Program Planner: Stage 2 Term 1 Week 1 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition facts (page 2) Addition and subtraction (page 2) Use base 10 materials to add teacher-selected 1- and 2-digit numbers. Revise simple addition facts to 30 by completing an addition grid. Complete all addition facts to 20. Identify a number pattern found in the table of addition facts to 20. Extend addition and subtraction facts to 100s, e.g. Model and add 2-digit additions greater than 20. 9– Outcome: NS2.2 50 + 70 = 120 5 + 7 = 12 – Multiplication/Skip counting (page 3) Practise skip counting on a number line. 500 + 700 = 1200 Skip count arrays of 3, 4, 5 and 6. html Complete skip-counting patterns of 2, 3, 4 and 5. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Patterns in addition facts (page 2) Counting patterns (page 3) Identify number patterns in the addition facts to 20 grid. Complete sets of counting patterns, e.g. Skip-counting patterns (page 3) By 3: 3 6 9 ... ... Identify skip-counting patterns of 2, 3, 4 and 5, e.g. By –4: 60 56 52 ... ... 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 By 15: 15 30 45 ... ... 44 ... ... By –6: 56 50 Explain what has happened in a sequence, e.g. 27, 33, 39 Add 6 Apply a rule such as +7 to a pattern. Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Three-dimensional objects (page 4) Prisms and pyramids (page 4) Discuss: Review properties of prisms and pyramids, e.g. Prisms have two bases that are the same shape and size. All the other faces on a prism are rectangular. edges, faces and corners properties of prisms properties of cylinders Pyramids have only one base, with all the other faces being triangles. The triangular faces meet at a common vertex. Identify prisms and cylinders given a set of pictures that includes cones and pyramids. Given a set of illustrations, classify them as cylinders, cones, spheres, prisms and pyramids. Identify prisms and cylinders in the classroom. Locate prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres in the school. Match sketches of 3D objects to their names, e.g. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Centimetres (page 5) Centimetres (page 5) Recognise that: Recognise that: centimetres are units of length ‘cm’ is short for centimetre 100 cm = 1 metre a base 10 short = 1 cm centimetres are used to measure length ‘cm’ is short for centimetre 100 cm = 1 metre Measure the length of lines using a centimetre ruler. Measure distances along a centimetre ruler. Estimate then measure the length of various screws. Measure lengths of various pencils from 2 cm to 12 cm. Convert metres to centimetres, e.g. Use 1-cm dot paper to rule lines of specific length, e.g. 6 cm, 9 cm 3 m = 300 cm Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 1 Week 2 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Subtraction facts (page 6) 2-digit subtraction with trading (page 6) Use a number line to complete subtractions to 20, e.g. Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. 16 take away 7 Complete random subtractions to 20 on targets. Supply missing numbers to complete number sentences, e.g. 10 – = 3 Discover a number sequence when subtracting 10 from the numbers 12 to 20. Use mental strategies to complete some subtraction grids. Outcome: NS2.1 Outcome: NS2.1 Writing and ordering numbers (page 7) Place value (page 7) Model and record numbers modelled using base 10, e.g. Model and record 4-digit numbers. 357 can be shown as three flats, five longs and seven ones. Identify the place value of 4-digit numbers. Write 3-digit numbers in words. Write the number before and after a given number, e.g. Order sets of 3-digit numbers from smallest to largest, e.g. 256, 307, 291 563 564 565 Order numbers from smallest to largest, e.g. 2701, 2671, 2761, 3017 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Symmetry (page 8) Symmetry (page 8) Recognise a line of symmetry as a line that divides a shape in half. Create class definition of symmetry, e.g. Symmetry is when one half of a shape is the mirror image of the other half. Fold coloured paper squares to show lines of symmetry. Add lines of symmetry to shapes, e.g. Examine shapes to decide: Draw lines of symmetry on pictures of a T-shirt, a rocket and a chair. whether each shape has symmetry how many lines of symmetry each shape has Complete sketches of shapes given one side and a line of symmetry, e.g. Given one half of a shape and a line of symmetry, draw the other half of the shape. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Informal areas (page 9) The square centimetre (page 9) Measure and compare the area of six shapes drawn on grid paper. Recognise that: Investigate how different shapes can have the same areas, e.g. a base 10 cube is a square centimetre cm2 is the symbol for square centimetre Cover shapes with base 10 ones to calculate their area. Calculate the area of shapes by counting the square centimetres covered, e.g. Calculate the cm2 covered by the black outlines = ___ cm2 Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 2 Week 3 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition strategies—Associative property (page 10) Addition of 2-digit numbers (page 10) Use the associative property of addition to make 10s before adding other numbers, e.g. Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. Solve addition problems using the associative property of addition. Add a series of amounts in order to complete some shopping tasks, e.g. $15 + $6 + $5. Open-ended investigation of addition combinations that equal 10. Complete a set of additions with trading, e.g. → Hundreds + Tens 4 2 Ones 6 8 Use addition to calculate the shortest distance between locations on a map. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Inverse operations (page 11) Terms in number patterns (page 11) Demonstrate with counters how addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Continue a modelled pattern. Predict the 10th term in each sequence. tenth term Use addition to check subtractions. 13 – 8 = 5, and 5 + 8 = 13 6 12 18 24 Use subtraction to check addition. Examine patterns of square and triangular numbers. 14 + 5 = 19, and 19 – 5 = 14 Use dot paper to create a square number larger than 16 and a triangular number larger than 10. Open-ended investigation using subtraction to check addition totals. 19 + = 36, and 36 – 17 = Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Position (page 12) Describing location (page 12) Revise ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd). Revise ‘positional’ language through a game, e.g. ‘Where is it?’ (It’s at the front of the room.) Refer to a bookcase to locate books, e.g. Which book is on the far right of the top shelf? Follow directions to complete a grid, e.g. Describe the position of the star in the grid below. Use a tote tray cabinet to identify the position of certain trays, e.g. In the middle of the shelf third from the bottom. Follow directions to place letters in a grid in order to write a message. O U D H I E W E Y L L 3 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Tally marks/column graphs (page 13) Column graphs (page 13) Survey class about favourite colours and use tally marks to record data on chalkboard. Brainstorm brand names of cars. Conduct a traffic count using tally marks to record data, e.g. Read and interpret a column graph. Revise structure of tally marks. Transfer tallied information onto a column graph. Gina |||| ||| Manufacturer Tally Lara |||| ||| Ford |||| || Con |||| || Holden |||| |||| Hassan ||| Rick |||| Most books donated to library Identify most popular, least popular, personal favourite, etc. Interpret a horizontal column graph showing popular cars, e.g. Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 4 Week 4 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition and subtraction are related (page 14) Subtraction strategies (page 14) Revise inverse operations. Use a number line from 57 to 100 to complete subtractions, e.g. Demonstrate how two subtraction facts can be created from an addition fact. 96 – – 8 + 4 = 12, therefore 12 – 4 = 8 and – Think 86 – – 12 – 8 = 4 – Think 18 + = 32 Choose between addition and subtraction as a problemsolving strategy then create appropriate number sentences. Create a ‘story’ to match a number sentence such as: 18 + 7 = 25 Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Revising 2, 5 and 10 times tables (page 15) Multiplication facts (page 15) Create number sentences to describe arrays. Use an array to demonstrate (× 2) table facts. Create arrays to model number sentences. Use arrays of (× 3), (× 4) and (× 6) to complete table facts. Use arrays to complete addition facts. Use knowledge of table facts and mental computation strategies to calculate individual costs such as 3 kg of tomatoes @ $4 per kg. Calculate totals of various shopping bills. Create own problem based on prices of various fruits and vegetables. Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Prisms and cylinders (page 16) Properties of 3D objects (page 16) Match pictures of prisms and cylinders to illustrations showing the number and shape of their faces, e.g. Match 3D object to description, e.g. Given a range of 3D objects, match them to descriptions such as these: Understand and use terms ‘edge’ and ‘corner’ when describing 3D shapes. Use the words ‘face’, ‘edge’ and ‘corner’ to label shapes. I am a prism that has all its faces as rectangles. I am a pyramid that the ancient Egyptians built. I have a square base. I am a pyramid that has 5 triangular faces and a pentagon as a base. I am a pyramid that has a six-sided shape as a base. I am an object with 2 circles as bases. I am a prism that has 2 pentagonal faces and 5 rectangular faces. Make models of 3D objects e.g. Use matchsticks to build pyramids and prisms. Describe the difference between a pentagonal prism and a pentagonal pyramid. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Centimetres (page 17) Length (page 17) Estimate and then measure the length of various leaves pictured. Estimate then measure the length of various arrows. Estimate then measure the length of items e.g. a book, shoe, gluestick, desk. Gather leaves at school and paste or trace into books, then measure and record their lengths. In the playground, measure and mark out a 10-metre line. Then: Measure and record the length of various class objects. Place objects in order from shortest to longest. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 5 count how many steps are equal to 10 m estimate distances of 5 m, 10 m, 20 m and 25 m check accuracy of estimates Week 5 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Extending addition facts (page 18) Halves, quarters and eighths (page 18) Revise and practise counting by 10s. Identify and use terms ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’. Demonstrate and discuss that knowledge of a simple addition fact, such as 5 + 4 = 9 can be extended to become 5 tens + 4 tens = 9 tens, e.g. 5 8 how many parts out of the whole how many parts are in the whole 5 + 4 = 9 therefore 50 + 40 + 90 Extend a set of basic addition facts to ‘tens’. Use addition of tens to solve addition problems. Use common fractions to describe diagrams. Add tens to a series of numbers. Shade diagrams to represent a fraction. Identify fractions of a group. Identify fractions on number lines. Addition patterns Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 18 of the Year 3 Student Book. Extend addition facts to tens, e.g. 15 + 4 = 9 150 + 40 = 190 Solve problems using extended addition facts. Round addends to the nearest 10 in order to estimate totals. Outcome: NS2.1 Outcome: NS2.1 Rounding numbers to 10 (page 19) Rounding to 10 and 100 (page 19) Count orally to 100 by 2s, 5s and 10s. Round 2-, 3- and 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, being aware that numbers ending in 5 are rounded up, e.g. Observe and discuss how certain numbers are closer to a particular ‘ten’ than another ‘ten’. 6445 → 6450. Round numbers to the nearest 100, being aware that numbers ending in 50 are rounded up, e.g. 4567 → 4600 Round 2-digit numbers including 5s to the nearest 10. 3529 → 3500 Round 3-digit numbers to the nearest ten. Use rounding as a strategy for estimating addition totals, e.g. Use rounding as a strategy to estimate the sum of two numbers, e.g. 8 + 21 10 + 20 = 30 459 + 449 = Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcomes: NS2.4 and PAS2.1 Extend addition facts (page 18) Halves, quarters and eighths (page 18) Examples: Identify fractions on number lines, e.g. 6+3=9 60 + 30 = 90 7 + 4 = 11 70 + 40 = 110 Use number lines with the following values: Count by 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. 