Objective To secure a position in which I can

Rajnish Khare
Phone: +91 9967657402, +91 9004044322
Email: rajnishkhare@gmail.com
Core Competencies
Product Development and Mgmt
Business Innovation
Digital Marketing
March 08 – Till date
Direct Banking (ATM/Online/Mobile)
IT infrastructure set up & mgmt
Standard Chartered Bank, Head – Remote Banking, Business
Innovation & Digital Payments
Online Sales and Acquisition
Business Innovation
Banking, VAS & m/e-commerce
Online, Mobile & ATM channels
Channel Innovation and new initiatives
Online Remittance
The Business Innovation Unit is aimed at improving Business Productivity, Service Delivery
Supporting Brand Promise, Customer Experience & Knowledge Processing. The 2nd area is to
come up with innovations to build or enhance leadership position in chosen areas, support
Brand recall & identify business opportunities in areas hitherto unexplored or not targeted by
competition but has potential to be a game changer. The 3rd objective is to explore acquiring
opportunities, drive revenue thru Strategic initiatives, Acquisition & partnerships.
Digital Payment unit aims to maximize revenue opportunities in this space and build a Digital
Payments strategy for next 5 years with a view to customer acquisition, building digital
presence and looking at innovations critically, wherever significant opportunity exists.
Digital Marketing aims to, build and capitalise on “Brand Standard Chartered” by deploying a
judicious mix of owned, referred and paid media to acquire, retain and service customers.
Remote Banking entails Defining & Executing Remote Banking Strategy, Leadership Support,
Planning & Budgeting, Audit/Compliance and Customer Service with key focus on Revenue
Generation, Direct Banking Penetration and Digital Marketing.
Key Achievements
Built Digital presence & developed an online acquisition strategy for Retail Banking.
Increased monthly turnover on NetBanking Payments by 50% in 6 months in 2012.
Averaging 50 crores of disbursal in secure/unsecured lending and 1500 cards pm run
rate in just 2 Quarters and targeting 10% of applications thru digital marketing.
Set up Business Innovation and Digital Payments unit.
Set up Remote Banking Division from scratch
Transformed it from a Tactical Unit to a Strategic unit - It has now 3 metrics out of
MAGIC 20 metrics tracked globally
Strategized, planned & executed Remote Banking strategy & brought Standard
Charted Bank into top 5 banks in this league
From a zero revenue unit in 2008, made it into INR 24 mio contributor by 09, 164 mio
by 2010 and 296 mio in 2011 and increased business volume to INR 591 Mio
Since 2008 till 2011, in Standard Chartered Bank, have exceeded all planned &
budgeted targets on Revenue, Direct Banking Channel Penetration taking it from 24%
in 2008 to 76% in 2011
Pioneered and Championed many “First” for Standard Chartered Bank like 1st MNC
Bank to be part of NFS, 1st MNC bank to launch Cardless Cash, Cross border
remittance thru ATM channel, Express Banking Franchise, Talking ATM, an experiential
Mobile Banking Product, ”Breeze Mobile”…New Generation Banking etc
Set up inward remittance and channel innovation unit logging in INR 3.5 crore revenue
in only its 2nd year of operation
Consistently high performer and always rated and rewarded in the highest quadrant
Key awards 
Won “WoW’ 11 awards for launching best Mobile banking solution & accelerating it.
Won Annual Global Dash4Cash (41,000 US$)award for best performance in
“Increasing penetration and Promoting Usage of remote channels and also won in – Q3
10, Runner up, Q2, 10, Top finish, Q1, 10 runners up.
Exceeded all targets set by Group Remote Banking for FY 2010 in Aug 2010 only with
India being the only country in this category and exceeded again all targets in 2011..
Topped the Global “NPS score” (Net Promoter Score) for measuring customer delight
factor for remote banking services among all countries in 2010/11.
Won the Remote Rocker prize for Marketing in Q1 2010
Won “WoW – World of winner 2010” award for Executing the strategy both for
individual and Team Category.
Invited by NPCI to be member of advisory committee for dispute management.
Received letter of appreciation from National payment Council of India
Won Global “Super Achiever” award for best performance on Remote Banking and
setting up online and ATM remittance platform
Certificate of Appreciation from Head Wealth and Premium banking for contributing
towards success of priority Banking launch
Won “Best Managed Campaign award” for promoting e-statements
“Voice of Customer Champions Award” from Group CEO for exceptional performance
on customer service front (remote banking)
Featured in sustainability agenda for go Green initiative
Awarded “Certificate of Merit” for scoring above 85% in the Master Class for Risk
Appetite and Portfolio Management in “Surge 2008”.
March 07- March 08 Reliance Retail - Membership, Financial and Travel Services,
Deputy General Manager - Cards, Remittance and Alternate Channels
Responsible for setting up the cards business, product management, achieving
business and P&L targets for the respective product lines.
Responsible for setting up payment and lending channels.
