CHAPTER FIVE PATROLLING Patrols are missions to gather information or to conduct combat operations. Infantry platoons and squads conduct three types of patrols: reconnaissance, combat and tracking. 5-1. PRINCIPLES OF PATROLLING. All patrols are governed by five principles. a. Planning. Quickly make a simple plan and effectively communicate it to the lowest level. A great plan that takes forever to complete and is poorly disseminated isn’t a great plan. Plan and prepare to a realistic standard, and rehearse everything. b. Reconnaissance. Confirm what you think you know and find out what you don’t. c. Security. Preserve your force as a whole, and your recon assets in particular. Every soldier and every rifle counts; anyone could be the difference between victory and defeat. d. Control. Clear concepts of the operation and commander’s intent, coupled with disciplined communications, to bring every man and weapon you have available to overwhelm your enemy at the decisive point. e. Common Sense. Do what you’re supposed to do, without someone having to tell you, despite your own personal discomfort or fear. 5-2. ORGANIZATION. To accomplish the patrolling mission, the unit must perform specific tasks; i.e., secure itself, danger area crossings, or rally points; recon the objective; breach, support, or assault. The leader tasks elements of his unit IAW his estimate of the situation. He identifies those tasks the platoon must perform and decides which elements will perform them. Where possible, in assigning tasks, the leader should maintain section/squad and fire team integrity. The chain of command continues to lead its elements during a patrol. The following elements are common to all patrols. a. Headquarters Element. The HQ consists of the Squadron Commander/Platoon Leader (CDR/PL), the Squadron SGM/Platoon Sergeant (SGM/PSG), the Radio Operator (RTO), the Forward Observer (FO), and the FO radio operator (FO RTO). It may consist of any attachments that the PL decides that he or the PSG must control directly. b. Aid evacuating collection casualties and Litter Team. Aid and litter teams are responsible for treating and casualties. Their tasks include consolidating casualties at the casualty point (CCP) on the OBJ, rendering immediate first aide, and transporting for MEDEVC. c. Enemy Prisoner of War Team. EPW teams are responsible for controlling enemy prisoners IAW the five S’s and the PL’s guidance. Their tasks include searching dead and live enemy on the OBJ, securing and control EPWs on the OBJ and during movement. d. Surveillance Team. The surveillance team keeps watch on the objective from the time that the leader’s recon ends until the unit deploys for actions on the OBJ. They then join their element. They may also serve as guides at the release point (RP) for assault/support/security elements moving into position or for guides in the patrol base/ORP. e. Enroute Recorder. The en-route recorder records in writing all information collected during the mission particularly those relating to PIR/IR. Normally more than one member is assigned this function to ensure information is not lost. 5-1 f. Compass Man. The compass man assists in navigation by ensuring the lead fire team leader remains on course at all times. The fire team leader navigates while the compass man assists. Instructions to the compass man must include an initial azimuth with subsequent azimuths provided as necessary. The compass man should preset his compass on the initial azimuth before moving out, especially if the move will be during limited visibility conditions. The leader should also designate an alternate compass man. g. Pace Man. The pace man maintains an accurate pace at all times. The leader should designate how often the pace man is to report the pace to him. The pace man should also report the pace at the end of each leg. The leader should also designate an alternate pace man. 5-3. INITIAL PLANNING AND COORDINATION. PLs plan and prepare for patrols using the troop-leading procedure (TLPs) and the estimate of the situation. Leaders identify required actions on the objective, and then plan backward to the departure from friendly lines and forward to the reentry of friendly lines. They normally receive the OPORD in the battalion or company CP where communications are good and key personnel are available. Because patrols act independently, move beyond the directfire support of the parent unit, and operate forward of friendly units, coordination must be thorough and detailed. Leaders normally coordinate directly with the battalion staff. Use checklists to preclude omitting any items vital to the mission. a. Items coordinated between the leader and the battalion staff or company commander include— (1) Changes or updates in the enemy situation. (2) Best use of terrain for routes, rally points, and patrol bases. (3) Light and weather data. (4) Changes in the friendly situation. (5) The attachment of soldiers with special skills or equipment; for example, engineers, sniper teams, scout dog teams, FOs, or interpreters. (6) Use and location of landing zones. (7) Departure and reentry of friendly lines. (8) Fire support on the objective and along the planned routes, including alternate routes. (9) Rehearsal areas and times. The terrain for the rehearsal should be similar to that at the objective, to include buildings and fortifications if necessary. Coordination for rehearsals includes security of the area, use of blanks, pyrotechnics, and live ammunition. (10) Special equipment requirements. (11) Transportation support, including transportation to and from the rehearsal site. (12) Signal plan-call signs frequencies, code words, pyrotechnics, and challenge and password. b. The leader coordinates with the unit through which his platoon or squad will conduct its forward and rearward passage of lines. (See paragraph 3-4 for specific items for coordination.) c. The platoon leader also coordinates patrol activities with the leaders of other units that will be patrolling in adjacent areas at the same time. 5-4. COMPLETION OF THE PLAN. As the PL completes his plan, consider the following. a. Essential and Supporting Tasks. Ensures that all essential tasks to be performed on the objective, at rally points, at danger areas, at security or surveillance locations, along the route(s), and at passage lanes have been assigned. b. Key Travel and Execution Times. The PL estimates time requirements for movement to the objective, leader’s reconnaissance of the objective, establishment of 5-2 security and surveillance, compaction of all assigned tasks on the objective, movement to an objective rally point to debrief the platoon, and return to and through friendly lines. Movement times are dependent on terrain, but 2 KM per hour of tactical movement through wooded terrain at night is a base. Movement during daylight can be increased to 3 km per hour. Factors affecting movement can be danger areas especially roads and trails that may require deliberate crossing, ruggedness of the terrain and obstacles such as rivers or mountainous terrain to be crossed, individual loads carried by patrol members. Reconnaissance is a very time consuming task. Allow as much time as possible to conduct them, especially on objectives with enemy present (i.e. a recon of an enemy position will take twice as long as a recon for an ambush location with no enemy). Deliberate occupation of ORPs will also take longer than occupation by force. Withdrawal plans will also vary in the time needed to conduct. A secured ORP with equipment like rucks that need to be retrieved takes twice as long as a withdrawal from the OBJ. c. Primary and Alternate Routes. The PL selects primary and alternate routes to and from the objective. The return routes should differ from the routes to the objective. d. Signals. The PL considers the use of special signals. These include arm-andhand signals, flares, voice, whistles, radios, and infrared equipment. All signals must be rehearsed so that all soldiers know what they mean. Standard signals for the unit include: (1) Shift Fires: A series of TWO whistle blasts (2) Assault across the OBJ: One long whistle blast. (3) Cease Fire: A series of short whistle blasts. e. Challenge and Password Forward of Friendly Lines. The challenge and password from the SOI must not be used beyond the FEBA. The challenge and password is used primarily during limited visibility to identify approaching personal when in doubt of their identity. They are NOT meant to be used every time someone returns to the