Order of Omega – Omicron Eta Chapter George Mason University Constitution and By-Laws Preamble We, Greek leaders of George Mason University, comprised of representatives from all chief governing bodies within the Greek Community, recognizing a need for continued leadership, scholarship, action in programming, increased communication and cohesion among the members of the Greek Community, do hereby establish such an organization and bind ourselves to abide by the provisions of the following Constitution and bylaws. Article I Naming of the Organization The name of this organization shall be the Omega Epsilon Chapter of Order of Omega at George Mason University hereby referred to in the document and may be referred to otherwise as OoO. Article II Purpose The purpose of OoO is to: o Recognize those students who have attained a high standard of leadership in interGreek activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment. o Recognize those students who have attained a high standard of scholarship, to encourage them to continue alone this line, and to inspire others to strive for a similar conspicuous attainment. o Bring together the most representative fraternity and sorority members, and to create an organization which will help mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate affairs. o Bring together members of the faculty, alumni, and student members of the institution's fraternities and sororities on a basis of mutual interest, understanding, and cooperation. o Facilitate cooperative activities and functions that cater to and are appealing for all governing bodies within our Greek Community. Encourage cooperation and harmony among all Greek Members through the cross council interactions and programming. o Raise awareness about issues facing the Greek Community. Article III Membership Section 1 o The Director of Recruitment shall have the responsibility of coordinating a recruitment event once per semester corresponding with their term of office. Section 2 o Only Greek students registered at George Mason University and who are in good standing with their Greek organization may be in the Order of Omega. o The scholastic membership requirement for entry into this chapter shall be a college cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0. o The leadership requirement for entry into this chapter shall be to have held or currently hold two Greek leadership positions. o All applicants must have completed 60 credit hours at an accredited college or university by the end of the semester they are initiated. Section 3 o Membership will not exceed 3% of the campus Greek community Section 4 o Membership will be offered, based on availability, to those who meet the GPA and leadership requirements. o Those meeting qualifications may be invited to interview for membership based on the wishes of the Director of Membership and Executive Board. Section 5 o The interviewing panel shall consist of at least two members of the Executive Board, the Director of Membership, and the Chapter Advisor (when possible). Section 6 o The following point system will be used when evaluating applications: Personal Statement/Recommendation: Is the person's application neat and concise? 1-5 points Did the person answer application questions intelligently? 1-5 points Are the answers interesting? 1-5 points Grade Point Average 3.9-4.0 - 10 points 3.8-3.89 - 9 points 3.7-3.79 - 8 points 3.6-3.69 - 7 points 3.5-3.59 - 6 points 3.4-3.49 - 5 points 3.3-3.39 - 4 points 3.2-3.29 - 3 points 3.1-3.19 - 2 points 3.0-3.09 - 1 point Leadership Offices Held Executive board position on NPC, IFC, NPHC, MGC - 5 points/position Executive board position in chapter - 4 points/position Appointed position or committee chairperson in NPC, IFC, NPHC, MGC - 3 points/position Appointed position or committee chairperson in chapter – 3 points/position Other campus leadership positions – 1-5 points/position to be determined by application committee Involvement on campus 1-5 points Honors and awards 1-5 points/award determined by the application committee) Interview Points (Optional) Punctuality and Appearance: 1-5 points Enthusiasm and willingness to commit to Order of Omega requirements: 1-5 points Does the person seem genuinely interested in Order of Omega? 1-5 points Is he or she willing to attend meetings and functions? 1-5 points Article IV Attendance Section 1 o To be considered in good standing, members will adhere to the attendance policy set forth by the chapter. Section 2 o 2/3 of the chapter will be considered quorum, and quorum must be met in order to vote. Section 3 o All members must attend 75% of all regularly scheduled meetings each semester. The only acceptable excuses for meetings are documented illnesses, direct class conflict, chapter rituals and unavoidable family commitments. o Members should turn in a copy of their class schedule from Patriot Web to the Secretary at the first meeting of each semester. Section 4 o Other mandatory meetings include: Initiation and either one Philanthropic event or one Recruitment event. Section 5 o New members must attend the first chapter meeting after membership selection or they forfeit their membership. He/she may apply for membership again the following semester. Section 6 o A member who is unable to attend meetings or other events must submit a written excuse to the Secretary 48 hours in advance. o Failure to submit an excuse 48 hours in advance will result in an automatic unexcused absence (except in cases of emergency). o Submission does not result in an automatic excusal of a meeting or event. Section 7 o In the event that a member falls below the 75% threshold without written documentation of legitimate excuses, they will be notified in writing by the Secretary of the chapter that their membership is considered in poor standing and is under review. At that time, they will have the opportunity to write a letter to the Executive Council stating their case. The Executive Council shall make the decision whether to extend or terminate membership. o Once a member is terminated, he/she may not go through the membership process again. A member is extended only one inactive semester. If a member is inactive for more than one semester, his/her membership is automatically terminated. Section 8 o Members in poor standing lose their voice to vote and are not considered part of quorum. Section 9 o An officer who has one unexcused absence from the Executive Council meetings or chapter meetings will be placed under membership review and forfeit his/her office. Article V Meetings Section 1 o Meetings shall be called to order twice a month during the academic year. Section 2 o Each meeting counts as 2 points. One point will be given for attending the formal portion of the meeting, and one point will be given for attending the informal portion of the meeting in which all chapter members meet with Directors to collaborate on future events and goals of the chapter. Section 3 o The formal portion of the meeting will be guided by Robert’s Rule of Order. Section 4 o All semester meetings should be scheduled and reserved through Events Management two weeks in advance, but the President reserves the right to schedule special meetings one week in advance Article VI Dues Section 1 o To be recognized as a member in good standing, the member in question must be current in all financial obligations due to the chapter. Section 2 o Dues for Initiation will total $75 dollars and