5/2005 התשס"ה/'י"א רשומות ISRAEL STATE RECORDS כ"ו באב התשס"ה August 31, 2005 יומן הפטנטים והמדגמים PATENTS AND DESIGNS JOURNAL PATENTS Applications accepted Patents granted Patents renewed Patents not in force due to non-payment of renewal fees Patents renewed for 20 years Patents expired Patent extension עמוד Page 940 000 000 000 000 000 000 פטנטים בקשות שקובלו פטנטים שניתנו פטנטים שחודשו פטנטים שתוקפם פקעו בגלל אי תשלום אגרת חידוש פטנטים שחודשו לעשרים שנה פטנטים שפג תוקפם ארכת פטנט Changes in particulars entered in register Notices 000 000 שינויים בפרטים רשומים בפנקס הודעות Country codes Indices of applications accepted 000 i קודים למדינות מפתחות לבקשות שקובלו DESIGNS Designs registered Designs renewed Designs void 000 000 000 מדגמים מדגמים שנרשמו מדגמים שחודשו מדגמים שבוטלו August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 938 ידיעות כלליות : וכו' בענייני פטנטים ומדגמים יש לשלוח אל, מסמכים,מכתבים ירושלים,4 רח' הסדנא,רשם הפטנטים והמדגמים ירושלים והיא פתוחה לציבור בימי חול, תלפיות,4 לשכת הפטנטים נמצאת ברח' הסדנא .12:30 - ו8:30 שאינם ערבי שבת או מועד בין השעות שקלים בעד כל2.50 לשכת הפטנטים מספקת תצלומים של פירוטים ושרטוטים במחיר של .עמוד או חלק ממנו 'אגרות ללשכת הפטנטים מתקבלות אך ורק על ידי תשלום לחשבון הלשכה בבנק הדואר מס יש להציג קבלת בנק הדואר ללשכה יחד עם הבקשה לפעולה שעבורה האגרה.0-24145-2 .שולמה GENERAL INFORMATION Letters, documents, etc. concerning Patents and Designs should be addressed to: The Commissioner of Patents and Designs, 4 Hasadnah St., Jerusalem The Patent Office is located at 4 Hasadnah St., Talpiot, Jerusalem and is open to the public on weekdays, except on Fridays or on the eves of holydays, from 08:30 to 12:30 hrs. The Patent Office supplies photocopies of specifications and drawings at the rate of NIS 2.50 per page or part thereof. Fees to the Patent Office can be accepted only by payment to the Postal Bank Account of the Office, No. 0-24145-2. The receipt of the Postal Bank must be presented to the office together with the application for the action for which the fee has been paid. Copyright by the State of Israel. No Extracts may be published except with the permission of the Patent Office. זכות היוצרים בתקצירים אלה שמורה אין להעתיק מתקצירים,למדינת ישראל .אלה אלא ברשות לשכת הפטנטים Price per single issue (incl. VAT) : NIS 96. .₪ 96 ).מ.ע. לכל חוברת בודדת (כולל מ:מחיר Annual subscription (incl. VAT): NIS 1,152. Available at the Distribution Service of Government Publications, 29 B-Street, Hakirya, Tel-Aviv. 939 .₪ 1,152 ).מ.ע.דמי חתימה לשנה (כולל מ :אפשר להשיג אצל ' רחוב ב,שרות ההפצה של פרסומי הממשלה .אביב- תל, הקריה,29 'מס August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה NOTICE UNDER SECTION 26 OF THE PATENTS LAW, 5727-1967 The applications, particulars of which are set out below, have been accepted pursuant to Section 17 of the Patents Law. Any person wishing to oppose the grant of a patent on any of the applications published here, may, within three months from the date of this journal, give to the Commissioner of Patents notice under Section 30 of the Patents Law, in the manner prescribed in regulations 57 et seq of the Patents Regulations, 5728-1968 Particulars of the applications, where applicable, are given in the following order: [11] [21] Number of application [54] Title of invention [22] Application date [31] [32] [33] Number and date of foreign application – convention country. *[51] Int.Cl. [61] Application for patent of addition [62] Divisional application [71] Applicant [72] Inventor [87] International Publication Number [74] Address for service [57] Abridgement of invention (in the language in which the specification is drawn up) *Note: As from Patents and Designs Journal No.4/00, patent applications are classified according to the Seventh Edition of the International Patent Classification (1999) August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה לחוק הפטנטים26 הודעה לפי סעיף 1976 – תשכ"ז הבקשות שפרטיהן מתפרסמים להלן קובלו כל המעונין. לחוק הפטנטים17 לפי סעיף להתנגד למתן פטנט על פי בקשה מהבקשות תוך שלושה חדשים,המתפרסמות רשאי להגיש לרשם הפטנטים,מתאריך יומן זה לחוק30 הודעת התנגדות לפי סעיף ואילך57 הפטנטים בדרך הקבועה בתקנה .1968 – תשכ"ח,לתקנות הפטנטים פרטי הבקשות במידה ויישימים מובאים לפי :סדר זה מספר הבקשה שם האמצאה תאריך הבקשה מספר ותאריך של בקשות החוץ – מדינת האגוד *סיווג בינלאומי – מהדורה שביעית בקשה לפטנט מוסף בקשת חלוקה המבקש הממציא מס' פרסום של בקשה הבינלאומית מען למסירת מסמכים )תקציר האמצאה (בשפה בה ערוך הפירוט ' החל מיומן הפטנטים והמדגמים מס:*הערה ניתן ציון לבקשות פטנטים הסיווג לפי4/00 המהדורה השביעית של הסיווג הבינלאומי )1999 של פטנטים (משנה 940 [11] [21] 97602 ייצור חברים פעילים ביולוגית ורקומביננטים של משפחת חלבונים הנוירוטרופיים NGF/BDNF [54] PRODUCTION OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE, RECOMBINANT MEMBERS OF THE NGF/BDNF FAMILY OF NEUROTROPHIC PROTEINS [22] [31] 19.3.1991 505441 [32] 6.4.1990 [33] US 547750 2.7.1990 " 594126 9.10.1990 " Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/12; C07K 14/48; C12P 21/02; A61K 38/18 Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, Calif., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [51] [71] [74] [57] A method for producing the mature biologically active form of a human neurotrophic protein in a prokaryotic cell expression system, wherein said neurotrophic protein is selected from the NGF/BDNF family of neurotrophic factors said method comprises: (i) inserting the gene coding for said mature protein into a vector; (ii) expressing said gene to form a biologically inactive form of said protein; and ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת (iii) refolding and renaturing said biologically inactive form in a reaction medium created by the steps comprised of: disrupting all intramolecular and intermolecular disulfide bonds in a solution of said neurotrophic protein by adding a denaturant and a reducing agent to said solution and forming free thiols; oxidizing said free thiols with a disulfide containing compound to form mixed disulfide bonds without removing the reducing agent; and diluting said solution in the presence of a thiol containing compound. __________ 941 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 106949 [54] DEVELOPMENT OF XENOGENEIC CYTOTOXIC T LYMPHOCYTES IN NONHUMAN MAMMALS [22] [31] [51] [61] [71] 8.9.1993 061706 [32] 17.5.1993 Int. Cl.7 A61K 48/00; C12N 5/06 Addition to 93067 Yeda Research and Development Company Limited, Rehovot Yair Reisner XTL Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., P.O.B. 370, Rehovot פיתוח של לימפוציטים ציטוטוקסיים זרים ביונקים לא אנושיים [33] US רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופתוח בע"מ יאיר רייזנר ,אקס טי אל ביופרמסיוטיקלס בע"מ רחובות,370 .ד.ת [57] Method for providing human or therapeutic effect against said pathology other mammalian cytotoxic T lymphocytes by lysing said pathological cells or tissue, against a pathogenic antigen comprising: and wherein said mammal M4, is a (a) immunizing a chimeric non-human mammal M1, the hematopoietic cells of mammal M4 having xenogeneic cytotoxic which have been substantially destroyed, T lymphocyte precursor cells or tissue, said mammal M1 having transplanted with pathological cells, tissue or therein cells or tissue from at least two components thereof presenting an antigen different sources, at least one of said capable of eliciting said cytotoxic T cells sources being hematopoietic cells derived in recoverable amounts in said mammal from a mammal M2 having a M4, and optionally further comprising, hematopoietic deficiency, and at least a (b) recovering said cytotoxic T second of said sources being hematopoietic lymphocytes from the immunized mammal cells or tissue from a mammal M3 of a M4, wherein the recovered cytotoxic T species other than that of mammals M1 lymphocytes are capable of providing a and M2. __________ [72] [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 942 [11] [21] 108007 (INF-γ) גמה-שימוש במעכב אינטרפרון בהכנת תרופה לטיפול במחלת דלקת המעי [54] USE OF AN INTERFERONGAMMA (IFN- γ) INHIBITOR IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE [22] [31] [51] [71] 13.12.1993 997835 [32] 29.12.1992 [33] US Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/00; A61P 1/00 // C07K 2/00, 14/57, 16/00, 19/00 Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. S. Horowitz & Co., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת [74] [57] Use of an interferon-gamma (IFN- γ) inhibits the binding of native IFN- γ to its inhibitor in the preparation of a native receptor, substantially as described medicament for treatment of inflammatory in the specification. bowel disease, wherein the inhibitor __________ [11] [21] 108779 פוליריבוזים המסוגל להקנות עמידות וצמחים בעלי עמידות,ווירלית לצמתים המייצרים אותו ריבוזים [54] POLYRIBOZYME CAPABLE OF CONFERRING VIRAL RESISTANCE TO PLANTS, AND RESISTANT PLANTS PRODUCING SAID RIBOZYME [22] [31] [51] [71] 27. 2.1994 9302269 [32] 26. 2.1993 [33] FR Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/11, 15/33, 9/22, 5/10; A01H 1/00, 3/00, 5/00 Gene Shears Pty. Limited, Canberra, ACT, Australia Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [74] [57] Polyribozyme having endoribonuclease activity and being capable of inactivating the capsid protein gene of a virus, wherein said polyribozyme comprises a plurality of ribozymes, each of 943 which cleaves the said capsid protein gene or the corresponding transcript of the said capsid protein gene, or its replication intermediate of the said capsid protein gene, each ribozyme comprising a catalytic August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה portion and hybridizing arms, wherein the portion of the capsid protein gene. hybridizing arms are complementary to a __________ [11] [21] 109382 שיטה מחוץ לגוף להכנסתם של גנים הטרולוגיים [54] IN VITRO METHOD FOR INSERTING A HETEROLOGOUS GENE [22] [31] 21.4.1994 9308271.7 [32] 21. 4.1993 [33] GB 9313323.9 28.6.1993 " 9401011.3 20.1.1994 " Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/10, 15/12, 5/16; A01K 67/027 The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [51] [71] [74] [57] In vitro method of inserting a heterologous gene coding sequence into a target endogenous gene in a eukaryotic cellular host cell genome and expressing said heterologous gene coding sequence, by transforming the host cell with a vector comprising a DNA construct, characterized in that the DNA construct comprises the sequence: 5' X-A-PA-B-Q-C-Y 3' in which X and Y are substantially homologous with separate sequences from the target endogenous gene and are of sufficient length to undergo homologous recombination with the host cell genome , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת so as to insert the A-P-B-Q-C sequence into the host cell genome; P is an internal ribosome entry site (IRES); Q is the heterologous gene coding sequence and encodes a first polypeptide other than a selectable marker and, optionally, a second polypeptide which is a selectable marker; and A, B and C are, separately, optionally linker sequences, wherein the construct inserts the heterologous gene coding sequence into or in place of the target endogenous gene so that transcription of the heterologous gene coding sequence is directed by the host regulatory elements for the target endogenous gene. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 944 [11] [21] 109991 מקטע דנ"א המכיל אגד גנים המקודדים לקומפלקס של דהידרוגנזה של חומצות קטו בלעות שרשרת מסועפת-אלפא מסטרפטומייסס אוורמטיליס [54] DNA SEQUENCE COMPRISING A GENE CLUSTER ENCODING BRANCHED CHAIN ALPHAKETOACID DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX FROM STREPTOMYCES AVERMITILIS [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] 13. 6.1994 168602 [32] 16. 12.1993 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/53, 15/76, 1/21, 9/02; C12P 19/62; // C12N 9/02; C12R 1:465 Pfizer, Inc., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] An isolated DNA segment comprising a gene cluster encoding the branched alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex of Streptomyces avermitilis, wherein said DNA segment comprises the DNA sequence of SEQ ID No. 1, SEQ ID No. 2, SEQ ID No. 3, or SEQ ID No. 4. __________ [11] [21] 110430 [54] DNA SEQUENCE COMPRISING A GENE CLUSTER ENCODING BRANCHED CHAIN ALPHAKETOACID DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX FROM STREPTOMYCES AVERMITILIS מקטע דנ"א המכיל אגד גנים המקודדים של קטו בעלות-הידרוגנזה של חומצות אלפא שרשרת מסועפת מסטרפטומייסס אוורמטיליס [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] 25. 7.1994 100518 [32] 30. 7.1993 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/53, 15/76, 1/21, 9/02; C12 P 19/62; // C12N 9/02; C12R 1/465 Pfizer, Inc., New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] An isolated DNA segment avermitilis, wherein said DNA segment comprising the bkd cluster coding for comprises the DNA sequence of SEQ ID branched-chain alpha-ketoacid No. 1, SEQ ID No. 2, SEQ ID No. 3, or dehydrogenase complex of a Streptomyces SEQ ID No. 4 or SEQ ID No. 5. __________ 945 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 111482 [54] [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] ASPERGILLUS NIGER ASPARTIC PROTEASE 1. 11.1994 93810764.6 [32] 3. 11.1993 K61Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/57, 9/60, 1/14 Novartis AG, Basle, Switzerland Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba פרוטאזה אספרטית של אספרגילוס נייגר [33] EP ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] An aspergillus niger strain deficient protease having the same aspartic protease in an aspergillus niger aspartic protease activity as the amino acid sequence shown gene encoding an aspergillus niger aspartic in SEQ.ID No.2. __________ [11] [21] 112261 MoMLV ריבוזימים המכוונים לרצף האריזה HIV שלTAT ולרצףPSI [54] RIBOZYMES TARGETING THE MoMLV PSI PACKAGING SEQUENCE AND THE HIV TAT SEQUENCE [22] [31] 5. 1.1995 178082 [32] 5. 1.1994 [33] US 310259 21.9.1994 " Int. Cl.7 C12N 5/10, 15/86, 15/11 Gene Shears Pty. Limited, Neutral Bay, NSW, Australia S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv [51] [71] [74] [57] A cell comprising a viral vector producing a non-naturally occurring RNA compound which comprises nucleotides whose sequence defines a catalytic region and nucleotides whose sequence comprises sequences complementary to both a first nucleotide sequence directly 3' and a second nucleotide sequence 5' of a target site in a target molecule of a MoMLV or a ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת HIV RNA virus, wherein the target site comprises three nucleotides of which the 5' nucleotide is selected form the group consisting of nucleotide numbers 274 and 366 of the MoMLV packaging sequence, and nucleotide number 5849 of the HIV tat gene, wherein the non-naturally occurring RNA compound inactivates the target molecule in the cell. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 946 [11] [21] 112327 עמידהE3 המקודד לאסטרזהDNA רצף עמידהE3 אסטרזה,לאורגנופוספטים ,לאורגנופוספטים המקודדת על ידו ושימושיהם [54] DNA SEQUENCE ENCODING AN ORGANOPHOSPHATERESISTANT E3 ESTERASE, AN ORGANOPHOSPHATERESISTANT E3 ESTERASE ENCODED THEREBY AND USES THEREOF [22] [31] [51] [71] 12. 1.1995 PM3347 [32] 13. 1.1994 [33] AU Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/55, 9/16, 1/21; C12Q 1/44, 1/68 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Campbell, ACT, Australia Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [74] [57] An isolated and purified organophosphate (OP)-resistant E3 esterase having the amino acid sequence L103con shown in Table 1 as given in the specification or a homolog thereof, wherein said OP-resistant E3 esterase has a ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת substitution of the amino acid corresponding to the glycine residue at position 137 of the OP-sensitive E3 esterase from Lucilia cuprina having the amino acid sequence Lc743 shown in Table 1. __________ [11] [21] 112329 DNA רציפי,איזומרזים של סוכרוזה המקודדים עבורם ותהליכים להכנת סוכרים המשתמשים בהם,שאינם גורמים לעששת [54] SUCROSE ISOMERASES, DNA SEQUENCES CODING THEREFOR AND PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION OF NON-CARIOGENIC SUGARS UTILIZING THE SAME [22] [31] 13. 1.1995 P4401451.1 [32] 19. 1.1994 [33] DE P4414185.8 22.4.1994 " Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/61, 9/90, 15/63, 1/21; C12P 19/24 Sudzucker Aktiengesellschaft, Mannheim, Germany [51] [71] 947 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [74] , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [57] DNA sequence characterized in that it codes for a protein with sucrose isomerase activity that isomerizes that α-1→β-2 glycosidic linkage between the monosaccharide units of sucrose to an α-1→6 linkage under the formation of palantinose or to a α-1-→ α-1 linkage under the formation of trehalulose, and comprises: (a) one of the nucleotide sequences shown in SEQ ID NO. 1, SEQ ID NO 2, SEQ ID NO. 3, SEQ ID NO. 9, SEQ ID NO. 11 or SEQ ID NO. 13, where appropriate without the signal peptide-coding region, or (b) a nucleotide sequence corresponding to the sequences from (a) within the scope of the degeneracy of the genetic code. __________ [11] [21] 114566 תכשירים המכילים חומצות גרעין ופולימר קטיוני ושימושיהם [54] COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING NUCLEIC ACIDS AND CATIONIC POLYMER AND THEIR USES [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] 12. 7.1995 9408735 [32] 13. 7.1994 [33] FR Int. Cl.7 C07H 21/00; C08G 73/04; C12N 15/87; A61K 9/127, 47/34, 48/00 Aventis Pharma, Antony, France Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] A composition comprising at least one nucleic acid and a cationic polymer of the formula: in which R is a hydrogen atom or a group of the formula August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 948 wherein the R group is attached at the (CH2) end to the N atom in the main formula; n is an integer between 2 and 10; p and q are integers, wherein the sum of p+q is such that the average molecular weight of the polymer is between 100 and 107. __________ [11] [21] 114655 ביצור תרופהGnRHשימוש באנטגוניסט ה לטיפול במצב התלוי בסטרואיד גונדתי ביונק [54] USE OF GnRH ANTAGONIST IN THE MANUFACTURE OF A MEDICAMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF A GONADALSTEROID DEPENDENT CONDITION IN A MAMMAL [22] [31] 18. 7.1995 279593 [32] 22. 7.1994 [33] US 467860 6.6.1995 " Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/00; A61P 5/24 // C07K 7/23 The Medical College of Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va. and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, Raritan, N.J., both of U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [51] [71] [74] [57] Use of a GnRH antagonist in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a gonadal-steroid dependent condition in a mammal, wherein said medicament, when administered in amount effective to inhibit proliferation of ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת endometrial tissue without substantially stopping the production of endogenous estrogen, is effective to reduce the estrogen supply in said mammal, substantially as described in the specification. __________ 949 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 115047 סוכר של-תצמידים חיסוניים המכילים רב ,פנוימוקוקוס ופנוימוליסין רקומבינטי חיסונים המכילים תצמידים כאלה ושימוש בחיסונים כאלה ביצור תרופות לחיסון כנגד דלקות פנוימוקוקוס [54] IMMUNOGENIC CONJUGATES COMPRISING PNEUMOCOCCAL POLYSACCHARIDE AND RECOMBINANT PNEUMOLYSIN, VACCINES COMPRISING SUCH CONJUGATES AND USE OF SUCH VACCINES IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS FOR IMMUNIZING AGAINST PNEUMOCOCCAL INFECTIONS [22] [31] [51] [71] 23. 8.1995 295305 [32] 24. 8.1994 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C07K 19/00, 14/315; A61K 39/09 Wyeth Holdings Corporation, Madison, N.J., U.S.A. S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] An immunogenic polysaccharideprotein conjugate comprising (a) an oxidized polysaccharide derived from the capsular polysaccharide of streptococcal pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae), and (b) the pneumolysin protein of S. pneumoniae ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת which is expressed recombinantly, where said pneumolysin is not toxoided or is not produced by site-specific mutagenesis prior to conjugation with said oxidized polysaccharide. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 950 [11] [21] 115473 תכשירי רוקחות ותרכובות לעיכוב שגשוג שימוש של תרכובות כאלה,תאי גבעול ושיטות במבחנה,בייצור תרופות לשם זה לטפל במוח עצמות ולהכין תאים הימטופואטיים לרפואה [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS AND COMPOUNDS FOR INHIBITION OF STEM CELL PROLIFERATION, USE OF SUCH COMPOUNDS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MEDICAMENTS FOR THIS PURPOSE, AND IN VITRO METHODS FOR TREATING BONE MARROW AND FOR PREPARING HEMATOPOIETIC CELLS FOR THERAPY [22] [31] 29. 9.1995 316424 [32] 30. 9.1994 [33] US 535882 28.9.1995 " Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/02, 38/04, 38/12, 38/41, 38/42; A61P 35/00, 35/02, 37/00; C07K 2/00, 7/08, 7/64, 14/47, 14/795, 14/805 Addition to 109177 Pro-Neuron, Inc., Gaithersburg, Md., U.S.A. Jeremy M. Ben-David & Co. Ltd., ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ P.O.B. 45087, Jerusalem ירושלים,45087 .ד.ת [51] [61] [71] [74] [57] Pharmaceutical composition, for use in the inhibition of stem cell proliferation, which comprises at least one pharmaceutically acceptable diluent, preservative, solubilizer, emulsifier, adjuvant, and/or carrier, and at least one active ingredient selected from substances (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv): (i) at least one compound possessing a combination of the properties: (a) specific activity (IC50) ≤20 ng/ml in a murine CFUS assay; (b) a molecular weight from 951 14,000 daltons to 17,000 daltons by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; (c) activity sensitive to degradation by trypsin; (d) more hydrophobicity than either MP1α or TGFβ and separable from both by reverse phase chromatography; (e) biological activity retained after heating one hour at 37oC, 55oC or 75oC in aqueous solution; (f) biological activity retained after precipitation with 1% hydrochloric acid in acetone; and (g) a capacity to August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה achieve inhibition in an in vitro proliferation assay after a short preincubation period; (ii) at least one member of the group consisting of hemoglobin, a polypeptide selected from the α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε- and ζchains of hemoglobin, and a dimer comprising two polypeptides selected from the α-, β-, γ-, δ-, ε- and ζ- chains of hemoglobin; (iii) at least one member of the group consisting of: a peptide having the sequence Phe-Pro- having the sequence Asp-Ala-Leu-ThrAsn-Ala-Val-Ala-His-Val-Asp-Asp-MetPro-Asn-Ala-Leu-Ser-Ala; (iv) at least one member of the group consisting of hemorphin peptides having the sequence: Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-ArgPhe, Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-Arg, Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln, Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr, Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp, Leu-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro, Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln, Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-Arg-Phe, Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-Arg, Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln, and Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr. His-Phe-Asp-Leu-Ser-His-Gly-SerAla-Gln-Val; a cyclic peptide having the sequence CysPhe-Pro-His-Phe-Asp-Leu-Ser-His-GlySer-Ala-Gln-Val-Cys where the two Cys residues form a disulfide bond; a peptide __________ [11] [21] 116026 שלSH3-פפטידים המתחברים לאיזור ה רצפי נוקליאוטידים המקדדים,GAP החלבון הכנתם ושמושיהם,להם [54] PEPTIDES CAPABLE OF LINKING TO THE SH3 DOMAIN OF GAP, NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCES ENCODING THE SAME, THEIR PREPARATION AND USES [22] [31] 16. 11.1995 9413955 [32] 22. 11.1994 [33] FR 9505753 16.5.1995 " Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/12; C07K 14/47; A61K 38/17; A61P 35/00; C12Q 1/68 Rhone Poulenc Rorer S.A., Antony, France Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [51] [71] [74] [57] Polypeptide capable of interacting with the SH3 domain of the GTP aseactivating protein (GAP protein) which polypeptide comprises an amino acid sequence selected from the sequence shown in SEQ ID No. 1, SEQ ID No. 2, SEQ ID No. 3, SEQ ID No. 4, SEQ ID No. 5 and SEQ ID No. 9; or a derivative thereof that is capable of interacting with the SH3 domain of the GAP protein. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 952 [11] [21] 117645 דם-נוגדי גורם גדילה של תאי דופן של כלי לשימוש כתרופה לטיפול בהתנוונות של עור הקשורה לזקנה-כתמי [54] VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELL GROWTH FACTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR USE AS MEDICAMENTS IN THE TREATMENT OF AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION [22] [31] [51] [71] 25. 3.1996 413305 [32] 30. 3.1995 [33] US Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/18, 39/395; A61P 37/02 Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] Therapeutically effective amount of hVEGF antagonist for use as a ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת medicament in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration. __________ [11] [21] 118890 שיטה, מוטאנטיותCTLA4 מולקולות להכנתן ושימושים בהן [54] CTLA4 MUTANT MOLECULES, METHOD FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND USES THEREOF [22] [31] [51] [71] 18. 7.1996 505058 [32] 21. 7.1995 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C07K 14/705; C12N 15/12, 15/85, 5/10; A61K 38/17; A61P 37/00, 37/06 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [74] 953 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] CTLA4 mutant molecule reactive with the CD80 antigen, wherein in an extracellular domain of CTLA4 the first tyrosine in the amino acid motif MYPPPY is replaced by an amino acid other that tyrosine or alanine. __________ [11] [21] 119422 שיטה והתקן לפענוח אות מוצפן [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DECODING AN ENCODED SIGNAL [22] [31] [51] [71] 14. 10.1996 581696 [32] 29. 12.1995 [33] US Int. Cl.7 H04B 7/216; H04L 27/06; H03D 1/00 Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Ill., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] An apparatus for decoding an encoded signal, the encoded signal having been interleaved by a transmitter, the apparatus comprising: (a) a receiver (156) for receiving the encoded signal and processing the encoded signal into a form suitable for deinterleaving; (b) a deinterleaver (210) coupled to the receiver, for producing a set of loglikelihood values; August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת (c) a conditional soft decision metric generator (310) for generating a set of conditional soft decision metrics from the set of log-likelihood values; (d) a bit metric generator (315) for generating bit metrics from the set of conditional soft decision metrics based upon a hard coded symbol value; and (e) means (320, 325) for decoding the bit metrics to produce an estimate (in 330) of the signal before encoding. 954 __________ [11] [21] 119721 [54] METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR MONITORING THE PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITION OF A PATIENT [22] [51] [71] [72] [74] 29. 11.1996 Int. Cl.7 A61B 5/0205 Mindlife Ltd., Jerusalem S. Pelz Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [57] A method of monitoring the physiological condition of a patient's body, comprising the steps of: obtaining signals representing the mechanical activity and movement of the body from two or more detecting and sensing means not secured to the body and spaced apart from each other; removing signals associated with the movements of the body from the obtained signals; separating signals possibly associated with cardiac and/or respiratory activity from the 955 שיטה ומערכת לבקרת מצב פיזיולוגי של חולה ירושלים,מיינדלייף בע"מ פלץ.ש ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת obtained signals; determining propagation rates of the pulse waves of cardiac and respiration activities by determining the shift of the obtained cardiac and respiration signals; comparing the signals representing propagation rates with propagation rate signals obtained from an earlier measurement of the same body; removing signals which are not characteristic of the wave propagation rates of said body; determining the cardiac and respiratory rhythm parameters from August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה the remaining signals; comparing said storing, displaying and comparing the parameters with parameters obtained from separated parameters with parameters an earlier measurement of the same body, obtained from said earlier measurements, as well as with predetermined parameters; and generating an alarm when one of the separating and removing parameters which parameters exceeds a preset range. differ from said predetermined parameters; __________ [11] [21] 119840 שיטה לניקוי הורמון פאראתירואיד של בני אדם [54] METHOD FOR PURIFYING HUMAN PARATHYROID HORMONE [22] [31] [51] [62] [71] 11. 5.1992 707114 [32] 23.5.1991 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C07K 14/635 Divison from 101829 NPS Allelix Corp., Mississauga, Ont., Canada Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A method for purifying human high performance liquid chromatography parathyroid hormone, which comprises the in the presence of a cationic ion-pairing step of fractionating a partially purified agent. human PTH preparation by reversed phase __________ [11] [21] 119938 פפטידים המעוררים תנגודת חיסונית להלם טוקסי המושרה ע"י אקסוטוקסינים ע"יT פירוגניים או סותרים שפעול של תאי טוקסינים שכאלה [54] PEPTIDES CAPABLE OF ELICITING PROTECTIVE IMMUNITY AGAINST TOXIC SHOCK INDUCED BY PYROGENIC EXOTOXINS OR OF ANTAGONIZING TOXINMEDIATED ACTIVATION OF T CELLS [22] [51] [71] 30.12.1996 Int. Cl.7 C07K 14/31, 14/315; 61K 38/16, 39/085; A61P 43/ 00 Yissum Research Development יישום חברה לפיתוח המחקר של company of the Hebrew University of ירושלים,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים Jerusalem, Jerusalem Raymond Kaempfer and Gila Arad ריימונד קמפפר וגילה ערד Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [72] [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 956 שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] Peptide comprising an amino acid sequence substantially homologous to the amino acid sequence of a fragment of a pyrogenic exotoxin, and derivatives of said peptide, wherein said peptide or derivative thereof is capable of at least one of eliciting protective immunity against toxic shock induced by a pyrogenic exotoxin or by a mixture of pyrogenic exotoxins and of antagonizing toxin-mediated activation of T cells, which fragment of said pyrogenic exotoxin forms therein a central turn starting within a β-strand and connecting it, via an additional short β-strand to an αhelix and does not bind T cell receptor (TCR) or MHC class II molecules, provided that said peptide does not have the amino acid sequence corresponding to amino acid residues 152-161 of SEB. __________ [11] [21] 120184 תכשירי רוקחות המכילים נגזרות טעונות יציבות של אגוניסטים או אנטאגוניסטים של סטרואידים למניעת אנגיוגנזה [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING PERMANENTLY CHARGED DERIVATIVES OF STEROID AGONISTS OR ANTAGONISTS FOR PREVENTING ANGIOGENESIS [22] [51] [71] [72] [74] 9. 2.1997 Int. Cl.7 C07C 215/28, 217/30, 317/14; A61K 31/095, 31/13 A61P 43/ 00 Pharmos Ltd., Rehovot רחובות,פארמוס בע"מ Anat Beigon and Marcus E. Brewster ברוסטר.ענת ביאגון ומרכוס א Dr. Cynthia Webb, ,ד"ר סינתיה וב P.O.B 2189, Rehovot רחובות,2189 .ד.ת [57] A pharmaceutical composition for treating or reducing angiogenesis comprising as an active ingredient a 957 therapeutically effective quantity of a compound of the formula August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה wherein: Y is any non-toxic pharmaceutically acceptable anion; DRUG is a radical selected from the group consisting of a steroid agonist or antagonist, a mixed agonist-antagonist, and a partial agonist and does not include a triphenyl ethyl or triphenyl ethylene moiety in which the ethyl or ethylene moieties are not additionally substituted; X is a direct bond or a radical selected from the group consisting of -O-; -NH-; NR-, wherein R is an alkyl or aryl with less than ten carbons; -PO3-; -S-; -SO-; and –SO2-; R1 and R2 are the same or different and may be a radical selected from the group consisting of H, an alkyl of 1-10 carbon atoms, an arylalkyl of 7-16 carbons, and an aryl; R3, R4 and R5 are independently a radical selected from the group consisting of a branched or unbranched, cyclic or noncyclic alkyl of 1-10 carbon atoms; an alkyl of up to 10 carbon atoms substituted by carboxy, hydroxy, alkoxy, halo, or nitro group; a branched or unbranched, cyclic or noncyclic arylalkyl of 7-16 carbon atoms; and an aryl; and n is 0-12. __________ [11] [21] 121329 [54] [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] PHARMACEUTICAL תכשיר רוקחות לטיפול בסרטן הכולל COMPOSITION FOR THE ופפטידים אחרים2סומטוסתטין TREATMENT OF CANCER COMPRISING SOMATOSTATIN2 AND OTHER PEPTIDES 17. 7.1997 727679 [32] 8. 10.1996 [33] US Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/31, 38/10, 38/22; A61P 35/00 // C07K 14/655, 14/575, 7/ 08 National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, India Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] Pharmaceutical composition comprising: a therapeutically effective combination of peptide somatostatin2 (SOM2) and at least four of peptides: Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide1, 2,3 (VIP1), (VIP2), (VIP3), Somatostatin1 (SOM1), bombesin antagonist1 (BOM1), and substance P antagonist1 (SP1). __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 958 [11] [21] 122783 [54] [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] CELL ADHESION INHIBITORS מעכבי הדבקות תאים ותכשירי רוקחות AND PHARMACEUTICAL המכילים אותם COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME 11. 7.1996 498237 [32] 11. 7.1995 [33] US WO 97/03094 Int. Cl.7 C07K 5/06, 5/08, 5/10, 7/06, 14/78; A61K 38/04, 38/39; A61P 3/10, 19/02, 31/00, 37/06, 37/08 Biogen Idec MA Inc., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [57] Cell adhesion inhibitory compound of the formula Z-(Y1)-(Y2)-(Y3)n-X (I) and pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof; wherein: Z is selected from the group consisting of aliphatic acyl substituted with N-arylamido; heterocycloyl; alkylsulfonyl; substituted aralkylcarbonyl; heterocycloalkylcarbonyl; cycloalkylcarbonyl fused with aryl; heterocycloalkyloxycarbonyl; alkylaminocarbonyl; arylaminocarbonyl and aralkylaminocarbonyl optionally substituted with bis (alkylsulfonyl) amino, alkoxycarbonylamino or alkenyl; alkylsulfonyl; aralkylsulfonyl; arylsulfonyl; cycloalkylsulfonyl optionally fused with aryl; heterocyclylsulfonyl; heterocyclylalkylsulfonyl; aryloxycarbonyl; cycloalkyloxycarbonyl; heterocycloxycarbonyl; heterocyclylalkoxycarbonyl; mono-or dialkylaminocarbonyl optionally substituted with aryl; (alkyl) (aralkyl)aminocarbonyl; mono- or diaralkylaminocarbonyl; monoor di-arylaminocarbonyl; (aryl) (alkyl) aminocarbonyl; mono – or dicycloalkylaminocarbonyl; heterocyclylaminocarbonyl; heterocyclylalkylaminocarbonyl; (alkyl) (heterocyclyl) aminocarbonyl; (alkyl) 959 heterocyclylalkyl) aminocarbonyl; (aralkyl) (heterocyclyl) aminocarbonyl; (aralkyl) (heterocyclylalkyl) aminocarbonyl; alkenoyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkenylsulfonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkynoyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkynylsulfonyl optionally substituted with aryl; cycloalkenylcarbonyl; cycloalkenylsulfonyl; cycloalkylalkylsulfonyl; arylaroyl, biarylsulfonyl; alkoxysulfonyl; aralkoxysulfonyl; alkylaminosulfonyl; aryloxysulfonyl; arylaminosulfonyl; Narylurea-subsituted alkanoyl; N-arylureasubstituted alkylsulfonyl; cycloalkenylsubstituted carbonyl; cycloalkenylsubsituted sulfonyl; alkenoxycarbonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkenoxysulfonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkynoxycarbonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkynoxysulfonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkenyl-or alkynylaminocarbonyl optionally substituted with aryl; alkenyl or alkynylaminosulfonyl optionally substituted with aryl; acylamino-substituted alkanoyl; acylaminosubstituted alkylsulfonyl; aminocarbonyl-substituted alkanoyl; carbamoyl-substituted alkanoyl; carbamoylsubstituted alkylsulfonyl; August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה heterocyclylaminosulfonyl; carboxyalkylsubstituted aralkoyl; carboxyalkylsubstituted aralkylsulfonyl; oxocarbocyclyl-fused aroyl; oxocarbocyclyl-fused arylsulfonyl; heterocyclylalkanoyl; N', N'-alkyl, arylhydrazinocarbonyl; aryloxy-substituted alkanoyl and heterocyclylalkylsulfonyl, Y1 is –N(R1)-C(R2)(A1)-C(O)-; Y2 is –N(R1)-C(R2)(A2)-C(O)-; each Y3 is independently represented by the formula –N(R1)-C(R2)(A3)-C(O)-; each R1 is independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, and aralkyl; alkenyl; alkynyl; cycloalkyl; cycloalkenyl; cycloalkylalkyl; aryl; aminoalkyl; mono- or di-alkyl-substituted aminoalkyl; mono-or di-aralkyl-subsituted aminoalkyl; hydroxyalkyl; alkoxyalkyl; mercaptoalkyl; and thioalkoxyalkyl; A1 is selected from the group consisting of amino acid side chains and corresponding protected derivatives; cycloalkyl; and alkyl optionally substituted with amino, acylamino, amino-substituted acylamino, alkoxycarbonylamino, aryl, cycloalkyl, carboxy, alkoxy, aralkyloxy, alkoxycarbonyl, aralkoxycarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, alkylaminocarbonyl, dialkylaminocarbonyl, (alkyl) (aralkyl) aminocarbonyl, aralkylaminocarbonyl, diaralkylaminocarbonyl, hydroxyl, carboxyalkylaminocarbonyl, hydroxylaminocarbonyl, mercapto, thioalkoxy or heterocycle; A2 is selected from the group consisting of acidic functional groups and alkyl optionally substituted with an acidic functional group, protected acidic functional group or aryl; each A3 is independently selected from the group consisting of amino acid side chains and corresponding protected derivatives; aryl; cycloalkyl; and alkyl optionally substituted with amino, acylamino, aminosubstituted acylamino, aryl, cycloalkyl, carboxy, alkoxy, aralkyloxy, alkoxcarbonyl, aralkoxycarbonyl, aminocarbonyl, August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה alkylaminocarbonyl, dialkylaminocarbonyl, (alkyl) (aralkyl) aminocarbonyl, aralkylaminocarbonyl, diaralkylaminocarbonyl, hydroxyl, carboxyalkylaminocarbonyl, hydroxylaminocarbonyl, mercapto, thioalkoxy or heterocycle; provided that R1 and any of A1, A2, and A3 can be taken together with the atoms to which they are each attached to form a 3- to 6- membered ring heterocycle; each R2 is independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and alkyl; N is an integer from 0 to 8; and X is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy; aryloxy; aralkyloxy; hydroxyl; amino; dialkylamino; cycloalkylamino; dicyloalkylamino; cycloalkylalkylamino; (alkyl) (aryl) amino; (mono- or biscarboxylic acid) – substituted alkylamine, alkylamino optionally substituted with hydroxy, aminocarbonyl, Nalkylaminocarbonyl, carboxy or alkoxycarbonyl, aralkylamino optionally substituted with carboxy; diaralkylamino; arylamino; heterocycle; heterocyclylamino; and heterocyclylsubstituted alkylamino; further provided that the compound of formula l is expressly not N-carboxymethyl-N(phenylacetyl-L-leucyl-L-aspartyl-L phenylalanyl-L-prolyl) piperazine (i.e., when Z=phenylacetyl, Y1=L, Y2=D, Y3=F/P, n=2, and X=4carboxymethylpiperazinyl) and expressly not phenylacetylL leucyl-L-aspartyl-Lphenylalanyl-D-proline amide (i.e., when Z=phenylacetyl, Y1=L, Y2=D, Y3=F/P, n=2, and X=NH2); and with the proviso that Z is not benzyl, phenylacetyl, pyridinylcarbonyl, pyridinylacetyl, anilinocarbonyl, 3-quinolinoyl, pyrazolylcarbonyl, tryptophyl, and 3, 4dihydroxybenzoyl when Y2 is D, Y3 is V, I, F, P, W, Y, or L, and n is 1; and when Y2 is D and n is 0. (The terms L, D, F, P, W, V, I, Y are defined in the specification) 960 __________ [11] [21] 123131 הרכבים הכוללים אוליגוסכרידים שאינם ניתנים לעיכול להפחתת משך זמן השלשול [54] COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING INDIGESTIBLE OLIGOSACCHARIDES FOR REDUCING THE DURATION OF DIARRHEA [22] [31] 2. 7.1996 60/001036 [32] 11. 7.1995 [33] US 653084 11.6.1996 " WO 97/02829 Int. Cl.7 A61K 31/7016; A61P 1/12 // C07H 3/00 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill., U.S.A. Dr. Shlomo Cohen & Co., P.O.B. 11490, Tel-Aviv [87] [51] [71] [74] ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות אביב- תל,11490 .ד.ת indigestible oligosaccharide selected from the group consisting of fructooligosaccharides, fructosans, oxylooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides, in which said [57] A composition useful for reducing indigestible oligosaccharide includes lthe duration of diarrhea in humans, said kestose, nystose, and 1F-β-fructorfuranosyl composition comprising at least one nystose. __________ [11] [21] 123370 [54] CONDITIONAL ACCESS DEVICE AND PROCESS [22] [31] 19. 2.1998 PCT/FR 96/01269 [32] 8. 8.1996 9509952 21.8.1995 9513038 3.11.1995 Int. Cl.7 G06F 1/00//G07F 7/10 Cornel Sirbu, Guy Ancourt, France Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [51] [71] [74] 961 תהליך ומכשיר גישה מותנה [33] WO FR " ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] A conditional access device intended to be used in connection with an electronic host equipment, formed by a pointing pheripheral including at least one microcircuit card coupler, characterized in that it further includes means for acquiring personal informative data specific to a user, representative of a confidential code of the user and in that said personal informative data are locally compared with informative data stored in the microcircuit card in order to provide an authorization information datum of the user or not, transmitted to the host electronic equipment without having said personal informative data pass through the host electronic equipment. __________ [11] [21] 123642 -תכשירי רוקחות המכילים פגוציטים חד גרעיניים לעידוד יצירה מחודשת של אקסונים [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTES TO PROMOTE AXONAL REGENERATION [22] [31] 12. 9.1996 528845 [32] 15. 9.1995 [33] US 695351 9.8.1996 FR Int. Cl.7 C12N 5/06,5/08; A61K 35/12, 35/30, 48/00; A61P 25/00 [51] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 962 [71] [72] [74] רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., Rehovot Michal Eisenbach-Schwartz, Orly Spiegler and David L. Hirschberg דוד, אורלי שפיגלר,שוורץ-מיכל אייזנבך הירשברג ,עמי-פאולינה בן ,'עמי ושות-בן רחובות,94 .ד.ת Paulina Ben-Ami, Ben-Ami & Associates, P.O.B. 94, Rehovot [57] Pharmaceutical composition comprising non-stimulated allogeneic mononuclear phagocytes, or allogeneic mononuclear phagocytes that have been stimulated together with at least one stimulatory tissue, with stimulatory cells, with medium conditioned by at least one stimulatory tissue or with stimulatory cells, or with medium to which at least one stimulatory biologically active agent has been added, said stimulatory tissue, cells or biologically active agent being capable of enhancing the capacity of the nononuclear phagocytes to promote axonal regeneration, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. __________ [11] [21] 123995 [54] PEPTIDE DERIVATIVES, THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM [22] [31] [51] [62] [71] [74] 12. 5.1994 9301916-4 [32] 3. 6.1993 Int. Cl.7 C07K 5/12; A61K 47/42 A61P 43/00 Division from 109634 AstraZeneca AB, Sodertalje, Sweden Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya הכנתן ותכשירי,תולדות של פפטידים רוקחות המכילות אותן [33] SE ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר [57] Trypsin-Like serine protease inhibiting compounds of the formula 963 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה wherein: A1 represents a structural fragment of the formula wherein: k is an integer 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; m is an integer 1, 2, 3, or 4; q is an integer 0, 1, 2, or 3; R1 represents R11OOC-alkyl-, where the alkyl group has 1 to 4 carbon atoms and is possibly substituted in the position which is alpha to the carbonyl group, and the alpha subsitutent is a group R17-(CH2)p-, wherein p is 0, 1 or 2 and R17 is COOR12, CONHR12, where R12 is H, an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or a benzyl group, and R11 is H or an alkyl group having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, or a benzyl group, or R1 represents Ph (4-COOR12) – CH2-, where R12 is as defined above, or R1 represents R13-NH-CO-alkyl-, where the alkyl group has 1 to 4 carbona toms and is possibly substituted alpha to the carbonyl with an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms and where R13 is H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or –CH2COOR12, where R12 is as defined above, or R1 represents R12OOC-CH2-OOC-alkyl-, where the alkyl group has 1 to 4 carbon atoms and is possibly substituted alpha to the carbonyl with an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms and where R12 is as defined above, or R1 represents R14S2-, Ph (4-COOR12)-SO2-, Ph (3-COOR12)- SO2-, Ph (2-COOR12) – SO2- where R12 is as defined above and R14 is an alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, or R1 represents –CO-R15, wherein R15 is an alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, or R1 represents –CO-OR15, where R15 is as defined above, or R1 represents –CO- (CH2)p-COOR12, where R12 is as defined above and p is an integer 0, 1 or 2, or R2 represents H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or R21OOC-alkyl-, where the alkyl group has 1 to 4 carbon atoms and where R21 is H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms or a benzyl group; R3 represents an alkyl group having 1-4 carbon atoms, and the alkyl group may or may not carry one or more fluorine atoms, or R3 represents a cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl- or a phenyl group which may or may not be substituted with an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbonatoms, or R3 represents a phenyl group substituted with a OR31 group, where R31 is H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms and k is 0, 1, or August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 964 R3 represents a 1-naphthyl or 2-naphthyl group and k is 0, 1, or R3 represents a cis- or trans-decalin group and k is 0, 1, or R3 represents 4-pyridyl, 3-pyrrolidyl or 3indolyl which may or may not be substituted with a OR31 group, where R31 is as defined above and k is 0, 1, or R3 represents Si(Me)3 or CH(R32)2, wherein R32 is a cyclohexyl- or a phenyl group; R4 represents H, an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, a cyclohexyl or phenyl group; A2 represents a structural fragment of the formula wherein: p is an integer 0, 1 or 2; m is an integer 1, 2, 3 or 4; Y represents a methylene group, or Y represents an ethylene group and the resulting 5-membered ring may or may not carry one or two fluorine atoms, a hydroxy group or an oxo group in position 4, or may or may not be unsaturated, or Y represents –CH2-O-, -CH2-S-, -CH2-SO-, with the heteroatom functionality in position 4, or Y represents a n-propylene group and the resulting 6-membered ring may or may not carry in position 5 one fluorine atom, a hydroxy group or an oxo group, carry two fluorine atoms in one of positions 4 or 5 or be unsaturated in position 4 and 5, or carry in position 4 an alkyl group with 1 to 4 carbon atoms, or Y represents –CH2-O-CH2-, -CH2-S-CH2-, -CH2-SO-CH2-, or Y represents –CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-; R3 is as defined above; R5 represents H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, or R5 represents –(CH2)p-COOR51, where p is 0, 1 or 2 and R51 is H or an alkyl group having 1 to 4 carbon atoms; n is an integer 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; B represents a structural fragment of the formula wherein: R is an integer 0 or1; X1 represents CH2 or NH or is absent; X2 represents CH2, NH or C=NH; X3 represents NH, C=NH, N-C(NH)-NH2, CH-C(NH)-NH2, CH-NH-C(NH)-NH2 or CH-CH2-C(NH)-NH2; X4 represents CH2 or NH; X5 represents C(NH)-NH2 or NH-C(NH)NH2; X6 represents CH or N; R6 is H or an alkyl group having 1 -4 carbon atoms; D is Z or (Z)2; 965 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה Z is a benzyloxy carbonyl group; either the compound as such or stereoisomers thereof or in the form of a physiologically acceptable salt. __________ [11] [21] 124043 [54] COMPOSITION CONTAINING A MONOCLONAL IMMUNOGLOBULIN THE SEQUENCE OF WHICH IS SUBSTANTIALLY IDENTICAL TO HUMAN IMMUNOGLOBULIN AND WHICH HAS UNDERGONE SOMATICAL MUTATION [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 10. 10.1996 544404 [32] 10. 