Welcome. The teachers, administrators and staff of Alden-Conger Schools wish to work with you, your parents and our community to provide you with the best education possible. Through our joint cooperation we will be able to accomplish this goal. When we all work together we will succeed to give you the best education. This handbook has been compiled in order to give you information and to serve as a guide for the coming year. While not all of your questions can be answered in this handbook it is important that you and your parents review this material and should questions arise, feel free to look to us to help find the answers. This is your school. Take an active part in it – be positive and remember it’s “we” not “they” who control our lives. BOARD OF EDUCATION ALDEN-CONGER SCHOOL ALDEN-CONGER ADMINISTRATION Brian Grenell, Superintendent Brian Shanks, K-12 Principal Paul Ragatz, Dean of Students Gr. 6-12 Linnea Petersen, Dean of Students Gr. K-5 Gary Geesman, Chairman of the Board Kim Knutson, Clerk-Treasurer Wayne Olson, Director Doug Johnson, Director Robert Korman, Director Ryan Merkouris, Director Kris Neel, Director A-C FACULTY Danielle Armbrust Sarah Attig David Bosma Joy Bryson Karie Burbank Kristine Christensen Tessa Cummings Lenny Diekmann Jenny Erickson Jill Freeman Sue Haaland Stephanie Hallman Tanya Hemmingsen Gretchen Hintz Sam Hintz Kristen Hoiland Social Worker Grade 6 Science Grade 5 Spanish SLD DCD Math SLD Grade 4 Grade 1 Grade 4 Kindergarten Grade 1 Industrial Tech Math Jennifer Jensen Pamela Koenen Jacob Lighthizer Richard Loock Craig Marks Grade 2 Ag Education EBD Science Instrumental Music Carolyn Martinson Amy Nielsen Therese Paczkowski Linnea Petersen Paul Ragatz Teresa Roberts Erica Samp Mary Schulte Brett Sindelir Shelly Sipple Kelly Skov Anne Marie Spates Ada Theusch Carol Thompson Dianne Thompson Kathryn Ubl Amy Wallin Melissa Wasmoen Eric Westphal Connie Williams Tim Wussow Patti Yaw ECFE Grade 6 English Elem. Dean of Students HS Dean of Students/Govt./AD Grade 2 Social Studies Art Social Studies/Dr. Ed Grade 4 Grade 3 Speech Vocal Music Grade 5 Kindergarten Media Math/Guidance Counselor Physical Education English Grade 3 Physical Education/Health SLD OFFICE Janet Bremseth Tara Roberts Cindy Mathiason Sheri Opseth CUSTODIANS Business Manager High School Secretary Administrative Assistant Elementary Secretary John Krueger Faron Bremseth James Dolton CAFETERIA Jolene Babcock Kay Bendickson Custodian Custodian Custodian PARAPROFESSIONALS Head Cook Assistant Cook Kim Gooden Jane Haukoos Jeannine Wills 1 Deb Minear Karla Peterson Steve Haukoos Birgitt Langrud 2012-2013 CLASS OFFICERS STUDENT COUNCIL President: Karina Skov Vice President: Ariel Keller Treasurer: Malory Mattson Secretary: Brittany Waters GRADE 12 (Class of 2013) President Allison Songstad Vice President Jordan Johnson Secretary Megan Knutson Treasurer Megan Johnson Student Council Kelsey Behnke Ariel Keller Christine Reindal Brenna VanEngelenburg GRADE 9 (2016) President Bryanna Olson Vice President Maurene Olson Secretary Maurene Olson Treasurer Bryanna Olson Stud. Council Madison Erickson (9&10) Renae Linn (Gr. 9) GRADE 11 (Class of 2014) President Deion Skinner Vice President Christine Grunzke Secretary Brooke Solland Treasurer Kendall Ward Student Council Malory Mattson (Gr. 11) Rachel Kleinschrodt (Gr. 11 & 12) Karina Skov (Gr. 11 & 12) Brittany Waters (Gr. 11 & 12) GRADE 10 (Class of 2015) President Jessica Price Vice President Cassandra Gilster Secretary Morgan Grunzke Treasurer Allyssa Jorgenson Student Council Toni Chicos (Gr.10 & 11) Kasey Knutson (Gr. 10) GRADE 8 (2017) President Elynn Johnson Vice President Mallory Geesman Secretary Joshua Majerus Treasurer Jacob Songstad Student Council Kelsey Newman Abby Reyerson GRADE 7 (2018) President Logan Sailor Vice President Madysen Jensen Secretary Sydney Chicos Treasurer Alex Cummings Student Council Brett Neel GRADE 6 (2019) President Austin Attig Vice President Erik Theusch Secretary Gage Sailor Treasurer Megan Linn Student Council Brett Neel CLASS ADVISORS Grade12 *Ms. Paczkowski Mrs. Koenen Mrs. Samp Grade 9 *Mr. Hintz Mrs. Schulte Mr. Wussow Grade 11 *Mr. Loock Ms. Hoiland Mrs. Christensen Grade 8 *Mr. Marks Mrs. Wasmoen Mr. Diekmann Grade 10 *Ms. Burbank Mr. Sindelir Mr. Westphal Grade 7 *Mr. Lighthizer Mr. Bosma Mrs. Theusch Grade 6 Mrs. Nielsen Mrs. Attig Head Advisor 2 SCHOOL HOURS No students should be in the building on school days before 7:55 a.m. unless under the direct supervision of a staff member or coach. School is in session from 8:10 until 3:07. Office Hours are from 7:30 until 4:30. High School & Administrative Office Phone 507-874-3240 TIME SCHEDULE FOR CLASSES Hour Flex Period 1st 2nd 3rd Middle School Lunch 4th (Gr. 9-12) 4th (Gr. 6-8) High School Lunch 5th 6th 7th Time 8:10-8:40 (30 minutes) Jazz Band (M,W,F) 8:43-9:31 9:34-9:10:22 10:25-11:13 11:13-11:43 11:16-12:04 11:46-12:34 12:04-12:34 12:37-1:25 1:28-2:16 2:19-3:07 AFTER SCHOOL HOURS Students are expected to leave the building promptly upon school dismissal each day, unless you are supervised directly by a staff member or a coach. Those students are to report promptly to their designated areas. The AldenConger School Board has a policy that prohibits ANY activity in the school building after 6:00 p.m. on any Wednesday. This is effective year-round. EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING If it is necessary to close school due to severe weather or emergency conditions, please listen to the radio or the TV stations listed below. The following radio/TV stations will carry information: WCCO KATE KAAL TV 6 KIMT KEYC (830 am) (1450 am) (Channel 6) (Channel 3) (Channel 12) Also, the Honeywell Instant Alert System will notify each household via phone call, text message or email regarding any school closings or emergency conditions. Each family needs to set up their account to customize how they wish to receive these types of notices. SCHOOL COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES The Board of Education of Independent School District 242 establishes and implements the code of conduct for the Alden-Conger High School. The Board, acting through the superintendent of school, holds school employees responsible for the supervision of the behavior of students while legally under the supervision of the school. Discrimination/Sexual Harassment in any form is not to be allowed or condoned. Any inquiries regarding this policy found later in this handbook should be directed to the K-12 Principal, telephone 874-3240. The Superintendent of Schools shall establish all necessary procedures, rules, and regulations relating to the standards of student behavior and shall be responsible to the Board for discipline in the schools. 3 The Dean of Students & Principal shall be responsible for implementing all necessary procedures, rules, and regulations to make effective the Board of Education policies relating to the standards of student behavior. They shall have the responsibility and the authority to formulate school rules and regulations not in conflict with district policy relating to standards of student behavior. The Principal shall have the responsibility to establish, communicate, and implement the rules and regulations currently in effect for the school to all students, parents, and all interested community groups at the beginning of the school year and to each new student upon registration. They are responsible for a discussion of these rules, rights, and responsibilities with the faculty prior to the opening day of school in the first semester and with all new faculty when they begin their duties in the school. The Dean of Students & Principal have the authority to impose suspension consistent with guidelines of the Fair Dismissal Act on students for failure to comply with school regulations and may recommend the exclusion or expulsion of a student to the School Board. This position is not to be involved in certified staff evaluations. If we can implement the individualized model for staff development, this position would supply support to that program. THE FACULTY shall be responsible to the Superintendent and shall implement all necessary procedures, rules, and regulations to make effective the Board of Education policies relating to the standards of student behavior. If a teacher’s efforts to solve a behavior problem are unsuccessful, the student shall be referred to the Dean of Students or Principal who has the responsibility and authority to use such measures as may be necessary to maintain control in the classroom, in the school buildings, and on school property. Teachers Have the Responsibility to Treat students with respect and dignity. Recognize individual differences among students. Make clear the standards of student behavior as required by the teacher. A copy of the teacher’s discipline plan shall be