DIOCESAN PARISHES Location, Parish (Date Founded, Vicariate) Phone _____________________________ CATHEDRAL OF ST. PETER, Belleville (1842, Metro-East) ST. BERNARD, Albers (1908, North Central) 618-234-1166 Parish ID #: 101 Reverend Monsignor John T. Myler, S.T.D., V.F., Rector Ext. 102 E-Mail: jtm300@aol.com Reverend Vincent Mukasa, Associate Pastor E-Mail: mukasakvr@yahoo.com Deacon David W. Fields E-Mail: fieldsdavid@charter.net Deacon Wayne L. Weiler E-Mail: wlweiler@gmail.com Sister Theresa Markus, S.S.N.D., Parish Minister Ext. 104 E-Mail: tmarkus@ssndcp.org Mr. Dennis York, Music Director/Business Manager Ext. 103 E-Mail: chasyork@aol.com Linda Pensoneau, Administrative Assistant Ext. 107 E-Mail: lindapensoneau@yahoo.com Josie Weiler, Secretary Ext. 101 E-Mail: cathedralbelle@gmail.com Website: http://www.cathedralbelle.org/ OFFICE: 200 West Harrison Street Belleville, IL 62220 Fax: 618-234-2957 E-Mail: webmaster@cathedralbelle.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced; Weekdays: Monday through Friday 6:45 a.m. Reconciliation: 7:15 a.m. Monday-Friday and Saturdays 3:00-3:45 p.m. School: Notre Dame Academy – Cathedral Campus - Grades 5-8 200 South Second Street, Belleville, IL 62220 618-233-6414 Mrs. Linda Hobbs, Principal E-Mail: linda.hobbs@notredamebelleville.org Fax: 618-233-3587 School Website: www.notredamebelleville.org 3/9/2016 618-248-5112 Parish ID #: 301 Reverend John J. Joyce, Pastor E-Mail: frjack@charter.net Deacon Glennon J. Netemeyer, Catechetical Ministry Director 618-772-9343 E-Mail: gnetemeyer@msn.com Jeanne Langenhorst, Secretary OFFICE: 202 North Broadway P.O. Box 10, Albers, IL 62215 Fax: 618-248-5595 E-Mail: st.bernard@charter.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (February, April, June, August, October, December); Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Weekdays 7:45 a.m., Tuesday & Thursday. ST. MARY, Anna (1857, West) 618-833-5835 Parish ID #: 621 Reverend Federico C. Higuera, Pastor E-Mail: stmaryanna@live.com Connie Shipley, Secretary E-Mail: st_marys@frontier.com OFFICE: 402 Freeman, Anna, IL 62906 Fax: 618-833-8220 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7:30, 10 a.m.; Holy Day: 7 a.m., 7 p.m. ST. ELIZABETH, Ava (1890, West) Parish ID #: 618 618-426-3321 Reverend Gary P. Gummersheimer, Pastor Residence: 724 Mulberry Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 618-687-2012 E-Mail: pastor@stamboro.org Jan Eyer, Coordinator of Religious Education 606 West George Street, Ava, IL 62907-0157 33 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. ELIZABETH, Ava (continued) ST. FELICITAS, Beaver Prairie Business Mailing Address: 724 Mulberry Street Murphysboro, IL 62966 (1883, North Central) ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, Aviston (1865, North Central) 618-228-7219 Parish ID #: 303 Reverend Daniel L. Friedman, Pastor E-Mail: pastor@stfrancisav.org Deacon Stephen AuBuchon E-Mail: steveaub@ezeeweb.com Deacon Charles A. Litteken E-Mail: camel@ezeeweb.com Carolyn Kampwerth, Secretary Mike Buscher , Director of Religious Education 618-228-7219 E-Mail: dre@stfrancisav.org OFFICE: 251 South Clinton P.O. Box 93, Aviston, IL 62216 Fax: 618-228-7320 E-Mail: parish@stfrancisav.org Website: stfrancisav.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7:30 p.m.; Holy Day: 7:30 a.m., 7:30 p.m. ST. CECILIA, Bartelso (1885, North Central) 618-765-2162 Parish ID #: 304 Reverend Monsignor James A. Buerster, Pastor Residence: 402 Munster Street P.O. Box 280, Germantown, IL 62245-0280 618-523-4271 Ellen Huegen, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-765-2411 Betty Budde, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-765-2325 Joann Timmermann, Secretary OFFICE: 304 South Washington P.O. Box 176, Bartelso, IL 62218 Fax: 618-765-2264 E-Mail: cechbart@frontier.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 10:30 a.m. Holy Day: as announced. 34 3/9/2016 618-594-3040 Parish ID #: 311 Reverend Lawrence M. Nickels, O.F.M., Sacramental Minister Sister Diane M. Turner, S.S.N.D., Parish Life Coordinator 618-594-4701 E-Mail: dmtssnd@wisperhome.com Reverend Edward F. Schaefer, Canonical Pastor OFFICE: 13322 Church Road, Carlyle, IL 62231 Fax: 618-594-3040 E-Mail: stfelbp@wisperhome.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. ANTHONY, Beckemeyer (1905, North Central) 618-227-8236 Parish ID #: 305 Reverend Charles W. Tuttle, Pastor E-Mail: cwtuttle@charter.net Deacon Robert G.H. Lippert E-Mail: stanthny@papadocs.com Phyllis Mensing, Director of Religious Education OFFICE: 451 West Third Street P.O. Box 305, Beckemeyer, IL 62219 Fax: 618-227-8630 E-Mail: stanthny@papadocs.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: All Saints Academy (Consolidated School) 295 North Clinton, Breese, IL 62230 618-526-4323 Robin Booth, Principal E-Mail: robinbooth@asasaint.com Fax: 618-526-2547 Website: www.asasaints.com BLESSED SACRAMENT, Belleville (1926, Metro-East) 618-397-2287 or 618-397-2288 Parish ID #: 102 Reverend Matthew J. Elie, Pastor Residence: 5923 North Belt West, Belleville, IL 62223 618-234-6196, Ext. 107 E-Mail: blsacparish8707@yahoo.com Karen Ferrara, Business Manager 618-397-2287 E-Mail: karenferrara@ymail.com DIOCESAN PARISHES BLESSED SACRAMENT, Belleville (continued) OFFICE: 8707 West Main Street Belleville, IL 62223-1778 Fax: 618-397-2269 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 11 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 8809 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62223 618-397-1111 Ms. Claire Hatch, Principal E-Mail: blsac@hotmail.com Fax: 618-397-8431 School Website: www.blessedsacramentbelleville.com/ school/index.htm OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE, Belleville (1955, Metro-East) 618-397-2287 Parish ID #: 104 Reverend Matthew J. Elie, Pastor Residence: 5923 North Belt West, Belleville, IL 62223 618-234-6196, Ext. 107 E-Mail: blsacparish8707@yahoo.com Deacon Timothy J. DeRousse E-Mail: tderoussse1@att.net Karen Ferrara, Business Manager 618-397-2287 E-Mail: karenferrara@ymail.com Beth Regensberger, Director of Religious Education Karen Vick, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: 8707 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62223 E-Mail: qpparish@qofp.com Fax: 618-397-2269 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 9 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. School: 5915 North Belt West, Belleville, IL 62223 618-234-1206 Sharon Needham, Principal E-Mail: sharon.needham@qofp.com E-Mail: qpschool@qofp.com Fax: 618-234-6123 Website: www.qofp.com 3/9/2016 ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, Belleville (1955, Metro-East) 618-233-3813 Parish ID #: 105 Reverend Monsignor William P. McGhee, Pastor E-Mail: fatherbill@stasaints.org Deacon Gerald G. Bach, Sr. E-Mail: deacongerry@stasaints.org Ginny Goetz, Secretary E-Mail: ginnyg@stasaints.org OFFICE: 1910 West Belle Street, Belleville, IL 62226-6195 Fax: 618-233-3946 E-Mail: staparish@stasaints.org Website: www.stasaints.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00, 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; First Fridays: 5:30 p.m., Tuesday: 6:30 p.m., Wednesday: 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., Thursday-Friday: 6:30 a.m. School: Notre Dame Academy – St. Augustine Campus – Early Learning through Grade 4 1900 West Belle, Belleville, IL 62226 618-234-4958 Sandra Baechle, Principal E-Mail: Sandra.baechle@notredamebelleville.org Fax: 618-234-3360 Website: www.notredamebelleville.org ST. HENRY, Belleville (1925, Metro-East) 618-233-2423 Parish ID #: 106 Reverend Kenneth J. York, Pastor Deacon Gerald G. Bach, Sr. E-Mail: deacongerry@stasaints.org E-Mail: kyork@diobelle.org Dawn Partington, Secretary E-Mail: sthenryc@peaknet.net Beth Regensberger, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-235-1193 E-Mail: bethregensberger@yahoo.com OFFICE: 5315 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62226 Fax: 618-233-9879 Website: www.sthenrybelleville.com Mass Schedule: Monday-Saturday: 8 a.m.; Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; 35 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. HENRY, Belleville (continued) Holy Day Vigil: 5 p.m.; Holy Day: 9 a.m., 7 p.m. St. Henry Creative Learning Center: 5303 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62226 618-234-6061 Judy Shovlin, Director Mary Haas, Director Fax: 618-234-6801 E-Mail: st.henryclc1@yahoo.com ST. LUKE, Belleville (1883, Metro-East) 618-236-1124 Parish ID #: 107 Reverend Monsignor David M. Darin, Pastor E-Mail: dmd64@aol.com Reverend Anthony Onyango, Parochial Vicar E-Mail: Fr.Anthony@stteresabelleville.org Residence: St. Teresa of the Child Jesus 1201 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville, IL 62221 618-233—3500 Fax: 618-233-9703 Sister Grace Marie Mueller, S.S.N.D., Parish Life Coordinator 618-236-1124 E-Mail: srgracemueller@aol.com Deacon Robert J. Lanter E-Mail: lanterdb@charter.net Sheila Daniels, Administrative Assistant E-Mail: stluke301@aol.com Mary El Roche, Secretary E-Mail: stluke301@aol.com Susan Evers , Pastoral Council President OFFICE: 301 North Church, Belleville, IL 62220-4025 Fax: 618-236-1125 E-Mail: stluke301@aol.com Website: www.stlukebelleville.