10.1995 WO 97/13852 Int. Cl.7 C07K 16/00, 16/28; C12N 5/20 Genpharm International, Inc., San Jose, Calif., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] [57] A monoclonal human immunoglobulin composition free of other human proteins, comprising a human sequence IgG having a binding constant of at least 2X109M-1 for binding to a predetermined human antigen, wherein said immunoglobulin consists of: (a) somatically mutated human sequence light chain composed of (1) a light chain variable region having a polypeptide sequence which is substantially identical to a polypeptide sequence encoded by a human VL gene segment and a human JL segment, and (2) a light chain constant region having a polypeptide sequence which is substantially identical to a polypeptide sequence encoded by a human CL gene segment; and שבטי שרצפו-תכשיר של אימונוגלובלין חד זהה בעיקרו לאימונוגלובולין של אדם ועבר מוטציה סומטית [33] US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת (b) a somatically mutated human sequence heavy chain composed of a (1) a heavy chain variable region having a polypeptide sequence which is substantially identical to a polypeptide sequence encoded by a human VH gene segment, a D region, and a human JH segment, and (2) a constant region having a polypeptide sequence which is substantially identical to a polypeptide sequence encoded by a human CH gene segment wherein the human sequence heavy chain and human sequence light chain are separately encoded by a human heavy chain transgene and a human light chain transgene integrated into a mouse cell genome. _________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 966 [11] [21] 124268 [54] [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] HYPOCHOLESTEROLEMIC (1ARYL-2-OXO-3-SUBSTITUTED-4AZETIDINYL) PHENYLGLUCOPYRANOSE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM 29. 10.1996 60/008185 [32] 31. 10.1995 [33] US 570847 12.12.1995 " WO 97/16455 Int. Cl.7 C07H 15/26; A61K 31/7052; A61P 3/06, 9/00 Schering Corporation, Kenilworth, N.J., U.S.A. Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & Cohen,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן Zedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר A compound of the formula or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein R26 is H or OG1; 967 -4-מותמר-3-אוקסו-2-אריל-1( תולדות אזטידיניל) פנילגלוקופיראנוז היפוכלסטרולמיות ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן G and G1 are independently selected from the group consisting of August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה OH, G is not H; R, Ra and Rb are independently selected from the group consisting of H, -OH, halogeno, -NH2, azido, (C1-C6) alkoxy (C1C6)- alkoxy or –W-R30; W is independently selected from the group consisting of –NH-C(O)-, -O-C(O)-, -O-C(O)-N(R31)-and –O-C(S)-N(R31)-; R2 and R6 are independently selected from the group consisting of H, (C1-C6) alkyl, aryl and aryl (C1-C6) alkyl; R3, R4, R5, R7, R3a and R4a are independently selected from the group consisting of H, (C1-C6) alkyl, aryl (C1-C6) alkyl, -C(O)(C1-C6) alkyl and –C(O) aryl; R30 is independently selected from the group consisting of R32- substituted T, R32subsituted-T-(C1-C6) alkyl, R32-substituted – (C2-C4) alkenyl, R32- substituted --(C1C6) alkyl, R32-substituted- (C3-C7) cycloalkyl and R32-substituted- (C3-C7) cycloakyl (C1-C6) alkyl; R31 is independently selected from the group consisting of H and (C1-C4) alkyl; T is independently selected from the group consisting of phenyl, furyl, thienyl, pyrrolyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, thiazolyl, isothiazolyl, benzothiazolyl, thiadiazolyl, pyrazolyl, imidazolyl and pyridyl; R32 is independently selected from 1-3 substituents independently selected from the group consisting of halogeno, (C1-C4) alkyl, -OH, phenoxy, -CF3, -NO2, (C1-C4) alkoxy, methylenedioxy, oxo, (C1-C4) alkylsulfanyl, (C1-C4) alkylsufinyl, (C1-C4) alkylsulfonyl, -N(CH3)2, -C(O)-NH(C1-C4) alkyl, -C(O)-N((C1-C4) alkyl)2, -C(O)-(C1C4) alkyl, -C(O)-(C1-C4) alkoxy and pyrrolidinylcarbonyl; or R31, the nitrogen to which it is attached and R30 form a pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, N-methyl-piperazinyl, indolinyl or morpholinyl group, or a (C1-C4) alkoxycarbonyl-substituted pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl, N-methylpiperazinyl, indolinyl or morpholinyl group; Ar1 is aryl or R10-substituted aryl; Ar2 is aryl or R11-substituted aryl; Q is a bond or with the 3-position ring carbon of the azetidinone, R1 is selected from the group consisting of -(CH2)q-, wherein q is 2-6, provided that when Q forms a spiro ring, q can also be zero or 1; -(CH2)e-E-(CH2)1, wherein E is –O-, C(O)-, phenylene, -NR22- or –S(O)0-2-, e is 0-5 and r is 0-5, provided that the sum of e and r is 1-6; -(C2-C6) alkenylene-; and -(CH2)f-V-(CH2)g-, wherein V is C3-C6 cycloalkylene, f is 1-5 and g is 0-5, provided that the sum of f and g is 1-6; R12 is August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 968 R13 and R14 are independently selected from the group consisting of –CH2-, CH(C1-C6 alkyl)-, -C(di-(C1-C6) alkyl), CH=CH- and –C(C1-C6 alkyl)=CH-; or R12 together with an adjacent R13, or R12 together with an adjacent R14, form a – C=CH- or a –C=C(C1-C6 alkyl)- group; a and b are independently 0, 1, 2 or 3, provided both are not zero; provided that when R13 is-CH=CH- or –C(C1-C6 alkyl) =CH-, a is 1; provided that when R14 is –CH=CH- or -C(C1-C6 alkyl)=CH-, b is 1; provided that when a is 2 or 3, the R13's can be the same or different; and provided that when b is 2 or 3, the R14's can be the same or different; and when Q is a bond, R1 also can be: M is –O-, -S-, -S(O)- or –S(O)2-; X, Y and Z are independently selected from the group consisting of –CH2-, -CH(C1-C6) alkyl- and –C(di--(C1-C6) alkyl); R10 and R11 are independently selected from the group consisting of 1-3 substituents independently selected from the group consisting of -(C1-C6) alkyl, OR19, -O(CO)R19, -O(CO)OR21, -O(CH2)119 19 20 19 20 5OR , -O(CO)NR R , -NR R , 19 20 NR (CO)R , -NR19(CO)OR21, -NR19(CO)NR20R25, NR19SO2R21, -COOR19, -CONR19R20, -COR19,- SO2NR19R20, S(O)0-2R21, -O(CH2)1-10 –COOR19, -O(CH2)1-10 CONR19R20, -(C1-C6 alkylene)COOR19, -CH=CH-COOR19, -CF3, -CN, CN, -NO2 and halogen; R15 and R17 are independently selected from the group consisting of –OR19, O(CO)R19, -O(CO)OR21 and – O(CO)NR19R20; R16 and R18 are independently selected from the group consisting of H; -(C1-C6) alkyl and aryl; or R15 and R16 together are =O, or R17 and R18 together are =O; d is 1, 2 or 3; h is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4; s is 0 or 1; t is 0 or 1; m, n and p are independently 0-4; provided that at least one of s and t is 1, and the sum of m, n, p, s and t is 1-6; provided that when p is 0 and t is 1, the sum of m, s and n is 1-5; and provided that when p is 0 and s is 1, the sum of m, t and n is 1-5; v is 0 or 1; i and k are independently 1-5, provided that the sum of j, k and v is 1-5; also be pyridyl, isoxazolyl, furanyl, pyrrolyl, thienyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, thiazolyl, pyrazinyl, pyrimidinyl or pyridazinyl; R19 and R20 are independently selected from the group consisting of H, -(C1-C6) alkyl, aryl and aryl-substituted -(C1-C6) alkyl; R21 is -(C1-C6) alkyl, aryl or R24substituted aryl; R22 is H, -(C1-C6) alkyl, aryl -(C1-C6) alkyl, -C(O)R19 or –COOR19; 969 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה R23 and R24 are independently 1-3 groups independently selected from the group consisting of H, -(C1-C6) alkyl, -(C1-C6) alkoxy, -COOH, NO2, -NR19R20, -OH and halogeno; and R25 is H, -OH or -(C1-C6) alkoxy. __________ [11] [21] 124498 [54] NURSING BOTTLE WITH TWO PIECE AIR VENTING STRUCTURE [22] [51] [62] [71] 14. 5.1998 Int. Cl.7 A61J 9/04 Addition to 123822 New Vent Designs, Inc., Mt. Zion, Ill., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] An improved nursing bottle (100) of the type having an internal venting prevent a structure (112, 116, 118) to vacuum from being formed within the bottle when inverted, the improvement comprising: בקבוק לתינוק עם התקן אוורור בעל שני חלקים ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת a venting structure formed from no more than two integral pieces, wherein one of said integral pieces comprises a reservoir (116). __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 970 [11] [21] 125145 [54] חלקיקים של רקומביננט ויראלי-פסאודו והשימוש בהם כחיסון או נגד גידול סרטני VIRAL RECOMBINANT PSEUDO-PARTICLES AND VACCINAL AND ANTITUMORAL APPLICATIONS [22] [51] [71] 30. 8.1996 Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/34, 15/35, 15/40; C07K 14/01, 14/015 A61K 39/295 Institut Pasteur, Paris, France and Immunologia y Genetica Aplicada S.A., Madrid, Spain [74] Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] Recombinant viral pseudo-particles presence of at least one antigenic characterized in that they are constituted determinant comprising a sequence of 8 to by auto-assembly of at least one viral 25 amino acids, only able to associate with structural protein, in that they have a size at least one class I molecule of the major of between 20 and 60 nm, in that they form histo-compatibility complex, said an approximately icosahedral structure, association being recognized by cytotoxic and in that said protein is modified by the CD8+T lymphocytes. __________ [11] [21] 125734 פפטידים אנטיפתוגניים ותכשירים המכילים אותם [54] ANTIPATHOGENIC PEPTIDES AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM [22] [51] [71] 20. 2.1997 Int. Cl.7 C07K 14/435, 14/46; A61K 38/04, 38/17; A61P 31/00, 3 5/00 Yeda Research and Development Co. רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופיתוח בע"מ Ltd., Rehovot Yechiel Shai and Ziv Oren יחיאל שי וזיו אורן Paulina Ben-Ami, ,עמי-פאולינה בן Ben-Ami & Associates, ,'עמי ושות-בן P.O.B. 94, Rehovot רחובות,94 .ד.ת [72] [74] 971 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה higher than that in which it manifests said cytolytic activity on pathogenic cells, said peptide having the following characteristics: (a) it is a peptide comprising both L-amino acid residues and D-amino acid residues; (b) the peptide has a net positive charge which is greater than +1; and (c) the peptide is amphipathic, with the proviso that said peptide is not D-L5, L19TA2-Par. [57] Peptide having a selective cytolytic activity manifested in that it has a cytolytic activity on pathogenic cells, and it has no cytolytic effect on red blood cells or has a cytolytic effect on red blood cells at concentrations which are substantially __________ [11] [21] 125789 אנושיt-PA שימוש בוריאנט חסר של חלבון דם-להכנת תרופה לטיפול במחלות כלי [54] USE OF A DELETION VARIANT HUMAN t-PA PROTEIN IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR TREATMENT OF VASCULAR DISEASES [22] [31] 28. 6.1988 068448 [32] 30. 6.1987 170970 21.3.1988 188237 29.4.1988 Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/49; A61P 7/02; C12N 9/50 Division from 86887 Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv [51] [62] [71] [74] [57] The use of an amino acid deletion variant human t-PA protein produced in a recombinant host cell, and free of derivatives wherein blocking groups are included on their protein structure, in the preparation of a medicament for the treatment of vascular disease in a patient for which t-PA plasma half-life longer than that exhibited by natural t-PA and/or clearance rates less than the clearance rate exhibited by natural t-PA is advantageous, wherein said deletion variant has all or a August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [33] US " " ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת portion of the finger region removed, and results in said variant human t-PA protein exhibiting a plasma half-life of at least 12 minutes or at least 2 times longer than that exhibited by natural t-PA made in the same host cell and/or clearance rates less than 2 ml/min/kg or half or less the clearance rate exhibited by natural t-PA protein made in the same host cell, or the use of an amino acid deletion variant human t-PA protein produced in a recombinant host cell, free of derivatives wherein blocking groups are 972 included on their protein structure, in the preparation of a medicament for the treatment of vascular disease in a patient for which t-PA plasma half-life longer than that exhibited by natural t-PA and/or clearance rates less than the clearance rate exhibited by natural t-PA is advantageous, wherein said deletion variant has at least a portion of the kringle 1 domain removed, and results in said variant human t-PA protein exhibiting a plasma half-life of at least 12 minutes or at least 2 times longer than that exhibited by natural t-PA made in the same host cell and/or clearance rates less than 2 ml/min/kg or half or less the clearance rate exhibited by natural t-PA protein made in the same host cell, with the exclusion of variant t-PA consisting of the entire wild-type amino acid sequence of t-PA apart from a deletion consisting of amino acids 92-173, and the N-terminus upstream of Serl denoted by R, where R is absent or is selected from the natural signal sequence of t-PA, Gly-Ala-Arg-, Met-GlyAla-Arg or Met-, and optionally having Glu at 275 and/or Ile at 277. __________ [11] [21] 125809 [54] PROCESS AND INTERMEDIATES FOR PRODUCTION OF DONEPEZIL AND RELATED COMPOUNDS [22] [51] [71] [74] 17. 8.1998 Int. Cl.7 C07D 211/32, 211/34, 213/50 FineTech Laboratories, Ltd., Haifa Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya תהליך וחומרי ביניים להכנת דונפזיל ותרכובות דומות חיפה,פיינטק מעבדות בע"מ ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר [57] A process for the preparation of a compound of the formula and optical isomers and salts thereof wherein: 973 R4, R5, R6 and R7 are identical or different and each represents hydrogen, C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, or halogen; August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה R10 is selected from benzyl, C1-6 alkyl, ωaralkyl, acyl and C1-6 alkoxycarbonyl, which process comprises the following steps: (a) reacting a compound of the formula wherein R8 and R9 are identical or different and each represents C1-6 alkyl and R4, R5, R6 and R7 are as defined above with 4- pyridinecarboxaldehyde in the presence of base to give a compound of the formula wherein the dotted lines represent two possible locations of the double bond formed in the reaction, R4, R5, R6, R7 and R8 are as defined above, including tautomers, stereoisomers or mixtures thereof as well as acid addition salt thereof; (b) catalytic hydrogenation of the compound or mixture of compounds or their salts obtained in step (a) to give a compound of the formula wherein R4, R5, R7 and R8 are as defined above, as well as acid addition salt thereof; (c) reacting the compound obtained in step (b) above or a salt thereof with a compound of formula R10X, wherein R10 is as defined above and X is a leaving group, to yield a compound of the formula wherein R4, R5, R6, R7, R8 and R10 are as defined above, or its salt; following hydrolysis of the ester group to form the corresponding carboxylic acid or a salt thereof; (d) intramolecular cyclization of the August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 974 carboxylic acid obtained in step (c) above or salt thereof to yield the compound [Ib]; (e) optionally converting the resulting compound of formula [1b] into a pharmacologically acceptable salt. Claimed as novel are the compounds of the formula wherein R4, R5, R6 and R7 are as above, and the compounds of the formula (II) R11 is hydrogen or is selected from benzyl, including tautomers, steroisomers or C1-16 alkyl, ω-aralkyl, acyl and C1-6 mixtures thereof as well as acid addition alkoxycarbonyl, salts thereof, with the proviso that when R12 is hydrogen or C1-6 alkyl, three of R4-R7 are H, the other one is including optical isomers and salts thereof halogen or C1-6 alkoxy. __________ [11] [21] 126107 [54] LASER RANGING SYSTEM [22] [51] [71] 7. 9.1998 Int. Cl.7 G01C 3/08 Rafael – Armament Development Authority Ltd., Haifa [74] Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya [57] A laser ranging system comprising: (a) a laser pulse emitter (10) for producing a pulse of light to be reflected by at least one object at an unknown distance from said laser emitter; (b) an imaging and impingement detecting sensor (12) having a multiplicity of photoelements for collecting reflected light from said at least one object and for determining the intensity of said reflected 975 מערכת טווח לייזר ,רפאל הרשות לפיתוח אמצעי לחימה בע"מ חיפה ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר light and the time it first impinged on each of said photoelements; and (c) a system processor (14) for controlling said laser pulse emitter and said detecting amplifier and for receiving output from said detecting amplifier thereby to produce at least distance indications for said at least one object based on the length of time from emission of said pulse of light to receipt of its reflection as sensed by each of said photoelements. August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה __________ [11] [21] 126497 תכשירים להדברה של פטריות מזיקות [54] COMPOSITIONS FOR CONTROLLING HARMFUL FUNGI [22] [31] [87] [51] 22. 4.1997 19615977.6 [32] 22.4.1996 [33] DE 97/39628 Int. Cl.7 A01N 37/24, 43/40, 43/48, 43/56, 43/78, 43/80 // C07 C 233/54, 233/56, 233/75, 255/50, 323/25; C07D 213/06, 275/02, 277/22, 231/04, 231/06, 261/02, 263/02 BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [71] [74] [57] A composition for controlling harmful fungi, containing in a solid or liquid carrier (a) at least one p-hydroxyaniline derivative of the formula where R1 is hydrogen, alkyl, which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one or two of the following groups: alkoxy, haloalkoxy, alkylthio, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, it being possible for the cyclic groups for their part to carry one, two or three halogen atoms, alkyl groups and/or alkoxy groups, and aryl which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following substituents: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl, it being possible for these radicals to be partially or completely halogenated and/or to carry 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the following groups: alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and aryl, which can be partially or completely August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 976 halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following substituents: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; C6-C15- bicycloalkyl or C6C15-bicycloalkenyl, it being possible for these radicals to be partially or completely halogenated and/or to carry 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 of the following groups: alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and aryl, which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following substituents: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; R2 and R3 independently of one another are halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy or haloalkoxy; Z is H or R4-(CO)-, where R4 is the following radicals: alkyl or alkenyl, it being possible for these groups to be partially or completely halogenated and/or to carry one of the following radicals: alkoxy, haloalkoxy, alkylthio, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl or aryl, it being possible for the aromatic radicals for their part to carry one, two or three of the following groups: nitro, cyano, halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl, it being possible for these groups to carry one, two or three of the following radicals: halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl and alkoxy; aryl, which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following radicals: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; OR5 or NR6R7, where R5 is alkyl or alkenyl, it being possible for these groups to be partially or completely halogenated and/or to carry one of the following radicals: alkoxy, haloalkoxy, alkylthio, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl or aryl, it being possible for the aromatic radicals for their part to carry one, two or three of the following groups: nitro, cyano, halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; or is cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl, it being possible for these groups to carry one, two or three of the following radicals: halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl and alkoxy; or is aryl which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following radicals: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; R6 is alkyl or alkenyl, it being possible for these groups to be partially or completely halogenated and/or to carry one of the following radicals: alkylthio, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl or aryl, it being possible for the aromatic radicals for their part to carry one, two or three of the following groups: nitro, cyano, halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; cycloalkyl or cycloalkenyl, it being possible for these groups to carry one, two or three of the following radicals: halogen, alkyl, haloalkyl and alkoxy; aryl, which can be partially or completely halogenated and/or can carry one, two or three of the following radicals: nitro, cyano, alkyl, haloalkyl, alkoxy, haloalkoxy and alkylthio; and R7 is hydrogen or alkyl, (b) at least one amide compound of the formula A-CO-NR8-R9 where A is pyridyl, thiazolyl pyrazolyl or axazolyl, it being possible for these groups 977 to have 1, 2 or 3 subsitutents which are selected independently of one another from alkyl, halogen, difluoromethyl and August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה trifluoromethyl; R8 is a hydrogen atom, alkyl or alkoxy; R9 is phenyl, which has a phenyl group in the 2-position which is substituted by 1 to 5 halogen atoms and/or 1 to 3 groups which independently of one another are selected from C1-C4-alkyl, C1-C4haloalkyl, C1-C4-alkoxy, C1-C4-haloalkoxy, C1-C4-alkylthio and C1-C4-alkylthio and C1-C4-haloalkylthio. __________ [11] [21] 126674 שמוש בתרכובות ציקליות והטרוציקליות להכנת תכשירי רוקחות המעקבים פעילות תכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן,IMPDH ותולדות תיאזול ואוקסזול שתנן חדשות [54] USE OF CYCLIC AND HETEROCYLIC COMPOUNDS FOR PREPARING PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS INHIBITING IMPDH ACTIVITY, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME AND NOVEL THIAZOLE AND OXAZOLE UREA DERIVATIVES [22] [31] 21. 4.1997 636361 [32] 23.4.1996 [33] US 801780 14.2.1997 " 832165 2.4.1997 " WO 97/40028 Int. Cl.7 C07C 275/26, 275/28, 275/42, 307/08, 307/10, 309/25, 309/51, 311/36, 311/37, 317/26, 323/43, 335/14, 335/16; C07D 263/32, 277/22, 307/58, 317/48, 319/18, 413/12, 417/12; C07F 9/09; A61K 31/16, 31/335, 31/42, 31/425; A61P 37/00 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] Use of a compound for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for inhibiting IMPDH activity in a mammal having the formula: wherein: B is a saturated, unsaturated or partially saturated monocyclic or bicyclic ring system optionally comprising up to 4 heteroatoms selected from N, O, or S and selected from the formulae: August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 978 wherein each X is the number of hydrogen atoms necessary to complete proper valence; and B optionally comprises up to 3 substituents, wherein: when one of said substituents is present, it is selected from R1, R2, R4 or R5, when two of said substituents are present, the first is selected from R1, R2, R4 or R5, and the second is selected from R1 or R4, and when three of said substituents are present, the first is selected from R1, R2, R4 or R5, the second is selected from R1or R4, and the third is selected from R1, and D is selected from C(O), C(S), or S(O)2; wherein: each R1 is independently selected from 1, 2-methylenedioxy, 1, 2 – ethylenedioxy, R6, OR6, or (CH2)n-Y; wherein n is 1 or 2; and Y is selected from halogen, CN, NO2, CF3, OCF3, OH, SR6, S(O)R6, SO2R6, NH2, NHR6, N(R6)2, NR6R8, COOH, or COOR6; each R2 is independently selected from (C1-C4) – straight or branched alkyl, or (C2-C4) – straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl; and each R2 optionally comprises up to 2 substituents, wherein: when one of said substituents is present, it is selected from R1, R4 or R5, when two of said substituents are present, the first is selected from R1, R4 or R5, and the second is selected from R1, and each R4 is independently selected from OC(O)R6, OC(O)R5, OC(O)OR6, OC(O)OR5, OC(O)N(R6)2, OP(O)(OR6)2, 979 SR6, S(O)R6, S(O)R5, SO2R6, SO2R5, SO2N(R6)2, SO2NR5R6, SO3R6, C(O)R5, C(O)OR5, C(O)R6, C(O)OR6, NHC(O)C(O)R6, NHC(O)C(O)R5, NHC(O)C(O)OR6, NHC(O)C(N)(R6)2, C(O)N(R6)2, C(O)N(R6)2, C(O)N(OR6)R6, C(O)N(OR6)R5, C(NOR6)R6, CNOR6, NR6C(O)OR5, NR6C(O)N(R6)2, NR6C(O)NR5R6, NR6SO2R6, NR6SO2R5, NR6SO2N(R6)2, NR6SO2NR5R6, N(OR6)R5, P(O) (OR6)N(R6)2, and P(O)(OR6)2; each R5 is a monocyclic or a bicylic ring system consisting of 5 to 6 members per ring, wherein said ring system optionally comprises up to 4 heteroatoms selected from N, O, or S, and wherein a CH2 adjacent to said N, O or S may be replaced with C(O); and each R5 optionally comprises up to 3 substituents, each of which, if present, is R1; each R6 is independently selected from (C1-C4) – straight or branched alkyl, or (C2-C4) straight or branched alkenyl; and when R6 is alkyl, R6 comprises a substituent that is R7; when R6 is alkenyl, R6 optionally comprises a substituent that is R7; R7 is a monocyclic or a bicyclic ring system consisting of 5 to 6 members per ring, wherein said ring system optionally comprises up to 4 heteroatoms selected from N, O, or S, and wherein CH2 adjacent to said N, O or S may be replaced with C(O); and each R7 optionally comprises up to 2 substituents independently chosen August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה from H, (C1-C4) – straight or branched alkyl, or (C2-C4) straight or branched alkenyl, 1, 2-methylenedioxy, 1, 2ethylenedioxy, or (CH2)n-Z; wherein n is 0, 1 or 2; and Z is selected from halogen, CN, NO2, OCF3, OH, S(C1-C4)-alkyl, SO(C1-C4)alkyl, SO2(C1-C4)-alkyl, NH2, NH(C1-C4)- alkyl, N((C1-C4)-alkyl)2, N ((C1-C4)alkyl)R8, COOH, C(O)O(C1-C4)-alkyl or O(C1-C4)—alkyl; and R8 is an amino protecting group; and wherein any carbon atom in any R2 or R6 is optionally replaced by O, S, SO, SO2, NH, or N(C1-C4)-alkyl. __________ [11] [21] 126853 [54] N-ACYL SULPHONAMIDES AS SAFENERS FOR PROTECTING CROP PLANTS AGAINST PHYTOTOXIC SIDE EFFECTS OF HERBICIDES, HERBICIDAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM AND HERBICIDALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES, SOME SUCH NOVEL COMPOUNDS AND PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION אציל סולפונאמידים כמאבטחים להגנת-N צמחי תבואה כנגד תופעות לואי תכשירים,פיטוטוקסיות של קוטלי עשבים קוטלי עשבים המכילים אותם וחומרים מספר תרכובות,הפעילים כקוטלי עשבים חדשות כאלו ותהליך להכנתן [22] [31] [51] 6. 