Syllabus for AP Latin 2012-13 This syllabus has not been adjusted to the current academic year calendar, but the sequencing is valid Course Objectives Mastery of principles of Latin grammar and syntax with particular emphasis on Vergil’s special uses; Mastery of frequently encountered vocabulary found in prose and/or poetry and and the ability to comprehend by contextual comprehension single-occurence or rare vocabulary items; Ability to read Latin prose and poetry at sight; Ability to recognize Vergil’s use of figures of speech and appreciate their impact on narrative; Ability to scan dactylic hexameter and to understand the use of this meter in the epic tradition; Ability to use meter in ascertaining the case of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives; Knowledge of the historical, social, cultural and political context of both De Bello Gallico and The Aeneid; Understanding of the place of De Bello Gallico and The Aeneid in ancient culture and their subsequent significance in Western culture; Knowledge of the historical and political background of the late Republic and the nascent Empire and understanding of the significance of both works in that context; Ability to analyze the The Aeneid as a work of art making specific reference to Vergil’s use of vocabulary, figures of speech, meter, imagery, and diction; Ability to translate English prose into appropriate Latin. Readings The student will read the following selections of Caesar's De Bello Gallico in Latin: BOOK I, chapters 1-7 Book IV, 24-35 and first sentence of chapter 36 Book V, 24-48 Book VI, 13-20 The student will read the following selections of Virgil's Aeneid in Latin: Book I, lines 1-209, 418-440, 494-578 Book II, lines 40-56, 201-249, 268-297, 559-620 Book IV, lines 160-218, 259-261, 659-705 Book VI, 295-332, 384-425, 450-476, 847-899 Additionally, prose readings from Nepos, Livy, Cicero (and a small selection of Sallust's Catiline) will be assigned for homework or sight translation. Likewise, the poetry of Catullus (continuing from where we left off last year in Latin II Honors), Ovid, Martial, and Tibullus will be assigned for homework or sight translation. Methodology Each class for which a passage will be assigned will begin with a four-word vocabulary mini-quiz based on that passage; five such mini-quizzes will be counted as a full quiz. Grammar and syntax of the passage will be reviewed before each and every assigned Latin to English translation in class; full analysis of each verb and brief analysis (case, use) will be indicated for every declined word will suffice unless more detail is needed; All “Analyze and Translate” (A&T) quizzes, tests, and like sections of the mid-term exam will require literal translation accompanied by full analysis (see below) of selected words; no aids are allowed during any quiz, test, or examination; Material on figures of speech, scansion, and the cultural and historical context of De Bello Gallico and The Aeneid will be presented by readings and lecture; mastery evaluated by quiz, test, and mid-term examination; One essay on an assigned topic from Caesar or Vergil will be due each quarter; a similar essay will also be featured on the mid-term examination; these will deal with the author's objectives in relationship to historical, social, cultural, and political contexts; Sight translation exercises will be conducted as specified in the syllabus; others will occur whenever the assigned passage has been finished before the end of class; Quizzes are the basic grading unit of the course: a test has the value of four quizzes; an assigned essay has the value of two quizzes. Homework and class participation will be valued as 10% of the quarter grade. Texts C. Iuli Caesaris, Commentariorum, Libri VII De Bello Gallico cum A. Hirti Supplemento. Edited by R. Du Pontet, Oxford University Press, 1966. P. Vergili Maronis, Opera. Edited by R. Mynors, Oxford University Press, 1969. If you lose your copy of either of the above texts, a replacement may be found online courtesy of The Latin Library. Vergil’s Aeneid, Books I-VI, Clyde Pharr, Alexander G. McKay, Bolchazy-Carducci, 2000. Nota Bene Taking the AP Vergil Exam is a requirement of this course All homework assignments are due on the day specified; Fill in the dates in the blanks before the days as we go along – if we miss (or add) a day, the sequence of the syllabus is still valid All “Analyze and Translate” (A&T) quizzes and tests will consist of two passages to be translated and ten words to be analyzed (5 per passage) Analysis procedures: Noun – declension, gender, case, #, use Pronoun – case, #, gender, use Adjective – case, #, gender, noun modified, noun’s use Verb – (subjunctive), tense, voice, person, number; NS PN/PA DO IO Infinitive – tense, voice, “infinitive” DO IO Participle – tense, voice, “part”, case, #, gender, noun modified Gerund – “gerund” case, use Supine – “supine”, case, use Preposition, adverb, or conjunction – identify as such (include degree of adverb if not positive) Regardless