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30, 11 a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m.; Liturgy of the Word with Communion: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8:30 a.m. ST. MARY, Belleville (1893, Metro-East) 618-233-2391 Parish ID #: 108 Reverend Christopher Anyanwu, Administrator E-Mail: anyanwuchristsopher@yahoo.com Deacon Douglas L. Boyer E-Mail: deacondougboyer@gmail.com 36 3/9/2016 Jane Schindler, Business Manager OFFICE: 1706 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62226 Fax: 618-233-9201 E-Mail: stmarychurch1893@sbcglobal.net Website: www.stmarybelleville.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. School: Notre Dame Academy - St. Mary Campus - Parish School of Religion 1722 West Main Street, Belleville, IL 62226 618-233-2391 Jane Schindler, Notre Dame Business Manager E-Mail: jane.schindler@notredamebelleville.org Fax: 618-234-3360 Website: www.notredamebelleville.org ST. TERESA OF THE CHILD JESUS, Belleville (1926, Metro-East) 618-233-3500 Parish ID #: 109 Reverend Monsignor David M. Darin, Pastor E-Mail: dmd64@aol.com Reverend Anthony Onyango, Parochial Vicar E-Mail: Fr.Anthony@stteresabelleville.org Connie Crawford, Parish Secretary E-Mail: ccrawford@stteresabelleville.org Jenifer Lohmann, Director of Religious Education Ext. 105 E-Mail: jlohmann@stteresabelleville.org Donna Thro, Business Manager E-Mail: dthro@stteresabelleville.org Scott Pluff, Director of Liturgy and Music E-Mail: liturgy.stteresa@gmail.com OFFICE: 1201 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville, IL 62221 Fax: 618-233-9703 E-Mail: Website: www.stteresabelleville.com Mass Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:15 a.m.; Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7, 9, 11 a.m..; Holy Day Vigil: 6 p.m.; Holy Day: 8:15 a.m., Noon.; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:15 a.m. School: 1108 Lebanon Avenue, Belleville, IL 62221 618-235-4066 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. TERESA OF THE CHILD JESUS, Belleville (continued) Mr. Skip Birdsong, Principal E-Mail: stprincipal@stteresa.pvt.k12.il.us Fax: 618-235-7930 School Website: www.stteresa.pvt.k12.il.us ST. JOSEPH, Benton (1910, South) 618-438-9941 Parish ID #: 505 Reverend Urban Osuji, CM, Administrator E-Mail: urbanosuji@yahoo.co.uk Bobbi Sue Avery, Secretary/Bookkeeper E-Mail: stjoeccoffice1@frontier.com Robin Giroux, Director of Religious Education OFFICE: 506 West Main, Benton, IL 62812 Fax: 618-438-9941 E-Mail: stjoecc@frontier.com Website: www.stjosephbenton.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Holyday: 11:30 a.m., 7 p.m. ST. AUGUSTINE, Breese (1912, North Central) 618-526-4362 Parish ID #: 306 Reverend Charles W. Tuttle, Pastor E-Mail: cwtuttle@charter.net Deacon Robert G.H. Lippert E-Mail: augustine306@att.net Phyllis Mensing, Director of Religious Education OFFICE: 525 South Third Street, Breese, IL 62230 Fax: 618-526-4362 E-Mail: augustine306@att.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: All Saints Academy (Consolidated School), 295 North Clinton, Breese, IL 62230 618-526-4323 Dr. Robin Booth, Principal E-Mail: asabooth@gmail.com Fax: 618-526-2547 Website: www.asasaints.com ST. DOMINIC, Breese (1858, North Central) 618-526-7746 Parish ID #: 307 3/9/2016 Reverend Patrick N. Peter, Pastor Deacon Linus H. Klostermann E-Mail: DeaconLinusSt.Dominic@gmail.com Phyllis Mensing, Director of Religious Education Chrissy Detmer, Parish Secretary Judie Kuper, Parish Administrative Assistant OFFICE: 493 North 2nd Street, Breese, IL 62230 Fax: 618-526-7755 E-Mail: saintdominic@papadocs.com Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 11 a.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m., 12:10, 7 p.m. School: All Saints Academy (Consolidated School), 295 North Clinton, Breese, IL 62230 618-526-4323 Dr. Robin Booth, Principal E-Mail: asabooth@gmail.com Fax: 618-526-2547 Website: www.asasaints.com IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Bridgeport (1855, East) Effective March 3, 2014, Immaculate Conception Parish was closed. The parish records and other historical documents of Immaculate Conception Parish shall be retained at St. Lawrence Parish, Lawrenceville, 1006 Collins Street, Lawrenceville, IL 62439 618-943-5255 stlawrence@nwcable.net HOLY FAMILY, Cahokia (1699, Metro-East) 618-337-4548 Parish ID #: 125 Reverend Linus Umoren, CM, Administrator E-Mail: linmoren@yahoo.com OFFICE: 116 Church Street, Cahokia, IL 62206 Fax: 618-332-1699 E-Mail: holyfamilycahokia@yahoo.com Website: www.holyfamily1699.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: (9 a.m. Latin Mass-Log Church); 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8 a.m. 37 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. PATRICK, Cairo (1838, South) 618-734-2061 Parish ID #: 507 Reverend Michael Christopher Mugisa-Mujule, Admininstrator E-Mail: mjlemc@yahoo.com OFFICE: 312 9th Street, Cairo, IL 62914-2009 E-Mail: stpatrick.cairo@gmail.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 11a.m., Holy Day: as announced. Convent: Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ 725 22nd Street, Cairo, IL 62914 618-734-0778 Fax: 618-734-0778 E-Mail: mkccairo@juno.com ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Carbondale (1900, West) 618-457-4556 Parish ID #: 622 Reverend Robert B. Flannery, Pastor E-Mail: rbflan@clearwave.com In Residence: Reverend Nicholas G. Junker, Director of Vocation for Diocese; Sacrament Minister at Newman Catholic Student Center, Carbondale E-Mail: njunker08@hotmail.com Mr. Bill Harper, Pastoral Associate E-Mail: sfxpa@clearwave.com Toni Intravaia, Coordinator of Religious Education Tammy Gartner, Bookkeeper E-Mail: sfxbookkeeper@clearwave.com OFFICE: 303 South Poplar Street, Carbondale, IL 62901-2709 E-Mail: sfrancis@clearwave.com Fax: 618-457-7368 Website: www.stfxcarbondale.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m., (12:15 p.m. Spanish); Holy Day: as announced. NEWMAN CATHOLIC STUDENT CENTER, Carbondale (1958) 618-529-3311 Mr. Tim Taylor, Director E-Mail: tim@siucnewman.org Reverend Nicholas G. Junker, Sacramental Minister E-Mail: njunker08@hotmail.com Dawn O’Leary, Community College 38 3/9/2016 Minister E-Mail: dawn@siucnewman.org OFFICE: 715 South Washington Street, Carbondale, IL 62901 Fax: 618-549-9401 Website: www.siucnewman.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 11 a.m., 8 p.m. (when SIU is in session). ST. MARY, Carlyle (1853, North Central) 618-594-2225 Parish ID #: 309 Reverend George A. Mauck, Pastor 618-594-2210 Tina Wiegman, Secretary Ellen Knolhoff, Director of Religious Education, 618-594-2284 OFFICE: 1171 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 179, Carlyle, IL 62231 Parish Center: 618-594-2225 Fax: 618-594-4638 E-Mail: stmaryc@sbcglobal.net Website: www.carlylecatholicchurch.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. ST. POLYCARP, Carmi (1847, East) 618-380-2262 Parish ID #: 403 Reverend Vincent Obi, Administrator E-Mail: obivin4u@yahoo.com Hanan Issawi, Secretary OFFICE: 209 Fourth Street, Carmi, IL 62821 E-Mail: wccatholic@gmail.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (1st and 3rd, if following month starts on Sunday then also 5th); Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: 7 p.m. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, Carterville (1974, South) 618-985 2900 Parish ID #: 531 Sister Carol Karnitsky, s.s.c.m., Parish Life Coordinator 618-925-5099 E-Mail: holyspirit300@frontier.com Reverend Monsignor Kenneth J. Schaefer, Canonical Pastor Reverend Richard G. Mohr, Sacramental Minister DIOCESAN PARISHES CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, Carterville (continued) OFFICE: 300 North Pine Street, Carterville, IL 62918 Fax: 618-985-2900 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. STEPHEN, Caseyville (1893, Metro-East) 618-397-0666 Parish ID #: 127 Reverend C. Raymond Schultz, Pastor E-Mail: frray@ststephencaseyville.org Reverend Fred Radtke, OFM, Parochial Vicar E-Mail: frfred@ststephencaseyville.org Deacon Arthur L. Hampton E-Mail: Deacon Thomas J. Powers E-Mail: Jeanne Adamske, Pastoral Associate E-Mail: jeanne@ststephencaseyville.org Carol Donahue, Parish Secretary E-Mail: office@ststephencaseyville.org Betty Baumgartner, Coordinator of Religious Formation 618-397-0666 E-Mail: faithform@ststephencaseyville.org Stacy Griffin, Parish Bookkeeper E-Mail: books@ststephencaseyville.org OFFICE: 901 South Main, Caseyville, IL 62232 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 458, Caseyville, IL 62232 Fax: 618-397-4430 E-Mail: ststephenoffice@ststephencaseyville.org Voigt Hall (Parish Hall) 618-398-9928 Website: www.ststephencaseyville.