5.1997 19621522.6 [32] 29. 5.1996 [33] DE Int. Cl.7 C07C 311/51, 317/44, 323/50, 325/02, 327/04, 333/08; C07D 203/04, 205/08, 207/26, 211/76, 223/10, 255/02, 307/68, 333/38; C07F 9/38; A01N 41/06, 43/08, 43/10 [87] WO 97/45016 [71] Hoechst Schering Agrevo GmbH, Berlin, Germany [74] Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & Cohen,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן Zedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר [57] The use of compounds of the plants against phytotoxic side effects of formula (l) or salts thereof in the herbicide preparation of safeners for protecting crop where R1 is hydrogen, a hydrocarbon radical, a hydrocarbonoxy radical, a hydrocarbonthio radical or a heterocyclyl radical, each of August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה the last mentioned 4 radicals being unsubsituted or substituted by one or more identical or different radicals selected from the group consisting of halogen, cyano, 980 nitro, amino, hydroxyl, carboxyl, formyl, carboxamide, sulfonamide and radicals of the formula –Za-Ra, R2 is hydrogen or (C1-C4)-alkyl, or R1 and R2 together with the group of the formula –CO-N- are the radical of a 3-to 8membered saturated or unsaturated ring and R3, in the event that n=1, or the R3 radicals independently of one another, in the event that n is greater than 1, is, or are, in each case halogen, cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxyl, carboxyl, formyl, CONH2, SO2NH2 or a radical of the formula –Zb-Rb, R4 is hydrogen or (C1-C4)-alkyl, R5, in the event that m=1, or the R5 radicals independently of one another, in the event that m is greater than 1, is, or are, in each case halogen, cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxyl, carboxyl, CHO, CONH2, SO2NH2 or a radical of the formula –Zc-Rc, Ra is a hydrocarbon radical or a heterocyclyl radical, each of the two lastmentioned radicals being unsubstituted or substituted by one or more identical or different radicals selected from the group consisting of halogen, cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxyl, mono-and di-[(C1-C4)-alkyl] amino, or is an alkyl radical in which more than one non-adjacent CH2 group is in each case replaced by an oxygen atom, Rb, RC independently of one another are a hydrocarbon radical or a heterocyclyl radical, each of the two last-mentioned radicals being unsubstituted or substituted by one or more identical or different radicals selected from the group consisting of halogen, cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxyl, phosphoryl, halo-(C1-C4) – alkoxy, monoand di-[(C1-C4)- alkyl]amino, or are an alkyl radical in which more than one nonadjacent CH2 group is in each case replaced by an oxygen atom, Za is a divalent group of the for mula –O-, S-, -CO-, -CS-, -CO-O-, -CO-S-, -O-CO-, -S-CO-, -SO-, -SO-2-, NR*-, -CO-NR*-, -NR-CO-, -SO2-NR*- OR –NR*-SO2-, the bond shown on the right of the divalent group in 981 question being the bond to the radical Ra and the R* radicals in the last-mentioned 5 radicals independently of one another being in each case H, (C1-C4)-alkyl or halo- (C1-C4)- alkyl, Zb ,Zc independently of one another are a direct bond or divalent group or the formula –O-, -S-, -CO-,-CS-, CO-O-, -COS-, -O-CO-, -S-CO-, -SO-, -SO2-, -NR*-, SO2-NR*-or –NR*-CO-, the bonds given on the right of the divalent group in question being the bond to the radical Rb or Rc, and the R* radicals in the lastmentioned 5 radicals independently of one another in each case being H, (C1-C4)alkyl or halo- (C1-C4) – alkyl, n is an integer from 0 to 4, and m is an integer from 0 to 5. Claimed as novel are the compounds of the formula (l) or a salt thereof with the exception of compounds where (a) R2=H, R3=H, and (a1) R1=CH3 and m = 0 or (R5)m=2-, 3- or 4-CH3, 4-C2H5, 4n-C3H7, 4-i-C3H7, 4-OCH3, 4-i-OC3H7, 4-NH2, 4-Cl, 4-NO2, 2, 3-(CH3)2, 2, 4-(CH3)2, 3, 4-(CH3)2, 2,5-(CH3)2, 2,4,5(CH3)3, 2, 4, 6-(CH3)3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-(CH3)5, 3-CH34-OCH3, 3-CH3-4SCH3, 2,4-(OCH3)2, 3, 4, 5-(OCH3)3, 2OCH3-4NH2, 2-OCH3-4-NO2 (a2) R1 = H, n-C3H7, n-C6H13, cyclohexyl or 2-methylphenyl and (R5)m = 2-CH3, (a3) R1 = n-C5H11 and m = 0 or (R5)m = 2-CH3, 3-NO2, 4-NO2, (a4) R1 = n-C9H19 and m= 0, (a5) R1 = OCH3, (R5)m = 2-i-OC3H7, (a6) R1 =OC2H5, (R5)m=2-OCH3, 2-COOH, 3, 5-(CH3)2, (a7) R1 = CH2CH2COOH and m = 0 or (R5)m=4-i-OC3H7, (a8) R1 =CH=CHCOOH and (R5)m=2-CH3 or 4-i-OC3H7, August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה (a9) R1 = 4-methoxyphenyl and (R5)m=4(e) R1 = C6H5, R2, (R3)n, R4 and (R5)m = H; OCH3, (f) R1 = CH3, R2, (R3)n and R4 = H, (R5)m = (a10) R1=4-nitrophenyl and (R5)m=4-NO2, 2-COOH; (a11) R1 = benzioxol-6-yl (g) R1 = OC2H5, R2(R3)n and R4 = H, (R5)m 1 (a12) R = 3, 5-dimethyl-1-phenylpyrazol= 2-OH; 4-yl or (h) R1 and R2 together with the group – 2, 3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-5-oxopyrazol-4-yl CO-N- they are attached to are N-phthalyl, and R3, R4 and (R5)m = H; 5 (R )m=4-i-OC3H7, (i) R1=CH3, R2, (R3)n and R4 =H, (R5)m = (a13) R1 = C11H23, CH2Cl, CH2Br, CH2I, 2-OH-4-NH2; CHCl2, CCl3 or CH2F and (k) R1 = C6H5-CH=CH, R2(R3)n and R4 = 5 (R )m = 3, 4-(CH3)2; or H, (R5)m=2-CH3, 1 2 4 (b) R = H, R = H, R =CH3, n=m=o, (l) R1 = CH3, R2 and (R3)n = H, R4 = CH3, (c) R1 = CH3, R2 = H, (R3)=a fused (R5)m-H; benzene ring in the 2, 3 – position and m = (m) R1 = 2-(2-COOH-C6H4)-C6H4, R2, 0 or (R3)n and R4 = H, (R5)m = H or 2-NO21 2 4 3 (d) R = phenyl, R =R =H, (R )n=3(n) R1 = 2-COOH-C6H4, R2 = R4 = H, n=0 phenylcarbonyloxy and m=0; and m=0. __________ [11] [21] 127092 [54] REGULATION OF EXCITABLE TISSUE CONTROL OF THE HEART BASED ON PHYSIOLOGICAL INPUT [22] [51] [71] 16. 11.1998 Int. Cl.7 A61N 1/365 Impulse Dynamics (Israel) Ltd., Tirat Harcarmel [74] Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [57] Apparatus for stimulating cardiac tissue in the body of a patient, comprising: at least one sensor (40), coupled to the body which generates signals indicative of physiological activity; one or more stimulation electrodes (38), which are placed in contact with the heart; and an electrical control unit (44), which receives and analyzes the signals from the sensor so as to derive a measure of the physiological activity and which applies an excitable August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה וויסות של בקרה על רקמה בלב הניתנת לגירוי באמצעות קלט פיזיולוגי טירת,אימפולס דינמיק (ישראל) בע"מ הכרמל ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת tissue control (ETC) signal to the stimulation electrodes so as to enhance contractility of the heart muscle responsive to the measure, wherein the control unit assigns the measure to one of a plurality of predetermined ranges and varies the application of the ETC signals dependent on the range, wherein the control unit holds off application of the signal when the measure is outside a range between predetermined lower and upper thresholds. 982 __________ [11] [21] 127374 [54] SELF PROPELLING MACHINE FOR PLANT ANTI VIRUS INOCULATION [22] [51] [71] 2. 12.1998 Int. Cl.7 A01C 23/04 Bio-Oz Advanced Biotechnological Agriculture Ltd. Yad Mordechay [72] Gal Yarden, Eliyahu Lev, Ronen Chemo and Chaim Livne G.E. Ehrlich (1995) Ltd., 28 Bezalel St., Ramat Gan [74] [57] A self-propelling machine for large scale plant inoculation by insertion of inoculum material into inner tissues of plants, comprising; (a) conveying mechanism (2) for conveying the machine along rows of plants; (b) an inoculum solution container (4); (c) a pressurized-gas source (18); (d) at least one multi-outlet inoculum sprayer (7) controlled by a trigger, and connected by respective pipes (5, 16) to the inoculum solution container and to the pressurized-gas source; (e) a chassis for supporting and 983 מכונה הנעה בכוח עצמי לחיסון אנטי וירוס לצמחים ביו עוז ביוטכנולוגיה מתקדמת בחקלאות יד מרדכי,בע"מ רונן חמו וחיים ליבנה, אליהו לב,גל ירדן ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.אי.ג'י רמת גן,28רח' בצלאל connecting between the machine parts; wherein once the trigger of the multioutlet inoculum sprayer is turned on, inoculum solution and pressurized gas flow simultaneously from the inoculum solution container and from the pressurized gas source to the multi-outlet sprayer through the respective pipes, and both said flows are brought within the multi-outlet sprayer to a plurality of nozzles, and spray the plants with inoculumsolution carried by jets of pressurized gas, the pressure of said jets is sufficient for effective plant August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה inoculation by insertion of inoculum material into inner tissues of plants. __________ [11] [21] 127425 [54] DEVICE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF HYDROGEN BROMIDE [22] [31] [51] [61] [71] 7. 12.1998 9715765 [32] 12. 12.1997 Int. Cl.7 C01B 7/09 Addition to 121142 Elf Atochem S.A., Puteaux (Hauts de Seine), France Sylvie Frances, Gilles Drivon and Philippe Leduc Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [72] [74] [57] Device for the manufacture of hydrogen bromide by direct combustion of bromine in hydrogen, characterized in that it successively comprises: a burner (1) comprising means (2) for introducing the bromine and/or the oxidant, means (3) for introducing the hydrogen and means for placing the said reactants in contact, the said burner consisting of a vertical chamber inside which is placed a vertical August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה מתקן לייצור מימן ברומי [33] FR ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת cylindrical tube, the said chamber comprising successive zones: a cylindrical zone of height h1 and of diameter D3, a convergent frustoconical zone of height h2 and of diameters D3 and D4 respectively, with D3>D4, a cylindrical zone of height h3 and of diameter D4, and a divergent frustoconical zone of height h4 and of diameters D4 and D5 respectively, with D4 ‹D5, h2‹h4 and D5 >D3; a combustion 984 chamber (4), means (5) for starting a flame, means (6) for cooling the combustion gases, means (7 and 8) for evacuating the combustion gases, and safety members (9) and (10). __________ [11] [21] 127774 – פרוטנייס1 – תהליך להפרדת מונע אלפא IV1+IV4 ממשחת נגזרות כהן [54] PROCESS FOR SEPARATING ALPHA-1-PROTEINASE INHIBITOR FROM COHN FRACTION IV1 + IV4 [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 27. 6.1997 673064 [32] 1. 7.1996 WO 98/00154 Int. Cl.7 C07K 1/14, 1/18, 1/30, 1/34, 14/81 Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [74] [57] Process for purifying alpha-1-PI comprising: providing an impure protein fraction comprising alpha-1-PI; suspending the impure protein fraction comprising alpha-1-PI in an aqueous solution at a pH of about 6 for a time sufficient for soluble 985 [33] US ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת proteins to dissolve; filtering the suspension and recovering insoluble proteins; resuspending the insoluble protein in an aqueous solution; adding PEG to the resuspended insoluble protein to precipitate α-2-globulin; recovering the August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה supernatant from the PEG precipitation, wherein the supernatant comprises alpha1-PI; adding ZnCl2 to the supernatant to precipitate crude alpha-1-PI; recovering the crude alpha-1-PI; solubilizing the recovered crude alpha-1-PI; applying the solubilized crude alpha-1-PI to an anionexchange medium; and recovering a fraction comprising purified alpha-1-PI from the anion-exchange medium. _________ [11] [21] 128036 [54] [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN תולדות דאוקסינוז'ירימיצין המכילות קבוצה DERIVATIVES COMPRISING A תכשירים רפואיים,טבעתית-אלכוהולית רב POLYCLIC ALCOHOL GROUP, ,המכילים תולדות דאוקסינוז'ירימיצין PHARMACEUTICAL ושימושים שלהם COMPOSITION COMPRISING A DEOXYNOJIRIMYCIN DERIVATIVE AND USES THEREOF 14. 7.1997 96202010.3 [32] 15. 7.1996 [33] EP WO 98/02161 Int. Cl.7 C07D 211/46; C07J 9/00; C07H 5/06; A61K 31/445, 31/715; A61P 43/00 Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & Cohen,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן Zedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר [57] Glucosylceramidase inhibiting deoxynojirimycin derivatives containing a large hydrophobic moiety linked through a spacer to the nitrogen atom of deoxynojirimycin, and salt thereof, wherein said spacer comprises an alkoxy polyalkylene and/or polyalkylene chain of from 3 to 8 carbon atoms and wherein said hydrophobic moiety comprises a polycyclic alcohol group containing three or more rings that each share two or more carbon atoms with another ring, said hydrophobic moiety being capable of inserting in lipid bilayer membranes. _________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 986 [11] [21] 128329 [54] [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION OF HEDGEHOG PROTEINS AND USE THEREOF 2. 2.1999 98101893.0 [32] 4. 2.1998 98104416.7 12.3.1998 Int. Cl.7 A61K 47/30, 38/16; A61P 19/00 Curis, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv hedgehog תכשיר רוקחות המכיל חלבוני ושמוש בו [33] EP " ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] Pharmaceutical composition of a hedgehog protein when it binds to the hedgehog protein which is characterized in carrier, contains at least 0.1 to 2 that the hedgehog protein is bound to a negatively-charged residues per monomer hydrophilic carrier which is biocompatible under neutral conditions, contains the wherein the carrier is a polymer which charge in the form of acidic groups, has an binds the hedgehog protein as a average molecular weight of at least negatively-charged carrier as result of 50,000 Da, and contains no agarose. ionic interactions, does not denature the __________ [11] [21] 128411 נירוטוין גן ניורולוגי [54] NEURITIN, A NEUROGENE [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 7. 8.1997 694679 [32] 9. 8.1996 [33] US WO 98/06843 Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/12, 15/63, 15/70, 15/74, 15/79; C07K 14/435, 14/475 Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, Calif., רחובות,ידע חברה למחקר ופתוח בע"מ U.S.A. and Yeda Research & Development Co. Ltd., Rehovot Sanford T. Colb & Co., ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot רחובות,2273 .ד.ת [74] [57] An isolated nucleic acid molecule (c) a nucleic acid molecule encoding the encoding a polypeptide which promotes polypeptide of SEQ ID NO:3; neuritogenesis in hippocampal or cortical (d) a nucleic acid molecule encoding the neuronal cultures, wherein the nucleic acid polypeptide of SEQ ID NO:4; and molecule is selected from the group of (e) a nucleic acid molecule that encodes a nucleic acid molecules consisting of: polypeptide that is at least 70 percent (a) the nucleic acid molecule of SEQ ID identical to the polypeptide of SEQ ID NO:1; NO:3 or SEQ ID NO:4. (b) the nucleic acid molecule of SEQ ID NO:2; __________ 987 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 128622 הרכב הכולל פולי (ארילן אתר) בעל שתל שיטה להכנתו של השתל הארומטי,ארומטי ושיטה לצילוב פולימר ארומטי [54] COMPOSITION COMPRISING POLY (ARYLENE ETHER) WITH AN AROMATIC GRAFT, A METHOD OF SYNTHESIZING SAID AROMATIC GRAFT, AND A METHOD OF CROSSLINKING AN AROMATIC POLYMER [22] [31] [51] [71] 19. 2.1999 030039 [32] 25. 2.1998 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C08G 65/40, 65/48; C08L 71/00; H01L 23/532 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pa., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A composition comprising a poly (arylene ether) polymer having a graft which graft can be thermally induced to crosslink the polymer, wherein said polymer having said graft has the structure: wherein m = 0 to 1.0; and n=1.0 – m; and Ar1, Ar2, Ar3 and Ar4 are individually arylene radicals defined in the specification and G1-a are individually: H, or mixtures thereof, wherein Z is the average number of G radicals which are 1 or 2 per repeating unit of said polymer and Z is in the range of 0.1 to 4.0, where R1, R2, R3 and R4 are individually H or alkoxy radical, wherein the alkoxy radical can have a normal or branched alkyl radical of C1-8, and further wherein said poly (arylene ether) polymer consists essentially of nonfunctional repeating units wherein Ar1, Ar2, Ar3 and Ar4 are individually arylene radicals defined in the specification. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 988 [11] [21] 128654 אדום-כיסויים מחזירי אור אינפרה [54] INFRA-RED REFLECTIVE COVERINGS [22] [31] 30. 7.1997 707997 [32] 20. 9.1996 751288 18.11.1996 WO 98/12494 Int. Cl.7 F41H 3/02 W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Newark, Del., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] An infra-red reflective material for covering objects, said material comprising a microporous, air-permeable, moisture vapor transmissive, water resistant and drapeable polymeric membrane (10) having a top surface (10a), a bottom surface, and pores (12) therebetween; said membrane including: (a) an infra-red reflective metal coating [33] US " ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת (13) covering at least one of said membrane surfaces and exposed subsurface portions thereof; in a manner such that the coating is disposed only discontinuously on at least one of said membrane top surface and exposed subsurface; and (b) an oleophobic coating (14) covering at least a portion of said metal coating. __________ [11] [21] 128829 [54] SOLID PHASE SYNTHESIS OF PEPTIDES WITH PRESEQUENCES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 9. 9.1997 0971/96 [32] 9. 9.1996 WO 98/11125 Int. Cl.7 C07K 1/04 Zealand Pharma A/S, Glostrup, Denmark Dr. Yitzhak Hess & Partners, P.O.B. 6451, Tel-Aviv [74] 989 סינטזה בפזה מוצקה של פפטידים עם רצפים מקדימים [33] DK ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו אביב- תל,6451 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] A process for the production of peptides X-AA1-AA2 …. AAn-Y wherein AA is an L- or D-amino acid residue, X is hydrogen or an amino protective group, and Y is OH, NH2 and n is an integer greater than 2 by solid phase synthesis wherein the C-terminal amino acid in the form of an Nα-protected, and if necessary side chain protected reactive derivative is coupled to a solid support or a polymer optionally by means of a linker, subsequently N-αdeprotected, whereafter the subsequent amino acids forming the peptide sequence are stepwise coupled or coupled as a peptide fragment in the form of suitably protected reactive derivatives or fragments, wherein the N-α-protective group is removed following formation of the desired peptide and the peptide is cleaved from the solid support, characterized in that the process further comprises: selecting a pre-sequence comprising from 3 to 9 residues independently selected from native amino acids having a side chain functionality which is protected during the coupling steps and having a propensity factor pα>0.57 and a propensity factor pβ ≤1.10, the C-terminal part of said peptide comprising the pre-sequence; and cleaving said pre-sequence from the formed peptide. __________ [11] [21] 129555 -N תכשירי רוקחות המכילים תולדות (אוקסואציטיל) – חומצת אמינו אמיד להמרצת גידול ניוריט [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING N-(OXOACETYL)-AMINO ACID AMIDE DERIVATIVES FOR STIMULATING NEURITE GROWTH [22] [31] [87] [51] 13. 11.1997 748447 [32] 13. 11.1996 [33] US WO 98/20891 Int. Cl.7 A61K 31/16, 31/33; A61P 25/00 // C07C 235/78, 309/14, 309/45, 417/24, 317/26, 323/22, 323/23; C07D 207/32, 207/34, 209/18, 209/30, 209/44, 213/241, 213/72, 415/12, 215/22, 217/12, 217/22, 231/02, 231/06, 231/96, 233/66, 233/88, 235/06, 235/24, 237/36, 237/26 317/48, 333/08, 333/36, 341/00, 401/00, 403/00, 405/00, 409/00 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [71] [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 990 [57] A pharmaceutically acceptable composition comprising: (a) a neurotrophic amount of a compound of the formula and pharmaceutically acceptable derivatives thereof, wherein: R1, B and D are independently: hydrogen, Ar, (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C2C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, (C5-C7) cycloalkyl substituted (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C5-C7) cycloalkyl substituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, (C5-C7) cycloalkenyl substituted (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C5-C7) cycloalkenyl substituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alknyl, Ar-substituted (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, Ar-substituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl; provided that R1 is not hydrogen or (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl; and wherein any one of the CH2 groups of said alkyl chains in R1, B and D is optionally replaced by O, S, SO, SO2 or NR; wherein R is hydrogen, (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C3-C4) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, or (C1-C4) bridging-alkyl wherein a bridge is formed between the nitrogen and a carbon atom of said alkyl chain to form a ring, and wherein said ring is optionally fused to Ar; wherein each Ar is independently selected from phenyl, 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl, indenyl, azulenyl, fluorenyl, anthracenyl, 2-furyl, 3-furyl, 2-thienyl, 3-thienyl, 2pyridyl, 3-pyridyl, 4-pyridyl, pyrrolyl, oxazolyl, thiazolyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, 2-pyrazolinyl, pyrazolidinyl, isoxazolyl, isotraizolyl, 1, 2, 3-oxadiazolyl, 1, 2, 3triazolyl, 1, 3, 4-thiadiazolyl, pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, pyrazinyl, 1, 3, 5-triazinyl, 1, 3, 5-trithianyl, indolizinyl, indolyl, isoindolyl, 3H-indolyl, indolinyl, benzo[b] furanyl, benzo[b] thiophenyl, 1Hindazolyl, benzimidazolyl, benzthiazolyl, pyrinyl, 4H-quinolizinyl, quinolinyl, 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinolinyl, isoquinolinyl, 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroquinolinyl, cinnolinyl, phthalazinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxalinyl, 1,8-naphthyridinyl, pteridinyl, carbazolyl, acridinyl, phenazinyl, phenothiazinyl and phenoxazinyl; and wherein each Ar is optionally and independently substituted with one to three substituents independently selected from hydrogen, halogen, hydroxyl, nitro, -SO3H, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, O-((C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl), O-benzyl, Ophenyl, 1, 2-methylenedioxy, -NR5R6, carboxyl, N-(C1-C6 straight or branched alkyl or C3-C5 straight or branched alkenyl) carboxamide, N,N-di-((C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl or (C3-C5) straight or branched alkenyl) carboxamide, morpholinyl, piperidinyl, O-M, CH2(CH2)q-M, O-(CH2)q- M, (CH2)q-O-M, and CH-CH-M; wherein R5 and R6 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C2-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, benzyl or R5 and R6 are taken together to form a 5-7 membered heterocyclic ring; M is selected from the group consisting of 4-methoxyphenyl, 2-pyridyl, 3-pyridyl, 4pyridyl, pyrazyl, quinolyl, 3, 5dimethylisoxazolyl, 2-methylthioazolyl, 991 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה thiazolyl, 2-thienyl, 3-thienyl, 4-thienyl and pyrimidyl; and q is 0-2; J is selected from the group consisting of (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, Ar-substituted (C1-C6) straight of branched alkyl, and Ar-subsituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, and cyclohexylmethyl; K is selected from the group consisting of (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, Ar substituted (C1-C6) straight or branched alkyl, (C2-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, and Ar-substituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alkynyl, and Ar-substituted (C3-C6) straight or branched alkenyl or alknyl; or J and K are taken together with the nitrogen and carbon atoms to which they are respectively bound to form a 5-7 membered heterocyclic ring which may contain a heteroatom selected from O, S, SO and SO2; X is selected from the group consisting of Ar, -OR2, and-N(R3)R4; wherein R2 has the same definition as R1; R3 and R4 independently have the same definitiona as B and D; or R3 and R4 are taken together to form a 5-7 membered heterocyclic aliphatic or aromatic ring; and m is 0 or 1; (b) a neurotrophic factor; and (c) a pharmaceutically suitable carrier. __________ [11] [21] 130041 או אצטט ברזלי לבקרה/ציטרט ברזלי ו בעצירת זרחה בחולי היפרפוספטמיה [54] FERRIC CITRATE AND/OR FERRIC ACETATE FOR CONTROLLING PHOSPHATE RETENTION IN HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA PATIENTS [22] [31] 14. 