6 0, 1 ,1 2 0, 1 2 3 , , ,1 4 4 4 0, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , , , , , , ,1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Pentagons (page 20) Polygons (page 20) Recognise: Recognise polygons as shapes with 3 or more angles and straight sides. prefix ‘penta’ as meaning 5 regular pentagons as having 5 equal sides and 5 equal angles Given a set of illustrations, identify the polygons. Name particular polygons, e.g. square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Join dots to create regular and irregular pentagons. Record the number of sides and angles for some polygons. Identify pentagons, triangles and hexagons from an assortment of 2D shapes. Shape Square Create own pentagons on dot paper. Sides 4 Rectangle 4 4 Triangle 3 3 Rhombus 4 4 Hexagon 6 6 Octagon 8 8 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Time in minutes (page 21) Time units (page 21) Recognise and understand: Recognise basic time facts: the movements of the hands on a clock the duration of time between numbers and calibrations on a clock face, e.g. A watch has a minute hand that shows minutes past or to the hour, an hour hand that shows hours and a second hand that measures 60 seconds each minute. Calculate the time it takes for the minute hand to move between numbers on a clock face, e.g. from 12 to 3 (15 minutes). Angles 4 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hour 24 hours = 1 day 7 days = 1 week 52 weeks = 1 year 12 months = 1 year 365 days = 1 year 366 days = 1 leap year Select the best unit to measure periods of time, e.g. recess: minutes Add hands to analog clocks to show times. Use the > greater than and less than < symbols to compare time intervals, e.g. 75 minutes > 1 hour. Calculate the time it takes the hour hand to move from one number to the next. Place race times in order from first to fifth. 1 min 1 min 18 sec 19 sec 1 min 1 min 1 min 20 sec 12 sec 56 sec 4th Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 7 Week 6 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Expanding 3-digit numbers (page 22) Expanding and ordering numbers (page 22) Demonstrate and discuss how a 3-digit number can be expanded using a numeral expander. Use a place-value chart to show how numbers are structured, e.g. Expand a series of 3-digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones, e.g. Number 800 527 = 500 + 20 + 7 Thousands 7296 Use the > greater than and < less than symbols to compare numbers, e.g. 2307 Hundreds 8 Tens Ones 0 0 7 2 9 6 2 3 0 7 6 0 0 7 60 45 < 63 and 528 > 347 5207 5 2 Place a series of numbers in descending order, e.g. 8507, 7503, 5073, 3057 Write the largest number possible using supplied numbers, e.g. 2, 7, 3, 4 7432 Expand 4-digit numbers to show place value, e.g. 6748 = 6000 + 700 + 40 + 8 6740 = 6000 + 700 + 40 8407 = 8000 + 400 + 7 7987 = 7000 + 900 + 80 + 7 Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 3 times table (page 23) Multiplying multiples of 10 (page 23) Examine and discuss the purpose of arrays. Revise knowledge of table facts (×2, ×3, ×4, ×5). Use arrays to model and describe multiplication facts. Demonstrate and discuss that a simple multiplication fact, such as 4 × 3 = 12 can be extended to 4 × 3 tens = 12 tens. ●●● ●●● 3 × 3 = 9 ●●● Extend a set of multiplication facts, e.g. 2 × 3 = 6 therefore 2 × 30 = 60 ●●●●● ●●●●● 5 × 3 = 15 ●●●●● Repeated addition as another strategy, e.g. 4 × 20 = 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80 Recall multiplication facts for (×3) to solve problems. Skip count by 3s until you pass 100. Write a problem to be solved using ×3 table facts. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 and NS2.3 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 and NS2.3 Skip counting (page 23) Multiplying multiples of 10 (page 23) Skip count orally by 2s, 5s and 10s. Skip count by 3s to calculate products in arrays. Count by 10s and multiples of 10 prior to using ‘repeated addition’ as a multiplication strategy. ●●● 3 10 20 30 40 80 120 ●●● 6 20 40 60 50 100 150 ●●● 9 30 60 90 60 120 180 ●●● 12 9 × 3 = 27 ●●● 15 ●●● 18 ●●● 21 ●●● 24 ●●● 27 8 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 North, south, east and west (page 24) Compass points (page 24) Use a compass to identify the cardinal compass points of north, south, east and west. Discover the compass points: north-east (NE) Draw a circle in the playground and use a compass to mark north, south, east and west. north-west (NW) Display map of Australia to identify locations such as South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia. south-east (SE) south-west (SW) Refer to a map of Australia to identify locations, e.g. Use a map to identify the direction from one point to another, e.g. What direction is Dark Forest from Big Mountain? Which city is north-east of Wyndham? Read direction cues to locate towns on a map. Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Column graphs (page 25) Column graphs (page 25) Interpret a column graph. Read and interpret a column graph, e.g. Who has $14 in their account? Transfer data from a table onto a column graph, e.g. Name Sally Jack Saki Height (cm) 131 126 140 Construct a column graph to represent tallied information. Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 9 Week 7 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Division (page 26) Division facts (page 26) Understand the division symbol as representing: Use arrays of (×3), (×4), (×6) to solve divisions. sharing Construct arrays to match pairs of division facts, e.g. groups of 32 ÷ 4 35 ÷ 5 42 ÷ 6 divided by 32 ÷ 8 35 ÷ 7 42 ÷ 7 Use arrays to model and calculate solutions to divisions, e.g. Use multiplication facts to complete divisions, e.g. 18 ÷ 3 (6 × 3) 40 ÷ 5 (8 × 5) 18 ÷ 2 (9 × 2) Model and divide a collection of 20 balls into groups of 10, 5, 4, 2 and 1. Use concrete materials or other strategies to complete division number sentences, then check using a calculator. Investigate how many of each item can be bought with a certain amount, e.g. $48 to spend at the show with showbags priced at $4, $6, $12, $8. Outcome: NS2.2 Outcome: NS2.2 Addition using the jump strategy (page 27) Addition and subtraction using jump strategy (page 27) Understand that when using the jump strategy on a number line, the first jump may commence at the first number in the problem, e.g. Use a number line to solve problems, e.g. a 25 + 27 = 27 + 14 = 41 Use the jump strategy to solve 2-digit + 2-digit addition. Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Skip counting (page 26) Division facts (page 26) Revise skip-counting patterns for 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s. Use arrays of (× 5), (× 4), (× 6) to solve divisions. Discuss arrays used in division as repeated patterns. 1 group of 5 2 groups of 5 3 groups of 5 4 groups of 5 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Parallel lines (page 28) Parallelograms and trapeziums (page 28) Define ‘parallel lines’. Recognise that: Find examples of parallel lines in classroom, e.g. doorframe. parallelograms have 4 sides Identify sets of parallel lines of various lengths and on various angles, e.g. opposite sides of parallelograms are parallel opposite sides of parallelograms are the same length parallelograms include the rhombus, square and rectangle Identify parallelograms given a set of various 2D shapes. Recognise that a trapezium is a 4-sided shape with only one set of parallel lines. Examine a diagram to identify objects that are parallel to each other. Identify trapeziums given a set of various 2D shapes. 10 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Informal capacity (page 29) Litres (page 29) Tally the number of times small containers such as a glass, teacup and coffee mug have to be filled in order to fill a bowl. Recognise that: the ‘litre’ is a unit of capacity Select suitable containers to use as units to measure the capacity of large containers, e.g. L is the symbol for litre milk carton ............ juice cask Collect a set of 1-L containers. bucket ................... bath Estimate and count how many times small containers such as egg-cups, coffee mugs and teacups have to be filled in order to fill a 1-L container. Find containers that have their capacity marked on them, e.g. a 2 L cordial bottle. Estimate then measure the capacity of large containers such as a bucket and a cordial bottle using 1-L containers. Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data cup ........................ kettle 11 Week 8 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Extending subtraction facts (page 30) Multiplication facts (page 30) Revise subtraction facts to 20. Write multiplication facts to describe arrays of 7, e.g. Demonstrate and discuss that knowledge of a simple subtraction fact, e.g. 8 – 5 = 3 can be extended to become 8 tens – 5 tens = 3 tens, e.g. 8 – 5 = 3 therefore 80 – 50 = 30 Extend basic facts to include ‘hundreds’, Use an array to complete a table of (×7) facts. e.g. Use term ‘product’ to name answer to multiplications, e.g. 9–4=5 Product of 3 and 7 = 90 – 40 = 50 Investigate how a number such as 24 can have many factors, e.g. (2 × 12) (3 × 8) (4 × 6) 900 – 400 = 500 Use an array to complete table of (×7) facts. ●●●●●●● 1 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 2 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 3 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 4 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 5 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 6 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 7 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 8 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 9 × 7 = ______ ●●●●●●● 10 × 7 = ______ Subtraction patterns Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 30 of the Year 3 Student Book. Extend subtraction facts to ‘tens’, e.g. 73=4 70 30 = 40 700 300 = 400 Complete subtraction grids using extended subtraction facts. Solve problems using extended subtraction facts. Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Halves, quarters and eighths (page 31) Fifths and tenths (page 31) Ask: What is a fraction? Identify and use terms ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’. numerator denominator Using diagrams to represent common fractions such as 2 3 4 3 7 9 , , , , , , e.g. 5 5 5 10 10 10 1 how many parts out of the whole 4 how many parts are in the whole Use labels and common fractions to describe diagrams, e.g. 3 out of 5 is 3 5 Identify fractions of a group, e.g. 9 10 Identify fractions of a collection, e.g. 7 of the clocks 10 7 of 8 boxes 8 Identify fractions on number lines. 3 of a pancake. 4 3 7 5 4 3 4 5 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Place fractions in ascending order, e.g. 12 1 , 5 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Pyramids (page 32) Drawing 3D objects (page 32) Revise terms ‘edge’, ‘face’ and ‘corner’. Demonstrate procedure for drawing prisms and pyramids. Hold and discuss properties of pyramids: Make tracings of prisms and pyramids. one base Make sketches of prisms, pyramids, cones and cylinders. triangular sides sides meet at one point Write a description of a hexagonal prism, e.g. a decorative perfume box. Identify the corners, edges and faces of pyramids. Examine square, pentagonal and hexagonal pyramids and make sketches of their faces. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 The square centimetre (page 33) The square centimetre (page 33) Recognise that a base 10 cube is a square centimetre. Place objects on 1-cm grid paper to determine area in square centimetres. Use 1-cm dot paper to test a conjecture, e.g. All shapes with an area of 16 cm2 have a 16-cm perimeter. The symbol for square centimetre is cm2. Calculate in cm2 the area of shapes drawn on grid paper. Recognise a base 10 flat as a shape with an area of 100 cm2. Find shapes whose areas are: less than 100 cm2 greater than 100 cm2 about equal to 100 cm2 Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 13 Week 9 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition using the split strategy (page 34) Addition using the split strategy (page 34) Use base 10 to model the ‘split strategy’ in addition. Add two 2-digit numbers using the split strategy, e.g. Add two 2-digit numbers using the split strategy, e.g. 48 + 37. Think 70 + 15 = 85 Add 2- and 3-digit numbers using split strategy, e.g. becomes 60 + 7 = 67 Use the split strategy or any other strategy to solve distance problems based on a map. 132 + 45 becomes 170 + 7 = 177 Use rounding to 10 to estimate the total before using the split strategy to find the actual total, e.g. 62 + 27 can be rounded to 60 + 30 = 90 62 + 27 becomes 80 + 9 = 89 Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Related multiplication facts (page 35) Multiplication strategies (page 35) Use arrays of ‘two’ and ‘four’ to create the ×2 and ×4 tables. Observe and discuss how known multiplication facts can be built upon to find unknown facts. e.g. Use the double and double again strategy to multiply by 4, e.g. 12 × 8 = 3 × 4 = double 3 = 6 and double 6 = 12 Think: (10 × 8 plus 2 × 8) = (80 + 16) = 96 Identify the table of 2s and table of 4s on a hundreds chart and note that they are related multiplication facts. Use this strategy to find other multiplication facts, e.g. 14 × 6, 13 × 5, 12 × 6, 11 × 7 1 3 5 7 9 To multiply by 4, double and double again, e.g. 