posted in the teacher’s classroom. These rules shall be consistent with district policy. Inform parents/guardians through standardized district notification of student failure at mid-term. Call parent/guardians when a problem occurs with student’s academic or behavioral performance. Maintain student discipline and control in the classroom, in the school building, and on the school grounds by exercising any of the following: *Removal of a student temporarily from the classroom by referral to the main office *Denial of certain classroom privileges *Assignment of extra obligations *Establish a discipline plan for their classes and submit it to a school administrator *Assign special tasks related to the irregularity *Request a parent conference *Refer special problems to the building administrators. Obey employment rules set by the administration. Insure enforcement of school rules listed in the Student Handbook Exercise restraint and good taste in their expression and to refrain from the use of expressions that are vulgar, profane, or likely to insult ethnic groups. Recommend suspension of a student to the administration. Use such reasonable measures as may be necessary to maintain control in the classroom, in the school building, and on school grounds. Record and report classroom discipline problems to the administration. Dress Professionally ALL EMPLOYEES of the Alden-Conger School District are expected to participate directly in the supervision and guidance of all students within their scope and authority and responsibility. Administrators will notify all personnel (including custodians, aides, educational assistants, cafeteria personnel, clerical staff) of their authority and responsibilities relating to student behavior. 4 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS have legal responsibility for the behavior of their children as determined by law and community practice. Since cooperation between parents and school is essential in assisting students to work to the best of their ability and achieve a good school experience, parents/guardians have a responsibility to help maintain communication with the school by participating in school/community activities, attending scheduled individual conferences, and bringing matters of concern to the attention of the principal/counselor or faculty. STUDENT RIGHTS: The Right to Learn Each student has the right to gain an education as provided by the law. The right to learn also includes the rights of classes to meet and carry on studies without interruptions, disruptions, or distractions, whether inside the classroom or from outside. Behavior that disrupts the normal functioning of classes is an infringement on the rights of others. A student may apply for enrollment in special programs offered in the school district. A student has the right to access his/her grade, upon request, within a reasonable amount of time. The Right to be informed of Rules Students have the right to be informed of all policies, rules and regulations they will be expected to follow. These basic rules are printed in the student handbook and policies are available in the Main Office. The Right to Privacy The student’s right of privacy regarding school records will be protected, and any disclosure of information from student permanent records shall be consistent with legal requirements. The Right to Personal Property Students have a right to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, however: Students must refrain from bringing onto school property or to the school-sponsored events any materials or item that would cause, or tend to cause, a disruptive activity or endanger the health and safety of students or other persons. When reasonable cause exists for a Dean of Students to believe such items are present, general or individual searches may be conducted under the authorization of the Dean of Students/Principal, or any representative designated by the Dean of Students/Principal. LOCKERS are the property of the school and may be searched by school officials. Locks can be rented from the school. Search of an area assigned to a student will be conducted in the presence of the student, if practical. School authorities will seize illegal items, and items that are used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process may be removed from student possession. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES All students will abide by the handbook rules and policies and are subject to its consequences. Students are expected to treat all staff members (including substitute teachers) with respect and dignity. Students are responsible for the consequences of their behavior. All students are responsible for knowing and for following all necessary procedures, rules, and regulations to make effective the Board of Education policies relating to the standard of student behavior. Students are responsible for completing class assignments on time and according to the instructions given by the teachers. Students are responsible for bringing to class all materials required for daily classroom use. Homework will be part of a student’s life, and his/her responsibility. Students handle textbooks with care so that premature damage to the binding and covers does not occur. Any unreasonable damage to a textbook will result in the student/parent being charged for the repair. 5 ATTENDANCE POLICY for GRADES 6-12 Students are expected to be in attendance all days’ school is in session. A student who frequently misses school experiences difficulty in achieving the maximum benefits of education. The first sign of school failure is often a poor attendance record. Future employers and college admissions personnel place great emphasis on regular attendance and satisfactory performance. Excessive Absence Rule: Only absences that are school related or those with proper documentation will not be counted in the total absences for each quarter. A student in grades 6-12 may miss a maximum of 5 days per quarter during the school year. A letter will be sent to all parents of students in grades 6-12 each mid-quarter outlining the current absences. It is the responsibility of the parents and student to know the attendance status prior to the end of each grading period. If a student exceeds the 5-day maximum, it is the responsibility of the parents and student to provide documentation certifying certain excused absences as listed below. Proper documentation must be received by the school office prior to the end of the current quarter for those absences to not count toward the 5-day maximum. A student who exceeds the 5-day maximum in any class will drop one full grade in that class for the current quarter. For example, a student earning a B would receive a C for the quarter if they exceed 5 absences. The grade will continue to drop for every two absences after the 6th absence. For example, a student who misses 8 days would drop from a B to a D for the quarter. It is to the student’s advantage to continue coming to class as they will not fail any class unless they are earning a D with 6 or 7 absences, a C with 8 or 9 absences, and so on. Absences requiring documentation: These absences are excused if timely documentation is supplied Administratively pre-approved family vacations (up to 5 days per year) Pre-approved college visit days, testing or PSEO appointments Doctor appointments – including orthodontist (requires completed form or note from Doctor’s office)) Court appearances Other medical situations – including physical and mental health examples: contagious illnesses, chronic illness, hospitalizations, surgeries, recovery (requires completed form or note from Doctor’s office) Family funerals Forms will be available in the main office for students needing documentation and/or doctor’s notes to rectify their attendance. For classes that meet every other day, whenever the 6th absence occurs the grade drops for that quarter. These absences will be tracked per semester and it is also the responsibility of the parents and student to monitor these absences. Proper documentation for excused absences will be accepted for one week after the conclusion of each quarter. 