11.1997 60/032745 [32] 16. 12.1996 [33] US 794328 3.2.1997 " WO 98/26776 Int. Cl.7 A61K 31/19; A61P 12/13//C07C 53/10, 5 9/265 Chen Hsing Hsu, Ann Arbor, Mich., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A compound selected from the group consisting of ferric citrate and ferric acetate and combinations thereof, for use in therapeutic composition in an oral dosage form for controlling phosphate ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת retention in patients having need for reduced absorption of dietary phosphate, wherein said composition comprises on a per dose basis from about 500 mg to about 1000 mg of said compound. _________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 992 [11] [21] 130133 ותכשירי,תולדות של אינדן או דיהידרואינדול רוקחות המכילים אותן [54] INDANE OR DIHYDROINDOLE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 19. 12.1997 1514/96 [32] 20. 12.1996 [33] DK WO 98/28293 Int. Cl.7 C07D 401/04, 401/14, 403/04, 403/14, 491/02; A61K 31/445; A61P 25/00 H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. Yitzhak Hess & Partners, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו P.O.B. 6451, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,6451 .ד.ת [74] [57] A substituted indane or dihydroindole compound of the formula wherein A is a group Y is hydrocarbon group completing an indane ring, a group NR1 completing a dihydroindole ring or a group N completing a dihydroindole ring linked via the 1-position; W is a bond, and n+m is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6; 993 W is CO, SO, or SO2, n is 2, 3, 4, or 5 and m is 0, 1, 2, or 3, provided that n+m is not more the 6; or W is O, S, n is 2, 3, 4, or 5 and m is 0, 1, 2, or 3, provided that n+m is not more than 6, and provided that if Y is N completing a August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה dihydroindole ring attached via the 1position then m is 2, or 3; and if Y is NR1 completing a dihydroindole ring linked via the 2-position then m is 1, 2, or 3; the dotted line, emanating from X, indicates an optional bond; when it does not indicate a bond, N, CH or COH; and when it indicates a bond, X is C; R1 is hydrogen, C1-6-alk (en/yn)yl, C3-8cycloalk(en)yl, C3-8-cycloalk)en)yl-C1-6alk(en/yn)yl, aryl, heteroaryl, aryl-C1-6-alkyl, heteroaryl-C1-6alkyl, acyl, thioacyl, C1-6-alkylsulfonyl, trifuoromethylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl, or heteroarylsulfonyl; R15VOC – wherein v is O or S and R15 is C1-6-alk (en/yn)yl, C3-8-cycloalk (en) yl, C38-cycloalk(en)yl-C1-6-alk (en/yn)yl, aryl, or heteroaryl; or group R16R17NCO-or R16R17NCS- wherein R16 and R17 are independently hydrogen, C1-6alk (en/yn)yl, C3-8-cycloalk(en)yl, C3-8cycloak(en)yl-C1-6-alk(en/yn)yl, heteroaryl, or aryl, or R16 and R17 together with the N-atom to which they are linked, form a pyrrolidinyl, piperidinyl or perhydroazepin group; and R2-R5 are independently selected from hydrogen, halogen, cyano, nitro, C1- 6(alk(en/yn)/yl, C1-6 alkoxy, C1-6 alkylthio, hydroxy, C3-8-cycloalk(en) yl, C3-8cycloalk(en)yl- C1-6-alk(en/yn)yl, C1-6alkylcarbonyl, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethylsulfonyloxy and R1-6 alkylsulfonyl, one of R2-R5 alternatively being a group –NR13R14 wherein R13 is as defined for R1 and R14 is hydrogen, C1-6alk(en/yn)yl, C3-8-cycloalk(en)yl, C3-8cycloalk(en)yl-C1-6 alk(en/yn)yl, or two adjacent groups taken from R2 – R5 may be joined and designate a – (CH2)3-, or – CH=CH-NH-, thereby forming a fused 5 membered ring; R6 – R9 and R12 are independently hydrogen, halogen, cyano, nitro, C1-6alk(en/yn)yl, C1-6-alkoxy, C1-6-alkylthio, hydroxy, C3-8-cycloalk (en) yl, C3-8cycloalk(en)yl – C1-6 alk (en/yn)yl, trifluoromethyl, or C1-6 alkylsulfonyl, or two adjacent groups taken from R6 – R9 may together form a methylenedioxy group; R10 is as defined for R1 above; with the proviso that the substituent R3 or R4 in position 6 may not be –NR13R14 when Y is CH2, W is a bond, n+m is 1 and the ring is linked via the 1-position; or a pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salt thereof. ____________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 994 [11] [21] 130178 חומר מורכב בעל יכולת ספיגה גבוהה יריעות סופגות המכילות,ושיטות להכנתו אותו והתקנים להכנת יריעות אלה [54] HIGHLY ABSORBENT COMPOSITE AND METHODS FOR MAKING THE SAME, ABSORBENT SHEETS INCORPORATING THE SAME AND APPARATUS FOR MAKING SUCH SHEETS [22] [31] 15. 12.1997 8-333520 [32] 13. 12.1996 [33] JP 9-124623 15.5.1997 " 9-192159 17.7.1997 " 9-213222 7.8.1997 " 9-313368 14.11.1997 " 9-329830 1.12.1997 " WO 98/25999 Int. Cl.7 C08L 1/00; A61F 13/15; A61L 15/28, 15/60; D06M 15/05 Japan Absorbent Technology Institute, Tokyo, Japan Wolff, Bregman and Goller, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A highly absorbent composite comprising hydratable fine fibers in the form of microfibril obtained from cellulose or a derivative thereof, and water- swellable solid particles, at least part of the surface of each of said water-swellable solid particles being covered with said fine fibers in the form of microfibril. __________ [11] [21] 130295 [54] SCLERAL PROSTHESIS FOR TREATMENT OF PRESBYOPIA AND OTHER EYE DISORDERS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 21. 5.1998 946975 [32] 8. 10.1997 WO 99/17691 Int. Cl.7 A61F 2/14, 9/007 RAS Holding Corporation, Dallas, Tex., U.S.A. Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [74] 995 פרותזה סקלרלית לטיפול בפרסביופיה והפרעות עיניים אחרות [33] US ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] An ocular scleral prosthesis (200) adapted for insertion into the sclera (102) of an eye in the region of the ciliary body comprising: a base member (202) having an elongated planform with a major dimension, a minor dimension, an inner major surface and an outer major surface, said outer major surface being generally smooth and adapted to contact ocular tissue within a pocket surgically formed within scleral tissue of the eye, and a ridge member (214) on said base member that applies an outward force to the pocket to thereby elevate the sclera in the region of the ciliary body. __________ [11] [21] 130486 [54] OPTICAL SYSTEM [22] [51] [71] [72] 15.6.1999 Int. Cl.7 G02B 13/18 Given Imaging Ltd., Yoqneam Hanoch Kislev, Arkady Glukhovsky, Gavriel Iddan and Gavriel Merom Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya [74] [57] An optical system comprising an illumination element (11) and a receiving means (13), the illumination element and the receiving means disposed behind a single optical window (14), wherein: said optical window is configured such that it defines a shape having a focal curve; and wherein said illumination element and said August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה מערכת אופטית יקנעם,גיוון אימג'ינג בע"מ ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר receiving means are positioned in proximity of a focal curve plane of said focal curve, such that, when illuminating, rays from the illumination element, that are internally reflected from the optical window, will not be incident on the receiving means. 996 __________ [11] [21] 130524 ,פורמולציות נוזליות ויציבות של אינטרפיון ערכת המכילה אותן ותהליך ייצובן [54] STABLE LIQUID INTERFERON FORMULATIONS, A KIT CONTAINING THE SAME AND A PROCESS FOR STABILIZING THE SAME [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 23.12.1997 60/034353 [32] 24. 12.1996 WO 98/28007 Int. Cl.7 A61K 38/21, 9/08, 47/18 Biogen Idec MA Inc., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] [57] A liquid composition comprising an interferon and an amino acid stabilizing agent selected from the group consisting of acidic amino acids, arginine and glycine; wherein the amino acid stabilizing agent is [33] US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת present at between 0.3% and 5% w/v; wherein the liquid composition has not been reconstituted from lyophilized interferon; and wherein the liquid composition is not further lyophilized. _________ 997 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 130831 תהליך,אנתרסיקלינון-אזא-תולדות אמינו להכנתן ותכשירי רוקחות המכילים אותן לטיפול באמילואידוזה [54] IMINO-AZA-ANTHRAYCLINONE DERIVATIVES, PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THEM FOR THE TREATMENT OF AMYLOIDOSIS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 9.1.1998 9701628.1 [32] 27. 1.1997 [33] GB WO 98/32754 Int. Cl.7 C07D 471/08; A61K 31/436; A61P 25/00 Pharmacia & Upjohn S.p.A., Milan, Italy Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A compound of the formula wherein: R1 is selected from: hydrogen, hydroxyl, C1-16 alkyl, C1-16 alkoxyl, C3-8 cycloalkoxyl, halogen, amino which may be unsubsituted or mono-or disubsituted by acyl, trifluoroacyl, aryl which is a monocyclic or bicylic aromatic group containing from 6 to 10 carbons in the ring portion, optionally substituted by one or more substituents, said substituents being selected from C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, trifluoromethyl, halogen, hydroxy and August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה aryloxy group, in which aryl is as above defined and it is linked to an oxygen atom, aralkyl, in which a C1-6 alkyl is substituted by an aryl group as defined above, OSO2(R4) wherein R4 is alkyl or aryl as above defined; R2 is selected from hydrogen, RB-CH2-wherein RB represents an aryl group as defined above, a heterocyclyl group which is is a 3-, 4-, 5- or 6membered, saturated or unsaturated heterocyclic ring containing at least one heteroatom selected from O, S and N, which is optionally fused to a second 5- or 6-membered, saturated or unsaturated heterocyclyl group as defined above or to a 998 C3-8 cycloalkyl or aryl group as defined hydrogen, above, or a group of formula RC-CH=CHC1-16 alkyl, wherein RC is hydrogen, C1-16 alkyl, C2-8 C2-16 alkenyl, alkenyl or C3-8 cycloalkyl, C3-8 cycloalkyl, C1-16 alkyl, aryl as defined above, C3-8 cycloalkyl, a group of formula NR7R8 wherein R7 and aryl-C1-C16-alkyl, R8, which can be the same or different, aryloxy-C1-C16-alkyl, in which aryl is as represent hydrogen, C1-16 alkyl, defined above, acyl of formula –C(R5)=O aralkyl as above defined, wherein R5 is selected from C2-16 alkenyl, hydrogen, C3-8 cycloalkyl, C1-16 alkyl, heterocyclyl as above defined, C2-16 alkenyl, 4-methylpiperazinyl, C3-8 cycloalkyl, acyl of formula –C(R5)=O wherein R5 is as aryl as defined above, above defined, or R7 and R8, together with heterocyclyl as defined above, the N atom to which they are attached, an acyl residue of an amino acid selected represent heterocyclyl as above defined, from glycine, alanine, cysteine, with the proviso that when R1 is a phenylalanine, tyrosine, methoxyl group and R3 is a hydroxyl group R3 is selected from: then R2 is not 4-pyridinmethyl, a group of formula OR6 wherein R6 or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt represents thereof. __________ [11] [21] 130869 [54] ENDOSCOPIC INFUSION NEEDLE HAVING DUAL DISTAL STOPPING POSITIONS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 7.1.1998 778243 [32] 8. 1.1997 WO 98/30259 Int. Cl.7 A61M 5/162 Symbiosis Corporation, Miami, Fla., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] [57] An endoscopic infusion needle device, comprising: (a) a catheter (12) having a proximal end (14), a distal end (16), and defining a first lumen (18); (b) an injection tube (22) having a proximal end (24), a distal end (26), and defining a second lumen (28), said 999 מחט החדרה לבדיקת פנים בעלת שני מרווחי עצירה מרוחקים [33] US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת injection tube extending at least partially through said first lumen and defining an annular space between said injection tube and said catheter; (c) an injection needle (30) coupled to said distal end of said injection tube, said injection needle having an injection lumen in fluid communication with said second lumen; August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה (d) a proximal actuating means (32) coupled to said proximal end of said catheter and to said proximal end of said injection tube for axially displacing said catheter and said injection tvbe relative to one another; (e) injection fluid port means (52) coupled to said second lumen for introducing an injection fluid into said injection lumen; (f) a first distal stopping structure (66a) coupled to a distal portion of said catheter, wherein at least a portion of the first distal stopping structure extends within the catheter lumen; and (g) a second distal stopping structure (62) coupled to at least one of said injection tube and said injection needle, wherein at least a portion of said second distal stopping structure is moveable with the injection tube and needle within the catheter lumen, and wherein said first and second distal stopping structures cooperate with one another to provide a positive well-defined proximal stopping location wherein said injection needle is shrouded by said catheter, and to provide a positive welldefined distal stopping location wherein said injection needle is shrouded by said catheter, and to provide a positive welldefined distal stopping location wherein said injection needle extends out of said catheter. __________ [11] [21] 130917 [54] UNIVERSAL T-CELL EPITOPES FOR ANTI-MALARIAL VACCINES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 21.1.1998 60/033916 [32] 21. 1.1997 WO 98/31382 Int. Cl.7 A61K 39/002, 39/015 New York University, New York, N.Y., U.S.A. Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה לחיסוניםT-אפיטופים אונירסליים של תאי מלריים-אנטי [33] US ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר 1000 [57] An immunogenic composition which NO:3) or (ii) corresponding in length and comprises a first peptide comprising a alignment to SEQ ID NO:3 as present in P. universal T-cell epitope, wherein said falciparum NF54 strain CS protein; universal T-cell epitope: (b) is not contiguous in the first peptide (a) is sequence of contiguous amino acids with any amino acid sequence which is as present in a sequence of a immediately adjacent to the sequence of circumsporozoite (CS) protein of a the epitope in the sequence of the CS plasmodila species, said epitope sequence protein of the plasmodial species; and (i) having a length and alignment of a (c) binds many diverse major motif of aliphatic and aromatic amino acid histocompatability complex (MHC) class residues which are identical to the length II molecules; wherein said composition and alignment of the motif of amino acid elicits an anti-CS parasite-specific T-cell residues in positions corresponding to response in humans of diverse human residues 2, 3, 6, 10 and 14 of a sequence leukocyte antigen (HLA) genetic EYLNKIQNSLSTEWSPCSVT (SEQ ID backgrounds. __________ [11] [21] 130986 תהליך ליצור דשנים לשחרור מושהה המוכמסים בתכשירי איזוציאנט מכילי גופרית [54] PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF ENCAPSULATED SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER IN SULFUR CONTAINING ISOCYANATE COMPOSITIONS [22] [31] [51] [71] 20.7.1999 121374 [32] 23. 7.1998 [33] US Int. Cl.7 C05C 9/00; A01N 25/00, 27/00, 31/00 // C07C 265/14 Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [74] [57] A process for the production of an isocyanate coated fertilizer particles from encapsulated, slow release fertilizer step (1) to yield polyurethane and/or composition comprising: polyurea encapsulated fertilizer articles, (1) applying an isocyanate composition to and optionally, fertilizer particles which contain at least (3) repeating steps (1) through (2) as one water soluble plant nutrient to form many times as necessary, wherein the isocyanate coated fertilizer particles, encapsulated fertilizer particles from step wherein said isocyanate composition (2) are substituted for the fertilizer comprises an aromatic di-or particles in step (1) above, thereby forming polyisocyanate containing from 1 to 50% encapsulated fertilizer particles which by weight of sulfur, based on 100% by contain from about 2% to about 20% by weight of isocyanate, weight of polyurethane and/or polyurea, (2) applying an isocyanate-reactive based on the total weight of the composition which contains at least two encapsulated fertilizer particles. isocyanate-reactive groups to the __________ 1001 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 131177 תהליך להכנת חומצות ואסטרים של ניקוטין [54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF NICOTINIC ACIDS AND ESTERS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 18. 2.1998 811087 [32] 3. 3.1997 [33] US WO 98/39298 Int. Cl.7 C07D 213/79 Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill., U.S.A. Dr. Shlomo Cohen & Co., P.O.B. 11490, Tel-Aviv [74] ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות אביב- תל,11490 .ד.ת [57] A process for the preparation of compounds of the formula said process comprising reacting a compound of the formula under acidic conditions with a nitrite salt; wherein R1, R2 and R3, are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, and halogen atoms and R4 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, lower alkyl, and aryl. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1002 [11] [21] 131543 שיטות קוסמטיות ותכשירים למניעה וטיפול בהזדקנות כרונולוגית של עור אנושי [54] COSMETIC METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR PREVENTING AND TREATING CHRONOLOGICAL AGING IN HUMAN SKIN [22] [31] 23.2.1998 60/040594 [32] 25. 2.1997 60/042976 7.4.1997 WO 98/36742 Int. Cl.7 A61K 7/00, 7/42, 7/44 The Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [87] [51] [71] [74] [33] US " , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [57] A cosmetic method of reducing the said chronologically-aged skin ot an natural, chronological, age-related effective, non-toxic amount of at least one elevation of collagen-degrading MMP active non-retinoid ingredient that inhibits enzymes present in chronologically-aged MMPs. skin, comprising the topical application to __________ [11] [21] 131627 שיטה לקידוד אינפורמציה רבת מילים [54] METHOD FOR ENCODING MULTIWORD INFORMATION [22] [31] [51] [87] [71] 21.12.1998 97204130.5 [32] 29. 12.1997 Int. Cl.7 H03M 13/00 WO 99/34271 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A method of encoding multiword information, wherein said method includes encoding said information as multibit symbols in relative contiguity with respect to a medium, with wordwise interleaving 1003 [33] EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת and wordwise error protection coding, and provides error locative clues across multiword groups, characterized in that the method comprises: splitting said multiword information into clue words and August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה target words, providing a high level of said target words, and using detected errors error protection coding for said clue words, in said clue words to identify target word and a lower level of protection coding for portions having a high likelihood of errors. __________ [11] [21] 131660 תהליך להכנת חומרי ביניים לחומרי הדברה וחומרי ביניים חדשים לתהליך זה [54] PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF PESTICIDAL INTERMEDIATES AND NOVEL INTERMEDIATES THEREFOR [22] [31] 25. 2.1998 60/039516 [32] 3. 3.1997 [33] US 9705316.9 14.3.1997 GB WO 98/39302 Int. Cl.7 C07C 255/66; C07D 213/76, 231/14, 401/04 Rhone-Poulenc Agro, Lyon, France Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [87] [51] [71] [74] ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] Process for the preparation of a compound of the formula wherein W is nitrogen or –CR4; R2, R4, R5 and R6 are independnently selected from hydrogen, halogen, C1-6 alkyl, C1-6 haloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C1-6 haloalkoxy, R7S(O)n-, nitro, cyano and – SF5; and R3 is hydrogen, halogen, C1-6 alkyl, C16 haloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C1-6 haloalkoxy, R7S(O)n-, nitro, cyano, -SF5, or phenyl substituted by one to five members of the August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה group consisting of halogen, C1-6 alkyl, C16 haloalkyl, C1-6 alkoxy, C1-6 haloalkoxy, R7S(O)n-, nitro, cyano and –SF5, which may be the same or different; R7 is C1-6 alkyl or C1-6 haloalkyl; and n is 0, 1 or 2; which comprises the cyclization, in the presence of a base, of a compound of the formula 1004 The compounds of formula (II) are claimed as novel. __________ [11] [21] 132003 שיטה לטיפול בנגיף הכשל החיסוני האנושי אנושיים ע"י מתן הרכבים-ביונקים לא המכילים כימיקאלים מצמחים [54] METHOD FOR TREATING HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) IN NON-HUMAN MAMMALS BY ADMINISTRATION OF PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITIONS [22] [31] [51] [71] 24.3.1998 824041 [32] 26.3.1997 [33] US Int. Cl.7 A61K 35/78, 45/06 Meryl J. Squires, Barrington Hills, Ill., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [74] [57] A method for use in treating HIV (human immunedeficiency virus) comprising the steps of: systemically applying an antimicrobial compound with a syringe into a rectal canal or vagina of a non-human mammal infected with human immundedeficiency virus; said antimicrobial compound comprising by weight: from about 40% to about 60% of a phytochemical concentrate of herbaceous botanicals consisting of Commiphora myrrha and Echinacea purpurea; said phytochemical concentrate of commiphora myrhha and Echinacea purpurea providing 1005 ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת antimicrobial isolates; from about 20% to about 60% sterile water providing a diluent and carrier for said phytochemical concentrate; from about 0.02% to about 0.30% ammonium salt surfactant comprising benzalkonium chloride; from about 2% to about 12% folic acid providing a nutrient; and said folic acid cooperating with said Commiphora myrrha and said Echinacea purpurea to treat human immunedeficiency virus; applying said antimicrobial compound in sufficient concentration and a sufficient period of time to decrease human immunedeficiency August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה virus in the non-human mammal; comprising tussilagine and isotussilagine; controlling viral load; and said from about 0.003% to about 0.009% antimicrobial isolates of said isomeric dodeca isobutalamides and phytochemical concentrate, comprises by tetroenoic acid; and Commophora myrrha weight based upon the total weight of the phytochemicals comprising members medical composition: from about 0.3% to selected from the group consisting of: about 9% echincoside; from about 0.1% to caryophylenes, sequiterpenes, curzerenone, about 7% PSI (4-Odihydro fuanodien-6-one; 2methylgulcoronoarabinoxylan, Mr 35 kD) methoxyfuradine, elemol, lyndesterene, and PSI (acid rhamnoarabinogalactan, Mr acetic acid, alpha-amyrone, arabinose, 450 kD); from about 0.1% to about 10% alpha-bisabolene, gamma-bisabolene, cynarin (1, 5-di-o-caffeoylquinic acid) and cadinene, campesterol, cinnamaldehyde, chioric acid (2, 3-O-di-caffeoyltartaric commiferin, alpha-commiphoric acid, acid) and derivatives thereof; from about beta-commiphoric acid, gama0.2% to about 4% echinolone; from about commiphoric acid, commiphorinic acid, 0.2% to about 8% echinacin B; from about m-cresol, cumic alcohol, cuminaldehyde, 0.1 to about 6% echinaceine; from about dipentene, 3-epi-alpha-amyrin, eugenol, 2% to about 7% anthonocyanins furanodiene, furanodienone, galactose, comprising cyananidin 3-O-B-Dgum, heerabolene, alpha-heerabomyrrhol, glucopyranoside and 3-O-(6-O-malonyl)beta-heerabomyrrhol, heeraboresene, B-D-glucopyranoside; from about 0.01% limonene, 4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid, nto about 0.06% pyrrolizidine alkaloids nonacesane, beta-sitosterol, xylose. __________ [11] [21] 132159 [54] [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] PLANT EXTRACTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF INCREASED BONE RESORPTION 4. 