Benefits TV Advertising




TV Advertising

It’s a common misconception that TV advertising is only for the big guns. In fact TV advertising is an affordable option and more suited to smaller businesses than you think!

There are literally hundreds of SME’s that started out with only a relatively small

10k budget for tv advertising, that have now grown considerably over time to now be spending two, three, even four times that amount every month. These businesses are no different to you except TV has given them the perception of size and market credibility whilst more importantly exposing their brand to 1,000’s of potential customers with every ad.

What can TV Advertising do for your company?

TV is a powerful advertising medium as it combines two main senses - sight and sound, to create an emotive response. A good ad will deliver a clear message that will engage those senses, when you add a great product or service to the mix you have a winning combination and a very effective sales tool.

TV advertising also allows you to reach a targeted audience of viewers to maximize your leads and branding. We say targeted because a good ad agency makes sure your ad is seen by the most number of potential customers at any one time.

Getting our customers the best available spots for their budget is what we do best.

The Benefits of TV Advertising

An average Australian person spends 182 minutes a day watching television


ABS Australia 2006)

. At just over 3 hours a day and with a population of over 21 million people, that’s a lot of eyes and ears seeing and hearing your brand!

Studies have shown that the average consumer will need to see or hear and advertisement several times before retaining the information. A television campaign is a great medium for information retention as we can schedule your advertisements to appear several times during a targeted program, giving you a fast track to that all elusive brand retention.

A Recent Success Story

A recent client budgeted for a 20k spend per month for a period of 2 months on free to air TV. We placed the ads we produced on two channels 7 and 9, during shows their demographic is more likely to watch. A single commercial netted 70 phone calls, needless to say that client is a regular advertiser still.

Ad costs vary on TV as do spots on radio and in Newspapers depending on position, it’s all about exposure. We can get some great rates during the day from as little as $350 and at night from $150 for a 30 sec spot compare this to daytime or night time radio and you will see the savings.

But Isn’t TV Advertising Very Expensive? How Can I Ensure a Good ROI?

At Marketing Mechanics we have been doing this for a very long time and are considered in the industry as experts in TVC production and media placement. Our strong relationships with the TV stations ensure we get targeted schedules and great rates (up to 50% off standard rack rates!).

From initial ad concept creation to scriptwriting, editing, TVC production , and placement on any TV station Nationally, Marketing Mechanics can save you time and money and produce a professional advert for your business.

Give us a call today on 9565 2120 to discuss how TV advertising can help your business grow!

Just for Fun

Click on the links below to watch a couple of some really funny commercials!

For more information on tv advertising, please feel free to contact us on

02 9565 2120 or email:

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