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 23 × 4 = Double 23 = 46 Double 46 = 92 To multiply by 6, multiply by 3, then double, e.g. 25 × 6 = Think: 25 × 3 = 75 Double 75 = 150 To multiply by 5, multiply by 10, then halve, e.g. 16 × 5 = Think: 16 × 10 = 160 Halve 160 = 80 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Picture graphs (page 36) Picture graphs (page 36) Interpret a picture graph with one-to-one correspondence, e.g. Read and interpret a picture graph, e.g. What was the most popular car? A graph representing how students get to school, with columns of bicycles, cars, buses, and a walking person. Each picture in a column would equal one student. Transfer data from a table onto a picture graph, e.g. Number of cars in car park. Create a picture graph to represent tallied data. Sedans Sports 4WD Vans 7 4 5 2 Create a picture graph with the categories ‘Sedans’, ‘Sports’, ‘4WD’, ‘Vans’ and ‘Trucks’ listed along the bottom, and the heading ‘Number of vehicles’ up the left-hand side. Draw one car above each category name for every car of that type in the car park. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Digital time (page 37) Digital time (page 37) Recognise that digital time is always read as minutes past the hour, e.g. Express time in digital form, in words and ‘what it means’, e.g. 12:35 is read as 35 minutes past 12 or twelve thirty-five Match digital times to ‘how we say it’ e.g. 11:26 ‘eleven twenty-six’ Convert words into digital form, e.g. nine forty-one 9:41 Place a series of times in chronological order, e.g. 11:45, 10:30, 9:45, 11:10 digital 2:45 words two forty-five meaning 45 minutes past 2 Calculate how many minutes to the next hour, e.g. from 3:48 to 4:00. Given a time in words, show that time on an analog clock and on a digital clock. 14 Strand: Space and Geometry Strand: Space and Geometry 15 Term 2 Week 1 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Subtraction using addition (page 40) 3-digit subtraction (page 40) Discuss how addition and subtraction can be used to solve the same problem, e.g. Complete a set of 3-digit subtractions, e.g. 12 – 7 think 7 + 5 = 12 – 334 855 Use this strategy to complete subtractions. 738 – 417 699 – 67 896 – 313 Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Comparing and ordering fractions (page 41) Equivalent fractions (page 41) Use diagrams to illustrate that equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value. 1 whole 1 2 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 8 Use diagrams to show equivalence between fractions with related denominators, e.g. 1 4 1 4 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 Use an equivalent fractions chart to show equivalence. 1 8 1 2 Discuss, model and observe the equivalence between fractions with denominators 2, 4 and 8. 1 4 Use diagrams to represent: 1 8 1, 3, 4 , 7 8 8 8 8 2 8 1 5 Place fractions in order from smallest to greatest, e.g. 1 10 7 6 4 2 2 4 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 10 8 3 8 4 8 2 5 3 10 e.g. 4 1 Use the > greater than and < less than symbols to compare fractions, e.g. 3 < 5 8 8 2 4 2 4 10 3 4 5 8 6 8 3 5 5 10 2 1 10 5 6 10 7 8 4 5 7 10 8 10 9 10 6 3 8 4 Explain what you know about: 4 , 5 , 1 , 2 and 50 . 7 > 3 8 4 8 10 2 4 16 100 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Angles (page 42) Angles (page 42) Define terms such as ‘angle’ and ‘right angle’. Define an angle as the amount of turn between two arms. Identify right angles in the room. Use ‘vertex’ to describe the point where two arms meet. Use the corner of a piece of paper to classify angles as: Classify 3 types of angles, e.g. right angles greater than a right angle less than a right angle right angle larger than a right angle smaller than a right angle Identify angles found at school, e.g. right, > right, < right. Draw each type of angle on dot paper. Describe angles found in the everyday environment, e.g. A letterbox: When the lid is partially opened, the angle is smaller than a right angle. Use geoboards and elastic bands to construct angles. Use diagrams to represent these angles. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 The metre (page 43) Millimetres (page 43) Recognise: Recognise that: the metre as a unit of length that 100 cm = 1 metre that ‘m’ is short for metre Cut a streamer 1-m long and use it as a measuring tool. the millimetre is a unit of length ‘mm’ is short for millimetre 10 mm = 1 cm 1000 mm = 1 metre Measure school items such as the length of a lunch seat, the width of a path and a handball court and classify them as: Measure distances along a ruler in mm. Use dot paper to rule lines of specific lengths, e.g. 75 mm. Estimate then measure the height of pictured items in mm. about 1 metre greater than 1 metre less than 1 metre Measure objects to the nearest metre using a metre ruler or a tape measure, e.g. a netball court. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 17 Week 2 Year 3 Year 3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Counting by tens (page 44) Counting by 10s and 100s (page 44) Count forwards and backwards by 10s on and off the decade. Oral counts by 10 on and off the decade. 30 40 50 60 88 78 68 58 Continue counting patterns by 10s and 100s, e.g. 238 248 258 268 654 644 634 Identify a pattern and supply missing numbers. 65 85 105 115 120 760 850 1260 130 140 770 780 860 870 1360 1460 Follow a rule to complete patterns, e.g. Forward by 100s 284 __ __ __ Backwards by 10s 5428 __ __ __ Backwards by 100s 9025 __ __ __ Use the symbols < less than and > greater than to compare numbers, e.g. 35 29 654 659 5438 5000 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Number and shape patterns (page 45) Patterns in tables (page 45) Identify the pattern in a set of shapes. Create a rule to describe the pattern. Read and discuss rate problems and demonstrate how a table can be used to display the data, e.g. Use numbers to record the pattern. Kris earns $5 per hour. How much will he earn in 6 hours? 3 6 9 Hours 1 2 3 Pay $5 $10 $15 4 5 6 12 Rule Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Rigidity of shapes (page 46) Picture graphs (page 46) Discuss: Recognise that: What does ‘rigidity’ mean? How can we test for rigidity? Rigid shapes in the school. Create shapes using geostrips and test to see if they are rigid. symbols can represent more than one item a key shows how many items each symbol represents Read and interpret a picture graph where one symbol represents two items. Given a table of data create a picture graph where one symbol represents 4 items, e.g. Explain why a shape becomes rigid when a diagonal is added. Use the data in this table to create a picture graph. List the hair colour categories along the bottom of the graph. Hair colour Add diagonals to a pentagon in order to make it rigid. Fair Black Red Brown 12 12 8 10 Rigid and non-rigid shapes Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 46 of the Year 3 Student Book. Recognise that a diagonal joins non-adjacent vertices. Draw diagonals on polygons and record the number for each shape. Recognise that the triangle is the only shape that is rigid. Create triangles with in polygons so that the shape becomes rigid. 18 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Informal mass (page 47) Kilograms (page 47) Experiment with an equal arm balance in order to achieve balance. Recognise that: Record how many small units such as base 10 shorts, chalk sticks and marbles are needed to balance a heavier item such as a calculator. After balancing the calculator explain why: different quantities of the smaller units were used to achieve balance one unit is a ‘better’ unit to measure with than the others the kilogram is the base unit for measuring mass ‘kg’ is the symbol for kilogram Use the hefting technique to classify objects as: less than 1 kg about 1 kg more than 1 kg Use an equal arm balance to classify objects as: Estimate and measure the mass of various items using a base 10 long as the informal unit. less than 1 kg about 1 kg more than 1 kg Use kitchen scales to measure the mass of everyday objects, e.g. a phone book. 19 Week 3 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Doubling as an addition strategy (page 48) Mixed numerals (page 48) Use doubles and near doubles to add single digit numbers, e.g. Define a mixed numeral as ‘a number that consists of a whole number and a fraction’, e.g. 5 + 5 = 10, so 5 + 6 = one more than 10, (11) =1 Extend the doubles concept to tens, e.g. 30 + 30 40 + 40 60 + 60 1 2 90 + 90 Solve and compare strategies used to solve a question such as 25 + 24 = Write mixed numerals to describe shapes, e.g. =1 1 4 Colour shapes to match labels, e.g. Use three circles each divided into two to shade in the value 1 of 2 . 2 Doubling Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 48 of the Year 3 Student Book. Use doubling strategies to solve: additions, e.g. 40 + 39 = multiplication by 4, e.g. 13 × 4 Use halving to multiply by 5, e.g. 48 × 5 think 48 × 10 = 480 then halve to give 240. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: NS2.3 6 times tables (page 49) Multiplication facts (page 49) Write multiplication facts to describe various arrays of 6, e.g. Use an array to complete table of (×8) facts. Use the double, double and double again strategy to find products, e.g. 6 × 8 = Double 6 = 12, double 12 = 24 double 24 = 48 Solve problems using ×6 table facts. Investigate ways in which a problem such as 12 × 8 could be solved on a calculator without pressing the key. Investigate all possible multiplication facts that produce 24 as their product. Complete a series of operations, (+, –, x) in order to crack a code. Use arrays to complete table of (×6) and other related multiplication facts. Needs to be in above section 20 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Symmetry (page 50) Drawing 2D shapes (page 50) Using regular polygons: Use dot paper to construct shapes, e.g. trapezium. fold in half to determine lines of symmetry draw lines of symmetry on identical shapes record the number of sides, lines of symmetry and angles each shape has Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Chance experiment (page 51) Chance (page 51) Heads or tails coin toss. Predict what the result will be if a coin is tossed 12 times. Toss coin 12 times and record results. Discuss actual results compared to predicted results. Represent results on a picture graph. Investigate probability. Experiment to find the four different ways that 2 coins can land when tossed, e.g. Select from a bank of ‘chance’ words to describe events, e.g. 21 Roll a dice 40 times. Tally results. Represent data on a column graph. Identify most frequent score. Identify least frequent score. I’ll go on television: possible I’ll turn 10 next year: certain Week 4 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Subtraction using the jump strategy (page 52) Subtraction (jump and bridge strategies) (page 52) Understand how to use the jump strategy on a number line: Use the jump strategy on a number line to complete subtractions, e.g. 48 – Use the jump strategy to complete number sentences, e.g. 65 – Use the jump strategy as a mental strategy, e.g. 57 – 32 think 57 – 30 – 2 = 25 Use the ‘bridging to decades’ strategy to subtract, e.g. 93 – Think 93 – Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Fifths and tenths (page 53) Counting with fractions (page 53) 1 3 4 4 8 9 and Use diagrams to represent , , , , 5 5 5 10 10 10 Recognise that mixed numerals can be used to count between whole numbers. Place fractions in order from smallest to greatest, e.g. Complete counts on a number line by halves, quarters and fifths. 45 2 1 5 5 5 5 12 45 5 5 5 5 Place random mixed numerals on number lines. Complete a sequence of mixed numerals, e.g. 1 1 Identify and of a group. 5 10 2 2 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Perpendicular lines (page 54) Parallel and perpendicular lines (page 54) Define perpendicular lines as ‘lines that are at right angles to each other’. Recognise parallel lines as two or more lines exactly the same distance apart. Identify perpendicular lines, e.g. Identify parallel lines among a set of lines. 1 2 2 4 4 2 3 4 3 3 1 2 3 4 4 Recognise that perpendicular lines intersect at right angles. Identify examples of perpendicular lines. Draw sketches of perpendicular lines found at school. Identify letters that include perpendicular lines, e.g. AEFHL Identify examples of parallel and perpendicular lines in a 2D drawing. Explain why two lines aren’t perpendicular. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Litres (page 55) Millilitres (page 55) Recognise that: Recognise that: litres are used to measure capacity ‘L’ is the symbol for litre Gather five containers that display capacity in litres, e.g. 2 L cordial bottle the millilitre is a unit of capacity mL is short for millilitre 1000 mL = 1 litre Order a set of containers from smallest capacity to largest, e.g. 375-mL can, 300-mL cream, 500-mL detergent. Use a 1-litre carton to measure the capacity of large containers, e.g. bucket, 2-litre ice-cream tub, watering can. List 4 items packaged in millilitres. Use a 50-mL medicine glass to calculate capacity of containers such as a coffee mug and a jam jar. Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 22 Week 5 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition using ‘bridging to decades’ (page 56) Addition using ‘bridging to decades’ (page 56) Explore the strategy of breaking up the second number to make the first one equal 10, e.g. 9 + 6 becomes (9 + 1 + 5 = 15) 2-digit + 2-digit: Use bridging to add (2-digit + 1-digit) numbers. 3-digit + 2-digit, e.g. Use bridging to add (2-digit + 2-digit) numbers, e.g. 54 + 17 becomes 54 + 10 + 6 + 1 = 71 138 + 26 = Think 138 + 20 + 2 + 4 Add the 10s first, then bridge to a decade, e.g. 35 + 16 becomes 35 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 51 Use strategies such as ‘trial and error’ to solve a problem e.g. I spent $65. What could I have bought if items for sale were $13, $4, $26, $7 and $15? Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: NS2.3 Division (page 57) Division (halve and halve again) (page 57) Revise ‘groups of’ as a strategy to use for division. To divide by 2, use halving, e.g. 86 ÷ 2 = 1 1 Think ( of 80 plus of 6) = 40 + 3 = 43 2 2 Use modelled arrays to create a division fact. To divide by 4, halve and halve again, e.g. 28 ÷ 4 = 1 1 Think of 28 = 14, of 14 = 7 2 2 Draw arrays to model division number sentences. 10 2 = 5 15 3 = 5 18 3 = 6 Use multiplication and division to complete a number cross. Use arrays to solve ‘sharing’ problems. Write a problem to suit a number sentence, e.g. 42 ÷ 6 = 7 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a 3D models and nets (page 58) Reflect, translate and rotate (page 58) Construct rectangular prisms using cubes. Investigate ways a shape can be moved (reflect, rotate and translate). Record the number of cubes used in each prism. Reflect, rotate and translate a series of shapes, e.g. Manipulate ‘nets’ to see which ones fold to form cubes. Continue a rotating pattern, e.g. Nets Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 58 of the Year 3 Student Book. Identify all six faces on a net given four pictures taken from different angles. Match the nets of various pyramids to their name, e.g. 23 square pyramid triangular pyramid rectangular pyramid Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Tables (page 59) Two-way tables (page 59) Read and interpret a table. Show data on a two-way table. Conduct a survey of hair colour and record data in a table. Create a two-way table to represent ‘Sports’ information. Soccer Mark Jenni Sally Bill John Con Harry Netball Boys Boys II Girls III Milk II IIII Soft drink IIII III Water IIII II Read and adjust a two-way table to make the groups equal. Interpret a putt-putt golf scorecard to compare scores, e.g. Who had the lowest score at the 5th hole? Lauren Rugby Nadine Greg Tom Jack Sport Peter Janice Freda Maria Emma Drinks Juice Touch Football Trent Carly Steve Amber Girls Soccer Rugby Netball Touch Football Scorecard Hole Tim 1 2 Jess 3 Alex 2 2 3 4 2 3 6 4 5 4 2 1 6 5 3 4 6 6 4 4 4 7 3 2 7 8 7 2 1 9 4 6 7 Total Interpret data shown on the table, e.g. How many more girls played netball than touch football? Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 24 Week 6 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Money (page 60) Decimals (page 60) Play and experiment with plastic money. Recognise that hundredths can be written as a fraction and as a decimal. Show how $2 can be made up in various ways: Use fractions and decimals to label diagrams. two ‘$1’ coins four ‘50c’ coins ten ‘20c’ coins twenty ‘10c’ coins forty ‘5c’ coins 54 100 0.54 Identify coins needed to make purchases, e.g. Purchasing a $1.65 tub of yogurt might be possible using 1 x ‘$1’ coin, 1 x ‘50c’ coin, 1 x ‘10c’ coin and 1 x ‘5c’ coin. Colour base 10 diagrams to represent 2-place decimals and whole numbers, e.g. Show 4 different ways of creating an amount such as $4.65. Use three grids like the one above to show 2.79: the first two grids should be fully shaded. The third grid should have 79 of the 100 squares shaded. Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 and PAS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Multiplication (2-digit × 1-digit) (page 61) Counting by hundreds (page 61) Demonstrate the strategy of multiplying the tens before the ones, e.g. Count forwards and backwards by 100s, e.g. 120 220 320 420 999 899 799 699 Identify a pattern and supply missing numbers. 127 427 727 5 × 36 becomes 5 × 30 plus 5 × 6 = 180 Use counting skills to see how many are represented by a base 10 model, e.g. 432 can be represented as 4 flats, 3 longs and 2 ones. Think of any number between 1 and 30 and ‘count on’ by 100s, e.g. 18 118 218 318 418 518… Use this strategy to complete multiplications, e.g. 19 × 6 18 × 5 21 × 3 58 × 3 Use rounding to check solutions. If 19 × 6 = 114 and 20 × 6 = 120, then the solution is probably correct. Use multiplication to solve problems. Patterns Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 61 of the Year 3 Student Book. Apply rules to complete the ‘output’ column on function machines, e.g. + 100 × 10 – 100 ÷ 10 Reverse the rule on function machines to determine the ‘input’ number. 25 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Octagons (page 62) Grouping 2D shapes (page 62) Recognise that: Group shapes according to their properties: an octagon has 8 sides the prefix ‘octa’ means eight regular octagons have equal sides and angles Count the sides and angles on a number of 2D shapes in order to name the shape. right angles pentagons quadrilaterals trapeziums parallelograms Draw a pentagon, square, rectangle, hexagon, trapezium and parallelogram. Join dots to create and name 2D shapes, e.g. pentagon, hexagon, octagon. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Quarter to and quarter past (page 63) Analog clocks (page 63) Model and discuss where the minute hand is at quarter to and quarter past the hour. Revise ‘o’clock’, ‘half past’, ‘quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’. Record times displayed on analog clocks, e.g. Write the time shown by a clock with the minute hand on the three and the hour hand just past the eight. Use ‘past the hour’ and ‘to the hour’ to label analog clocks, e.g. Use illustrations of clock faces displaying different times. Describe the time shown on each clock face using the terms above. Count by 5s on a clock face. Draw hands to match labels, e.g. Draw where the hands on a clock are at 25 past 9. Understand the role of the hands on a clock face, e.g. the second hand counts 60 seconds each minute the minute hand counts 60 minutes each hour the hour hand counts the hours Using a drawing of a clock face, connect each hand to its name and function. Calculate time intervals, e.g. Strand: Chance and Data time it takes for minute hand to move from 3 to 4 time it takes for hour hand to move from 6 to 9 Strand: Chance and Data 26 Week 7 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition using mental strategies (page 64) 3-digit addition (page 64) Model and discuss how to use the jump strategy when adding two 2-digit numbers. Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. Use the jump strategy to perform additions, e.g. 34 + 25 becomes 34 + 20 + 5 = 59 Complete a set of additions, e.g. + H 2 1 T 2 3 O 6 8 + H 4 1 T 1 3 O 7 9 + H 3 1 T 1 3 O 9 8 Use estimating skills to give approximate answers to problems then solve using a vertical algorithm. Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Multiplication strategies (page 65) Multiplication facts (×9) (page 65) Use a known multiplication fact to calculate another related fact, e.g. Use an array to complete the table of (×9) facts. 6×4= Think 5 × 4 = 20 so 6 × 4 = 20 + 4 = 24 Use strategy above to complete multiplication facts, e.g. 6×5 7×5 6×6 7×6 11 × 6 Investigate doubling when multiplying by 4 and 6: Identify the pattern of 9s on a hundreds chart. to multiply by 4, first multiply by 2, then double 7 × 4 is looked at as 7 × 2, then doubled 7 × 2 = 14 double 14 = 28 Identify the pattern of 3s on a hundreds chart. to multiply by 6, first multiply by 3, then double 7 × 6 is looked at as 7 × 3, then doubled 7 × 3 = 21 double 21 = 42 9 × = 81 Identify the relationship between 9s and 3s. Find missing digits in multiplication sentences, e.g. Use any strategies to identify missing numbers in number sentences, e.g. × 4 = 32 7 × = 28 × 5 = 40 27 × 9 = 27 × 6 = 54 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Collecting data (page 66) Organising data (page 66) Examine a conjecture, e.g. Hot-dogs are the most popular take-away foods. Understand that data can be organised into categories. Make a prediction about whether the conjecture is correct or incorrect. Conduct a survey to find out what take-away foods are the most popular. Present data in a table. Group investigation of favourite cereal. Create a picture graph to show how rubbish can be sorted into categories, e.g. Use the headings ‘Plastic’, ‘Cans’, ‘Paper’, ‘Glass’ and ‘Food’ along the bottom of the picture graph. Draw one rubbish bin above each heading to represent each unit of rubbish in that category. Create own categories to show how items can be sorted. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 The kilogram (page 67) Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Grams (page 67) Recognise: Recognise that: the kilogram as the base unit for measuring mass the gram is used to measure mass ‘kg’ is the symbol for kilogram ‘g’ is the symbol for gram Draw pictures of items packaged in kilogram lots. 1000 g = 1 kg Hold a 1-kg mass in one hand and another item in the other hand and classify the item as: Make 100 g, 200 g and 500 g standard masses by pouring sand into jars until they balance standard weights. less than 1 kg about 1 kg Locate and weigh objects that are balanced by about 100 g, 200 g and 500 g. more than 1 kg check masses using a balance scale Calculate how many pieces of fruit are needed to balance 1 kg. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Space and Geometry Strand: Space and Geometry 28 Week 8 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition and subtraction (page 68) Addition and subtraction on empty lines (page 68) Solve additions and subtractions using number lines with only one number on the number line, e.g. Solve addition and subtraction problems using number lines with only one number on the line, e.g. ‘Jack has $124 and Jill has $32. How much money do they have altogether?’ 92 – 33 = l 92 l $124 Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.3 Division and multiplication (page 69) Division with remainders (page 69) Recognise that arrays can be used to model multiplication facts as well as division facts, e.g. Solve problems by creating appropriate number sentences and by using modelled arrays. Discuss fact that remainders frequently occur when dividing, e.g. 30 ÷ 4 = (7 lots of 4 = 28) with a remainder of 2 Use multiplication and division facts to complete number sentences, e.g. 13 ÷ 4 = remainder Revise the relationship between multiplication and division. Create (2) multiplication facts and (2) division facts to describe arrays. Use mental strategies to solve problems, e.g. 28 ÷ 3 = (9 × 3 = 27 and 1 more makes 28) Solution: 9 remainder 1 Explain own strategies used when solving a division, e.g. 32 ÷ 5 = Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Following directions (page 70) Maps and legends (page 70) Look at a school map to locate major features and ways to move around, e.g. a school evacuation plan. Read a map with a legend showing transport routes and geographical features. Follow instructions to plot a course on a simplified street map. Answer questions that relate specifically to the map, e.g. Interpret a map of an island to find towns accessible by road, train, boat and foot. What town can only be reached by train? Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Perimeter (page 71) Perimeter (page 71) Define ‘perimeter’ as distance around the edge of a 2D shape Recognise perimeter as the distance around the outside of a shape. Use cardinal compass points to describe the direction from one point on the map to another, e.g. from point A to point B: west. Work out a strategy to calculate perimeter. Measure and record perimeter of polygons, e.g. Work out the perimeter of a square, pentagon and hexagon that each have sides of 2 cm. On dot paper construct squares with perimeters of 8 cm, 12 cm, 16 cm and 20 cm. Draw and record the perimeter of some items in the classroom. Calculate the perimeter of irregular shapes drawn on 1-cm dot paper. Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 29 Week 9 Year 3 Year 3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Vertical addition of 2-digit numbers (page 72) 3-digit addition (page 72) Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. Demonstrate the written format for vertical addition algorithms with trading. Hundreds Tens Ones 1 1 5 5 6 8 8 4 3 2 + Complete a series of vertical algorithms that do not involve trading. Check totals with a calculator. 7 Complete a set of 3-digit additions. + Tens 3 Ones 3 1 6 Find missing numbers using either addition or subtraction. Hundreds + + + + Tens 7 Ones 3 1 4 Tens 5 Ones 5 2 2 Tens 3 Ones 4 4 5 Tens Ones 7 8 3 3 7 3 3 Use addition to solve a number cross. Open-ended investigations: Find different ways that $39 could be spent at a restaurant. Find two meals that total $38. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Number patterns (page 73) Patterns on a 100s chart (page 73) Revise skip-counting patterns, orally and in writing. Complete sets of counting patterns: Continue and circle a +11 pattern on a 100s chart, e.g. 2 13 24 . . . By 2: 0 2 4 6 ........................ By 3: 0 3 6 9 ........................ Complete and identify the table of (×11) on a 100s chart, e.g. 11 22 33 44 . . . By 5: 0 5 10 15 .................... Explain: By 4: 0 4 8 12 ...................... By 6: 0 6 12 18 .................... how to spot an error in a table of (×11) the table of (×5) on a 100s chart Match rules to appropriate patterns, e.g. By 7: 0 7 14 21 .................... Subtract 7 99 92 85 78 . . . Identify and extend a sequence and write a rule to describe the patterns, e.g. Add 13 8 12 16 20 ................. Rule: Add 4 7 10 13 16 ................. Rule: Add 3 Use the constant addition function (+ +) on a calculator to generate sequences, e.g. 7 + + 4 = 11 = 15 = 19 = 23 = .................. 30 7 20 33 46 . . . Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Top, front and side views (page 74) Top, front and side views (page 74) Identify three views of an object. Understand that 3D objects can be viewed from the top, front and side. Label the views of an object. Make sketches of the top, front and side views of objects such as a block, a dice and a tissue box. Construct prisms using blocks then draw their top, front and side view, e.g. Use grid paper to draw the different views, by calculating the number of blocks visible at the top, front and side. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 The square centimetre (page 75) Square centimetres (page 75) Calculate the area of shapes placed on a square centimetre grid. Use square-centimetre grid paper to design shapes with specific areas, e.g. 4 cm2, 6 cm2. Investigate how many shapes can be drawn on squarecentimetre grid paper that have an area of 9 cm2. Investigate how many shapes can be created with an area of 10 cm2. Test a conjecture: There is only one rectangle with an area of 24 cm2. Given a set of shapes that have had centicubes laid on top, estimate the total area, e.g. Est. Area Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 31 Term 3 Week 1 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 4-digit numbers (page 78) Rounding (page 78) Model 4-digit numbers using base 10 materials. Round number to the nearest 1000, e.g. Use a grid and tally marks to show how a 4-digit number can be represented, e.g. 697 2230 2697 Check ‘reasonableness’ of an answer by rounding. Question Answer Estimate Reasonable/Un 379+219 598 600 reasonable Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, e.g. 2745 becomes 2750, 2700 and 3000. Record number before and after a given number. e.g. 3 546 3 547 3 548 Use numeral expanders to represent 4-digit numbers. Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Multiplication and division (×9) (page 79) Factors and factorising (page 79) Use a (×9) array to build multiplication facts. Define ‘factors’ as whole numbers that can be multiplied with other whole numbers to make a new number, e.g. 16 = (1 × 16) (2 × 8) and (4 × 4) Use the array to identify division facts. Complete a function machine to multiply numbers by 3 and 9, e.g. Input × 9 Use knowledge of multiplication facts to answer true or false type questions, e.g. 3 is a factor of 6 = true Output Input 6 gives output 54. 8 is a factor of 15 = false Employ ×9 multiplication facts to solve problems. Supply the missing factor, e.g. 12 = 3 × Use a (x9) array to complete multiplication and division facts. Revise the ‘associative property’ of multiplication. Combine the associative law with knowledge of factors to make multiplication easier, e.g. 10 16 × 5 becomes 8 × 2 × 5 = 80 32 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Reflect, translate and rotate (page 80) Patterns (page 80) Investigate ways a shape can be moved, e.g. Use the terms ‘reflect’, ‘rotate’ and ‘translate’ to describe how a shape has been moved. Make patterns by repeating a movement pattern such as rotating. Create a pattern using transformations. Use the terms ‘reflect’, ‘rotate’ and ‘translate’ to describe the movement of shapes, e.g. Continue sliding and reflecting patterns. Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Possible outcomes (page 81) More likely, less likely (page 81) Discuss and agree on the meaning of chance words: ‘certain’, ‘likely’, ‘equally likely’, ‘unlikely’ and ‘never’. Describe the likelihood of selecting one colour before another if given 21 marbles that are divided into 6 colours, e.g. Is James more likely to pick out a black marble than a red one? Match events to chance words. Make predictions and use chance language to describe likelihood of results when throwing dice. Given a bag of counters, determine which colour is most likely or least likely to be drawn out first. Use diagrams to represent all possible outcomes when combining two shirts and three pairs of shorts to make a new sports uniform. Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 33 Week 2 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Vertical addition with trading (page 82) Addition (page 82) Link the written form to a base 10 model. Revise 2-digit addition strategies. Revise addition of money and role of decimal point. Complete a set of 2-digit (4 addends) algorithms. Add sets of 3 addends consisting of 1-, 2- and 3-digit numbers. Add amounts of money, e.g. 64 16 Complete a series of vertical algorithms that requires trading, e.g. + Tens Ones 3 9 1 5 25 + 13 5 765 + + Tens Ones 6 7 1 8 76 $4.06 $2.09 + $1.57 Find various pairs of numbers that equal 27. Solve a 2-step problem and compare strategies with a partner. Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Division from multiplication (page 83) Division (page 83) Discuss whether 3 × 6 is the same as 6 × 3. Use the division symbol. Ask: What division questions can I make from 3 × 6 and 6 × 3? Complete division facts in algorithmic form, e.g. Write division facts from multiplication facts, e.g. 5 40 6 × 2 = 12 so 12 ÷ 2 = 6 Use a calculator to create multiplication facts and then record a related division fact, e.g. 9 × 7 = 63 and 63 ÷ 7 = 9. 8 56 9 81 Employ the division algorithm to solve problems. Model and discuss the format for divisions that have remainders. Use multiplication and division to identify a winning bingo card. 22 shared among 5 means 4 each and 2 left over. Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Angles (page 84) Angles (page 84) Revise terms ‘angle’ and ‘right angle’. Use the corner of a piece of paper to classify angles as: Use a right angle to compare and classify angles as less than a right angle, about equal to and greater than a right angle. Locate right angles, angles less than a right angle and greater than a right angle in the environment. smaller than a right angle larger than a right angle a right angle Identify these 3 types of angles on a street map. Explain how the length of an angle’s arms does not affect the angle. Use dot paper to draw angles. 34 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Millimetres (page 85) Millimetres (page 85) Recognise: Measure and record the length of various lines in millimetres. the millimetre as a unit of length that 10 millimetres = 1 cm ‘mm’ is short for millimetre Convert centimetres into millimetres, e.g. 9 cm = 90 mm. Estimate and measure the length of a pencil in millimetres. Measure objects in millimetres. Measure and record lengths in metres and centimetres and record using decimal notation. e.g. car = 2 m 35 cm or 2.35 m. Use dot paper to rule lines of specific lengths, e.g. 50 mm. Convert centimetres into millimetres, e.g. 9 cm = 90 mm Convert metres into centimetres, e.g. 8 m = 800 cm Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 35 Week 3 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 2-digit subtraction (page 86) 3-digit subtraction with trading (page 86) Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model . Complete a set of vertical algorithms that do not involve trading, e.g. Complete examples with trading in the ones. 78 764 – 35 – 546 ____ ______ 39 854 – 27 – 629 ____ ______ 97 992 – 64 – 465 ____ ______ Write a problem to match a number sentence. Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Fractions (hundredths) (page 87) Decimal place value (page 87) Revise halves and quarters. Use a decimal place-value chart to model and record decimals. Model fractions of 100 on hundredths grids and using base 10 material. Identify the largest decimal in each group, e.g. 1.35 2.53 0.53 Define ‘hundredth’ as a fraction whose denominator is 100. Read and write decimals, e.g. 1 whole, 6 tenths and 4 hundredths = 1.64 33 out of 100 33 100 Shade hundredths grids to match fractions. Order fractions from smallest to largest. Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Cross-sections (page 88) Cross-sections (page 88) Create cross-sections: Use modelling clay to create a set of regular prisms, cylinders and pyramids. Cut cross-sections parallel to the base of the models. Identify shape of the cross-section. (i) use modelling clay to create a 3D shape (ii) use a knife to cut a cross-section (iii) draw the exposed face Explain why, when cuts are made parallel to the base: a prism’s cross-section will be the same size as the base a pyramid’s cross-section will be smaller than the base Identify the shape a cross-section will have for shapes such as a cylinder, cube, cone and pentagonal prism. 36 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Litres (page 89) Millilitres (page 89) Use a one-litre measuring jug to compare the capacity of everyday objects such as a paint tin and a coffee mug and classify them as: Colour pictures of 6 beakers to represent: 100 mL 200 mL 300 mL 400 mL 500 mL 1000 mL about one litre less than one litre greater than one litre Use a 1-L container to measure the capacity of items such as a tote tray, bowl and kettle. Fill containers such as cans with water then pour contents into a beaker to measure capacity. Calculate how many small containers (1 L, 4 L, 10 L, 8 L) can be filled using a 40-L drum. Calculate difference in capacity of different containers, e.g. What is the difference in capacity between the teacup and the soft-drink can? Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 37 Week 4 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 2-digit subtraction with trading (page 90) 3-digit subtraction with trading (page 90) Link the vertical algorithm to a base 10 model. Demonstrate the written format for vertical subtraction with trading. Complete a set of vertical algorithms that require trading, e.g. – 94 Hundreds 7 8 Tens 1 2 Ones 5 5 6 3 2 6 2 Complete a set of 3-digit subtractions. – 38 Use subtraction to complete a number cross. Create a problem to suit an algorithm, e.g. 343 – 625 = 83 – 29 57 – 48 Supply missing numbers, e.g. 5 –1 7 Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Fractions of a collection (page 91) Fractions of a collection (page 91) Revise terms ‘numerator’ and ‘denominator’. 1 1 1 Use arrays to find , and of a collection, e.g. 2 4 5 Using a group of 6 people, work out strategies to divide the group into half. Invite students to draw a picture to illustrate 1 of 8 rockets = 2 Use division facts to solve problems involving unit fractions, e.g. 1 of 6. 2 1 1 1 Use illustrations to model fractions , , of a 2 4 5 collection, e.g. 1 of 30 points = 5 1 of 8 cats 2 Use mental strategies such as division facts to find fractions of each group, e.g. 1 of 16 8 1 of 15 5 1 of 12 4 Use an array of 24 to find 1 1 1 , and of the group. 2 4 8 Solve 2-step problems, e.g. Jim had $20 and spent spent 1 of it; Tatijana had $24 and 2 1 of it. Who spent the most? 4 Open-ended investigation using counters to explore 1 fractions of a collection, e.g. of 20 2 38 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Tessellations (page 92) Tessellations (page 92) Continue tessellating patterns. Understand that tessellation means that shapes fit together without gaps. Classify shapes as tessellating or non-tessellating, e.g. Investigate ‘patterns’ of squares, rectangles, triangles, hexagons, pentagons and circles to identify shapes that tessellate, e.g. Continue tessellating patterns. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Digital and analog time (page 93) Timetables (page 93) Show in words how times are represented on digital and analog clocks. Refer to a train timetable to: Use pattern blocks to create a tessellating pattern. Calculate time between: 2:00 and 2:15 2:00 and a quarter to 3 2:00 and 3:00 calculate arrival times calculate departure times calculate duration of journey Use a ‘log book’ to record times of events that occur throughout the day. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 39 Week 5 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Multiplication facts (page 94) Extended multiplication (page 94) Revise multiplication facts: Model and discuss the format for extended multiplication: (×2) (×3) (×4) (×5) (×6) (×10) Use multiplication to solve ‘money’ problems. Use the extended form of multiplication to solve problems, e.g. 27 ×3 28 ×4 26 ×4 19 ×6 Solve multiplication problems. Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Decimals (page 95) Equivalent tenths and hundredths (page 95) Recognise that fractions of 100 can be written as decimals. ‘Model tenths on hundredths grids and show how the fraction can be recorded as tenths, hundredths and as a decimal. Understand that the decimal point separates the fractional part from the whole number. Use the decimal form as another way of labelling a fraction, e.g. 25 0.25 100 Use the > greater than and < less than symbols to compare fractions, e.g. Shade hundredths grids to match decimals. Order decimals from smallest to largest. 4 6 10 10 1 50 100 10 0.60 40 100 Follow directions to colour 100 beads, e.g. 40 1 tenth red 20 hundredths green 3 tenths yellow 0.30 blue Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Coordinates (page 96) Coordinates (page 96) Use coordinates to read and interpret a grid and to add extra features, e.g. Draw a face at G1. Understand that coordinates show where two lines meet. Coordinates are read across, then up. Identify shapes located at coordinates on a grid, e.g. B4 =▼ Plot coordinate points on a grid to create a shape, e.g. Join B4 to B1, F4 to B4. Given a plan view of a golf course with coordinates, mark the position of golf balls, e.g. Ms Cooper’s ball is at J8. Mark this on the golf course plan. Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Collecting data (page 97) Representing data (page 97) Use tally marks to represent a collection of gathered information. Transfer tallied information onto a table and then present it as a column graph and as a picture graph, e.g. Represent tallied data on a column graph. Country of origin of the parents of students in a class, such as Greece, Italy, Vietnam, Australia, Lebanon. Using the headings ‘Country of origin’ and ‘Number of students’ present the tallied information as a column graph. Then create a picture graph using the same headings. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 41 Week 6 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition using the compensation strategy (page 98) Addition using the compensation strategy (page 98) Discuss and model the strategy. Demonstrate how one addend can be rounded to the nearest 10 to make addition easier, e.g. Use the compensation strategy to complete a series of additions, e.g. 47 + 38 could be rounded to 47 + 40 = 87 26 + 38 becomes 26 + 40 2 = 64 Discuss and demonstrate why, when rounding up has taken place, the amount rounded up needs to be taken away from the provisional total in order to achieve the exact answer, e.g. Use estimating skills to check answers. 47 + 38 becomes 47 + 40 = 87 subtract 2 = 85 When rounding down has taken place the amount not included has to be added on, e.g. 39 + 21 becomes 39 + 20 = 59 add 1 = 60 Explain own strategy for completing an operation such as 148 + 36 = Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Division (page 99) Division strategies (page 99) Use basic recall of division facts or arrays to complete division number sentences, e.g. Demonstrate and discuss that knowledge of a simple division fact such as 8 2 = 4 can be extended to 80 2 = 40 24 4 = Solve pairs of divisions, e.g. Use recall of division facts to solve problems, e.g. $16 shared among 4 sisters 9 3 = and 90 3 = Use knowledge of table facts and trial-and-error strategies to solve divisions with remainders. Employ division to solve problems. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Scales (page 101) Grams (page101) Read and interpret scales expressed in kilograms. Estimate then measure the mass of items in grams using an equal arm balance. Use an equal arm balance to classify items as being: 0 to 1 kg 1 to 2 kg 2 to 3 kg 3 to 4 kg Measure and record the mass of stationery items, e.g. eraser. Convert grams into kilograms and grams, e.g. Use bathroom scales to measure and record mass of two people. 6754 g = 6 kg 754 g Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Testing predictions (page 100) Surveys (page 100) Conduct a survey to find the most popular fruit: Predict the colour of the next car to pass the school. Conduct a survey to record the colours of cars passing. Construct a column graph to represent information. Compare prediction with actual result. Strand: Space and Geometry Predict what the most popular fruit will be. Question people to identify the 5 most popular fruits. Tally results. Graph results. Compare predictions with actual result. Strand: Space and Geometry 42 Week 7 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition (page 102) 4-digit addition (page 102) Revise problem-solving strategies: Demonstrate the processes involved in adding 4-digit numbers. name of thing being asked for operation to be used number sentence and solution Solve ‘distance’ problems with reference to a supplied map. Solve real-life problems. Complete examples: No trading 3633 + Trading in the ones 4214 3568 + 4214 Trading in the ones and tens 3 5 6 2 + 4253 Employ addition to solve problems. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Number patterns (page 103) Number relationships (page 103) Continue a pattern of 8 numbers and predict the 10th term. Discuss and explore how more than one operation can be used to find a missing number, e.g. 20 + = 42 Complete patterns using fractions, e.g. count on from 20 subtraction, e.g. 42 – ÷ 4 = 6 Open-ended investigation to find several number sentences that produce an answer of 48. Identify equivalent number sentences. Use symbols < = > to describe number sentences, e.g. 40 ÷ 5 24 3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Top, front and side views (page 104) Pentagons and octagons (page 104) Construct models using blocks then sketch their top, front and side views, e.g. Recognise that: prefix ‘penta’ means 5 prefix ‘octa’ means 8 regular pentagons have 5 equal sides and angles regular octagons have 8 equal sides and angles Write descriptions of a regular pentagon and octagon for others to follow and draw. On geoboards create pentagons and octagons then draw them on dot paper. Top, front and side views Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 104 of the Year 3 Student Book. Construct models using building blocks. Sketch the top, front and side views of the models. Match shapes to their top view. Match a 3D model to its views. 43 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 The square metre (page 105) The square metre (page 105) Make a square metre out of newspaper. Recognise that: Use the newspaper square metre to measure and classify areas as: about 1 square metre less than 1 square metre more than 1 square metre the square metre is a square with dimensions of 1 metre m2 is the symbol for square metre square metres are used to measure large areas Make two areas of one square metre out of newspaper: Use the square metre to measure areas at school such as a car space. (i) 1 m × 1 m (ii) 2 m × 1 m 2 Explain why both have an area of one square metre. Use the newspaper square metres to measure and classify areas as: less than 1 m2 about 1 m2 larger than 1 m2 Estimate then measure areas, e.g. chalkboard, window, floor. Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 44 Week 8 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Subtraction with trading (page 106) 3-digit subtraction with trading (page 106) Use base 10 to calculate the difference, e.g. 54 28: Demonstrate the written format for vertical subtraction with trading. Complete examples with 2- and 3-digit subtrahends. Solve problems based on interstate trips between Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and the Gold Coast. Percentages Complete a set of vertical algorithms that require trading, e.g. Understand that a ‘percentage’ is one way of recording a fraction with a denominator of 100. 72 – 39 Use the % sign to record percentages. Use fractions, decimals and percentages to show equivalence between fractions, e.g. 61 – 29 82 – 45 Use addition and subtraction to complete a number cross. Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Decimals (page 107) Ordering and rounding decimals (page 107) Demonstrate how to write 46 hundredths as a fraction ( ) and Revise place value using whole numbers and decimals. as decimal (0.46). Use decimals to describe the shaded portion of various hundredth grids, e.g. 0.28, 0.46, 0.63 Model whole numbers and decimal parts using base 10, e.g. 2.56 can be represented with 3 flats, where 2 flats are completely shaded and 56 squares are shaded on the third flat. Give the place value of digits shown in bold, e.g. 12.3 = tenths 25.67 = hundredths. Order decimals from smallest to largest, e.g. 25.34, 24.93, 42.61 Use grids to model numbers including whole numbers and decimal parts, e.g. 1.35, 2.39 24.93, 25.34, 42.61 Observe and discuss how certain decimals are closer to particular whole numbers and become aware that decimals ending in .5 are rounded up. Round 1- and 2-place decimals to the nearest whole number, e.g. 0.7 2.6 7.96 3.11 45 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Manipulating shapes (page 108) Tessellations (page 108) Use pattern blocks to create shapes. Continue tessellating patterns. Use shape tiles to identify shapes that tessellate by themselves. Use diagrams to show how pattern blocks fit into shapes. Make tetrominoes: 4 shapes that touch along their edges. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Cubic centimetres (page 109) Cubic centimetres (page 109) Gather two identical boxes. Recognise that: Fill one with centicubes. Fill one with marbles. Explain which unit is a better unit for measuring volume. Recognise that: a cubic centimetre is a standard unit for measuring volume and capacity a cubic centimetre is a cube that has 1-cm sides cm3 is short for cubic centimetre a cubic centimetre is a standard unit for measuring volume and capacity a cubic centimetre is a cube that has 1-cm sides cm3 is short for cubic centimetre Compare base 10 models to determine the larger volume. Make base 10 models and record their volumes, e.g. Make base 10 models and record their volumes. A model of a rectangular prism measuring 4 cm wide × 2 cm high × 2 cm deep is equal to 16 cm3. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 46 Week 9 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Multiples (page 110) Extended multiplication (page 110) Understand ‘multiple’ to be a number that can be divided equally by another number. Model and discuss the format for extended multiplication. On a hundreds grid: identify multiples of 5 identify multiples of 9 identify multiples of 10 identify the relationship between 5s and 10s Hund Tens 1 × 1 2 3 Extend sequences of multiples for 2, 3, 4 and 6. Ones 6 2 2 0 2 Use the extended form of multiplication to solve problems, e.g. 18 ×3 23 ×4 25 ×5 26 ×6 Solve multiplication problems. Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Division with remainders (page 111) Division (page 111) Discuss the division process. Use the division symbol. Discuss ‘remainder’ and situations that can produce a remainder. Complete division facts in algorithmic form, e.g. 2 32 Divide an array of 15 cakes into groups of 3, 5 and 4 and note that when 15 is divided by 4 there is a remainder. 4 56 5 75 6 72 Model and discuss the format for divisions that have remainders, e.g. 73 ÷ 3 = Divide an array of 20 marbles into groups of 4, 6 and 8. Note that remainders occur when groups of 6 and 8 are made. Solve divisions that have remainders. Use knowledge of table facts to solve divisions, e.g. 24 ÷ 5 = 4 remainder 4 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Directions (page 112) Mapping (page 112) Follow directions to plot a course on a map superimposed onto dot paper, e.g. Start at X, travel north 5 space then go east 8 spaces. Read and interpret a street map to identify features, e.g. Write a description of a course plotted on a map. Explain why a diagonal course is shorter than one consisting of a number of rectangles. 