Cheetwood Community Primary School Year 4: Curriculum News - Autumn Term 2 2013 Class Teacher: Miss Davies Teaching Assistant: Mr Nordon and Mrs Beaumont Topic – Antarctica Pupils will be discovering Antarctica; they will find out where Antarctica is and will be able to locate it on a map. In addition they will find out all about the animals which live in Antarctica as well as how they are suited to this type of an environment. They will develop research skills by answering their own questions on this topic, which will eventually result in them creating their own information book. Areas of Study The location of Antarctica in relation to a wider geographical context Describing the location in terms of landscape and weather Research the location using the internet and non-fiction texts Create a non-fiction book about Antarctica The wildlife within Antarctica Habitats and how animals are suited to their environment Read non-fiction texts and discuss their features Answer comprehension questions on non-fiction texts How you can support your child: Encourage them to discuss with you what they have learnt in Topic. Look at a variety of non-fiction books and discuss them Help them to research the topic on the internet or at the library Write information on the topic using the features of a non-fiction book such as headings, sub-headings and contents pages English Areas of Study: Information Books How you can support your child: Take them to the library and look for information books Listen to them read at home. Encourage your child to talk about their BIG WRITE and get them to practise it before Monday. Discuss the meanings of their spellings with them each week and help them to write them into sentences. Science Areas of Study: Habitats How you can support your child: Discuss the different types of habitats Look at animals and discuss how they are suited to their habitat Look at miniature habitats in the garden, go on a mini-beast hunt! Maths Areas of Study – The maths curriculum covers number, calculations, shape, measure and data handling each term. How you can support your child: We are looking at shape and space and measure in maths this half term, with a particular focus on naming our shapes and their properties. We are trying to learn our 2,3,45,6 and 7 times tables with instant recall. Encourage your child to use maths in everyday life. For example, counting out money to pay in shops, calculating change, reading the bus timetable, sharing out treats equally or weighing out ingredients. Maths can be everywhere! Help them to go over BIG MATHS questions each week. Useful websites A webiste useful for looking at Antarctica Great games for maths and literacy A TV show and games all about nature and animals We also have links on our own website and will be developing these throughout the year. PE Pupils will be doing PE on the following days: Gymnastics - Wednesday Swimming -Tuesday Please can you ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on Wednesday. I suggest you leave their PE kit in school for a couple of weeks and take it home to be washed at the weekend. As pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery for PE it helps if earrings and other jewellery are not worn to school on the PE days. Swimming kits should consist of a towel, swimming costume or trunks (no shorts), hats for children with long hair. Goggles are not required. Please ensure this kit is brought on Fridays and must be taken home that night. Contacts If you wish to speak to me about anything please feel free to drop into class before or after school. Alternatively you can email me at,