5.1998 9709082.3 [32] 6. 5.1997 WO 98/50054 Int. Cl.7 A61K 35/78; A61P 19/08 Roman Conrad Muhlbauer, Rapperswil, Switzerland Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [57] Use of a plant extract or concentrate selected from the group consisting of allium, petroselinum, brassica and eruca extracts and concentrates or mixtures thereof in the preparation of a medicament or nutritional formulation for the treatment תמציות צמחים לטיפול בהחלשות מוגברת של העצם [33] GB ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת or prophylaxis of a disease or condition which is characterized by increased bone resorption, such as Paget's disease, tumorinduced bone disease or particularly osteoporosis. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1006 [11] [21] 132607 רצף דנא המקודד לחלבון הגורם לדגרדציה של תחליף סוכר שאינו גורם לנקב שיניים [54] DNA SEQUENCE CODING FOR A PROTEIN CAUSING DEGRADATION OF A NONCARIOGENIC SUGAR SUBSTITUTE [22] [31] 13.1.1995 P4401451.1 [32] 19. 1.1994 P4414185.8 22.4.1994 Int. Cl.7 C12N 15/61, 9/90, 15/63, 1/21 Division from 112329 Sudzucker Aktiengesellschaft, Mannheim, Germany Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [51] [62] [71] [74] [33] DE " , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [57] DNA sequence characterized in that (a) one of the nucleotide sequences shown it codes for a protein having activity that in SEQ ID NO. 7 or SEQ ID NO. 15, and causes degradation of a non-cariogenic (b) a nucleotide sequence characterized in sugar substitute selected from the group that it corresponds to the sequence from (a) consisting of palatinose and trehalulose within the scope of the degeneracy of the and comprises: genetic code. __________ [11] [21] 132609 [54] RADIOACTIVE STENTS [22] [31] 29.4.1998 19718342.5 [32] 30. 4.1997 19718341.7 30.4.1997 19718340.9 30.4.1997 19724223.5 3.6.1997 19724229.4 3.6.1997 19724230.8 3.6.1997 Int. Cl.7 A61L 31/00; A61F 2/06; A61M 29/00 WO 98/48851 Schering Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [51] [87] [71] [74] 1007 סטנטים רדיואקטיבים [33] DE " " " " " , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] Radioactive stents, wherein the radioactive isotope is fixed on the surface of the stent by means of at least one adhesive. __________ [11] [21] 132688 [54] METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETERMINATION OF PARTICLES IN A LIQUID SAMPLE [22] [31] 5.5.1998 0509/97 [32] 5. 5.1997 1431/97 9.12.1997 WO 98/50777 Int. Cl.7 G01N 15/14 Chemometec A/S, Allerod, Denmark Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A method for the assessment of at least one parameter of a species of biological particles in a liquid analyte material, comprising applying a volume of a liquid sample representing the analyte material and comprising a plurality of particles, or a plurality of particles isolated from a volume of liquid sample representing the analyte material, to a sample compartment from which sample compartment electromagnetic signals from the sample in the compartment can pass to the exterior, the size of the volume allowing identification of at least 10 of the biological particles, transmitting light onto the sample from a light source, transmitting light onto the sample from a light source, performing one exposure of electromagnetic signals from the sample onto an array of active detection elements forming an image of the plurality of שיטה ומערכת לקביעת חלקיקים בדוגמא נוזלית [33] DK " ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת particles, the ratio of a linear dimension of the image on the array of detection elements to the original linear dimension in the sample compartment being from 40:1 to 1:10, when the size of the particles is between 1/3 μm and 3 μm, and from 3:1 to 1:100, when the size of the particles is between 3 μm and 100 μm, detecting the image as intensities by individual active detection elements, processing the intensities detected by the individual active detection elements in order to identify the image of electromagnetic signals, from the species of biological particles as distinct from representations of electromagnetic signals from background signals correlating the results of the processing to the at least one parameter of the species of biological particles in the liquid analyte material, and assessing the at least one parameter with a repeatability error of at most 33%. _________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1008 [11] [21] 132704 [54] COMPOUNDS AND METHOD FOR THE INACTIVATION OF A VIRUS IN A BIOLOGICAL COMPOSITION [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 13.5.1998 855378 [32] 13. 5.1997 WO 98/51660 Int. Cl.7 C07C 211/02; A61P 31/12 V.I. Technologies, Inc., Melville, N.Y., U.S.A. Seligsohn Gabrieli Levit & Co., P.O.B. 1426, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A compound having the formula βHal-(CH2CH2CH2-NH)nH, wherein n is an integer between 2 and 5, inclusive, and תרכובות ושיטה לאבטול של נגיף בהרכב ביולוגי [33] US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי לויט ושות אביב- תל,1426 .ד.ת (HX)3 salts thereof, when n is 3, where X is Br or C1. __________ [11] [21] 132759 [54] INFORMATION RECORDING/PROCESSING DEVICES AND MACHINE/SYSTEM CONTROLLING DEVICES EQUIPPED WITH FINGERPRINT SENSORS [22] [87] [51] [71] [74] 30.3.1998 WO 99/50794 Int. Cl.7 G06K 9/20 BMF Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [57] A flat information recording/processing device having a thin pressure-based fingerprint pattern sensor (13) for sensing a pattern of ridges and valleys of a fingerprint by surface pressure 1009 עיבוד מידע והתקני בקרת/התקני הקלטת מערכות המצויידים בחיישני טביעות/מכונות אצבעות ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת distribution, comprising: a plurality of first linear scanning electrodes (200c) generally aligned in a first direction, a plurality of second linear scanning electrodes (200d) generally aligned in a second direction, the August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה first and second plurality of the scanning electrodes intersecting at spaced apart intersection points, a plurality of active elements (200e) operatively associated with intersection points of the first and second plurality of electrodes, and conversion means (27) for converting fingerprint pattern data detected by the fingerprint sensor into digital electrical signals. __________ [11] [21] 133363 [54] PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HEPARIN [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 9.7.1998 97202213.1 [32] 16. 7.1997 WO 99/03893 Int. Cl.7 C08B 37/10; C12P 19/04 Akzo Nobel N.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] תהליך להכנת הפרין [33] EP ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A method for producing heparin to 8 hours; raising the temperature of the from mammalian mucosa tissue, mixture to approximately 50-75oC; and comprising adding a proteolytic enzyme to incubating the mixture within that mucosa tissue; mixing the enzyme and temperature range for approximately 1 to 6 mucosa tissue at ambient temperature for 2 hours and further recovering said heparin. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1010 [11] [21] 134131 שיטות הפרדה,אורגניות-תרכובות מימן לא ושימושים לשם דלק [54] INORGANIC HYDROGEN COMPOUNDS, SEPARATION METHODS AND FUEL APPLICATIONS [22] [31] 7.7.1998 60/053378 [32] 22. 7.1997 60/068913 29.12.1997 009294 20.1.1998 60/074006 9.2.1998 60/080647 3.4.1998 WO 99/05735 Int. Cl.7 C01B 6/24; H01M 4/58 Black Light Power, Inc., Malvern, Pa., U.S.A. Randell L. Mills Jeremy M. Ben-David & Co. Ltd., P.O.B. 45087, Jerusalem [87] [51] [71] [72] [74] [33] US " " " " ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ירושלים,45087 .ד.ת [57] A compound comprising (a) at least for which the corresponding ordinary one neutral, positive, or negative increased hydrogen species is unstable or is not binding energy hydrogen species having a observed because the ordinary hydrogen binding energy (i) greater than the binding species binding energy is less than thermal energy of the corresponding ordinary energies or is negative; and (b) at least one hydrogen species, or (ii) greater than the other element. binding energy of any hydrogen species __________ [11] [21] 134166 – תכשירי רוקחות המכילים צמד חומצה בסיס מבעבע [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AN EFFERVESCENT ACID-BASE COUPLE [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 23.7.1998 MI97A001746 [32] 23. 7.1997 WO 99/04765 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/46 Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., Parma, Italy Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] 1011 [33] IT ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] Pharmaceutical composition in form of effervescent tablet comprising an active ingredient and an effervescent couple, the couple comprising an acidic component and an alkaline component, characterized in that the alkaline component is sodium glycine carbonate and the acid is selected from fumaric acid, maleic acid, their salts and mixtures thereof. __________ [11] [21] 134395 [54] COMPRESSED NITROGYLYCERIN TABLET AND ITS METHOD OF MANUFACTURE [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 16.9.1998 60/061105 [32] 3. 10.1997 WO 99/17766 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/00, 9/20 Warner-Lambert Company, Morris Plains, N.J., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] גלולת ניטרוגליצרין דחוסה ושיטה ליצורה [33] US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A stable composition comprising lubricant, wherein nitroglycerin is the sole effective amount of nitroglycerin, lactose, pharmacologically active agent. silica, starch, glycerol monostearate and __________ [11] [21] 134568 [54] SUSTAINED RELEASE DRUG DELIVERY DEVICES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 28.8.1998 919221 [32] 28. 8.1997 WO 99/11244 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/22, 9/32 Control Delivery Systems, Inc., Watertown, Mass., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A sustained release drug delivery system, said drug delivery system comprising: August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה מתקן לחלוקת תרופות בשחרור מושהה [33] US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת (1) an inner core or reservoir comprising an effective amount of an agent to obtain a desired local or systemic physiological or 1012 pharmacological effect, impermeable disc being different material (2) a first coating layer permeable to the from or having substantially greater passage of said agent, wherein said first hardness, thickness, malleability or coating layer covers at least a portion of response to heat curing than said said inner core, which provides control and impermeable film, and sustained release of the agent, (4) a third coating layer permeable to the (3) a second coating layer, said second passage of said agent, wherein said third coating layer essentially impermeable to coating layer essentially completely covers the passage of said agent, and said second said second coating layer and the uncoated coating layer covering at least 50% of the portion of the first coating layer or inner inner core and/or the first coating layer, core, whereby said agent is able to pass wherein at least a small portion of the through said third coating layer in a inner core or first coating layer is not controlled manner; for use in obtaining a coated with said second coating layer and desired local or systemic physiological or said second coating layer comprises an pharmacological effect in a mammalian impermeable film and at least one organism. . __________ [11] [21] 134571 [54] ROTORS UTILIZING A STEPPED SKEW [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 25.6.1999 60/090773 [32] 26. 6.1997 WO 00/01058 Int. Cl.7 H02K 21/14 General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Seligsohn Gabrieli Levit & Co., P.O.B. 1426, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A rotor core comprising a plurality of rotor laminations, each of said laminations having an outer periphery, a first set of rotor laminations comprising a plurality of slots (22) having skew portions (26) extending in a first direction, a second set of said rotor laminations comprising a 1013 רוטורים המשתמשים בהסטה מדורגת [33] US ,'זליגסון גבריאלי לויט ושות אביב- תל,1426 .ד.ת plurality of slots having skew portions (28) extending in a second direction, and a plurality of notches (38) having an open end at said outer periphery and substantially aligned radially and coextensive radially with at least one of the skew portions. August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה __________ [11] [21] 134635 – 3 ,1 תהליך להכנת תרכובות אציל ציקלי דיקרבוניל וחומרי ביניים של התהליך [54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ACYLATED CYCLIC 1, 3-DICARBONYL AND INTERMEDIATES FOR THE PROCESS [22] [31] [87] [51] 17.11.1998 9725135.9 [32] 27. 11.1997 [33] GB WO 98/28282 Int. Cl.7 C07C 45/54, 49/385, 49/417, 49 /792, 49/86, 205/42, 225/22, 233/30, 255/56, 311/15, 315/04, 317/24, 323/22; C07D 249/08, 249/18 Syngenta Limited, Fernhurst, Haslemere, Surrey, England S. Horowitz & Co., ,' הורוביץ ושות.ש P.O.B. 2499, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,2499 .ד.ת [71] [74] [57] A process for preparing a compound of the formula August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1014 where Q completes an optionally substituted 5- or 6- member saturated carbocylic ring and R is optionally substituted phenyl or optionally substituted C3-C6 cycloalkyl which process comprises the rearrangement of a compound of the formul where Q and R are as defined in relation to formula (I) in a polar aprotic, dipolar aprotic or aromatic hydrocarbon solvent in the presence of a moderate base and an azole compound of the formula in which A is N or CR22; B is N or CR23 and R21, R22 and R23 are independently H, alkyl, or aryl or when B is CR23, R21 and R23 together with the carbon atoms to which they are attached form a 6membered carbocylic ring and salts thereof and a compound of the formula where Y is a 1, 2, 4-triazolyl or a 1,2,3benzotriazolyl group, R7 is halogen, cyano, NO2, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl, C1-4 alkoxy or RaS in which Ra is C1-4 alkyl; R8, R9 and R10 independently are hydrogen, halogen, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 haloalkyl, C1-4 haloalkoxy, CN, NO2, phenoxy, halophenoxy, C1-4 haloalkylphenoxy; RbS(O)n Om in which m is 0 or 1, n is 0, 1 or 2 and Rb is C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl, phenyl or benzyl, NHCORc in which Rc is C1-4 alkyl, NRdRe in which Rd and Re independently are hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl; RfC(O)- in which Rf is hydrogen, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl or C1-4 alkoxy; SO2NRgRh in which Rg and Rh 1015 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה independently are hydrogen or C1-4 alkyl; or any two of R8, R9 and R10 together with the carbon atoms to which they are attached form a 5 or 6 membered heterocyclic ring containing up to three heteroatoms selected from O, N or S and which may be optionally substituted by =NO C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl, C1-4 alkoxy or halogen, provided that when Y is 1, 2, 4- triazolyl and R7 is halo, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl, C14 alkoxy, nitro or cyano, then none of R8, R9 or R10 may be halo, C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 haloalkyl, C1-4 alkoxy, nitro or cyano at the 6-position of the phenyl ring. __________ [11] [21] 134703 [54] PROCESS FOR CONTROLLING THE LOADING OF A BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE AGENT INTO A LIPOSOME [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 8.9.1998 925532 [32] 8. 9.1997 WO 99/12523 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/127 SkyePharma Inc., San Diego, Calif., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] [57] An in-vitro process for controlling loading of at least one biologically active agent into liposomes comprising: (a) preparing a standard by dissolving at least one biologically active agent in an aqueous solution, wherein the resulting osmolarity of the aqueous solution is measured; (b) forming liposomes by mixing the product of (a) with a lipid component, thereby encapsulating said biological agent; תהליך לויסות טעינה של גורם בעל פעילות ביולוגית לתוך ליפוזום [33] US , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת (c) measuring the amount of active agent encapsulated; and (d) preparing modified liposomes by repeating steps (a) and (b) except that in (a) the osmolarity is either further increased relative to the standard osmolarity, thereby decreasing loading of the agent; or further decreased relative to the standard osmolarity, thereby increasing loading of the agent. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1016 [11] [21] 134729 [54] METHODS OF SYNTHESIZING POLYNUCLEOTIDES BY LIGATION OF MULTIPLE OLIGOMERS [22] [31] 22.7.1999 121887 [32] 24. 7.1998 241353 2.2.1999 241979 2.2.1999 245984 5.2.1999 WO 00/05412 Int. Cl.7 C12Q 1/68 Lumigen, Inc., Southfield, Mich., U.S.A. Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [87] [51] [71] [74] ידי-שיטה לסינתזה של פולינוקלאוטידים על ליגציה של רבוי אוליגומרים [33] US " " " , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [57] A method for synthesizing a strand (c) contacting the primer-template hybrid of a nucleic acid complementary to at least with a plurality of oligonucleotide 5'a portion of a target singel stranded nucleic monophosphates; acid template comprising: (d) ligating to the primer-template hybrid (a) providing a primer which is in sequence at least some of the plurality complementary to a portion of the target of oligonucleotide 5'-monophosphates to single stranded nucleic acid template; extend the double stranded region and (b) hybridizing the primer with the thereby synthesize a nucleic acid strand template to form a primer-template hybrid which is complementary to the portion of having a single stranded region and a the template. double stranded region; __________ [11] [21] 134762 [54] 8a-AZALIDES FOR TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL RESPIRATORY OR ENTERIC INFECTION IN A LIVESTOCK ANIMAL [22] [31] 4.9.1998 60/058329 [32] 10. 9.1997 9806029.6 20.3.1998 WO 99/12542 Int. Cl.7 A61K 31/7052 // C07H 17/08 Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway, N.J., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [87] [51] [71] [74] 1017 – אזאלידים לטיפול בזיהום בקטריאלי8a נשימתי או של המעי בבעלי חיים של משק החי [33] US GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] A method for the treatment or prophylactically effective amount of an 8aprevention of bacterial respiratory or azalide wherein the respiratory or enteric enteric infection in a livestock animal infecting organism is Pasteurella spp., which comprises administering to a Actinobacillus spp., Haemophilus spp., livestock animal in need of such treatment Mycoplasma spp., Treponema spp., or or prevention a therapeutically or Salmonella spp. __________ [11] [21] 134798 דבקים רגישי לחץ הסופגים נוזלים ביולוגיים [54] BIOLOGICAL FLUID ABSORBING PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVES [22] [31] 14.7.1998 9718289.3 [32] 29. 8.1997 9813771.4 25.6.1998 WO 99/11728 Int. Cl.7 C09J 153/02 Avery Denisson Corporation, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. Dr. Mark Friedman Ltd., 7 Haomanim St., Tel Aviv [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A pressure-sensitive adhesive material comprising a mixture of: (a) a continuous phase formed from a physically cross-linked solid rubber, a compatible liquid rubber, other than polyisobutylene and 0 to 9.37 wt. % of tackifiers other than said rubbers, based on the total composition, wherein the weight [33] GB " ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ תל אביב,7 רח' האומנים ratio of said liquid rubber to said solid rubber is from 3:2 to 7:1; and (b) 10 to 70% by weight, based on the total adhesive material, of a discontinuous phase comprising one or more hydrophilic polymers that are soluble and/or swellable in water. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1018 [11] [21] 134946 מתקן חשמלי לחימום [54] ELECTRICAL HEATING APPARATUS [22] [51] [71] 8.3.2000 Int. Cl.7 F24H 1/10; A47J 31/00 Atmor Industries (1973) Ltd., Bnei Brak G.E. Ehrlich (1995) Ltd., 28 Bezalel St., Ramat Gan [74] [57] Electrical heating apparatus for automatically heating water passing therethrough from a cold water supply pipe to a hot water delivery pipe, comprising: a water heater housing (2) including an electrical heater (3) therein, an inlet coupling (8), and an outlet coupling (9); an electrical control device controlling said electrical heater; an inlet conduit (4) connectable between the water supply pipe and the inlet coupling of the electrical heater housing for inletting cold water; an outlet conduit (5) connectable between the בני ברק,) בע"מ1973( אטמור תעשיות ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.א.ג רמת גן,28 רח' בצלאל outlet coupling of the water heater housing and the water delivery pipe for outletting hot water thereto; and a pressureresponsive device (7) cooperable with said electrical control device to control the electrical heater; characterized in that said pressure-responsive device is connected to one of said conduits in parallel to said electrical heater housing, and in that said pressure-responsive device includes an inlet (7a) integrally formed with said one conduit and the respective coupling of the heater housing. __________ 1019 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 135138 [54] METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR PREPARING A HIGH PRESSURE HYPERPOLARIZED HELIUM GAS AND USE OF SAID METHOD [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 17.9.1998 9711553 [32] 17. 9.1997 WO 99/14582 Int. Cl.7 G01N 24/00 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [74] [57] Process for preparation of a hyperpolarized high pressure helium gas using an optical pumping step at a resonant wavelength of close to 1083 nanometers in a helium gas formed from the pure helium3 isotope or a mixture of the helium-3 and שיטה וציוד להכנת גז הליום היפרפולרי ושימוש בשיטה זו,בלחץ גבוה [33] FR ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת helium-4 iso-topes, characterized in that a magnetic field of 0.1 to 1 Tesla is applied to the said helium gas during the optical pumping steps and is held at a pressure of more than 1000 Pa. __________ [11] [21] 135218 [54] SELF-ROLLING BANNER [22] [51] [71] [72] [74] 22.3.2000 Int. G09F 17/00 Argo Ltd., Ra'anana Moshe Harel Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [57] A self-rolling banner (10) for two-handed vertical and horizontal display comprising an elongated sheet (14) of self-rolling material having two ends (16, 18) and two side edges (20, 22) and at least one handle (28) having ends bracketing the side edges of said sheet adjacent one of said ends, wherein said material is capable of alternating between August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה סרט הצגה מתגלגל בעצמו רעננה,ארגו בע"מ משה הראל , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת a relaxed and tensioned state and of independently assuming a rolled-up configuration in said relaxed state around at least one end of said sheet, said end being attached to an axle means (32) around which said sheet assumes its rolledup configuration, characterized in that said axle is freely attached to said ends of said handle, enabling the free rotation of said 1020 axle relative thereto and in that said banner further comprises a second handle and a secnd axle means to which a second end of said sheet is attached, wherein said second end of said sheet and the sheet material adjacent thereto assumes a rolled-up configuration around said second axle and said second axle is freely attached to the ends of said second handle, enabling the free rotation of said second axle relative to said second handle. __________ [11] [21] 135231 [54] CONNECTING DEVICE FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] 20.10.1998 9703839-2 [32] 21. 