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Spanish Mass); Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced; Weekday: varies. School: CO-SPONSOR OF Holy Trinity, 504 Fountains Parkway, Fairview Heights, IL 62208 618-628-7395 Mr. Mike Oslance, Principal E-Mail: htschoolp@sbcglobal.net Website: can be accessed through the Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Fairview Heights) Web Site 3/9/2016 ST. MARY, Centralia (1857, North Central) 618-532-6291 Parish ID #: 312 Reverend Dale A. Maxfield, Pastor E-Mail: revdmaxfield@gmail.com Residence: 645 South Lincoln, Centralia, IL 62801 Office: 618-532-6291 Residence: 618-532-5041 Vicki Laquet, Coordinator of Religious Education E-Mail: cre@stmarycentralia.org OFFICE: 424 East Broadway, Centralia, IL 62801 Fax: 618-532-4758 Website: www.stmarycentralia.org E-Mail: parish@stmarycentralia.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 424 East Broadway, Centralia, IL 62801 618-532-3473 Helen Donsbach, Principal E-Mail: principal@stmarycentralia.org Fax: 618-532-5180 Website: www.stmarycentralia.org MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS, Chester (1842, West) 618-826-2444 Parish ID #: 603 Very Reverend Eugene H. Wojcik, V.F., Pastor E-Mail: genewojcik@hotmail.com The Reverend Mr. Brett Judkins, Diaconal Minister Cheryl Gross, Director of Religious Education OFFICE: 911 Swanwick, Chester, IL 62233 Fax: 618-826-3486 E-Mail: stmaryschester@yahoo.com Website: www.maryhoc.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day: 8:15 a.m. Weekday: 8:15 a.m., Monday, Tuesday, Friday. School: 835 Swanwick, Chester, IL 62233 School: 618-826-3120 Janelle Robinson, Principal E-Mail: stmarychester@hotmail.com Fax: 618-826-3486 Website: www.maryhoc.org 39 DIOCESAN PARISHES MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS, Chester (continued) Convent: 744 State Street, Chester, IL 62233 618-826-4954 ST. ANDREW, Christopher (1908, South) 618-724-4114 Parish ID #: 508 Reverend Urban Osuji, CM, Administrator E-Mail: urbanosuji@yahoo.co.uk Deacon Michael A. Rowland E-Mail: mike.rowland24@gmail.com Jena Jensik and Anita Brockett, Coordinators of Religious Education Ellen Neikes, Secretary OFFICE: 412 East Washington Street, Christopher, IL 62822 E-Mail: st.andrewcatholicchurch@yahoo.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. JOSEPH, Cobden (1879, West) 618-893-2276 Parish ID #: 623 Reverend Uriel Salamanca Cipagauta, Administrator E-Mail: Uriel_salamanca@yahoo.com Deacon Patrick Patterson E-Mail: Pat@pattersoncentral.com Sherri Haddick, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-893-2368 OFFICE: 101 N. Centennial Street, P.O. Box 237, Cobden, IL 62920 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8, 10:15 a.m., (5 p.m. Spanish); Holy Day: as announced. Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri.: 8:15 a.m.; Tuesday: 7 p.m.; First Friday: 7 p.m. Website: http://stjosephcobden.com IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Columbia (1846, Metro-East) 618-281-5105 Parish ID #: 132 Reverend Monsignor Carl E. Scherrer, Pastor 618-281-5105, Ext. 358 E-Mail: clown@htc.net Reverend Christian Reuter, OFM, Sacramental Minister E-Mail: cnreuter@yahoo.com Stan Osterhage, Parish Administrator 40 3/9/2016 618-281-5105, Ext. 350 E-Mail: soster@htc.net Sheryl Oglesby, Bookkeeper 618-281-5105, Ext. 351 E-Mail: soglesby@htc.net Angie Bueltemann, Secretary 618-281-5105, Ext. 300 E-Mail: abuelt@htc.net Jim Williams, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-281-5105, Ext. 352 E-Mail: jwilliams@htc.net MaryBeth Babcock, Director of Liturgy 618-281-5105, Ext. 353 E-Mail: mbabcock@iccmail.org Karen Lundy, Director of Music 618-281-5105, Ext. 359 E-Mail: strumlundy@yahoo.com OFFICE: 411 Palmer Road, Columbia, IL 62236 Fax: 618-281-6848 Website: www.icc-columbia-il.us/ Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7, 9, 11:00 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced School: 321 South Metter, Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-5353 Mr. Michael L. Kish, Principal 618-281-5353, Ext. 111 E-Mail: mkish@icsmail.org Beverly Epplin, School Secretary 618-281-5353, Ext. 100 E-Mail: bepplin@htc.net Fax: 618-281-6044 Website: www.icscolumbia.org ST. JOHN NEPOMUCENE, Dahlgren (1893, East) (Hall) 618-726-2878 Parish ID #: 404 Reverend Slawomir Ptak, Administrator 618-643-3552 E-Mail: slawekptak@yahoo.com Deacon Archie L. Bowers, Jr. E-Mail: kgbalb1@hamiltoncom.net Rachel Hopfinger, , Coordinator of Religious Education Rachel Hopfinger, Secretary 618-648-2490 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. JOHN NEPOMUCENE, Dahlgren (continued) OFFICE: (Piopolis) R.R. 3, Box 170 McLeansboro, IL 62859 618-648-2490 Mailing address: P.O. Box 220 Dahlgren, IL 62828 E-Mail: catholic@hamiltoncom.net Website: http://hamiltoncountycatholic.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. DAMIAN, Damiansville (1861, North Central) 618-248-5134 Parish ID #: 302 Reverend John J. Joyce, Pastor E-Mail: frjack@charter.net Deacon Glennon J. Netemeyer, Catechetical Ministry Director 618-772-9343 E-Mail: gnetemeyer@msn.com Jeanne Langenhorst, Secretary OFFICE: 1 West Main Street, Damiansville, IL 62215-1313 E-Mail: stdamians@wisperhome.com Mass Schedule: Saturday 5 p.m. (January, March, May, July, September, November); Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Weekday: 7:45 a.m., Monday & Friday. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO, DuBois (1877, North Central) 618-787-2781 Parish ID #: 324 Reverend Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D., Administrator E-Mail: nwaodike@yahoo.com Judy Pieszchalski, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: 223 South Third Street, P.O. Box 6, DuBois, IL 62831-0006 E-Mail: stcharleschurch@wisperhome.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m (AprilJuly); Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 5 p.m.; Holy Day 8 a.m. SACRED HEART OF JESUS, Dupo (1914, Metro-East) E-Mail: linmoren@yahho.com Residence: Holy Family, 116 Church Street, Cahokia, IL 62206 Kathy Koebbe, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: P.O. Box 35, Dupo, IL 62239 Fax: 618-332-1699 E-Mail: holyfamilycahokia@yahoo.com Website: http://www.sacredheartchurchdupo.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Tuesday and Thursday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. SACRED HEART, Du Quoin (1866, West) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, East St. Louis (1895, Metro-East) Designated Chapel May 26, 2014 St. Augustine of Hippo, East St. Louis 618-274-0655 Parish ID #: 130 Reverend Carroll Mizicko, OFM OFFICE: 1509 Baugh Avenue, East St. Louis, IL 62205 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10:30 a.m. ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, East St. Louis (2006, Metro-East) 618-286-3224 Parish ID #: 128 Reverend Linus Umoren, CM, Administrator 3/9/2016 618-542-3423 Parish ID #: 624 Reverend Joseph O. Oganda, Pastor E-Mail: ogandapr@gmail.com Kelly Paxton, Secretary E-Mail: sacredheartduquoin@gmail.com Gina Cushman, Coordinator of Religious Education E-Mail: dqindian824@hotmail.com OFFICE: 17 North Walnut Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832-1607 Fax: 618-542-5061 Website: www.sacredheart-duquoin.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. 618-274-0655 Parish ID #: 131 Reverend Carroll Mizicko, OFM, Pastor E-Mail: cmofm1968@yahoo.com OFFICE: 408 Rev. Joseph Brown Blvd., 41 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO, East St. Louis (continued) ST. MARY CHURCH OF DIVINE MATERNITY, Ellis Grove East. St. Louis, IL 62205 E-Mail: staugustineofhippo@sbcglobal.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Holy Day: 7:30 a.m., 6 p.m. Convent: St. Joseph Children Center 401 Columbia Place, East St. Louis, IL 62205 618-271-4250 (1944, West) ST. MARY, Eldorado (1900, South) 618-273-6947 Parish ID #: 533 Reverend Abraham O. Adejoh, Pastor E-Mail: ab0522@ymail.com Residence: St. Mary, Harrisburg 2000 West Poplar, Harrisburg, IL 62946 Janet Bayless, Secretary Tashina Wood, Director of Religious Education 618-252-7874 Parish Center/Office 618-273-8294 OFFICE: 1158 North 2nd Street, Eldorado, IL 62930 Fax: 618-273-3134 E-Mail: stmarys1@clearwave.com Website: www.holyfamilycatholics.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. JOSEPH, Elizabethtown (1897, South) 618-285-3332 Parish ID #: 534 Reverend Abraham O. Adejoh, Pastor E-Mail: ab0522@ymail.com Residence: St. Mary, Harrisburg 2000 West Poplar, Harrisburg, IL 62946 E-Mail Debbie Soward, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: R.R. 1, Box 140, Elizabethtown, IL 62931-9711 E-Mail: stjoes_bulletin@yahoo.com Fax: 618-285-3147 Website: www.holyfamilycatholics.