47 street parallel to Park St item at specific coordinates (e.g. G9) shortest route from point to point Write directions explaining how to get from point to point. Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Possible outcomes (page 113) Chance (page 113) Given a bag of different coloured marbles, decide whether it is more likely that one colour will be selected before another. Discover possible combinations of red, blue and yellow marbles: Use ‘chance’ words to rate the likelihood of a colour being chosen first, e.g. Follow clues to identify the colour of counters in a box. red yellow blue red blue yellow yellow blue red yellow red blue blue red yellow blue yellow red Discover possible choices of uniform that could be made given a choice of 3 tops and 3 skirts. Colour the surfaces of dice so that the likelihood of red being the winning colour varies, e.g. even = 3 surfaces red certain = all surfaces red probable = 5 surfaces red Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 48 Term 4 Week 1 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Addition and subtraction (page 116) Addition and subtraction (page 116) Revise subtraction using trading. Check solutions achieved by another person. Explain the error in an algorithm. Check a series of worked subtraction algorithms. 474 (7 decomposed to 6 in 10s column) – Identify the mistake made, e.g. Check the accuracy of a series of calculator operations. Use a reverse operation to check answers, e.g. 1 58 493 Use addition to check subtraction. + 135 493 – 358 Solve a problem, then check using another method such as a reverse operation, calculator or base 10. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Commutative property of addition and multiplication (page 117) Commutative property (page 117) Discuss the notion that numbers can be added in any order. Complete a series of additions to confirm that addition can be carried out in any order, e.g. 6 + 4 = 10 and 4 + 6 = 10 Multiply pairs of numbers in reverse order to see that multiplication is commutative, e.g. 3 × 4 = 12 and 4 × 3 = 12 Investigate two cricket scores: 4 sixes compared to 6 fours. Roll two dice and find their total. Discuss the order of addition, e.g. Is 6 + 5 the same as 5 + 6? Complete a series of additions to check the commutative property of addition, e.g. 14 + 6 = and 6 + 14 = Multiply pairs of numbers in reverse order to see that multiplication is commutative, e.g. 6 × 3 = and 3 × 6 = Create two number sentences that could be used to solve problems, e.g. Six flowers were planted in nine rows. How many flowers altogether? Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Drawing objects (page 118) Data representations (page 118) Revise properties of 3D shapes (length, breadth, height). Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 118 of the Year 3 Student Book. Outcome: DS2.1 Attempt to sketch prisms and cylinders so that the dimensions are in perspective. Given two views of a square pyramid, make a sketch. Sort data into a table and then represent the data on a column graph. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Kilograms (page 119) Kilograms and grams (page 119) Recognise that: Read scales expressed in kilograms. many items are packaged in Examine kitchen scales: 1 2 1 2 -kilogram lots kilogram = 500 grams Record the mass being shown on sets of scales, e.g. Use scales to measure the mass of various items to the nearest 1 2 the large numbers are the whole kilograms the smaller markings show lots of 100 grams kilogram. Gather fruits and vegetables so that they balance a 1-kg mass. Calculate how many times smaller containers (2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg) can be packed into a 24-kg container. 49 Read the amount shown on the kitchen scales, then record this in kilograms and grams. Week 2 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 2-digit addition (3 addends) (page 120) Percentages (page 120) Use vertical form to add sets of 3 addends. Use addition to solve a number cross. Understand that a percentage is one way of recording a fraction with a denominator of 100. Use addition to solve a magic square. Use the % sign to record percentages. Use fractions, decimals and percentages to show equivalence between fractions, e.g. 4-digit addition Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 120 of the Year 3 Student Book. Add 4-digit numbers with trading in the ones and tens. Use subtraction to check additions. Solve problems. Strand: Number Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Outcome: NS2.3 Division (page 121) Division (page 121) Create number sentences to show how an array of 24 objects can be divided into groups of 3, 6, 2 and 4. Revise division symbols ( ÷ Divide 2-digit numbers by a single digit with remainders. ) Complete 2-digit ÷ 1-digit operations with and without remainders, e.g. 5 90 and 7 93 Investigate how a box of 48 apples could be put into bags of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. Open-ended investigation showing how a jar of 37 counters could be shared 4 different ways. Use mental strategies to quickly solve problems, e.g. 43 peaches shared among 8 boys. Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Parallelograms (page 122) Quadrilaterals (page 122) Recognise that: Recognise quadrilaterals as shapes with 4 straight sides, e.g. square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezium and parallelogram. parallelograms have 4 sides opposite sides are parallel opposite sides are the same length the rhombus, rectangle and square are all parallelograms Draw examples of each type of quadrilateral on dot paper. Identify parallelograms given a set of various 2D shapes. Draw parallelograms on dot paper. 50 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: NS2.5 Chance—Likelihood (page 123) Chance (page 123) Examine a spinner to compare the likelihood of various colours being the winning colour. Examine a series of different spinners coloured such as the one below to determine the most likely result and the least likely result. Colour a spinner to match descriptions. Green has only one chance of being spun. Design spinners to suit descriptions, e.g. Green is most likely, pink and blue have an equal chance. Rate the likelihood of various everyday events happening, e.g. Mum gets home before Dad. Red is twice more likely to be spun than green. Pink has twice the chance that red has. Yellow has more chance than red but less than pink. Given a bag of ribbons, decide: the most likely colour to be selected the least likely colour to be selected explain why Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Measurement Strand: Measurement 51 Week 3 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 3-digit addition (page 124) 4-digit addition (page 124) Add 3-digit numbers without any trading. 543 Trading in 1s Trading in 1s or 10s 4238 3574 + 2724 + 2380 +214 Add 3-digit numbers with trading. Trading in 1s, 10s or 100s 3586 + 1557 234 +428 Refer to a restaurant menu to solve problems. Supply missing addends. + How much did Mr Barton spend if he had an entrée of prawns, fish as his main meal and apple pie for dessert? Make up a meal of entrée, main meal and dessert costing between $23 and $26. 8 3 4 Write problems to suit a number sentences, e.g. 237 + 123 = Strand: Number Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Decimals—Tenths (page 125) Adding and subtracting decimals (page 125) Recognise that one tenth is equal to 10 hundredths and can be written as 0.1. Revise: Identify that ten base 10 longs = one base 10 flat. place value: tenths, hundredths, whole numbers purpose of decimal point Add and subtract a set of decimals, e.g. 2 3. 1 7 3 2. 6 7 + 4 1. 2 7 7. 6 3 – Model tenths using base 10 longs. Colour a base 10 flat to represent the tenths. Solve problems related to total length and difference in length between various pieces of furniture whose dimensions have been recorded in metres using decimal notation. Use a number line to show equivalence between common fractions and decimals. 52 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2b Angles (page 126) Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Recording data (page 126) Understand that one arm of an angle may not be visible, e.g. a hill. Interpret a spreadsheet to calculate expenditure on various items. Compare angles created when doors are opened to varying degrees. Complete the balance column on a spreadsheet. The Barker family budget Identify situations where only one arm is visible. A B C D 1 Date Item Cost Balance 2 Aug 3 Opening balance 3 Aug 4 Groceries 4 Aug 5 Fruit and Veg. $50 $400 5 Aug 8 Bills $600 $150 $450 $100 $ 6 Aug 12 Meat $80 $ 7 Aug 16 Car $60 $ 8 Aug 20 Entertainment $80 $ Angles Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 126 of the Year 3 Student Book. Add an extra arm to create an angle that matches the label. Connect two arms to a vertex to create an angle that matches its label. Identify the angle formed by the arms of a clock. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Calendars (page 127) Calendars (page 127) Read and interpret a calendar for one month. Refer to a calendar to: March Mon 7 14 21 28 Tue 1 8 15 22 29 Wed 2 9 16 23 30 Thu 3 10 17 24 31 Fri 4 11 18 25 Sat 5 12 19 26 Sun 6 13 20 27 match a day to a date calculate the number of days between two dates calculate the number of weeks between two dates Find: ● ● ● what day is March 7 days from March 7 to 12 date of next Tuesday Record the day, month and year of birth for three people. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra 53 Week 4 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Read, write and record 4-digit numbers (page 128) Extended multiplication (page 128) Build a 4-digit number using base 10. Complete extended multiplication algorithms in order to select a winning bingo card. Use numerals to record 4-digit numbers recorded as words, e.g. Four thousand two hundred and twenty-six. Mental strategies for 2-digit 1-digit multiplication. Write numbers in words, e.g. Question 24 × 6 2 470 = Two tho... Expand numbers. 4 527 = 4 000 + 500 + 20 + 7 Place sets of numbers into descending order, e.g. 8 507, 7 503, 5 073, 3 057 Working 20 × 6 = 120 plus 4 × 6 = 24 Answer 144 Read, write and record 4-digit numbers Write the largest number possible given 3 digits. Write the smallest number possible given 3 digits. Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 128 of the Year 3 Student Book. Record numbers on a place-value chart. Use clues to identify numbers. Expand numbers, e.g. 9 528 = 9 000 + 500 + 20 + 8 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Number patterns (page 129) Fractions and decimal patterns (page 129) On a hundreds chart: Use number lines to extend patterns, e.g. Use a number line that counts to two in eighths (from oneeighth to sixteen-eighths). count by 3s from 3 count by 6s from 6 note relationship between 3 and 6 count by 9s from 9 identify numbers 5 less than any number ending in 9 make observation that the pattern of ‘5 less’ runs parallel to the pattern of 9 Identify and extend the pattern of 8 on a hundreds chart. Extend fraction patterns. 0 2 8 4 8 6 8 Use a calculator’s ‘constant addition’ function to extend patterns, e.g. 1 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Extend decimal counting patterns, e.g. 1.67 1.70 1.73 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.1 Nets (page 130) Nets (page 130) Pull apart a small cardboard box to reveal its net. Match 3D objects to their nets, e.g. Use a range of 3D objects such as pyramids, prisms, cylinders and squares. Match these to drawings of their nets. Make a sketch of the net. Use polydrons to identify shapes that will fold to form a closed 3D shape. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.1 Length—decimal notation (page 131) Length using decimals (page 131) Recognise that: Recognise that decimals allow measurements to be expressed using one unit of measure, e.g. 1 metre and 83 cm = 1.83 m length can be measured in metres and centimetres 100 centimetres = 1 metre decimal notation can be used to record length Measure and record height in three ways. Estimate, measure and record length in metres and cm, e.g. The cupboard is 1 m 45 cm Name Centimetres Metres and Decimal centimetres Convert measurements from metres and centimetres to metres using decimal notation, e.g. 1 m 65 cm = 1.65 m Harry 183 cm 1 m and 83 cm 1.83 m Order a set of high-jump scores from lowest to highest, e.g. 1.12 m, 0.72 m, 1.04 m, 0.93 m 54 Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 55 Week 5 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 3-digit subtraction (page 132) 4-digit subtraction (page 132) Subtract 3-digit numbers without trading. Model the subtraction process showing trading. 