THE PERFORMANCE PROFILE My name is Sgt Eastwood and for the next 25 min im going to introduce you into the Performance Profile. CLICK Interest: As coaches we often see our trainee soldiers struggle with certain personal aspects. The best way for them to improve in these areas is through self education. This can be achieved using the performance profile, which is a psychological tool that aids recruits in visually identifying their own weaknesses. CLICK Need: 1. As instructors we can use this tool to our advantage as it can be used to aid us in the writing of reports. 2. Trainee soldiers are able to identify their own weaknesses and see an improvement in these areas as they progress through the training environment. 3. This in turn will give the trainee soldier a greater sense of achievement. CLICK Range: NOTE: READ OFF OF THE SCREEN. CLICK Aim: 1. 2. 3. Introduce you to the performance profile. Explain the 3 key stages Give you an understanding of how it is used. 1 CLICK Development: Why use this method? “We use this tool when a trainee soldier is experiencing a problem with his or her own aspects, in order for them to identify the area in which they need to improve. With a certain degree of time and guidance the trainee solider will begin to self educate, and as a result will generate responsibility and raise awareness in order to improve their performance. This is achieved using” CLICK The Performance profile NOTE: SHOW CLASS A DEMO USING A POTENTIAL SOLDIER CLICK “There are 3 key stages which help us achieve optimum results which are:” Stage 1: Generation (raise awareness) Stage 2: Evaluation (generate responsibility) Stage 3: Interpretation (facilitate Performance ) CLICK Stage 1: Generation (raise awareness) 2 Show slide X2 CLICK Stage 2: Evaluation (generate responsibility) Show slide X2 CLICK Stage 3: Interpretation (facilitate Performance ) Show slide X2 CLICK Practise: Break down into pairs and produce a performance profile with your partner for the next ____Minutes. CLICK NOTE: ASK ONE PAIR TO STAND AND INTERPRET THEIR FINDINGS. Summary: To summarize you have been shown a demonstration of the performance profile and have touched on the 3 key components which are: CLICK Stage 1: Generation (raise awareness) Stage 2: Evaluation (generate responsibility) Stage 3: Interpretation (facilitate Performance ) 3 Remember this is an excellent tool which can both assist instructors with report writing and aide trainee soldiers in identifying their weaknesses in order to improve personal performance. Are there any questions on the whole of the lesson? CLICK Aim: 1. Introduce you to the performance profile. 2. Explain the 3 key stages 3. Give you an understanding of how it is used. CLICK Link: Look forward to your next lesson on ………………………. CLICK References: 1. 2. A.S.L.S Handout The Performance Profile Handout 4