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced. 42 3/9/2016 618-859-3541 Parish ID #: 601 Reverend Benjamin J. Stern, Pastor Residence: 1007 Olive Street, Evansville, IL 62242 618-853-4435 E-Mail: sternben@hotmail.com OFFICE: 7362 Shawneetown Trail, Ellis Grove, IL 62241 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. PATRICK, Enfield (1830, East) 618-380-2262 (Carmi) Parish ID #: 408 Reverend Vincent Obi, Administrator E-Mail: obivin4u@yahoo.com Hanan Issawi, Secretary Vincent Mitchell, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-963-2431 OFFICE: 1377 CR 25 E, Enfield, IL 62835 Mailing Address: 209 Fourth Street, Carmi, IL 62821 E-Mail: wccatholic@gmail.com Parish Hall: 618-963-2896 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th, 5th unless if following month starts on Sunday then not the 5th); Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 6 p.m. ST. JOSEPH, Equality (1873, South) (Designated Chapel 2012) (Ridgway) 618-272-7059 Parish ID #: 423 Mailing Address: 211 West Edwards Street, P.O. Box 190, Ridgway, IL 62979 E-Mail: GallatinCatholic@gmail.com Fax: 618-272-5400 Website: www.stkateri.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (1st, 3rd, 5th) St. Joseph Chapel, Equality; Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th) St. Patrick Chapel, Pond Settlement; Sunday: 9 a.m. St. Mary Chapel, Shawneetown; Sunday 5 p.m. (2nd), St. Joseph Hall, Ridgway. DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. BONIFACE, Evansville HOLY TRINITY, Fairview Heights (1860, West) (2003, Metro-East) 618-853-4435 Parish ID #: 604 Reverend Benjamin J. Stern, Pastor E-Mail: sternben@hotmail.com Deacon Steven M. Pautler E-Mail: Steve9960@hotmail.com Natalie Becker, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: 1007 Olive Street, Evansville, IL 62242 Fax: 618-853-4435 E-Mail: stboniface1860@hotmail.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. EDWARD, Fairfield (1878, East) 618-847-7931 Parish ID #: 409 Reverend Martin Edward Ohajunwa, Administrator E-Mail: esemcee68@yahoo.com Residence: 812 North Main Street Flora, IL 62839 618-662-6261 Stacie Boyer, Secretary Peggy Garrison, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: 300 N.W. Fifth Street, Fairfield, IL 62837 Fax: 618-842-7393 E-Mail: stedwardcatholicchurch01@frontier.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Thursday: 6:30 p.m.; Friday: 8 a.m. HOLY ROSARY, Fairmont City (1922, Metro-East) 618-274-3486 Parish ID #: 129 Reverend David M. Wilke, Pastor E-Mail: revdwilke@aol.com Mary Martinez, Secretary/Business Manager E-Mail: hrosaryfc@aol.com OFFICE: 2716 North 42nd Street, Fairmont City, IL 62201 Fax: 618-274-1814 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m., (6:30 p.m. Spanish); Sunday: 8, 10 a.m., (noon Spanish); Holy Day Vigil: 6 p.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m., (7:00 p.m. Spanish). 3/9/2016 618-628-8825 Parish ID #: 126 Reverend C. Ray Schultz, Pastor E-Mail: frray@holytrinityil.org Reverend Fred Radtke, OFM, Parochial Vicar E-Mail: frfred@holytrinityil.org Deacon Arthur L. Hampton E-Mail: deaconart@holytrinityil.org Deacon Thomas J. Powers E-mail: deacontom@holytrinityil.org Tanya Prawica, Supervisor of Faith Formation E-Mail: tprawica@holytrinityil.org Bob Wojcik, Parish Management Coordinator Ext. 408 E-Mail: bwojcik@holytrinityil.org Yvonne Chester, Parish Bookkeeper E-Mail: ychester@holytrinityil.org Diane Briesacher, Receptionist/Secretary E-Mail: dbriesacher@holy trinityil.org OFFICE: 505 Fountains Parkway Fairview Heights, IL 62208 E-Mail: office@holytrinityil.org Fax: 618-628-8866 Website: www.holytrinityil.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m., 5 p.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 504 Fountains Parkway, Fairview Heights, IL 62208 618-628-7395 Mr. Mike Oslance, Principal E-Mail: moslance@holytrinityedu.org E-Mail – School Secretary: office@holytrinityedu.org Fax: 618-628-1570 Website: www.holytrinityedu.org ST. PANCRATIUS, Fayetteville (1838, Metro-East) 618-677-2717 Parish ID #: 113 Reverend Paul R. Wienhoff, Pastor Residence: 104 North Independence Street Mascoutah, IL 62258 618-566-2958 E:Mail: stannpw@midwest.net Reverend Gerald R. Hechenberger, Pastoral Assistant Residence: 104 North Independence Street, P.O. Box 160, Mascoutah, IL 62258-0160 43 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. PANCRATIUS, Fayetteville ST. BONIFACE, Germantown (continued) E-Mail: jerry.hechenberger@holychildhoodchurch .com Julia Vahlkamp, Coordinator of Religious Education E-Mail: saintpancratius@yahoo.com OFFICE: 2213 North 2nd Street, Fayetteville, IL 62258 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day: 7 p.m. (1837, North Central) ST. STEPHEN, Flora (1854, East) 618-662-6261 Parish ID #: 411 Reverend Martin Edward Ohajunwa, Administrator E-Mail: esemcee68@yahoo.com E-Mail: ststephen_flora@yahoo.com OFFICE: 812 North Main Street, Flora, IL 62839 Fax: 618-662-8121 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday 6:30 p.m.; Thursday, Friday: 8 a.m. ST. JOSEPH, Freeburg (1856, Metro-East) 618-539-3209 Parish ID #: 110 Reverend Mark D. Reyling, Pastor E-Mail: frmark@stjosephfreeburg.org 618-539-3743 Deacon Corby G. Valentine E-Mail: deaconcorby@stjosephfreeburg.org Mrs. Laura Wolf, Secretary Office: 6 North Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618-539-3209 E-Mail: parish@stjosephfreeburg.org Fax: 618-539-4772 Website: www.stjosephfreeburg.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7, 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m., Holy Day: 8 a.m. School: 2 North Alton Street, Freeburg, IL 62243 618-539-3930 Tim Queern, Principal E-Mail: principal@stjosephschoolfreeburg.org Fax: 618-539-0254 Website: www.stjosephschoolfreeeburg.org 44 3/9/2016 618-523-4271 Parish ID #: 313 Reverend Monsignor James A. Buerster, Pastor E-Mail: jbuerster@aol.com Deacon Richard E. Bagby E-Mail: rpbagby5@charter.net Melinda Knoblock, Secretary Linda Haake, Director of Religious Education OFFICE: 402 Munster Street, P.O. Box 280, Germantown, IL 62245-0280 Fax: 618-523-4263 E-Mail: bonifacechurch@charter.net Website: www.stbonifacechurch.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. CATHERINE, Grand Chain (1891, South) Effective March 3, 2014, St. Catherine Parish was closed. The parish records and other historical documents of St. Catherine Parish shall be retained at St. Patrick Parish, Cairo, 312 Ninth Street, Cairo, IL 62914-2009 618-734-2061 stpatrick.cairo@gmail.com ST. MARY, Harrisburg (1907, South) 618-253-7408 Parish ID #: 535 Reverend Abraham O. Adejoh, Pastor E-Mail: ab0522@ymail.com Betty Dick, Secretary Donna Price, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-252-7874 OFFICE: 2000 West Poplar, Harrisburg, IL 62946 E-Mail stmaryhb@frontier.com Fax: 618-252-7874 Website: www.holyfamilycatholics.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, Hecker (1824, Metro-East) 618-473-2217 Parish ID #: 133 Reverend Von C. Deeke, Pastor DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, Hecker (continued) E-Mail: vondeeke@hotmail.com Residence: 925 Centreville Avenue, Belleville, IL 62220 E-Mail: vondeeke@hotmail.com Joan Powell, Secretary OFFICE: 310 North Main Street, P.O. Box 126, Hecker, IL 62248 Fax: 618-473-9141 E-Mail: staug@htc.net Parish Center: 340 North Main Street, Hecker, IL 62248 618-473-2678 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: see bulletin for exact days/times. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, Herrin (1901, South) 618-942-3114 Parish ID #: 512 Reverend Monsignor Kenneth J. Schaefer, Pastor OFFICE: 316 West Monroe Street, Herrin, IL 62948 Fax: 618-988-1375 E-Mail: olmc@live.com Reverend Charles Anyaoku, Pastoral Minister Residence: 1103 Washington Street, Johnston City, IL 62951 618-983-5073 E-Mail: fronyekaanyaoku@yahoo.com Web: www.ourladyofmtcarmelherrin.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 11 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 300 West Monroe Street, Herrin, IL 62948 618-942-4484 Stacy Faye Myatt, Principal E-Mail: fmyatt@olmcschool.net E-Mail: sfmyatt22@aol.com Fax: 618-942-2864 Website: http://olmcschool.net ST. PAUL, Johnston City (1904, South) 618-983-5073 Parish ID #: 513 Reverend Charles Anyaoku, Administrator E-Mail: fronyekaanyaoku@yahoo.com Sandi West, Secretary E-Mail: stpaulsw47@gmail.com 3/9/2016 OFFICE: 1103 Washington Street, Johnston City, IL 62951 E-Mail: stpaulcc@gmail.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Kaskaskia (1675, West) (Designated Chapel 1994) 618-366-2633 Parish ID #: 611 OFFICE: 6450 Klein Lane, St. Mary, MO 63673 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 3:30 p.m. ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON, Kinmundy (1870, North Central) (Salem) 618-548-0899 Parish ID #: 323 Reverend Larry A. Lemay, Pastor E-Mail: frlarrylemay@gmail.com Residence: 812 West Main Street, Salem, IL 62882 618-548-5098 Heather Kramer, Coordinator of Religious Education Office: North Madison, Kinmundy, IL 62854 Mailing Address: 812 West Main Street, Salem, IL 62881 Fax: 618-548-0269 E-Mail: StTheresaParish@hotmail.com Website: www.StTheresaSalem.com/ste/index.htm Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. LAWRENCE, Lawrenceville (1909, East) 618-943-5255 Parish ID #: 413 Reverend Bernardine Nganzi, Administrator E-Mail: ilovejesus328@gmail.com Caroline Trimble, CRE 618-299-3010 E-Mail: ctrimble2@gmail.com OFFICE: 1006 Collins Street, Lawrenceville, IL 62439 E-Mail: stlawrence@nwcable.net Parish Center: 618-943-4898 45 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. LAWRENCE, Lawrenceville (continued) Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m. Website: www.catholiccommunityof stlawrence.com ST. JOSEPH, Lebanon (1862, Metro-East) 618-537-2575 Parish ID #: 111 Reverend Monsignor William J. Hitpas, Pastor 625 St. Nicholas Drive O’Fallon, IL 62269 618-632-1797 E-Mail: pastor@stnicholasofallon.org Mrs. Brenda A. Pehle, Parish Life Coordinator E-Mail: lebstjbp@sbcglobal.net Wendy Wilhelm, Administrative Assistant OFFICE: 901 North Alton, Lebanon, IL 62254 Fax: 618-537-0147 E-Mail: lebstjoe@sbcglobal.net Website: http-://www.stjosephlebanon.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m., Holy Day 9 a.m. ST. ANTHONY, Lively Grove (1868, North Central) 618-824-6271 Parish ID #: 320 Reverend Steven F. Poole, Pastor Residence: 305 North Front Street, P.O. Box 106, Okawville, IL 62271 618-243-6236 E-Mail: holycatholic@live.com Deacon Andrew Lintker Carol Sweet, Secretary OFFICE: 6101 St. Anthony Church Road, Oakdale, IL 62268 E-Mail: stanthonys@egyptian.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 7:00 p.m.; Sunday: 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. CLEMENT, McLeansboro (1881, East) (Rectory) 618-643-3552 Parish ID #: 405 (Hall) 618-643-3628 Rev. Slawomir Ptak, Administrator 618-643-3552 Email: slawekptak@yahoo.com 46 3/9/2016 Deacon Archie L. Bowers, Jr. E-Mail: kgbalb1@hamiltoncom.net Rachel Hopfinger, Coordinator of Religious Education Rachel Hopfinger, Secretary 618-648-2490 OFFICE: (Piopolis) R.R . 3, Box 170 McLeansboro, IL 62859 618-648-2490 Mailing Address: 601 East Market Street, McLeansboro, IL 62859 E-Mail: catholic@hamiltoncom.net Website: http://hamiltoncountycatholic.org Dahlgren: 618-736-2878 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Monday: 6 p.m.; Holy Day: as announced. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Madonnaville (1855, Metro-East) (Waterloo) 618-939-6426 Effective May 26, 2014, Immaculate Conception was closed. The parish records and other historical documents of Immaculate Conception Parish shall be retained at Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Waterloo, 204 West Mill Street, Waterloo, IL 62298 618-939-6426 cgross@ssppcc.org ST. JOSEPH, Marion (1927, South) 618-993-3194 Parish ID #: 514 Reverend Monsignor Thomas D. Flach, V.F., Pastor 618-993-3194, option 3 E-Mail: pastorsjm@frontier.com Reverend Charles Anyaoku, Pastoral Minister Residence: 1103 Washington Street, Johnston City, IL 62951 618-983-5073 E-Mail: fronyekaanyaoku@yahoo.com LaVerne Williams, Secretary 618-993-3194, option 1 E-Mail: secsjm@frontier.com Cintia Yong, Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries 618-993-3194, option 2 E-Mail: cpmsjm@frontier.com Jenny Martin, CRE 618-993-3194, option 4 E-Mail: cresjm@frontier.com OFFICE: 600 North Russell Street, Marion, IL 62959-1679 Fax: 618-997-9391 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. JOSEPH, Marion (continued) ST. ROSE OF LIMA, Metropolis Website: www.stjosephmarion.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 11 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced.; Holy Day: as announced. (1872, South) ST. TERESA OF AVILA, Marydale (1919, North Central) 618-594-3266 Parish ID #: 310 Reverend Lawrence M. Nickels, O.F.M., Sacramental Minister Deacon Charles A. Litteken, Administrator E-Mail: camel@ezeeweb.com Reverend George A. Mauck, Canonical Pastor Deacon John R. Hempen E-Mail: deaconjohn@tincans.net OFFICE: 18021 Marydale Road, Carlyle, IL 62231 E-Mail: stteresa@tincans.net Website: www.stteresamarydale.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 7:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8 a.m. ST. JAMES, Millstadt HOLY CHILDHOOD, Mascoutah (1857, Metro-East) 618-524-8202 Parish ID #: 515 Reverend Michael Christopher Mugisa-Mujule, Administrator E-Mail: mjlemc@yahoo.com Residence: 315 East Third Street, Metropolis, IL 62960 Christy Willmes, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-524-8202 Sabrina Meyers, Secretary Church: 315 East Third Street, Metropolis, IL 62960-2229 OFFICE: 405 East Third Street, Metropolis, IL 62960-2229 618-524-8202 Rectory: 618-524-9006 Fax: 618-524-8202 E-Mail: stroseoflimametropolis@comcast.net Website: http://www.strosemetropolis.com Parish Center: 618-524-8202 Mass Schedule: Daily Mass: 8 a.m.; Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. 618-566-2958 Parish ID #: 112 Reverend Paul R. Wienhoff, Pastor E-Mail: stannpw@midwest.net Reverend Gerald Hechenberger, Associate Pastor E-Mail: jerry.hechenberger@holychildhoodchurch .com OFFICE: 104 North Independence Street, Mascoutah, IL 62258-0160 Fax: 618-566-4447 E-Mail: hcc@holychildhoodchurch.com Website: www/holychildhoodchurch.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 215 North John Street, Mascoutah, IL 62258 618-566-2922 Claudia Dougherty, Principal E-Mail: Claudia.dougherty@holychildhood school.com Fax: 618-566-2720 Website: www.holychildhoodschool.com 3/9/2016 (1851, Metro-East) 618-476-3513 Parish ID#: 114 Reverend Monsignor Marvin C. Volk, Pastor E-Mail: mvolk@htc.net Deacon Ronald R. Karcher E-Mail: rondeacon@charter.net Melisa Bechner, Coordinator of Religious Education E-Mail: melbechner@yahoo.com Scott Ruppel, Director of Music and Liturgy E-Mail: sruppel@gibaultonline.com OFFICE: 405 West Madison Millstadt, IL 62260 Fax: 618-476-1281 E-Mail: rectory@stjamesmillstadt.com Website: www.stjamesmillstadt.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 7 p.m. School: 412 West Washington, Millstadt, IL 62260, 618-476-3510 Mr. Steve Kidd, Principal E-Mail: principal@stjamesmillstadt.com 47 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. JAMES, Millstadt (continued) Michele Bell, Secretary E-Mail: Michele.bell@stjamesmillstadt.com Fax: 618-476-1281 Website: www.stjamesmillstadt.com ST. MARY THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Mt. Vernon (1880, North Central) 618-244-1559 Effective March 3, 2014, St. Mary Parish was closed. The parish records and other historical documents of St. Mary Parish shall be retained at St. Patrick Parish, Cairo, 312 Ninth Street, Cairo, IL 62914-2009 618-734-2061 stpatrick.cairo@gmail.com Parish ID #: 321 Very Reverend John C. Iffert, V.F., Pastor E-Mail: frjohn@stmarymtvernon.org Susan Kusmer, Parish Secretary E-Mail: skusmer@stmarymtvernon.org Kim Diaz, Director of Religious Education E-Mail kdiaz@stmarymtvernon.org Sue Herr, Director of Music E-Mail: sherr@stmarymtvernon.org OFFICE: 1550 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 Fax: 618-242-5365 Website: stmarymtvernon.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 6:30 p.m.; Holy Day: 8:30 a.m., 12 noon at Good Samaritan Hospital; 6:30 p.m. at St. Barbara, Scheller. School: 1416 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618-242-5353 Mr. Brett Heinzman, Principal E-Mail: bheinzman@stmarymtvernon.org Fax: 618-242-5365 Website: http://stmaryschool.mvn.net/ ST. MARY, Mt. Carmel ST. ANDREW, Murphysboro ST. LEO, Modoc (1892, West) Effective February 24, 2014, St. Leo Parish has closed. The parish records and other historical documents of St. Leo Parish, Modoc shall be retained at St. Joseph Parish, 802 Middle Street, P. O. Box 365, Prairie du Rocher, IL 62277-0365 618-284-3314 sjospdr@htc.net ST. MARY, Mound City (1863, South) (1836, East) 618-262-5337 Parish ID #: 415 Reverend Robert J. Zwilling, Pastor E-Mail: GodisLove333@hotmail.com Deacon Charles A. Speaks E-Mail: speakdc@wabash.net Caroline Trimble, Director of Religious Education E-Mail: drecarolinet@gmail.com OFFICE: 125 West 5th Street, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 Fax: 618-262-5333 E-Mail: smsparish@hotmail.com Website: www.stmarysparish.