ătis n semen, ĭnis n herb root rhizome, rootstock seed b) Translate: 2. Analyze the following names of drugs, giving the meanings of the marked CF: Baralginum Phenobarbitalum Prodormol Allochol Enteroseptolum Capotenum Pharyngoseptum Seduxenum Metasteron Pananginum Glauvent Aminocainum Synthomycinum Diuretin Cardiovalenum Protandren Teletrast Theophyllin Vermox Eunoctin Endografin Lasolvan Bifungin Guttalax Oxytetracyclinum Alfavit Somnopax 3. Translate the word combinations into Latin (giving the meanings of the marked CF): rectal suppositories with Dimedrol for children drops of Corvalol Streptocid in powder dry Haematogen in waxed paper eye drops with Riboflavin solution of Ephedrin in ampoules for injections tablets of Validol with Glucose solution of Aminazin in ampoules for intramuscular injections liniment from castor oil and Xeroform fluid solution of Corglycon in ampoules spirituous solution of Menthol dilute solution of Strophanthin for intravenous injections rectal suppositories with Ichthyol ear drops with Glycerin and Phenol water solution of Nitrofural for local use rectal suppositories with dry extract of belladonna, Novocain and Anaesthesin HOMEWORK # 9 a) Learn the words: Additional pharmaceutical word components: -sept-trast-, -graf- antiseptic, preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents for X-ray examination Additional words: remedium, i n remedy medicamentum, i n serum, i n medicine, drug serum Standard prescription formulas: Latin Da. Signa. Misce. Da. Signa. Sterilĭsa! Repĕte! Da tales doses. English Give! Designate! Mix! Give! Designate! Sterilize! Repeat! Give such doses Latin Misce, (ut) fiat pulvis. Misce, (ut) fiat unguentum. Misce, (ut) fiat linimentum. Misce, (ut) fiat pasta. Misce, (ut) fiat emulsum. Misce, (ut) fiat suppositorium. Misce, (ut) fiant species. Cito! Statim! Latin Detur. Signētur. Misceātur. Detur. Signētur. Sterilisētur! Repetātur! Dentur tales doses. English Let it be given, designated! Let it be mixed, given, designated! Let it be sterilized! Let it be repeated! Let such doses be given. English Mix in order to obtain powder. Mix in order to obtain oinment. Mix in order to obtain liquid oinment. Mix in order to obtain paste. Mix in order to obtain emulsion. Mix in order to obtain suppository. Mix in order to obtain species. quickly! at once, immediately! Verbs: (-o – present tense 1st person Sg.; -re – active infinitive of present tense) addo, ĕre to add curo, are to cure do, are to give finio, ire to finish, end, complete misceo, ēre to mix repeto, ĕre to repeat salveo, ēre to be in good health signo, are to designate sterilĭso, are to sterilize valeo, ēre to be strong verto, ĕre to twirl, rotate NB: fio, fiěri recipio, ĕre to become to take Verbs - conjugation: Conjugation groups: -āre – 1st group; -ēre – 2nd group; -ěre – 3rd group; -īre – 4th group. Roots of verbs: 1st group - ____ā-re; 2nd group - ____ē-re; 3rd group - ____-ě-re; 4th group - ____ī-re. Imperative: (Do (to one person) – Sg., Do (to more than one person) – Pl.) Singularis Pluralis 1st group 2nd group 3rd group 4th group recipio, ĕre ____ā ____ē ____-ě ____ī recĭpe ____ā-te ____ē-te ____-ĭ-te ____ī-te recipĭte Conjunctive: (Active: Let him do – Sg., Let them do – Pl.; Passive: Let it be done – Sg., Let these be done – Pl.) Suffixes: Active, Sg. st 1 group ____ā ____-ē -t 2nd group ____ē ____ē -ā -t rd 3 group ____ ____-ā -t th 4 group ____ī ____ī -ā -t fio, ĕri fi-a -t Active, Pl. -nt -nt -nt -nt -nt Passive, Sg. -tur -tur -tur -tur --- Passive, Pl. -ntur -ntur -ntur -ntur --- Plants: Absinthium, i n Adōnis (ĭdis) vernalis f Aloё, es f Althaea, ae f Belladonna, ae f Betula, ae f Calendula, ae f Chamomilla, ae f Convallaria, ae f Crataegus, i f Digitālis, is f Eucalyptus, i f Frangula, ae f Galanthus, i m Helianthus, i m Helichrysum (i n) arenarium Hippophaё, es f Hyperīcum, i n Leonūrus, i m Mentha (ae f) piperita Millefolium, ii n Olīva, ae f Persĭcum, i n Pinus, i f absinthium, (absinthe / common / grand) wormwood, green ginger (spring/yellow) pheasant’s eye, false hellebore aloe marshmallow plant, althaea deadly nightshade, belladonna, dwale birch marigold, calendula c(h)amomile, mayweed lily of the valley whitehorn, hawthorn, thornapple, May-tree, hawberry foxglove, digitalis, finger-flower eucalyptus, gum-tree buckthorn snowdrop sunflower dwarf everlast, (sandy) immortelle sea-buckthorn St. John’s wort, hypericum, tutsan motherwort, leonurus peppermint (common) yarrow, milfoil, gordaldo, nosebleed plant, old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary, soldier's woundwort, thousand-leaf, thousand-seal olive peach (fruit) pine, pine-tree полынь горькая горицвет весенний алоэ алтей белладонна, красавка береза календула (ноготки) ромашка ландыш боярышник наперстянка эвкалипт крушина подснежник подсолнечник бессмертник песчаный облепиха зверобой пустырник мята перечная тысячелистник маслина персик (плод) сосна Rheum, i n Ricĭnus, i m Rosa, ae f Salvia, ae f Urtīca, ae f Valeriana, ae f rhubarb, pieplant castor oil plant, palmcrist, palm of Christ, palma Christi wild rose sage, salvia (stinging) nettle valerian ревень клещевина шиповник, дикая роза шалфей крапива валериана Remedies: Amylum (i n) Tritĭci Atropinum, i n Cacāo (нескл.) Coffeinum, i n Ephedrinum, i n Glucosum, i n Mentholum, i n oleum Helianthi oleum Olivarum Oleum Persicorum Oleum (i n) Ricĭni (us, i m) oleum Terebinthinae Papaverinum, i n Rutinum, i n Sacchărum, i n Strychninum, i n wheat starch atropine cacao caffeine ephedrine glucose menthol sunflower oil olive oil (salad oil) peach butter castor oil, caster oil turpentine papaverine rutin sugar strychnine b) Translate: Translate the word combinations into Latin: spirituous tincture refined turpentine oily emulsion emulsion of cod liver oil thick extract emulsion of castor oil dry extract coated tablets of valerian extract fluid extract powder of rababaer root white starch hawthorn fruits grey ointment wild rose fruits bitter mixture ox -eye daisy flowers concentrate decoction oily solution mint oil valerian tincture mint water drops of valerian tincture sage leaf rababaer syrup grass of lily-of-the-valley decoction of oak bark infusion of wormwood grass decoction of snowball tree bark infusion of sage leaves foxglove seeds 1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) : dry extract of buckthorn clean (pure) water pine buds paste in waxed paper vitamins in coated tablets concentrated birch juice gastric tablets with extract of bitter wormwood white starch gastric mixture with thousand-leaf grass (herb) tincture from gum-tree (= eucalyptus) leaves 1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) : infusion from dry leaves of birch mixture with mint drops decoction from valerian stem and roots tablets from dry extract of belladonna root fluid mixture with mint oil castor oil in capsules syrup from wild-rose berries decoction from pine buds compound (composite) turpentine liniment for external use dry mixture from (= against) cough emulsion of cod liver oil for internal use syrup from hawthorn fruits liniment with olive oil refined ethyl alcohol in ampoules ether for narcosis in dark glass valerian extract in coated tablets infusion from berries of snow-ball tree diuretic species with birch buds infusion from sage leaves powder / decoction from bark of snow-ball tree laxative (purgative) species with wormwood grass and chamomile flowers rababaer syrup for internal use tincture from eucalyptus leaves powder from white sugar and foxglove leaves mixture of valerian tincture with lily-of-the-valley tincture fluid extract from leaves of plantain oil from flowers of wild-rose tablets from (= against) cough distilled water in ampoules for injections sedative species with valerian roots suppositories with belladonna extract composite mixture with sugar syrup HOMEWORK # 10 a) Learn the words: Medicines & remedies – generic names: (pay attention to the word components, their meaning and spelling) Adrenalinum, i n