Development of alternate delivery channels for Retail
New initiatives
Key Achievements
Developed business plans for PrePaid & Gift Cards, Kiosk Channel & e-retailing
Launched prepaid card business in two states and did a business of Rs 1.33 crores in
less than 2 months. 1st product to breakeven at store level within 2nd month of launch.
Avg monthly volume achieved 4.44 crores till I was there.
Launched Gift Cards business in 2 states clocking business of Rs. 1.5 crores within 2
Launched Mobile top up through retail stores in A.P. Rajasthan and Tamilnadu
achieving business volumes of Rs 3.4 crores on avg per month.
Business Intelligence Unit – Head Channel Innovation & Alternate Channels
Aug 06- March 07
Responsible for developing online and physical delivery channels and developing cross
sell team to optimise business delivery thru various channels.
Mandate to establish Alternate Delivery Channels - strategy development, planning,
execution and channel migration for retail banking.
Key Achievements
Online Space – Online Lending & Decisioning
Kiosk Channel
o Swift View –Kiosk Platform PAN India for pre-approved offers.
o Anytime Lending Machine – A complete human interface free lending
Merchant Space
o Loan on the Spot –On the spot approval of Auto & Consumer loans
Mobile Space
o Mobile Lending – Pre approved offers on Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
o Developed cross sell opportunities for Branches using FCRM.
o SMS Banking channel for fulfillment of pre approved loan offers and lead
generation thru campaigns.
Direct Marketing - Using ATM and PoS Channels to give customized loan offers.
Led the Channel Innovation Team and worked with Cross Sell Team to achieve a
target of Rs. 500 crores in 6 months thru cross sell.
July 99- Aug 2006 ICICI Bank,
RCIG Group– Head Technology & Direct Banking Channels CM II
Key awards -
Award for “Most valuable contribution in setting up the ATM network”.
“Service Star” award for exemplary customer service.
“Best Negotiator award” for negotiating S.L.A. agreements & IT procurement.
o Internal awards like “Brush with quality”, “DNA Champion”, “Wiseguy”.
Key Achievements
– Headed rollout & management of multiple delivery channels.
Set up a 2100 ATM strong PAN India Network
Set up three unique channels; Kiosk Banking, Mobile Branch banking & SMS banking.
Set up Mobile Branch Banking Network
Developed Kiosk banking network in A Grade Cities.
Brought in SMS Banking in Six Cities
Technology and Vendor evaluation & development.
Negotiations and Service Level Agreements finalization and performance monitoring
Managed ATM frauds & Security.
Direct Banking Channels
IT Infrastructure Strategy and implementation
Wide & Local Area Network – Expanded it from 210 to 1400 Nodes & improved
reliability and resiliency by redesigning. Managed uptime of 99.2%.
Wireless Networking – Set up & managed PAN India operations of 1400 Nodes.
Introduced latest WAN technologies e.g. KU band, broadband VSATs, GSM, GPRS,
CDMA (1st in India) & RF to run ATMs, Mobile Branch banking, & PoS Network.
Data Center & Disaster Recovery – Expanded to accommodate 3000 servers. Audited
& upgraded from Tier 2 to Tier 4 standard. Uptime - 99.99%.
Managed Services
Set up and Managed Centralized Management Center to remotely manage PAN India
operations for ATMs, VSS system, Kiosk & Mobile Banking.
Retail Infrastructure - Made important contributions in
Setting up 325 distribution centres including 65 done by self in two years time frame.
Telecom set up & management – Developed telecom policy & drove it Pan India saving
25 Crores p.a.
Developed Sourcing Structure & Set up Procurement & Vendor Management Group.
Saved more than Rs. 50 crores over a period of three years.
Developed a team of professionals with cross-functional competencies.
July 94-June 1997 Siel Sugars
Executive Engineer & Head – Plant Operations and Project Management
Best Project Engineer award for contribution toward setting up 3000 TCD totally
automated sugar plant with captive generation of 6 MW
Total Quality Management award for setting up process & inventory management.
Best Design Award for Designing Automatic Voltage Regulator
Feasibility study for a Captive Power Plant using cane fiber as the fuel.
Managed performance & productivity of a 30-person team
1999 P.G.D.M. – Marketing & Operations - Goa Institute of Management, Goa 13th Rank.
1994 B.Tech Electrical Engineering – H.B.T.I. Kanpur
Management Development Programs
Leadership Skills Program.
Manager as facilitator program
Managerial Effectiveness Program
Negotiations Skills Program
Additional Professional Activities:
Speaker/Panellist/Chairperson at many forums like Indian Merchant Chambers of
Commerce, Mobile Payments India, Mobile VAS India, Indian Banks Association, Banking
Technology summit, IBA Conferences, Finance & Investment Summit 2012, Cards,
Payments & Transactions 2012, 2012, NFC India 2012, Mobile Payments 2012 etc.
Guest speaker in seminars organized by Nortel, MROTEK etc. & my alma mater
Active participant in many seminars/conferences organized by various companies,
regulatory bodies and associations.
Personal Details
Date of Birth: 29th September 1973:
Martial Status: Married
Language Proficiency: English and Hindi.