Assessment Form

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Business
Course Number and Name: BUS 006 Business Law II
Program Contact Person: _Carl Kirnbauer_______________________________________
Reviewed by:
, Academic Dean
The data was collected from the Spring 2010 semester, section 0906, 16 students
Institutional Mission
Course Intended Outcomes
Means of Assessment
& Goals
and Criteria for Success
1. Recall the importance of and Means: 4 multiple
passage of title under the
choice questions of 25
common law and determine
from Exam 1.
when the title to goods passes
Criteria: 80% of the
when parties to a contract do
students answer the
not expressly agree.
questions correctly.
2. Identify available remedies
Means: 5 multiple
to a seller or lessor when the
choice questions of 25
buyer or lessee breaches a
from Exam 1.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly.
3. Identify available remedies
Means: 5 multiple
to a buyer or lessee when the
choice questions of 25
seller or lessor breaches a
from Exam 1.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
Phone: _______________________
Summary of Data
75 % of the students
scored 90% or better.
Use of Results
Results indicate that more
effort should be placed on
the concept of title and when
title passes
83% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommended.
85% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommended
4. Identify implied warranties
and application of implied
warranties that arise under the
Uniform Commercial Code.
Means: 4 multiple
choice questions of 25
from Exam 1.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
5. Recall prejudgment and post- Means: 2 multiple
judgment attachments and writs choice questions of 25
of execution.
from Exam 1.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
6. Identify how a creditor uses
Means: 5 multiple
pre and post-judgment
choice questions of 25
attachment and writ of
from Exam 1.
execution remedies.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
7. Recall the garnishment
Means: 3 multiple
choice questions of 25
from Exam 2.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
8. Identify when a creditor
Means: 7 multiple
would undertake a garnishment choice questions of 25
from Exam 2.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
9. Identify the differences
Means: 10 multiple
between an employee and an
choice questions of 25
independent contractor.
from Exam 2.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
81% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
87% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
88% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
78% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Results indicate that the
concept of garnishment is not
clearly understood. Use of
different examples is
83% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
88% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
questions correctly
10. Identify when exceptions
Means: 5 multiple
are made to the employment-at- choice questions of 25
will doctrine.
from Exam 2.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
11. Recall the major forms of
Means: 3 multiple choice
business organizations used by questions of 25 from
entrepreneurs in the United
Exam 3.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
12. Identify the advantages and Means: 12 multiple
disadvantages that are
choice questions of 25
associated with each major
from Exam 3.
business form.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
13. Recall what directors must
Means: 6 multiple
do to avoid liability for honest
choice questions of 25
mistakes in judgment and poor from Exam 3.
business decisions.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
14. Identify why insider trading Means: 4 multiple
is prohibited.
choice questions of 25
from Exam 3.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
15. Identify agencies of the
Means: 6 multiple
federal government that enforce choice questions of 25
the federal antitrust laws
from Exam 4.
Criteria: 80% of the
92% of the students
scored 90% or better.
Established outcome for
success is being met. No
changes are recommend
students answer the
questions correctly
16. Recall the differences
between real and personal
17. Identify the requirements
for acquiring property by
adverse possession.
18. Recall the circumstances
where U.S. antitrust laws are
applied extraterritorially.
Means: 5 multiple
choice questions of 25
from Exam 4.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
Means: 7 multiple
choice questions of 25
from Exam 4.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly
Means: 7 multiple
choice questions of 25
from Exam 4.
Criteria: 80% of the
students answer the
questions correctly