ORP or patrol base. (1) The unit can use the odd-number system. The challenge can be any number (normally less than the specified number). The password will be the number that must be added or subtracted to it to equal the specified number (normally added). (2) The PL designates a running password. This code word alerts a unit that friendly soldiers are approaching in a less than organized manner and possibly under pressure. This may be used to get soldiers quickly through a compromised passage of friendly lines. The running password is followed by the number of soldiers approaching ("Moose Breath five"). This prevents the enemy from joining a group in an attempt to penetrate a friendly unit. Once used, passwords should be changed as soon as possible to avoid the enemy from using them. f. Location of Leaders. The PL considers where he, the PSG, and other key leaders should be located for each phase of the patrol mission. The PSG is normally with the following elements for each type of patrol: (1) (2) (3) element that On a raid or ambush, he normally controls the support element. On an area reconnaissance, he normally stays in the ORP. On a zone reconnaissance, he normally moves with the reconnaissance sets up the link-up point. g. Actions on Enemy Contact. Unless required by the mission, avoid enemy contact. The PL’s plan must address actions on chance contact at each phase of the patrol mission. The unit’s ability to continue the mission will depend on how early contact is made, whether the unit is able to break contact successfully (so that its 5-3 subsequent direction of movement is undetected), and whether the unit receives any casualties as a result of the contact. The plan must address the handling of seriously wounded soldiers and KIAs and the handling of prisoners who are captured as a result of chance contact and are not part of the planned mission. (1) The unit will contact higher to report seriously wounded soldiers and KIAs and request MEDEVAC if possible. If MEDEVAC is not possible, the PL will make a decision based on the following priorities: (a) Transport wounded and KIA with the unit and continue the mission. (b) Contact higher and request to abort the mission and execute exfiltration. (c) Cache wounded and KIA, with security and medical assistance if possible, continue the mission, and recover wounded/KIA upon completion of the mission. (2) A decision must be made if POWs are taken. If they are kept with the patrol, then keeping the POWs secured must be considered. Small patrols will have difficulty securing POWs. If available, it may be possible to send them out with a MEDEVAC. POWs may also be left behind as a last resort, but their ability to compromise the patrol when they return to their units must be considered. Actions may be taken to delay their recovery, but not to the extent that it may violate their safety IAW the laws of land warfare (i.e. secure them to slow down their ability to return to their units, but not so completely that they would be unable to be recovered). h. Contingency Plans. The PL leaves for many reasons throughout the planning, coordination, preparation, and execution of his patrol mission. Each time the PL departs, he must issue a five-point contingency plan (GOTWA). The contingency plan includes— (1) Going - Where the leader is going. (2) Others - Who he is taking with him. (3) Time - The amount of time he plans to be gone. (4) What – What should be done if the PL does not return. Normally, 1 hour after the PL fails to return, the remaining element will execute the mission. (5) Actions - The unit’s and the leader’s actions on chance contact. Normally the leader will attempt to break contact and return to the ORP. The ORP will attempt to break contact and rally at the last enroute rally point or the area rally point (ARP) if one has been designated during planning. 5-5. DEPARTURE FROM FRIENDLY LINES. The departure from friendly lines must be thoroughly planned and coordinated. a. Coordination. Coordinate with the commander of the forward unit and the leaders of other units that will be patrolling in the same or adjacent areas. The coordination includes S0I information, signal plan, fire plan, running password, procedures for departure and reentry lines, dismount points, initial rally points (IRP), departure and reentry points (DRP/RRP), and information about the enemy. (1) The leader provides the forward unit leader with the unit identification, the size of the patrol, the departure and return times, and the area of operation. (2) The forward unit leader provides the PL with the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) Additional information on terrain. Known or suspected enemy positions. Likely enemy ambush sites. Latest enemy activity. 5-4 (e) Detailed information on friendly positions and obstacle locations. This includes the location of OPs. (f) Friendly unit fire plan. (g) Support that the unit can provide; for example, fire support, litter teams, guides, communications, and reaction force. b. Planning. In his plan for the departure of friendly lines, consider the following sequence of actions: (1) Making contact with friendly guides at the contact point. (2) Moving to the coordinated initial rally point (IRP). (3) Completing final coordination. (4) Moving to and through the passage point. * (5) Establishing a security-listening halt beyond the friendly unit’s final protective fires. * The unit should remain in single file. The PSG follows directly behind the guide so that he can count each soldier that passes through the passage point. He gives the count to the guide, tells him how long to wait at the passage point (or when to return), and confirms the running password. If the platoon makes contact after it is past the departure point, it fights through. Soldiers return to the departure point only if they become disorganized. They then reoccupy the initial rally point (IRP) and the leader reports to higher headquarters. c. Departure Techniques. (1) A security team is sent forward to ensure the area is clear before the main body of the patrol crosses. The team clears out to the first covered and concealed position forward or an area large enough for the entire patrol to maneuver if enemy contact is made. (2) If the forward unit is receiving enemy indirect fire, the PL should keep his patrol moving as quickly as possible. (3) If the enemy is using STANO devices, the route selected for departure should be covered and concealed. The patrol members may infiltrate through the departure area and rendezvous at a rendezvous point. Use of inclement weather will help conceal the patrols departure. 5-6. RALLY POINTS. A rally point (RP) is a place designated by the leader where the unit moves to reassemble and reorganize if it becomes dispersed. a. Selection of Rally Points (RP). The leader physically recons routes to select rally points whenever possible (this is seldom possible). More likely he will only be able to selects tentative rally points (RPs) through a map reconnaissance. RPs are confirmed as the unit moves through them. Rally points must— (1) (2) (3) (4) Be easy to find. Have cover and concealment. Be away from natural lines of drift. Be defendable for short periods. b. Types of Rally Points. The most common types of rally points are initial, enroute, objective, reentry, area, and near-and far-side rally points. Soldiers must know which rally point to move to at each phase of the patrol mission. They should know what actions are required there and how long they are to wait at each rally point before moving to another. (1) Initial Rally Point (IRP). The IRP is normally a place inside of friendly lines where a unit may assemble and reorganize if it makes enemy contact during the departure of friendly lines or before reaching the first enroute rally point. The 5-5 commander of the friendly unit normally selects it. It may also be a pre-selected point to rally during an infiltration when passage of lines is not conducted. (2) Enroute Rally Point (ERP). The leader designates enroute rally points every 100 to 400 meters (based on the terrain, vegetation, and visibility). When the leader designates a new enroute rally point, the previously designated one goes into effect. There are three ways to designate a rally point: (a) Physically occupy them for a short period. This is the preferred method but is very time consuming. (b) Pass by at a distance and designate using arm-and-hand signals. (c) Walk through and designate using arm-and-hand signals. (3) Objective Rally Point (ORP). The ORP is a point out of sight, sound, and small-arms range of the objective area. The ORP is tentative until the objective is pinpointed. (a) Actions at or from the ORP include— 1. Reconnoitering the objective. 