Aether, ĕris m Aethylmorphinum, i n Amidopyrinum, i n Aminazinum, i n Anaesthesinum, i n Barbamylum, i n Barbitalum-natrium, i n Benzylpenicillinum, i n Bromisovalum, i n Camphŏra, ae f Chinosolum, i n Chloroformium, i n Codeinum, i n Coffeinum-natrii benzoas, Coffeini-natrii benzoatis m Corazolum, i n Cordigitum, i n Desoxycorticosteronum, i n Diazepamum, i n Dibazolum, i n adrenalin(e), epinephrine ether, ester aethylmorphin(e) Amidopyrin(e) aminazin, chlorpromazine anaesthesin, benzocaine barbamyl barbital sodium benzylpenicillin bromisoval camphor chinosol chloroform codeine caffeine sodium benzoate адреналин эфир (простой, сложный) corazol cordigit desoxycorticosterone diazepam dibazol коразол этилморфин амидопирин аминазин анестезин барбамил барбитал-натрий бензилпенициллин бромизовал камфора хинозол хлороформ кодеин кофеин-бензоат натрия кордигит дезоксикортикостерон диазепам дибазол Dimedrolum, i n Diprophyllinum, i n Erythromycinum, i n Euphyllinum, i n Furacilinum, i n Furazolidonum, i n Hydrocortisonum, i n Ichthyolum, i n Lincomycinum, i n Methylii calicylas (ātis) m Methyloestradiolum, i n Morphinum, i n Nitroglycerinum, i n Norsulfazolum, i n Novocainum, i n Oleandomycinum, i n Oxacillinum, i n Phenacetinum, i n Phenazepamum, i n Phenobarbitalum, i n Phenoxymethylpenicillinum, i n Phenylii salicylas (ātis) m Phthoracizinum, i n Pilocarpinum, i n Platyphyllinum, i n Streptocīdum, i n Sulfacylum, i n Sulfadimezinum, i n Synoestrōlum, i n Synthomycinum, i n Talcum, i n Tetracyclinum, i n Theobrominum, i n Theophyllinum, i n Thiaminum, i n Validolum, i n Vaselinum , i n Vinylinum, i n Xeroformium, i n dimedrolum, diphenhydramine diprophylline, diphylline erythromycin euphylline furacilin, nitrofural furazolidone hydrocortisone, cortisol ichthyol lincomycin methyl salicylate methyl estradiol morphine nitroglycerin(e), glyceryl trinitrate norsulfazol novocaine, procaine oleandomycin oxacillin phenacetin phenazepam phenobarbital phenoxymethylpenicillin phenyl salicylate, salol phthoracizin pilocarpine platyphyllin streptocid, sulfanilamide sulfacyl, sulfacetamide sulfadimezin, sulfadimidine, sulfamethazine synestrol synthomycine, chloramphenicol talcum, talc tetracycline theobromine theophylline thiamin(e), vitamine B1 validol(um) vaseline vinylin xeroform димедрол дипрофиллин эритромицин эуфиллин фурацилин фуразолидон гидрокортизон ихтиол линкомицин метилсалицилат метилэстрадиол морфин нитроглицерин норсульфазол новокаин олеандомицин оксациллин фенацетин феназепам фенобарбитал феноксиметилпенициллин фенилсалицилат фторацизин пилокарпин платифиллин стрептоцид сульфацил сульфадимезин синэстрол синтомицин тальк тетрациклин теобромин теофиллин тиамин валидол вазелин винилин ксероформ Other words: antidŏtum, i n aqua, ae f quantum satis spirĭtus, us m venēnum, i n antidote, antitoxin, antipoison water as needed, a sufficient quantity alcohol toxin противоядие вода сколько нужно спирт яд ad ana до (дозировка в рецептах) по (дозировка в рецептах) up to of each b) Translate: (1) Rp: Sirupi Rhei 30 ml. Da. Signa. (2) Rp: Gemmarum Pini 100,0 Da! Signa! (3) Rp: Tincturae Menthae 5 ml. Tincturae Convallariae 15 ml. Misceatur! Detur! Signetur! (4) Rp: Emulsi olei Persicorum 200 ml. Detur. Signetur. (5) Rp: Infusi foliorum Salviae 20,0 - 200 ml. Da. Signa. (6) Rp: Extracti Belladonnae fluidi Extracti Absinthii fluidi ana 25 ml. Misce. Da. Signa. HOMEWORK # 11 a) Learn the words: Accusative and Ablative cases: Ac.S.* Ac.P.