Chapter 5 Vocabulary List

ESC 1000 Earth Science Name: _____________
Chapter 5: Running Water and Groundwater
Part K Chapter 5 Key Terms
67 Points
Fill in the blanks with the word or words that best fit the definition:
1. ______________- A fan-shaped deposit of sediment formed when a
stream slope is abruptly reduced.
2. ______________-Unconsolidated sediment deposited by a stream.
3. ______________ - Rock or soil through which the ground water
moves easily.
4. ______________ - Impermeable beds that hinder or prevent
groundwater movement.
5. ______________- A well in which the water rises above the level
where it was initially encountered.
6. ______________- are earthen mounds built on the banks of a river
to increase the volume of water the channel can hold.
7. ______________ - A poorly drain area on a floodplain that results
when natural levees are present.
8. ______________ – common term for sand and gravel deposits in a
stream channel.
9. ______________ - The level below which a stream cannot erode.
10. ______________– Sediment that is carried by a stream along the
bottom of its channel.
11. ______________- A stream consisting of numerous intertwining
12. ______________- The total amount of sediment a stream is able to
13. ______________- A naturally formed underground chamber or
series of chambers most commonly produced by solution activity in
14. ______________- A measure of the largest particle a stream can
transport; a factor dependent on velocity.
15. ______________ - A cone-shaped depression in the water table
immediately surrounding a well.
16. ______________– the area of active erosion on the other side of a
17. ______________ - A short channel segment created when a river
erodes through the narrow neck of land between meanders.
18. ______________ - An accumulation of sediment formed where a
stream enters a lake or ocean.
19. ______________ - A stream system that resembles the pattern of a
branching tree.
20. ______________ - The quantity of the water in a stream that passes
a given point in a period of time.
21. ______________– That portion of a stream’s load carried in solution.
22. ______________ - A section of a stream that leaves the main flow.
23. ______________ - A imaginary line that separates the drainage of
two stream; often found along a ridge.
24. ______________– The land area that contributes water to a stream.
25. ______________ - The difference in height between the bottom of a
cone of depression and the original height of the water table.
26. ______________ - The incorporation and transportation of material
by a mobile agent, such as water, wind, or ice.
27. ______________ - The combined effect of evaporation and
28. ______________ - When the discharge of a stream becomes so
great that it exceeds the capacity of the channel, it overflows its bank
which is natural behavior of streams.
29. ______________ - are dams built to store floodwater and then let it
out slowly
30. ______________- The flat, low-lying portion of a stream valley
subject to periodic inundation.
31. ______________ - A fountain of hot water ejected periodically.
32. ______________ - The slope of a stream, generally measured in
feet per mile.
33. ______________- Water in zone of saturation.
34. ______________- A spring in which water is 6-9°C (10-15°F)
warmer than the mean annual air temperature of its locality
35. ______________ - The unending circulation of the earth water
36. ______________ - Meandering channel that flows in a steep, narrow
valley. They form either when an area is uplifted or when the base
level drops.
37. ______________ - The maximum rate at which soil can absorb
38. ______________- A portion of water that soaks into the ground.
39. ______________– a topography consisting of numerous
depressions call sinkholes.
40. ______________ - The movement of water particles in straight-line
paths that are parallel to the channel. The water particles move
downstream without mixing.
41. ______________ - A looplike bends in the course of a stream.
42. ______________- The elevated land-forms that parallel some
streams and act to confine their waters, except during floodstage.
43. ______________ - A curved lake produced when a stream cuts off a
44. ______________ - A measure of material’s ability to transmit water.
45. ______________– A crescent-shaped accumulation of sand and
gravel depositied inside of a meander.
46. ______________ - The volume of open spaces in a rock or soil.
47. ______________ - A system of streams running in all directions
away from a central elevated structure, such as a volcano.
48. ______________ - A drainage pattern characterized by numerous
right angle bends that develops on jointed or fractures bedrock.
49. ______________ - When the rate of rainfall exceeds the earth ability
to absorb
it, the surplus water flows over
the surface into the lakes, and streams.
50. ______________ – transportation of sediment through a series of
leaps and bounces.
51. ______________– The speed at which a particle falls through a still
fluid. The size, shape, and specific gravity of particles influence this
52. ______________ - A depression produced in a region where soluble
rock has been removed by groundwater.
53. ______________ -The process by which solid particles of various
sizes are separated by moving water or wind. Also, the degree of
similarity in particle size in sediment or sedimentary rock.
54. ______________ - A flow of groundwater that emerges naturally at
the ground surface.
55. ______________ - The icicle-like structure that hangs from the
ceiling of a carven.
56. ______________– The columnlike form that grows upward from the
floor of a cavern.
57. ______________ - The channel, valley floor, and slopping valley
walls of a stream.
58. ______________ - The fine sediment carried within the body of
flowing water.
59. ______________ - The release of water vapor to the atmosphere by
60. ______________ - A system of streams in which nearly parallel
tributaries occupy valleys cut into folded strata.
61. ______________- The movement of water in a erratic fashion often
characterized by swirling, whirlpool-like eddies. Most stream flow a is
of this type.
62. ______________– The area above the water table where openings
in soil, sediment, and rock are not saturated but filled mainly with air.
63. ______________- The upper level of saturated zone of groundwater.
64. ______________ - An opening bored into the zone of saturation.
65. - A tributary that flow a parallel to the main stream because a
natural levee is present.
66. ______________ - Area above the water table where openings in
soil, sediment, and rock are not saturated but filled mainly with air.
67. ______________ - Zone where all open spaces in sediment and
rock are completely filled with water.
Chapter 5: Running Water and Groundwater
Alluvial Fans
Artesian Well
Artificial Levees
Base level
Bed load
Braided Stream
Cone of Depression
Cut bank
Dendritic Pattern
Dissolved load
Drainage Basin
Flood Control Dams
Hot springs
Hydrologic Cycle
Incised Meander
Infiltration Capacity
Karst topography
Laminar Flow
Natural Levees
Oxbow lake
Point bar
Radial Pattern
Rectangular Pattern
Settling velocity
Stream Valley
Suspended Load
Trellis Pattern
Turbulent Flow
Unsaturated zone
Water Table
Yazoo Tributary
Zone of Aeration
Zone of Saturation