Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN Segment Day 1, Segment 1 25 min 9:00–9:25 am Welcome and Review of Agenda a. Welcome and Orientation b. Learning Objectives Learning Objective V1. The trainee will value the goal that all children deserve family connection and permanence. V2. The trainee will value adoption as one of several paths to permanency. Methodology Activity 1A: 15 min Welcome and Orientation Introduce the classroom logistics and goals of the training and explain. Video: Importance of Adoption and Family #1 (6:00) PowerPoint slides: 1 - 3 Activity 1B: 10 min Review of the competencies and learning objectives for the course. PowerPoint slides: 4 - 5 Day 1, Segment 2 30 min 10:00–10:30 am K3. Know Federal, State and county adoptions statistics. State and County Adoption Statistics (CSSR and/or AFCARS) a. State statistics V8. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, Activity 3A: 20 min (Optional activity, add 20 minutes) State Adoptions Stats County Adoptions Stats PowerPoint slides: 8-10 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 1 Segment Learning Objective b. County (specific) statistics biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. Methodology Activity 3B: 10 min AFCARS 1. ACIN 1-44-05 2. AFCARS Trends Chart PowerPoint slide: 11 Day 1, Segment 3 35 min 9:25–10:00 am Federal and California Statutes, Laws, Regulations & Policies a. SSA b. CAPTA c. ASFA d. ICWA e. MEPA f. STIPA K1. K2. V1. Understand Federal and State statutes, laws, regulations, and policies. Activity 2A 15 min Federal and State Regulations SSA Apply knowledge of CAPTA ASFA, ICWA and MEPA ASFA to adoptions cases. ICWA MEPA The trainee will value STIPA the goal that all children deserve PowerPoint slides: 6 family connection and Activity 2B: permanence. 10 min Orientation to Title 22 regulations http://www.dss.cahwnet.gov/o rd/PG308.htm PowerPoint slides: 7 Activity 2C 15 min WIC Codes 1. 366.26—Termination of parental rights 2. 366.3—Legal guardianship 3. 11615–11625—AAP 366.24—Tribal 4. Customary Adoption Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 2 Segment Learning Objective Methodology PowerPoint slides: 7 10:30–10:45 am 15 min BREAK Day 1, Segment 4 95 min 10:45 am–12:25 pm K5. Permanency Options K6. a. Questions About Permanency and Adoption b. Assumptions V1. about Permanency and Adoptions c. Types of Permanency d. Court Timelines e. Benefits and V2. motivations of adoption V7. V8. Identify different types of permanency options. Identify benefits & motivations of adoptions. Activity 4A: 30 min Questions about Permanency and Adoptions PowerPoint slides: 12 The trainee will value the goal that all children deserve family connection and permanence. Activity 4B: 10 min Assumptions about Permanency and Adoptions The trainee will value adoption as one of several paths to permanency. PowerPoint slides: 13 The trainee will value the practice of working toward the most permanent option for children, given their unique circumstances. The trainee will value Activity 4C: 10 min Types of Permanency Options PowerPoint slides: 14 Activity 4D: 15 min Court Timelines PowerPoint slides: 15 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 3 Segment Learning Objective the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. Methodology Activity 4E: 30 min Benefits & motivations to to Adoption PowerPoint slides: 16 12:25–1:25 pm 1 hour LUNCH Day 1, Segment 5 60 min 1:25–2:25 pm K9. Become familiar with the range of openness and adoption. Activity 5A: 10 min Caregiver/Child Matching Caregiver/Child Matching a. Diligent Recruitment of placement homes b. Caregiver-Child Match c. Family Selection for a specific child – factors to consider S1. Given a case scenario, PowerPoint slides: 17 the trainee will be able to practice Caregiver assessment. V1. The trainee will value the goal that all children deserve family connection and permanence. V4. The trainee will value the principle of respect directed Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 4 Segment Learning Objective V5. Activity 5B: 10 min Successful Characteristics of Special Needs & Adoptive Families The trainee will value the process of family finding. PowerPoint slides: 18 The trainee will value the process of educating the adoptive parent about birth family connections. V7. The trainee will value the practice of working toward the most permanent option for children, given their unique circumstances. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. V9. Day 1, Segment 6 toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and sibling relationships. V6. V8. S1. Methodology Skill 5B: 40 min Caregiver Assessment The trainee will value openness in adoption. 2:25–2:40 pm 15 min BREAK Given a case scenario, Activity 6A: Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 5 Segment Learning Objective 90 min 2:40–4:20 pm Home Study a. Python Home Study Methodology the trainee will be able 90 min to practice Caregiver assessment. Python Home Study V4. The trainee will value the principle of respect directed toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and sibling relationships. V8. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. V9. The trainee will value openness in adoption. PowerPoint slides: 19 Day 1 10 min 4:20–4:30 pm Closing and Feedback Day 2 15 min 9:00–9:15 am Welcome and Review of Day 1 – Crossword puzzle Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 6 Segment Learning Objective Methodology Note: This BREAK comes after the first part of the segment below. 10:30–10:45 am 15 min BREAK Day 2, Segment 7 150 min 9:15 –10:30 am & 10:45 am–12:00 pm K10. Recognize placement and transition issues Activity 7A: 30 min Core Issues of Adoption PowerPoint slides: 20 Title of Segment Core Issues of Adoption a. Core Issues of Adoption b. Attachment/ Reaction to Separation and Loss c. Psychosocial Model of Adoption Adjustment d. Early Interactions Directly Affect the Brain’s wiring Activity 7B: 50 min Attachment/ Reaction to Separation and Loss PowerPoint slides: 22 Activity 7C: 30 min Psychosocial Model of Adoption Adjustment PowerPoint slides: 21 Activity 7D: 40 min Early Interactions Directly Affect the Brain’s wiring Video—Multiple Transitions PowerPoint slides: 24 12:00–1:00 pm 1 hour LUNCH Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 7 Segment Day 2, Segment 8 20 min 1:00 pm–1:20 pm Full disclosure to all participants Learning Objective K7. V4. Recognize disclosure and confidentiality issues. The trainee will value the principle of respect directed toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and sibling relationships. V6. The trainee will value the process of educating the adoptive parent about birth family connections. V8. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. V9. The trainee will value openness in adoption. Methodology Activity 8A: 20 min Full disclosure to all participants PowerPoint slides: 25 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 8 Segment Day 2, Segment 9 45 min 1:20 –2:05 pm Adoptive placement Forms a. AD 512 b. JV 285 c. AD67 d. AD67a e. ADOPT 310 f. ADOPT 330 g. ADOPT 331 h. AD904 i. AD904a j. AD904b k. AD 908 l. AD908b Learning Objective S1. V6. V9. Methodology Given a case scenario, Skills Activity 9A the trainee will be able 45 min to practice Caregiver assessment. Forms a. AD 512 The trainee will value b. JV 285 the process of c. AD67 educating the d. AD67a adoptive parent about e. ADOPT 310 birth family f. ADOPT 330 connections. g. ADOPT 331 h. AD904 The trainee will value i. AD904a openness in adoption. j. AD904b k. AD 908 l. AD908b PowerPoint slides: 26 Note: This BREAK comes after the first part of the segment below. 2:30–2:45 pm 15 min BREAK Day 2, Segment 10 145 min 2:05 –2:30 pm & 2:45 –4:30 pm K8. Explain relinquishment Activity 10A: philosophy, 15 min regulations, procedures, & forms Voluntary relinquishment Voluntary Relinquishment a. Voluntary relinquishment b. Assessment c. Assessment of the Potential for Reunification d. Permanency Planning Mediation e. Substantial K10. Recognize placement and transition issues S1. Given a case scenario, the trainee will be able to practice Caregiver assessment The trainee will value the principle of respect directed toward biological families (including V4. PowerPoint slides: 27 Activity 10B: 10 min Assessment PowerPoint slides: 28 Activity 10C: 15 min Assessment of the Potential for Reunification Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 9 Segment Probability of Return f. Firm Timelines g. Parental competency h. Forms 1. ADOPT 310 2. AD 855A Learning Objective fathers), extended family members, current caregivers and sibling relationships. Methodology PowerPoint slides: 29 Activity 10D: 10 min Permanency Planning Mediation PowerPoint slides: 30 Activity 10E: 45 min Substantial Probability of Return Skill Activity 10E PowerPoint slides: 31 Activity 10F: 30 min Firm Timelines PowerPoint slides: 32 Activity 10G: 10 min Parental Competency PowerPoint slides: 33 Activity 10H: 10 min a. Safe Surrender PowerPoint slides: 34 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 10 Segment Learning Objective Methodology Day 3 15 min 9:00–9:15 am Welcome and Review of Day 2 Note: This BREAK comes after the first part of the segment below. 10:30–10:45 am 15 min BREAK Day 3, Segment 11 145 min 9:15 –10:30 am & 10:45 –11:55 am Transition a. Transition Tool 1) Photo album 2) Family video 3) Pre-placement calendar 4) Good-bye letter 5) Candle Ceremony b. Needs and Fears c. Multiple Purposes of a Lifebook & Creating Your Child’s Lifebook d. EcoMap e. Cover Story K10. Recognize placement and transition issues. S3. Given a case scenario, the trainee will be able PowerPoint slides: 35 to practice writing a transition plan Activity 11B: Given a case scenario, 45 min the trainee will be able Needs and Fears to practice PowerPoint slides: 36 constructing an ecomap Activity 11C: 20 min The trainee will value Multiple Purposes of a the goal that all Lifebook children deserve family connection and Creating Your Child’s permanence. Lifebook The trainee will value PowerPoint slides: 37 the principle of S4. V1. V4. Activity 11A: 30 min Transition Tools Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 11 Segment Learning Objective f. Developing an Adoption Preplacement Plan respect directed toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and sibling relationships. V8. Methodology Activity 11D: 40 min EcoMap The Cover Story