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7, 10:30 a.m..; Holy Day: 8 a.m. School: 417 Chestnut Street, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 618-263-3183 Alice Wirth, Principal E-Mail: smsrocketsprincipal@hotmail.com Fax: 618-263-3596 Website: www.smsrockets.com 48 3/9/2016 (1868, West) 618-687-2012 Parish ID #: 625 Reverend Gary P. Gummersheimer, Pastor E-Mail: pastor@stamboro.org Deacon Don Sparling E-Mail: deacondon56@aol.com Peggy Etherton, Secretary E-Mail: sec@stamboro.org Sharon Hall, Bookkeeper E-Mail: finance@stamboro.org OFFICE: 724 Mulberry Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 Fax: 618-684-3431 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 11 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day 8:45 a.m. in church with school children; 4:30 p.m. in the St. Joseph’s Hospital Chapel. School: 723 Mulberry Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 618-687-2013 Ms. Jenny Martin, Principal E-Mail: martin@sasmboro.org DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. ANDREW, Murphysboro (continued) Ms. Dianne Trammel, Secretary E-Mail: trammel@sasmboro.org Fax: 618-684-4969 Website: www.saintandrew-school.org School: 207 South Market Street, New Athens, IL 62264 618-475-2170 Sarah Lanham, Principal E-Mail: slanham@stagathaparish.com Fax: 618-475-3177 Website: www.school.stagathaparish.com ST. ANN, Nashville ST. GEORGE, New Baden (1874, North Central) 618-327-3232 Parish ID #: 328 Reverend Andrew J. Knopik, Pastor E-Mail: fatherandyk@gmail.com Linda Williams E-Mail: lwilliams@stannnashville.org Mrs. Rita Harris, Coordinator of Religious Education 1670 Lorene Drive, Nashville, IL 62263 618-327-3998 OFFICE: 695 South Mill Street, Nashville, IL 62263-1852 Mailing Address: 631 South Mill Street, Nashville, IL 62263 Fax: 618-327-4904 Website: www.stannnashville.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:45 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30, 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 5:30 p.m.; Holy Day: 8:15 a.m., 7 p.m. School: 675 South Mill Street, Nashville, IL 62263 618-327-8741 Mr. Nic Antoine, Principal E-Mail: principal@stannnashville.org Fax: 618-327-4904 Website: http://stannnashville.eduk12.net ST. AGATHA, New Athens (1870, Metro-East) 618-475-2331 Parish ID #: 116 Very Reverend James M. Nall, J.C.L., Pastor E-Mail: JNall@diobelle.org E-Mail: jnall@stagathaparish.com OFFICE: 205 South Market Street, New Athens, IL 62264 Fax: 618-475-3177 E-Mail: scox@stagathaparish.com Website: www.stagathaparish.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil and Holy Day: as announced. 3/9/2016 (1894, North Central) 618-588-4323 Parish ID #: 314 Reverend Eugene J. Neff, Pastor E-Mail: gneff@diobelle.org Deacon John C. Fridley E-Mail: fridleyj@wezeeweb.com Jeanne Langenhorst, Parish Administrative Assistant Kelly Ferri, Parish Bookkeeper OFFICE: 200 North Third Street New Baden, IL 62265 Fax: 618-588-2413 E-Mail: saintgcatholicchurch@gmail.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m..; Holyday: As announced. ST. CLARE OF ASSISI, O'Fallon (1867, Metro-East) 618-632-3562 Parish ID #: 119 Reverend James E. Deiters, Pastor 1411 Cross Road, Shiloh, IL 62269 E-Mail: jamesdei@sbcglobal.net Deacon Dennis W. Vander Ven E-Mail: DDVanderVen@aol.com Marcia Fix, Secretary E-Mail: marciafix@yahoo.com Jamae Shubirg, Administrative Assistant E-Mail: jamaeshubirg@yahoo.com Jane Dotson, Director, Family of Faith Formation 618-632-3562 E-Mail: janeadotson@yahoo.com OFFICE: Church: 300 South Oak Street, O’Fallon, IL 62269 Parish Office: 1411 Cross Street O’Fallon, IL 62269 Fax: 618-632-9036 Website: www.stclarechurch.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.: Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Holy Day: as announced. School: 214 West Third Street, O’Fallon, IL 62269 618-632-6327 49 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. CLARE OF ASSISI, O'Fallon (continued) Mrs. Milissa Faust, Principal E-Mail: mfaust@stclair.k12.il.us Fax: 618-632-5587 Website: www.saintclareschool.org 618-632-1797 Parish ID #: 124 Reverend Monsignor William J. Hitpas, Pastor, Office: 625 St. Nicholas, O’Fallon, IL 62269 Residence: 900 North Smiley, O’Fallon, IL 62269 618-632-1997 E-Mail: pastor@stnicholasofallon.org Deacon Richard H. Olson E-Mail: mrO39@aol.com Pam Steinke, Secretary 618-632-1797 E-Mail: secretary@stnicholasofallon.org Ann Daniels, Business Administrator, 618-632-1797 E-Mail: busadmin@stnicholasofallon.org Barbara Furdek, Director of Religious Education 618-632-1137 E-Mail: dre@stnicholasofallon.org Karen Scherrer, Coordinator of Liturgy and Music 618-632-1007 E-Mail: music@stnicholasofallon.org Cathy Green, Youth Coordinator E-Mail: youthmin@stnicholasofallon.org OFFICE: 625 St. Nicholas Drive, O’Fallon, IL 62269 Fax: 618-632-7703 Parish Hall: 618-632-1054 Website: www.stnicholasofallon.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10:30 a.m.; Holy Day: 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 7:30 p.m. ST. BARBARA, Okawville (1867, North Central) 618-243-6236 Parish ID #: 319 Reverend Steven F. Poole, Pastor E-Mail: holycatholic@live.com Mr. Lloyd Strubhart, PSR Director 618-243-6236 Jeanne Heberer, Secretary E-Mail: jheberer@egyptian.net 50 ST. JOSEPH, Olney (1857, East) ST. NICHOLAS, O’Fallon (1982, Metro-East) OFFICE: 305 North Front Street, P.O. Box 106, Okawville, IL 62271 Fax: 618-243-5270 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. 3/9/2016 Rectory 618-392-6711 Office 618-392-8181 Parish ID #: 417 Reverend Ronald Weber, Temporary Administrator E-Mail: frron@stjoeolney.com Rectory: 215 South Elliott Street, Olney, IL 62450 Kim Kocher, Secretary Margaret Hahn, Coordinator of Religious Education OFFICE: 220 South Elliott, Olney, IL 62450 Fax: 618-395-8500 E-Mail: stjosephchurch_olney@yahoo.com Website: www.stjosephchurcholney.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. School: 520 East Chestnut, Olney, IL 62450 618-395-3081 Carol McKinney Potter, Principal E-Mail: StJoseph_olney@yahoo.com Fax: 618-395-8500 Website: www.stjoeolney.com ST. MICHAEL, Paderborn (1843, Metro-East) 618-473-2798 Parish ID #: 123 Reverend Stanley J. Koenieczny, Pastor Residence: 10 South Lincoln, Smithton, IL 62285 618-234-2068 E-Mail: skonieczny@stjohnsschool.us Reverend James A. Voelker, Retired In residence E-Mail: jav6769@aol.com Jackie Billings, Secretary, Coordinator of Religious Education, General, etc. E-Mail: JackieB3523@AOL.com OFFICE: 4576 Buss Branch Road, Waterloo, IL 62298 Fax: 618-473-9180 E-Mail: stmichaels4@aol.com DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. MICHAEL, Paderborn (continued) Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. BRUNO, Pinckneyville (1872, West) 618-357-5510 Parish ID #: 627 Reverend Augustine Ibezimako, Administrator and Sacramental Minister E-Mail: aibezimako@yahoo.com Mary Huggins, Secretary E-Mail: stbrunochurch@yahoo.com Cathy Pyatt, Youth Minister Kathy Sprehe, Coordinator of Religious Education E-Mail: kmrs65@wildblue.net OFFICE: 204 North Gordon Street, Pinckneyville, IL 62274 Fax: 618-357-6050 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 210 North Gordon Street, Pinckneyville, IL 62274 618-357-8276 Mr. Keith Senior, Principal E-Mail: keith.senior@stbrunoschool.com Marietta Fann, Secretary E-Mail: efann.stbruno@gmail.com Fax: 618-357-6425 Website: www.stbrunoschool.com ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, Piopolis (1841, East) (Rectory) 618-648-2490 (Hall) 618-648-2586 Parish ID #: 414 Rev. Slawomir Ptak, Administrator 618-643-3552 E-Mail: slawekptak@yahoo.com Deacon Archie L. Bowers, Jr. E-Mail: kgbalb1@hamiltoncom.net Rachel Hopfinger, Coordinator of Religious Education Rachel Hopfinger, Secretary 618-648-2490 OFFICE: (Piopolis) R. R. 3, Box 170, McLeansboro, IL 62859 618-648-2490 Mailing Address: R.R. 3, Box 170, McLeansboro, IL 62859 E-Mail: catholic@hamiltoncom.net Website: http://hamiltoncountycatholic.org 3/9/2016 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; First Friday: 8 a.m. (remaining after First Friday); Thursday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. PATRICK, Pond Settlement (1842, South) (Designated Chapel 2012) (Ridgway) 618-272-7059 Parish ID #: 422 Mailing Address: 211 West Edwards Street, P.O. Box 190, Ridgway, IL 62979 E-Mail: GallatinCatholic@gmail.com Fax: 618-272-5400 Website: www.stkateri.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (1st, 3rd, 5th) St. Joseph Chapel, Equality; Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th) St. Patrick Chapel, Pond Settlement; Sunday: 9 a.m. St. Mary Chapel, Shawneetown; Sunday 5 p.m. (2 nd), St. Joseph Hall, Ridgway. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, Posen (1901, North Central) 618-327-3556 Parish ID #: 327 Reverend Bernard C. Goedde, Jr., Pastor OFFICE: 19824 Posen Road, Nashville, IL 62263 E-Mail: Olph-smm@hughes.net Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. JOSEPH, Prairie Du Rocher (1721, West) 618-284-3314 Parish ID #: 606 Reverend Monsignor Daniel J. Jurek, Pastor E-Mail: frdan@htc.net OFFICE: 802 Middle Street, P.O. Box 365, Prairie Du Rocher, IL 62277-0365 E-Mail: sjospdr@htc.