Economic Power of Teenagers

Economic Power of Teenagers
Each of you will be broken into groups of three. You will be responsible for creating an
interactive power point presentation on the economic powers that teenagers hold in our
society. This presentation must be no more than six minutes and no less than five
minutes in length.
Questions and topics you must answer within your presentation;
What influences teenagers as consumers within our society? Please discuss the impact of
those influences, whether positive or negative, and please give visual or auditory
examples within this part of your presentation. Example- You could talk about the
influence of music on fashion and maybe youthful attitudes in general. You could
include pictures, videos, or audio clips to relay your ideas to the class.
What categories of goods and services are teenagers an economic force? Give examples
and elaborate on this question within your presentation.
Which economic question do you feel teens play the biggest role in answering?
This assignment is worth a total of 25 pts.
You will be graded on the following:
Organization and Validity of Content
Public Speaking Skills
Length of Presentation