Logistics R2C - Grassroots Global Justice Alliance

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance Delegation
Logistics for Cancun #1
For security and safety reasons you must send in a copy of your passport and medications you currently take.
For those of you on the Caravan, La Via Campesina coordination team needs copies as well.
Scan and send to joann@pazamortranslations.com (they will be shredded after our trip)
What to bring:
What NOT to bring: GGJ is not responsible for lost/stolen items
Anything of great value or anything you risk losing
Comfortable walking shoes preferably enclosed shoes
No expensive jewelry or of sentimental value
Mosquito repellent and Sunscreen
Expensive watches
For those on Caravan: sleeping bag
Big cameras
Organizational t-shirt for you and for gifts (for contacts you
make with another organizations)
Sufficient supply of medication you take
Materials – buttons, flyers, propaganda
Light jacket, for those of you on the Caravans, bring rain gear.
Pepto Bismol and/or Imodium Tablets
We will be using the buddy system and communication trees
Don’t wander off by yourself
Do not expose yourself as a tourist; we are here for political
Hand Sanitizer and/or Wipes
Bathing suit
Cancun is generally hot and humid. The average temperature is 80 degrees. You should expect that the weather would be
around 75-80 degrees during our stay. The days are normally sunny and the evenings are cool. We recommend bringing a
light jacket or sweater. Bring mosquito repellant and sunscreen; there is a high probability of getting sunburned.
For more information on the weather visit the following website:
You can purchase bottled water. Normally hotels provide 1 or 2 bottles each day. Ice is okay to consume because normally
the establishment purchases it and that ice comes from a purified source. Bring your own water bottle or canteen.
The official language of Mexico is Spanish, however, English is widely used especially in high tourist areas.
The official currency of México is the Mexican Peso ($ o MXN). The conversion rate fluctuates and is assessed daily. But
you can expect the buying and selling rate to be around $1 USD – $11 MXN (buying) $1 USD -$13 MXN (selling)
We recommend you exchange a small amount of money at the airport (they give you the cheapest rate possible) and when
you get into town you can go to a local money exchange that will probably have better rates.
Mexican Bills are issued in $20.00, $50.00, $100.00, $200.00, $500.00 y $1000.00 bills and metallic coins are issued in
$1.00, $2.00, $5,00, $10.00 y $20.00 pesos. It is recommended to carry small bills because many vendors to not carry change.
Do not accept a torn or damaged bill. Mexican currency that is damaged in any way will not be accepted by any merchant,
money exchange or bank. If somebody offers you a damaged bill, refuse to accept it.
$20.00 MXN = $1.81 USD
$50.00 MXN = $4.54 USD
$1.00 MXN = $.09 USD
$5.00 MXN = $.45 USD
In Cancun the majority of business and establishments accept the US dollar and international credit cards are accepted
everywhere. ATM’s in bank branches are linked to major international banks. On the COP premises there will be banking
services made available. For more information on where to find a money exchange visit the government website:
Mexico runs on a 110 Volt system (only for plugs w/ 2 flat insertion points). If you have an adapter, bring it just in case.
Time Zone
The majority of Mexico is on Central Standard Time.
Dialing Phone Numbers
To make international calls from Cancun or from anywhere in Mexico to the US, you need to dial:
001+ area code + seven digit phone number.
To call Mexico from the US you need to dial 01152+ area code (in Cancun its 998) + seven digit number
Check the following website for more information on calling codes:
Please note: the GGJ staff will have cell phones, those numbers will be provided when you arrive in Cancun.
In case of any emergencies there are public safety services like police officers, the fire department as well as various public
and private hospitals. If an emergency does happen to occur please get in touch with Cindy or Jo Ann immediately.
For more information please visit the following website:
For information on Certified Embassy’s and Consulates in Mexico you can visit the following website:
La Via Campesina Caravans
We have been told that the caravans will be an intense travel period, so you should prepare mentally and physically. Food
will be minimal and hotel accommodations will not be provided. The lodging will be in communal spaces like churches or
community centers, and/or camps. Therefore, you must bring your sleeping bag or heavy blanket. Hotels will only be
provided when the caravans arrive in DF and again when you get to Cancun.
Weather throughout the caravans will be hot, humid and rainy during the day. If you have a rain jacket or umbrella please
bring it. At night it does get cold to about 30-40 degrees F, so bring a good jacket. Please prepare accordingly so that you will
be comfortable. We also recommend bringing comfortable walking shoes. And pack what you can carry, you will be
expected to carry your own suitcases or bags. Do not overpack- There are drop off laundry facilities when you get to
These caravans are a period for intense political education and development. It is not a time to be a tourist. So please do not
ask to go shopping or see “the sights.” For safety reasons, it will be very important to stay with the group at all times and
notify LVC responsables if you need anything and do not wonder off on your own.
Ground Transportation in Cancun
From the airport
It takes approximately 20 minutes to get from the airport to downtown Cancun. There are various methods of transportation
including, buses, taxi’s, or collective shuttles. We recommend only using any of these services that are certified through the
airport. You can identify these because they normally have booths in which you can pay for your ride before you get in your
taxi or on the shuttle. Normally they are all the same color.
Once you arrive and get your luggage proceed to the areas near the exit or simply ask an agent where you can get a bus or
taxi into downtown.
Local ground transportation
In Cancun, taxi’s and buses are available 24 hours a day and they may be requested through the hotel or in the lobby. They
also have an established fee; therefore you can ask the hotel about prices.
These are the official companies:
Autocar S.A. de C.V,
Turicún S.A. de C.V,
Transportes Bonfil S. de R.L de C.V. y
Maya Caribe S de R.L. de C.V.
Some Taxis are organized under the union Sindicato de Taxistas Andrés Quintana Roo, it is not uncommon for these taxi
rides to be shared with others.
The GGJ hotel is in downtown Cancun:
Hotel Be Smart America
Address is:
Avda.Tulum, Esq. Brisa, s/n, 77500 - Cancún (Quintana Roo)
Tel.: + 529988488600
Email: infomex@belivehotels.mx
Wi-fi is available only in the common areas and poolside.
Breakfast is provided through the hotel.
Meals in Cancun
Light breakfast is included in the hotel. GGJ will not provide any meals. You should account for $20- $25 per day for lunch,
snack and dinner. If you like to drink and/or smoke, please add accordingly.
EsMex Space and La Via Campesina Space
Later we will provide a map and directions on how to get to the various spaces. They are within walking distance, (about a 15
minute walk and a 3 min car ride.)