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day: 7:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. ST. ANN, Raddle (1875, West) (Ava) 618-426-3321 Parish ID #: 619 Reverend Gary P. Gummersheimer, Pastor Residence: 724 Mulberry Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 618-687-2012 E-Mail: pastor@stamboro.org 51 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. ANN, Raddle (continued) OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL, Renault Jan Eyer, Coordinator of Religious Education 101 Raddle Chuch Lane, Jacob, IL 62950 Business Mailing Address: 724 Mulberry Street Murphysboro, IL 62966 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m. (1879, Metro-East) ST. MICHAEL, Radom (1873, North Central) 618-485-2265 Parish ID #: 325 Reverend Oliver Nwachukwu, Administrator E-Mail: nwaodike@yahoo.com rd OFFICE: 52 South 3 Street, P.O. Box 128, Radom, IL 62876 E-Mail: stmichaelsradom@frontier.com Fax: 618-485-2272 Website: www.stmichaelradom.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (December-March); Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, Red Bud (1862, West) 618-282-3222 Parish ID #: 608 Reverend Monsignor Dennis R. Schaefer, Pastor E-Mail: drschaefer49@hotmail.com Rhonda Juelfs, Secretary E-Mail: rhondaj@htc.net Kelly Donjon, Bookkeeper E-Mail: kellyd@htc.net Website: www.sjbredbud.parishesonline.com OFFICE: 515 Locust Street, Red Bud, IL 62278 Fax: 618-282-6867 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 6 p.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m. School: 519 Hazel Street, Red Bud, IL 62278 618-282-3215 Mrs. Kris Hill, Principal E-Mail: sjbhill@hotmail.com Fax: 618-282-6790 Website: www.sjbcatholicschoolredbud.org 52 3/9/2016 618-458-7710 Parish ID #: 134 Reverend Roger R. Karban, Administrator E-Mail: rkarban@htc.net OFFICE: 2038 Washington Street, P.O. Box 98, Renault, IL 62279 Fax: 618-458-7710 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6:30 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Days: As announced. ST. JOSEPH, Ridgway (1870, South) (Designated Chapel 2012) (Ridgway) 618-272-7059 Parish ID #: 419 Mailing Address: 211 West Edwards Street, P.O. Box 190, Ridgway, IL 62979 E-Mail: GallatinCatholic@gmail.com Fax: 618-272-5400 Website: www.stkateri.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (1st, 3rd, 5th) St. Joseph Chapel, Equality; Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th) St. Patrick Chapel, Pond Settlement; Sunday: 9 a.m. St. Mary Chapel, Shawneetown; Sunday 5 p.m. (2 nd), St. Joseph Hall, Ridgway. ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA: LILY OF THE MOHAWKS, Ridgway (2012, South) 618-272-7059 Parish ID #: 536 Reverend Steven L. Beatty, Pastor E-Mail: frsteven.beatty@gmail.com Jaclyn Drone, Secretary OFFICE: 211 West Edwards P.O. Box 190 Ridgway, IL 62979 Fax: 618-272-5400 E-Mail: GallatinCatholic@gmail.com Website: www.stkateri.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. (1st, 3rd, 5th) St. Joseph Chapel, Equality; Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th) St. Patrick Chapel, Pond Settlement; Sunday: 9 a.m. St. Mary Chapel, Shawneetown; Sunday 5 p.m. (2 nd), St. Joseph Hall, Ridgway. DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. ALOYSIUS/SACRED HEART Royalton/Zeigler (1919, South – Merged) (West Frankfort) ST. LIBORIUS, St. Libory (1838, Metro-East) 618-932-2828 Parish ID #: 524 – Royalton Parish ID #: 525 – Zeigler Reverend Eusebius C. Mbidoaka, Ph.D, STD, Administrator Residence: 703 East Main Street, West Frankfort, IL 62896 618-932-2828 E-Mail: mbidoakaeuseb@gmail.com E-Mail: johnthebaptist@mchsi.com OFFICE - Mailing Address: 703 E. Main St., West Frankfort, IL 62896 Mass Schedule: St. Aloysius, 212 Pecan St., Royalton -- Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Day: as announced. ST. PATRICK, Ruma (1818, West) 618-282-3176 Parish ID #: 609 Reverend Monsignor Dennis R. Schaefer, Pastor E-Mail: drschaefer49@hotmail.com Residence: 515 Locust Street, Red Bud, IL 62278 618-282-3222 Mrs. Sandy Liefer, Secretary E-Mail: stpats@htc.net OFFICE: No 1 Pioneer Lane – Ruma, Red Bud, IL 62278 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. Convent: Adorers of the Blood of Christ, No. 2 Pioneer Lane – Ruma, Red Bud, IL 62278 618-282-3848 ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, St. Francisville (1836, East) Effective March 3, 2014, St. Francis Xavier Parish was closed. The parish records and other historical documents of St. Francis Xavier Parish shall be retained at St. Lawrence Parish, Lawrenceville, 1006 Collins Street, Lawrenceville, IL 62439 618-943-5255 stlawrence@nwcable.net 3/9/2016 618-768-4921 Parish ID #: 121 Reverend Paul R. Wienhoff, Pastor E:Mail: stannpw@midwest.net Residence: 104 North Independence Street Mascoutah, IL 62258 618-566-2958 Reverend Gerald R. Hechenberger, Pastoral Assistant Residence: 104 North Independence Street, P.O. Box 160, Mascoutah, IL 62258-0160 E-Mail: jerry.hechenberger@holychildhoodchurch .com E-Mail: stlpadre@wisperhome.com Brenda Albers, Secretary E-Mail: stlrectory@wisperhome.com Jennie Sandheinrich, Director of Religious Education 618-768-4981 Judy Buescher, Youth Ministry 618-768-4230 OFFICE: 911 Sparta, P.O. Box 331, St. Libory, IL 62282 Fax: 618-768-4207 E-Mail: padre@egyptian.net Website: www.stliborychurch.com Mass Schedule: : Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. ST. ROSE , St. Rose (1868, North Central) 618-526-4118 Parish ID #: 308 Reverend Edward F. Schaefer, Pastor E-Mail: belpsros@papadocs.com Charlotte Reymond, Secretary E-Mail: belpsros@papadocs.com OFFICE: 18010 St. Rose Road, St. Rose, IL 62230 Fax: 618-526-0004 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced; Weekday: 7:45 a.m. ST. SEBASTIAN, St. Sebastian (1870, East) 618-298-2589 Parish ID #: 410 Reverend Robert J. Zwilling, Pastor E-Mail: GodisLove333@hotmail.com OFFICE: 4921 North 1400 Boulevard, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863 618-847-7931 53 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. SEBASTIAN, St. Sebastian (continued) Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holyday Vigil: 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. ST. BARBARA, Scheller ST. THERESA OF AVILA, Salem (1868, North Central) 618-548-0899 Parish ID #: 322 Reverend Larry A. Lemay, Pastor E-Mail: frlarrylemay@gmail.com Sister Mary Catherine Clark, ASC, Director of Faith Formation E-Mail: sttheresa.salem.dff@gmail.com Denise McCormack, Coordinator of Religious Education 618-548-4730 Monica Watson, Secretary OFFICE: 812 West Main Street, Salem, IL 62881 E-Mail: StTheresaParish@hotmail.com Rectory: 618-548-5098 Fax: 618-548-0269 Website: www.StTheresaSalem.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 7, 11 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 190 North Ohio Street, Salem, IL 62881 618-548-3492 Marcia Stinde, Principal E-Mail: sttheresaprincipal@gmail.com Fax: 618-548-9673 Website: www.sttheresagradeschool.com Convent: 180 Ohio Street, Salem, IL 62881 618-548-3084 ST. LAWRENCE, Sandoval (1871, North Central) 618-247-3300 Parish ID #: 317 Reverend Dale A. Maxfield, Pastor Residence: 645 South Lincoln, Centralia, IL 62801 Office: 618-532-6291 Residence: 618-532-5041 E-Mail: revdmaxfield@gmail.com Sister Marlene Buese, SSND, Director of Religious Education E-Mail: stlawrence@frontiernet.net Church: 311 West Missouri, Sandoval, IL 62882 OFFICE: 412 N. Vine, P.O. Box 278 Sandoval, IL 62882 Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – noon; Saturday: 3 - 5:30 p.m. 54 Fax: 618-247-3300 Website: saintlawrencesandoval.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30 a.m. 3/9/2016 (1898, North Central) Mount Vernon 618-244-1559 Parish ID #: 326 Very Reverend John C. Iffert, V.F., Pastor E-Mail: frjohn@stmarymtvernon.org Residence: 1550 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 618-244-1559 Joanne Walker, Secretary 618-279-3165 Office: 4281 North Scheller Lane, Scheller, IL 62883 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 6:30 p.m. at St. Mary, Mt. Vernon; Holy Day: 8:30 a.m. at St. Mary, Mt. Vernon; 12 noon at Good Samaritan Hospital, 6:30 p.m. St. Barbara Scheller. QUEEN OF PEACE (Chapel), Scott Air Force Base (Metro-East) 618-256-3303 Heather Nieves, Pastoral Coordinator E-Mail: heather.nieves@us.af.mil Queen of Peace (Chapel One) 375 AW/HC, 320 Ward Drive, Bldg. 1620, Scott Air Force Base, IL 62225 Office Fax: 618-256-1018 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 9 a.m., Noon ST. MARY, Sesser (1909, South) 618-625-5053 Parish ID #: 528 Reverend Urban Osuji, CM, Administrator E-Mail: urbanosuji@yahoo.co.uk Deacon Michael A. Rowland E-Mail: mike.rowland24@gmail.com Angie Kistner, Coordinator of Religious Education Vickie Kloepper, Secretary Office: 100 North Poplar, P.O. Box 568, Sesser, IL 62884-0568 E-Mail: stmarys@frontier.com Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. DIOCESAN PARISHES IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (ST. MARY), Shawneetown (1842, South ) (Designated Chapel 2012) (Ridgway) 618-272-7059 Parish ID #: 421 Mailing Address: 211 West Edwards Street, P.O. Box 190, Ridgway, IL 62979 E-Mail: GallatinCatholic@gmail.com Fax: 618-272-5400 Website: www.stkateri.net (1st, 3rd, Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. 