L2 U3A2 for IV

Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Internal verification of assignment brief
BTEC Level 2 First Diploma in Information Technology
Unit number and title
Unit 3 – Computer Systems
Assignment title
Assignment 2 – The Best System for You
Assessor name
Andy Nicholson
Internal verifier checklist
Are accurate programme details shown?
Are accurate unit details shown?
Are clear deadlines for assessment given?
Is this assignment for whole or part of a unit?
Are the grading and assessment criteria to be addressed listed?
Does each task show which criteria are being addressed?
Are these criteria actually addressed by the tasks?
Is it clear what evidence the learner needs to generate?
Are the activities appropriate?
Is there a scenario or vocational context?
Are the language and presentation appropriate?
Is the timescale for the assignment appropriate?
Overall is the assignment fit for purpose?
Assignment 2 of 3
See actions
* If “No” is recorded and the internal verifier recommends remedial action before the brief is issued, the assessor and the internal verifier should confirm that the
action has been undertaken.
Internal verifier
Jayson Teneur
Jayson Teneur
Action required:
Please clarify:
Task one as to meet the requirements of the criteria as it is a little unclear.
Task two “You must produce a short presentation to show Cedar Musik.” To show them what? A little unclear
Wrong criteria table included
Action taken:
All actions completed and the assignment brief is now fit for purpose.
Andy Nicholson
A Nicholson
Internal verifier
Jayson Teneur
22 October 2010
Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Learner’s name:
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 in IT
Unit number & title:
Unit 3 Computer Systems
Assessment number &
Assignment 2, The Best System For You
Issue Date:
Assessment criteria (to which the assessment provides evidence)
P4, P7, M2, D1
Assessor’s Feedback (Please be specific , addressing the assessment and grading criteria)
Learner’s Comments
Assessor’s name:
Andy Nicholson
Assessor’s signature:
Learner’s signature:
Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Unit 3 Computer Systems
Assignment 2: The best system for you
You have the opportunity to demonstrate that you are able to:
Specify suitable components to meet user requirements. [P4].
Identify potential security risks. [P7].
Give reasons for the choice of components to meet a given need. [M2]
Suggest alternative setups based on user feedback. [D1]
Working methods
In order to complete this assignment it will be necessary to carry out some
research of your own, refer to notes made in class and refer to Unit 3
documents and activities placed on Blackboard.
Cedar Musik is a record company run by Cliff and James Richards. The
business mainly buys and sells new and used music records, CDs etc. And
it has also organised special music events in local clubs and private parties.
In the past the father and son have run their business using a simple cash
register and paper based records. However, due to recent increase in sales
they want to invest in a proper computer system. As you will discover their
knowledge on computers is very limited.
They’ve spoken to a few of their friends about this and TeraTech Industries
have been recommended as “an expert who can solve all computer
problems” for Cedar Musik.
Ceder Musik have sent you a letter, as detailed on the next page.
Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Letter from Cedar Musik
Cedar Musik
Matthews Lane
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is James and I’m writing to ask for your help in setting up a computer
system for our business. We own a small record shop called Cedar Musik. My dad
(Cliff) and I need to improve our business by investing in a new computer system.
The business is mainly a shop selling old music records and CD’s to the public, but
I am also a part-time DJ and often organise events at clubs. Now, although I might
have a bit of knowledge about computers my dad doesn’t know the difference
between a mouse and a monitor so any work you do for us will have to explain
everything in detail.
The problem we have at the moment is that everything is done on paper. Paper
labels, paper receipts, paper accounts, I’m surprised the shop’s not made of paper!
Anyway, here’s what we need:
 A computer to hold records for all our customers, stock, and sales
Some software to help with the record keeping and accounts and some
software to produce marketing material for my gigs – you know flyers,
posters, etc
We might also need some sort of printing facility to help with the
Also Cliff likes to collect and sell old records and he wants to make the
record covers available to see electronically, you know so he can advertise
them without having to ruin the originals. Can you suggest how we might
achieve this?
I think that should be enough information to get you started. By the way there’s
one more thing I forgot to mention. About two years ago my dad had a big fire in
the shop and all his accounts were destroyed, the police said that some youths had
broken in and stolen some of the customers account details too. We think that this
new computer system needs to be very safe to stop that from happening again. I’ll
leave that one with you too.
Right then, I’m off to some teachers’ birthday party – Mr. Wilson he said his name
was. I’ll have to dig out some of them “classics” from the 50’s. I’ll speak to you
soon; hopefully you should have something to show me next time.
Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Task One: Components (Performance criteria able to be met P4.)
You must create two computer system specifications that could be suitable for
Cedar Musik to use for their needs. Use a table to specify the hardware and
software components for both computer systems you create. Do some
research to find realistic costs for the components of both your systems and
then add these up in your table. Make sure you have a total cost for each
Task Two: Security (Performance criteria able to be met P7.)
As Cedar Musik mentioned in their letter, they would like the new computer
system to be secure. You must produce a short presentation for Cedar Musik,
it should identify common data security concerns for the computer system and
describe the methods available to protect the system from threats, including
physical security. Make use of diagrams and speaker notes where
Task Three: Computer Types (Performance criteria able to be met M2.)
Cliff is slightly wary of spending money on the system you recommended
having previously fallen foul of a rogue CCTV salesman. He would like you to
explain your recommendations in the form of a report. You may wish to
discuss each part of the system separately in terms of its speed, cost,
capability, capacity, compatibility with other parts, durability, industry
reputation, reliability, ease of use etc. but should ultimately give the reasons
why you recommended the components in one of the systems in Task 1.
Task Four: Data (Performance criteria able to be met D1.)
You must now make a decision to choose the right system for Cedar Musik.
Expand the report for Task 3, by comparing the two systems in terms of their
performance and ability to do the required tasks for Cedar Musik and their
value for money. Choose one system as your final recommendation.
Directorate of Engineering & Computing
Throughout the work you have done for the tasks in Unit 3 you should have
been regularly checking that words have been spelt correctly (using a
spellchecker) and that your grammar has been checked (using a grammar
checker). You should also have proof-read your work and corrected any
mistakes that you found. Try to use specific terminology associated with this
module in your writing. You should submit only your own work, do not cut and
paste from the Internet or copy anybody else’s work.
For each assignment you must make clear which task and criteria (eg. P4, M2
etc) is being evidenced:
For example you may set each task out like this –
Task 1 (P4) Specify suitable components to meet user requirements
Please add your name, module title and course title as footer.