The influence of emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing

The influence of emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing commitment
toward achieving knowledge management sustainability
Chanthawan Sathitsemakul
Address: 1199/5 Ladphrao29 Jatujak Bangkok, Thailand. Email:
During the last 20 years, knowledge management has been studied by both academia and practitioners.
Knowledge, skills and creativity are increasingly seen as the key to success (David G. Wastell, (2001)). Many
organizations have successfully adopted knowledge management (KM) with a lot of effort and investment.
Unfortunately, when organization shift focus from KM, employees tend to stop their practice. The discontinuity
of employees in implementing KM after management stop pushing evidences that KM is not committed by the
employees. Despite an abundance of literature identifying of key success factors for KM adoption and
implementation, the commitment towards the adoption of KM practices received very little attention (Shaw D.,
Edwards J.S., (2005)).
One of the challenges of KM is that to get employees to share their knowledge. Without knowledge sharing,
KM will never be success. In order to overcome the negative believe in knowledge sharing, organizations have
been educated their employees to understand benefits, both for organization and individual employees, of
sharing knowledge. However, in the same organization, environment, and communication, the commitment to
share knowledge are different among employees. There should be some intrinsic factors that cause the
difference of the commitment levels.
Emotional intelligence, trust and organizational citizenship behavior are crucial to knowledge sharing in teamwork environment. It is an ability to control one’s and others’ emotions, among other abilities, will facilitate the
sharing of high value knowledge, of work and clients, among team members. (Othman,A.K., & Abdullah, H. S.
Commitment influences employees to practice KM. KM cannot be continued without knowledge sharing.
Emotional Intelligence is one of major factors that cause individual to share their knowledge. In order to
understand how to earn employees commitment on knowledge sharing, investigation the relationships between
emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing commitment which influencing the sustainable of knowledge
management practices, the emotional intelligence, the commitment and the sustainable of knowledge
management practices will be reviewed and studied.
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