User: GC Q: What are some sort of things that you need to memorize. A: HW assignments, events that are coming up, birthdays, personal projects. Q: What’s included in homework assignments? A: Personal projects – little things that I have to do on the side. And stuff that I have to work on for the website that I work for. Q: Do you schedule individual blocks? A: No Planner: When it gets closer to the actual day he writes it in CAPS. He “carries over” assignment. Q: When you go back into your planner to look for what you need to do, what do you do? A: I checked off appointments and things I have to do and I look at other events that are to come. I usually only look ahead up to the weekend. Q: Do you usually use the calendar? A: No Q: Notes section A: Random quips from friends that I want to remember and websites that I want to check out. There’s nothing that is actually related to school. [He’s been using this planner for a year] Q: What are the different symbols? A: Checkmarks – completed, diagonal/slash – I didn’t do it yet, arrows – things that need to stand out, x-didn’t do it Q: Do you use this planner for shopping lists? A: Usually shopping notes are not included in the planner but on a random sheet of paper. Q: Do you use anything else besides this planner to keep track of things to do? A: I usually doodle on post-it’s or a scrap of paper. Sometimes I use notepad and save it as a .txt. Q: So it’s basically a rolling to-do list A: Yeah Q: There are things in different colors. A: When I have different colored pens I make use of it but usually I don’t color code it. Q: Do you have a wall calendar? A: Yes but I don’t use it. I find it easier to plan things on a weekly basis rather than a monthly basis. Q: Say at the beginning of the quarter you get all of your homework due dates would you write them all down? A: Probably in two month increments. I look online for the class syllabus. Q: Are there any reminders that you don’t write down on your own and you just count on others to remind you? A: Not that I can think of. Q: When you’re trying to coordinate something with another student, what’s the process? Think of the last time you arranged that. A: Usually it’s a week before so I give myself a week’s time to clear my schedule. We will either bump into each other beforehand to arrange it or call each other. Sometimes I use facebook too, but I usually use my cell phone. Q: Advantages of facebook? A: People check their messages more reliably on facebook than on voicemail. Q:”Atu Gawande – Complications” what is this? A: It’s a book I wanted to read. I probably didn’t get to read it because it wasn’t salient enough. (??) When something is spaced it probably means something that is totally unrelated. Q: What are you going to do this afternoon? A: Going to the post office, skipping two discussions. Q: How do you know that? A: I got a phone call two hours that said I needed to show up to work today. I looked at my schedule this morning and realized that I can afford to skip discussion. Q: What are you doing tomorrow? A: Wake up, go to o-chem lab, lunch, grocery run, watch House. Q: After House what are you going to do? A: [refers to planner] Probably study for my quiz on Thursday. Q: How did you decide that? A: Because there’s nothing due on Wednesday. Q: So you do a lot of prioritizing in your head? A: Yes. Q: How often do you return to your planner each day? A: Ridiculously often, probably in every class. Q: When was the last time? A: An hour ago. I looked at it because the professor wrote announcements on the board. Q: Did you use it for any other uses? A: No Q: Do you ever go to TA/office hours? A: once in a blue moon Q: If you do, how do you go about finding out where it is? A: In the beginning of the quarter I always write it down in my school notes. Q: If you wanted to meet up with a professor but your schedule didn’t coincide what do you do? A: E-mail Q: What clubs are you in? A: Guardian, mentoring. Q: Tell me about your last club meeting and how you remembered to go. A: I remember getting an e-mail. I wrote it down on my planner. Q: As for mentoring and the guardian, do you ever schedule meetings that they go to? A: No Q: How do you feel about university events? A: Since I work at the guardian, I help put together the campus calendar so most of the stuff I hear from there. Facebook has a lot of them but I don’t look at them anymore. Q: Do you look at peg? What do you look at? A: Yes, movie listings. I used to just have Peg folded open so I could glance at it. Q: What about Artpower events? A: I go to the events. Those events I write down because you actually need to get tickets for. I write down that I need to get tickets. Q: Can you think of a time when you bought tickets successfully? A: Tickets for David Sedaris – it was three weeks before the event. It just happened to be in my mind. Q: Do you read the flyers on library walk? A: I glance at them. Q: Are they useful? A: Yes, but I don’t follow through. I might have written something down but I don’t follow through. Q: Do you use tritonlink’s class planner? How do you use that? A: Yes. I leave it on my binder. Within the first week I have all my classes. Then I start filling out work (in pencil). Q: Do you go back and edit it and print it out again? A: I usually do. This time I didn’t because my schedule always changes. This is my 2nd or 3rd tritonlink weekly class calendar. Q: Do you use the beta class planner? A: I tried once but it’s not very useful. Q: What’s your impression on what it does? A: It’s the same thing as this (tritonlink calendar) but it’s generally useful but I found the interface to be a little “clonky”. Q: Were there any limitations? A: I don’t remember seeing where I can put in appointment times, not just classes. Q: Is there anything you want to change about tritonlink? A: It’s ugly. There was another class planner that was shut down that was shut down because it was a “danger to the database”. It cleaned things up for you and had a good format. One thing that I like from Berkeley’s planner is that the planner maps where the classes are and it tells you how many minutes it takes to travel. Q: Do you usually keep location in mind? A: Usually I don’t think about it until it gets closer to school starting. Sometimes it can’t be helped. Q: Do you ever use tritonlink as a source for finding events? A: No, but I know you can do that on there. For me I use facebook or through the newspaper at work (his job). Q: Google calendar – have you looked at it? A: I like it. I tried to replicate the class schedule when tritonlink’s was down. Q: You basically use it to schedule static events? A: Yes Q: Do you refer back to gcal frequently? A: Not really. Q: Did you use anything before the planner? A: No I’ve been using a planner since grade school. Q: Say it’s the beginning of the quarter and all of your professors just gave you the dates of all your midterms. What do you do with this information? A: Before this quarter I wouldn’t write them down until a few weeks before the midterm. Now I write them when I find out the dates. Q: What do you use to plan your schedule before you register for classes? Have you used the schedule planner? A: I have the four year plan from the guidance office and I look at my degree audit. I start scheduling things by hand before I put it in. I write the schedules down first. Q: Can you tell me about the time when you had trouble trying to find a particular event? A: When the location of something changed I wasn’t informed of it until a few hours before. But then that was just a scramble into your e-mail. Q: Can you tell me about how you put events into your calendar for the guardian? A: By e-mail, we dig stuff up from the ucsd calendar, university centers usually sends out the rest for us, campus orgs puts some stuff in there.