US History Chapter 19: The Vietnam War

US History Chapter 19 and 20.1: The Vietnam War
1. American officials did not like imperialism and did not think France should control Vietnam. However,
they did not want Vietnam to become:
A. Capitalist
B. Communist
C. Fascist
2. What two events convinced Truman to help France in Vietnam?
A. Japan’s surrender in World War II and the fall of China to capitalism
B. The fall of China to communism and the outbreak of the Korean War
C. The Civil Rights uprising in the United States and the Watts Riots
3. The cartoon to the right represents Eisenhower’s
communism so would
which stated that if Vietnam fell to
A. Falling country theory, all of Asia
B. Domino theory, all of Southeast Asia
C. Butterfly effect, all of Southeast Asia
4. North Vietnam received military weapons and other support from:
A. USSR and China
B. United States and Great Britain
C. Japan and the Philippines
Use the map to the right to answer question 5.
5. The Ho Chi Minh trail, used to transfer
supplies from North Vietnam to South
Vietnam, ran through which two nations?
A. Laos and Thailand
B. Cambodia and Thailand
C. Laos and Cambodia
6. The goal of Agent Orange was to:
A. Infiltrate the Vietcong military
B. Sabotage Vietcong equipment
C. Destroy the Vietcong’s ability to hide in jungles
7. With the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Congress, in effect,
A. Handed its war powers to the president
B. Committed to a limited war only
C. Declared war on China
8. A main reason President Johnson refused to order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam was his fear that it
A. Bring China into the war
B. Strengthen the North Vietnamese will to fight
C. Cause Japan to side with North Vietnam
Use the graph below to answer questions 9-10.
9. These graphs show:
A. How African Americans
were dying at a higher
percentage in Vietnam than
other Americans in relation
to total population in the
United States
B. The number of workingclass youths dying in
C. The percentage of troops
who were drafted versus
those who volunteered
10. How did the draft system at the
beginning of the war contribute to
this situation?
A. The draft only selected minorities to serve
B. More whites students earned deferment by attending college
C. The draft system did not contribute to this situation
Use the timeline to answer questions 11.
11. When did the first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam?
A. One year prior to the Tet offensive
B. One year prior to student protests at Kent State University
C. One year after the passing of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
12. Which of the following is true about the Tet Offensive?
A. Was a military victory for the US
B. Led to public opinion to turn against the war
C. Both A and B
13. On which idea is the 26th Amendment based?
A. Women should to allowed to serve in the armed forces
B. The president, not Congress, should decide where and when troops will fight
C. A person who is old enough to fight is old enough to vote
14. Who appeared to be on his way to winning the Democratic nomination for president until he we gunned
down on June 5, 1968, in a California hotel?
A. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
B. Hubert Humphrey
C. Robert Kennedy
15. Complete the diagram to the right:
A. Napalm
B. War of Attrition
C. Credibility Gap
Reports from
16. The Pentagon Papers revealed that:
A. American prisoners of war were being tortured in North Vietnamese prisons
B. The government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam
C. The United States had surrendered to the Vietcong
17. Nixon’s decision to invade Cambodia another country
angered Congress, resulting in:
A. Passage of the Twenty-seventh Amendment
B. A vote of censure
C. A repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Reports from
18. Nixon’s Vietnamization called for:
A. South Vietnam to assume more of the fighting as American troops withdrew
B. A massive invasion of North Vietnam to finally end the war
C. The United States to declare war on all communism countries
Use the passage below to answer questions 19-20.
“The conflict in Vietnam is a product of the great shifts and changes triggered by the Second World
War. Out of the war, two continent-wide powers emerged – the United States and the Soviet Union. The
colonial systems through which the nations of Western Europe had governed more than a third of the people
of the world were, one by one, dismantled…
The bloody encounters in [Vietnam] are thus in a real sense battles and skirmishes in a continuing
war to prevent one Communist power after another from violating internationally recognized boundary lines
fixing the outer limits of Communist dominion.