2. Issuing a FRAGO. 3. Disseminating information from reconnaissance if contact was not made. 4. Making final preparations before continuing operations; for example, re-camouflaging; preparing demolitions; lining up rucksacks for quick recovery; preparing EPW bindings, first aid kits, and litters; and inspecting weapons. 5. Accounting for soldiers and equipment after actions at the objective are complete. 6. Reestablishing the chain of command after actions at the objective arc complete. (b) Occupation of an ORP. The ORP is occupied in one of two methods; occupation by force and deliberate occupation. Squad-sized patrols will occupy a cigar-shaped perimeter; platoon-sized patrols will occupy with a triangle-shaped perimeter. Normally, two man positions are used in the perimeter. 1. Occupation by Force. This is the least secure method of occupation, but the most time expedient. It is the normal method of occupation by the Squadron and almost always used by sections/squads. Occupation by force is executed when the unit arrives at a location suitable for use as the ORP. a. The platoon moves into the ORP. b. The PL designates the 10, 2, and 6 o’clock positions and directs the lead squad online from the 10 and 2 o’clock position. c. The PL directs the second and third squad/section in order of movement occupies from 2 to 6 o’clock and 6 to 10 o’clock, respectively. d. The PL and PSG inspect and adjusting the perimeter as necessary. e. After the PL has checked each section/squad sector, each element SL sends out a two-man R&S team. Each R&S team departs at the left flank of its squad/section, moves a prescribed distance and direction, and reenters at the right flank of its own squad. Squad-sized patrols do not normally send out an R&S team at night. The patrol remains at 100% alert during this recon. If the PL feels the patrol was tracked or followed, he may elect to wait in silence at 100% alert before sending out R&S teams. f. Upon completion of R&S, the PL confirms or denies the ORP location. 5-6 OCCUPATION OF ORP/PATROL BASE BY FORCE 1. Platoon halts, PL signals ORP (Rally) 2. 1st Squad (in movement order) gets online. 2nd and 3rd Sqd move into a file formation. PSG moves to the 6 position. 3. 2nd/3rd Sqd continue to move forward to the 1st Sqd. 2nd faces to the right and moves to the 2-6 position (the point man follows down 1st Sqd’s line, the trail man stays in place). 4. 3rd Sqd moves past 2nd Sqd to the PL/1st Sqd and does the opposite of 2nd Sqd. It faces to the left and establishes the 10-6 position in the same manner as 2nd Sqd. 5. The PL and PSG move to the center and an LP/OP is positioned along the route into the Patrol Base. Adjustments are made to the perimeter as needed by the PL and R&S teams are sent out to confirm the location is suitable. 5-7 2. Deliberate Occupation. If the location of the ORP is uncertain or heavy enemy activity is active in the area, a deliberate occupation of the ORP is executed. a. Halt beyond sight, sound, and small-arms weapons range of the tentative ORP (200 to 400 meters in good visibility; 100 to 200 meters in limited visibility). b. Position security. c. Move forward with a compass/security man and one member of each squad/section to confirm the location of the ORP and determine its suitability. d. Positions each squad/section member at the 10, 2, and 6 o’clock positions of the ORP (first squad in order of movement at 10, second squad at 2, and third squad at 6). e. Issues them a contingency plan and returns with the compass man. f. Leads the unit into the ORP. The platoon then occupies the ORP/Patrol Base in the same manner as a deliberate occupation. g. Deliberate occupation by a squad/section is conducted by leaving two members in the center of the ORP and the squad/section forms a cigarshaped perimeter around them when they are moved forward. (4) Reentry rally point (RRP). The reentry rally point is located out of sight, sound, and small-arms weapons range of the friendly unit through which the platoon will return. This also means that the RRP should be outside the final protective fires of the friendly unit. The platoon occupies the RRP as a security perimeter. (5) Near-and far-side rally points (NRP/FRP). These rally points are on the near and far side of danger areas. If the platoon makes contact while crossing the danger area and control is lost, soldiers on either side move to the rally point nearest them. They establish security, reestablish the chain of command, determine their personnel and equipment status, and continue the patrol mission, link up at the ORP, or complete their last instructions. (6) Area rally points (ARP). These rally points are placed near patrol bases and safe sites. The ARP may also serve as the initial evasion point (IEP) where the unit attempt to assemble in order to execute the unassisted evasion plan of action. The ARP is used when the unit withdraws from a patrol base or safe site, usually due to compromise or enemy engagement. The selection criteria for the ARP is the same as for a patrol base or safe site. The ARP may also serve as the Initial Evasion point (IEP). 5-7. LEADER'S RECONNAISSANCE OF THE OBJECTIVE. The plan must include a leader’s reconnaissance of the objective once the unit establishes the ORP. During his reconnaissance, the leader pinpoints the objective; selects security, support, and assault positions for his squads and fire teams; and adjusts his plan based on his observation of the objective. The PL will take different elements with him depending on the mission (typically the PL will be with the assault element and the SL for the support element will go on the recon even though the PSG would be the support element leader, because the PSG should remain with the main body in the ORP). The surveillance team is taken on the leaders recon and emplaced once the recon is complete prior to returning to the ORP. Security teams will often be emplaced as well at this time. The leader must plan time to return to the ORP, complete his plan, disseminate information, issue orders and instructions, and allow his elements to make any additional preparations. 5-8. REENTRY OF FRIENDLY LINES. The PL’s initial planning and coordination must include the reentry of friendly lines. If at all possible, reentry of friendly lines should not be conducted at night due to increased danger. The PL should consider the following sequence. 5-8 a. The unit halts in the RRP and establishes security. b. The PL radios the code word advising the friendly unit of its location and that it is ready to return. The friendly unit must acknowledge the message and confirm that guides are waiting before the unit moves from the RRP. (1) If radio communications are not possible, the PL, RTO, and a two-man security element moves forward and attempts to contact an OP using the challenge and password. The OP notifies the friendly unit that the patrol is ready to return and requests a guide. (2) If the PL cannot find an OP, he moves with the RTO and security element to locate the coordinated reentry point. He must move straight toward (and away from) friendly lines, never parallel to them. All lateral movement should be outside of small-arms weapons range. NOTE: The PL should only attempt this procedure during daylight. At night he should use other backup signals to make contact with friendly units. The preferred method is to wait until daylight if contact with the friendly unit cannot be made as planned. c. Once the friendly unit acknowledges the return of the patrol, the PL issues a five-point contingency plan and moves with his RATELO and a two-man (buddy team) security element to the reentry point. If the PL is certain of the reentry point location, he can move with the entire unit. d. The PL uses far and near recognition signals to establish contact with the guide. e. The PL signals his unit forward (radio or visual) or returns and leads it to the reentry point. He may post the security element with the guide at the enemy side of the reentry point. f. The APL counts and identifies each soldier as he passes through the reentry point. g. The guide leads the unit to the assembly area. h. The PL reports to the command post of the friendly unit. He tells the commander everything of tactical value concerning the friendly unit’s area of responsibility. 