6 Classification of absences Excused Absences: State Guidelines: student illness as verified by completion of school form or Doctor’s note, sickness or death in the family, impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe, quarantine, court appearance, emergency medical and dental treatment, and religious observations. Local District Additions: pre-approved work for parents, pre-approved vacations with parent approval, prearranged college visits, school sponsored trips, contests and activities, pre-approved medical, dental, and driver exam appointments scheduled primarily during study hall times. MSHSL Rule: If a students/athlete comes to school after the end of 1st period after being ill, the student cannot participate in a game scheduled for that day. (Even if they have a note from their parents. Students must give make-up slips for pre-approved absences to teachers so that make-up work is completed prior to the absence or credit may be denied. This includes school field trips, school sponsored activity trips, family vacations, etc. Unexcused Absences: Parents’ approval does not necessarily make an absence excused. Any absence that is not verified by Doctor’s note or form Skipping of any class or classes (Not being in assigned class without a written or verbal excuse from parent or school personnel) Two periods of detention will be assigned for every class period a student skips. The student is required to complete the work missed but will receive no credit for the work. Tardiness: Unexcused tardiness to school, (from home or breakfast) and any or all classes may result in detention or In-School or Out-Of-School Suspension. Each student may have one unexcused tardy per semester without penalty. After that a period of detention will be assigned for each unexcused tardy. Truancy: A juvenile who misses seven days of school or seven class periods on seven different days without lawful excuse can be charged as a Habitual Truant in District Court (MN Statute 260C.007, 260C.143, 1). Any student in grades 7-12 who has 5 or more unexcused absences for the year may be referred to the county Truancy Diversion Coordinator and a meeting will be set up by the County District Attorney’s office to remedy the situation. If attendance does not improve and the student reaches 7 unexcused absences for the year, the school may file a truancy petition with the District Court. 7 Parent’s Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE on the day of absence explaining why the student will be absent. The parent should call the school office before 9:00 a.m. or send a note prior to the absence. The school phone number is 507-874-3240. Student’s Responsibility: As a general rule, students will be given two days to complete make-up work when missing a single day of class. This is only a general rule with final completion dates for make-up work being determined by each individual classroom teacher. Make-up work will be available to be picked-up if requested by a parent/guardian. For extended absences, such as hospitalization, mono, H1N1, etc., the parent must request an extension, if they feel one is needed, once the student receives their work. The request for extension should include the length of extension, e.g. number of additional days. School’s Responsibility: The most significant responsibility of the school is to have each classroom teacher record daily attendance and report it to the office. The school office personnel will maintain the official absence record of each student. A parent/guardian who does not call the office by 9:00 a.m. to explain the student’s absence may be called by the school secretary to inform them of the student’s absence. This courtesy call to the parent/guardian will be made to ensure the safety of the student or to verify a note. The Alden-Conger School Board shall serve as an appeal board in any case where the parent wishes to appeal a decision made at the school administrative level. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY POLICY Any student receiving two (2) F’s at midterm or end of a quarter will be ineligible for the next four and one half weeks. Any student receiving one F at the end of a quarter will be ineligible for the next two weeks and must submit a reinstatement form at the end of the two weeks verifying that all grades are above an F. If the student fails to submit the form or has not brought all grades to above an F, the student will remain ineligible until either the next midterm or end of a quarter, whichever is first. When receiving one F at midterm, parents will receive a written warning encouraging their parents contact the school to discuss the grade. Students receiving only one F at midterm shall retain eligibility. Fourth quarter ineligibles: Any student failing the fourth quarter but receiving a passing grade for the semester will be eligible to compete in the remaining competitions for that school year. A student who has received a failing grade for the semester will not be eligible for the remaining competitions. Academic ineligibles will not carry over to the next competition year. Scholastically ineligible students may not perform in school activities, such as the following, until eligibility is restored: Football Cheerleading All School Play Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Golf FFA Wrestling Solo Ensemble Contests Robotics Student Council Speech Volleyball Track Graduation/Baccalaureate Usher Baseball All School Musical NHS Softball Drama Activities Supermileage NHS Other School Activities 8 VIOLATIONS OF SCHOOL CONDUCT ON CAMPUS AT SCHOOL SPONSORED EVENTS, OR ON BUSSES Disrespectful Language will not be tolerated on campus, at school-sponsored events, or on busses. Verbal Abuse is the use or display of profane, obscene, or intimidating language, or the expression of such language in written form, through gesture, through music, or bodily movement. This includes conduct, which degrades people because of race, gender, religion, ethnic background, or physical or mental handicaps on school premises, in school vehicles, or at school sponsored events. Disruptive behavior in the Classroom is defined as: Willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the right of others to an education. Willful conduct which endangers school district employees. Willful violation of any rule of conduct specified in the Discipline Policy adopted by the Board Repeated inappropriate behavior that classroom discipline plan procedures have proven ineffective in correcting. Interference/Obstruction is any action taken to prevent a staff member from exercising his/her lawfully assigned duties. This includes refusal to cooperate in an investigation or by lying in an investigation. Disorderly Conduct is engaging in offensive, obscene, or abusive language, or in boisterous and noisy conduct tending to arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others. Public Display of Affection Students must refrain from kissing, embracing or any inappropriate touching while in the school. Holding hands and arms around torso above the waist is acceptable. Insubordination is the willful disregarding or resisting the direction or request of any person in authority. Consequences for Violations of School Conduct include any or all of the following: Conference with student Removal from class Detention (1-5) days Suspension (1-5) days Confiscation Possible notification of police Notification of parents/guardians Recommendation for expulsion Restitution Exclusion or expulsion DRESS CODE The responsibility for the appearance of our students rests with the parents and the students themselves. Clothing should be neat, clean and non-offensive. Common courtesy means appropriate dress including footwear should be worn at all times. Examples of inappropriate dress include but are not limited to: Clothing advertising substances illegal for juveniles (Example: tobacco, beer, liquor, drugs). Clothing containing sexual, obscene, discriminatory, or profane language or pictures. Clothing and accessories containing gang symbols (or colors) or clothing worn in a manner to identify gang membership. Coats/Jackets and Caps/Scarves/Headbands/Baseball style hats should be placed in lockers upon arrival and must remain in lockers during school hours. The body will be appropriately covered for an educational setting. Shorts/Skirts must be 3 inches from the top of the knee or longer. Shirts must have sleeves. No spaghetti straps, bra straps, bare midriffs or cleavage. No underwear showing or sleeveless undershirts. No backpacks are allowed in the classroom. 9 Any school employee (male or female) can demand a student make the sufficient adjustment to the dress code violation (i.e., changing shirt, putting on a covering shirt, turning shirt inside out, zipping up a top, pulling up pants, going home to get a different article of clothing, etc). It is the school employee’s choice on what adjustment must be made, not the student (using tape to cover a dress violation is not acceptable). If the student does not comply immediately with the demand for adjustment or if they fail to keep adjustment for the rest of the day, they may face disciplinary action. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY 1. The standards of eligibility set by the Minnesota State High School League apply to all extra-curricular activities including the holding of a class or student council office. In general terms, this means that a student will not be allowed to officially represent the school on any team or in any public performance while ineligible. However, the student may still be allowed to participate in an activity in a nonpublic way (practice) at the discretion of the advisor and the administration. 