86 714 51 0 967 – 553 – Use strategies such as addition and subtraction to find the value of the missing numbers. 7 Complete subtractions with trading in the ones. –3 5 Refer to a chart to find the difference in population between towns such as Cooma and Hay. Complete subtractions with trading in the tens or ones. 5 2 4 Solve a problem showing the different amounts each of 4 people have left to save for a $469 model car if they have saved amounts of $137, $318, $267 and $305. Strand: Number Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Outcome: NS2.4 Adding and subtracting decimals (page 133) Percentages (page 133) Model the written form for addition of decimals. Revise understanding of percentage as a fraction of 100. Convert a series of exam scores from fractions of 100 into percentages, e.g. Art: 67 100 = 67% Place percentages such as 94%, 77%, 90%, 80% and 86% in descending order. Use fractions, decimals and percentages to show equivalence between fractions, e.g. Create a table with the headings ‘visual’, ‘common fraction’, ‘hundredths’, ‘decimal’, and ‘percentage’ to show the equivalence of one-quarter. Add whole number and one-place decimals. 6.9 + 2.8 Model written form for subtraction of decimals. Subtract whole number and one-place decimals 6.7 – 4.5 56 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Strand: Chance and Data Outcome: DS2.1 Measurement data (page 134) Data Investigation (page 134) Test a conjecture: Everyone’s arm span matches their height. Discuss and establish rules and procedure to follow, e.g. shoes off same person to measure arm span and height measure to nearest cm Record data in table, e.g. Name Height Arm span examine a conjecture that most babies are born in September make own prediction about what month most babies are born conduct class survey to find months people were born use tally marks to record data in a table present data in column graph compare actual results with predictions Interpret data. How many had: height = arm span height < arm span height > arm span Explain whether the conjecture is correct or incorrect. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.2 The square metre (page 135) The square metre (page 135) Recognise that a square metre: Use a grid to calculate the area of a shape in square metres. is a square with 1-m sides m2 is short for square metre Construct a handball court on the playground using chalk, a metre rule and a 90º angle tester, e.g. Draw a handball court measuring 6 m 4 m. Divide this into four quarters, each measuring 3 m 2 m. Use a newspaper square metre to classify areas such as the door mat, noticeboard and chalkboard as: less than 1 m2 about 1 m2 greater than 1 m2 Calculate the area of the whole court, 1 2 court and 1 4 court. Measure the court’s diagonals to check that they are equal. Measure areas to the nearest square metre, e.g. a gym mat. Solve area problems. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Patterns and Algebra Strand: Space and Geometry Strand: Space and Geometry 57 Week 6 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Subtraction—3-digits with trading (page 136) 4-digit subtraction (page 136) Complete a set of algorithms that require trading. – H T 5 6 2 5 3 1 No trading O 7 1 3 Trading in 1s or 10s 8547 4 – 9 Use addition and subtraction to solve ‘shopping’ problems, e.g. What change would I get from $150 if I bought the Dracula ($77) and the Gnomes ($59) computer games? Trading in 1s, 10s or 100s 6464 – 9694 – Refer to a sales brochure to find the difference in price between cars such as a BMW and a Ford. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Associative property (page 137) Associative property (page 137) Revise commutative property and discuss how this can be extended to three or more numbers, e.g. associative property. Throw three dice and add the score. Complete a series of additions and multiplications to prove the associative property of addition, e.g. 6 + 5 + 4 = 15 and 4 + 5 + 6 = 15 Apply associative property in order to make equations easier to solve, e.g. 18 + 7 + 2 becomes 18 + 2 + 7 5×7×2 5×2×7 becomes Discuss the order in which the scores were added by different people. Does the order matter for addition? Add sets of numbers to check that order does not matter when adding, e.g. 42 + 19 + 8 and 42 + 8 + 19 Observe that 42 + 8 + 19 was probably easier for most people. Apply the associative property to multiplication, e.g. 7×2×3=2×7×3 Apply the associative property in order to make equations easier to solve, e.g. 34 + 17 + 16 34 + 16 + 17 7×4×5 becomes becomes 5×4×7 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Interpreting maps (page 138) Describing paths read (page 138) Read and interpret a map, e.g. Write a set of directions to describe the route Sam may take to school. Read and interpret a map to plot various courses. Follow directions to plot a course, e.g. Go north 2 spaces, east 4 spaces, south... Draw a simple map on dot paper. Following directions such as ‘north 4 spaces, east 3 spaces’ plot a path on the map. Follow directions to plot a path, e.g. 58 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 Cubic centimetres (page 139) Litres and millilitres (page 139) Fill a sultana pack with base 10 ones to measure its capacity. Show how capacity can be recorded in millilitres as well as litres and millilitres, e.g. Use base 10 to make models. Record and compare volumes. If one beaker contains 1000 mL of water and another beaker contains 700 mL of water, how much water do they contain altogether? ___millilitres OR ___litre ___millilitres Calculate how many more mLs of a quantity are needed to make a litre, e.g. 200 mL of cream + 800 mL = 1 L Convert millilitres into litres and millilitres, e.g. 3450 mL = 3 L 450 mL Cubic centimetres Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 139 of the Year 3 Student Book. Build models using cubes. Record the number in the bottom layer then use this information to calculate the volume. Calculate the number of smaller boxes that will fit in a larger box. Strand: Chance and Data Strand: Chance and Data 59 Week 7 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.4 Add and subtract decimals (page 140) Multiplying and dividing decimals (page 140) Add and subtract sets of 3-digit numbers with decimals to two places, e.g. Model decimals on a calculator. Model an example of multiplying a decimal by 10. 0.23 Observe, discuss and make predictions about multiplying other decimals by 10. + 0.45 Using a calculator: 3.27 multiply 2-place decimals by 10 and observe how the decimal point moves one place to the right, e.g. 0.46 × 10 = 4.6 multiply 2-place decimals by 100 and observe how the decimal point moves, e.g. 8.25 × 100 = 82.5 divide 2-place decimals by 10 and observe how the decimal point moves, e.g. 9.86 ÷ 10 = 0.986 divide 2-place decimals by 100 and observe how the decimal point moves, e.g. 368 ÷ 100 = 3.68 + 4.27 6.59 – 2.36 $3.66 – $2.06 Observe how the decimal point moves when decimals are multiplied and divided by 10 and 100. Calculate the total of three different lunch orders. e.g. Quiche: $1.10; Sandwich $1.45; Roll $0.85 × 10 0.45 0.23 0.46 0.52 3.16 4.5 2.3 4.6 5.2 31.6 0.25 0.32 0.64 0.78 6.23 25 32 64 78 623 8.49 9.86 7.21 85.6 × 100 ÷ 10 5.26 0.526 0.849 0.986 0.721 8.56 ÷ 100 32.5 90.4 180 275 368 0.325 0.904 1.8 2.75 3.68 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 Square numbers (page 141) Contracted multiplication (page 141) Define ‘square numbers’. Demonstrate the contracted multiplication process. Label square numbers modelled on dot paper. Model and complete labels to describe square numbers, e.g. Use contracted multiplication to complete 2-digit × 1-digit multiplication, e.g. Identify the arithmetic pattern of square numbers. +3 +5 1 4 +7 9 +9 +11 +13 +15 +17 +19 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 Use multiplication to solve problems, e.g. How much would Pedro save in 5 weeks if he saved $27 each week? 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 Use a calculator to find: 112, 122, 132, 142, 152 60 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.2a Tangrams (page 142) Creating 2D shapes (page 142) Reflect, rotate and translate shapes to create new shapes. Use a computer drawing program to: create shapes such as a rectangle, square and circle create designs reflect and translate shapes Use dot paper to draw congruent copies of regular and irregular shapes. Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.4 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.3 The gram (page 143) Displacement experiments (page 143) Recognise that 1 kilogram is equal to 1 000 grams. Recognise that displacement is an increase in the level of water in a container due to an object being submerged within the container Gather packets that have their mass listed in grams. Order a set of pantry items from lightest to heaviest, e.g. 200 g coffee, 750 g salt, 500 g tomato paste, 1 kg sauce. Experiment 1: (i) Submerge one object in a measuring jug and record the increased water level on the side of the jug. Use an equal arm balance to see how many standard masses (500 g, 200 g, 100 g) are needed to balance 1 kg. (ii) Repeat with other objects. Calculate the total mass of a set of weights, e.g. 500 g, 200 g, 100 g and 50 g. (iii) Compare to see which has the greatest volume. Experiment 2: Measure the amount of overflow into a tray when an object is submerged in a full jug. The gram Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 143 of the Year 3 Student Book. Use kilograms and grams to record the mass shown on scales. Draw needles on sets of scales to show masses. Show two ways of expressing measurements, e.g. Strand: Chance and Data grams kilograms and grams Strand: Chance and Data 61 Week 8 Year 3 Year 4 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.2 Strand: Number Outcome: NS2.3 3-digit addition (page 144) Contracted multiplication (page 144) Demonstrate the contracted multiplication process. complete examples with trading in the ‘tens’ complete examples with trading in the ‘tens’ and ‘ones’ Add various amounts to calculate various shopping bills, e.g. $7.99 plus $1.25. Hundreds Tens 1 2 Ones 3 5 1 1 5 × Use own strategies to find missing numbers. Hundreds Tens 3 6 Ones 7 3 3 5 × Refer to a price chart to calculate costs of gardening supplies, e.g. 8 m2 of paving at $28 m2? 4-digit addition and subtraction Optional Year 4 Student Book Blackline Master, to be used with page 144 of the Year 3 Student Book. Solve shopping problems. Complete a bank statement. Strand: Patterns and Algebra Outcome: PAS2.1 Strand: Number Outcome: WM2.4 and WM2.2 Missing numbers (page 145) Estimating and Checking (page 145) Use a variety of strategies to find the missing values in number sentences, e.g. Use estimating skills such as rounding to: solve operations such as 99 + 201 Problem give an approximate answer to 513 + 297 estimate the total cost of items costing $395 and $409 Strategy 6 × = 24 24 ÷ 6 = 4 4 × 6 = 24 24 + 4 = 6 6 × 4 = 24 Select from + to complete equations, e.g. 3 4 5 = 12 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Strand: Space and Geometry Outcome: SGS2.3 Drawing a plan (page 146) Drawing a plan (page 146) Revise ‘top views’ and discuss what it would be like to be looking down on a room from above. Read and interpret a street map to identify different paths from point to point. Identify the shortest path and the longest path. Model a plan view of the classroom on the chalkboard, discussing size, proportion and shapes. Write instructions on how to get from one point to another. Draw a plan view of a desk with 6 items on the top. Examine a plan view of a room. Draw a plan view of a room at home, e.g. Include an outline of the room and indicate where the door and any windows are. Show things such as a sofa, chair, coffee table, rug, lamp, television, etc. 62 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Strand: Measurement Outcome: MS2.5 Timetables and timelines (page 147) Timelines (page 147) Refer to a timetable to work out arrival times, departure times and duration of journeys. Read and interpret a timeline. Match events to a timeline, e.g. Create a timeline of years using the following events: Draw a timeline marked with the hours of the day. Record the time you woke up, ate breakfast, went to school, had maths class, etc. on the timeline. Match events to positions on timelines, e.g. Sally was born in 1993. She started walking in 1994. She started pre-school in 1996. She started school in 1998. She started netball in 2001. She turned 10 in 2003. Or Create a timeline of the days in April, using the following events: Strand: Chance and Data Was a fool on April 1. Had birthday party on April 7. Went to Easter Show 10 April. Played soccer 17 April. Slept in 24 April. Competed at athletics carnival 26 April. Strand: Chance and Data 63