5-9. LINK-UP. A link-up is a meeting of friendly ground forces. control, detailed planning, communications, and stealth. Link-ups depend on a. Link-up Site Selection. The leader identifies a tentative link-up site by map reconnaissance or higher headquarters designates a link-up site. The link-up site should have the following characteristics: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Easy to recognize. Provides cover and concealment. Has no tactical value to the enemy. Away from natural lines of drift. Defendable. Provides multiple access and escape routes. b. Execution. Link-up procedure begins as the unit moves to the link-up point. (1) The stationary unit (or first element arriving) performs link-up actions. 5-9 (a) Occupies a link-up rally point NLT the time specified in the order, usually 60 minutes prior. (b) Establishes all-around security, establishes commo, and prepares to accept the moving unit. (c) A security team clears the immediate area around the link-up point. It then marks the link-up point with the coordinated recognition signal. The unit moves to a covered and concealed position and observes the link-up point and immediate area around it. (2) The moving unit performs link-up actions. (a) If using radio communications, the unit reports its location using phase lines, checkpoints, or other control measures. (b) Halts at a safe distance from the link-up point in a covered and concealed position (link-up rally point). (c) A contact team moves forward to make physical contact with the stationary unit. When the link-up recognition signal is observed, the contact team displays the far recognition signal or contacts the stationary unit by radio. (d) The contact team moves forward after radio contact for receiving the far recognition signal reply and the near recognition signal is exchanged. (e) The contact team then moves back to the element and moves them forward to the security team. (4) The security team then guides the element to the stationary unit. d. Coordination Checklist. The PL coordinates or obtains the following information from the unit that his patrol will link-up with: (1) Exchange frequencies, call signs, codes, and other communication information. (2) Verify near and far recognition signals. (3) Exchange fire coordination measures. (4) Determine command relationship with the link-up unit; plan for consolidation of chain of command. (5) Plan actions following link-up. (6) Exchange control measures (contact points, phase lines, contact points, and others as appropriate). 5-10. DEBRIEFING. Immediately after the unit returns, personnel from higher headquarters conduct a thorough debrief. This may include all members of the unit or the leaders, RTOs, and any attached personnel. Normally the debriefing is oral. Sometimes a written report is required. NATO forces use the patrol report form specified by STANAG 2003. Information on the written report should includea. b. c. d. e. f. Size and composition of the platoon conducting the patrol. Mission of the platoon (type of patrol, location, purpose). Departure and return times. Routes. Use check points, grid coordinates for each leg or include an overlay. Detailed description of terrain and enemy positions identified. Results of any contact with the enemy. 5-10 g. Personnel status at the conclusion of the patrol mission, including the disposition of casualties. h. Conclusions or recommendations. Section II. RECONNAISSANCE PATROLS The three types of recon patrols are area, zone, and route. Recon patrols provide timely and accurate information on the enemy and terrain. They confirm the leader’s plan before it is executed. The commander must inform the leader of the specific information requirements for each mission. 5-11. ORGANIZATION. Besides the common elements, reconnaissance patrols have a reconnaissance team and a security team or a combined reconnaissance and security team. a. Reconnaissance Team. Reconnaissance teams recon the objective area once the security teams are in position. Normally these are two-man teams (buddy teams) to reduce the possibility of detection. b. Reconnaissance and Security Team. R&S teams are normally used in a zone reconnaissance, but may be useful in any situation when it is impractical to separate the responsibilities for recon and security. 5-12. TASKS TO SUBORDINATE UNITS. a. The PL must consider the requirements for recon and security in assigning tasks to his squads/sections or teams. He may separate the tasks so that one or more elements conduct the recon while other elements provide security at various locations. Or, he may assign recon and security (R&S) tasks to each squad/section or team. When a fire team conducts a recon patrol it operates as a single R&S team. b. In assigning tasks, also consider the size and number of reconnaissance objectives, the requirement to secure the ORP and other points, and the time allowed for conducting the mission. 5-13. AREA RECONNAISSANCE. An area reconnaissance is conducted to obtain information about a specified location and the area around it. The location may be given as a grid or an objective on an overlay. In an area reconnaissance, the unit uses surveillance or vantage points around the objective from which to observe it and the surrounding area. a. The leader may include a surveillance team in his reconnaissance of the objective from the ORP. He positions it while on the reconnaissance. The PSG establishes security at the ORP and positions other security teams as required on likely enemy avenues of approach into the objective area. b. If required the leader positions other surveillance elements about the objective. He may move them on one route, posting them as they move, or direct them to move on separate routes to their locations. c. After observing the OBJ for a specified time, all elements return to the ORP and report their observations. Once all information is collected, it is disseminated to every soldier. d. Another technique is the use of an R&S team(s) to observe from multiple vantage points and then return to the ORP or a rendezvous point. 5-14. ZONE RECONNAISSANCE. A zone reconnaissance is conducted to obtain information on enemy, terrain, and routes within a specified zone. Zone recon techniques include the use of moving elements, stationary teams, or a series of area reconnaissance actions. 5-11 a. Moving Elements. The leader plans the use of squads or fire teams moving along multiple routes to cover the entire zone. Methods for planning the movement of multiple elements through a zone include the fan, the box, converging routes, and successive sectors. (1) Fan method. The PL selects a series of ORPs throughout the zone. The platoon establishes security at the first ORP. Each R&S team moves from the ORP along a different fan-shaped route that overlaps with others to ensure recon of the entire area. The leader maintains a reserve at the ORP. When all R&S teams have returned to the ORP, the platoon collects and disseminates all information to everyone before moving to the next ORP. (Figure 5-1.) Figure 5-1 Fan Method (2) Box method. The leader sends his R&S teams from the ORP along routes that form a boxed-in area. He sends other teams along routes through the area within the box. All teams meet at a link-up point at the far side of the box from the ORP. (Figure 5-2.) Figure 5-2 Box Method 5-12 (3) Coverging routes method. The leader selects routes from the ORP through the zone to a link-up point at the far side of the zone from the ORP. Each R&S team moves along a specified route and uses the fan method to reconnoiter the area between routes. The leader designates a time for all teams to link-up. (Figure 5-3.) Figure 5-3 Converging routes (4) Successive sector method. The leader may divide the zone into sectors. Within each sector, the unit uses the converging routes method to reconnoiter to an intermediate link-up point where it collects and disseminates the information gathered to that point before reconnoitering the next sector. (Figure 5-4.) Figure 5-4 Successive Sectors b. Stationary Teams. Using this technique, the leader positions surveillance teams in locations where they can collectively observe the entire zone for long-term, continuous information gathering. He must consider sustainment requirements when developing his soldier’s load plan. c. Multiple Area Reconnaissance. The leader tasks each of his squads to conduct a series of area reconnaissance actions along a specified route. 