2. Twelve (12) months of a year, a student shall not at any time, regardless of the quantity: (1) use or consume, have in possession a beverage containing alcohol; (2) use or consume have in possession any form of tobacco; (3) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any other controlled substance(chemicals or natural drugs) or drug paraphernalia; (4) use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away anabolicandrogenic steroids. Local additions to the standards of eligibility set by Minnesota State High School League: Football Volleyball Speech Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Wrestling Baseball Softball Golf Track Cheerleading Robotics Supermileage Other School Activiites NHS FFA Student Council Drama Plays Musicals Homecoming Royalty Prom and Prom Grand March Music Concerts Pep Band Marching Band Graduation Speaker Graduation Usher All Public Performances EXPLANATIONS: 1. This policy is in addition to the Minnesota State High School League Policy. 2. Family gatherings involving the adult use of tobacco and alcohol in the home in the presence of parents will not be considered a violation. When other students are brought into the home the circumstances are altered and the situation may be viewed differently. 3. The use of liquor, drugs, or tobacco at social events outside the home, such as wedding dances is a violation of the rule. However, attendance at a wedding reception or dance where beer and liquor are being served is not a violation if the student is not consuming. 4. Students who violate this rule may practice, but they may not participate in any public events during the period of suspension. 5. It is the responsibility of the school to determine the eligibility status of each of its students. If the school authorities are confident the student removed him or herself from the undesirable situation at the earliest opportunity the student shall not lose eligibility. If a student is confirmed to have been in a building, house, car or area (party) where alcohol is being consumed, the student will be in violation of the policy. 6. Students who violate these rules shall be suspended from participation in all public activities sponsored by the Alden-Conger Public School based on the Minnesota State High School League Eligibility Policy,but extended by the Alden-Conger School Board. Students who violate these rules shall be suspended from participation in league activities for the time specified herewith: 10 CHEMICAL VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Rule: Regardless of the quantity, a student shall not: 1. buy, possess or use a beverage containing alcohol; 2. buy, possess or use tobacco; 3. use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any chemical substance or paraphernalia related to using or manufacturing those chemical substances; or 4. use anabolic-androgenic steroids. MSHSL/ALDEN-CONGER RULES & REGULATIONS: MSHSL/Alden-Conger School rules are enforceable the entire calendar year and are not limited to school property. It is not a violation for a student to be in possession of a controlled substance specifically prescribed for the student by his/her doctor. MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE RULES Students who participate in any co-curricular activity or in (MSHSL) activities represent Alden-Conger School must also adhere to MSHSL rules of conduct. MSHSL Category I Activities: Those League-sponsored activities in which a member school has a schedule of interscholastic contests, exclusive of League-sponsored tournaments. a) athletic activities b) fine arts activities 1) debate 2) speech activities including One Act Play – when a school schedules a season of interscholastic contests MSHSL Category II Activities: Those League-sponsored activities in which a member school does not have a schedule of interscholastic contests Category III Activities: Include, but are not limited to, public appearances, scheduled programs, NHS, FFA, plays, super mileage team, robotics team, music contests and concerts, pep band, marching band, speaking at graduation, cheerleading, graduation usher, homecoming court, grand march, prom, contests, trips, tours, conventions, conferences, and clinics. Events will not include practices, rehearsals, or meetings. PENALTIES: 1. First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility in the activity in which he/she is currently participating or, if not currently in an activity, the next activity in which he/she participates, for a minimum of nine weeks. In addition, the student must attend every practice and every home game, but may not be a captain for that season, dress, be in the locker room, team bus, huddle, and sideline or occupy the team bench at any time before, during or after a contest during the period of ineligibility. This penalty must be served in a sport currently or previously participated in by the student or in a sport where permission has been granted by the coach. A student must notify the coach or Athletic Director of his/her intent to join a team/organization before attending practice. Failure to notify the school by this date may make the student ineligible to serve the penalty in that sport, for that season. The student and parent/guardian will be required to submit to a urinalysis prior to the time for eligibility to be reinstated. Alternative Penalty for First Violation for Co-curricular and Sports Activities: A student who has been confirmed as a first violator may choose the alternative penalty. If a student has participated in or is currently participating in an MSHSL category I or II activity, they must report their MSHSL chemical violation to the Activities Director within seventy-two hours after the incident. If that timeline is not met, that student-participant will not be eligible for the alternative chemical procedure approved by the Alden-Conger School Board of Education. **This seventy-two hour stipulation will be waived for any student that, while attending Alden-Conger School, had not previously participated in an MSHSL category I or II activity, but joined an activity after the violation had occurred. 11 If the first violation alternative is selected, the student will not be allowed to participate in interscholastic competitions for a minimum of three weeks following the violation affirmation. The student must have joined the team within the first two weeks of organized practice. The student must attend every practice and every home game, but may not be a captain, dress, be in the locker room, team bus, sideline, and huddle or occupy the team bench at any time before, during or after a contest during the period of ineligibility. The process for this alternative procedure will be initiated with a parent/participant/Athletic Director meeting and is as follows: 1) The student will immediately obtain the parent’s/guardian’s and coach’s signature in approval and support of the selection of the first violation alternative penalty; 2) The student will schedule and attend a counseling session with the school social worker: 3) The student will submit to random urinalysis tests, at their own expense, for the next three weeks; 4) The student will schedule weekly progress report meetings with the Athletic Director; 5) The student will arrange for a meeting with his/her coach and team to apologize; 6) The student will provide sixteen hours of service to the community within the first three weeks. Community service work must be sanctioned and verified by the Athletic Director; 7) The student will complete the season in good standing with the team; 8) The student will have to apply for reinstatement with the Alden-Conger ”violations committee”. 