Compare and Contrast Book and Movie with analysis

Mrs. Fischer
English 8
Compare and Contrast: Novel and Movie with Analysis
Your assignment is to write a paper comparing the novel and the movie version of The Outsiders. Your essay should examine
TWO differences and TWO similarities among any (or all) of the following three elements: characters, setting(s), plot events
(scenes). You may choose to organize your essay using either point by point or subject by subject format (see below). In the
first paragraph, you need to introduce the purpose of your paper (Think thesis!) and give some background on what the main
point of your discussion will be. In the next paragraphs, you will compare and contrast the similarities and differences between
the movie and the novel using your preferred structure. Be sure to use specific evidence and explain your reasoning. Your
conclusion should restate your thesis and offer any new insight gained through the process of comparing the novel to the film
version of the text. The final draft must be typed, double spaced, and in size 12 font. Don’t forget to watch your spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. Please note: the book and movie titles should be capitalized and italicized. Choose one of the
following outlines to organize your work:
I) Introduction
a) Give the overall picture of what your paper will examine.
Option 1: Point by Point (Integrated)
II) Similarities
a) Topic sentence
b) Point of similarity
i) Supporting evidence from movie and book
ii) Transition to next point
c) Point of similarity
i) Supporting evidence from movie and book
ii) Why keep these similarities and why does it
iii) Transition to next paragraph
III) Differences
a) Topic sentence
b) Point of difference
i) Supporting evidence from movie and book
ii) Transition to next point
c) Point of difference
i) Supporting evidence from movie and book
ii) What is the cause of the differences and why
does it matter?
iii) Transition to next paragraph
IV) Conclusion
a) Close your essay; don’t forget your thesis stated in
a different way.
b) What do the similarities and differences say about
the strengths or weaknesses in the novel or the
c) What unique and new insight comes from
comparing the book and movie?
d) Choose ONE (either the book or the movie) and
explain IN DETAIL why you enjoyed it more
than the other. Focus on one item in particular.
e) Explain one item you would change to improve
the book and/or movie.
Option 2: Subject by Subject
II) Book
a) Topic sentence
b) Point of similarity
i) Supporting evidence from book
ii) Transition to next point
c) Point of divergence
i) Supporting evidence from book
ii) Transition to next paragraph
III) Movie
a) Topic sentence
b) Point of similarity
i) Supporting evidence from movie and book
ii) Transition to next point
c) Point of divergence
i) Supporting evidence from movie
ii) Transition to next paragraph
IV) Conclusion
a) Close your essay; don’t forget your thesis stated in
a different way.
b) What do the similarities and differences say about
the strengths or weaknesses in the novel or the
c) What unique and new insight comes from
comparing the book and movie?
d) Choose ONE (either the book or the movie) and
explain IN DETAIL why you enjoyed it more
than the other. Focus on one item in particular.
e) Explain one item you would change to improve
the book and/or movie.
Some Transitions Words to help you
To Compare
To Contrast
by comparison
in contrast
in addition to
on the other hand
just as