5-15. ROUTE RECONNAISSANCE. A route reconnaissance is conducted to obtain detailed information about one route and all the adjacent terrain or to locate sites for emplacing obstacles. A route reconnaissance is oriented on a road; a narrow axis, such as an infiltration lane; or a general direction of attack. Normally engineers are attached to the infantry unit for a complete route reconnaissance. Infantry can conduct a hasty route reconnaissance without engineer support. A route reconnaissance 5-13 results in detailed information about trafficability, enemy activity, NBC contamination, and aspects of adjacent terrain from both the enemy and friendly viewpoint. In planning a route reconnaissance the leader considers the following. a. The preferred method for conducting a route reconnaissance is the fan method described above. The leader must ensure that the fans are extensive enough to reconnoiter intersecting routes beyond direct-fire range of the main route. b. The unit should use a different return route. c. If all or part of the proposed route is a road, the leader must treat the road as a danger area. The unit moves parallel to the road using a covered and concealed route. When required, reconnaissance and security teams move close to the road to reconnoiter key areas. d. The leader should submit the patrol report in an overlay format IAW FM 5-34 or GTA 5-2-5. Section III. COMBAT PATROLS Combat patrols are conducted to destroy or capture enemy soldiers or equipment; destroy installations, facilities, or key points; or harass enemy forces. They also provide security for larger units. The two types of combat patrol missions are ambush and raid. 5-16. ORGANIZATION. Besides the common elements, combat patrols also have the following elements and teams. a. Assault Element. The assault element seizes and secures the objective and protects special teams as they complete their assigned actions on the objective. b. Security Element. The security element provides security at danger areas, secures the ORP, isolates the objective, and supports the withdrawal of the rest of t he platoon once it completes its assigned actions on the objective. The security element may have separate security teams, each with an assigned task or sequence of tasks. c. Support Element. The support element provides direct fire support and may control indirect fires for the platoon. d. Breach Element. The breach element breaches the enemy’s obstacles when required. e. Demolition Team. Demolition teams are responsible for preparing and exploding the charges to destroy equipment, vehicles, or facilities on the objective. f. Search Team. The assault element may comprise two-man (buddy teams) or fourman (tire team) search teams to search bunkers, buildings, or tunnels on the objective. These teams may search the objective or kill zone for casualties, documents, or equipment. 5-17. TASKS TO SUBORDINATE UNITS. The PL must make every attempt to maintain squad/section and fire team integrity as he assigns tasks to subordinate units. a. The PL must consider the requirements for assaulting the objective, supporting the assault by fire, and securing the unit throughout the mission. (1) For the assault on the objective, the leader must consider the required actions on the objective, the size of the objective, and the known or presumed strength and disposition of the enemy on and near the objective. 5-14 (2) The leader must consider the weapons available, and the type and volume of fires required to provide fire support for the assault on the objective. (3) The leader must consider the requirement to secure the platoon at points along the route, at danger areas, at the ORP, along enemy avenues of approach into the objective, and elsewhere during the mission. b. The leader must assign additional tasks to his squads/sections for demolition, search of enemy killed and captured, guarding of EPWs, treatment and evacuation (litter teams) of friendly casualties, and other tasks required for successful completion of the patrol mission. c. The PL must determine who will control any attachments of skilled personnel or special equipment. d. In a combat patrol, the leader has additional considerations for the conduct of his reconnaissance of the objective from the ORP. He is normally the assault element leader. He should also take the support element leader, the security element leader, and a surveillance team (a two-man team from the assault element). (1) The leader should designate a release point halfway between the ORP and the objective. Squads and fire teams separate at the release point and move to their assigned positions. (2) The PL confirms the location the objective and determines that it is suitable for the assault or ambush. He notes the terrain and identifies where he can place mines or claymores to cover dead space. He notes any other features of the objective that may cause him to alter his plan. (3) If the objective is the kill zone for an ambush, the leader’s reconnaissance party should not cross the objective, to do so will leave tracks that may compromise the mission. (4) The PL should confirm the suitability of the assault and support positions and routes from them back to the ORP. e. The PL should post the surveillance team and issue a five-point contingency plan before returning to the ORP. 5-18. AMBUSH. An ambush is a surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target. Anti-armor ambushes are established when the mission is to destroy enemy armored or mechanized forces. Ambushes are classified by category hasty or deliberate; type- point or area; and formation — linear or L-shaped. The leader uses a combination of category, type, and formation in developing his ambush plan. a. Planning. The key planning considerations include— (1) Covering the entire kill zone by fire. (2) Using existing or reinforcing obstacles (Claymores and other mines) to keep the enemy in the kill zone. (3) Protecting the assault and support elements with mines, claymores, or explosives. (4) Initiating the ambush with the most casualty producing weapon available. (5) Using security elements or teams to isolate the kill zone. 5-15 (6) Assaulting into the kill zone to search dead and wounded, assemble prisoners, and collect equipment. (The assault element must be able to move quickly through its own protective obstacles.) (7) Timing the actions of all elements of the platoon to preclude loss of surprise. (8) Using only one squad to conduct the entire ambush and rotating squads over time from the ORP. This technique is useful when the ambush must be manned for a long time. b. Formations. The leader considers the linear or L-shaped formations in planning an ambush. (1) Linear. In an ambush using a linear formation, the assault and support elements deploy parallel to the enemy’s route (Figure 5-5). This positions both elements on the long axis of the kill zone and subjects the enemy to flanking fire. The support element is normally divided in two elements and placed on each flank. The support element remains in place when the assault element crosses the kill zone. This formation can be used in close terrain that restricts the enemy’s ability to maneuver against the unit, or in open terrain provided a means of keeping the enemy in the kill zone can be effected such as through the use of booby traps, mines, etc. Machine guns/SAWs are normally placed near the flanks of the unit. This permits as much interlocking fires covering as much of the kill zone as possible. Figure 5-5 Linear ambush (2) L-shaped. In an L-shaped ambush, the assault element forms the long leg parallel to the enemy’s direction of movement along the kill zone. The support element forms the short leg at one end of and at right angles to the assault element. This provides both flanking (long leg) and enfilading fires (short leg) against the enemy. The L-shaped ambush can be used at a sharp bend in a trail, road, or stream. It should not be used where the short leg would have to cross a straight road or trail. (Figure 5-6.) Figure 5-6 L-shaped ambush 5-16 5-19. HASTY AMBUSH. A unit conducts a hasty ambush when it makes visual contact with an enemy force and has time to establish an ambush without being detected. The actions for a hasty ambush must be well rehearsed so that soldiers know what to do on the leader’s signal. They must also know what action to take if detected before they are ready to initiate the ambush. In planning and rehearsing a hasty ambush the platoon leader should consider the following sequence of actions: a. Any soldier alerts the platoon