* Ab.S. Ab.P. (m,f / n) 1 decl. 2 decl. 3-a decl. 3-b decl. 3-c decl. am as a is um / um os / a o is em / =N.S. es / a e ĭbus em / =N.S. es / a e ĭbus im / =N.S. es / ia i ĭbus * The rule of neutral gender: Ac.S. = N.S.; Ac.P. = N.P. = a. 3 decl. – adj. em / =N.S. es / ia i ĭbus 4 decl. 5 decl. um / u us / ua u ĭbus em es e ebus Adjectives: aethylicus, a, um albus, a, um amarus antiasthmaticus, a, um cholagōgus, a, um сomposĭtus concentratus, a, um depuratus, a, um destillatus, a, um dilūtus, a, um flavus, a, um fluĭdus, a, um gastricus, a, um gelatinosus, a, um isotonicus, a, um liquĭdus, a, um obductus, a, um oleosus, a, um ophthalmicus, a, um purificatus, a, um praecipitatus rectificatus, a, um solubilis, e spirituosus, a, um ethyl white bitter antasthmatic, anti-asthma cholagogic complex concentrated depurated (used with Sulfur) distilled diluted yellow fluid (used for extracts) gastric gelatinous isotonic liquid (for all except extracts) coated (of pills) oily ophthalmic putified (used with serum) precipitated rectified (used with oleum Terebinthinae and spiritus), refined soluble alcoholic Other words and phrases: ampulla, ae f ampoule, ampule Detur. Da tales doses. Dentur tales doses. Divide in partes aequales Let it be given (about a medicament as a whole) Give such doses Let such doses be given Divide in equal parts Prepositions: Latin With accusative ad English Examples to, for, until, up to contra inter per against between through, by, by means of post With ablative after ad 20,0 ad usum internum ad decubitum contra tussim inter costas per os per inhalationem post mortem up to 20 grams for internal use for bedsores against cough between the ribs by mouth, orally by inhalation after death cum with e, ex aut of, from pro for With accusative and ablative in (+ acc.) into (where to? - direction) in (+ abl.) in (where? – place) sub (+ acc.) under (where to? - direction) sub (+ abl.) under (where? – place) cum extracto ex aqua pro injectionibus with extract out of water for injections in vitrum in vitro sub linguam sub lingua into the bottle in the bottle under the tongue under the tongue Expressions with prepositions: ad usum internum ad usum externum aqua destillata ex tempŏre in ampullis in capsulis in capsulis gelatinosis in oblatis in tabulettis in tabulettis obductis in talulettis in vitro in vitro nigro in vivo massa pilularum numero per inhalationem per os per rectum per se pro auctore ( pro me) pro die pro dosi pro infantibus pro inhalatione pro injectionibus pro narcosi pro r(o)entgeno quantum satis simplex suppositorium (rectale) suppositorium vaginale to use internally to use externally distilled water as the necessity arises in ampules in capsules in gelatine capsules in wafers / cachets / capsules in pills / tablets in coated pills in pills, in tablets in the laboratory, in vitro in a dark bottle, in dark glass in vivo, in natural conditions pill mass in … quantity by inhalation by mouth, orally rectally per se, in pure form for the author (for me) (if a doctor writes a prescription for himself) daily dosage, dose for one day for one dose for children for inhalation for injections for narcosis, for anesthesia for X-ray as needed simple (rectal) suppository vaginal suppository b) Decline and translate all forms: spirituous tincture, bitter seed, vaginal suppository, rectal suppository, yellow paste, dry extract, fluid extract, red berry, simple plaster, grey powder, water infusion, dense syrup, bitter mixture, white flower, water solution, oily emulsion, dry fruit, c) Translate: 1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) : dry extract of buckthorn clean (pure) water pine buds paste in waxed paper vitamins in coated tablets concentrated birch juice gastric tablets with extract of bitter wormwood white starch gastric mixture with thousand-leaf grass (herb) tincture from gum-tree (= eucalyptus) leaves 1. Translate the word combinations into Latin (paying attention to the prepositions) : infusion from dry leaves of birch mixture with mint drops decoction from valerian stem and roots tablets from dry extract of belladonna root fluid mixture with mint oil castor oil in capsules syrup from wild-rose berries decoction from pine buds compound (composite) turpentine liniment for external use dry mixture from (= against) cough emulsion of cod liver oil for internal use syrup from hawthorn fruits liniment with olive oil refined ethyl alcohol in ampoules ether for narcosis in dark glass valerian extract in coated tablets infusion from berries of