… In the long run our hopes for the people of South Vietnam reflect our hopes for people
everywhere. What we seek is a world living in peace and freedom.”
-George W. Ball
19. This passage is explaining that the Vietnam War was essentially fought:
A. To control territory because of the need for raw materials and resources
B. To halt the spread of communism not only in South Vietnam, but also in other parts of the world
C. To end World War II
20. George W. Ball’s main idea in his speech is that the United States is ultimately seeking a(n):
A. Communist world
B. Way to continue war to show total power over the world
C. World living in peace and freedom
21. After the United States ended its direct involvement in Vietnam, the North Vietnamese captured Saigon and
united Vietnam under:
A. Rule of the United Nations
B. Communist rule
C. Capitalist rule
22. Long after troops were home, the war lingered on for the American families whose relatives and friends
were classified as missing in action or:
A. Prisoners of War
B. Draft Dodgers
C. Traitors
Use the graph below to answer questions
23. What was the highest number of total
American casualties in a single year of
the Vietnam War, according to the
A. Around 12,000
B. Around 14,000
C. Around 16,000
24. The number of deaths in Vietnam
reached a peak in the same year in
A. The presidential election was
B. Johnson decided not to run for
C. Both A and B
25. Which of the following was not a
legacy of the Vietnam War?
A. Americans lost confidence in their countries ability to contain communism
B. The war increased the nations doubt about their government
C. Americans felt they had won the Cold War
26. In the 1960s young people known as hippies began the
A. Counterculture
B. Civil Rights
C. Bilingualism
27. The Port Huron Statement expressed the view of the:
A. United Farm Workers
B. La Raza Unida
C. Students for a Democratic Society
28. Student for a Democratic Society was comprised mainly of:
A. The “baby boom” generation
B. Latino students
C. African American students
29. Soon after the campus-wide strike at the University of California at Berkeley, the Supreme Court upheld the
students’ right to:
A. Desegregation on campus
B. Freedom of speech and assemble on campus
C. Use drugs freely
30. Students involved in the Free Speech Movement demonstrated by:
A. Holding college administrators as hostages
B. Abandoning classes and occupying buildings
C. Opening fire against the national guards
31. Many hippies wanted to build a
empathy, tolerance, and cooperation.
– a society that was freer, closer to nature, and full of love,
A. Utopia
B. Conformity
C. Pragmatist
32. Which of the following is not a result of counterculture clothing:
A. Gray flannel suit and buzz cuts
B. Tie-dye
C. Beads, fringes and Native American headbands
33. Use the picture to the right to answer the following question. This
district located in San-Francisco was famous because:
A. It was where John F. Kennedy was assassinated
B. It was a hippie destination
C. It was where Europeans met to try and understand the civil
rights movement
34. A rock festival that drew hundreds of thousands of people in 1969 was at:
A. San Francisco
B. Woodstock
C. Berkeley
Use the chart above and your prior knowledge to answer question 35.
35. What factor led to the increase in college enrollments?
A. “Baby boomers” began to reach college age in the 1960s
B. Young people wanted to go to college to avoid the war
C. Both A and B
36. Complete the diagram to the right:
A. Youth Movement
B. Latin-American Movement
C. Civil Rights Movement
37. By the end of Vietnam, the total
tonnage of bombs dropped on North
Vietnam by the United States was
A. Less than what was dropped
in both WWII and the Korean
B. Nearly the same as the
tonnage dropped during
WWII and the Korean War
C. More than twice what was
dropped in both WWII and
the Korean War
Fear of Nuclear
Arms Race
Baby Boom
1950s Economic
38. What affect did images like those above had what impact on the American public?
A. Encouraged more young men to enlist in the armed forces
B. Public protest of the war increased
C. Americans increase their support for the Vietnam War
39. What publicized American massacre by American troops led to protest against the Vietnam War?
A. My Lai
B. Gulf of Tonkin
C. D-Day
40. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Kent State shooting?
A. 4 students were killed
B. Students were protesting the election of Richard Nixon
C. The National Guard opened fire on protestors.