that an enemy force is in sight. The soldier continues to monitor the location and activities of the enemy force b. The unit halts and remains motionless. c. The leader determines the best nearby location for a hasty ambush. He uses arm-and-hand signals to direct soldiers to covered and concealed positions. The leader designates the location and extent of the kill zone. d. Security elements move out to cover each flank and the rear. The leader directs the security elements to move a given distance, set up, and rejoin the unit on order or, after the ambush (the sound of firing ceases). At squad level, the two outside buddy teams normally provide flank security as well as fires into the kill zone (Figure 5-7). e. Soldiers move quickly to covered and concealed positions, normally 5 to 10 meters apart. Soldiers ensure that they have good observation and fields of fire into the kill zone. f. The leader initiates the ambush when the majority of the enemy force enters the kill zone. (If time and terrain permit, the unit may place out claymores and use them to initiate the ambush.) NOTE: If the enemy detects a soldier, the soldier initiates the ambush by firing his weapon and alerting the rest of the unit. Figure 5-7 Squad hasty ambush 5-17 g. Leaders control the rate and distribution of fires. The leader orders cease fire when the enemy force is destroyed or ceases to resist. Directs the assault element to move across the kill zone and conduct a hasty search of the enemy soldiers (search teams move into the kill zone, not across it). All other soldiers remain in place to provide security. h. The security elements rejoin the unit after the assault element has cleared through the kill zone. The unit withdraws from the ambush site using a covered and concealed route, returns to the ORP in effect, collects and disseminates all information, reorganizes as necessary and continues the mission. 5-20. DELIBERATE AMBUSH. A deliberate ambush is conducted against a specific target at a predetermined location. The leader requires detailed information in planning a deliberate ambush: a. Size and composition of the targeted enemy unit. b. Weapons and equipment available to the enemy. c. The enemy’s route and direction of movement. d. Times that the targeted unit will reach or pass specified points along the route. 5-21. POINT AMBUSH. In a point ambush, soldiers deploy to attack an enemy in a single kill zone. The PL should consider the following sequence of actions when planning a deliberate point ambush: a. The security or surveillance team(s) should be positioned first. The support element should be in position before the assault element moves forward of the release point. The support element must overwatch the movement of the assault element into position. b. The PL is the leader of the assault clement. He must check each soldier once they establish the assault position. He signals the surveillance team to rejoin the assault element. (1) Actions of the assault element should include (a) Identify individual sectors of fire as assigned by the platoon leader. Emplace aiming stakes. (b) Emplace claymores and other protective devices. (c) Emplace claymores, mines, or other explosives in dead space within the kill zone. (d) Camouflage positions. (e) Take weapons off SAFE. Moving the selection lever on the weapon causes a metallic click that could compromise the ambush if soldiers wait until the enemy is in the kill zone. This must be the last action performed by all soldiers before waiting to initiate the ambush. (2) Actions of the support element include (a) Identify sectors of fire for all weapons, especially machine guns. Emplace limiting stakes to prevent friendly fires from hitting the assault element in an L-shaped ambush. (b) Emplace claymores and other protective devices. c. Instructions to security teams must include how to notify the PL of the enemy’s approach into the kill zone (SALUTE report). The security element must also keep the PL in formed if any enemy forces are following the lead force. 5-18 d. The PL must determine how large an element his ambush can engage successfully. He must be prepared to let units pass that are too large. He must report to higher any units that pass his ambush unengaged. e. The PL initiates the ambush. He may use a command detonated claymore. He must also plan a backup method for initiating the ambush should the primary means fail. This should also be a casualty producing device such as a machine gun. This information must be passed out to all soldiers and practiced during rehearsals. f. Soldiers must have a means of engaging the enemy in the kill zone during periods of limited visibility. Use of tracers must be weighed against how it might help the enemy to identify friendly positions. The PL may use handheld or indirect illumination flares. g. The PL should include indirect tire support as a part of his plan. Indirect fires can cover the flanks of the kill zone to help isolate it. They can also help the platoon to disengage if the ambush is compromised or the platoon must depart the ambush site under pressure. h. The PL must have a good plan to signal the advance of the assault element into the kill zone. Smoke may not be visible to the support element. i. The assault element must be prepared to move across the kill zone using individual movement techniques if there is any return fire once they begin to search. Otherwise the assault element moves across by bounding fire teams. Other actions in the kill zone include the following. (1) Collect and secure all EPWs and move them out of the kill zone before searching bodies. Establish a location for EPWs and enemy wounded who will not be taken back that provides them cover. (2) Search from one side to the other and mark bodies that have been searched to ensure the area is thoroughly covered. (3) Use the two-man search technique. (a) As the search team approaches a dead enemy soldier, one man guards while the other man searches. First, he kicks the enemy weapon away. Second he administers a strike to the eye to verify the enemy is dead. He then rolls the body over (if on the stomach) by laying on top and when given the go ahead by the guard (who is positioned at the enemy’s head), the searcher rolls the body over on him. This done for protection in case the enemy soldier has a grenade with the pin pulled underneath him. (b) The searchers then conduct a systematic search of the dead soldier from head to toe removing all papers and anything new (different type rank, shoulder boards, different unit patch, pistol, weapon, or NVD). They note if the enemy has a fresh or shabby haircut and the condition of his uniform and boots. They take note of the radio frequency, SOI, and maps. Once the body has been thoroughly searched, the search team will continue in this manner until all enemy personnel in and near the kill zone have been searched. Enemy bodies are marked by crossing legs and arms over chest to avoid duplication. (4) Identify and collect equipment to be carried back. Prepare it for transport. (Clear all weapons and place them on SAFE.) (5) Identify and collect remaining equipment for destruction. The demolition team prepares dual-primed explosives (C4 with two M60 fuse lighters and time fuse) and awaits the signal to initiate. This is normally the last action performed before departing the objective and may signal the security elements to return to the ORP. 5-19 (6) Treat friendly wounded first, then enemy wounded, time permitting. j. The flank security teams may also place out anti-armor mines after the ambush has been initiated if the enemy is known to have armor capability. If a flank security team makes contact, it fights as long as possible without becoming decisively engaged. It uses a prearranged signal to let the platoon leader know it is breaking contact. The PL may direct a portion of the support element to assist the security team in breaking contact. k. The PL must plan the withdrawal from the ambush site: (1) Elements normally withdraw in the reverse order that they established their positions. (2) The elements may return first to the release point, then to the ORP, depending on the distance between elements. (3) The security element at the ORP must be alert to assist the unit’s return to the ORP. It maintains security for the ORP while the rest of the platoon prepares to leave. (4) Actions back at the ORP include accountability of personnel and equipment and recovery of rucksacks and other equipment left at the ORP during the ambush. (5) If the unit does not plan to return to the ORP, reorganization will occur at the kill zone. S 5-22. AREA AMBUSH. In an area ambush, soldiers deploy in two or more related point ambushes. The PL should consider the following sequence of actions when planning a deliberate area ambush. a. A platoon-sized unit is the smallest unit to conduct an area ambush. Platoons conduct area ambushes where enemy movement is largely restricted to trails or streams (Figure 5-8). Figure 5-8 Area ambush b. The PL should select one principal ambush site around which he organizes outlying ambushes. These secondary sites are located along the enemy’s most likely approach to and escape from the principal ambush site. Squad-sized elements are normally responsible for each ambush site. They establish an area ambush as described above. 