snow-ball tree diuretic species with birch buds infusion from sage leaves powder / decoction from bark of snow-ball tree laxative (purgative) species with wormwood grass and chamomile flowers rababaer syrup for internal use tincture from eucalyptus leaves powder from white sugar and foxglove leaves mixture of valerian tincture with lily-of-the-valley tincture fluid extract from leaves of plantain oil from flowers of wild-rose tablets from (= against) cough distilled water in ampoules for injections sedative species with valerian roots suppositories with belladonna extract composite mixture with sugar syrup (1) Take: (3) Take: (4) Take: (5) Take: (6) Take: 200 ml. of decoction of oak bark To sterilize! To give! To designate! 20 ml. of 95 % ethyl alcohol 100 ml. of distilled water for injections Let it be mixed, given, designated. 20 grams of grass of St. John’s wort 15 grams of ox - eye daisy (= chamomile) flowers 30 grams of sage leaves. 10 grams of mint leaves Mix, in order to obtain species. Give! Designate! Equal quantities of 50 grams of dry fruits of hawthorn and wild rose Sugar syrup up to 200 ml Mix, in order to obtain syrup. To give! To designate! 2 ml. of gum-tree (= eucalyptus) oil 8 ml of refined turpentine (oil) Mix! Give! Designate! HOMEWORK # 12 a) Learn the words: Ac.S.* Ac.P.* Ab.S. Ab.P. ōrem / us ōres / ōra ōre ōribus Chemical elements Al Ag As Au Br Ba Bi C Ca Cl Cu F Fe H Hg I K Li Mg Mn Aluminium, i n Argentum, i n Arsenicum, i n Aurum, i n Bromum, i n Barium, i n Bismuthum, i n Carboneum, i n Calcium, i n Chlorum, i n Cuprum, i n Fluorum, i n (Lat.) = Phthorum, i n (Gr.) Ferrum, i n Hydrogenium, i n Hydrargyrum, i n = Mercurium, i n Iodum, i n Kalium, i n = Potassium, i n Lithium, i n Magnesium, i n = Magnium, i n Manganum, i n aluminium silver arsenic gold bromine barium bismuth carbon calcium chlorine copper fluorine iron hydrogen mercury, quicksilver, hydrargyrum iodine potassium lithium magnesium manganese N Na O Pb P S Si Zn Nitrogenium, i n Natrium, i n = Sodium, i n Oxygenium, i n Plumbum, i n Phosphŏrus, i m Sulfur, ŭris n Silicium, i n Zincum, i n nitrogen sodium oxygen lead, plumbum phosphorus sulfur, brimstone silicon zinc Oxids oxydum, i n peroxydum, i n hydroxydum, i n ZnO – Zinci oxydum H2O2 – Hydrogenii peroxydum Al(OH)2 – Aluminii hydroxydum oxid peroxide hydroxide Acids Latin -ĭc-um English -ic Explanation strong acid organic acid -ōs-um -ous weak acid hydro-…-ĭc-um hydro-…-ic oxygen-free acid Acids from elements with 4 degrees of oxidation: Latin English per-…-ĭc-um per-…-ic …-ĭc-um …-ic …-ōs-um …-ous hypo-…-ōs-um hypo-…-ous Examples: H2SO4 HNO3 H2SO3 HNO2 HClO4 HClO3 HClO2 HClO HCL HI HCN H2S ac. sulfuricum ac. nitricum ac. sulfurosum ac. nitrosum ac. perchloricum ac. chloricum ac. chlorosum ac. hypochlorosum ac. hydrochloricum ac. hydroiodicum ac. hydrocyanicum ac. hydrosulfuricum Acids acĭdum, i n acĭdum aceticum acĭdum acetylsalicylicum (Aspirinum) Example ac. sulfur-ic-um ac. barbitur-ic-um ac. fol-ic-um ac. sulfur-os-um ac. nitr-os-um ac. hydro-brom-ic-um Explanation the strongest degree the weakest degree sulfuric acid nitric acid sulfurous acid nitrous acid perchloric acid chloric acid chlorous acid hypochlorous acid hydrochloric acid hydroiodic acid hydrocyanic acid hydrogen sulfide acid acetic acid acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin CH3COOH C9H8O4 sulfuric acid barbituric acid folic acid sulfurous acid nitrous acid hydrobromic acid Example ac. per-chlor-ic-um ac. chlor-ic-um ac. chlor-os-um ac. hypo-chlor-os-um acĭdum arsenicosum acĭdum arsenicum acĭdum ascorbinicum acĭdum benzoicum acĭdum carbolicum acĭdum carbonicum acĭdum citricum acĭdum folicum acĭdum formicicum acĭdum glutaminicum acĭdum hydrochloricum acĭdum hydrocyanicum acĭdum hydrosulfuricum acĭdum lacticum acĭdum lipoicum acĭdum nicotinicum acĭdum nitricum acĭdum nitrosum acĭdum oxalicum acĭdum phosphoricum acĭdum salicylicum acĭdum succinicum acĭdum sulfuricum acĭdum sulfurosum arsenious acid arsenic acid ascorbic