Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 Activity #17 – First Draft of Leadership Research Paper Nelson Mandela was a great leader. He was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa. Mandela was a freedom fighter during the apartheid time in South Africa. Later on became the first democratic president in South Africa. Nelson Mandela has many leadership qualities, including leading from behind, dedication and delegating, rethinking strategies, being persuasive and social, pragmatic strategy, and communication when planning. Mandela is close to royalty. His father was “the equivalent of the king’s prime minister,” but was dismissed (du Preeze, 2011, p.5). Two years later Mandela’s father died of tuberculosis; this changed the young man’s life completely. His mother wanted Mandela to have a better future, so she sent him to live in the “Great Place.” There, Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo “would be his guardian for the next ten years” (du Preeze, 2011, p.7). As a young boy Mandela has always showed interest in the “political structures, leadership, and decision making of the traditional Thembu chieftaincy. He later stated that his own notions of leadership were “profoundly influenced” by observing the regent and his court” (du Preeze, 2011, p.9). When observing the regent “at regular intervals, the Thembu men would arrive at the Great Place for discussions on matters concerning the people: drought; orders given by the magistrate; matters regarding cattle; or serious disputes among members of the community.”Mandela describes the process as “democracy in its purest form.” Democracy Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 means that “all men were to be heard, and a decision was taken as a people. Majority rule was a foreign notion. A minority was not to be crushed by a majority” (du Preeze, 2011, p. 9). During his years in prison Nelson Mandela’s reputation had expanded and became very steady. “The Defiance Campaign officially started on June 26, 1952, a date now remembered in South Africa as Freedom Day” (du Preeze, 2011, p. 55). After so many times being arrested and imprisoned Nelson decided to turn his life around. Nelson chose to meet his goals from four years ago and became president of South Africa. Nelson Mandela, through all his efforts to have peace in the world, abolished apartheid. “Apartheid is the only word in the Afrikaans language (spoken by minority groups in South Africa and Namibia) that is recognized all over the world. It means “separateness.” Apartheid’s aim was a complete political and social separation of race groups divided into whites, Coloureds (people of mixed race), Indians and blacks” (du Preeze, 2011, p.59). Nelson Mandela’s first key principle is leading from behind. He views it as a leader being the shepherd who leads the sheep, “staying behind the flock, letting some race ahead, others follow slowly, all the while being directed from behind” (du Preeze, 2011, p.9). Mandela states, “As a leader, I have always followed the principles I first saw demonstrated by the regent at the Great Place. I have always endeavored to listen to what each and every person in a discussion had to say before venturing my own opinions. Oftentimes, my own opinion will simply represent a consensus of what I heard in the discussion” (du Preeze, 2011, p. 9). I believe leading from behind is a great feature because Mandela couldn’t have done it alone. Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 Mandela’s second key principle was dedication and delegating. Mandela knew how to project his ideas and plans. He planned accordingly and this was because he was such a great lawyer. Delegating works take a lot of time, patience, and knowledge. Nelson Mandela had to plan everything out so he could make others see his plan too. He also had to see out of the box so that he could see other point of views. Also he had many obstacles that he had to struggle through, and yet he never gave up and was able to reach his goal(s). For example, Nelson Mandela was able to reach his goal of becoming a lawyer and the first democratic president of South Africa. Mandela’s third key principle was rethinking strategies. In one instance, Nelson Mandela knew that his speeches, demonstrations, strikes and marches were doing nothing to provoke the National Party government, so he had to rethink of an effective strategy to get them moving (du Preeze, 2011, p.62). This helps a leader a lot with having to think things through more than once and plan things out accordingly. This result of having great effective plans is being successful. Mandela’s fourth key principle was communication when planning. Mandela believes that communicating and just having no interruptions; obstacles or struggles can make one more productive. For example, when Nelson Mandela and his main men were put in the same prison he said, “The government wanted to immobilize us and put us out of action. Instead, in some ways we were able to do more political work than before when we had to worry about problems of communication. We were all in one place and were able to plan strategy and tactics together” (du Preeze, 2011, p. 74). Communication is key. Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 Mandela’s fifth key principle was to be persuasive and very social. By using his talent of being persuasive and very social Mandela was able to become great friends with one of the lieutenant that was at his prison watching over him. Becoming great friends with the lieutenant, he was able to find out their plans and moves. But more importantly was able to succeed. However, Mandela at first was surprised how much the lieutenant actually wanted to get involved and help Mandela. He didn’t trust the lieutenant until Mandela got him to snoop and find something that was hidden from everyone, except the commander. This was the Freedom Charter. Freedom Charter was a very important document written by Mandela, stating that all he wanted was peace and to have the apartheid abolished because he wanted all the whites, coloured, and blacks to be treated equally. But this document was never seen by anyone else other than Mandela, Mandela’s men, and the Commander. After this the lieutenant was shocked and started to become closer with Mandela. Because of Mandela’s persuasiveness and social skills, South Africa has abolished apartheid, as well as coloured and whites are united. Mandela’s sixth key principle was pragmatic strategy. Nelson Mandela had “to deal with the prison authorities. The prisoners had to maintain the moral high ground at all times. But there would also be no compromise on assaults, verbal abuse or extreme conditions. Such instances would be formally protested against. The aim of this strategy was to make life in jail as tolerable as possible while continuing to campaign for better conditions” (du Preeze, 2011, p. 153). This is such a great skill to have because Mandela was able to live comfortably in prison while having the prison authorities respecting him and not having them touch or abuse Mandela. Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 As a future business leader, I have many goals. One goal is to improve my communication with others. This way I won’t just have a voice when I speak but a voice on paper as well. I would like to eventually be able to conquer this skill and become a well known business person. I want to be able to negotiate and still be able to make a profit. Another goal I like to improve on is the skill of pragmatic strategy. This is because I would like to learn from the past and be able to not make the same mistakes, but instead to successfully expand on that plan. Also would like to mature my skill of rethinking strategies so that I may think of another plan depending on if my previous don’t seem to work out, I’ll be prepared and have a plan “b”. This will help me to always plan ahead of time, like playing the game of chess. I believe a business leader should have all these great skills. For my business career my goal is to be able to lead from behind. I want to be a shepherd who gets sheep to follow, just like Nelson Mandela see’s it. I can use this tactic so that everyone can be doing what they’re best at with me just making sure that my plan follows through accordingly and not having to rush anyone with their work. Instead, I’ll be watching carefully my plan rolling out as planned. My opinion of this book, “The Rough Guide to Nelson Mandela,” by Max du Preeze was really interesting. It was easy to read and understand. This novel made me feel as though I was there with Mandela seeing his point of view. It had capture me and made this research paper easy to write because it had several of key principles. Within these key principles also came examples and small messages that can benefit anyone who would want to become a leader someday. I learned a lot from this book about life, but also about Nelson Mandela’s life. Nathalie Agudelo BUS 110 – 51 04/13/2012 In conclusion, I recommend you to read this book. It has many valuable lessons that can be used for many scenarios in life. The following skills are needed to become a great leader. These skills are: leading from behind, dedication and delegation, rethinking strategies, being persuasive and social, pragmatic strategy, and communication when planning made Mandela an exceptional and successful leader. I plan to use these leadership skills as a future business leader and in my business career.