2. Second Violation: After confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for a period of one calendar year. That period of ineligibility will begin immediately if the student is currently involved in an activity. If the student is not currently involved in an activity, but chooses to participate at a later date, the period of ineligibility will begin when participation in that activity commences. In addition, the student must attend every practice and every home game, but may not be a captain for that season, dress, be in the locker room, team bus, sideline, and huddle or occupy the team bench at any time before, during or after a contest during the period of ineligibility. This penalty must be served in a sport currently or previously participated in by the student or in a sport where permission has been granted by the coach. A student must notify the coach or Athletic Director of his/her intent to join a team/organization before attending practice. Failure to notify the school by this date may make the student ineligible to serve the penalty in that sport, for that season. Alternative Penalty for Second Violation: If a student has participated in or is currently participating in an MSHSL category I or II activity, they must report their MSHSL chemical violation to the high school Athletic Director within seventy-two hours after the incident. If that timeline is not met, that student-participant will not be eligible for the alternative chemical procedure approved by the Alden-Conger School Board of Education. If agreed upon, the student would be ineligible for nine weeks. The nine week period of ineligibility would begin as soon as the optional penalty is chosen if the student is participating in an activity. If the student is not currently in an activity, the period of ineligibility will commence at the beginning of the next competitive season in which the student participates. The process for this alternative procedure will be initiated with a parent/participant/Athletic Director meeting and is as follows: 1) The student immediately obtains the parent’s/guardian’s and coach’s signature in approval and support of the selection of the second violation alternative penalty; 2) The student will schedule and attend a counseling session with the school social worker. The student must complete recommendations made by the school social worker; 3) the student must have joined the team within the first two weeks of organized practice. He/she must attend every practice and every home game, but may not be a captain for that season, dress, be in the locker room, team bus, sideline, huddle or occupy the team bench at any time before, during or after a contest during the period of ineligibility; 4) The student will submit to random urinalysis tests, at their own expense, for the remainder of that season or seasons in which the period of ineligibility spans. Written results must be reported to the Athletic Director. A positive UA will jeopardize the successful completion of the penalty; 5) the student must complete forty hours of community service before the penalty is considered served. Community service work must be sanctioned and verified by the Athletic Director; 6) The student must meet with the Athletic Director once each week during the penalty period and submit a written progress report; 7) The student will arrange for a meeting with his/her coach and team to apologize 8) The student will complete the season with the team in good standing with the team 9) The student will have to apply for reinstatement with the Alden-Conger “violations committee”. 3. Third Violation: After confirmation of the third violation, the student will lose eligibility for one calendar year. The student will have to apply for reinstatement with the Alden-Conger “violations committee”. If the violation is related to MSHSL and Alden-Conger School policies, but is not a chemical issue (tobacco), the student will meet with parents/guardians and social worker, and shall be reinstated only after successful completion of an appropriate school approved counseling program. There is no alternative penalty for a third violation. 12 Accumulative Penalties - Penalties for chemical violations shall be cumulative beginning with and throughout the student’s participation in grades 6 – 12. A student will be disqualified from all co-curricular activities for an additional 18 weeks beyond the student’s original period of ineligibility, when the student denies violation of the rule, is allowed to participate, and then is subsequently found guilty of the violation. Any co-curricular activity participant, with an in-season rules violation, cannot be nominated for All-Conference selection. Participants in any co-curricular activities need to check with their advisors/coach for specific penalties or rules of conduct for that activity. ACTIVITIES NOT REGULATED BY THE MSHSL RULES AND REGULATIONS (CATEGORY III) Students participating in clubs or activities in this category must be in “good standing” according to the rules of Alden-Conger School. If there are violations of this code of conduct or the MSHSL rules, the following consequences will be put into effect: First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next event of a season for which the student is a participant. Second Violation: After confirmation of the second violation, the student shall lose eligibility for the next three consecutive events of a season in which a student is a participant. Third and Subsequent Violations: After confirmation of the third violation, the student shall lose the right of participation for one calendar year. If this is a third chemically-related violation, a meeting with the student, parents/guardians, and chemical pre-assessment team must be arranged and the student will only be reinstated after successful completion of a chemical dependency treatment program. There are no alternative penalties for Category III violators. Students who are category I, II, and/or III activities serve penalties in all categories. Penalties for Category III will be accumulative through the student’s participation in grades 6-12. Students will not be allowed to participate in an activity already in progress to fulfill the requirements of a violation; however, a student will (with the sanction of the activity advisor) be allowed to participate in an activity that is beginning a season but must remain as a participant for the entire season of the activity in order for the violation penalty to be completed. Community service by itself can no longer satisfy the penalty for a MSHSL violation. 13 Alden-Conger Course Requirements ** Each student must earn a total of 24 credits to be eligible for graduation at Alden-Conger English/Communication Arts English 9A&B = 1 credit English 10A&B = 1 credit 4 English Semester Electives- ½ credit each 4 credits Mathematics 3 credits Coursework must include: Class of 2013 & 2014 Algebra I or Algebra Topics Geometry A or Basic Geometry Algebra IIA or Probability & Statistics or Inter. Algebra B Class of 2015 and beyond Algebra II or Intermediate Algebra & Probability & Statistics Geometry or Basic Geometry Social Studies Physical Geography = ½ credit World History = ½ credit American Studies A&B = 1 credit Cultural Geography = ½ credit Economics = ½ credit American Government = ½ credit Science 3½ credits 3 credits Physical Science A&B = 1 credit Biology A&B = 1 credit In addition to the above, coursework must include: Natural Resource Science or Environmental Science = ½ credit Class of 2015 & beyond Chemistry or Physics or Applied Chemistry or Applied Physics-1 credit Physical Education & Health PE/Health 9 = ½ credit PE/Health 10 = ½ credit 1 credit Fine Arts 1 credit Courses may include Art, Music, or certain Computer Science, Yearbook ** Driver Education ** Careers 9 Life Skills Life & Careers ¼ credit ¼ credit ½ credit Freshmen Requirements Vocational = 1 credit 1 credit Balance of credits to be electives. A total of 6 credits must be taken per year in grades 9-12. ** May be waived for older transfer students The State of Minnesota also requires students to meet basic competencies in mathematics, reading, and writing. Parents will be notified of any changes for their students’ requirements and state assessments. 14 MINIMUM GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS To graduate from Alden-Conger High School, you must earn a minimum of 24 credits. 6 of those credits will be electives. Students are required to take 6 credits per year. Yearlong classes that meet every day generate 1 credit if a passing grade is received. Semester classes generate ½ credit and Quarter classes ¼ credit, with passing grades. GRADING PROCEDURES Students are to earn passing grades in all classes. Solely the teacher, generally relying on grades earned will determine the final grade for any class, to determine a final (average) grade. Incomplete grades are to be made up if a passing grade is to be received. Completing work is the responsibility of the student. After one (1) week, the incomplete will become an F unless an unusual circumstance such as hospitalization has occurred and the Superintendent/Principal has granted an extension. Report cards will be issued at the end of each quarter. Midterms will be issued halfway through each grading period. These are issued to every student Grade 612 to caution students whose grades or efforts are decreasing or are borderline, or to warn students doing failing work and risking ineligibility for school activities. The following numerical values may be used in computing grade averages but percentages are determined in individual teachers, per their syllabus. A = 4.00 A- =3.67 B+ =3.33 B =3.00 B-=2.67 C+ = 2.33 C = 2.00 C- = 1.67 D+ = 1.33 D = 1.00 D- = .67 Qualifications for the honor roll at the Alden-Conger Schools are: AA 4.00 average A 3.67 - 3.99 average with no grade below BB 3.00 – 3.64 average with no grade below CNO “D” POLICY The grading scale for seniors and juniors will be as follows: 100% - 90% “A” range 89% - 80% “B” range 79% - 70% “C” range 69% - 0% “F” range Students will either earn a grade in the 100% - 70% range or they will fail. This policy was effective the fall of 2011 for all seniors and the fall of 2012 to include juniors. This policy will affect extra-curricular eligibility. Some teachers may have a higher grading scale than the one mentioned above, but in no case should the scale be “lowered” to ensure a “C” grade. Exceptions may be given to those students who have an IEP or a 504 plan, as determined by the IEP or 504 team. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS COLLEGE DAYS Juniors and Seniors may take post-secondary campus visits. These must be pre-approved and a College Day Form will need to be completed by the student and signed by the College Admissions Counselor and returned to the office for the students’ file. VISITORS All visitors must check in at the Main Office when they enter the building. Permission to bring a visitor is to be approved by the Dean of Students and requested in advance. Visits will be granted only after a meeting with parents for students planning to attend Alden-Conger School. The administration has the right to remove any person from the Alden-Conger School building as deemed necessary. 15 COMPUTERS/INTERNET Computer labs are available for student use, only when directly supervised by school personnel. Computers associated with the office network are not available for student use. Parental permission is required for Internet uses. Students are to abide by the Alden-Conger Internet guidelines. Chat-rooms are not allowed. DETENTION- Grades 6-12 Detention is defined as requiring a student to remain in school outside of normal hours as a disciplinary action because of some misbehavior on the part of the student. Any staff member, office personnel or paraprofessional can give detention. If a student refuses to serve a detention, the matter shall be brought to the administration’s attention immediately. Detention will take place from 3:10 pm until 3:30 pm on Monday through Thursday. Detention will take place in the classroom of the teacher who is supervising detention for that week. If a teacher assigns detention to a student because of an infraction during that teacher’s class or supervision period (including study hall, computer lab, etc.), that teacher will supervise the detention for that student(s) in their room (or an assigned room). Detention will be served the next regular school day after the detention is assigned so that the parents can be informed that the student will be remaining after normal school hours to serve their detention. Parents will not be allowed to negotiate when their student serves their detention based on the fact that they can not pick them up at 3:30 or later after school. Students will only be excused from serving detention because of a doctor or dentist appointment, court or legal appointment and attending Albert Lea for after school classes. Students who have been assigned periods of detention cannot practice or participate in high school sports, activities, etc. until the detention period has been served. Students will bring class work, homework, a book, a magazine, newspaper, etc. to work on or read. Students will not be allowed to talk in detention. They will not be allowed to sleep or nap in detention. Students are not allowed to leave detention to go to their locker, the library, the bathroom, etc. Late arrival or non-reports are subject to further discipline. Students failing to follow the above rules are subject to further punishment. Students who are involved in sports, have work release, jobs or other activities after school may not use that as an excuse for not attending assigned detention. Detention will be served when determined by the teacher or administrator and not at the convenience of the student. Failure to serve detention as assigned may result in an additional detention or ISS (In School Suspension) for the entire day as determined by the administration. Failure to serve ISS could result in OSS (Out of School Suspension). If a student misses detention they are breaking a “school rule” and 1. they will be assigned a second detention or ISS for an entire day and will still serve the after school detention 2. if they miss the second detention they are given ISS for an entire day and will still serve the after school detention. Middle school “detentions” may take place during the recess period following middle school lunch. The teacher assigning detention will determine the number of lunch recess detentions (no more than five consecutive). Detention recipients will be kept “at the fence” during lunch recess with no contact or talking to the rest of those at recess. They will be supervised by one of the three middle school lunch supervisors. During inclement weather, when recess is held inside, the detention recipients will be separated from the rest of the group. Middle school teachers have the 16 option of assigning their own after school detention for infractions of the rules within their classroom or their supervision like in the high school. The student will serve the detention with the assigning teacher in the teacher’s classroom (or an assigned room). The teacher may keep them no later than 5:00. Middle school students who habitually go home for lunch will serve their detention after school. Bus Violation Consequences Secondary (6-12) 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense 5th offense Warning 5 school-day suspension from riding the bus 10 school-day suspension from riding the bus 20 school-day suspension from riding the bus/meeting with parent Suspended from riding the bus for the remainder of the school year PASSES If a student is to go to another part of the building for any reason except to go to class or a scheduled activity, a Lime Green PASS SLIP must be filled out and carried with the student to the intended destination. Students are responsible to have the pass signed by all supervisors and carried with them. One student name per pass. Students are to sign out and in on pass logs found in each room. IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY FOR A STUDENT TO LEAVE THE BUILDING DURING THE DAY, HE MUST REPORT TO THE MAIN OFFICE FOR A PERMIT, REGARDLESS OF THE REASON FOR LEAVING. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE OFFICE HAVE A RECORD OF THE ABSENCE. ATHLETIC/ACTIVITY FEES Students in grades 6-12 participating in a sport (or school play) will be required to pay a $40 activity fee per sport or activity each season. There is a $120 cap per family, per year. Robotics, Speech and Supermileage will be included in the fee payment beginning the fall of 2012. PHONE CALLS Students will not be called to the phone during classes, but will be informed of the caller’s number so that contact may be made during a free period. For the convenience of the students, a phone has been placed near the main entrance. This is for local calls only. Please limit your calls. Long distance calls can be made by receiving permission to use the office phone. Calls are not to be made on cell phones. Please make after school arrangements before school to avoid office staff running messages. LUNCH CHARGING GUIDELINES Student will be allowed to charge 2-3 meals. If no payment is received, then student will be informed that he can take peanut butter sandwiches and one container of milk for lunch until payment received. Lunch ID numbers are assigned through the main office. These numbers are not to be shared with any other student as they pertain to each individual student’s account. If a student has a question about the use or misuse of their ID number, they need to contact the main office and appropriate measures will be taken to investigate any complaints, etc. POP/FOOD Pop machines are not operational during lunch times. The juice snack machines are on 24 hours. Juice, milk and pop should remain in the cafeteria or commons area and only during lunch times and before/after School. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up wrappers, bottles, etc. and dispose of them properly. 