Orchard Park Secondary School

Orchard Park Secondary School
English Department
Culminating Task
ENG3C – English, College Preparation
Genre – Horror, Sci-Fi and Mystery
Your Task
Based on one of the text read this semester, create a movie promotion package to promote the film version
of that story. Each student will submit a multi-dimensional project to effectively convey the theme and
conflicts of the chosen text. Although some of these texts already have film versions, please remember that
this is YOUR film and not at all connected to the Hollywood film version. (eg, Do not cast Jennifer
Lawrence as Katniss in the Hunger Games, as the Hollywood version does this.) Texts read this semester
 The Hunger Games
 I am Legend
 Macbeth
 Any Short Story read in class
Each student’s final project will include the Reading strand through incorporation of the text and its
elements. Students can choose to incorporate two of the remaining three strands into their project. These are
the following overall expectations that can potentially be evaluated in this assignment:
Overall Expectations
Reading for Meaning
Understanding Form and Style
Developing and Organizing Content
Using Knowledge of Form and Style
Applying Knowledge of Conventions
Listening to Understand
Speaking to Communicate
Understanding Media Texts
Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques
Creating Media texts
You may feel free to combine assignments. For instance:
- adapt the story into a script and then film that scene to cover both writing and media strands.
- Write an alternate ending and give a video blog response on it
- Do a Film Pitch but bring a movie poster to aid in your persuasion
Evaluation Weight
This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark. See rubric for details.
Due Date
This assignment will be due on _________________________________________
See the options below for each strand. Please choose ONE option from TWO different strands. Remember;
all packages will include the Reading Strand.
1. Adapt the story to a script – You will choose a scene from the text and adapt it into a script. The
script should include dialogue as well as descriptions of scenery and setting, physical description of
characters, and any important camera work. (Think: Movie Treatment)
2. Interview with a character – You will write out an interview with a character from the novel. The
interview will have at least two participants and will be written like a script, using capitalized names
to indicate speakers. Since this is an interview, there is no need for descriptions, but the interview
should be in depth and reveal their characters traits, ambitions, and point of view on their part in the
text. (Think: Class Discussion)
3. Alternate Ending – Write an alternate ending to the text. This ending should be original but make
sense in relation to the rest of the text, as well as the characters. The alternate ending should be at
least a page long. Ensure you are actually writing the ending, as though you were the author. Be
careful that you do not just describe what you would change. (Think: Reading “I am Legend”)
Movie Trailer Script – Write a script for a movie trailer. Consider the trailers viewed in class and
watch some trailers on your own to get an idea of what a movie trailer will need (music, shots of
many different scenes, little dialogue, revealing of plot but not ending). Your script should be as
descriptive as possible, using proper script format. (Think: Media Sight Passage)
1. Dramatic Reading – You will give a dramatic reading of a scene from the text to help entice listeners
into going to see the film. You will choose a section to read and use proper oral speaking strategies
and techniques when reading. (Think: Reading Macbeth)
2. Film Pitch – You will pretend that the class is a board of directors and that you are the author of the
novel, trying to persuade the board into turning your book into a film. You will give a film pitch to
the “board” telling them why your novel would make such a great film and why they should invest
their money into it. Remember to use persuasive techniques and proper oral strategies and
techniques to appear calm, confident, and successful. (Think: Film Debates)
3. Video Blog Review – Imagine you are a film reviewer with a video blog. You will create a video on
YouTube in which you review the text as though it had been made into a blockbuster film
(Remember: for Hunger Games and I am Legend, you are not reviewing the actual films but rather
the novels if they were turned into films without any changes). Give your own personal opinion on
the “film” as well as likes, dislikes, and suggestions. Remember to create the video using proper oral
presentation strategies and techniques. (Think: Response Journals)
1. Movie Trailer – Film a movie trailer for the film, using proper media conventions and techniques.
Although you may need to act in this trailer, you are not required to be in it; feel free to use friends
or family as actors. This trailer should be original and home made; there should be NO clips or
references from a real movie trailer for the text. (Think: Media Sight Passage)
2. Movie Poster – You will create a movie poster for the text. It should include elements of the film
using media conventions and techniques. Ensure the poster is original and completely different from
any real movie posters your text may already be associated with. Remember: movie posters include
the film title as well as major actors in the film (do not use actors already associated with the film
version of your text). (Think: Media Ad/Display)
3. Film Scene – Film a scene from the text. The filmed scene should include different types of camera
angles, as well as media conventions and techniques. The scene should be well edited and include
audio. Think of yourself as a director for this scene. Consider creating a movie treatment as an
outline before actual filming. Feel free to cast classmates, friends, and family in your film (Think:
Movie Treatment)
4. Website – Create a fan website for your text. The website should be visually appealing but also
include information about the “film” such as release dates, actors appearing in it, and fan responses.
Again, please remember that you are not creating a website of the ACTUAL film, but your version
of it. (Think: Original Idea!)