
“Maria, what are you doing after school today?” my friends ask.
My usual response is: “Field hockey, of course.”
“I should have known!” each exclaims.
I was introduced to the sport of field hockey in the beginning of sixth grade. I had the
opportunity to either join the soccer or field hockey team. Soccer impressed me as too
ordinary; however, field hockey seemed exciting because it is unique. I was not very adept in
my first year, and field hockey did not appeal to me. I put down my stick until seventh grade.
Then my great passion for field hockey ignited, for my coach helped me to realize the
enjoyment of the game.
Now it is winter, an indoor field hockey season. Many people know field hockey as
an outdoor sport played on a large field. Indoor field hockey is an altered form of that. The
field is significantly smaller, the sticks are lighter and thinner, the ball travels at a much
greater speed, and rules have been adjusted to the smallness of the field.
I practice and play field hockey during my free time daily. I am on the travel team of
an indoor field hockey league. In this league I play four hours a week. My friend Emily and I
also organized an indoor field hockey club at our school. It meets every Tuesday for two
hours. Field hockey practices usually begin with warm ups and stretches. Then come drills,
which include dribbling, pushing, passing, and shooting. My favorite drill is shooting on
goal. I like to flick the ball to one of the top corners of the goal. Also, I love passing. This
summer I had an amazing coach who is a former international player. He helped me to
perfect my pushes, and I am very proud of them, because they reflect my hard work, and they
are very fast, powerful and beneficial to my team when I shoot on goal. After drills, my
teammates and I play a continuous game--my favorite activity! When I am not at practice, I
still have field hockey in mind. I often scare my cat and annoy my parents when I do a few
hundred yard-stick pulls, which are little pushes to myself from one side to the other.
Sometimes I just daydream about making the Junior Olympic Team.
I love field hockey because it has taught me valuable lessons about the importance of
teamwork, respect, hard work, and athletics. Field hockey has also allowed me to bond with
my friends by spending a lot of time with them and cheering for them. Lastly, field hockey
lowers stress and brings relaxation, which helps me to survive everyday life.