17 Alden-Conger Student Parking & Driving Regulations STUDENT PARKING/DRIVING Students may drive a licensed motor vehicle to school providing they follow the established rules concerning vehicles on the premises. All students are to park only in the lot on the west side of the football field. Safe, legal-driving habits must be used in the school zone. Poor driving habits could result in loss of parking privileges. Violators will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. All students driving to school must park in the school student parking lot. Students are not to park in the north parking lot, Redeemer Church lot or on any city street, even if they arrive late to school or leave and return during the day. Vehicles must be parked in the student parking lot in the designated parking area. The parked vehicles will not block the school garage entrance or the ability of other vehicles to be driven in or out. Vehicles parked in an area blocking traffic will be tagged by the police and towed at the owners’ expense. Students parking in the school student parking lot do so at their own risk. It is recommended that students keep their vehicle doors locked at all times. The school is not responsible for any items taken from student’s vehicles. The driver registered with the school is responsible for the behavior of others in his/her vehicle, even if he/she is not present. All traffic laws are in force. Exhibition driving (spinning wheels, squealing tires, skidding, sliding, rapid acceleration/deceleration, etc.) is prohibited and tickets will be issued. Driving on the athletic fields or the grass is prohibited. Drivers should report accidents, vandalism, or theft to the Alden-Conger administration. Any vehicle parked on the Alden-Conger property may be searched by school officials or law enforcement officers at school request. No student may drive or ride in a car during their lunch period or during the school day without permission or a pass. Students may not enter their car during the school day, including their lunch period, without a pass from the office. All motorized vehicles, drivers and passengers are subject to full provisions of these rules and applicable to school policies and state laws. OPEN LUNCH RULE Students in Grades 9-12 have an open lunch from 12:07-12:37. Students can leave the building during their lunchtime but are not allowed inside ANY vehicle during this time. This is a privilege that can be taken away if violation of any kind occurs and/or complaints are received from area downtown businesses. Nobody is allowed in any vehicles during the school day which includes Open Lunch. If you have an emergency where you need to go to your car, come to the office for someone to go with you and/or issue a permit to leave the building for such purpose. Any infraction of this will result in two weeks of closed lunch. LOCKERS In no way is a student to go through a locker belonging to another student without permission. The lockers do not have security locks. A student can rent a lock from the office. For this reason students are reminded that the school is not liable for valuables kept in their locker. If you must have valuables with you during school hours you may turn them into the office for safekeeping. The school is not responsible for any valuables lost due to the neglect or carelessness on the part of the student. If you lost any valuables during school hours, report it immediately to the office. 18 Students will be held responsible for locker damage as well as for other school property. Operational problems should be reported to the office. Taking items from another student’s locker will be treated as theft, and the proper authorities will be notified. CELL PHONES Alden-Conger Schools recognizes the advancements in technology and the wide spread use of cell phones by students and the public; however students are not allowed to use cell phones or have cell phones on during any class period or assembly. Students are allowed to use their phones during the following times: 1. Pre-arranged usage that has been cleared through the office 2. Before or after school 3. During lunch time, both inside and outside Any adult employed by the school may demand the student turn over the cell phone due to its misuse. Refusal to surrender the cell phone when requested by school personnel will be considered insubordination and will meet with disciplinary actions. The first time the cell phone is confiscated it will be returned at the end of the school day. The second time the cell phone is confiscated it will be kept overnight and returned the morning of the next school day (this includes weekends). The third time and all subsequent times the cell phone is confiscated, the student’s parents must come in and the cell phone will be returned to them. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices such as walkmans, CD players, pagers, and iPods may only be used during a student’s lunch break. Students will need to surrender them to school personnel immediately if requested to do so during school hours. Refusal to surrender such items when requested by any school personnel will be considered insubordination and will meet with disciplinary action. The school will not be held responsible for loss of electronic devices due to theft or misplacement. WEIGHT ROOM The weight room may be used when a coach, teacher or employee of the school is supervising. Students Gr. 9-12 who are members of the Laverne Carlson Fitness Center may use the weight room as part of their membership at any time after school hours. Students 7-8 who are members can use the room under the direct supervision of an adult guardian. TEXTBOOKS The classroom teacher will record the number of each textbook issued and the student will be held responsible for the textbook and its condition. Pupils will be charged for unnecessary damage or loss of the book. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Students who change their residence during the year should report it to the office immediately in order that the records may be kept up to date and so that the school may contact the pupil easily and quickly. CLASS TRIPS Permission slips for class trips are handed out and signed by parents at the beginning of the school year or at enrollment time. These slips are for the entire current school year. Parents will be notified when a class trip is planned for their child and the parent may then advise the school if they do not want their child to attend the trip. INSURANCE The school does not carry personal injury insurance. Injuries will need to be covered by the health insurance policies of the parents. If you wish to see if you qualify for Minnesota Care health program, call 1-800-657-3672. Parents may purchase student insurance through Student Assurances Services at 1-800-328-2739. 19 LOST AND FOUND All textbooks and library books found in the building are immediately turned over to the teachers. All other items are turned over to the office. BULLETIN BOARDS Bulletin boards will be located in the commons area outside the main office. Items may be placed on the bulletin boards after receiving permission from the office. Be sure to look at these bulletin boards daily for announcements and other information that could be of value to you. ACCIDENTAL INJURY Should severe accidental injury occur, prompt medical care is the school’s primary concern. Parental notification is secondary. FIRE REGULATIONS AND TORNADOES Regulations and exit patterns are posted in all rooms and hallways. Please check those regulations and know where to go from each of your classrooms. TRADITIONAL CLASS RESPONSIBILITIES 12th- Plan Commencement 11th- Football Concessions, Homecoming Bonfire, Plan Prom, Flowers for Commencement (Share cost with Gr. 10). 10th-Decorate for Homecoming Coronation, Prom waiters and waitresses, Clean up after Prom, Magazine Drive, Flowers for Commencement (Share cost with Gr. 11). 9th-Homecoming Dance decorations CLASS FUNDS *Note any monies left unspent by a graduating class will go into the scholarship process for distribution to the class. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Minnesota law currently directs that all public schools shall lead students in recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week. Anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the pledge of allegiance for any personal reason may elect not to do so. Students must respect another person’s right to make that choice. ASSIGNMENT BOOK/PLANNER All students will receive ONE assignment book/planner at the start of the school year. Assignment books are useful tools for recording homework and should be used to stay organized. We strongly encourage parents to take an active role by checking assignment books and homework SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES SECTION Most policies are briefly summarized here for this handbook. Complete policies are available in the main office. Please check if you have any questions. We will make a copy of any policy you would like. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY PLAGIARISM POLICY Definition: Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following: Submitting papers downloaded from the Internet Submitting a paper in which the words and ideas of another have either been copied verbatim or rephrased without crediting the author’s name and source Purchasing, borrowing or stealing a paper and submitting it as your own work Submitting all of or a portion of someone else’s assignment as your own 20 Copying and pasting material from any published sources, including the Internet, and submitting it as your own Supporting plagiarism by providing your work to another individual Using published material in a manner that is not consistent with the stated copyright protection Prevention: All teachers who give any kind of writing or research assignments must educate their students on what plagiarism is, how to avoid it or how to use correct citation. Consequence(s): Any student in grades 6-12 found to have plagiarized sentences, paragraphs or sections from encyclopedias, magazines, journals, or off the Internet (without proper citation) and turned this work in as their own, will receive a reduction in grade for that assignment, up to a “0”. There is no making up or redoing the assignment. This may also result in a number of periods of detention (not to exceed five) determined by the teacher. Parents and administration will be notified by the teacher. CHEATING POLICY Any students in grades 6-12 found to have cheated on tests or quizzes will result in a grade of “0” (zero), with no opportunity to retake the assessment. Copying class work and homework assignments will also result in a grade of “0” (zero) for all students involved in the practice. This may also result in a number of periods of detention (not to exceed five) determined by the circumstances and the teacher. In all cases of academic dishonesty, parents and administration will be notified by the teacher. HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE It is the policy and strong belief of the District 242 that no student should be subject to religious, racial or sexual harassment or violence by any other student or any adult. The school should be a place where every student is free to learn. The district will investigate all complaints and implement actions or consequences as necessary. A reporting form is available in the Principal’s office. See Appendix B. STUDENT DISCIPLINE POLICY The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students are aware of and comply with the school district’s expectations for student conduct. Students need to conduct themselves at all times so that they and other students can learn. When this expectation of positive behavior exists, staff and students treat each other with respect. Staff members are in charge of their classroom and all areas of the school. Students are to follow the Code of Conduct printed in this handbook. See Appendix A. SEARCH POLICY Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, school lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. School authorities for any reason may conduct inspection of the interior of lockers at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when authorities have reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school authorities must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials. BUS SAFETY POLICY Students will be trained yearly on school bus safety. It is a privilege, not a right to ride the school bus. Students will behave in such a manner that the bus driver can safely drive the bus to and from school. Those who interfere with this will be removed for a certain period of time as listed in the full policy. The driver’s orders must be obeyed immediately. Students must remain seated once they board the bus. Students must respect the right of other riders. The bus is not required to wait for late students. Any damage to the bus is the same as for school property. The student will pay it for within two weeks. 21 INTERNET POLICY All Internet users are expected to abide by the rules of computer and network etiquette. Be aware E-Mail is not guaranteed to be private if there is a probable cause to read it. Alden-Conger does have internet filtering for material not needed in a school setting. There will be no chat room use. Computers are for learning purposes, not for entertainment during school. First Violation of the internet guidelines the student will lose rights of Internet use at the school for two weeks. Second Violation of the guidelines will result in loss of rights of school internet use for the entire school year. FIELD TRIP POLICY Students conduct themselves on field trips in a manner to make themselves and others proud. Parents will be called to pick up a student if they need to be excluded. If anyone is not at the bus at departure time, the group leaves without him or her. If they are at a different location from school and are not on time for departure, the principal will be called for instructions. If the bus needs to leave a student, one chaperone will normally remain at the site and the parents will be charged for overtime hours and travel expenses to go back to get the late student. HAZING POLICY All types of hazing will not be permitted at Alden-Conger School. This includes anything a student is coerced into doing in order to get into a group or organization. School is to be a safe place for all students. See Appendix C. SPORTSMANSHIP POLICY The Alden-Conger School Board believes that values that lead to good sportsmanship and good citizenship are taught by adults who exhibit dignity and respect for people, equity, fairness and justice. The Board further believes that league athletic and fine arts competitions, where fairness and equity depend on playing by the rules and respecting all people, are opportunities for adults to teach and for young people to learn about sportsmanship. Therefore, the Board supports and adopts the Alden-Conger Sportsmanship Program in association with the Minnesota State High School League Good Sports Program. SCHOOL WEAPONS POLICY The purpose of this policy is to assure a safe school environment for students, staff and the public. No student or non student, including adults and visitors, shall possess, use or distribute a weapon when in a school location except as provided in this policy. The school district will act to enforce this policy and to discipline to take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, school employee, volunteer, or member of the public who violates this policy. See Appendix E. 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACADEMIC DISHONESTY 20 ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY POLICY 8 ACCIDENTAL INJURY 20 ADMINISTRATION 1 AFTER SCHOOL HOURS 3 ATTENDANCE POLICY EXCESSIVE ABSENCE RULE EXCUSED ABSENCES UNEXCUSED ABSENCES STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY PARENT RESPONSIBILITY SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITY 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 ATHLETIC/ACTIVITY FEES 17 BOARD OF EDUCATION 1 BULLETIN BOARDS 20 CELL PHONES 19 CHANGE OF ADDRESS 19 CHEATING POLICY 20 CLASS ADVISORS 2 CLASS FUNDS 20 CLASS OFFICERS 2 CLASS TRIPS 19 COLLEGE DAYS 15 COMPUTERS/INTERNET 16 DETENTION 16 DISRESPECTFUL LANGUAGE 9 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 9 DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR IN THE CLASSROOM 9 DRESS CODE 9 ELECTRONIC DEVICES 19 EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING 3 23 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY 10 FACULTY 1 FIRE REGULATIONS AND TORNADOES 20 GRADING PROCEDURES 15 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 14 INSURANCE 19 INSUBORDINATION 9 INTERFERENCE/OBSTRUCTION 9 LOCKERS 18 LOST AND FOUND 20 LUNCH CHARGING GUIDELINES 17 MINIMUM GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 15 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 15 NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Appendix D OPEN LUNCH RULE 18 PASSES 17 PHONE CALLS 17 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 20 POP/FOOD 17 PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION 9 SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES SECTION HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE STUDENT DISCIPLINE POLICY SEARCH POLICY EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY INTERNET POLICY FIELD TRIP POLICY HAZING POLICY SPORTSMANSHIP POLICY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE POLICY NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION SCHOOL WEAPONS POLICY SCHOOL COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES 20 21-Appendix B 21-Appendix A 21 10 22 22 21-Appendix C 22 6 Appendix D Appendix E 3 SCHOOL HOURS 3 STUDENT PARKING/DRIVING 18 24 STUDENT RIGHTS 5 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES 5 SUPPORT STAFF 1 SUSPENSION – EXPLUSION APPENDIX A TARDINESS 7 TEXTBOOKS 19 TIME SCHEDULE FOR CLASSES 3 TRADITIONAL CLASS RESPONSIBILITIES 20 TRUANCY 7 VERBAL ABUSE 9 VIOLATIONS OF SCHOOL CONDUCT ON CAMPUS 9 AT SCHOOL SPONSORED EVENTS, OR ON BUSSES VISITORS 15 WEIGHT ROOM 19 25 2012-2013 ALDEN-CONGER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 26