Teaching Plan: Primary 4 – Eating Healthily

WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Web-based English
Learning System (WELS):
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Date: 18 Feb 2006
Teaching Plan provided by the
Partner School:
City University of Hong Kong
Primary 4 – Eating Healthily
AIMtech Centre
Education and Manpower Bureau
CCC Kei Wa Primary School (Kowloon Tong)
(For 2 weeks)
Language Items:
 Use imperatives to give advice
 Use adverbs / adverb phrases to express degree
Use nouns / noun phrases to refer to quantities and units
Use interrogative pronoun ‘how’ to find out quantities
 To help students to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods
 To think critically about one eats
 To develop skills for writing instructions
 Creativity;
 Collaboration; &
 Communication skills.
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Teaching Plan
Date: 18 Feb 2006
Resources (R) and WELS Supports (W)
Theme: Exploring Food & Drinks
Teaching steps:
0. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)
 Spend 5-10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson to let the students read silently.
KWL Approach
1. Familiarization
 Show and play the song “On Top of Spaghetti” as a motivation. Then sing with them.
 Show the students some pictures / photos of food items. Then discuss with them
whether the foods are healthy or unhealthy.
2. What I know (K)
 Brainstorm all that the students know about ‘Eating Healthily’ and ask them to write
down their ideas on the L.S. 4.1 – KWL table. Write down what they tell you in the
space marked “K”.
 Ask them if they know how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy food.
Show how or ask the students to organize the information under “K” into categories.
(R) Read book / learning sheet VS animated text
(R) PowerPoint “familiarization.ppt”
“Eating Healthily”
Continue the discussion
(R) L.S. 4.1 – KWL table
Experience sharing or
Required task (Classroom
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Date: 18 Feb 2006
3. What I want to know (W)
 Tell students that they are about to read an instruction text about how to eat healthily.
 Show them the title of Text: Eating Healthily and ask what they would like to find out
from reading an instruction text. Encourage them to construct the questions with “Wh-”
words. Request them to write down what they want to know on the KWL table. Write
what students tell you in the space marked “W”.
4. Silent Reading
 Ask the students to read the text silently.
Suggestion for other alternatives
Required task
5. What I have learnt (L)
 Conduct a discussion to find out what the students have learnt from reading the text.
Record the points in the space marked “L”.
 Discuss the unanswered questions and missing gaps with the students.
6. Shared reading
 With PowerPoint presentation, conduct a shared reading with students.
Word Study Activities
7. Syllabification
 With PowerPoint presentation, teach them how to reading the vocabulary in the text
‘Eating Healthily’.
(R) PowerPoint “shared reading on text 1.ppt”
“Eating Healthily”
(R) PowerPoint for “syllabification.ppt”
“Lesson 4 (Phonics)”
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Ask them to finish L.S. 4.2
8. Consonant-cluster /fr/
 List words on the board with the consonant-cluster /fr/ as in frozen, fried etc.
 Encourage the students to say the words themselves.
 Ask the students to finish L.S. 4.3.
Vocabulary Activities
9. Categorizing the food
 Ask students brainstorm the food items in groups and write down on the small cards.
 Ask the students to categorize the food items into healthy or unhealthy, countable or
 Then stick them on a big chart.
Ask them to finish L.S. 4.4.
10. Grab game
 Prepare sets of word cards target vocabulary and give each group a set.
 As the teacher shows one of the PowerPoint slide of the target vocabulary, the students
should grab the corresponding word card and rush out to give it to the teacher.
 The first group to give you the correct card scores a point. The group gaining the most
points wins.
Ask the students to finish L.S. 4.5.
11. Food pyramid
 With the PowerPoint presentation, introduce the food categories on the food pyramid.
Date: 18 Feb 2006
(R) L.S. 4.2
“Cat shooting -- Words
begin with Fr”
(R) L.S. 4.3
(R) Cards for game
“Bubble Shoot (Countable
(R) L.S. 4.4
(R) Word card “grab game.doc”
(R) PowerPoint “grab game.ppt”
Sentence making
(R) L.S. 4.5
(R) Power Point “Food pyramid.ppt”
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Discuss with students what we should eat more or eat less.
Ask students to finish L.S. 4.6.
Activities Focusing on Structures
12. What have they eaten?
 With PowerPoint presentation, show a fat boy and one thin boy.
 Ask the students to guess their eating habits.
 Teach the structure “too many / too much / enough / plenty of”
 E.g. He eats too much meat. / He drinks to many soft drinks. / He doesn’t eat enough
vegetables. / He drinks plenty of water.
 Ask students to finish Story Telling (Kei Wa P4 story board 1).
13. What have they eaten?
 Show the PowerPoint again.
 Ask the students to comment on the diets of the two boys using the above structure.
 Ask the students to give them some advice by asking, “How can we advise (or help)
them to become healthy?”
The students have to use the target structures below:
Eat (more / less / plenty of) (healthy / fatty / …) food.
Don’t eat too much…
Ask students to finish L.S. 4.8.
“Food Pyramid”
(R) L.S. 4.6
(R) PowerPoint “Too many & too much
Discussion or guided
Date: 18 Feb 2006
Kei Wa P4 story board 1.
(R) PowerPoint “Too many & too much
(R) L.S. 4.8
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
14. Shopping game
 Show some pictures of food and drinks items with the PowerPoint presentation.
 Divide the students into small groups and let them take turns to be the customer and the
 Play the shopping game (information gap) in pairs. L.S. 4.9a&b.
Date: 18 Feb 2006
(R) PowerPoint “shopping game.ppt”
“Shopping in
(R) L.S. 4.9a&b
Activities Focusing on Text Type
15. Listening Comprehension
 Distribute L.S. 4.10 to the students.
 Ask the students to listen Text 2 (Shopping at the supermarket). They are going to tick
the items that Mum actually buys.
(R) L.S. 4.10
In-class or supplementary
listening task
16. Text Sequencing
 Prepare the sentence strips. Ask the students to work in groups to arrange the strips to
reconstruct a logical flow.
(R) Sentence strips of text sequencing
17. Class Writing
 Before the Class writing, review L.S. 4.7&8 with the students.
Ask the students to discuss their advice to Johnny.
With PowerPoint presentation, give the students some other cases of people having
unhealthy diets and let them be the doctor and choose one to give advice.
Tell the students that they are going to write some tips for this person to become
(R) PowerPoint “Class writing.ppt”
Individual / group Writing
WELS Workshop 2 - Enhancing Learning Effectiveness through In-Class and After-Class Learning Experience: The WELS Platform
Date: 18 Feb 2006
18. Group Writing
 With PowerPoint presentation, give the groups some cases of people having unhealthy
(R) PowerPoint “Group writing.ppt”
diets and let them be the doctor and choose one to give advice.
 The groups are going to examine a case and to write some tips for a person to help him /
her become healthy.
19. Individual Writing
 Tell the students to examine their own eating habit and write some tips for them to
become healthy.
 Ask them to finish L.S. 4.11.
(R) L.S. 4.11
20. Grammar
 L.S. 4.12
(R) L.S. 4.12 for tenses exercise
Tenses exercise
Tenses exercise
 The PowerPoint and the related activities
could arouse the students’ interest of learning.
The writing task could suit to the students’
personal experience and also could help
students to practice the target structure.