of whether it’s an A&T Quiz, test, or examination – English word derivatives will be the default extra credit (2 points); other announced material may be used, however. Students are strongly urged to take the SAT Subject Test in Latin; Seniors should take the test no later than December; Juniors should take the test in May or June. Study sessions will be provided upon request. FIRST Quarter (36 Days) Day #1__________ Review of noun, adjective, pronoun, and verbal declining Day #2__________ Review of verb and verbal formation Day #3__________ Review of case syntax Day #4__________ Review of verb syntax Day #5__________ DOUBLE QUIZ on the above material Assignment of the first quarter essay topic (due on day #33) Day #6__________ Review of vocabulary found in Latin I and II textbook (Wheelock) Day #7__________ Review of vocabulary found in Latin I and II textbook (Wheelock) Day #8__________ DOUBLE QUIZ on vocabulary found in Latin I and II textbook Day #9__________ Caesar, Book I, chapter 1 through line 11 (gerunt) Day #10_________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 1, finish (septentriones) Day #11__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 2, to end Day #12__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 3, through line 8 (habuerat) Day #13__________ QUIZ, Caesar, Book I, ch. 1-3. Day #14__________ English to Latin translation Day #15__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 4 Day #16__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 5 Day #17__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 6 Day #18__________ Caesar, Book I, ch. 7 Day #19__________ QUIZ, Caesar, Book I, ch. 4-7 Day #20__________ Catullus sight reading Day #21__________ Caesar, Book IV, ch. 24 Day #22__________ Day #23__________ Day #24__________ Day #25__________ Day #26__________ Caesar, Book IV, ch. 25 Caesar, Book IV, ch. 26 Caesar, Book IV, ch. 27, 28 Caesar, Book IV, ch. 29,30 QUIZ, Book IV, ch. 25-30 Day #27__________ English to Latin translation Day #28__________ Catullus sight translation Day #29__________ Discussion, Caesar and historiography in ancient Greece and republican Rome Day #30__________ Caesar, Book IV, ch. 31-32 Day #31__________ Caesar, Book IV, ch. 33-34 Day #32__________ Caesar, Book IV, ch. 35-35 + 1st sentence of ch. 36 Day #33__________ Sight translation, Cornelius Nepos; first quarter ESSAY due Day #34__________ QUIZ, Caesar Book IV, 31-35+ 1st sentence of ch. 36 Day #35__________ Sight translation, Catullus Day #35__________ English to Latin translation SECOND Quarter (41 days) Day #1__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 24 Day #2__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 25, 26 Assignment of the first quarter essay topic (due on day #32) Day #3__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 27 Day #4__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 28, 29 Day #5__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 30, 31 Day #6__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 32, 33 Day #7__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 34, 35 Day #8__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 36, 37 Day #9__________ Caesar, Book V, ch. 38 Day #10__________ QUIZ, Caesar, Book V, ch. 24-38 Day #11__________ Sight translation - prose Day #12__________ Sight translation - prose Day #13__________ QUIZ, Sight translation - prose Day #14__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 39,40 Day #15__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 41,42 Day #16__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 43 Day #17__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 44,45 Day #18__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 46, 47 Day #19__________ Caesar, Book V, ch 48 Day #20__________ QUIZ, Caesar, Book V, ch 39 - 48 Day #21__________ sight translation - prose Day #22__________ sight translation - prose Day #23__________ TEST - Caesar, Books I, IV, V Day #24__________ sight translation - poetry Day #25__________ English to Latin translation Day #26__________ Caesar, Book VI, ch. 13 Day #27__________ Caesar, Book VI, ch. 14 - 16 Day #28__________ Caesar, Book VI, ch. 17,18 Day #29__________ Caesar, Book VI, ch. 19, 20 Day #30__________ QUIZ, Caesar, Book VI, ch. 13 -20 Day #31__________ Sight translation - prose Day #32__________ assigned English to Latin translation; second quarter ESSAY DUE Day #33__________ Caesar, Book VI review Day #34__________ Caesar, Book VI review Day #35__________ TEST - Caesar (all that we've read) Day #36__________ sight translation - poetry Day #37__________ sight translation - poetry Day #38__________ overview of The Aeneid (not mid-term exam material) Day #39__________ assigned English to Latin translation Day #40__________ Sight translation - prose Day #41__________ Sight translation - prose Mid-Term Exam will consist of two Analyze and Translate passages on previously covered material, one prose and one prose sight translation, and sections on vocabulary, and