are due before initiation. The $75 will cover their national fees as well as graduation cords. Section 3 o The chapter dues will total $10 a semester for each member of Order of Omega. New members will be expected to begin paying dues the semester following their initiation Article VII Officer Qualifications and terms Section 1 o Officers and directors of the organization shall serve for a period of one calendar year. Section 2 o Officers shall be elected at the end of each Spring semester. For a candidate to seek office they must be in good standing with the local chapter, and receive the majority of the votes cast with at least quorum present. o Directors will be appointed by the Executive Board, but members are encouraged and preference will be given to those who express Interest In certain positions to the board in writing. Section 3 o Every officer shall be properly installed at the earliest convenience of the chapter, preferably early enough that the new board will be able to preside over one meeting before the end of the semester. Section 4 o Each executive board member will be required to meet with the rest of the board outside of chapter meetings as frequently as the board decides. Section 5 o All officers and directors shall be in scholastic and financial good standing. All financial obligations shall be paid in full and he/she must have a cumulative GPA equal to or above a 3.0. Section 6 o Should a vacancy occur, excluding that of the presidency, it should be filled by election at the next meeting following the announcement of the vacancy. Section 7 o An officer can be withdrawn from their position with 3⁄4 votes from the Executive Board. Article VIII Election Procedures Section 1 o Members may nominate an eligible member from the floor who will then accept or decline the nomination. The Secretary will note all candidates for each position in the minutes. Section 2 o Officers are elected by secret ballot with quorum members present at the meeting following nominations. Nominees are welcome to present a 2-3 minute speech as to why they feel they would be best for the position. Section 3 o Officer transition will occur before the start of their term. Outgoing officers and directors will meet with incoming officers and directors to confer individually. Section 4 o Goal setting will occur at the beginning of each semester. All new officers and directors will meet to set goals and plan the semester calendar. Section 5 o It will be the responsibility of the outgoing President to see that this procedure is strictly followed and that all officers and directors are present. Section 6. o It will be the responsibility of the new President to schedule and finish up any officer transition hat has not been completed by a new officer's predecessor. Article IX Officers and responsibilities Section 1 - President o Preside over all general and executive board meetings. o Has the authority to call executive council and any additional meetings as he/she deems necessary. o Maintains a complete and up-to-date president's file, which shall include a copy of the constitution and by-laws, minutes, and materials received from the National Order of Omega. o Responsible for keeping the chapter in good standing with the National chapter of the Order of Omega and George Mason University. o Responsible for scheduling transitions with the incoming executive council. o Serve as a liaison between other councils. o Will serve on the application review committee. o Will attend president’s council meetings. o Serves as a representative on all committees related to Greek life, or appoint a representative to attend in his or her place. o Meets with the advisor regularly. Section 2 - Vice President of Membership o Shall preside over meetings in the event that the president is absent or unable to attend. o Responsible for the coordination of any and all membership drives. o Distributes applications and preside over membership meetings of the organization. o In charge of the initiation of new members and the keeping of ritual and policy intact. o Responsible for keeping the National Chapter of the Order of Omega informed of all membership changes through the national Web site. o Responsible for any chapter-based scholarship o Oversees member’s semester GPAs o Will serve of the application review committee Section 3 – Secretary o Responsible for taking attendance at all meetings and events. o Responsible for reviewing absences and excuses. o He/she will take minutes at all chapter meetings and email the minutes out to the chapter 48 hours following the meeting. o Responsible for updating information on the Student Activities website for OoO. o Responsible for maintaining the chapter roster and member contact information. o Responsible for updating the constitution and bylaws when changes are voted upon. Section4 - Treasurer o Responsible for the collection of dues and the management of the chapter account. o He/she shall be responsible for the prompt payment of any bills owed by the chapter. o The treasurer will be in charge of giving the annual fiscal report of the organization. o In addition, the treasurer shall be held responsible for the coordination of fundraising events o Serve as signer on both off and on campus bank accounts. o Work in conjunction with the President and the Advisor regarding the budgeting process. o Attend scheduled SGA allocation meetings every semester, and be certified through Student Activities to apply for campus funds. Section 5 - Directors o Order of Omega members in good standing will be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve as directors for the following activities: 1. Recruitment 2. Philanthropy 3. Membership 4. Campus Activities Liaison o Duties of the Directors shall be assigned by the executive board members with great input from general chapter members. Section 8 - Advisor o Shall be a staff member involved with Greek Life. o Serve as a guide and resource for the organization. Article X Expulsion Section 1 o The Executive Council shall determine if members are in good standing. o If the Executive Council deems a member to be in poor standing, their membership is up for review. Section 2 o To be recognized as a member in good standing, the member in question must be current in all financial obligations due to the chapter. Section 3 o Members receiving a semester grade point average below a 2.8 will be determined to be in poor standing. Section 4 o Resignation or expulsion from a fraternal organization shall be subject to termination of membership in The Order of Omega. Such expulsion shall be subject to review by the Executive Council. Section 5 o Members with conduct unbecoming may be brought before the Executive Council and membership may be up for review Section 6 o Members under review will be notified in writing by the Secretary of the chapter. At that time, they will have the opportunity to write a letter to the Executive Council stating their case. The Executive Council shall vote on whether to extend or terminate membership. Once membership has been terminated, he/she may not go through the application or membership process again. Article IX Amendments Section 1 o Amendments to this document may be brought forth by any members of the chapter in good standing at any time. Section 2 o Any and all amendments to this document shall be made effective upon receiving a2/3 vote from the votes cast by the members present. Revised December 13th, 2009