5-20 c. The PL must determine the best employment of his machine guns. He normally positions them both with the support element of the principal site. d. Squads responsible for outlying ambushes do not initiate their ambushes until after the principal one is initiated. They then engage to prevent enemy forces from escaping or reinforcing. 5-23. ANTIARMOR AMBUSH. Units conduct anti-armor ambushes to destroy one or two armored vehicles. If a squad/section is given the mission to conduct an anti-armor ambush, it should have a MAW team attached to it. The leader considers the following when planning an anti-armor ambush. a. The armor-killer team is built around the MAW team. The leader must consider additional weapons available to supplement its fires. These are normally LAWs or AT4s. The leader must carefully position all anti-armor weapons to ensure the best shot (rear, flank, or top). The remainder of the unit must function as support and security elements in the same way that they do for other combat patrols. b. In a squad anti-armor ambush, the PL selects the general site for the ambush. The SL must find a site that restricts the movement of armored vehicles out of the kill zone. The leader should attempt to place his elements so that an obstacle is between them and the kill zone. c. Security elements must consider dismounted avenues of approach into the ambush site. d. The leader should consider the method for initiating the anti-armor ambush. The preferred method is to use a command-detonated anti-armor mine placed in the kill zone. The MAW can be used to initiate the ambush, but its signature and slow rate of fire make it less desirable. e. The armor-killer team attempts to kill the first and last vehicles in the column, if possible. All other weapons open fire once the ambush has begun. If the kill zone is within range of light anti-armor weapons, each soldier fires one during the ambush. f. The leader must consider how the presence of dismounted enemy with the tanks will affect the success of his ambush. The leader’s choices include (1) Initiate the ambush as planned. (2) Withdraw without initiating the ambush. (3) Initiate the ambush using only automatic weapons without firing antiarmor weapons. g. Because of the speed with which other armored forces can reinforce the enemy in the ambush site, the leader should plan to keep the engagement short, and the withdrawal quick. The platoon will not clear through the kill zone as in other ambushes. 5-24. RAID. A raid is a combat operation to attack a position or installation followed by a planned withdrawal. The sequence of actions for a raid is similar to those for an ambush. Additionally, the assault element may have to conduct a breach of an obstacle. It may have additional tasks to perform on the objective; for example, demolition of freed facilities. a. Actions on the Objective (Raid) (1) The patrol moves to and occupies the ORP IAW the patrol SOP. prepares for the leader’s recon. (2) The PL, SLs, and selected personnel conduct a leader’s recon. 5-21 The patrol (a) PL leaves a contingency plan with the PSG. (b) PL establishes the release point, pinpoints the objective, observes the objective, and verifies and updates intelligence information. (c) Leader’s recon verifies location of and routes to security, support, and assault positions. (d) Leader’s recon conducts the recon without compromising the patrol. (e) Leader's recon normally recons support first, then assault. (f) PL leaves a surveillance team to observe the objective. (g) If the security teams were brought forward on the leader's reconnaissance, the security leader can begin moving security into position while the platoon leader and the remainder of the leaders reconnaissance party move back to the ORP. (3) The PL updates his plan and issues instructions to his squad leaders. (a) Assigns positions and withdrawal routes to all elements. (b) Designates control measures on the objective (element objectives, lanes, limits of advance, and assault line). (c) Allows SLs time to disseminate information, and confirm that their elements are ready. (4) Security elements occupy designated positions, moving undetected into positions that provide early warning and can seal off the objective from outside support or reinforcement. (5) The support element leader moves the support element to designated positions. The support element leader ensures his element can place well-aimed fire on the objective. The support element is normally placed before the assault element is in position because they are less likely to be compromised and should be in position to immediately engage the enemy if the assault force is compromised. (6) The PL moves with the assault element into the assault position. The assault position is normally the last covered and concealed position before reaching the objective. As it passes through the assault position the platoon deploys into its assault formation; that is, its squads and fire teams deploy to place the bulk of their firepower to the front as they assault the objective. (a) Makes contact with the surveillance team to confirm any enemy activity on the objective. (b) Ensures that the assault position is close enough for immediate assault if the assault element is detected early. (c) Moves into position undetected, and establish local security and fire control measures. (7) Element leaders inform the PL when their elements are in position and ready. (8) The PL directs the support element to fire. If the assault element is compromised moving into position, the support element immediately engages the objective. (9) Upon gaining fire superiority, the PL directs the assault element to move towards the objective. (a) Assault element holds fire until engaged, or until ready to penetrate the objective. (b) PL signals the support element to lift or shift fires. The support element lifts or shifts fires as directed, shifting fire to the flanks of targets or other areas as directed. 5-22 (10) The assault element attacks and secures the objective. The assault element may be required to breech a wire obstacle. As the platoon or its assault element moves onto the objective, it must increase the volume and accuracy of fires. SLs assign specific targets or objectives for their fire teams. Only when these direct fires keep the enemy suppressed can the rest of the unit maneuver. As the assault element gets closer to the enemy, there is more emphasis on suppression and less on maneuver. Ultimately, all but one fire team may be suppressing to allow that one fire team to break into the enemy position. Throughout the assault, soldiers use proper individual movement techniques, and fire teams retain their basic shallow wedge formation. (a) Assault element assaults all the way through the objective to the designated LOA. (b) Assault element leaders establish local security along the LOA, and consolidate and reorganize as necessary, providing ACE reports to the PL and APL. The unit establishes security, mans key weapons, provides first aid and prepares wounded soldiers for MEDEVAC, redistributes ammunition and supplies, relocates selected weapons to alternate positions if leaders believe that the enemy may have pinpointed them during the attack, and adjusts other positions to maintain mutual support. 1. On order, special teams accomplish all assigned tasks under the supervision of the PL, who positions himself where required to maintain control of the patrol. 