acid benzoic acid carbolic acid carbonic acid citric acid folic acid formic acid glutamic acid hydrochloric acid hydrocyanic acid hydrogen sulfide lactic acid lipoic acid nicotinic acid nitric acid nitrous acid oxalic acid phosphoric acid salicylic acid succinic acid sulfuric acid sulfurous acid H3AsO3 H3AsO4 C6H8O6 C6H5COOH C6H5OH H2CO3 C3H4(OH)(COOH)3 C19H19N7O6 HCOOH C2H9O4N HCl HCN H2S CH3CH(OH)COOH C8H14O2S2 C6H5O2N HNO3 HNO2 H2C2O4 H3PO4 C6H4(OH)COOH C4H6O4 H2SO4 H2SO3 Salts Anions: Latin -as, ātis m Engl. -ate -is, ītis m -ite -ĭdum, i n -ide sub- sub- hydro- hydro- Explanation salts from oxyacids (oxoacids) salts from oxygenfree acids basic salts (alkali salts) acid salts Examples: Magnii sulfas Natrii nitris Natrii hydrocarbonas Platyphyllini hydrotartras Bismuthi subnitras Hydrargyri cyanidum Cocaini Hydrochloridum *(from strong acids - -ic-) *(from weak acids- -os-) Example sulfas, atis m sulfate sulfis, itis m sulfite sulfidum, i n sulfide subgallas, atis m subgallate hydrocarbonas, atis m hydrocarbonate magnesium sulfate sodium nitrite sodium hydrocarbonate platyphyllin hydrotartrate basic bismuth nitrate mercury cyanide Cocaine hydrochloride Salts from acids from elements with 4 degrees of oxidation: salt - Latin salt - English NaClO4 Natrii perchloras sodium perchlorate NaClO3 Natrii chloras sodium chlorate NaClO2 Natrii chloris sodium chlorite NaClO Natrii hypochloris sodium hypochlorite acid - Latin ac. perchloricum ac. chloricum ac. chlorosum ac. hypochlorosum HClO4 HClO3 HClO2 HClO Latin -yl- -yl-i-(um) Hydrocarbon radicals English Translation Example -ylBenzylpenicillinum benzylpenicillin Aethylmorphinum ethylmorphine ac. acetylsalicylicum acetylsalicylic acis -yl Methylii salicylas methyl salicylate Phenylii salicylas phenyl salicylate Amylii nitris amyl nitrite explanation the radical is part of a complex word the radical is a part of an ester a phrase Ethers (simple) and esters (complex) Esters (complex): a phrase (--ylii --as/-is): a phrase (--yl --ate/-ite): Amylii nitris amyl nitrite Methylii salicylas methyl salicylate Aethylii acetas ethyl acetate Ethers (simple): a phrase with an adjective (aether --ylicus): a phrase (--yl ether): Aether dimethylicus dimethyl ether Aether diaethylicus diethyl ether Additional words: glycerophosphas, ātis m hydrotartras, atis m thiosulfas, atis m glycerophosphate hydrotartrate thiosulfate b) Translate: sterilisetur spiritus aethylicus dilutus et detur pro injectionibus intravenosis in ampullis mixtura composita e sirupo Sacchari et speciebus pectoralibus rhizomata Valerianae solutio camphorae aquosa in ampullis pro injectionibus subcutaneis species e foliis Menthae piperitae et herbā Adonidis vernalis fructus Crataegi pulvis radicis Rhei in tabulettis species sedativae ex herbā Leonuri species pectorales e radicibus Althaeae, foliis Farfarae et herbā Origani pulvis radicis Glycyrrhizae compositus cum fructibus Foeniculi, foliis Sennae et Saccharo Pix liquida Betulae sicca oleum e floribus Rosae linimentum Aloës simplex cum oleo Ricini spiritus aethylicus rectificatus in ampullis infusum fructuum depuratorum Viburni mucilago extracti Plantaginis majoris aquosi succus concentratus e foliis Aloës pulvis simplex e seminibus Strophanthi et Strychni (1) Take: 2 grams of Imanin 20 grams of Streptocid Mix, in order to obtain powder. To give! To designate! (2) Take: 100 ml of Vaselin oil 2 drops of mint oil To mix! To give! To designate! (3) Take: Equal quantities of 0.25 grams of Amidopyrin and Phenacetin Let such doses be given in tablets number 10. Let it be designated. (4) Take: 5 ml of solution of Dibazol To sterilize! To give! To designate! (5) Take: 1 ml of 1% solution of Aethymizol Give such doses number 6 in ampoules! Designate! (6) Take: Equal quantities of 10 ml of lily-of-the-valley tincture and valerian tincture Nitroglycerin solution 1% 1 ml 2 ml of Validol Let it be mixed, given, designated. (7) Take: Coated tablets of Tetracyclin 0, 25 Let such doses be given number 