historical, social, cultural, and political context; and an essay comparing and contrasting two of the above translation passages THIRD Quarter (42 days) Day #1__________ QUIZ on content of The Aeneid based on reading in translation Day #2__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 1-14 Day #3__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 15-31 (Latio); Assignment of the first quarter essay topic (due on day #28) Day #4_________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 31-45 (mutosque) Day #5__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 46-59 Day #6__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 60-75 Day #7__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 76-91 Day #8__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 92-107 Day #9__________ QUIZ on Aeneid, Book I, lines 1-107 Day #10__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 108-123 Day #11__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 124-141 Day #12__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 142-156 Day #13__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 157-173 Day #14__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 174-191 Day #15__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 191-209 Day #16__________ QUIZ Aeneid, Book I, lines 108-209 Day #17__________ Sight translation - Martial Day #18__________ Cultural background on the Homeric, Hellenistic and Latin epic tradition; the significance of The Aeneid in the Western literary tradition Day #19__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 418 - 440 Day #20__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 494-519 Day #21__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 520-541 Day #22__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 542-560 Day #23__________ Aeneid, Book I, lines 561-578 Day #24__________ Sight English to Latin translation Day #25__________ QUIZ on Aeneid, Book I, lines 418-440, 494-578 Day #26__________ Read Versification #s 391 - 405 in Grammatical Appendix Day #27__________ Read Versification #s 406-410 in Grammatical Appendix and scan assigned lines Day #28__________ Scan assigned lines; 3rd quarter ESSAY DUE Day #29__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 40-56 Day #30__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 201-219 Day #31__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 220-249 Day #32__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 268-297 Day #33__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 559-582 Day #34__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 583-600 Day #35__________ Aeneid, Book II, lines 601-620 Day #36__________ Scan assigned lines for HW; sight English to Latin Translation Day #37__________ QUIZ on Aeneid, Book II, lines 40-56, 201-249, 268-297, 559-620 Day #38__________ Review Aeneid Book I Day #39__________ Review Aeneid Book II Day #40__________ Review scansion Day #41__________ TEST on Aeneid Books I & II Day #42__________ Sight passage from Aeneid FOURTH Quarter (28 days) Day #1__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 160-190 Day #2__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 190-218 Day #3__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 259-286 Day #4_________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 287-319 Day #5__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 320-344 Day #6__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 345-361 Day #7__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 659-685 Day #8__________ Aeneid, Book IV, lines 686-705 Day #9__________ QUIZ, Aeneid, Book IV Day #10__________Translate Catullus 64, lines 50-70 Day #11__________ Translate Catullus 64, lines 121-144 Day #12__________ Catullus 64, lines 145-170 Day #13_________ Catullus 64, lines 171-201 Day #14__________ Scan Catullus 64, lines 192-201 Day #15__________ You will have the period in which to write an essay comparing Ariadnes's Complaint in Catullus 64 with that of Dido. Be sure to consider scansion and figures of speech, but remember that these considerations are ancillary. You may bring notes. Day #16__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 295-320 Day #17__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 321-332, 384-402 Day #18__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 403-425 Day #19__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 450-476 Day #20__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 847-877 Day #21__________ Aeneid, Book VI, lines 878-902 (FINIS) Day #22__________ Assigned English to Latin translation Day #23__________ QUIZ, Aeneid, Book VI Day #24__________ Review Caesar Books I & IV Day #25__________ Review Caesar Books V & VI Day #26__________ Prepare for figure of speech scavenger hunt Day #27__________ Review past NLE exams Day #28__________ Review past AP Latin exams Day #29__________ AP EXAM Day #30__________ Wrap-up and student evaluation of class (last class day of academic year)