2. Special teams report to PL when assigned tasks are complete. (11) On order or signal of the PL, the assault element withdraws from the objective maintaining control and security as the withdrawal is conducted. The assault element will bound back in the vicinity of the original assault line and will begin a single file withdrawal through a choke point to maintain an accurate count. Once the assault element is a safe distance from the objective and the headcount is confirmed, the support element can withdraw. If the support element was a part of the assault line they will withdraw together and the security would be given the signal to withdraw. Once the support is a safe distance off the objective they will notify the PL who will contact the security element to withdraw. All security teams will link-up at the release point and notify the PL prior to moving to the ORP. As personnel return to the ORP, they immediately secure their equipment and establish 360-degree security. Once the security element returns, the unit will move out of the objective area as soon as possible. (a) Prior to withdrawal, demo team activates demo devices and charges. These can either be actual demolitions charges or as simple as a thermite grenade. (b) Support element or designated personnel within the assault element maintain local security during withdrawal. (c) Leaders report updated accountability and status (ACE report) to the PL and PSG. (12) The PL reports mission accomplishment and any IR/PIR to higher and continues the mission. (13) Another tactic is to move the support element forward onto the objective to consolidate and reorganize the entire unit if withdrawal will be conducted from the objective. Section IV. TRACKING PATROL A platoon or squad may receive the mission to follow the trail of a specific enemy unit. Soldiers look for signs left by the enemy. They gather information about the enemy unit, the route, and the surrounding terrain as they track. Tracking is a 5-23 specialized skill that requires substantial training. information. Refer to FM 7-8 for further Section V. PATROL BASES 5-25. PATROL BASE. A patrol base is a security perimeter that is set up when a patrol halts for an extended period. Patrol bases should not be occupied for more than a 24 hour period (except in emergency). A patrol never uses the same patrol base twice. Patrol bases are typically used to: avoid detection by eliminating movement; hide a unit during a long detailed reconnaissance; perform maintenance on weapons, equipment, eat and rest; plan and issue orders; reorganize after infiltrating on an enemy area; establish a base from which to execute several consecutive or concurrent operations. a. Fundamentals. Keep the following fundamentals in mind during patrol base operations. (1) Site selection. The leader selects the tentative site from a map or by aerial reconnaissance. The site’s suitability must be confirmed and secured before the unit moves into it. Plans to establish a patrol base must include selecting an alternate patrol base site. The alternate site is used if the first site is unsuitable or if the patrol must unexpectedly evacuate the first patrol base. (2) Planning Considerations. Leaders planning for a patrol base must consider the mission and passive and active security measures. A patrol base must be located so it allows the unit to accomplish its mission. (3) Security Measures. Security measures involve the following selection criteria and planning considerations: (a) Selection Criteria includes: terrain the enemy would probably consider of little tactical value, is off main lines of drift, is difficult terrain that would impede foot movement such as an area of dense vegetation, preferably bushes and trees that spread close to the ground, near a source of water (if needed), and that can be defended for a short period of time that offers good cover and concealment; avoids known or suspected enemy positions, built-up areas, ridges and hilltops, except as needed for maintaining communications, small valleys, and roads and trails. (b) The leader plans for: 1. Observation posts and communication with observation posts. 2. Patrol or platoon fire plan. 3. Alert Plan. 4. Withdrawal plan from the patrol base to include withdrawal routes and a rally point, rendezvous point, or alternate patrol base. 5. A security system to make sure that specific soldiers are awake at all times. 6. Enforcement of camouflage, noise, and light discipline. 7. The conduct of required activities with minimum movement and noise. 8. Priorities of Work. b. Occupation. A PB is reconned and occupied in the same manner as an ORP, with the exception that the platoon will typically plan to enter at a 90 degree turn (this is METT-TC dependent; if there is nothing to be gained by this step, the patrol does not do it). The PL leaves a two-man OP at the turn, and the patrol covers any tracks from the turn to the PB. R&S teams, when reconing around the PB, may be directed to for additional specific requirements (ie. water source, rally points, etc). A claymore mine is emplaced on route entering patrol base. 5-24 c. Priorities of Work. Once the PL is briefed by the R&S teams and determines area is suitable for a patrol base, the leader establishes or modifies defensive work priorities in order to establish the defense for the patrol base. Priorities of work are determined IAW METT-TC. Priorities of work may include, but are not limited to the following tasks: (1) Security (continuous). (a) Prepare to utilize all passive and active measures to cover 100% of the perimeter 100% of the time, regardless of the percentage of weapons used to cover that 100% of the terrain. (b) Readjust after R&S teams return, or based on current priority of work (such as weapons maintenance). (c) Employ all elements, weapons, elements and personnel to meet conditions of the terrain, enemy or situation. One LP/OP is positioned 50-100 meters in front of each squad/section (terrain dependent). At a minimum, one LP/OP is positioned along the route in/out of the PB. (d) Assign sectors of fire to all personnel and weapons. sector sketches and platoon fire plan. Develop squad (e) Confirm location of fighting positions for cover, concealment, and observation and fields of fire. SLs supervise placement of aiming stakes and claymores. out. (f) Only use one point of entry and exit, and count personnel in and Everyone is challenged. (g) Hasty fighting positions are prepared at least 18 inches deep (at the front), and sloping gently from front to rear, with a grenade sump if possible. (h) Movement is kept to a minimum with strict noise, light and camoflage discipline enforced. (2) Withdrawal Plan. The PL designates the signal for withdrawal, order of withdrawal, and the unit rendezvous point and/or alternate patrol base. (3) Communication (continuous). Commo must be maintained with higher headquarters, OP’s, and within the unit. May be rotated between the patrol’s RTOs to allow accomplishment of continuous radio monitoring, radio maintenance, act as runners for PL, or conduct other priorities of work. (4) Mission preparation and planning. The PL uses the patrol base to plan, issue orders, rehearse, inspect, and prepare for future missions. (5) Weapons and equipment maintenance. The PL ensures that machine guns, weapon systems, commo equipment, and night vision devices (as well as other equipment) is maintained. These items are not broken down at the same time for maintenance, and weapons are not disassembled at night. If one machine gun is down, then security for all remaining systems are raised. (6) Water Re-Supply. The APL organizes watering parties as necessary. The watering party carries canteens in an empty rucksack or duffel bag, and must have commo and a contingency plan prior to departure. (7) Re-supply. Distribute or cross-load ammunition, meals, equipment, etc. (8) Mess plan. At a minimum, security and weapons maintenance are performed prior to mess. No more than half of the unit typically eats at one time. 5-25 (9) Rest/sleep plan management. prepare for future operations. The patrol conducts rest as necessary to (10) Alert Plan and Stand-to. The PL states the alert posture and the standto time. He sets up the plan to ensure all positions are checked periodically, OP’s are relieved periodically and that at least one leader is always alert. The patrol conducts stand-to 30 minutes prior to and after BMNT or EENT. (11) Sanitation and Personal Hygiene. The APL ensures a slit trench is prepared and marked if occupying for an extended duration (otherwise the APL will designate areas for each section and cat holes will be used) and that squads designate urine areas. All soldiers will wash hands, armpits, groin, and feet daily. The patrol will not leave trash behind. 5-26