20. Let it be designated. (8) Take: 40 ml of (liquid) ammonia Let it be given in dark glass Let it be designated. HOMEWORK # 13 a) Learn the words: Abbreviations āā ac., acid, ad us. ext. ad us. int. aq. aq. dest. but. comp., cps., cpt. concentr. cort. D. Dec., dct. dep. dil., Dil. Div. in p. aeq. D. t. d. Empl. emuls., em. extr. f. fl. fluid. ana acidum ad usum externum ad usum internum aqua aqua destillata butyrum сomposĭtus сoncentratus сortex Da. Detur. Dentur. decoctum depuratus dilutus Divide in partes aequales Da (Dentur) tales doses. emplastrum emulsum extractum fiat, fiant flos fluĭdus of each (equal quantities of) acid to use externally, for external use to use internally, for internal use water distilled water butter (solid) composite, complex concentrated bark Give! Let it be given. Let these be given. (To give!) decoction depurated diluted Divide in equal parts Give such doses. Let such doses be given. plaster, patch emulsion extract let it become, let these become blossom, flower fluid (used for extracts) fol. fr. gel. gran. gtt., gtts. h., hb. in ampull. in caps. inf. in tab. in vitr. nigr. linim. M. M. f. m. pil. mixt. N. obd. ol. past. pil. praec., pct., ppt. pro inject. pulv. q. s. r., rad. Rp.: rectif. folium fructus gelatinosus granulum guttam, guttas herba in ampullis in capsulis infusum in tabulettis in vitro nigro linimentum Misce. Misceatur. Misce fiat (fiant) massa pilularum mixtūra numero obductus oleum pasta pilŭla praecipitatus pro injectionibus pulvis quantum satis radix Recipe: rectificatus rhiz. S. sem. sicc. simpl. sir. sol. sp. spir. steril. Steril.! supp. supp. vagin. susp. tab. t-ra, tinct., tct. ung. vitr. V. rhizoma Signa. Signetur. semen siccus simplex sirŭpus solutio species spiritus sterilisātus Sterilĭsa! Sterilisetur! suppositorium (rectale) suppositorium vaginale suspensio tabuletta tinctura unguentum vitrum Verte. Vertātur. leaf fruit gelatinous granule drop, drops grass in ampules in capsules infusion (on water) in pills / tablets in a dark bottle, in dark glass liniment (liquid oinment) Mix! Let it be mixed/ (To mix!) Mix in order to obtain/ Mix, so that it becomes pill mass mixture in … quantity, … in number coated (of pills) oil paste pilule precipitated for injections powder as (much as) needed, a sufficient quantity root Take: rectified (used with oleum Terebinthinae and spiritus), refined rhizome, rootstock Let it be designated! (To designate!) seed dry simple sirup solution species alcohol sterilized Sterilize! Let it be sterilized! (To sterilise!) suppository vaginal suppository suspension pill, tablet tincture (on alcohol) oinment, unguent glass, test-tube, glass bottle turn! Let it be turned! (To turn!) Additional words: (di)urphosphsulfnoct-, nox- diuretic (promotes the production of urine) containing phosphorus containing sulfur atom hypnotics, normalizing sleep praegn-chol-, -bil-trast-gnost-graf-, graph- for pregnant women cholagogic, cholagogue, that promotes the flow of bile diagnostic, radiodense (radiodiagnostic) Лек.формы: mixtura, ae f gutta, ae f mixture drop species amārae species antiasthmaticae species cholagōgae species diureticae species laxatīvae (laxantes) species pectorales species sedatīvae bacca, ae f pix, picis f stirps, rpis f Amygdăla, ae f Anīsum, i n Chelidonium, i n Equisētum, i n Farfăra, ae f Foeniculum, i n Ledum, i n Liquiritia, ae f = Glycyrrhīza, ae f Mentha, ae f Origănum, i n Plantāgo, ĭnis f Quercus, us f (dat., –ŭbus) Schizandra, ae f Senna, ae f Strophanthus, i m Strychnos, i f Taraxăcum, i n Thermopsis, ĭdis f Tormentilla, ae f Tritĭcum, i n Viburnum, i n acĭdum, i n aether, ěris m amylum, i n amylum, i n butyrum, i n cera, ae f charta, ae f bitter species antiasthmatic species cholagogic species (improving bile function) diuretic species (improving urine function) laxative (purgative) species (improving bowel function) pectoral species sedative (calming) species berry resin stem, trunk almond (seed) anise, aniseed celandine