PowerPoint slides: 38 The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. Activity 11E: 10 min Developing an Adoption Pre-placement Plan PowerPoint slides: 39 11:55 am–1:00 pm 55 min LUNCH Day 3, Segment 12 95 min 1:00 –2:35 pm S2. Interviewing Children a. Three aspects of parenting V4. b. Talking to children about their birth parents c. Talking to children about permanency Given a case scenario, the trainee will be able to practice (Clinical) Interviewing Techniques. Activity 12A 45 min Three aspects of parenting PowerPoint slides: 40 The trainee will value the principle of respect directed toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and Activity 12B 40 min Talking to Children about their birth parents PowerPoint slides: 41 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 12 Segment Learning Objective sibling relationships. V8. V9. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. Methodology Activity 12C 10 min Talking to Children about Permanency PowerPoint slides: 42 The trainee will value openness in adoption. 2:35–2:50 pm 15 min BREAK Day 3 & 4, Segment 13 120 min 2:50 –4:30 pm (Day 3) & 9:15 –10:35 am (Day 4) Working with Birth Parents a. Compelling Reasons not to terminate parental rights b. Assessment of the Potential for Reunification c. Danielle’s Family Skills Practice d. What do Families Expect of the Adoption Process S2. Given a case scenario, the trainee will be able to practice (Clinical) Interviewing Techniques. Activity 13A 20 min Compelling Reasons not to terminate parental rights V4. The trainee will value the principle of respect directed toward biological families (including fathers), extended family members, and sibling relationships. PowerPoint slides: 43 The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and Activity 13C 60 min Danielle’s Family V8. Activity 13B 30 min Assessment of the Potential for Reunification PowerPoint slides: 44 PowerPoint slides: 45 Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 13 Segment Learning Objective opinions about adoption as a permanency option. V9. The trainee will value openness in adoption. Methodology Activity 13D 10 min What do Families Expect of the Adoption Process PowerPoint slides: 46 Day 3 15 min 9:00–9:15 am Welcome and Review of Day 3 Day 4, Segment 13 20 min 9:15–9:35 am Working with Birth Parents (contd.) Day 4, Segment 14 60 min 9:35 –10:35 am Court Process a. Process of Adoption b. Time to finalization c. 366.26 reports d. 361.5 Adoption Assessment e. Forms—HOA16: Adopt200 Adopt210 Adopt 215 S5. V7. Given a case scenario, the trainee will be able to practice completing common adoption forms: 1. Finalization The trainee will value the practice of working toward the most permanent option for children, given their unique circumstances. Activity 14A 15 min Process of Adoption PowerPoint slides: 47 Activity 14B 15 min Time to Finalization PowerPoint slides: 48 Activity 14C 15 min 366.26 Reports PowerPoint slides: 48 Activity 14D 15 min 361.5 Adoption Assessment Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 14 Segment Learning Objective Methodology PowerPoint slides: 48 10:35 am – 10:50 am 15 min BREAK Day 4, Segment 15 60 min 10:50–11:50 am K13. Learn about the different types of post adoption services. Post Adoption a. Post adoption contact agreement b. Phases in post adoption c. Crisis periods d. Disruption/ dissolutions e. Aftercare services for youth age 16 and over (fostering connections) V8. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings, experience with, biases toward, and opinions about adoption as a permanency option. Activity 15A 20 min Phases in post adoption Agreement PowerPoint slides: 81 Activity 15B 10 min Crisis Periods PowerPoint slides: 82 Activity 15C 10 min Disruptions/Dissolutions PowerPoint slides: 83 11:50 am–1:00 pm 50 min LUNCH Day 4, Segment 16 120 min 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm V1. Policies and Procedures for the Adoption of Young Adults, age 18 – 20, who K7. remain in Extended Foster Care (EFC) The trainee will value the goal that all children deserve family connection and permanence. Recognize disclosure and confidentiality issues Activity 17A 10 Minutes Initiating Adoption Activity 17B 5 Minutes Eligibility Activity 17C 5 Minutes Case Planning Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 15 Segment Learning Objective V7. K12. V7. V8. The trainee will value the practice of working toward the most permanent option for children, given their unique circumstances. Understand financial assistance programs, including AAP & kingap The trainee will value the practice of working toward the most permanent option for children, given their unique circumstances. The trainee will value the exploration of his/her feelings about adoption as a permanency option. Methodology Activity 17D 10 Minutes Disclosure Activity 17E 5 Minutes Practice Considerations Activity 17F 5 Minutes + 15 Minutes Assessment Activity 17G 20 Minutes Court Report Forms Activity 17H 20 Minutes AAP Benefits Activity 17I 25 Minutes Training Activity – NMD Exercise CLOSING & EVALUATION 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm Overview of California Child Welfare Adoptions Practice | Trainer's Guide | Version 2.0, 2014 16