10.1997 WO 99/20338 Int. Cl.7 A61M 39/10 Hemapure AB, Uppsala, Sweden Seligsohn Gabrieli Levit & Co., P.O.B. 1426, Tel-Aviv 1021 התקן חיבור למטרות רפואיות [33] SE ,'זליגסון גבריאלי לויט ושות אביב- תל,1426 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] Device for external connection of the bloodstream of a patient to an external circuit or a fluidum source for medical purposes, said device comprising: a main body (1) with at least a first opening (8) surrounded by a first sealing surface (9) and communicating with an outward coupling means (2) for connection to the bloodstream, wherein in a nonconnected position, the first sealing surface being adapted to be protected by a removable protective member (24), and a connecting member (10) with at least one second opening (12) surrounded by a second sealing surface (22) and for communicating with said external circuit or fluidum source, which in a nonconnected position is arranged to be protected by a protective body which is removable with respect to the connecting member, the connecting member being connectable to the main body under simulataneous removal of the protective member from the first sealing surface and the protective body from the second sealing surface in order to obtain cooperation between the first and second sealing surfaces and obtaining a leakproof connection between said openings, the main body being provided with holding elements (6) for the co-operation with holding means (17) on the protective body and the connecting member, respectively, said holding elements forming a guide open at two ends for the protective member and the connecting member, respectively. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1022 [11] [21] 135331 של פולימורף גבישי נגד פטריותI צורה והרכבים רוקחיים המכילים אותה [54] CRYSTALLINE ANTIFUNGAL POLYMORPH FORM I AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THE SAME [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 5.10.1998 946183 [32] 7. 10.1997 [33] US WO 99/18097 Int. Cl.7 C07D 405/06; A61K 31/4196; A61P 31/10 Schering Corporation, Kenilworth, N.J., U.S.A. Dr. Shlomo Cohen & Co., P.O.B. 11490, Tel-Aviv [74] ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות אביב- תל,11490 .ד.ת [57] A crystalline polymorph from I of (-)-4-[4-[4-[4-[[(2R-cis)-5-(2,4difluorophenyl) tetrahydro-5-(1H- 1, 2, 4triazol-1-ylmethyl) furan-3-yl]- methoxy] phenyl] -1-piperazinyl] phenyl-2, 4dihydro-2-[(S)-1-ethyl-2(S)hydroxylpropyl]-3H-1, 2, 4-triazol-3-one of the formula and characterized by the following x-ray powder diffraction pattern expressed in terms of "d" spacing and relative intensities "(RI"): dspacing (±0.04) 6.10 4.63 4.10 3.69 3.05 RI Medium Medium Wide Wide Wide __________ 1023 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 135404 מחליף לחץ [54] PRESSURE EXCHANGER [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 30.9.1998 974542 [32] 1. 10.1997 WO 99/17028 Int. Cl.7 F04F 11/00; F15D 1/14; F15B 3/00 Energy Recovery, Inc., Chesapeake, Va., U.S.A. Seligsohn Gabrieli Levit & Co., P.O.B. 1426, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A pressure exchanger for transferring pressure from a first fluid at high pressure to a second fluid at a lower pressure, comprising a pressure housing; (1) and a pressure exchanger assembly disposed within the pressure housing; the pressure exchanger assembly comprising a generally cylindrically-shaped liner having first and second end covers (13, 14) located thereon, each end cover having one or more fluid passageways for fluid communication with an interior of the cylindrical liner; and a rotor (11) disposed withing the interior of the liner for rotation about a longitudinal axis, the rotor having a plurality of channels (25) therethrough [33] NO ,'זליגסון גבריאלי לויט ושות אביב- תל,1426 .ד.ת positioned for fluid communication with said passageways within said end covers during rotation of the rotor; the pressure housing having a first inlet (7) for communicating the first high pressure fluid to a passageway in the first end cover and having a second inlet (3) for communicating the second lower pressure fluid to a passageway in the second end cover; and a sealing ring (22) disposed about the second end cover for sealing engagement with the pressure housing, the sealing ring defining a high pressure area between the exterior of the liner and the pressure housing and a low pressure area adjacent to the second end cover. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1024 [11] [21] 135562 – דיאולים3 ,1–תהליך לסינטזה של ציס ותצריף סינרגיסטי של תלתאלקילבורן ודיאלקילאלקוקסיבורן לתהליך זה [54] PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF CIS-1, 3-DIOLS AND A SYNERGISTIC COMBINATION OF TRIALKYLBORANE AND DIALKYLALKOXYBORANE FOR SUCH SYNTHESIS [22] [31] [87] [51] 2.12.1998 60/068193 [32] 19. 12.1997 [33] US WO 99/32434 Int. Cl.7 C07B 31/00, 41/02; C07C 33/28, 35/08, 69/675, 253/30, 255/12, 271/38; C07D 207/416, 209/10, 213/26, 215/12, 23/12, 239/26, 257/04, 311/96; C07F 5/04 Warner–Lambert Export Limited, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin, Ireland Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [71] [74] [57] A process for the preparation of a compound of the formula wherein R is alkyl, NC-CH2-, PG-O-CH2-wherein PG is a protecting group, 1025 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה wherein R2 is (H3C)2 CH- or cyclopropyl, wherein R3 is C6H5, (H3C)2-N-or (H3C)2CH- and R4 is hydrogen, H3C-O-CH2-, H3C-CH2-C(CH3)2-CO2CH2-, or H3C-O2C-CH2-CH(OH)-CH2CH(OH)-CH=CH, R6 is hydrogen or CH3, R7 is hydrogen or CH3, R8 is hydrogen, OH, CH3, or H5C6-NHCO-O, and R9 is hydrogen or CH3, August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1026 R1 is alkyl, or -CH2-CO2R6 wherein R6 is alkyl; which comprises: step (a) treating a compound of the formula or a compound of the formula wherein R and R1 are as defined above with a trialkylborane or dialkylalkoxyborane or a mixture of a trialkylborane and a dialkylalkoxyborane in a solvent; step (b) adding an alkali metal hydride at about -110oC to about -50oC; step (c) concentrating the reaction mixture by distillation to afford a compound of formula I and a distillate containing alkylborane species; step (d) treating additional compound of formula II or III with the distillate from step (c) containing recovered alkylborane species, and repeating steps (b) and (c) as desired to afford additional compound of formula I. __________ 1027 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 135641 שיטה להכנת ציטאלופרם [54] METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF CITALOPRAM [22] [87] [51] [71] 11.11.1997 WO 98/19512 Int. Cl.7 C07C 225/22; C07D 307/87; A61K 31/34 H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby-Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. Shlomo Cohen & Co., P.O.B. 11490, Tel-Aviv [74] ,'ד"ר שלמה כהן ושות אביב- תל,11490 .ד.ת [57] A method for the preparation of citalopram comprising the steps of (a) reacting a compound of the formula wherein R1 is H or C1-6 alkylcarbonyl with a Grignard reagent of 4-halogenfluorophenyl; (b) reacting the resulting compound of the formula with a Grignard reagent of 3-halogen – N,N-dimethylpropyl-amine; (c) effecting ring closure of the resulting compound of the formula August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1028 and (d) converting the resulting compound of the formula wherein R1 is as defined above, into the corresponding 5-cyano derivative, i.e. Claimed as novel is the compound of the formula citalopram, which is isolated as the base or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. wherein R1 is H or C1-6 alkylcarbonyl. __________ 1029 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 135773 משאבות עבור מזרק [54] SYRINGE PUMPS [22] [31] [51] [71] [74] 19.4.2000 9910985.2 [32] 12. 5.1999 Int. Cl.7 A61M 5/145 Smiths Group plc, London, England Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [57] A syringe pump adapted to receive a syringe (3) of the kind having a plunger (35) movable along a barrel (30) with a nose outlet at its forward end and a rear end, characterized in that the pump includes a movable member (44, 56) movable in a first direction towards [33] GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת engagement with a portion at the rear end of the barrel projecting radially outwardly, and a sensor (54) for sensing the position of the movable member to detect whether or not the projecting portion and hence the syringe is correctly positioned in the pump. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1030 [11] [21] 135789 [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING PULMONARY BLOOD FLOW BY PULMONARY EXCHANGE OF OXYGEN AND AN INERT GAS WITH THE BLOOD [22] [87] [51] [71] 24.10.1997 WO 98/18383 Int. Cl.7 A61B 5/02, 5/08 Gavin Joseph Brian Robinson, Burwood, Vic., Australia Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] שיטה והתקן למדידת זרימת דם ריאתית ידי החלפת חמצן וגז אינרטי ריאתי עם-על הדם ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A method for measuring the pulmonary bloodflow in a subject including: isolating two or more division of the respiratory system, said divisions comprising the complete gas exchanging part of said respiratory system, ventilating each said division with a separate gas mixture, at least one of said gas mixtures including an inert soluble gas, determining uptake of inert soluble gas in at least two of said divisions, determining relative pulmonary blood flow of said divisions, determining end tidal concentration of inert soluble gas in at least two of said divisions, and calculating pulmonary blood flow from determined values of uptake and end tidal concentration of inert soluble gas, and relative pulmonary blood flow. __________ [11] [21] 135884 [54] METHOD FOR MEASURING NON-TRANSFERRIN BOUND IRON [22] [51] [71] 30.4.2000 Int. Cl.7 G01N 33/50, 33/90 Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem William Breuer and Zvi Yoav Cabantchik G.E. Ehrlich (1995) Ltd., 11 Menachem Begin St., Ramat Gan [72] [74] 1031 תהליך למדידת ברזל שאינו קשור לטרנספרין יישום חברה לפתוח המחקר של ירושלים,האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים וויליאם ברוייר וצבי יואב קבנצ'יק ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.א.ג רמת גן,11 רח' מנחם בגין August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] A method of determining the content of non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) and/or chelator accessible iron in samples the method comprising (a) contacting a sample with: (i) a first reagent including a fluorescent marker-conjugated Fe chelator; and (ii) a second reagent including said fluorescent marker-conjugated Fe chelator and non-conjugated fe chelator (b) calculting ratio of fluorescence resulatant from contacting said sample with said first reagent and said second reagent, said ratio being indicative of content of non-transferrin-bound iron (NTBI) and/or chelator accessible iron in said sample. __________ [11] [21] 135898 תהליך להכנת נגזרות של תיאזולידינדיאון [54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIAZOLIDINEDIONE DERIVATIVES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 27. 10.1998 9723295.3 [32] 4. 11.1997 WO 99/23095 Int. Cl.7 C07D 277/34, 417/12 SmithKline Beecham Plc, Brentford, Middlesex, England Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [74] [57] A process for preparing 5-{4-[2-(Nmethyl-N-(2-pyridyl) amino) ethoxy] benzyl}- 2, 4-thiazolidinedione, or a tautomeric form thereof or a salt thereof, or a solvate thereof, which process comprises catalytically reducing 5-{4-[2(N-methyl-N-(2-pyridyl} amino) ethoxy] [33] GB ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת benzylidene}- 2,4-thiazolidinedione, or a tautomeric form thereof or a salt thereof, or a solvate thereof, characterized in that the reduction reaction is carried out using a hydrogen pressure above 1.379x105Pa (20psi); and thereafter if required forming a pharmaceutically acceptable salt and/or a pharmaceutically acceptable solvate. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1032 [11] [21] 135921 תולדות חומצות הידרוקסאמית וקארבוקסילית בעלות פעילות מעכבת TNF- וMMP [54] HYDROXAMIC AND CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES HAVING MMP AND TNF INHIBITORY ACTIVITY [22] [31] 12. 11.1998 9723906.5 [32] 12. 11.1997 [33] GB 9802618.0 6.2.1998 " 9813933.0 26.6.1998 " WO 99/24399 Int. Cl.7 C07C 311/04, 317/26, 323/23, 325 /50, 313/06; C07D 211/92, 233/72, 401/12, 405/12; A61K 31/10, 31/16, 31/335, 31/395;, A61P 3/04, 7/02, 9/00, 25/06, 29/00, 17/00, 31/12, 35/00 Darwin Discovery Limited, Cambridge, England Dr. Yitzhak Hess & Partners, ,ד"ר יצחק הס ושותפיו P.O.B. 6451, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,6451 .ד.ת [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] Compounds for therapeutic use, of the formula wherein m is 0-2; X is S(O)1-2; Y is OH or NHOH; R1 is H or a group (optionally substituted with R7) selected from C1-6 alkyl, C2-6 alkenyl, aryl, C1-6 alkyl-aryl, heteroaryl, C1-6 alkyl-heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, C16 alkyl-heterocycloalkyl, cycloalkyl and C1-6 alkyl-cycloalkyl, and R2 is H or C1-6 alkyl; or CR1R2 is a cycloalkyl or heterocycloalkyl ring optionally substituted with R7 or a group (optionally substituted with R7) selected from C1-6 alkyl, aryl, C1-6 alkyl-aryl, heteroaryl and C1-6 alkyl-heteroaryl; 1033 each B is the same or different and is H or a group selected from C1-6 alkyl-aryl, C1-6 alkyl, cycloalkyl, C1-6 alkyl-cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, heterocycloalkenyl, C1-6 alkyl- heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, C1-6 alkyl-heterocycloalkyl, aryl or heteroaryl, any of which groups is optionally substituted by a substituent selected from R3, C1-6 alkyl-R3, C2-6 alkenyl-R3, aryl (optionally substituted with R3), aryl-C1-6 alkyl-R3, C1-6 alkyl-aryl (optionally substituted with R3), C1-6 alkyl-heteroaryl (optionally substituted with R3), aryl- C2-6 alkenyl-R5, heteroaryl (optionally substituted with R3), heteroaryl-C1-6 alkylR3, cycloalkyl (optionally substituted with August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה R3) and heterocycloalkyl (optionally heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, C1-6 alkylsubstituted with R3), provided that NB2 is cycloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl and C1-6 not NH2, alkyl-heterocycloalkyl, wherein said group or B-N-B is a heterocycloalkyl ring is optionally substituted with R6, COR6, substituted with =O or =NOR4, or, when SO0-2R6, CO2R6, OR6, CONR8R6, NR8R6, 1 2 neither R nor R is H, B-N-B is a halogen, CN, SO2NR8R6 or NO2, and for heterocycloalkyl or heterocycloalkenyl each case of N(R4)2 the R4 groups are the ring optionally substituted by a substitutent same or different or N(R4)2 is 3 3 selected from R , C1-6 alkyl-R , C2-6 heterocycloalkyl optionally substituted alkenyl-R3, aryl (optionally substituted with R6, COR6, SO0-2R6, CO2R6, OR6, 3 3 with R ), aryl-C1-6 alkyl-R , C1-6 alkyl-aryl) CONR8R6, NR8R6, halogen, CN, optionally substituted with R3), C1-6 alkylSO2NR8R6 or NO2; heteroaryl (optionally substituted with R3), R5 is COR4, CON(R4)2, CO2R6 or SO2R6; 5 aryl – C2-6 alkenyl-R , heteroaryl R6 is C1-6 alkyl, aryl, C1-6 alkyl-aryl, 3 (optionally substituted with R ), heteroaryl or C1-6 alkyl-heteroaryl; and heteroaryl-C1-6 alkyl-R3, cycloalkyl R7 is OR4, COR4, CO2R8, CON(R4)2, 3 (optionally subisutted with R ), and NR4R5, S(O)0-2R6, SO2N(R4)2M halogen, heterocycloalkyl) optionally substituted CN or cycloimidyl (optionally substituted with R3); R3 is C1-6 alkyl, C2-6 alkenyl-R5, with R8); and halogen, CN, NO2, N(R4)2, OR4, R8 is H or C1-6 alkyl; C(=NOR6)R4, CON (R4)2, COR4, CO2R8, and the salts, solvates, hydrates, N-oxides, NR4R5, S(O)0-2R6 or SO2N(R4)2; protected amino, protected carboxy, or R4 is H or a group selected from C1-6 alkyl, protected hydroxamic acid derivatives aryl, C1-6 alkyl-aryl, heteroaryl, C1-6 alkylthereof. __________ [11] [21] 135946 [54] PESTICIDE AGAINST PLANT – PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 5. 11.1998 1007457 [32] 5. 11.1997 WO 99/22597 Int. Cl.7 A01N 63/00 Campina Melkunie B.V., Veghel and Koppert B.V., Berkel en Rodenrijs, both of the Netherlands Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya [74] קוטלי מזיקים כנגד מיקרואורגניזמים צמחים-הגורמים למחלות [33] NL ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר [57] Composition comprising and glucose, and an oil base for use in the lactoperoxidase, thiocyanate (SCN-) control of plant-pathogenic organisms, and/or iodide (I-), a hydrogen peroxide particularly fungi and bacteria. donor system, in particular glucose oxidase __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1034 [11] [21] 135960 [54] SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE DELIVERY OF DIGITAL VIDEO AND DATA OVER A COMMUNICAITON CHANNEL [22] [87] [51] [71] 4.11.1998 WO 99/23825 Int. Cl.7 H04N 7/08, 7/173 Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A system for delivering digital video and data over a single communication channel, comprising: a programming center configured to receive a plurality of video signals representing a plurality of video programs, said programming center also configured to process at least one bidirectional data signal; a central office in communication with said programming center, said central office configured to receive said plurality of video signals representing said plurality of video programs and place said plurality of video signals simultaneously on a bus, 1035 מערכת ושיטה להעברת וידאו דיגיטלי ונתונים דרך ערוץ תקשורת ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת said central office also configured to process said at least one bi-directional data signal, said at least one bidirectional data signal including a telephone channel; and means located in said central office for simultaneously delivering and terminating any of said plurality of video signals representing said plurality of video programs to any of a plurality of end user locations and supporting communication of said at least one bidirectional data signal to said any of said plurality of end user locations over a single communications channel. August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה _________ [11] [21] 135975 [54] FLASHOVER PROTECTION COVER FOR ELECTRICAL POWER LINES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 8.12.1998 988000 [32] 10. 12.1997 WO 99/30399 Int. Cl.7 H02G 7/00 Tyco Electronics Corporation, Middletown, Pa., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] מכסה להגנה מפני קצר בקוי מתח חשמלי [33] US ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] A flashover protection cover (10) for an electrical power line, comprising: a flexible panel (12) having an inner surface (12a) and generally parallel opposite edge portions (14a, 14b) said edge portions being configured to be joined together to form a first longitudinally extending chamber (16); and a longitudinally extending first wall (18) connected along an edge portion (18a) of said first wall to said inner surface and having an opposite free edge portion, wherein said first wall is longitudinally coextensive with said first longitudinally extending chamber, said first wall configured to form a second longitudinally extending chamber (20) within said first chamber when said panel edge portions are joined together, wherein said second longitudinally extending chamber is configured to enclose an electrical power line (22), and wherein said second longitudinally extending chamber is longitudinally coextensive with said first longitudinally extending chamber; and a second wall (24) connected along an edge portion of said second wall to said inner surface and having an opposite free edge portion (24b), wherein said second wall is longitudinally coextensive with said first longitudinally extending chamber. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1036 [11] [21] 136044 –אמינואצטאמיד ותכשירי רוקחות2 תולדות המכילים אותן [54] 2-AMINOACETAMIDE DERIVATIVES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME [22] [31] [87] [51] 20.11.1998 60/066707 [32] 21. 11.1997 [33] US WO 99/26614 Int. Cl.7 C07C 237/04, 237/14, 237/16, 237/20, 237/28, 237/48, 317/26, 323/23; C07D 211/36, 213/62, 215/16, 309/12, 313/48; A61K 31/165, 31/35, 31/36, 31/395; A61P 29/00 Euro-Celtique S.A., Luxembourg Wolff, Bregman and Goller, , ברגמן וגולר,וולף P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [71] [74] [57] A pharmaceutical composition for treating or ameliorating pain in a mammal, comprising an effective amount of a compound having the formula or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or prodrug thereof, wherein: R1 R2, R3 and R4 are independently hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, haloalkyl, aryl, aminoalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl or carboxyalkyl; R5, R6 and R7 are independently hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, haloalkyl, aryl, aminoalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl or carboxyalkyl, or R5, is defined as above, and R6 and R7 together with the nitrogen atom to which they are attached form a heterocycle; A1 and A2 are independently aryl, heteroaryl, saturated or partially unsaturated carbocycle or saturated or partially unsaturated heterocycle, any of which is optionally substituted; X is O, S, NR8, CH2, NR8C(O), C(O)NR8, SO, SO2 or a covalent bond; where R8 is hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, haloalkyl, aryl, aminoalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl or carboxyalkyl; and n is 0, 1, 2 or 3, as active ingredient therein in combination with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. __________ 1037 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 136057 תהליך רציף למיצוי של פוליאמידים [54] CONTINUOUS POLYAMIDE EXTRACTION PROCESS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 24.11.1998 19752182.7 [32] 25. 11.1997 WO 99/26998 Int. Cl.7 C08F 69/16, 69/46 BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A process for continuous extraction of polyamide particles in an essentially vertical extraction column using an aqueous extractant, which comprises using an extraction column that is divided into two zones and performing an extraction with a recirculating 15-40% strength by weight aqueous ε-caprolactam solution in [33] DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת the first zone and then with countercurrent water in the second zone, the diameter of the extraction column in the first zone being greater than that in the second zone and the transition from the first to the second zone being equipped with a flow barrier. __________ [11] [21] 136067 [54] ROAD INTERSECTION SYSTEMS ON DIFFERENT LEVELS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] 17.11.1998 1997/61140 [32] 19. 11.1997 WO 99/26211 Int. Cl.7 E01C 1/04 Lee Jang Hee, Seoul, Korea Dr. Mark Friedman Ltd., 7 Haomanim St., Tel Aviv [57] An intersection system, comprising: a plate-shaped road, on each of upper (P1) and lower (P2) levels, respectively, at a central section of an intersection, each having left and right turns for opposing traffic onto entrance roads; half-mainroads (55, 57) in two respective directions, August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה מערכות צומת כבישים במפלסים שונים [33] KR ,ד"ר מרק פרידמן בע"מ תל אביב,7 רח' האומנים and in two other directions (61, 62) being connected to edges of the plate-shaped roads of said upper level and lower level, respectively; said half-main-road on the upper level and those of the lower level, being in different directions with respect to each other in a plane, and said entrance 1038 road of the upper level and those of the lower level, being in different directions as well; one or more one-way roads (51, 53) constituting half-main-roads or entrance roads (63, 64) having a sloping section; said entrance roads being connected to either of the one-way roads of the upper or lower level, traffic moving in a same direction of said entrance roads; traffic lights at said plate-shaped roads of the upper and lower levels, and at the respective one-way road entrance roads, for the benefit of the traffic entering from respective directions therein. __________ [11] [21] 136101 תכשירי רוקחות המכילים חומצה אזילאית [54] PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING ZAELAIC ACID [22] [31] 18.11.1998 19753044.3 [32] 19.11.1997 [33] DE 60/074850 12.2.1998 US 19808086.7 20.2.1998 DE WO 99/25332 Int. Cl.7 A61K 31/23, 47/00; A61P 17/00, 17/10// C07C 55/18 Schering Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] Composition that comprises the following features: (i) azelaic acid as a therapeutic active ingredient, (iii) triacylglycerides, (iv) propylene glycol, and (v) polysorbates (vii) in an aqueous phase that comprises water and salts, 1039 , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת characterized in that the composition comprises (ii) polyacrylic acid, and (vi) lecithin as further additives, wherein the lecithin is present in the composition at a concentration of up to 4% by weight, and that the composition is a hydrogel. August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 136268 [54] METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OBTAINING TRANSMIT DIVERSITY USING SWITCHED ANTENNAS [22] [31] 30.11.1998 60/067247 [32] 7.12.1997 114036 10.7.1998 WO 99/29050 Int. Cl.7 H04B 7/02, 7/06 Qualcomm Incorporated, San Diego, Calif., U.S.A. Sanford T. Colb & Co., P.O.B. 2273, Rehovot [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A communication apparatus with transmit diversity, comprising: a bit stream signal generator (20) that generates bit stream signals (Q), punctures power control symbols (22) into message symbols in the bit stream signals, and errorcorrection encodes the message symbols; an orthogonal code generator (25) coupled to the bit stream signal generator to generate coded signals in a plurality of code channels and a control signal to August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה שיטה והתקן להשגת שידור מגוון באמצעות אנטנות ממותגות [33] US " ,' קולב ושות.