equisetum, horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass, candock, scouring-rush coltsfoot, foal’s foot, farfara, fennel Labrador tea liquorice, licorice mint origanum, oregano, wild marjoram plantain, fleawort oak schizandra, five flavor berry senna strophanthus strychnine tree, nux vomica, poison nut, quaker buttons dandelion thermopsos, goldenbanner (common) tormentil, septfoil wheat snowball tree, guelder rose, cramp bark, acid ether starch starch butter (solid) wax paper dies, ēi m,f dosis, is f (Gr.) injectio, ōnis f jecur, ŏris n narcōsis, is f numěrus, i m oleum, i n pix liquĭda praescriptio, ōnis f succus, i m Terebinthīna, ae f usus, us m vitaminum, i n vitrum, i n day dose injection liver (of water animals and fishes) narcosis number oil (wood) tar prescription juice resin, gal(l)ipot, yellow/white pitch use vitamin glass, test-tube, glass bottle oleum jecŏris (Aselli) oleum/butyrum Cacao oleum Amygdalarum cod (fish) liver oil cocoa butter, theobroma oil almond oil pix liquĭda Betŭlae aqua destillata charta (ae f) cerata (ae f) spiritus aethylicus aequālis, e aetherĕus, a, um amylacĕus, a, um aquōsus, a, um purus, a, um siccus, a, um spissus, a, um sterilisatus, a, um talis, e vivus, a, um birch tar/pitch distilled water wax paper ethyl/pure alcohol, ethanol equal ethereal starch (adj.), starchy aqueous, (containing) water (adj.) (used for tinctures) pure, clean dry dense, viscous sterilized such alive Detur. Signētur. Misceātur. Detur. Signētur. Sterilisētur! Repetātur! Dentur tales doses. Let it be given, designated! (To give! To designate!) Let it be mixed, given, designated! (To mix! To give! To designate!) Let it be sterilized! (To sterilise!) Let it be repeated! (To repeat!) Let such doses be given. (To give such doses!) Misce, (ut) fiat pulvis. Misce, (ut) fiat unguentum. Misce, (ut) fiat linimentum. Misce, (ut) fiat pasta. Misce, (ut) fiat emulsum. Misce, (ut) fiat suppositorium. Misce, (ut) fiant species. Verte! seu aut bis Mix in order to obtain powder. / Mix, so that it becomes powder. Mix in order to obtain oinment. / Mix, so that it becomes oinment. Mix in order to obtain liquid oinment. / Mix, so that it becomes liquid oinment. Mix in order to obtain paste. / Mix, so that it becomes paste. Mix in order to obtain emulsion. / Mix, so that it becomes emulsion. Mix in order to obtain suppository. / Mix, so that it becomes suppository. Mix in order to obtain species. / Mix, so that it becomes species. Turn! (if the prescription is written on both sides of the paper) or (for synonyms) or (for excluding one another concepts) two times / a second time ter three times / a third time Magnesia, ae f magnesia = magnesium oxide = MgO ex tempŏre dosis maxĭma dosis media = dosis therapeutĭca dosis minĭma dosis toxĭca acĭdum chloricum acĭdum barbituricum acĭdum butyricum acĭdum nucleinicum acĭdum oleĭcum acĭdum tartaricum at the time, as the necessity arises maximal dose therapeutic (medium) dose minimal dose toxic dose chloric acid barbituric acid butyric/butanoic acid nucleic acid oleic acid tartaric acid HClO3 H2CCONHCONHCO CH3CH2CH2COOH DNA, RNA C17H33COOH C2H2(OH)2(COOH)2 b) Write with abbreviations: (1) Take: 2 grams of Imanin 20 grams of Streptocid Mix, in order to obtain powder. To give! To designate! (2) Take: 100 ml of Vaselin oil 2 drops of mint oil To mix! To give! To designate! (3) Take: Equal quantities of 0.25 grams of Amidopyrin and Phenacetin Let such doses be given in tablets number 10. Let it be designated. (4) Take: 5 ml of solution of Dibazol To sterilize! To give! To designate! (5) Take: 1 ml of 1% solution of Aethymizol Give such doses number 6 in ampoules! Designate! (6) Take: Equal quantities of 10 ml of lily-of-the-valley tincture and valerian tincture Nitroglycerin solution 1% 1 ml 2 ml of Validol Let it be mixed, given, designated. (7) Take: Coated tablets of Tetracyclin 0, 25 Let such doses be given number 20. Let it be designated. (8) Take: 40 ml of (liquid) ammonia Let it be given in dark glass Let it be designated.