5th) St. Joseph Chapel, Equality; Saturday: 5 p.m. (2nd, 4th) St. Patrick Chapel, Pond Settlement; Sunday: 9 a.m. St. Mary Chapel, Shawneetown; Sunday 5 p.m. (2 nd), St. Joseph Hall, Ridgway CORPUS CHRISTI, Shiloh (1913, (Metro-East) 618-632-7614 Parish ID #: 103 Reverend Monsignor James E. Margason, Pastor 618-632-5631 Deacon George G. Mills, Jr. E-Mail: georgegjr@charter.net OFFICE: 206 Rasp Street, O’Fallon, IL 62269 Fax: 618-632-5371 E-Mail: corpuschristi1@sbcglobal.net Website: www.corpuschristishiloh.com Mass Schedule: : Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 9:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, Smithton (1867, Metro-East) 618-234-2068 Parish ID #: 122 Reverend Stanley J. Konieczny, Pastor E-Mail: skonieczny@stjohnsschool.us Mr. John Buerck, Coordinator of Religious Education Sister Angela Schrage, ASC, Administrative Assistant E-Mail: aschrage@stjohnsschool.us OFFICE: 10 South Lincoln, Smithton, IL 62285 Fax: 618-234-0179 E-Mail: dweber@stjohnsschool.us Website: www.stjohnsschool.us/parish 3/9/2016 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:30 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m.; Holy Day: 8:15 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. School: 10 South Lincoln, Smithton, IL 62285 618-233-0581 Clarice McKay, Principal E-Mail: cmckay@stjohnsschool.us Fax: 618-234-0179 Website: www.stjohnsschool.us OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Sparta (1897, West) 618-443-2811 Parish ID #: 612 Reverend John Agbasiere, S.M.M.M., Administrator E-Mail: ojemba007@yahoo.com Jessica Soderlund, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Nancy Hutchinson, Secretary OFFICE: 611 West Broadway, Sparta, IL 62286 Fax: 618-443-2878 E-Mail: ollsparta@yahoo.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced; Holy Day: as announced. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, Stonefort (1879, South) (Vienna ) 618-658-4501 Parish ID #: 537 Reverend Thomas M. Barrett, Pastor E-Mail: tmbarrett1@juno.com OFFICE: Mulberry Street, Stonefort, IL 62987 Mailing Address: 2020 State Rte. 146E, Vienna, IL 62995 Website: www.stpaulvienna.org Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m. ST. JOSEPH, Stringtown (1841, East) (Wednesday) 618-754-3676 (Wendelin) 618-752-5671 Parish ID #: 418 Very Reverend Mark D. Stec, V.F., Pastor E-Mail: mstec88@msn.com Barbara A. Ochs, Coordinator of Religious Education/Secretary 618-395-2862 E-Mail: stjoestringtown@hotmail.com Website: www.stringtown.org 55 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. JOSEPH, Stringtown (continued) ST. MARY, Trenton Parish Blog: http://stjoestringtown.blogspot.com OFFICE: 6342 North Stringtown Road, Olney, IL 62450 Mailing address: P.O. Box 10 Dundas, IL 62425 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: 7 p.m. (1864, North Central) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, Tamaroa (1904, West) 618-496-5867 Parish ID #: 628 Reverend Joseph Oganda, Pastor Residence: 17 North Walnut Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832-1607 618-542-3423 E-Mail: ogandapr@gmail.com Lorraine Sharp, Secretary OFFICE: 533 West 2nd North Street, Tamaroa, IL 62888-9624 Mass Schedule: Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: as announced. ST. PATRICK, Tipton (1850, Metro-East) 618-458-6875 Parish ID #: 136 Reverend John Kizhakedan, CMI, Administrator E-Mail: Kpjohn58@msn.com OFFICE: 5675 LL Road, Waterloo, IL 62298 E-Mail: stpatrickstipton@gmail.com Fax: 618-458-6875*58 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holyday Vigil: as announced Holyday: as announced; Tuesday: 7 p.m. ST. MARY MAGDALEN, Todd’s Mill (1868, West) 618-336-5414 Parish ID #: 626 Reverend Bernard C. Goedde, Jr., Pastor OFFICE: 5047 Todd’s Mill Road, Pinckneyville, IL 62274 Mailing Address: 19824 Posen Road, Nashville, IL 62263 618-327-3556 E-Mail: Olph-smm@hughes.net Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6 p.m.; Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. 56 3/9/2016 618-224-9335 Parish ID #: 318 Reverend Joseph C. Rascher, Pastor E-Mail: FrJCRascher@stmarytrenton.com Mrs. Kim Moss, CRE E-Mail: PSR@stmarytrenton.com Betsy Horstmann, Secretary OFFICE: 218 West Kentucky, Trenton, IL 62293 Fax: 618-224-9346 E-Mail: stmary@stmarytrenton.com Web Site: www.stmarytrenton.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:15 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day: 8:30 a.m. ST. MARY, Valmeyer (1921, Metro-East) 618-935-2247 Parish ID #: 135 Reverend Felix Chukwuma, Administrator E-Mail: chibuchuma@yahoo.com Angela Atkinson, PSR Coordinator E-Mail: psrnews@gmail.com OFFICE: 101 South Meyer Avenue, Valmeyer, IL 62295 E-Mail: smoffice@htc.net Web Site: http://www.stpaulvienna.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.; Holy Day: 7:00 p.m. ST. PAUL, Vienna (1895, South) 618-658-4501 Parish ID #: 516 Reverend Thomas M. Barrett, Pastor E-Mail: tmbarrett1@juno.com OFFICE: 2020 State Route 146-E, Vienna, IL 62995 E-Mail: spccil@frontier.com Website: http://www.stpaulvienna.org Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:30 p.m. (Memorial Day to Labor Day); Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: 6:30 p.m. ST. PIUS V, Walsh (1905, West) 618-853-4404 Parish ID #: 614 Reverend John Agbasiere, S.M.M.M., Administrator E-Mail: ojemba007@yahoo.com DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. PIUS V, Walsh (continued) Residence: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 611 West Broadway, Sparta, IL 62286 Dorothy Braun, Coordinator of Religious Education Kelly C. Coop, Secretary OFFICE: 7681 Walsh Road, Walsh, IL 62297 E-Mail: stpius@accessus.net Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8 a.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m. SS. PETER AND PAUL, Waterloo (1843, Metro-East) 618-939-6426 Parish ID #: 138 Reverend Osang Idagbo, CM, Administrator E-Mail: fatherosang@ssppcc.org Reverend Sebastian Ukoh, CM, Parochial Vicar (Associate Pastor) E-Mail: ikennaukoh@yahoo.co.uk Deacon Douglas L. Boyer E-Mail: deacondougboyer@gmail.com. Deacon Thomas J. Helfrich E-Mail: thelfrich@ssppcc.org Karen Seaborn, Pastoral Associate of Adult Faith Formation E-Mail: kseaborn@ssppcc.org Angela Atkinson, PSR Coordinator E-Mail: psrnews@gmail.com Teresa Meyer, Parish Business Manager E-Mail: pbm@ssppcc.org Cate Gross, Secretary E-Mail: cgross@ssppcc.org OFFICE: 204 West Mill Street, Waterloo, IL 62298 Fax: 618-939-2011 Emergency Line: 618-939-1329 Web Site: http://www.spp.waterloo.il.us Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 8, 10 a.m..; Holy Day: as announced. School: 217 West Third Street, Waterloo, IL 62298 618-939-7217 Lisa Buchheit, Principal E-Mail: lbuchheit@spp.waterloo.il.us Jane Briesacher, Secretary E-Mail: jbriesacher@spp.waterloo.il.us Julie Doerr, Secretary E-Mail: juliedoerr@hotmail.com Jane Breisacher, Bookkeeper Fax: 618-939-5994 Website: www.sppswaterloo.org 3/9/2016 Canonical House: 204 West Mill Street, Waterloo, IL 62298 HOLY CROSS, Wendelin (1870, East) 618-752-5671 Parish ID #: 401 Very Reverend Mark D. Stec, V.F., Pastor E-Mail: mstec88@msn.com E-Mail: holycrosschurch@frontier.com OFFICE: 5782 Ingraham Lane, Newton, IL 62448 Website: www.holycrosswendelin.com Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day Vigil: 7 p.m.; Holy Day: 8 a.m.; Weekdays: 8 a.m. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, West Frankfort (1916, South) 618-932-2828 Parish ID #: 530 Reverend Eusebius C. Mbidoaka, Ph.D, STD, Administrator E-Mail: mbidoakaeuseb@gmail.com E-Mail: johnthebaptist@mchsi.com Rosemary Johnson, Parish Secretary E-Mail: johnthebaptist@mchsi.com OFFICE: 703 East Main Street, West Frankfort, IL 62896 Fax: 618-937-0200 Website: stjohnschurch-wf.org Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m.; Sunday: 10 a.m.; Holy Day: as announced. School: 702 East Poplar Street, West Frankfort, IL 62896 618-937-2017 Mr. Kevin Spiller, Principal E-Mail: kspiller@roe21.org E-Mail: stjohns@stjohnswestfrankfort.com Fax: 618-937-2287 Website: www.stjohnswestfrankfort.com 57 DIOCESAN PARISHES ST. JOSEPH, Willisville (1903, West) Parish ID #: 620 Reverend Benjamin J. Stern, Pastor Residence: 1007 Olive Street, Evansville, IL 62242 618-853-4435 E-Mail: sternben@hotmail.com OFFICE: 501 Broadway, Willisville, IL 62297 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 85 Steeleville, IL 62288 Mass Schedule: Saturday: 5 p.m. 58 3/9/2016