סנפורד ט רחובות,2273 .ד.ת indicate a boundary of a code sequence; at least one switch coupled to the orthogonal code generator to switch the coded signals between at least two output signal paths in response to the control signal; and at least two antennas (34, 36) disposed on said at least two output signal paths to transmit the coded signals alternately in a plurality of time intervals, each of the time intervals being an integral multiple of a time period of the code sequence. 1040 __________ [11] [21] 136282 [54] OXIME DERIVATIVES AND PESTICIDAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THE SAME [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 9.12.1998 9/339790 [32] 10.12.1997 WO 99/29689 Int. Cl.7 C07D 413/12, A01N 43/82, 417/12 Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc., Tokyo and Sagami Chemical Research Center, Kanagawa, both of Japan Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] תולדות אוקסים ותכשירים קולטי חרקים המכילים אותן [33] JP , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת [57] Oxime derivatives of the formula wherein, R1 represents a hydrogen atom or a lower alkyl group; X represents a halogen atom, a nitro group, a hydroxyl group, a cyano group, a carboxyl group, an alkoxy-carbonyl group, a lower alkyl group which may be substituted with halogen atoms; a lower alkoxy group which may be substituted with halogen atoms; a lower alkylthio group which may be substituted with halogen atoms; a lower alkylsulfonyl group which may be substituted with a halogen atom; an aryl group which may be substituted with a halogen atom or a lower alkyl group; an aryloxy group which may be substituted with a halogen atom or a lower alkyl group; or an amino group which may be 1041 substituted with a lower alkyl group; and n represents an integer from 0 to 3; and Het A represents a 6-membered aromatic nitrogen-containing ring which contains one or two nitrogen atoms or its benzocondensation ring-type nitrogen containing aromatic ring which may be substituted with one or two substitutable groups selected from the group consisting of a halogen atom, a lower alkyl grup, a lower alkylthio group, a lower alkylsulfonyl group, a lower alkoxy group, a lower alkoxy group, a trifluoromethyl group, and a cyano group; and Het B represents oxime derivatives, each ring structure, expressed by the following formulas: August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה wherein, Y represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom or a lower alkyl group which may be substituted with a halogen atom. ___________ [11] [21] 136313 [54] LONG ACTING INJECTABLE FORMULATIONS CONTAINING HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL [22] [31] 14.9.1998 60/067374 [32] 3.12.1997 9809792.6 7.5.1998 WO 99/27906 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/08, 47/14, 47/44 Merck & Co. Inc., Rahway and Merial LLC, Iselin, both of N.J., U.S.A. Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [87] [51] [71] [74] [57] A long-acting injectable formulation comprising: (a) a therapeutic agent selected from the group consisting of insecticides, acaricides, parasiticides, growth enhancers and oil-soluble NASIDS, (b) hydrogenated castor oil, and הרכבים להזרקה עמידים לאורך זמן המכילים שמן קיק רווי [33] US GB ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת (c) a hydrophobic carrier comprising: (i) triacetin, benzyl benzoate or ethyl oleate or a combination thereof; and (ii) acylated monoglycerides, propyl dicaprylates/dicaprates, caprylic/capric acid triglycerides, or a combination thereof. _________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1042 [11] [21] 136350 [54] METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR BILLING IN A NETWORK [22] [51] [71] 25.5.2000 Int. Cl.7 G06F 17/60; H04M 17/00 Lead IP Systems Ltd., Teradion Industrial Park [72] [74] Shlomo Inbar and Eldad Caspi G.E. Ehrlich (1995) Ltd., 11 Menachem Begin St., Ramat Gan [57] A network billing method for users, each user having a local area network and a connection device (3) for connecting said local area network in peer-to-peer connections to nodes external to said local area network, comprising the following steps: שיטה ומערכת לחיובים ברשת אזור תעשייה,ליד אי פי סיסטמנס בע"מ תרדיון שלמה ענבר ואלדד כספי ,) בע"מ1995( ארליך.א.ג רמת גן,11 רח' מנחם בגין (a) installing a monitoring device (5, 6) in said connection device for monitoring peer-to-peer usage information; (b) configuring said monitoring device to connect to a remotely located billing server (7) in the network; and (c) reporting said peer-to-peer usage information to said billing server. __________ 1043 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 136422 בקבוק לתינוק [54] BABY BOTTLE [22] [31] [51] [71] 29.5.2000 9903000011 [32] 1. 6.1999 Int. Cl.7 A61J 9/00 Thawee Eksuwancharoen, Bangkok, Thailand Anupongse Tantiroongrojchai Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [72] [74] [57] A baby bottle comprising: a cylindrically shaped main body (1, 3) whose top end in open and bottom end (4) is closed; a cylindrically shaped linking wall whose ends are both open; a cylindrically shaped neck whose ends are both open; wherein the angle that is formed when the axis (8) that passes the center of the diameter of said main body is connected with the axis that passes the center of the diameter of [33] TH ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת said linking wall of said bottle is equal to the angle that is formed when the top part of the axis that passes the center of the diameter of said linking wall is connected with the axis that passes the center of the diameter of said neck of said bottle; and, wherein the top part of said neck of said bottle is used for filling milk or liquid food and for assembling with the nipple (6) and the screw cover (5). __________ [11] [21] 136591 [54] NASAL PHARMACEUTICAL SOLUTIONS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 28.1.1999 98810069.9 [32] 30. 1.1998 WO 99/38492 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/00 Novartis Consumer Health S.A., Nyon, Switzerland Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה תמיסות תרופתיות לאף [33] EP ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת 1044 [57] A liquid nasal pharmaceutical composition, and which is selected from composition which comprises water and mixtures of water with (a) one or more active substances suitable propylene glycol, water with glycerol and for nasal administration and selected from water with both propylene glycol and the group consisting of vasoconstrictors, glycerol, whereby in all said mixtures antiallergic agents and corticosteroids; water is present in an amount of at least (b) sorbitol; 95% (m/V); and (c) a water-soluble C1-C4-alkyl-cellulose (e) optionally one or more nasally derivative; acceptable excipients. (d) a vehicle which is present in an amount of at least 90% (m/V) of the total __________ [11] [21] 136823 צורת מינון פרמצבטית למתן דרך הפה בעלת שחרור פועם [54] ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL PULSED RELEASE DOSAGE FORM [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [72] [74] 17.12.1998 9704870-6 [32] 22. 12.1997 [33] SE WO 99/32093 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/26, 26/54//C07D 401/12, 405/14, 495/02, 235/22 AstraZeneca AB, Sodertalje, Sweden Per Johan Lundberg and Brita Sjoblom Luzzatto & Luzzatto, ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת [57] An enteric coated pharmaceutical dosage form giving a discontinuous release of a H+, K+-ATP ase inhibitor, characterized in that the release of the H+,K+ATP ase inhibitor is in the form of at least two consecutive pulses separated in time by form 0.5 and up to 12 hours, and at least one fraction of the dosage form has a 1045 pulsed delayed release and another fraction has instant release, and the H+, K+-ATP ase inhibitor is a compound with the formula I, an alkaline salt of compound I, a single enantiomer of compound I or an alkaline salt of the single enantiomer of compound I August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה wherein N in the benzimidazole moiety means that one of the ring carbon atoms substituted by R6-R9 optionally may be exchanged for a nitrogen atom without any substituents; R1, R2 and R3 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, alkyl, alkoxy optionally substituted by fluorine, alkylthio, alkoxyalkoxy, dialkylamino, piperidino, morphilino, halogen, phenyl and phenylalkoxy; R4 and R5 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, alkyl and arylalkyl; R6' is hydrogen, halogen, trifluoromethyl, alkyl or alkoxy; R6-R9 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, alkyl, alkoxy, halogen, halo-alkoxy, alkylcarbonyl, alkoxycarbonyl, oxazolinyl, and trifluoroalkyl, or adjacent groups R6-R9 form ring structures which may be further substituted; R10 is hydrogen or forms an alkylene chain together with R3 and R11 and R12 are the same or different and selected from hydrogen, halogen or alkyl. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1046 [11] [21] 136828 צורה פולימורפית גבישית של אסטר – p – 5 – – מתיל1 גואיאציל של חומצת – אצטאמידואצטית2 – טולואילפירול (MED 15) [54] CRYSTALLINE POLYMORPHIC FORM OF 1-METHYL-5-pTOLUOYLPYRROLE-2ACETAMIDOACETIC ACID GUAIACYL ESTER (MED 15) [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 16.12.1998 RM97A000811 [32] 24. 12.1997 [33] IT WO 99/33797 Int. Cl.7 C07D 207/37; A61K 31/40; A61P 25/04, 29/00 Sigma-Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A., Rome and Medosan Industrie Biochimiche Riunite S.R.L., Cecchina di Albano, both of Italy Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [74] [57] 1-Methyl-5-p-toluoylpyrrole-2acetamidoacetic acid guaiacyl ester in new ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת crystalline form (MED 15, form 2) of the formula characterised by the following physicochemical characteristics: melting point: 133-136oC; DSC Peak 136.2C 136.7oC o Onset 132.5 C 133.7oC Delta H 97.3.J/g 98.3 J/g IR spectrum (presenting characteristic signals at the following wave numbers in cm-1) 3302.98 3092.37 2948.24 2842.00 1785.85 1762.26 1646.73 1626.80 1607.82 1564.93 1550.27 1501.85 1480.85 1458.18 1377.94 1310.86 1262.66 1202.46 1179.67 1162.83 1113.95 1037.43 1022.34 976.95 885.21 833.34 788.30 769.16 749.21 729.28 699.06 620.38 576.81 cm -1 __________ 1047 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 137165 שיטה להכנת פוליאמידים מאמינוניטרילים [54] METHOD FOR PRODUCING POLYAMIDES FROM AMINONITRILES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 2. 2.1999 19804020.2 [32] 2. 2.1998 [33] DE WO 99/38907 Int. Cl.7 C08G 69/04, 69/08, 69/16, 69/18; C08J 11/04 BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A process for producing polyamides by reacting at least one aminonitrile with aqueous monomer and oligomer extracts ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת obtained from polyamide production by extraction of the polymer with water. __________ [11] [21] 137305 [54] METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SHARING KNOWLEDGE [22] [51] [71] 13. 7.2000 Int. Cl.7 G06N 5/02; G06F 17/30 ClickSoftware Technologies Ld., Tel Aviv Israel Beniaminy and Moshe Benbassat Luzzatto & Luzzatto, P.O.B. 5352, Beersheba [72] [74] [57] A method for sharing knowledge among a pluraliuty of individuals, comprising: (a) providing a dynamically updated knowledge base system that can be accessed over a network; (b) allowing an individual encountering a problem the solution of which is not known, to query said knowledge base system to determine whether the problem and its solution are found in it; (c) if the solution to the problem is not available in said knowledge base system, August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה שיטה ומערכת לשיתוף בידע אביב- תל,קליקסופטוור טכנולוגיות בע"מ ישראל בנימיני ומשה בן בסט ,לוצאטו את לוצאטו שבע- באר,5352 .ד.ת allowing said individual to prepare a query including the details of the problem; (d) broadcasting said query described in step (c) over said network; (e) allowing the experts who "listen in" said network to answer the query by filling-in their reply to the query form, and if desired, also by additional person-toperson communication; (f) conveying the answer to the query via the network to the individual who queried the system; 1048 (g) optionally, once the problem has been solved, or when the suggestions have produced no positive result, reporting by said individual the outocome of the query to the system, thereby to complete the dialogue between the individual and the system; (h) adding to the knowledge base system, and making part of it, the dialogue, the problem, and information on the suggestion that led to the solution of the problem; (i) reusing the knowledge contributed in steps (a) to (g) when similar problems subsequently arise, so that they are completely solved at steps (b); and (j) keeping track of the knowledge contributed by each expert, and subsequent cases solved by such knowledge, as a tool for performance monitoring and incentive generation. __________ [11] [21] 137342 [54] RETICLE DEVICE FOR OPTICAL SIGHTING SYSTEM [22] [31] [51] [71] 18. 7.2000 9909512 [32] 22. 7.1999 Int. Cl.7 F41G 3/00; G02B 7/32 Aerospatiale Matra Missiles, Paris, France Seligsohn Gabrieli Levit & Co., P.O.B. 1426, Tel-Aviv [74] 1049 התקן של רשתית עבור מערכת ראייה אופטית [33] FR ,'זליגסון גבריאלי לויט ושות אביב- תל,1426 .ד.ת August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [57] An optical sighting system (1) comprising: at least one optical channel (21); and at least one reticle (3) associated with said at least one optical channel, wherein said at least one reticle comprises at least one mark (4A) which is visible to an observer using said optical sighting system and which is centered approximately about a centering point (P) situated substantially at a distance (D) which is representative of a sighting angle of between 13o and 18o, with respect to a predetermined direction of observation (O), according to a first direction, said first direction being representative on said optical sighting system of a direction passing substantially by the centers of the eyes of an observer who is using said optical sighting system, and wherein said at least one mark exhibits a shape of an ellipse whose minor axis is oriented along said first direction and exhibits a length (L1) representative of a sighting angle of 7o and whose major axis is oriented along a second direction orthogonal both to said first direction and to said direction of observation (O) and exhibits a length (L2) representative of a sighting angle of 8o. __________ [11] [21] 137364 [54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 6,6DIMETHYLHEPT-1-EN-4-YN-3OL [22] [51] [71] [72] 18. 7.2000 Int. Cl.7 C07C 29/42, 33/048 Chemagis Ltd., Tel-Aviv Joseph Kaspi, Oded Friedman and Edna Danon Wolff, Bregman and Goller, P.O.B. 1352, Jerusalem [74] August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה –4––אן1––דימתילהפט6,6 תהליך להכנת –אול3–אין אביב- תל,כימאגיס בע"מ עודד פרידמן ועדנה דנון,יוסף כספי , ברגמן וגולר,וולף ירושלים,1352 .ד.ת 1050 [57] A process for the preparation of 6,6dimethylhet-1-en-4-yn-3-ol comprising (i) reacting t-butylacetylene with a protonextracting agent selected from the group consisting of an organometallic compound and metallic lithium to form a tbutylacetylide, wherein said organometallic compound has the formula R2Li where R2 is an alkyl or aryl group; (ii) reacting said acetylide with acrolein at temperatures between -40oC to +20oC; (iii) quenching the reaction mixture; and (iv) isolating the product. _______________ [11] [21] 137472 [54] MICROPARTICLE INHALATION FORMULATIONS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 30. 12.1998 016265 [32] 30. 1.1998 WO 99/38493 Int. Cl.7 A61K 9/50, 9/127, 47/06 Skyepharma Canada Inc., Verdun, P.Q., Canada Iskandar Moussa and Indu Parikh Jeremy M. Ben-David & Co. Ltd., P.O.B. 45087, Jerusalem [72] [74] תכשירים לשאיפה המכילים חלקיקים [33] US ,דוד ושות' בע"מ- בן.ירמיהו מ ירושלים,45087 .ד.ת [57] A dry suspension aerosol tetrafluoroethane HFA134a or formulation having a density in the range 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane HFA 227 of from 1.0 to 1.5 g/ml consisting propellant, wherein the density of the essentially of stabilized drug microcrystals coated drug microparticles substantially in a mean size range of 0.1 to 10 microns matches the density of the propellant and as a core coated with an envelope of one or the amount of phospholipids coating on the more membrane-forming phospholipids drug microparticles is more than 0.1% and and at least one surfactant surrounding the less than 200% of the weight of the drug. drug core and dispersed in 1,1,1,2__________ 1051 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 137477 [54] BUNDLED CONDUCTOR FOR ELECTRICAL LINE [22] [51] [71] 24. 7.2000 Int. Cl.7 H02G 7/20 The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd., Haifa Arie-Leib Tukachinsky and Felix Kaidanov Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [72] [74] [57] A bundled phase conductor for an overhead high voltage power line, said bundled phase conductor comprising at least two electrically interconnected subconductors; characterized in that: said at least two electrically interconnected subconductors include one or more main subconductors (11) having sufficient electrical conductivity and combined cross-section for conducting rated current and at least one weight-bearing מוליך אלום עבור קו חשמלי חיפה,חברת החשמל לישראל בע"מ לייב טוקצ'ינסקי ופליקס קיידנוב-אריה ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת subconductor (10) having significantly lower electrical conductivity than the main subconductors; said main and weightbearing subconductors being mechanically configured so that a sag of the bundled phase conductor owing to heating caused by current flowing through said subconductors is substantially limited to the sag of the at least one weight-bearing subconductor. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1052 [11] [21] 137534 תהליך להכנת תרכובות סטילבן [54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF STILBENE COMPOUNDS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 13 2.1999 98810140.8 [32] 20. 2.1998 [33] EP WO 99/42454 Int. Cl.7 C07D 251/68, 401/02, 403/02, 413/02; D06L 3/12 Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc., Basle, Switzerland Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] Process for the preparation of a 4,4'bis-(triazinylamino)-stilbene-2,2'disulphonic acid of the formula characterized in that (a) in a first reaction step cyanuric chloride is reacted with the disodium salt of 4,4'- diaminostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid to give the intermediate of the formula (b) in a second reaction step the compound of formula (2) is reacted with a compound of formula R1H and R2-H to give the compound of the formula 1053 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה (c) in a third step the compound of formula (3) is reacted with the compound of the formula R3H, and reaction step (a) and/or (c) are carried out in a medium consisting of a mixture of water and polyglycol to give the compound of formula (1), wherein R1, R2 and R3, independently, are phenylamino; phenylamino substituted by C1-C3 alkyl, halogen, cyano, COOR or COR; CONH-R; SO2NH-R; NH-COR; mono-or disulphonated phenylamino; morpholino; piperidino; pyrrolidino;-NH2; -NH(C2-C4 hydroxyalkyl); -N(C2-C4 hydroxyalkyl)2; -N(C1-C4 alkyl) (C2-C4 hydroxyalkyl); NHC2-C4 alkylsulphonic acid; -OC1-C4 alkyl; an aminoacid or aminoacid amide residue from which a hydrogen atom on the amino group has been removed; or a polyethyleneglycol from which a hydrogen atom of the –OHgroup was removed; R is hydrogen; or C1-C3 alkyl; and M is H or Na. __________ [11] [21] 137586 [54] DSP FOR TWO CLOCK CYCLE CODEBOOK SEARCH [22] [31] [51] [71] [72] [74] 30.7.2000 368317 [32] 3. 8.1999 Int. Cl.7 G10L 19/12; H03M 7/00 Ceva D.S.P. Ltd., Herzlia Pituach Gil Vinitzki Eitan, Pearl, Latzer & CohenZedek, 7 Shenkar St., Herzliya [57] A device for performing a search for the optimum code vector in a codebook having N code vectors indexed by i, the device comprising: a general purpose processor; and August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה עבוד אות דיגיטלי עבור חיפוש במערך דגימות בשני מחזורי מכונה [33] US הרצליה פיתוח,פי בע"מ.אס.סיוה די גיל ויניצקי ,צדק- לצר וכהן, פרל,איתן הרצליה,7 רח' שנקר a controller which provides each ith code vector to said processor, wherein said processor determines in two clock cycles whether said ith code vector is a current optimal code vector. 1054 __________ [11] [21] 137675 שיטה לייצור פוליאמידים [54] METHOD FOR PRODUCING POLYAMIDES [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] 22.2.1999 19808190.1 [32] 26. 2.1998 WO 99/43735 Int. Cl.7 C08G 69/14, 69/28 BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany Reinhold Cohn and Partners, P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv [74] [57] A process for producing polyamides by polymerization of lactams in the presence of metal oxides as heterogeneous catalysts, wherein the metal oxide catalysts are used in the form of pellets, extrudates, fixed beds or catalyst-coated packing elements or internals, which permits [33] DE ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת mechanical removal from the reaction mixture and being removed from the reaction mixture in the course of or on completion of the polymerization, wherein the reaction is carried out in the presence of less than 10% by weight of water, based on the entire reaction mixture. __________ 1055 August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה [11] [21] 137677 תהליך,תולדות אמינו אנתראציקלינון להכנתן והשימוש בהן להכנת תרופה לטיפול בעמילואידוזיס [54] AMINO ANTHRACYCLINONE DERIVATIVES, A PROCESS FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND THEIR USE IN THE PREPARATION OF A MEDICAMENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF AMYLOIDOSIS [22] [31] [87] [51] [71] [74] 25 2.1999 9805080.0 [32] 10. 3.1998 [33] GB WO 99/46254 Int. Cl.7 C07D 211/70, 401/10, 405/06, 413/10; A61K 31/65; A61P 25/28 Pharmacia & Upjohn SpA, Milan, Italy Reinhold Cohn and Partners, ,ריינהולד כהן ושותפיו P.O.B. 4060, Tel-Aviv אביב- תל,4060 .ד.ת [57] Compounds of the formul wherein R1 represents: hydrogen, hydroxy, a group of formula OR7 wherein R7 is C1C6 alkyl, C2-C6 alkenyl; R2 represents: hydrogen, hydroxy, diethylamino, piperidino, tetrahydropyridino or morpholino; and either R3, taken alone, represents hydrogen or hydroxy, and R4 and R5, when taken alone, independently represent hydrogen, hydroxy or, taken together with the carbon atom, represent a carbonyl group; or R3 and R4, taken together, represent a group of formula wherein R8 and R9 represent a C1-C6 alkyl acceptable salts thereof; with the proviso and R5 represents hydrogen; that in case R6 is a phenyl group R6 represents: substituted by halogen, fluorine is hydrogen or a phenyl group, optionally excluded and further when R4 and R5 are H substituted by methyl, methoxy or and OH or when both are H, R6 may not be halogen; and the pharmaceutically H. __________ August 31, 2005– כ"ו באב התשס"ה 1056